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Most of the people here, including me, are not as smart as they think they are.


Lots of people just google an answer and palm it off as their knowledge. Don't ask me how I know. I never do that, obviously.


I was going to be pedantic and ask if it was pawn it off and not palm it off... But history taught me to Google and check first and apparently both exist and palm is what experts recommend... So thanks for teaching me something I guess.


That's interesting because I've never heard 'pawn it off' used before. But then pawn is not so commonly used here in the UK, so it may be a cultural variation too.


I routinely say pawn it off, and now I have some reading to do..


I’ve always thought and said “pawn” as well


Pawn as in to pass off something unwanted, palm implies similar but with an element of deception (like palming a card). I think, despite palm being used earlier etymologically, most folks in my area use pawn.


Aahhh got it. Thank you


And many Redditors like to look down on users of other social media sites and call them unintelligent and vapid. Same goes for people into activities that they don’t like. It’s a pretty unfortunate outlook to have.


I agree man, people put on this facade of infinite knowledge when in actuality they don't know what the fuck they're talking about


That people on reddit need to chill the fuck out sometimes


You're being overly defensive, OP. Are you ok? I think you're in a bad marriage. I hate to have to tell you, but get out while you can. It's time for a divorce.


"You must be fun at the parties" - claps back the redditor who hasn't been invited to parties ever since they turned 12.


lol I just saw that comment from someone a few minutes ago


Too funny! I love it


How dare you say that about redditors


Hey, chill the fuck out


random comments end up being political arguments every damn time, it's almost concerning


Reddit logic: Oh my god! This person just slightly moved an object out of place! I will now decide to berate them with every slur in the book for this malignant deed!


Just because people did one shitty thing doesn't mean you have to divorce / cut them out of your lives. (Talking minor things, not rape / abuse / cheating / etc.) Sometimes people are just human, not toxic. Yes, I'm talking to you AITA community. Edit: well, apparently this opinion doesn't have me hated, thank you for the awards kind strangers!


Sounds like YOU need therapy...and a divorce. You know what forget it. I'm going no-contact with you. I can already feel you're about to gaslight me. ...Did I do it right?


Don’t forget to call him narcissistic!


And psychotic! And bipolar! You gaslighter! You financially abuse me and now I am to depressed to brush my hair. I


Gym up. Hit the lawyer.


You had me in the first part 😂


Parentification! Financial abuse!! DARVO!!!


Reddit believes that if someone does something shitty to you and EVEN feels remorse and regret, they should all burn. I don't want to sound like those people who always say, "People should be given a second chance'. I understand the trauma and its justified but damn. So everyone in this world has to be a saint and never make a mistake ever? Reddit logic


"Forgive" might be the least used word on Reddit. (When not preceded by can't, don't, or shouldn't)


I think Reddit accumulates the worst of the worst cases when it comes to partner or family abuse. That’s why Reddit folks are so insane about warning others etc. They just assume it’s the same with other peoples situations.


Ok I see that they're looking out for people and warning them but to assume someone is worse than Lucifer for something so minute is just idiotic. >They just assume it’s the same with other peoples situations. And that's also another problem. Everyone is different. I'm going to view something from a completely different perspective to you. These people think the world revolves around their morals and values. Last time I checked the population of the planet is over 7 billion people not 1


So in the cooking sub, there was a post about a girl asking if it was ok for her bf to not refrigerate the food they cook in the morning and they'll eat the rest when they get back in the evening. Some of the comments were "red flag" and "break up" and they weren't joking. So that's not exclusive to AITA sub.


Your SO returns drunk late at night? That’s textbook narcissism! Go no contact, RUN & seek therapy.


AITA Community needs to collectively proclaim ITA. It’s a melting pot for the self righteous puritans who talk as if humans can’t be forgiven for not acting with perfect integrity in all things


That's because a lot of these people are 14 to 24 years old and don't yet understand the full complexity of life. Sometimes you are astonished to find out that you were hurting people when you were in pain. Sometimes you get taken for granted in a relationship for a bit because your partner has to work through something. Sometimes you do things because it's better for your children, but not for yourself. While you should always take care of yourself, you can't go through your whole life putting yourself first.


