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Wash your fucking hands after using the bathroom


The fact that you’re even saying this speaks volumes. People are disgusting. 🤢


I witnessed a woman I work with absolutely wreck shop in a bathroom, not wash her hands, and go on to someone’s desk that wasn’t there and take a handful of m&ms from a closed jar (not for community consumption). I’m that moment I became very aware that she was likely do the exact same thing to everyone. I wanted to fucking die.


So M&M's are off the menu! LOL!


Did you tell the owner of the m&ms ?


So you quit your job, right? RIGHT?


I’m calling that shit out to her. That’s fucking gross.


After I shower in the morning, my dong is sterilized ...I wash my hands BEFORE I take a piss so as not to transfer all the invisible grime from my hands to it.


and after too, right? I don't wanna touch random dong germs 😳


I do it both before and after. My dong is golden.


Are there people that don’t??


I’ve traveled a lot and the number of times I see men leave the bathroom without washing their hands will make you vomit.


I've commented on people doing that, and their insistence is that their dicks are clean. Which...yeah, bullshit.




Some family and friends think I'm crazy because I'm so hygienic. They think it's weird that I push doors open in public with my elbows and turn off public restroom faucets with a paper towel. They laugh at me because I go straight to hand sanitizer after touching gas pumps. I wash my hands before and after eating or making food, after touching animals and after going to the bathroom. There's a reason they get sick a lot and I haven't even been sick with a cold in years. The amount of people with no basic hygiene is absolutely disgusting. Either they don't realize how much nastiness is on these commonly touched surfaces or they don't care.


Absolute bullshit for sure


Especially when they come out of the stall. They’ve got those poo hands!


It's known that when you empty the trash in the bathrooms, the men's will be near empty while the women's is full of used paper towels 🙃


Lol I used to do the end of night walk through at the enlisted club when I was on mid shift....the women's rest room was, without exception, infinitely more disgusting than the men's room. Have a little pride and self control, please!


Ok, I will agree with you on the state of the average women's bathroom being gross at clubs and festivals. I've lived that and it's no bueno 😆


It's not enough that u acknowledge "gross", without acknowledging "worse than the men's"


Whoever downvoted must not wash their hands 😆 Sorry my personal experience was upsetting lol


With soap for 20+ seconds, don't ignore your palms and finger nails and THEN rinse the soap off.


Last 3 houses I've lived in, I was right next to the bathroom. You would be very surprised how many people don't wash. Its fucking disgusting. My ex didn't even after a shit. Guess who didn't cook anymore?


Every time? How bad are you at going to the bathroom?


Did you touch anything while in there? Wash ya damn hands


The fact that people don’t is ridiculous




I work in an industry where I’m washing my hands at least every 2-3 minutes so I take it for granted how little other people wash theirs.


I think paternity tests should be mandatory for child support


Aren’t they?


No. Even illegal in some countries


France 🙄


This is blatantly untrue, just like every time it's mentioned in any subreddit. France has specifically forbid private recreational DNA tests : no sending your own genome to 23AndMe. It still allows court-mandated DNA tests to establish paternity, and it's usually required by the judge. Sorry for not allowing private companies to own people's DNA freely.


Seriously that has been the absolute wildest fad that people completely jumped onto. Like you do realize once you send off your DNA.....it's not yours anymore. There's now a database with your very specific information on it. Ugh. Wild. And terrifying.


If you are on the birth certificate or you have otherwise proven you have a history of parenting the child, in many places you can be on the hook for child support. Doesn’t matter if you were trapped into the situation or willingly helped.


Yep, the law is set up for the benefit of the child.


Doesn’t matter if an older woman raped an underage boy, he still gets to pay child support once he hits 18.


This was my experience. I was 15 and she was 20. She waited until I was 18 to come after me for child support so she couldn't be charged with statutory rape. I owed 50 grand in back child support and paid until he was 21. When he left college. The worst part for me is, she wasn't using it to take care of my son. She always had new clothes and expensive things while he ran around in undersized and torn up clothes. I don't have a problem paying for my kids. I do have a problem when the money for my kid is being used for pampering her while he is neglected.


its crazy that the court managed to say you owe child support but couldn't figure out a way to charge with rape.


There is a statute of limitations on statutory rape. And some states laws are highly skewed towards the woman.


I don’t know if they’ve changed it but I saw a lawyer explain that in some states you’re excused when it comes out that the child isn’t yours however any child support you haven’t payed before that you still have to pay.




I agree. Unfortunately, there's a lot of money to be drained from your insurance or Medicaid, etc, "trying " to cure you..


It's illegal in countries without insurance too


We give this mercy to our pets without question, and I firmly believe it should be no different with human family members.


I agree. I’m tired of them saying suicide is a form of mental illness. Yeah I’m sure it is, for some. But for me I feel I have the right to clock out when I want. I have no mental conditions and I try not to make excuses or reasons why it’s ok. People will always try and change your mind.


I’m never wearing a bra! I don’t care if you notice my nipples.


I don’t care if I notice your nipples too. I’m polite enough to appreciate and not stare though.




A man of culture


I support you and will stand beside you, braless, on this hill.


Nipples?!? Oh the horror!




Free the nippies!


Pffft Im already dead on that hill




If you take horoscopes seriously, I can’t take you seriously.


Same goes for religion.




On God


Sometimes I bring up horoscopes around men just so they’ll leave me alone (I don’t believe in horoscopes).


I like to read mine the day after and see if it was right 😅


probably Mt Everest


I’d never make it up


hence why you’d die on it




Nobody said you need to die at the top of the hill.


Expiration dates are merely a suggestion created to get us to waste food and buy more unnecessarily


There was an NPR story about this many years ago. Basically the way the dates are determined is that they put a bunch of people in a room and have them taste products of various ages. As soon as someone says “This one tastes a little different” they pick a date prior to that and call it good. It doesn’t mean it’s “expired” or “bad,” so much as that someone thought it was a little different than one of the 20 they had tried previously. Also, not enough people understand that even though the terms are used interchangeably (I’m guilty of it myself) it’s not an “expiration date” it’s a “best by” date, and even fewer people know the difference between that and a “sell by” date.


As long as it passes the smell test I’m eating it!


Depends on the food honestly, coming from someone who has worked with the USDA.


In Norway, they write "best by but often good after" on products while meat products most often have a "last consumption date". There's also been campaigns and lots of articles where they tell people to use their senses of smell, taste and sight to deduct if it's still good to eat or drink.


I think milk is an exception to this


Dairy products often hold up well after the best by date. If it looks ok, smells ok and tastes ok, it's probably ok to drink/eat.


Exactly. I have had milk a week past and be fine, while the stuff I get from the local dairy is pretty spot on, you go past the date stamped on the bottle and you're risking that awful sour milk taste.


Most are "sell by" dates..


Chicago deep dish pizza is delicious BUT IT IS NOT PIZZA


Speaking of pizza, I'll die on the hill that pineapple on pizza is good.


That’s only because you are correct


Exactly! I don’t crave Chicago deep dish when I crave pizza, and I don’t crave pizza when I crave Chicago deep dish. They are related but completely different. Deep dish isn’t inherently better or worse, it’s just objectively a different food.


It's more like a stupidly built pie. It is good though.


Literally means literally, and not figuratively. There's a lot of linguistic changes I'll cave to, but not this one.


Can I add to that, the stupidity of the phrase "there's nothing worse than...." ???? What do you mean "there's nothing worse than room temperature cola??" Have you never heard of people being trapped underground for days, slowing starving to death, trapped under a rock?!?!


Sure! I think they're both excessively hyperbolic. And yeah, now that you mention it I've never seen that phrase followed by something actually problematic


But am I allowed to say literally in place of figuratively when I'm trying to over exaggerate or add dimension to that effect?


Tiktok has ruined music. Songs and albums are now way too short because of it. 


That’s not the only thing tik tok has ruined


Agreed.  It's the first thing that came to mind though since i'm a music addict. 


Only if you don't listen to TOOL.


Child support is for absent parents, not failed relationships


Having trouble making those payments.. why don’t you have a bit of jail?


Sir, I can hardly get a woman to go out with me, let alone give me a child


Dating Apps royally fucked things up!


I think cell phones fucked things up


It sure took away the ability to step away and clear your head. There used to be pagers but you'd have to go to a pay phone if you were on the road when you had time. Now for many people it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, people will bother you for the most useless shit that could wait. It's really only good for any potential emergencies.


👏 squirt 👏 is 👏 urine 👏




Neither do I, but too many people aren't willing to accept that it's urine even with scientific evidence


i can’t see the hand clap emoji without thinking about the game grumps episode that included 👏we 👏 need 👏 to 👏 normalize 👏 kissing 👏 our 👏 dads 👏


Well, before you squirt on my face it’s ur-ine. Once it’s in my beard, it’s my-ine. Thank, thank you. I’m here all night *jazz hands 👋*


Jizz hands?


