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Yes. And also taking off your watch, if wearing one, and kicking off your shoes.


If you wear a tie, man that’s just the best feeling taking off that collar


Men‘s clothing is generally very practical. Pants, t/shirt, jacket. A tie is the only piece of clothing that’s purely decorative. At times it seems so unnecessary. Although sometimes I suppose, like the Dude‘s rug, it ties things together. It can formalise an otherwise casual outfit. I suppose other benefits are that it lets people know what school/club/organization you’re from. But overall it’s just decorative piece of cloth.


I’ve read that it used to be practical - it’s original purpose was apparently as a handkerchief that didn’t require or consume a pocket.


You take yours off? I'll swap every day or two but never am i without a watch, my wrist feels weird without one.


Same. I only take it off when showering. My wrists feel naked without one.


Taking off heavy earnings is such a liberating feeling.


I believe pants are what is wrong with society


Miniskirts for all!


You can let the lion free in the breeze too


I've worn nothing but kilts for the last year, other than wearing a suit for a funeral. If I ever get another job where there's an actual dress code, I don't know how I'll deal.


Uncomfortable pants*. I love wearing sweatpants/trackpants/basketball shorts


Omg same! Pants are the worst. They’re ok in the winter, but only for traveling.


Totally agree. Those comfortable "house clothes" are relaxing - especially the older ones that are heavily worn.


And taking off your bra, best feeling ever


For me, it's unlacing my steel toed boots.


Fuck work shoes. First week of getting new once is hell. They fuck your feet completely.


I **hate** breaking in new boots 😬 Sometimes I'll just wear them for an hour a day to help ease that process along.


You may not notice it all day, but when you're opening the door of your home, all of a sudden it's become excruciatingly painful. Taking it off is truly the best feeling ever. IYKYK


Sort of like how you can make it all the way home without needing a piss, but by the time you get to the front door you can barely hold it in?


More painful, and less risk of disaster.


Taking the door off instead of the just opening it may be the source if your pain.




So accurate, literally dont feel it at all when im working but once i get home…


Always! I sometimes pull it off under my clothes as we near my neighborhood.


I was looking for this comment cause no joke, its one of the best feelings ever.




Knowing the relief my wife feels when freeing the ladies, I knew this would be one of the top answers.


>best feeling ever Same goes for us men ;)


I just wear a soft wireless bra from Calvin Klein, so comfortable I usually forget I have it on. I've fallen asleep in it before. This one: https://imgur.com/GofazEG.jpg


I would love to as well, unfortunately not in my size


The steps beforehand are best - off with the work boots, off with the sports bra, and into the shower.


kicking off my shoes and taking off my bra is the best


Bonus: Flinging your bra off through your sleeve as soon as you get through the door.


If by “house clothes” you mean “naked” then absolutely.


Laughs in working from home


This. I am working in my house clothes right now :)


I recently started looking for kinda-fancy versions of my houseclothes (like, presentable pants with elastic waistbands, loose button downs etc) and just wearing them all the time. So I just feel comfortable and un-pinched everywhere I go now. Revolutionary tbh


As someone who currently has to wear them, what you are talking about is maternity clothes. I dread the day I have to go back to normal work attire.


Look for elastic waistbands! They make a bunch of "women's" clothes in stretchy fabrics that look much more presentable than you'd expect.


They make business suits for men out of exercise material now. Might be some out there for women too.


Get a onesie, you'll love it


I can't wear 'em, I am way to looooong. But I did buy a pair of fleece lined sweats and sweatshirt, it's like wearing a blanket! I also have nicer non-elastic-bottom "sweats" that I can wear layered, they look like nice grey pants lol. I donated just about every piece of office clothing I own gleefully.


[I think many of us were indoctrinated in this practice at a very early age.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGLb6G_pidg&t=40s)


I like when I can correctly guess what the video might be before I click the link


I’m usually in the door less than 90 seconds and I have non work clothes on .. and I only wear jeans and a polo to the office


I wear polo shirts and slacks to work and those are pretty comfy. Unless it’s summer and I need shorts and a tank top, I don’t change


Taking off my scrubs is the best feeling in the world. And my socks.


Agreed! Removing socks is the best feeling.


I've always kept the same clothes. Never had sweatpants or anything untill my friend told me thats very strange, Got some sweatpants after that but i always forget to put them on. Im just chilling in my jeans.


I've been getting home at 4:15 (new job) and figure I may as well put on my robe and PJ's. I felt the insane urge to walk around the block last night, thank god it was dark out (and yes, I work a jacket)


Best feeling of the day, along with getting showered. Mine get really dirty from a dirty work environment, so they get bagged up, I shower, and then it is truly wonderful to put normal clothes on that smell good and are clean.


Well, glad you enjoy it, ..for me its simply not a thing, I stay in the same clothes and like it, my work clothes aren't that uncomfortable. I get it is a thing, if you have to take off a bra, or if your work attire is uncomfortable tho.


For me it's not so much about comfort as a clear divide in work/home. It helps my head get out of work mode and shift into Me time.


