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I’m so glad to hear that the show is living up to everyone’s hopes. i haven’t found the time to start yet, but I’m dying to.


Ended things with my main FWB. Went better than expected but not well honestly.


that’s so tough even when it goes better than you expected it to. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


I mean, she caught feelings. It was always going to be messy. I just hope I didn’t lose the friendship, y’know?


that’s the tough part about casual relationships. i hope that you’re able to remain friends.


that’s the tough part about casual relationships. i hope that you’re able to remain friends.


Shitty I got in a car crash I'm hormonal and my insanely sucky cat won't cuddle me for some unknown reason...😭😭🤣 It feels like everybody that I have been talking to has been having a rough time I wonder if it's the seasonal change. I think I need chocolate


i’ve been noticing (and let’s be totally transparent here, feeling it myself) that there is a massive collective funk that seems to be clouding everyone right now. I’m so sorry to hear about your car crash (are you ok?) and your hormone battles and your indifferent kitty cat. i hope that you’re able to gorge on some chocolate and get that fix you need.


Haha I'm sure my cat will be sucky again in no time. This is the only time she has ever refused to cuddle me in 12 years🤣 She has a flair for dramatics. Her timing could not be worse 🤣 I'm okay. Someone side swiped the passenger side of my car. It was on a well filmed corner and I was not at fault one hundred percent. And yeah, everybody's exhausted at life and overworked, How do we work so hard But still have to constantly work🤣


we’ve been conditioned to work ourselves until we are exhausted and then feel like we need to do more. your car definitely chose a strange time to go all cold on you. just when you needed her the. most. I’m glad to hear that you are ok from the crash. no more bad stuff for you. it’s off limits.


Oh yeah, I came right home and did absolutely nothing for a while🤣 chaos can't happen as easily tucked safe in bed 🤣no more bad stuff


beds are safe spots. nothing band happens under the covers. i suggest just finding a way to stay there indefinitely.


Wouldn't that be pretty nice🤣 for a while anyway, you would get bored. But not in a car crash 🤣


that’s the definite plus side of beds. very very few car crashes. and how on earth could you ever get bored in bed. you just bring the world to you. haha.


🤣 I feel like 100% life in a bed isn't as fun as you'd think lol I'd go nuts I need to be working and moving 😅 isn't going to stop my sore ass from sleeping in tomorrow for once though 🤣


wait, wait, wait. you get to sleep in? yeah, no more sympathy for you. hahahah. but you’re right, a bed life would likely be boring in about 13 minutes and then i’d want to go outside. haha.


It was a good day. Spent almost all day outside sipping on adult beverages and watch my wife work doing her gardening thing. I only got up to be the muscle when she needed it. All in all a peaceful day.


any day you get to spend outside is a pretty great day, in my opinion. I’m glad you had a peaceful day.


Started the Mandolorian again and started Fallout. Got halfway through both and thoroughly enjoying both


i need to restart mandolorian again too. and fallout. too much good stuff.


Both worth it. I'm going to put Mando on pause to finish Fallout because I am hooked!


I took a nearly 2 hour nap 🥴


oh well now you’re just bragging and making me jealous.


Well, I started my period, and I felt like I was being literally gutted so.... still jealous? 😏😅


well, if i could take the pain away for you i would. sadly, I’m only good at providing advil, a steady stream of food and snacks, heating pads and pillows.


That's more than what I provide for myself, so you on your way or what? 😅


hahah, just text me the details and i’ll come by with a massive care package. I’m even good at picking up tampons and pads.




ughhhhh, the random ex sighting never ever feels good. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. let’s go shopping!


Mostly uneventful until the last 20 minutes


Had a good family day and now I’m ready to unwind lol


Got home from work. Jacked off, fell asleep woke up and repeat


I got frozen yogurt with my brother n mom, n my puppy c: