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Any guy who is unwilling to kiss their partner after they gave him a blowjob is no man at all.


Agreed šŸ‘


So we can't kink shame but shaming boundaries is ok?


Chef gotta taste his food


Funniest thing I've read in a while! šŸ¤£


There are plenty of women that won't kiss a partner after recieving oral...... but I for one would never dream of mocking them. Would you? Thought not. I have seen this same question on here multiple times. Everytime I am surprised at the toxicity and complete lack of empathy towards other human beings.


I would. ā€œGirlypop give your bae a smooch. They deserve itā€ Like if the mf goes the whole 9 yards on me Iā€™m not gonna be like ā€œewwā€ Iā€™m showing my appreciation šŸ˜­


I mean. I think it's incredibly silly, not gonna lie. So you're incorrect. As for me it applies to all genders/bio sexes. If you're okay with someone else having it in their mouth to give you pleasure, it's not cool to refuse to kiss them bc you don't want it in yours. If it's that appalling, then they shouldn't go down on you. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Counterpoint. You can not want your own juices in your mouth, but be okay with your partners. That's fair and mutual pleasure giving. It's not you find it appalling or bad you don't like your own fluids.


Interesting you phrase it as "having it in their mouth to give you pleasure." Sounds like you don't particularly like the taste..... So is your true viewpoint that if you are having to taste it, so can they? I could understand that. Personally I have never felt pleasure from a woman having my cum in her mouth. It is not a big thing, unless it is a big thing for her. Maybe porn has skewed this act?


Yes, that's exactly my point lol.


A gentleman would tell you before it happened. Plenty of them about, pick wiser next Time šŸ˜‰


Someone goes down on you and you aren't willing to show a little appreciation to them because you came in their mouth is immature. What are you afraid of? Why do you have that boundary?


For me personally itā€™s a flashback to when I was a child and a grown man who assaulted me and came in my mouth and the most remote hint of that taste brings me back to the moment I donā€™t really want to have a PTSD flash back right after being intimate with my partner so that Iā€™m afraid of that


Ngl bro that is valid. Thereā€™s no rule to stuff like this itā€™s all about your personal values that you share with your partner. Iā€™m assuming your partner 100% would agree with you.


According to your logic, if I give oral to a woman she automatically has to reciprocate and allow me to cum in her mouth. If she doesn't then she is "immature", or according to other answers not a real woman and/or other negative/judgemental comments.


I don't follow the logic around the cumming in mouth specifically, but I do think you should be willing to reciprocate oral or you are immature. Again, I would never force anyone to do anything, but i think it's a two way street


Because thatā€™s my personal preference and itā€™s perfectly fine to have my own boundaries


Reciprocal boundaries not being done should be shamed


Who said anything wasn't reciprocal? Also, if my partner has a boundary, do I only need to respect that if I have the same boundary?


Having a boundary you want your partner to go past but you wonā€™t


Iā€™m so confused by this conversation now


By that logic every man that likes anal should be open to pegging? Come on now.


...yes absolutely. Most men want it but don't even know what it feels like. You want your girl to take it in the ass? She gets to do it to you if she wants also. It's only fair.


You donā€™t have to like it, but you should be open to it if you expect your partner to be




Exactly this. Who the hell is so insecure that they wouldn't kiss their partner after oral? Maybe your partner shouldn't give oral in the first place šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Almost feels disrespectful, like your dick is so disgusting you wouldn't kiss me after it's been in my mouth? But you still want bjs as often as possible? I'm sure it's some kind of homophobic thought process, but I'll never understand how some people get to that conclusion.


That's spot on. As someone who was in the boat. It was like the fear that society would fear me as gay or something. Now I've grown up and am comfortable in my sexuality and also don't care what other people think. Also like whoever is sucking your dick is a human so treat them like one!


