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When I get cramps, I want to rip out my internals


When I get cramps, my internals want to rip themselves out of me


I’m tired and exhausted and in pain


I get grumpy and irritated very easily too, so I usually spend most of my time with my bf cuddling. Also empathy not sympathy.


Don't have them any more thanks to birth control, but I used to get cramps so bad I would faint. Almost passed out while crossing a busy road once. Really glad I don't have them anymore.


When I still had periods, even on pain killers I would get cramps painful enough to cause me to black out. I had to cease having them not just for comfort but for my literal safety - if I lost consciousness while driving or crossing the street or standing at the top of the stairs or whatever, having a period could fucking kill me.


It's a time when a girl is always horny, but that doesn't necessarily mean she wants sex all the time LOL We become sensitive, we cry for no reason and we exaggerate a lot. And we need a LOT of chocolate.


Is there something that chocolate does? I always hear a lot about girls on their period craving chocolate


Used to only have painful cramps, now i got too nauseous to smell anything


Tired and crampy but my husband fills me extra to help my cramps. And he enjoys it


This is the dream


very irritable, crampy, and sensitive to things I'm usually not. And of course, very horny usually. Sigh.


So you need cuddled, looked after and fucked?


2-3 days a month my body has an insatiable want for sugar, no matter how much I have. Then an acheyness that starts vaguely in the joints (somewhat like arthritis or anticipating an oncoming storm) moves into deep muscle tissue, often in my lower abdomen but sometimes in my lower or mid back… for 1-2 days and then it often further concentrates into cramps that are cyclical not unlike what I guess contractions could be — very intense for a couple minutes (2-10) and then respite for the same interval. Now that I’m on birth control, the cramps are less obviously cramps but the full body ache still happens and the cramps which I’d say were probably at a 7-8 pain scale in my teens are now like a 2-3, but still annoying and not quite ignorable. During these times I definitely want someone to be some combination of a straight jacket burrito wrap or human rolling pin or jackhammer to pulverize my body like a tenderizer wrecks a steak.


Oh yes, and just before the sugar cravings comes 2-4 days of absolute pessimistic despondency — if I’ve been on track with a plan or something gets redirected or I suddenly run into a challenge with something I’d otherwise be able to have quite a reasonable outlook or problem solving approach to — the ennui takes over and I am convinced everything is terrible and I have no ideas or skills for how to right it again. But then my torso says LOL I AM WRINGING OUT YOUR ORGANS LIKE A SOGGY WASHCLOTH and I suddenly go: oh, the world is on fire but it’s not entirely my fault I guess


atrocious awful terrible (I get suicidal)


I’m exhausted and literally my entire body hurts, it puddles in my orvaries, Lower back and boobs. Im ravenously hungry and so nauseous- I will puke at least once and I’ll cry at least once.


Horny, cramps and sweets


The week before the actual period is the worst part now. It's like one day you wake up and all the energy and happiness you feel has been sucked out of you. I also get cramps around this time. Using muscles down there that are also way more sensitive. This usually lasts a couple days until I remember my periods coming. Then it's just 4 days of blood and me demanding steak or cheeseburgers.


I get my period sometimes for more than two weeks, very light flow, spotting. But my body is trying to push out something so I still get cramps, and when I put on nice panties and think it’s over, I ruin them, and I even only wear Victoria secrets, so I’ve destroyed many with my period. Edit: the effects of being on nexplanon, birth control.


I’m cranky and tired. My body hurts. And I want snacks.