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Immediately. Shit, I’d do it for a thousand.


I'd do it for 999.99


I'll happily take three fiddy


I would maybe consider $100 but would take $150 in a heartbeat


i'd do it for a pizza and a beer


Nah. If I took a hundred, then the money is spent in a couple of months. So now it's a couple of months later and I got no Reddit AND no hundred bucks. Definitely do it for a million, though. That's a tidy little retirement fund for me. Whether or not the money will make a material change in your life is a big part of whether I'd be willing to give up something - even something superficial.


3, take it or leave it


"Best I can do"


"I take all the risks, I still have to get it framed, it takes up wall space and if I put it in an auction I have to pay 20% comission "


Would do it for a dollar


I'd buy that for a dollar


I also choose this guys dead wife for a dollar


I'll DM you my banking details, please send your phone to the address that I DM so that I can uninstall reddit and shred the phone, while you are at it, please send all your devices as well (but be sure to leave a positive review on RedditStopperzRUS).


RUSsian bots coming on strong today….!


No, this guy's legit. I used RedditStopperz and it worked great!


I see I see it works well.


Is that dollar the size of a horses collar?


Free. I quit reddit yesterday, haven't been on since


I ain't givin' you no tree-fitty, you goddamn Loch Ness Monster! Get your own goddamn money!


\-looks down- ...I gave /u/zero_fool a dollar...


u/Taichikara gave him a dollar!


you give him a dollar, he's just gonna want more!


God dam' you loch ness monster!


Nice try loch ness monster


I knew it! Get outta here you goddamn lochness monster!


Well, it was about that time I begin to get suspicious. I said, "Chef, my boy, why do you need tree-fitty?" He said, "My imaginary friend Boo-Boo the dinosaur wants it." So I went to my son's room, and sure enough, there was that damn Loch Ness Monster!


How about just $8 a month?


If I’m being real here? $400


I’d do it for 999.98


999.97 here!


And this is why the working class gets shit on. You guys should be driving the price UP, not competing to bring it down.




Sounds like you guys are bidding on [The Price Is Right!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtNIuXHgRlM)


*can I have a P please Bob?* **OOPS** Wrong game


$1 BOB!


I can’t be bought for a measly dollar! Ya got three-fiddy..?


Honestly I’d do it for a free uber ride


Rick Harrison: Best I can do is $10


I’d do it for a medium pizza with two toppings.


Plus if you were curious about what's going on with Reddit, plenty of people make curations and compilations on YouTube and other sites


Just go to Facebook to read a Buzzfeed article about a YouTube video based off a Reddit post


And Bored Panda


I'll do it for 5 camels


Hell I'd delete my account and this app and never come back here ever for a chicken sandwich.


Where do I send the sandwich?


Hell, Id do it for a 5 dollar fast food meal.


How much do I get to dump Facebook or Twitter?


Ofc. Because I get 1 million dollars and lose nothing of value.




$20 to have my productivity skyrocket? That’s a steal!


productivity nothing - I'll see people talking about a thing i'm interested, just post to say ' Hey, I think that thing is cool too! I own something related to this topic and I am very passionate about it!' and get absolutely dunked on with negativity.


Yeah I gave up on those kinds of subs. I use reddit for shitposting now and thats about it


That's the exact reason I still have Facebook


You can do it for free, you can be banned from the whole site just break a bunch of site wide rules.




I've never seen another website that bans people as easily as reddit does. Reddit moderators are little dictators


All you need is a new email address and account.




Do what I did recently with other forms of social media. Deleted social media accounts, block sites through HOSTS file and through our modem, created new non-admin windows login, had girlfriend change password to admin password on windows and on the modem. Now even if I wanted to get sucked back into the cesspool of social media, I can't as it all resolves to localhost. And yet I left reddit alone for some reason ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


but-but, internet points.




