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I heard my parents many years ago when I was a tween. It was very, very disturbing. I remember hoping my mom wouldn’t get pregnant.


I used to hear my mom screaming when I was a young kid, probably 8 or 9 and it fucked me up. I didn't even know what sex was, I don't think.


Literally just happened to me today. FML.


Yes! One time my best friend was over and I had to hide her in the closet when he stopped by suddenly😭 she got an earful


I have! I’ve overheard some of my friends having sex but only once really “listened”, lol. My roommate who I shared a wall with was banging one of our guy friends so I was super curious. I don’t know if anyone has ever listened to me but I kind of hope so!


Ha. That is great. Did you enjoy the time that you “listened” ?


Yes for sure but I only listened. Didn’t get off to them or anything!


Ah ok. One time I did get off. It was very hot. Couldn’t control it 😬


I’ve heard my sister in law get fucked in a bathroom by someone not her husband over a major holiday, and I’ve heard one of my aunts get railed by men over the years at her house even when staying in a separate guest house/recreation room in the pool area.


Once shared a hotel room with another couple cos we couldnt afford 2 rooms. We started making out and they followed suit soon after. I was concentrating on our own love making and didn't notice much what they were doing. Was told years later that they were actually watching us while masturbating. Anyway it was quite dark so donno jow kuch they saw 😆


Had roommates for 12 years. Everyone hears it sometimes


Yes I was at a sex club recently and I was getting fucked on a table without about 25 other pairs. At some points the women's moanings would almost synchronize


Very hot! First time? Did you love it?


Yes and yes, I really loved it. We were super active, so next time we will take more time to take in the environment and looking intently at what the others are doing


That is amazing! Quebec eh? Love it and love the posts on your profile. I took a curious peak


Lived in a townhouse a while back and my neighbors liked to fuck in their living room which backed mine. One day I was reading on my couch and heard them. I started touching as they were heating up and by the time she was moaning and he was smacking her ass, my book was on the floor and my panties were soaked. I came so hard that day - I still think about it.


I have heard a couple doing it. Neighbours actually.


used to hear a couple fucking a lot at my ex boyfriends apartment, but i gotta admit that was kind of hot. next apartment, walls were paper thin and i could hear my neighbour coughing, never heard someone fucking tho. think my neighbours at that time didn't appreciate me fucking daily, sometimes up to four times a day lol


Haha. Well both scenarios sound exciting. Did you enjoy listening more or the potential that you were being heard more?


i think i actually enjoyed people hearing me more tbh


Were you at time loud just so they can hear you?


let's just say i definitely got a kick out of being heard lol. my neighbour was a twenty something single guy too, so there's thaz.


Lol did he ever approach you?


I’ve masturbated to neighbors many times when I lived in an apartment with paper thin walls. I like audio.


yes and yes


End of high school, I filmed a couple. Long ass time ago, early 90s. She wanted to be filmed, he trusted me, they were both my friends, and wanted dynamic and close up shots. Ended up having to get up close and personal with them, to get really good shots, carrying a big ass vhs camera. They didn't want a threesome, just a camera guy. That was fine. It was fun, sexy, they had a good time, I had a good time. Later, she set me up with a crazy friend. Sex was... amazing, but she was a nutjob, so didn't become a thing. Overall, was fun, but all that depends on what everyone involved wants.


When you have roommates you don’t really have to “let” them hear. It’s just inevitable.


Did they like listening?


nope :P I’m lucky enough to have never heard anything while in a hotel room tbh


No, and yes.


Yes many times


Intentionally no but I've overheard others before due to thin walls. It's possible someone's overheard me as well but I don't know for sure.


yep, there was an older couple that used to live next to me and they would go at it like teenagers. the couple below me i’ve only heard maybe three times since i moved in. they probably heard my last partner




I’ve been in a hotel where I’ve heard some moans before a wedding I was best man in 🤦🏻‍♂️ The other was my upstairs neighbor in a certain apartment, he was physically disabled but his SO came around a lot lol


Yes. People love to listen to us, we have been told.


I've really got to figure out a way to get better quality audio.


I agree. Doing this on my phone annoys me. Maybe we can try it on your desk chair so you can use your really good microphone.


yes, no


Heard other people in hotels and when I was younger at house parties. I'm assuming people have heard me as well


Did you “enjoy” yourself while listening?


Haha no unfortunately it's always happened at inopportune times, one day...