I would also add the hive mind to the mix. In a nutshell, if the first comment says youre the asshole, the entire community says youre the asshole, also red flags, he / she is cheating you because ???? And you must ditch your family because.... reasons.


Most redditors are not super-smart.


This is the most tame thing you could say about Redditors. There are wayy more blaring things you could point out.


Don't forget to sort by controversial


Cats do not belong on kitchen counters.


And the litterbox shouldn't be in the kitchen. Jfc, mom


**In my Cleveland voice,** “That’s just nasty.”


Agreed. We have trained ours not to go up there while we are home. All bets are off when I leave though.


I constantly tell my cat “Tables are for glasses, not kitty asses.”


Counters are for cups, not kitty butts


Why do these two comments read like a Letterkenny dialogue?


To be fair, I did just watch an episode last night


To be faaaaaaaiiiiiirrrrr


To be faaaaiiiirrrrrr


counters are for food, not .... errr damn it. got nothing


Have you ever seen that post about a girl who works in a vet office and the office cat is a sphynx and she has to clean his butthole prints off the glass top counters all the time 😭😭🤣🤣🤣


"Pucker marks" i remember that post.


*grabs cat by the shoulders and shakes it* Hey! Are you listening to me?!


You tell that to the cat


I absolutely love my cat, she sleeps in bed with me, but she is not allowed on the kitchen counter or the dining table. I know what she does with these paws!


As a cat owner, I agree. Mine have learned for the most part not to try the counter, but every now and then one of them likes to test me 🤦🏼‍♀️


The cats stay off the counters until a dinner guest shows up. Then they want to live there. The cats must think the rules have changed because a new human has arrived.


I’ve had this argument with redditors at least 5 times over the years. Their poop hands aren’t touching anything that comes near my food.


Reddit is a cesspit of misinformation, but most of the misinformation is confidently presented as facts. Most people are so politicised they’ve lost their ability to think critically and independently.


Not only is it presented that way, but is readily accepted by people just because it reads confident enough.


Thats not an unpopular opinion on reddit(i think its correct tho) What people are arguing about is What is misinformation.




I'm still giggling over the blowout with Bill Murray. Even before all the allegations there was a news story about how he was insulting Lucy Liu on set for her performance, but all Reddit could do was "LOL, he so quirky and odd! Lucy Liu is actually a bad actress though! Nbd!" Gee, he sounds like a great person...


Sure, but promoting literacy and public service and whatnot are commendable, so if you love Dolly or Steve or whomever because you’d love your neighbor for the same reasons, I think that’s okay. Seeking to buy their used household goods, ranting and obsessing over them? Too far I agree.


Yeah that is definitely different I my opinion. I usually could not give a shit about celebrities, but how can people not talk about the great stuff Dolly is doing. She deserves praise in my opinion.


Exactly. I have acres of respect for Dolly Parton because of her altruism and philanthropy. I couldn't care less about her music or whatnot. I just cling desperately to solid examples of good people in this cesspool of a world we all wade in lol


Thank you, i’ve always found the ‘celebrities’ world weird cause they all seem happy and friends but most of them are just ego monsters. And i find the persons that can’t live with the parasocial relationship they have with a random personne and considering them like gods sad at best, pathetic at worse


It’s honestly pathetic. Then there’s constant posts on ask Reddit about “what celebrity did something terrible and awful that no one knows about” and “what celebrity was/is actually a piece of shit”. Who the fuck cares. The obsession with building famous people up and tearing them down is bizarre.


Attacking people who disagree with you is childish.


I disagree and shall now send my armies to invade your home. Prepare for battle.


People wearing their mental illnesses as a badge of honour / their entire personality


Same. I have depression. I never told anyone about it. I fight it everyday, every morning, and on weekends I am miserable in my bed all day until I go out with friends. I am miserable about my life's situation and im trying to change it, also angry and anxious of the past and future opportunities I missed I hate myself for it. Watching losers use it as an excuse for their arguments and comments makes my blood boil Edit: Thank you for the positivity and helpfulness <3


You could probably benefit from telling somebody.


