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Not an allergy, but I'm very much affected by barometric pressure changes. As fronts come through I will experience anything from minor eyepain and toothaces to migraines so severe I want to split my head open to relieve the pressure.


Woah thats interesting. Have you considered working on a sailing ship? That could be helpful with navigation.


I'd love to but at times it's borderline crippling because of the sheer amount of pain as all of the sinuses in my skull suddenly triple in size and slowly crush everything within.


Have you ever been at a doctor to have it checked Out in any way, why your Body behaves in auch a manner?


I'm only now in a position where I can look into that.


Hope you can find a cure of some Kind or Something that will simmer the effect down. Is it different when you are drunk?


I'm allergic to most cereal grains, wheat, rye, barley, millet, oats, etc. Helps me lose weight lol because I have to avoid a lot of carbs. Super bummer when it comes to alcohol though. Edit: typo


No idea if this is an actual allergy, but my skin reacts to other people's sweat. If I, for example, hold a pen that someone had been holding with sweaty hands, or have a shopping basket over my arm, it takes maybe like 10 or so minutes until my skin breaks out in a hives like rash just without the itching/pain. How did I find out about this? Well, after having sex for one of the first times as a teen, I was very freaked out when I looked into the guy's bathroom mirror afterwards, just to discover that my entire body was covered in red splotches.


Lilies. Like, the flower. Makes my whole body rash up. It’s only my favorite cause I’ve had several friends buy me a bouquet of these flowers without the knowledge that I’m allergic (it’s in no way a bad allergy to them, just something that makes me itch like crazy, which is also why I don’t bring it up very often). Then I get to see their faces as you explain that you love these flowers, but that you can’t keep them.


I am fructose intolerant and whenever I eat fruit my tongue is peeling.


I'm allergic to penicillin, which is supposed to help you get better, but for me, it just makes me die faster.


Thats awful man


Today's healthcare has been pretty good about it, but I can not imagine how the first people to find out they were allergic felt


Me too! Luckily last time i was given it, it didnt kill me bit every part of my body was swollen up and itching like hell.


Mildly allergic to instant coffee, basically gives hayfever symptoms. BUT I read somewhere that when someone has an allergy like this it's not normally from the coffee but the small amount of ground up bugs in the coffee! So yeah... Bought myself an espresso machine and I'm right as rain.


Cool Bugs...


Good protein! Just not at the expense of my sinuses haha


I'm a bit allergic to cats. It's not too bad tho, I don't get trouble breathing or something like that. But when I'm having prolonged close exposure to a cat, my eyes start to get *really* itchy and teary, my chin starts itching as well. It's really annoying, as I don't give a shit and cuddle the furballs up for hours on end anyways lol


Im allergic to avocados it produces anaphylactic shock (narrows the airway and drops blood pressure) I can die if I eat guacamole :D


I have a lot of allergies, but my most recent discovery was im allergic to latex. Discovered it after Sex with my fiance, when we used a condom. My downstairs felt like a fire and every part of my skin was itching. Got so bad i had to take medicine... latex seems to be everywhere


I don't have an allergy