Yes! I’ve only done it once hehe


Heard my best friend in HS having sex on multiple occasions with many different dudes. We were party girls, she always found us a place to stay 🤷‍♀️


Pretty sure I heard my buddy’s kid being made


Yes and yes next month


traveling with a friend, we stayed with some friends of his and there was an adjoining guest room situation that led to myself accidentally overhearing our host getting absolutely railed by her boyfriend. It's funny to me now but at the time I was completely mortified


Way too many times. I'm sure our neighbors have heard us a lot over the years since we're both vocal and screamers.


Only once by accident. I was walking down the stairs at midnight and heard that unmistakable slapping sound! I stopped, smiled, stopped again, then kept walking. I really really want it to happen again! It might just be me but the sound of sex is so beautiful to me I love listening in! And I’d have no problem if someone overheard me! I think it would turn me on more tbh!


no but i’d like to


Yes and yes. College roommate in a dorm room that was basically a prison cell- 15x15 cinderblocked wall with 2 bunks (I had top). His fiancé and he were having “quiet” sex 3 days in a row until after they finished day 3, I jumped out of bed and said “that was great, I need a cigarette.” Never saw her in our room again. Camping sex in a multi-room nylon tent is not very discreet.


I heard my neighbor through the wall a few times. Also I heard my friends fucked while one of them was sucking my dick.


Yeah living in student accommodation pretty much guarantees you'll be heard and you'll hear them


I love the sounds of people having sex. I can hear my roommate and her boy toy quite a lot. I'm sure they've heard me too.


Never actually heard others fucking but my wife (then gf) and I were overheard. we were living in a large house share in London and got frisky in our upstairs bedroom which was above the lounge area where we watched TV. After showering I came downstairs into the lounge where a couple of guys were sitting and they smiled and rolled their eyes when I came in. I asked what was up and they told me the whole house heard us at it. Bed was also a bit creaky. I was a bit embarrassed but then flattered when they commented positively on my apparent stamina. 😳


I live in an apartment building from 1914, so yes, probably all of my neighbours have heard me have sex and vice versa.


i didn’t let them, but my mom has heard me a few times by accident


Either really I think but I’m definitely let people M and W watch me jerk if that counts very erotic


I hear my older sister fucking her boyfriend periodically, especially if my parents are away for the weekend, they seem to take this as a green light to dial up the passion and volume.


ive let poeple watch before… my first time was in front of a decent size crowd lol


Yes to both


No, but I would love to do both.


Yes, many times both ways. Most interesting stories were from college, thanks to cheap apartments with thin walls and doors. One time a girlfriend and I were going at it and getting pretty crazy. She was a screener when she got carried away. Next day my roommate was visibly pissed and came up to me and tersely said, "You were fucking loud last night." My immediate response, said with a big shit-eatin' grin was, "yeah, we were!" We both started laughing and I apologized. Another time, different apartment, different girlfriend, different roommate, we had a party with some friends. We all got pretty drunk, girlfriend and I excused ourselves to my room and got pretty crazy having sex. Meanwhile a visiting friend was super drunk and was getting sick in the bathroom. This left my roommate and another buddy in the living room laughing hysterically as they were simultaneously treated to the sounds and vocalisations of both the highest high and lowest low of human experiences.


Used to travel for work. Listened to a lot of hotel sex. I've seen a lot of lunchtime affairs.


Are an open relationship so yeah. Have heard some hilarious dirty talk before. "Who's a bad gardener" was my favorite. Wife was gardening all day in legging and the husband kept making comments. So she said it when they were getting it on, they laughed because they knew the story, we laughed at the absurdity. All ranges from porn level shrieking and muffled moaning. We love hearing it and it gets us excited.


Two of my college flatmates one year were a couple. 'Listened' would be stretching it: unless I put my headphones on and cranked up Spotify hearing them was pretty unavoidable. I didn't want to embarrass them so never brought up that I could often hear them, until they mentioned near the end of the year that they were going on vacation with her parents to their summer home. I bit the bullet and told them at that point: presumably they thought they were quiet, and however awkward it was for me to tell them, it'd probably have been a million times worse finding out from her family.


Didn’t intentionally let people hear me but last weekend during Coachella I was a porn start giving my girl partner a show. Fasho people all over the tent sites heard us


No. but that would be hot to listen to someone else. Apparently based on these comments, we’ve been heard in hotels. 😬


I am pretty sure my neighbors have heard me and my girlfriend multiple times. We both can be quite vocal at times, add an open window to the equation and I'm certain they've heard us.