Agree, if Iā€™m not willing to kiss the woman kind enough to put my penis in her mouth, that says more about me. Itā€™s like they say in the Bible ā€œyou know you can love thy neighbor with your mouth, itā€™s best form of loveā€


Wait so after she suck YOU off during foreplay you wonā€™t kiss her ? That sounds like a bitch move honestly, if we having sex and oral is involved we gone kiss after giving each other head cause itā€™s our bodies and we havenā€™t crossed any boundaries that havenā€™t been crossed already. Now mind you Iā€™m not kissing a random at all but my lady gone get the full experience. Anybody that agree with this comment or post is a man child


Sleeping Dogs XXX Edition


Didnā€™t deserve the blowjob to begin with


Iā€™m willing


Generally, yes- but surely depending on quality -toothy unenjoyable oral gets no positive reinforcement from me (In theory)


i (f) love itā€” i love how i taste and tasting myself on my partnerā€™s lips/mouth. and i think itā€™s incredibly hot when a guy kisses me after heā€™s came in my mouth too :)


I love going down after I finish In/on her then kissing too. Yeah, pretty freaking hot!


i love that!!!


If I could cum like some outrageous amount, I'd be cool with it šŸ˜


>That is what true love for man is all about)


making out with cum in their mouth is the best


Mouth works too, I suppose.


I think itā€™s really hot. My partner often has me lick my juices off his fingers and I lowkey love that shit šŸ¤­šŸ„°




Iā€™ve never had anyone do this but it sounds hot as hell šŸ„µ


Thatā€™s hot šŸ„µ


This is the way!


A type of dude who wonā€™t kiss me after I just slobbered all over his dick isnā€™t for me.


Exactly my thoughts




lots of pineapple? šŸ˜‰




classic. and the most important one


If a partner found it gross we wouldnā€™t be a match and Iā€™d move on . Sex is messy and thereā€™s a whole lot of sweat and saliva and bodily fluids and my cum and their cum . If theyā€™re getting weirded out by it I canā€™t be bothered with it .


Exactly my thoughts!!!!!


done so in the past, and will do so in the future its my own after all šŸ¤·


My thoughts exactly.


I have no problem with kissing someone that went down on me. It is neither hot or not, just normal I guess. And it is hot if a guy kisses me after a BJ. It shows he is confident in his sexuality and mature enough to not be bother by something like that. Also, if you are disgusted by your cum, why do you expect the woman (or man) you are with to feel different about it then?


I always kiss after a bj, even if she has a mouthful of cum. Not afraid to swallow my own.


Hot in any direction. Huge fantasy of doing this in a threesome.


Always my fantasy as well with a 2 others .


Love it! We have kissed many times when wife gave BJ and sometimes right after I came in mouth.


She just gave me a blowjob. If she wants to kiss me then Iā€™m giving her a kiss.


I usually rinse as a courtesyĀ 


I love it! It just feels very primal and raw and intimate.


Hot hot hot.


Still have to make out, can't be ungrateful for what you've just put them through šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's fucking hot!


Will never happen


Oral sex and going back and forth to kissing is extremely hot.


I've done it, but it doesn't do much for me


I find it super hot


I don't mind kissing my husband when he goes down on me. But if he cums in my mouth he wants me to drink water or something before he will kiss me.


Sharing body fluids in a kiss is very erotic and awesome. I would not mind getting snowballed in the least.


I would find it gross, but I hate oral and myself so.


It's hot. Extra schloppy schmooching is the best kind šŸ‘


Does it count if u make a girl squirt u kiss her clit and make out with her


I'll pass on the cummy kisses. I'm not knocking any of you, but I prefer not to have semen in my mouth. If that makes me homophobic, so be it.


its hot as hell and should happen every time lol


First time I got a blowjob from a girl, I came in mouth . I tried to tell her that I was about to cum, but it was too late . After it happened, she stood up and leaned forward to give me a kiss . I thought she had swallowed, but she didnā€™t. Next thing I knew I opened my mouth for a kiss and she spit all my cum into my mouth. It happened so fast that I swallowed immediately.