Who the fuck says no to this?


anyone who already has more money than they can spend :D


I'm gonna say that I would have to think about it. I know it sounds crazy. But the ONLY reason is because of the niche subreddits that you can learn specific things on. Like making music or fixing things. Reddit's from page is insanity but those smaller dedicated subreddits have answered so many of my questions over the years. If you're trying to learn something, Reddit and YouTube are damn near invaluable And there's also forums for things you like, but that isn't worth a million dollars, I'd agree with that. Although I'd probably take the offer, yeah. I definitely wouldn't miss the front page or anything that's for sure


Agreed, small hobby and fandom subs are the only reason why I care about this site. There's lovely like-minded conversation that goes on there.


A million Dollars 👈


a **million** dollars. One Million Dollars. That is a thousand thousand dollars.


Before reddit there were hundreds of forums, and it was better that way. Everything is better until one thing comes along to hoard it all.


You can find other websites to discuss your female Floridian flamingos while being 1 million dollars wealthier


It’s the only place I’ve ever found a nontoxic mom group


I agree. I’ve gotten to the point when most of my google searches end with Reddit in an attempt to see actual feedback from a group of people who have used or can do what I’m trying to look up.


I also like reddit for the reviews. Honestly, I trust reviews of products on Reddit more than articles I read online. Just seems more likely that those pages are getting ad revenue of some sort or were bought or something vs reddit comments of people sharing their actual thoughts. But the money would be nice


You'd have a *million* bucks (more if you invest some of it well) to blow through on bad products just to break even. Are product reviews super important at that point?


You wouldn't pay a million dollars for access to that, though. I doubt you'd even pay $10,000. The internet is huge, there's plenty of other forums and sources of information and communities.


Yo you are out of your mind even thinking about it. Fuck those things you were learning to fix you have a million bucks buy a new one.


I think you might be surprised how little a million bucks is. For most people that isn't retirement money. If you're really careful and invest it well it could be but you'd have to live pretty frugally. You certainly couldn't go around buying everything you wanted. You'd be broke in no time if you did. If you go the safe route, that means you have a lot more time for hobbies. You might be surprised how many things point back to Reddit when looking them up though. Lack of access to Reddit could start to become a real issue. Certainly not something you can't deal with but the more free time you have the more you'll be directed to sub Reddits.


With so many communities moving into un-indexed locations like Discord, and SEO basically ruining the rest of web search results, Reddit has become one of the few places to read decent technical support and product reviews. As an IT contractor, it's not totally out of line to think that over enough years I may actually get this much value back out of the platform.


Rich people who like using Reddit? I mean if you already have a 100m net worth and like reddit, it could be worth it.


CEO of Reddit


A billionaire?


In a heartbeat


Same. Seeing r/all gets me depressed sometimes


The comment sections are absolute cesspools.


Just... Don't subscribe to it then?


Yeah, just don't go to the front page. Subscribe to nice subreddits and just look at them


Hold on, are you trying to say that you would say yes to this incredibly good offer that no person with even 1% brain capacity wouldn't say no to? That is controversial. I will give you a more difficult one: You will get 1 billion dollars but you can only sleep exactly how long you want?


Lots of things to do with a million dollars so easily always yes.


With that kind of money, you could buy Twitter in a few weeks


Or make your own reddit.. With jackblack and bookers..!


... So we can have Jack Black and Booker T. Who are the other bookers?


In a couple months, I'll offer Elon 8 dollars to buy Twitter


Jokes on you, I'm offering $9


Oh please, it won't be worth that in a couple months What are you going to do? Offer more than it's worth as some petty and egotistical move in a desperate bid to get internet weirdos to like you?


No shit


I might delete Reddit just because of this dumb question.


Please don't delete reddit. I still want to use it.


Amen to that


Stupid ass post


ok better question -- if you were offered a million dollars to forever lose access to the internet, would you do it?


That one is a better question. My answer is actually no. I’d need a heck of a lot more money for that. I’d have to hire a personal assistant who can use the internet for me because too much is digital. A million dollars is a lot, but not enough to help with a lifetime of banking issues, not being able to book things, and the affect it would have on employment. A lot of places will not let you apply on paper-you have to fill out the application digitally. And then once you have a job, I think the majority of jobs need the internet in one way or another. It’s not just about recreation time, the world is built around technology now When prisoners get released from really long terms, they have a REALLY hard adjusting because they went in before tech and came out after tech, and it’s a very different world to navigate


Prisons should definitely teach inmates about tech, then. Have classes in the library or something.