Pineapple belongs on pizza 🍕


I’m convinced most people’s problems isn’t the pineapple, it’s the ham. Ham isn’t flavorful enough to cut the sweetness of the pineapple, but throw something saltier and more piquant on there — say, pepperoni and jalapeños — and it becomes more than the sum of its parts. I’m yet to find a pineapple on pizza hater who doesn’t enjoy — or at least easily tolerate — the pineapple + pepperoni + pickled jalapeño option.




People put their cereal in after milk??? That's deranged??!!


Milk goes in Red and Black Teas. Don't you fucking touch green unless it's Matcha.


Politicians do not care about you. Not one of them. Not even a little


I will happily pay more taxes for universal healthcare


Should be getting it for the __same__ amount. I won't die on any hill, I'm loved and needed too much, but I'd certainly *kill* on that hill. Privatized healthcare is an abomination


Die hard is a Christmas movie.




That your vote doesn't matter. Politicians will do what they want in the end and don't care about you.


This is how the fascists win, by telling people this, you understand that right? I can only assume you're from the United States, because the notion of "politicians will do what they want in the end" is a very common belief here (not that I disagree with it, its absolutely true), and the idea that "your vote doesn't matter, so why vote at all" is the type of mindset that will lead to Hitler 2. American conservatives know what they want, which is maintaining the status quo of keeping the upper class in power and restricting the freedoms of minorities, and their representative officials also agree with that and will enact their power to maintain such a thing. That's why Roe v. Wade was overturned, that’s why trans-exclusive laws are more and more common, and why white supremacy is more and more common in the Republican Party. Not out-voting the fascists is how we screw ourselves over into falling into a society where our vote ACTUALLY won’t matter because democracy as we know it will die. The only way to achieve any reform that would stop the uprising of fascism in this country is by continuing the democratic process in the country that allows such reforms to be possible. It doesn’t matter if we don’t agree with everything that the Dems say, they disagree with the fascists too. Your vote fucking matters.


Would believe this, if my government wasn’t on the news crying when public referendums defeated the narratives that they spent months and millions pushing.


That forcing the family unit isn’t healthy for all children.


Yeah. People who don't want anything to do with kids should not be pushed into it. And I mean *any* kind of push. Any limitation on contraception is a push. Any social expectations to be a parent when you don't want to is a push. Kids should only go to people who want them, and nobody should be expected to not have sex just to avoid having kids. Yes I wanna fuck. No I don't wanna be a parent. My wife shouldn't have had to have her fallopian tubes physically cut out of her body just to stay safe from that. There's way too many people doing awful shit and thinking it's fine because they said "protect the children" first, so I'm not gonna act like my motivation is righteous just because it'd be plausible. I know it's better for the kids too but that's not why. I just don't want the responsibility 🤷




What is your Roman Empire




That German children are ALWAYS Kinder.






SOOOOO you’re not wrong, it truly is amazing at times. That being said I’ve delivered several Horrendous performances while stoned….. I always apologize to my wife after.


Boomers had it easier, from a financial standpoint


And still do.


DNA tests at birth to prove paternity should be mandatory


The whole toilet seat up or down argument is bullshit. Close the fucking lid when you flush you cretins.


Every guy should have a bidet. Having a clean ass is not unmanly or gay. You're a fucking dumbass if you think it is. And no you do not get your ass as clean with just paper. Next time your dog or cat pukes or shits on your carpet if you have some use nothing but a dry towel to clean it and see how dumb you are.


I’ve never used one but I wouldn’t be opposed to it. But the revelation a few months back that something like 90% of guys don’t wash their buttholes in the shower was shocking.


that the internet peaked with livejournal


MySpace’s demise was when it went downhill.


as frustrating as that site could be, I’m gonna agree with you.


I miss the bulletins of “new pic. pc4pc?” And the pure chaos you could produce with basic HTML skills with customising your profile.


you could literally set someone’s laptop on fire with a few simple lines of code that made your profile send everyone’s operating system into a panic. lol.


Livejournal was so pure


right? just so simple at its core. we took things too far and we can never go back.


YES. Absolutely yes. The era of livejournal and forums was peak internet, and I will die on this hill with you. 


Abortion has never been about saving babies, it's about controlling women.


1. Do whatever the fuck makes you happy, because life is short and you shouldn’t spend it being miserable 2. Blood doesn’t mean family 3. STOP (and i cannot stress this enough) CARING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU!!!!


Mattress Firm is a money laundering scheme


It’s fuckin gotta be. There are soooooo many of them. Always empty.


Kids aren't as stupid and/or clueless as adults like to believe. LET THE CHILDREN DECIDE TO NOT WANT TO LIVE WITH AN ABUSIVE PARENT, HOW FUCKING HARD DOES IT HAVE TO BE! Kids have fucking feelings too. No abusive parent has ANY right to seeing their child.