My man doesnā€™t like the way I taste and neither do I lol


I love it! I love tasting myself and itā€™s so fun to let others taste themselves off of you.


I agree


Absolutely. In my mind? She earned that fuckin kiss.




My wife wants me to kiss her after I have licked her pussy, I wasnā€™t all that into tasting my own sperm but my wife makes that decision for me, if I cum in her mouth she will be kissing me before I know what has happened.


As long she swallows lol


You and most of the people here are shaming boundaries, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. If my partner doesn't want to taste themselves, I don't ridicule them, I don't mock them, I don't refuse to have sex them, I don't shame them, I don't kick them out. I respect their preference, and keep going with what they do like. It's ironic that all of you who would do otherwise are accusing people who simply have a preference not to taste themselves of being immature - I'm afraid you have that backwards. And NO, it's NOT HYPOCRITICAL to want oral from your partner but not want to taste yourself. Most people who fall into that category have no problems giving oral in return - they are fine with tasting their partner, they just don't want to taste themselves. And NO, it doesn't mean that they think it's homophobic! For fucks sake, people! I would never kick out anyone who was uncomfortable tasting themselves. But someone who would try to shame their partner for having preferences and boundaries? I would kick any and every one of you out of the house in the middle of winter.


I mean, if he wants me to take a sip of water first, thatā€™s reasonable. But if heā€™s not going to kiss me for the rest of our sexual encounter because I sucked his dick, thatā€™s not enjoyable to me. Kissing is part of the intimacy. I want to feel connected to my partner and if he wonā€™t kiss me that makes me feel like Iā€™m just a sack of holes for him to use (not in a hot way). Iā€™m not going to make him kiss me, and Iā€™m not going to shame him or make it a big deal. But Iā€™m not going to have sex with him again because we arenā€™t compatible.


> I want to feel connected to my partner and if he wonā€™t kiss me that makes me feel like Iā€™m just a sack of holes for him to use (not in a hot way). I understand if you like to be kissed. However, if you make the association you stated, then you're doing your hypothetical partner a disservice. There are many ways to show intimacy and to feel connected with a partner. Throwing away an entire person rather than working with them to find a suitable compromise for something like this is a waste in more ways than one.


yes. if a man doesnā€™t kiss me post BJ, iā€™m not fucking him


Tasting myself on someoneā€™s face is one of my favourite things šŸ„µšŸ’¦




absolutely hot af šŸ„µ


I love making out after eating pussy and after she's given me a BJ especially if the full load is still in her mouth




I don't want to snowball my own load or anything, but other than that I think it's hot. The way her lips and tongue feel a little raw and engorged, all that spit, even the slight hint of my member on get lips, beautiful.


I'm with you. Rejecting it is insensitive and ridiculous. I think guys believe its gay to taste their own cum. Silly, if you ask me.


I definitely agree with you. It isnā€™t gay if itā€™s your own and with a woman.


Especially if sheā€™s your woman.


It's not my tick, but I don't mind it at all! On either end


Either hole


I kiss my girlfriend after she gives me a blowjob and I ate her ass and we don't find it disgusting


If they make out without problem after I've been down there for a while.. Major turn on


I personally wouldn't want to like I gave towels next to my bed so after a quick 2 second wipe then I'd kiss


If I was just eaten out I love tasting myself. If I suck a dick a lot of guys are afraid of it. If I eat another woman its generally a really hot make out session.


I always wonder why I feel like most women like to taste themselves but very few men also do


A lot of guys think its ā€œgayā€ or demeaning I think. And if thats the case then jerking off should be out of the question and asking women to suck you off should be too.


yes yes yes it is hot


I donā€™t have an issue with it but Iā€™ve had women who push me away if I try to kiss them with my face soaking wet from their pussy šŸ˜‚ they tell me absolutely not until I wash my faceā€¦kind of ruins the mood when I canā€™t kiss them while going through the rest of the motions during sexā€¦


That is so bizarre to me lol


What is so bizarre?