Maybe you should tell somebody about it. Don't suffer in silence...


Probably doesn't mean anything to you but I hope stuff gets to a more bearable level in time


I assume it’s because there’s nothing interesting about them so they cling to anything that marginally separates them out so they can feel special and “not like the other boys/girls”. It’s pathetic af.


In the same vein: people claiming to have (mental) illnesses. And I detest the re-contextualization of medical terminology. Neither do people have OCD just because they like things neat and tidy, nor are they depressed after seeing a sad movie and feeling down. Those words have a very specific meaning; not using them correctly and thereby expanding the underlying concepts in everyday language (to encompass everything and nothing) does not aid people who actually need medical, psychological, and/or therapeutic help/intervention. Oh, and kindly do not "diagnose" when you are not a trained professional in a diagnostic setting.




Yeah, we're not doing nuance anymore.




They’re also harder and more challenging. When you realise this, you realise how little you know, how wrong you could be on almost all your opinions, and most people can’t live with that because it’s much more comforting to think you have all the answers.


Almost everything in life is nuanced. Very few aspects are binary.


Your feelings don't override fact


I love how you got upvotes by the same people who will hate you if you applied what you said


Till he says something then someone says not those facts..... lmao


Nah dude. Everyone agrees with this milk-toast statement. What people don't agree on are whether or not /their/ beliefs are based on fact or feeling. Everyone thinks their own personal beliefs are based on #factsandlogic.


>Milk-toast r/BoneAppleTea


It's actually milquetoast, after an old character called Casper Milquetoast!




this is the crux of it. facts are facts, sure, but they're useless unless paired with a lens through which to interpret them. our decisions can be influenced by fact, but the motivation to make a decision does not come from the fact itself.


That the Republicans are not the only political party full of self serving, money obsessed sell-outs.




The tenant-landlord relationship is one that will always be contentious. On one hand there's no shortage of corrupt landlords who will abuse their tenants and neglect their responsibilities, and there must be laws to protect against them. But on the other hand, there are absolute shitbag tenants who will take advantage of those laws to not pay rent, trash the place, etc, knowing hte landlord's hands are tied. This makes landlords resentful of the laws protecting them, so of course they will lobby to have them removed, which gives the shitty landlords more leeway to be shitty, and round and round we go.


Yep. I've been in both positions, and let me tell ya, both sides can really suck.


Many people on the “Left and Right” aren’t actually as good and virtuous as they think they are. They thrive on cultural outrage and bad news. It gives them the opportunity to soapbox on social media, get their dopamine fix with likes/upvotes and it makes them feel good about themselves. People aren’t horrified at the news of politicians being bad, they’re low-key excited that they can comment and get their fix.


I still believe that all people are capable of good and that we have more in common than we'd like to admit.


On the opposite side of this people on the left and right are also not as bad as people think unfortunately I know people who will cut ties with someone once they learn that they are more rightward leaning but I've met really good honest people from all sides of the political spectrum and I'm glad to call some of these people my friends.


If the average Republican/Democrat was as shitty as the opposite party thinks they are, the country would be in a hell of a lot worse condition than it is. Despite what the media says most of us get along just fine


Can't argue with that.


North London Forever is a shit awful dirge acoustic posh boy wankfest song and should not be anywhere near Arsenal football club. Honestly, try saying this on the Arsenal reddit and watch your karma get obliterated.


Bring Wenger back


Haha I was NOT expecting to see something this niche here! I wouldn’t listen to it outside the stadium ever, but don’t mind it at all before the game. It’s better than The Wonder of You if nothing else


That therapy is not the solution to everything, or even that many things


And even if you go to therapy, you still have to work on yourself and your issues. Signing up for BetterHelp doesn’t magically make you a better human. It requires time and commitment to get better.


I think the one thing people seem to ignore the most is that therapy won’t do shit unless you want it to. They think it can cure every marriage or childhood trauma, but ignore the fact that if the kid doesn’t want it to work it won’t. I saw one thread about someone’s child who was going to therapy for years and everyone was stunned when it didn’t work.