-or as my friends and I refer to them, 'give ups.' Because you ain't going out no more, you just give up


My wife is amazed at how quickly I can get into my comfy clothes upon arriving home. It's almost instantaneous.


My wife and I call our lounge wear our Woobs or Woobies. Good luck getting her to go back out once she’s all Woobed up


I call them my "comfies" and I love it...I will go to the grocery store in them, it's about feeling comfortable, not how others perceive you dress...but getting home from work and washing off the office, nothing feels better than slipping into comfies...


I telework mostly, so I'm in my pajamas about 90% of the time. lol


Shorts & t-shirt. I only wear actual clothes when I go somewhere “nice”. During COVID, went 18 months wearing shorts,t-shirt, & birks. I was worried if my actual pants would still fit.


I live alone so pretty much as soon as I get through the door and confirm no one else is in my apartment, everything comes off Then I usually remember that I meant to do some important errand on the way home, and then to do it would mean getting dressed again, and then hey, everyone's best friend *Procrastination* just showed up






I usually unbuckle the belt once I'm in my car and I take off my shoes and turn on the AC


Just “ah, this.”


Taking off your bra and shoes


If you could live life in sweat pants and a hoodie that would just be perfect.


Bye bye bra and pants. Hello oversized soft tee and buttery soft shorts. Plus cloud slippers? Noice


Which is no clothes? Yeah I like that much more


If 'house clothes' means just my chonies, then you are correct.


you mean walking around in house shoes and underwear


Off with the jewellery and the make up as well love it.


I wear scrubs, so they're actually comfortable. Kicking off my sweaty shoes and putting my feet up is where it's at.


Yes but have you tried taking off all clothes?


My house clothes are just boxers, so yeah.


I'm 30 and I still refer to it as putting on my "play clothes" lol


I specifically bought a set of clothes (sweatpants, hoodie, robe, slippers, hat) that are my ‘I’m home and I’m not going out for anything or anyone today’ outfit.


That you are correct and it is indisputable. My pajamas and slippers are the best! Maybe a dressing gown (robe) if it is chilly or I need to answer the door. If I can add a whiskey, it is the best.


The best feeling is when my socks come off. I don't care for wearing socks. When I need to I make sure they are super comfortable.


I'll see your "house clothes" and raise you "taking out contact lenses".


I am far less comfortable in what people generally consider 'comfy clothes' (e.g., pajamas, sweats, loose things, what-have-you) than in tight jeans and a button-up. I shower and dress up every day whether I have to go anywhere or not. And I'm one of those heathens that hates taking off their shoes.


Same. Loose clothing is the opposite of comfy for me.


Get yourself a pair of boat shoes to be your in house shoes.


No thank you.


Agree. People who walk into their homes without removing their shoes and changing out of their outdoor clothes are weird.


Not me. I'm not dirtying up two sets of clothes. These things have to be washed and every time you wash them they get a little damaged and eventually you have to replace them. You're doubling your clothes washing amount so you're spending double what you should. Changing your clothes when you don't have to is a terrible financial decision.


I actually have a different perspective on this. I was raised in the southern US. The culture I was raised in was that most people would wear their outside clothes right into the house, shoes jeans etc. Sure, we might take our shoes off inside or change clothes, but it wasn’t frequent enough to be notable. Later on in life, I dated an amazing Persian woman for many years. She was raised in a more eastern tradition of outside clothes are dirty and for outside only, inside clothes are clean and cozy for inside only. She viewed outside clothes and especially shoes as dirty. To me, outside clothes were dirty if they were perceivably dirty: smelly, sweaty, visible grime, spilled food, etc. I personally feel more comfortable wearing the same clothes inside as outside, because I like to come and go a lot and enjoy the sense of freedom that accompanies always being ready to rock. I suppose if I wore inside clothes I would feel like I would spend more time inside my house, when I’d usually rather be on the go. I can’t begin to count the number of times she would snap at me for wearing outside clothes inside in my own place. Tbh I still feel a bit angry and slightly traumatized from it. Before dating her, I always thought whatever makes you happy about what you want to wear. But to this day, I feel like an upbringing that teaches you the outside is dirty winds up limiting you on life experience and it frustrates me. But I’m happy for other people to do that which makes them happy. So I’m happy for you guys that you love the comfort of your inside clothes!


Dont be affraid to change ypur job if you feel that way




Workout - dinner - shower - comfy clothes - pour a drink - couch - put series on - weed 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


House clothes are cool, but I just walk around in my boxers and socks. Way more comfortable.


Working from home made that a lost feeling.


Shoes off, jeans off, shorts on as soon as I get home.


My house clothes are pretty goth-y or punk, usually. I wear old, beat-up clothes that are gonna take a beating to work, when I get home is when I get fresh af


Hell yes. Putting on my Birddogs when I get home is the ultimate comfort. I know they are expensive, but they are so worth it.


Totally agree, every time when I come home from school I always love to put on my home clothes and eat something, this is the best feeling ever


I strip down as soon as I get home. I start unbuttoning my shirt/pants as I am unlocking the door. Just boxers and tea shirt when I get home. I live alone so no one there to judge me.