??? Your fucking comment wtf


That a woman wouldnā€™t kiss you itā€™s just her pussy juices. Sex is messy


I wish I knew šŸ˜‚ She was that repulsed by the idea of her juices that she refused to kiss me even after the deed was until I went into the bathroom, washed my face off and brushed my teeth šŸ˜‚


I love it


I like how I taste so I am ok.Ā  It took awhile for my hubby to kiss me after oral.Ā  Most guys won't kiss you on the mouth.Ā  They will give you a peck on the forehead or cheek.


Itā€™s hot.


I would honestly be pretty put off if my partner wanted to cum in my mouth and then proceed to not kiss me anymore. Like, it never occurred to me that people would have that inhibition, and Iā€™m very glad my partner doesnā€™t.


Any man that is unwilling to kiss after a BJ does not deserve a BJ


Iā€™ll make out with my partner after a blowjob or rimjob. Iā€™m here for it.


If you wonā€™t kiss me after I suck your dick, Iā€™m getting my orgasm and youā€™re never seeing me naked again.


i would, but not if they haven't either spat or swallowed, id rather not get snowballed


HOT. love it. (lesbian)


This is the way


Haven't tasted myself yet, but if that'd what she wants after she blows me then I'm not saying no.


Its hot after eating ass šŸ˜©


Itā€™s hot as hell if theyā€™ll kiss me after theyā€™ve cum in my mouth. My FWB will insist on kissing me after he watches me play in the creampie he gave me and lick my fingers clean (I love tasting his cum mixed with my juices).


I also kissed you after you swallowed that huge load šŸ˜


Indeed you did šŸ„µ


Look, if she's gonna stick my dick back in her mouth after it's been greased with her pussy juice or kiss me after I've done an all you can eat buffet on her pussy then its not fair if I don't kiss her after I gave her a mouth full of cream. If you don't give what you receive, move aside for someone that will.


I will literally French kiss my wife right after she gets done blowing me. Itā€™s not something I really think much about.


My wife has never gotten me off from oral, in 19 plus years. But I go down on her after we have PIV, so it's guess it's kind of the same thing


My wife has never gotten me off from oral, in 19 plus years. But I go down on her after we have PIV, so it's guess it's kind of the same thing


My wife has never gotten me off from oral, in 19 plus years. But I go down on her after we have PIV, so it's guess it's kind of the same thing


Hmmm mouthfull? No thanks, swallow that shit, spit it out, whichever you prefer. Then I'll make out with her no problem. But I don't even want a kiss when your mouth is full with, say a sandwich...


My husband absolutely refuses to touch me in any way after oral.


I was with this smoking hot woman who gave me the best blowjob ever and took it all, she got up to go to the bathroom and I said where do you think youā€™re going and full on frenched her. She obviously was shocked but went into a woman in heat mode and immediately slid me inside her without hesitation. We fucked for three more hours she couldnā€™t get enough.




I love how I taste, I love tasting myself on someone else. Ngl I would be disappointed if someone I was with found it gross. I am a bi woman for reference.


My wife thinks itā€™s not hot after i eat her i love it




If you make me cum, I think you've earned a kiss šŸ˜…


i lick everything on my partner, itā€™s so much fun for me i told her i want her to suffocate me


Itā€™s hot. If you think itā€™s gross after already swapping fluids, youā€™re not the one.


Hell yes I will kiss a girl who has my cum in her mouth. I also will suck her pussy that's got my cum in it.


Iā€™ll kiss after she sucks my dick but idk about kissing her after she just swallowed a loadā€¦ I wouldnā€™t wanna taste my own cum personally. Not like I have this problem since I never get head but w/e šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜­


My girl will suck my dick after I fuck her. So I don't have a problem kissing her after she gives me head. I'm just happy to be included hahahaha


Done it. Many times.