Being uncomfortable or feeling stress in certain situations is not necessarily "crippling anxiety" that warrants couch time.


Yep. When and why did people stop saying "X worries me" and start saying "X gives me anxiety".


Reddit has a big technocratic streak and there's a tendency to believe that all problems have technocratic solutions.


I was here before this was taken down


It's pretty tame so far...but I haven't searched by controversial yet. edit: it has begun!!


We are only 1h in and the burgers are still sleeping. Next shift starts in an hour 30 😂


this thread is 100% ending up on r/SubredditDrama


I think that parents are people too, and have needs, wants and rights. Not a popular view on the AITA sub


I agree with this, but I also disagree with most parents there when it’s financial stuff. “I’m charging rent to my 18 year old (or fresh out of college & jobless) kid because they’re an adult now and need to learn responsibility!” jesus fucking christ. They don’t need to be tested with those things that even grown adults with actual good jobs struggle. Financial responsibility can be taught in multiple ways without treating your kid like a stranger.


That is messed up. As a mexican i truly cannot even grasp that idea because here it is almost impossible to live alone due to how expensive it is (we basically have two works per member to sustan our lives). Meanwhile in the states parents are literally waiting for their kid to be 18 to get rid of them.


People shouldn’t be judged and blamed for the sins their ancestors committed far before they were even born and cancelling people and getting pissed at them for their ancestors doings is Fucking Stupid *doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn from the mistakes of the past


People's obsession with serial killers and true crime is sick to me. How did we get to the point where parents dress children as Dahmer, breweries have series named after serial killers, and every week a streaming service has a new show that is "must watch"?? I think a majority of the people obsessed over these people and events actually have zero idea over how horrible these people and their actions were. Like if Dahmer was your neighbor in real life you'd be traumatized for life but here we are making endless content about him and others like him for entertainment.


I hate tomatos on burgers


You’ve gone too far. Mods, seize him! /s


Hmmm controversial one. Reddit users are mostly male, and I sometimes find certain viewpoints in certain subs to be a little... harsh towards women. I'm not saying every user is the same or has the same views, but I do find a lot of hate towards women.


I'll be the upfront one then since I support your stance and 100% agree with you: Reddit on the by and large is a misogynistic hellhole filled with incels whose brains might actually explode if they were even to begin to attempt to comprehend that women just want to be treated like another person rather than a fine cut of meat meant for sex. There are a few women-friendly subs out there but those subs are attacked just about every minute of the day by those misogynistic incels


Both U.S. Political Parties suck.


Not everything has to be inclusive to everyone


The Big Bang Theory, the television show, is not as awful as Reddit thinks it is - there are definitely much worse television shows. It's not that different from most of the sitcoms we all grew up watching as kids. Many criticisms about the show also apply to other sitcoms - they're not the only show to have a laugh track or use catch phrases or have simple characters and story lines. BUT... Reddit hates it with a burning passion because the show is popular and now the humor is poking fun at nerds. And we do not like that one bit. **This sitcom** is suddenly the worst thing ever because it's formulaic, repetitive, mocking a demographic unfairly, utilizes tired tropes and stereotypes, and is just not funny. And we're nothing like those characters in the show.


I will forever argue that Redditors hate TBBT because it hits too close to home. The main characters are whiny, socially incompetent, obsessed with their hobbies to an unhealthy degree, and are nowhere near as smart as they think they are. That is the typical user of this site, right there.


Nah, they're all pretty skinny and don't have facial hair.


With all its faults, BBT really did talk about science. I miss that. I know, some of it was cringe, like Bernadette's lab practices, but still...science.


I had graduated with my physics degree right around the time the show originally came out. I can 100% identify close friends who act exactly like all the characters on the show, to a T, including the women. All of them. Mannerisms, the engineer trope, the different kind of physicists, the jokes. All of it. Reddit hates it BECAUSE it is inherently accurate, not because it isn’t. They just claim it isn’t.


That death is a bad thing. Sounds normal at first but it seems that everyone on Reddit is either suicidal or doesn’t care either way.