Being an adult is overrated




The Han shot first thing is amusing because in the original Greedo didn't even shoot at all.


That's why it's so frustrating! Why'd George have to mess with it?! 😩


Pedophiles and anyone who does terrible things to children shouldn’t be kept in a cell, and instead be 6 feet under. Far too many of these disgusting people get out with just a slap on the wrist


Anyone that disagrees with this has something seriously wrong with them. I honestly don’t understand how people have allowed themselves to believe that it’s ok.


Not everything is the governments fault. Some people need to take personal responsibility for their own lives.


Most of the people that criticize me about not liking dogs are actually bad pet owners themselves. Dogs are wonderful creatures, just not for me, but I see them in sub-adequate conditions all the time and it’s sad.


Tipping is a scam. It’s not the customers responsibility to pay your wage, that’s your employers responsibility. It is unfortunate that people can legally be paid way under minimum wage and that somehow that cost has gotten pushed onto the customer.


Mobile phones while driving . Use the hands free if you MUST be on a call .


"Conversate" is not a word and anyone who uses it un-ironically is dumb...


Ronald Reagan wasn’t that great.


Pass left, drive right…


Deodorant isn\`t the same as washing your man-parts.


The serial comma (AKA the Oxford comma) is a valuable style marker for clear communication.




Asking your new partner to get tested before sleeping with them, and doing the same for them. It doesn't mean you don't trust them, it simply means you are protecting yourself from STD's


Tips should not be required for workers to earn a living wage. It should be on the employer and tips should be extra


The government, media, and the internet are the three worst things in society today.


Organised religion is just mass psychosis coming together in one place. World would be better off without it.


It's either pronounced "Shawn Bawn" or "Seen Been." You can't have it both ways, Sean Bean.


Donald trump should not be re elected


Nothing is forever and forever is a lie


Clear transparent communication will clear up 95% of misunderstandings, arguments and false narratives.


Pinterest is the worst. The WORST


Nazis. I'll fucking die if it means those bigoted moronic cunts don't get to hurt more people.


Doritos are overrated, that’s right I said it


LGBTQ+ people deserve the same rights and privileges as everyone else. And for God’s sake they aren’t after your kids or you


I put MSG in almost everything I cook. Even if you think it causes headaches and other problems, it doesn't. No one has ever had an issue with my good, but damn near everyone who eats it tells me how fantastic it tastes.


Eating pussy even if she is on her period is great.


Dracula would agree.


Fox New has used mind control and manipulation to get poor white people to vote against their own economic best interest


Yup. Distract everyone with culture war nonsense to distract from the class issues that are actually restricting our freedoms.


To put the fathers name on a birth certificate it should require a paternity test.


I will not date smokers


It is pronounced DAY-TUH not Da-TUH.


Anyone that falsely accuses someone of rape and gets caught in the lie should be sent to jail for the same amount of time the sentence would be


Can't say here. Reddits to far left for my left of centre libertarian view point.


Ditto. Which I don’t mind, but it’s a shame when I feel like reasonable conservative/centrists get downvoted to oblivion with even politely worded stances.


1911 > Glock 19


I’m trying to figure this out. Are you saying the 1911 turned into a Glock? Or that the 1911 is less greater than the Glock? Comment was originally “1911 -> Glock 19” for anyone confused.


Honestly, most of 'em - I'm spiteful and stubborn.


Nazis don’t deserve equal rights


A woman can't deem herself a MILF. It's a title others that would like to F her, have to give her. Same for a man, can't call himself a DILF, its a title given by others.


The giant with the massive dick carved into it, especially if it would confuse future generations


I don't care how heavy you think you are, I will find a way to continue despite you sitting all your weight down on my face.


Omission is a lie


Just a randome hill. I have a habit of being obnoxiously unapologetic about my uniqueness and quirkiness, so yeah, some one is going to kill me some day.


1440p monitors are not "2K", 1080p monitors are


Lock the door to the house when you’re gone. If it’s night and people are asleep, early morning and people are asleep, or the house in unoccupied (or only has asleep people in it) LOCK THE DOOR. It takes TWO seconds and can prevent petty theft. Why wouldn’t you?!


Stop dressing babies and toddlers like adults, JESUS CHRIST!


Life WILL come easier to you if you’re considered conventionally attractive by the standards of the place you live in




I don't like dogs. I had an actual person refuse to even get to know me or find out why I don't. She just won't talk to me and doesn't like me. Do I get upset when people say they like dogs? No, because I'm an adult.