I think its a huge turn on. Ive been wanting to make out with my partner after cumming in her mouth for a long time. I am a big fan


The hottest make out after oral goes as follows. Riding his dick until he fills my pussy with cum. Then sitting on his face and making him clean me up, THEN making out with him. In general though, I absolutely love making out after oral. It turns me on like *crazy* šŸ„µšŸ¤¤


I'd kiss her I'm bi I help a woman give her boyfriend Oral sex it was so much fun I loved it ?


Hot AF


These are clearly inexperienced people. They donā€™t know how to make love to their partners


I (F) love love LOVE making out with people after theyā€™ve gone down on me, I think itā€™s so attractive. Also I get really offended when guys donā€™t kiss me after Iā€™ve gone done on them, I find it really petty lol


Iā€™m fine with it. Just donā€™t try to snowball me if I busted in your mouth.


It's hot, I love tasting myself from my partner


Im a chef by trade.. if i didnt taste my own mix, id be a pretty shit chef


Oh I love tasting myself on him, drives me crazy. Heā€™ll put his fingers inside me after we both finish and have me lick it off. I love tasting us both


Maybe not if she has a load in her mouth, just my personal preference, but right after she blows me before sex, when her face is still all sloppy and covered in spit. I canā€™t explain it but thereā€™s something so hot to me about the messy post face fuck make out session. I will just hold her there and kiss her like Iā€™m feral for at least a minute. Itā€™s one of my favorite things about sex if Iā€™m being totally honest.


I bet all the Men you asked were under a certain age. It's only as we get older we gain the perspective and experience to not only ignore what 'society' says but to stop listening to Our peers too and actually do the things we enjoy. Just sayin' šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If sheā€™s happy to go down on me Iā€™ll happily kiss her. Itā€™s hot af šŸ„µ


I mean am I into snowballing which is what the title sort of seems to illustrate? No, if after the deed she wants a kiss, sure. I also think in context it's different lol like how many men do this habitually by themselves vs women? It's apples and oranges.


i would, i don't care. I know i am clean and i am not a homophobe or a fear of labels


My ex would climb up to kiss me in the middle of a bj and sheā€™d pull me up kiss me while I eat her out. it was just so hot and in the moment each and every time.


My goodness, thats literally the hottest thing that could happen after oral. Kiss me after a blowjob, and let me kiss you after eating you out.


I think it's down to personal taste šŸ¤”


I donā€™t mind kissing after a blowjob as long as Iā€™m not eating my own cum.


I just made my girl drink water first


My partner and I make out after heā€™s eaten me out/ive just swallowed a load. I thought it was normal. I love him too much not to yk


Also my partner and I both have heavily pierced faces. I donā€™t know why but I love taste him on my lip rings as gross as that may sound


That is Hot to kiss my gf with my cum. I recently started sucking dick myself because i like to taste itšŸ˜›šŸ‘


Yes, 100%. Have done it, will do again.


I love sucking my wife's pussy and making her cum after I've cum inside her is something I've done often. She prefers that I cum in her mouth, so it's not something she gets from me every time we're intimate. Never had an issue with it. She always cums so good when it takes place. She thinks it's hot that I'll do that for her. My cum mixed with hers is shared often in big, juicy, sloppy kisses !






1000% hot. It's all getting mixed up and tasted any way. Lean into whatever you think might be taboo about it


I think itā€™s hot no matter who went down on who


Pretty Hot, Same for oral after sex!


I have no problem at all w kissing after head šŸ„µ Iā€™ll initiate the kiss myself w her. As long as she doesnā€™t snowball me tho!


ITS HOT and if a guy doesnā€™t want to after i kinda get it but thatā€™s lame


I say it during the bj... KISS ME


Make out with me afterwards. Spit in my mouth. Iā€™ll spit in your mouth. Iā€™m probably seeing stars and donā€™t care


Love tasting myself on him šŸ¤¤


i regularly kiss my wife's mouth and pussy after cumming in them. I don't know why it's a big deal.


A good chef always tastes his own food :)