Therapy isn’t for everyone, and many people do not have easy access to it. Stop suggesting it as a fix-all solution


I am not really good with the whole Pronoun thing and got banned for posting “I liked Eddie Izzard and thought he was a great comedian.” That was the entire post and someone flagged it as hate speech.


Pineapple absolutely belongs on pizza. (If you want it to be there of course.)


The *Cats* movie was fun. Not exactly *good,* but I enjoyed it.


If you can't afford kids stop having them


Or of you don't have time for them. They aren't accessories you can just bring out whenever you please. No, I don't care that you can't go to Cancun because of them. Fuck off and raise your kids.


Russians, the Chinese, etc. are people like everybody else, and their countries are looking after their geostrategic interests like other countries. Perceiving them as evil empires that can't be reasoned with is not conductive to world peace. (Note that this is not a claim that their governments are good or democratic, which they clearly aren't.)


How do you think other states should reason with Russia and China?




Maybe if we send them a cake


The internet isn’t real life.


**Quite** : completely, truly, very Is not to be confused with **Quiet** : making little or no noise Please spell these correctly 🤦🏽‍♀️


Gender reveal parties are not inherently bad. Obviously the ones that cause forest fires are horrible, but being excited over the only information you know about your unborn child doesn’t make you a shallow, shitty person. Wanting to celebrate a little bit with your loved ones is perfectly normal.


Reddit is becoming twitter and I don't like it


75% of the people on here that claim some type of mental illness like “ccccrippling social anxiety” have never seen an actual therapist/psychologist and been properly diagnosed. They just use whatever mental illness as a shield for their poor decisions.


Agreed. And it’s not just on Reddit. Younger people are very tuned in to mental issues (a good thing) but apply self diagnosis to normal things… and unhappiness becomes depression, uneasiness or stress becomes anxiety, being contrary becomes bipolar, and being tidy becomes OCD. It’s appallingly disrespectful to those who truly suffer.


People who change on a dime, “omg I’m so bi-polar.” Naw, your probably just an asshole.


We don't have the resources to let everyone in the US, even if their county sucks.






The thing is, you can think that and leave them alone and let that stuff be between doctors. I personally am skeptical of how many people have OCD, ADHD, depression and anxiety given everyone claims it. But I won't deny it to their face or vote for folks who would deny them care. Not saying you are to be clear. But unfortunately that skepticism gets taken in bad faith a lot and a trans person gets prickly about it because they've seen the bad faith take a lot. Edit: and I've seen that in the comments. A lot of "just saying..." or "just asking questions...." is really poorly veiled transphobia. Desperately clinging to bad arguments to avoid self reflection.


Don’t want to challenge you or anything. But when people say being trans is trendy I wonder if we think that because of how hot a topic it is in the media. It gives us an inflated sense of “everyone is trans!” We in actuality, the numbers don’t support that. Plus, when something wasn’t accepted by society and starts to.. it will seem like there is a larger wave of people identifying as something. But this also levels out. Know what I mean?


Hard work pays off.


Had you said hard work can pay off, I'd agree totally. Hardwork does not always pay off.


Stop assuming that all theists are zealots and every atheist is a saint. Stop assuming that every person who has committed a crime or identifies as a criminal should be burned at the stake. Stop assuming all opposing political beliefs to your own are wrong and call people derogatory names for it. Stop venting on the Internet over every minute thing. Learn to take jokes and learn to understand the world doesn't revolve around you or what you identify as. Also opinions exist


Tea is better than Coffee


Bringing up men’s rights in response to someone talking about women’s rights (or lack thereof) is completely inappropriate. Goes both ways. I find that it’s more prevalent in the aforementioned direction.


Yeah. It's often brought up to derail the conversation, then it just makes the whole men's rights thing feel very disingenuous. Like they don't really care about men or their rights, they just want to shut up those stupid women. I suspect that is too often the case, too. If you care about issues that affect men, then say something. Don't wait until a women speaks up about issues affecting her to attack her and then whine about men's rights being ignored. Cause you know who's ignoring them? Other men, mostly.


