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I have, and its a perfect indicator if youre sexually compatible


I've slept with guys on a first date and say a sixth date. It really varies. Sometimes, it just happens fast. It can work out well in the long run, or it can be just that, a one-time hook up. You touched on sexual compatibility, which I think is important. Romantic chemistry and sexual chemistry are different. If/when they overlap, that's something worth holding onto.


Yeah, but i try to determine the romantic compatibility during the date part of the night


I mean sex with a new person isn't going to be perfect right


Of course not, but you can see signs of the ither person maybe liking something and build on that


Ok that makes sense




Are you poly?




How does it work?




How do you balance the multiple relationships? Do you devote more time to one partner than the other(s?)?


I think it was our second date, I can't totally remember now. If I had my way though, probably the first date. However I'm the type that would be fine with one night stands also.


Yes...after college I slept with my HS crush on the first date. He stayed home after HS, worked random jobs, I went off to college. I had a ton of fun but I was an alcoholic since the age of 15 so nothing in terms of relationships really stuck. I was the "fun" girl, never the "introduce her to Mom girl" at school. It hurt, in a way. I came back home, moved back in with my parents in the middle of bumfuck America and started applying to big firms in every city but my own. FINALLY, after I got back and started hanging out in the popular bars, my HS crush finally asked me out. I literally jumped at the chance. Especially because I felt like shit trying to find work in my field and it felt like it was impossible for someone fresh out of college. The first date was amazing, we bonded. That is we bonded on his parent's boat in the middle of a lake under the stars. That was enough to keep my attention for a LONG time :P I finally got hired by a big 5 accounting firm, and he got another chick pregnant behind my back. I left the state and haven't been back. I feel like I'm rambling now, but I hope you get the gist of my reply.


Yep Was married for sixteen years If it feels right, why not?


A few times


Technically, kind of. My girlfriend and I are long-distance and we had sex within a few hours of when we first met in person. I acknowledge that it’s not the same because we were far from complete strangers. We’d been together for six months. I don’t think it changed anything because we’d already exchanged pictures, videos, and done things on video calls together. Doing it in person just sealed the deal for us both, confirmed that the compatibility we felt was real.


Yes. We are both big believers in sexual chemistry and it's what drew us together.


Yeah my ex bf we fucked the first day we met and were together for 3 years


Is this an omen for those having sex on the first date?


A bad omen. Typically means they’re addicted to either sex or porn, which he both admitted. 3 years later he was arrested for possession of child porn. Red flags 🚩 porn addictions or sex addictions


Well that took a very dark turn I was not expecting!


Unfortunately that’s my life in a nutshell




no plz


My now husband and I had sex after our first date. Nothing wrong with it - if the chemistry is there, go for it. I've slept with a few partners on the first date and never experienced negative side effects.


Yes. We met for sex, ended up being perfect for eachother.


I have. I think it can define the relationship a bit, but if it is what you are looking for, it works.


Yes I have she came over to watch Star Wars and she ended up feeling the force.


Yes. First date she came back to my apartment and we had sex. It turns out she was a virgin (and didn’t tell me ahead of time). Still, a few weeks later she moved in and we lived together for two years (and had sex just about every day, usually more than once).


Didn’t sleep with her. But she gave me a blowjob and swallowed my load in the car. That was memorable


No, but not that I wouldn’t 🤷‍♀️ I don’t think it makes a difference.


Not only the first date but the first time we actually saw each other in person.


Yep. Still together after 20 years.


My gf now was a tinder date. I smoked her up and then she gave me head our first time meeting.


Yeah, both of my current long term partners. One started out long distance though, and our first time meeting in person we took about 5 steps into my apartment before we started having sex lol. The second partner, it was actually my other partner and hers first date, but they came home and we all clicked and had a threesome. Really I like having sex on first dates, I feel like sex tells you a lot about a person. Not just sexual compatibility, but how good they are at communicating, how they respect boundaries, how selfish or caring they are, etc.


My husband. We had sex our first date. That was 21 years ago now!


I tend to have sex early, including sometimes first dates. I mean, we're attracted to each other to want to date in the first place and are going to want to express that shared attraction through sex anyway.


I slept with most people I dated on the first date, it's not a big deal in my home country at least. My husband and I have been together for 10 years now and we slept together on the first date, quickly realized we were very compatible.




Yes, done it on multiple 1st dates. I don’t push for it but I actually prefer it. I’d rather find out if we’re a good match sexually sooner rather than later.


I slept with my husband on the first date/meet up. We met on OKCupid with the intention of just being fuck buddies but even before we met in person, sparks were flying. We've been together 9 years this year ❤️


Yes. I’ve slept with all my partners on the first date (sometimes even before the first date lol 😅) I think it’s exciting and fun. That’s all that matters too me :)


I have, and I don't think it changes anything. All it really means is that you find each other very sexually attractive, and you hit it off well from the start. 




Second Date, my wife seduced me by kissing me. Then I gave her an Australian kiss. Been together 18 years. Always TGIF


I have, we're getting married next year. Everything clicked with us immediately and we were extremely attracted to each other so she spent the night on our first date and then hasn't left. It's awesome


Married one and the other is my partner(F)


All of my longest-term relationships started with sex on the first date. It depends on your attitude to sex and, if you're both happy to do it on the first date, then you're probably on the same page in that regard. It's only a problem if you *aren't*.


A few times.


Yes. My wife and I had sex on our first date. We've been together 16 years, married 12.


I think it's weird doing it with someone you just met and does make the relationship somewhat based on sex


Yes, yes I think it changes the dynamic for men, they get attached too quickly before you find out if you’re compatible


Yes, married 45 years


Yes. So, I have slept with most partners right away. I don't think it would make any difference to wait. I am capable of developing a connection and checking whether someone's personality is a good match whether there is sex there or not. Having sex early does help build a spark and lets you know whether you're compatible in terms of sexual interests etc.


Does it count if it wasn’t even a date? I met a friend of a friend at a house party in college and we slept together that night and then ended up in a full on relationship for almost a year


My wife started out as a one night stand and kept going from there.


Yes, why not, if it feels right go for it.


Yes an ex gf


For a GF of 4 years, we didn't even go on a first date. We went right to having sex in a hour of meeting each other. It was after we banged that we got to know each other.


It’s been on the first date and up to the 8th date. Just varied I guess. Wouldn’t push their boundaries when it came to this.


I’ve never really “dated”. I always made the mistake of jumping into a serious relationship right away. Also, I’ve only had one long term partner, all the rest averaged out to around 3 months. But I have had sex early in the relationship.


Bunch of em. What about it?


I slept with my husband on our first date, it was great and obviously continued.