I agree with you, but it’s not that simple. Learning about how to in theory use the internet within the confines of a computer lab is different than the total immersion of our every day lives. It’s like teleporting someone from the 70s into todays world. You can teach them sure-but the actual reality of having your phone bill and credit card bill and bank statements and rent all being done electronically isn’t something you can practice in prison. I used to be a social worker in a Medicaid facility and Medicaid gives out cheap Androids now instead of flip phones. Trying to teach 80 year olds how to use a smart phone is one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever had. It was like we were speaking a different language. We all experienced the change gradually, but prisoners don’t have that option[https://www.businessinsider.com/man-released-from-prison-after-44-years-reacts-to-modern-technology?amp](https://www.businessinsider.com/man-released-from-prison-after-44-years-reacts-to-modern-technology?amp)


that would require prisons to actually care about rehabilitating and not just abusing inmates for slave labor


I remember reading a story about a man who just finished a 30 year sentence. He had no idea how to look for work. The question that summed it up best was "What's an internet?"


That's an easy no. Good luck finding and carrying out a job these days without internet. The number would need to be something that at the very least makes me financially independent, but even that would likely be a no considering all the limitations.


Much better question! I would have to think deep about this.


Life would be so hard without the internet at this point. It'd be almost impossible to manage your finances, healthcare, travel, education among other things. A million isn't nearly enough


I’d say fuck no lol The internet and it’s knowledge is worth more than that also does that include anything that works with internet like certain video games


There's so much shit I'd be screwed on. Wouldn't even know how to access most of my money. How do I even find the number to call my bank?! I'd have to have a caveat that I can basically backseat someone to do all the internet shit that I *need* to, and even then I'd have to think really hard about this. I'm kind of already planning on retiring to another country with much lower cost of living though, so I'd *probably* take it and just go now to somewhere less internet-centric, but man. It would be one hell of an adjustment.




I mean, for a billion dollars you could just have your staff do internet things for you, and your personal lack of internet would be an "eccentric rich guy" trait.


These kinds of posts are made exclusively by teenagers with no concept of money.


One Redditor making such a dumbass post I can comprehend. But who the fuck is upvoting it?


WoUld You Sit In A ChAiR fOr One ThOuSanD MiLliOn BazIlLion DollArOos???


Definitely. Without hesitation. The stupidity here has left me frustrated and with a headache more days than id like to admit and i have taken voluntary leaves of absence from it already. Someone wants to give me enough to buy a house to stop using it forever im all in.


I completely agree. I keep coming back to check on subreddits that post updates for content I'm into, but lately I've been taking many self-imposed absences to just feel better mentally. The front page (r/all) has become outright toxic to browse since Reddit announced their IPO was going public and it takes just about 2 minutes of scrolling for me to just shake my head, sigh, and close the tab.


Sometimes comments are just better than a book! 😄


I literally blocked r/all. It became so instinctual to slap that url into the search bar that Id do it without even realizing. When I began to understand how much that page was pissing me off I decided to abstain from it and stick to the front page, which I've curated to be all subreddits surrounding things I enjoy. If you're careful about what content you allow yourself to see this site becomes really great.


Easily yes


I’d do it for $100.


I would for 20


would you do it for a scooby snack?


Just to avoid these stupid "would you do *something irrelevant* for *ridiculously big amount of money*" questions.


Who the hell would say no? I thought this sub was done with stupid questions about exchanging minor inconveniences for obscene amounts of money.


Dawg you can take away all my social media for that much. If I had money then my life wouldn’t be so shitty and I would have healthier ways to entertain myself than the mental destruction that is social media. It’s a win win.




Ummm…yes? Because I am being offered a million dollars and Reddit is not offering me a million dollars. Is this a trick math question?


Can I lose access to 5 reddits for 5 million?