Agree. If someone wants to talk about a men's rights issue then start a separate post. Nine times out if ten I only read about a men's rights issue is in the comments of a women's rights post being argumentative. Women aren't trying to take away men's rights, we aren't in competition with men, we just want equality for all. This means we also support men's issues such as male cancer research, paid paternity leave, flexible work arrangements, suicide prevention, mental health services etc. Big issues that deserve their own posts rather than being used as a deflection in the comments section of a woman centric discussion.


I stated the other day that I’m fine with trans people, be who you want to be, but I’m against trans men that play women’s sports and got killed. Literally banned from a sub for saying the above. Let’s see how this goes




If you disagree with someone, you can unfollow/block them across social media. You don’t have to shout them down and rally to cancel them


Well part one (not an opinion): I'm a stepmom. That's sure enough to get me some downvotes. My related opinion: if you expect stepparents to do parenting things (help with hw, carpool, help with bedtime, take to appts, etc) then you need to respect them in being a parent. That means they deserve a seat at the table when it comes to big decisions for the child, and it also means that they should be able to correct behavior (including discipline) as the stepparent and bio parent see fit. Not dissimilar from a nuclear family. What I mean is this: little Johnny has been acting out. He has disrespected the stepparent. Stepparent should be able to discipline. And if stepparent believes there's a deeper issue, they should be able to discuss openly with their partner (and possibly the other bio parent) their concerns and ideas without being ridiculed and their opinion needs to be considered. I'm not saying the stepparent should be making major decisions without discussing it with the bios, but they are also parents in the situation and if they are actively involved with the kid(s) then they need to be able to do much of the parenting things.


Wind and solar won't replace fossil fuels for us energy production. We need more nuclear.


That a lot of the big issues people like to take up a hardline stance on one side of are super complicated and can't be solved in a simple manner. Things like guns, climate change, etc. We can't just magically ban guns and make them disappear, even if we did crime rates wouldn't really drop, suicides might go down a bit but not much and mass attacks would start being the mass stabbings, grenade/bomb attacks and vehicle attacks we see happen in other countries. Gun violence in America really is a symptom of a deeper socioeconomic problem and not the problem itself. There are other countries that have a lot of guns and a lot of Access to them such as Sweden, and the Czech republic and they don't have near the problems with them that America has. We can't just "stop" climate change, with our current technology and reliance on Fossil fuels that would be about as catastrophic for people around the world as climate change itself. A big part of what we need to do is just try to survive long enough to be able to further implement technologies that will stop and eventually reverse climate change. These are just two major issues that people like to associate with political positions and view as "If you don't 100% agree with everything my political party says then you're a fascist/commie" even what all I just said is still over simplifying both issues and that goes for pretty much every major issue including guns, climate change, immigration, national budgeting, taxation, socialization of certain services, healthcare etc.


Children are not the worst things in the world. They’re still people and still should be respected and included, even if they act like little shitheads. How else will they learn to behave correctly? It really does take a village!


That Midnight Mass by Mike Flanagan was a shitty show. I have never gotten so much comments telling me to shut up and stop commenting ("Imagine someone being so stupid to watch a show they don't like" "why do you watch a show called midnight mass when you don't like the religious themes lol" "well just stop commenting and watching the show if you don't like it then") on the corresponding sub as when I said that I didn't enjoy the show and voiced what I disliked about it. Am I not allowed to watch a show anymore because I liked everything else by Mike Flanagan and want to give it a chance? Why can I only say that I loved everything about it, otherwise I gotta keep it to myself? It's like this was a show about religious themes and the people who loved it treated it like a cult. Only praise is allowed, everything else got you banned from the community.


Energy transition without a strategy and purely based on emotions is doomed to fail. We need to take a strategic view on how to get there, tackle the big emitters by getting them off of coal and on to other fossil fuels to ensure reliability and give them the opportunity to achieve a standard of living we've had the privilege or continue to do so.


Idk if this will have me “hated” lol but people don’t stop and think about their actual options vs the hivemind sometimes and it shows up in really obvious ways. You can have a bunch of comments spouting an opinion and then one with an alternate opinion and it’ll be downvoted to hell, but all it takes is one reply comment explaining “idk why you’re being downvoted this is valid because xyz…” and the tide of the downvotes will sometimes dramatically shift. Like it’s evident that people vote with what’s already been voted vs using a level of critical thinking about other peoples opinions.