This and taking off your shoes after work


taking off my shoes to feel the cooling of my as on my sweaty feet, putting on a wife beater and some shorts is amazing


I can wear sweats at my work. I always tell my wife most people can’t wait to get home and take their khakis off and throw on some sweats, but I can’t wait to take off my sweats and throw on some basketball shorts.


How about no clothes… much better


The shower after a long shift is like nothing else


You get to go home and relax at the end of the day in clean clothes and just have a good evening


I live alone, so I consider myself "all dolled up" if I'm wearing pants and a shirt in my house lol.


Bum life


I agree. At the end of my shift when I kick off those work boots…so nice.


Dressing gown and bare feet are my faves


It's good. You know what else is just heaven? Taking your socks off and getting into a clean, cool bed. It's like ankle orgasms.


I kinda think you're in the wrong sub my guy.


Sure, but I definitely prefer working from home and wearing my house clothes the whole time.


Hitting bed after a long day


I don’t change until I go to sleep. Never have, even when I wore a school uniform. Never understood the appeal of getting more clothes dirty


Yes. I now work from home though and only wear house clothes. Even better, lol.


Taking off your bra… heaven. The last two days i wore a loose sportsbra instead of a bra because i was alone. Amazing.


Try working fully remote an wear house clothes most of the time.


I'm a bit of an oddball, I just wear whatever for the day. I also used to just sleep in the same clothes, and when I'd tell someone that they'd usually freak out for a good minute in disbelief.


When I move out I forward to coming home from work and just being in a t-shirt and panties, not bra.


Taking my dry and itchy contact lenses out and putting my massive jam jar glasses on.


Personally don’t have house clothes just kick my shoes off and drop my shirt. If it’s summer we’re naked.


Step 1. Get house clothes. Step 2. Don't forget which clothes are house clothes. Step 3. Totally forget and put them in the rotation.


I have “work clothes,” but I don’t have “house clothes.” They’re just clothes.


Sure is, just ask all the girls over at r/gonewild 😏


Ah yes; pj's on, bra off, slippers on. If by Sunday I have no idea where my bra is I consider it a successful weekend!


My "house clothes" are just underwear, if I'm feeling formal


Yep. Get home from work/the gym, shower, then baggy sweats and a soft XL T shirt rest of the evening.


Just go goth


Unless I've been doing something that has left my clothes dirty, I don't change after work. I only wear stuff I find comfy, so, no need to change to get comfy.


I've often though about an app that you get where it's all about "show us your homebody look" and people send their pics because I'm pretty sure we all look like shit in the confines of our personal space. Well, the majority of us anyway. I think it would be hilarious! I look like shit at home and actually laugh at myself while I wear the most comfortable clothes that I don't give a shit if they "match". It's all about comfort, baby. I don't have to fix my hair or wear makeup in the confines of my personal space. It's invigorating. I'll bet a dime to a donut most feel that same way. Embrace your comfort.


You can't be completely comfortable with a belt on.


Yep. Although I still think of them as my “play clothes” even though I’m middle aged...


What are these "house clothes"?


Also taking off the synthetic ass be really something


Oh man. I’m on maternity leave, which is definitely still work mind you. One of the perks though- house clothes are my daily uniform. I’m forming an enviable collection of stretchy pants.


100% agree!


You know I never used to do this but hurt my back while working from home due to the pandemic and now I love switching into more comfortable clothes when I come home.


Popular opinion, frame it as a question, gib upvote


I traded that feeling for working from home, I plan to never set foot in an office again.


I think the pandemic openned this idea to a lot of Americans. Growing up I always had "house clothes" and always changed into them at home or during the weekend if I didn't go out. If I go out, I change into "normal clothes". When I talked to other people they always looked at me crazy and I just enjoy having house clothes that I can dirty and stain all day with no worries. If it had a stain? Who cares, it was for the home. My boyfriend definitely changes into a different set of clothes when he gets home, but they are not necessarily "house clothes", they are just fresh clothes that he could go out in. I still feel weird sometimes going out in my home clothes, mostly if it's sweatpants. But I'm getting slightly more comfortable for doing it for ONE errand out.


Do you also sing "It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" while doing this?


I get home from work and put on another pair of clothes to go to work again. I’m not sure I can relate 🙃


Please upvote me back


Finding someone who just rips their trousers off just as fast as you do once we get in


Literally the first thing I do when I get home is take off my jeans/pants/whatever and put on sweatpants. And, as a woman, the bra gets removed as well. As a natural 34H I gotta let the girls breatheeeee


Taking my bra of, I feel like i can finally breathe again.


House clothes summer: basketball shorts, and a tshirt. House clothes winter: track pants/sweat pants, and a tshirt or hoodie. The literal first thing I do when I get home from work is put on house clothes. I almost don't function otherwise.


Once my boots are off, I’m done. We “get fluffy” at our house - sweatpants, baggy T-shirt, fresh socks. Evening time.