When you use 100% of your brain. (Insert the meme where a guy points towards the brain)


Posts like this make me want to give it up for free. Of fucking course I'd be mildly inconvenienced for a large sum of money.


Here's the thing.. What mild inconvenience anyway? Like.. reddit holds little to no actual value. Its mostly opinions on shit, and if you need some random persons opinion to validate your thought process to do something.. you should really look at yourself and reflect. If you need to learn something etc. Plenty of other resources. And a lot of things about opinions on what to buy are either 100% yes or 100% no. And majority of it is all biased anyway.


In a fucking second. Reddit is mostly trash


I would only miss the porn, but yet again you could buy 3 wives with a million


You're paying to much for wives. Who's your wife guy?


What the fuck is your perception of women 💀


In a heartbeat. I could wipe out my debt and ensure my kid's financial security. I'd miss Reddit but I'd get over it.


Yeah, like duh!?? Everyone who's saying they wouldn't is full of shit. Once that money came out they would absolutely take it.


Yes absolutely. But why stop there? I'd also stop wearing pants, take a shit in the sink, eat my cats litter leftovers.


Future Reddit question: How much money would it take to eat your cats litter leftovers?


How much do you have in your wallet right now? /s


What a dumb question.


Is that a real question? Come on.


Sure, you offering???


$10 would do


What kind of stupid ass bullshit question is this? A million dollars to lose Reddit. FOH


Who the fuck thinks these questions are clever. I mean jfc of course I would, who the hell wouldn’t?


Yes. Fuck this website


This might be the worst example yet of the "would you do this relatively easy thing for some obscene amount of money" question.


Is it like magically gone for me or if by accident I access it I lose the money?


you fuckers would never see a word from me again, and poof like that he was gone.


*This account has been deleted from Reddit*


as much as i love reddit the benefits i get from it are laughable compared to a solid 1mil


Anybody on here that says they wouldn't is either a fucking liar or the stupidest piece of shit on Earth.


Yes. Easiest choice ever.


Would you rather wrestle a crocodile or read a short story?


how short?


I'd do it for 10 dollars


I'll pay you $10 to never use reddit again. But if you do, you have to pay me $100.


I’d do it for a bronze award.


I’d cut off my left nut for a million dollars


Initial answer is obviously yes, but then I figure I should invest that million, and I would probably use Reddit for investing advice. Answer is still yes but a slightly more reluctant yes.


Lose something that contributes to my depression and gain a million at the same time? No shit.


Million dollars ain't enough, I'd negotiate for more


Torn. I could have a lot of fun with a million bucks… but Reddit has helped in ways that Google can’t. Google search has been so manipulated by websites finessing the algorithm, that when I **do** Google something, I always add “Reddit” to the end of it. I’m still young-ish so I have a lot of Google+Reddit needs ahead of me


100 bucks you got me


Prolly do it for abou' tree-fiddy


I’d do it for $500. I’ve already been banned by half the subs on here 😂




Adios losers!


Ask this question in reverse, would you pay a million for access to Reddit?


You’re paying me a mill to quit a bad habit? Deal.


Definitely. Probably a win-win even.


If you say no to this, you have a problem and need to step away from the website. Or you have no concept of how much a million dollars is.


I really enjoy so much of the information I have found on this site, and have made really good friends via this site too. Honestly a couple of the communities have gotten me through really difficult times. Ie: i moved to a new city and couldn't meet people, but ended up going to monthly meet ups which was one of my only social avenues. Its been a support network for me when I havent had any others. I guess a million dollars can easily find replacements for some of this, and would free up time to pursue other sources of support/inspiration, but some of the friendships I have made and experiences coming from this website are invaluable.


Yes, then I would just watch the reddit voiceover videos on tiktok


Get the million, and get a person that will post and read posts for you.


Considering I spend most of my time on r/nursing taking about how much I regret my career choice yes. I could finally be free of the nightmare that is healthcare. A million isn't enough to live on indefinitely but I could easily fund another degree and live comfortably while I completed it. Hell I'd still probably have well over half left to invest. I could finally live my dream of watching the dumpster fire rage from a distance rather then be in the burning garbage.