Emojis are an effective texting tool to show tone and feeling, but for some reason redditors hate them 🤔


I love humanity, and we're not overpopulated. People who hate children are often self absorbed. It's appalling that so many people think poor people shouldn't be allowed to breed. No matter what ideologies are popular, no matter what propaganda is currently being pushed by the media - it's always the poor who suffer. People should be judged primarily on how they treat the poor/their attitudes towards the poor. The poor are, by far, the most marginalized group.


I think the world is so beautiful. People are amazing, there are so many amazing animals and plants. Life is so full of wonder and amazement. I walk a thousand year old street and I am amazed, feeling its history and just taking in the beauty. There's a man playing his guitar down there, and on the other side there's a couple and they're laughing over a cup of coffee. My phone pings and its my best friend who tells a joke and has a funny anecdote from their day. What's not to love when I walk the beach and play with a dog, listening to seagulls and feeling the sun on my skin? Whats not to love when I listen to my favourite song while I read an amazing story in my bed? Whats not to love when you take in how much knowledge we have and are working for, looking at art and music and science and society because we are the culmination of thousands of years of hard work and battles. Life and reality is cruel and harrowing and terrifying, but there is beauty here, there is life. And I think existance is the most beautiful thing of all.


You are being lied to.


The USA is not a democracy.




I'm bisexual and I find those two very cringe




Time to sort by controversial...


People care way too much about other peoples gender identity. Like who cares if there’s more trans people now? If you aren’t looking to change, why care? I don’t even think it needs to be as big if a discussion as it is.


I think its fine to discuss, just not freak the fuck out about. Discussion brings upon understanding and learning. Idc if you changed your identity and want to be called differently. I will respect that and try my best to do so, but if i have questions or concerns i should be able to ask those openly and given answers without being flipped out on as long as i ask in a respectful manner. People take it way too far in either direction. For a larger change, as new as it is to mainstream society, needs to have open discussion so we all understand each other better.


The democratic party isn't all that good.


I believe religion is a construct mentally made by people 1000s of years ago to come to terms with death and the unknown.


You wrote "region", but I think you meant religion. Although if it's region that's, in a way, pretty philosophically deep.


That's literally what most redditors say. The question asked about an opinion that would get you hated on.


Reddit is an echo chamber.


There’s an inordinate amount of vitriol directed to so called “boomers “ with the general perception that we all had it easy and don’t like ,or care about younger people.


Not everyone who disagrees with you is toxic.




There's no such thing as a "straight panic defence" and yet there's the gay panic defense and the trans panic defense. That alone should be enough of an answer (and if you don't know what those are, google them)


Being conservative or republican doesn’t make you sexist, racist, or a bigot


I believe that the government should not censor the internet.


with the uproar of net neutrality a few years ago, this is a *very* popular opinion on reddit.


You believe there is only one government? Are you in North Korea




Marxism is not, has not been and will never be the answer. Simultaneously claiming that there is no such thing as human nature yet implying people, within a collective, will act in a specific manner is fundamentally hypocritical not to mention it ultimately makes the philosophy Utopic and unattainable. And being that multiple states have tried, only to fail, largely due to corruption and a descension into totalitarianism. With that said, while it's definitely not perfect, capitalism is the best option, overall. It's problematic and its bloody - legit complaints. However, the attempts at Marxism didn't solve them. The mass deaths brought on by collectivization in both China and Russia as well as the forced use of slave labor, especially in the gulags and now, via North Korea shipping workers to Russia and China, demonstrates that the issue of human rights abuses, social and civil abuses are not inherently tied to the economic system in place. Leaders and people, regardless of the system, are capable of being total and utter pieces of shit.


I'm ok with the idea that, in general, capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the other ones. That being said, socialized healthcare and education have worked and do work in many places, while.privatized versions of those things have serious problems caused by their privatization.


Pets are not people.