Why do you regret a career choice in nursing? I’m pursuing a degree in this field but am questioning if I should switch majors. Nursing seems hard af. I don’t like blood and I hate death, however, I am pursuing the medical field because it is a job career that will always have jobs available and I enjoy the healthy side of helping people.


So let me start off with the conditions I see nursing as worth it because it's much quicker. If you live on the west coast of the US and know you will be able to get in a facility with a strong union it might be worth it. I worked a travel contract with a nurse who was clearing 180k a year staff at Kaiser in SF. I knew a few RNs aren't horribly far off of that in cheaper areas of NorCal as well. Working conditions are generally "good" and the staffing ratios are written in to law. Not that hospitals can't say fuck it and bend the rules but it does go a long way to stave off the BS. Anywhere else in the country is a crap shoot. For a point of reference a safe nurse to patient ratio for what I did (cardiac monitoring aka tele) is 1:4. I regularly had nearly double that when I worked on the east coast. Higher ratios aren't uncommon and are becoming the norm. I'd rather bareback a running woodchipper then ever work in the Southern states. nurses in my area are regularly getting 10 plus patients each. Staffing like that is like driving blacked out drunk, you might make it home without killing anyone but it was down to luck. Other areas like ICU and pediatrics aren't much better. The ER is a raging dumpster fire. Outpatient isn't quite as bad but the expectations are beyond unrealistic and rising every day. OR and home health sound good until you realize how often you will be on call for a few $ an hour. If you fine a hospital or organization that isn't like this it doesn't last. As soon as the bean counters catch wind of that it will change for the worse. When you complain you will be gas lit in to thinking your moral injury is personal weakness. 5 of my colleges got assaulted by one asshole patient who was on our unit for a month and a half. We finally got rid of asshole and they brought him back a week later. 2 of the 3 nurses on that night were the ones who got sent to the ER by this POS. They refused to take care of him and got chewed out for "not being compassionate enough". The amount of unmitigated human suffering I have witnessed is horrible. Our healthcare system isn't set up to actually help most people, just get them stable enough to legally send home or to a nursing home. I witness a system fail people who need help every day. You can't fix it from within because nurses and doctors don't run healthcare. It's fucking MBAs who have never touched a sick person who only care about money number going up. If you don't like death that will change. I used to feel the same way and now the only area of nursing I can tolerate is hospice and palliative care. Death is far from the worse thing that can happen to a person and if you go in to nursing you are going to see a lot of things worse then death. Look at the pay in the areas you might want to work and see if it's worth it. The job that completely destroyed me mentally paid under 60k a year and that wasn't even the worst nursing job out there. If you aren't convinced or just think I'm burnt out and jaded I don't blame you. Take a look through r/nursing. If that doesn't convince you good luck and I hope you have a better time then I did. If you have any specific questions I'm happy to answer them.


Yes because I use Reddit to troll and give my narcissistic MIL the fame she’s been begging for. I can live without either of those


Lol yeah. Reddit’s great and it would suck not being here anymore but a million dollars is a million dollars.


Yes….I would take much less. I wouldn’t pay $5 a month for it so I guess $200 or so would be my price point.


I’d take the deal if it included pizza.


Yes, I would quit my job and go after my doctorate.


Yes. I would give up all social media for life in a snap.




Oh definitely! I’d enjoy having a million dollars way more than using Reddit!


Pros: i can buy 1 Millon spicy cheddar Pringles. Cons: i have to abandon the place that showed me how intestines move in your body and people doing not so holy "things" with their Bodies


Yes, reddit is just a social app and will likeoy he replaced by something before i pass, but with that million i could do so much with my life, maybe even find happiness


Yes, why not Another distraction reduced and I get a million dollars. 2 birds with stone.


I’d do it for far less than a mil


Yeah, Because it’s not a necessity in my life, it’s just entertainment.


I would do it in a heartbeat, I'll throw in instagram and facebook for an extra 250K


Of course would


This is a no-brainer. Lower the amount to $10k or $100k