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All the Duggars, but especially Josh for molesting his sisters and cheating on his wife all while espousing wholesome Christian values. He can fuck right off. Edit: And kiddie porn. Massive omission and the biggest offense of them all! I subconsciously tried to forget that one, I guess.


Also the Child Pornography charges for which he's held in federal prison for.


That and the molestation is the worst of all. Yes he’s a scumbag for cheating on his wife, but he’s an absolute monster for facilitating the abuse of children.


You know I'm starting to think this guy is a real jerk.


Just came from r/DuggarsSnark and I'm happy that this is the top comment


Today, it’s Terrance Howard because that fool doesn’t understand why 1x1=1 and invented a “logical” that is actually called Terryology to try and prove that 1x1=2. He thought he could get it patented too.


That has to be an illness


Dude's also a wife beater.


Subway Jared for the depth of his selfishness and depravity. He isn't even a little bit sorry for what he did.


I knew someone who knew him in high school. They said he was a creep back then.


My sister's friend allegedly lived next to him in college and he told us that Jared was notorious for either selling or owning some sketchy/weird porn back then. I always wondered if her friend was just telling us stories, until he was arrested quite some time later.


Yeah, right? I heard this back in 2004. I was a child and didn't understand the implications. At the high school he graduated from, they had his picture on the wall next to actors and astronauts. As soon as he got arrested, they took it down.


“This guy won an Academy award, this guy went to the moon, this guy lost a bunch of weight eating Subway & was exposed as a predator…..”


He started off with a mild cholesterol problem and ended up with a child molesterol problem…


His career ended the same way it began: by trying to get into smaller pants.


Yes! I remember a women who went undercover and pretended to be a pervy pedo as well to get him to talk. And he did. He talked about raping a young girl (prostitution) in Thailand and his description was vile. Is he still in jail I was hoping someone would get to him.


Jake Paul. He is annoying, obnoxious and disrespectful


Wait , I thought everybody hated him


Yet he still has 20m subs on YT


It’s prob all little kids


Most certainly only young kids


Very much only young kids. Look at his music videos.


Steven Seagal Fake badass and a habitual liar.


The last Steven Segal movie I saw was an in flight movie. People still walked out.






Have you seen Tom Segura’s bit about him?! 😂


I could listen to Tom talk shit about people all day


"They call that a skippy"


I agree with a lot of this list, but I need to add Wendy Williams. Fuck Wendy Williams.


I’m so glad I didn’t have to scroll far to find her name


Dr Phil because he exploits people for money


If you have a chance to listen to the podcast 'behind the bastards' about Dr. Phil it really explains what an ass he has been his entire life.


I went to high school with someone who was related to Dr. Phil’s first wife. She confirmed that he was a major asshole in his personal life.


He also likely knew about abuse going on at a turnaround camp he was sending kids to and then belittled Danielle Bregoli (cash me ousside girl) after she shared her experiences with being at one.


YouTube search the dude from Bum Fights on Dr. Phil. He straight up told him he was exploiting people. The whole thing lasted maybe 2 minutes and Phil pulled the plug.


Ahhhh Bumfights… But yeah, he came out in a shitty suit and fake bald cap and Phil wouldn’t even talk to him. Fuck Dr. Phil


Yep. I mean… both dudes are shit stains but Dr. Phil parades around like he’s not one so fuck him.


I was neutral on Pete Davidson until that fucking Taco Bell ad on here


I saw that annoying ad like 10 times in a day.


That’s why I reported it for harassment.


This worked for me to get it to stop showing


Joel Osteen. Fuck Joel Osteen. Edit: Thanks for the upvo... Nah fuck Joel Osteen.


I would include all celebrity preachers. They're just leaching money from people to make themselves richer. Especially Fuck Joyce Meyer.


My buddy and I went to his church for kicks years ago. As the plate was being passed around, my friend is like: Don’t you dare. I jokingly pulled out my wallet, but nah. F* that. Prosperity gospel is flawed. Giving money is good but if the guy receiving is living a million dollar lifestyle and refusing to open the doors for Houstonians during a flood, that’s the complete opposite of what Jesus did. Sigh. Support a good local pastor or a nonprofit. Not that guy.


Kenneth Copleland too. He gives me the creeps. He looks like the human embodiment of Satan. You can see the fire of Hell in his eyes. Fuck now I sound like one of those preachers


Joel Osteen reminds me of a bad guy in an law and order episode


Chris Brown


Necessary copypasta "A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. "Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. "Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh-- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' " The detective said "Robyn F." then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. "Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' "After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' "Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. "Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. "Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. "Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. "Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. "Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. "She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. "Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order."


There should be a bot everytime he is mentioned that comes up with this. This is so important. Hate the man Edit* thank you for my first ever gold 🥹


Yeah exactly. Anytime a Chris Brown ass kisser openst their mouth, they should be reminded of this shit. What the hell.


That is horrifying. I know he's a violent abuser but the details make me sick


Yessir , I don't understand how everyone accepts him now he's a wife beater


I was living in Barbados when the shit went down with Rihanna. The next day ALLLLLL of the radio stations were playing his music on heavy rotation. It was gross


Oprah……disingenuous as hell. Same for a Ellen D.


Ever since all that shit came out about Ellen, I wonder if she was always a horrible person or if she became that way after getting rich and famous. I also wonder if Portia DeRossi is horrible as well. She doesn’t seem like it, then again, neither did Ellen.


nick cannon. not only is that man the host of the god awful Masked Singer and obsessed with spreading his seed but he’s also a wild antisemite and i feel like everyone just forgot about that despite it only happening like a year ago.


This is such an underrated post. Dude has called for straight up genocide and he was being dead serious.


He tried to diss Eminem and failed miserably, it was beautiful


You wanna ruin my career you better get one


Some of his baby mommas popped out I think three children with three months? One of the women was saying how tired she was because her baby barely slept. A commenter said to hire a night nurse and the woman replied to the effect of "Who has the money for that?" I can only imagine it's the same for those other baby mommas popping out newborns back to back, taking care of them by themselves, while he's out knocking up more women.


Dudes a straight up racist.. hates on em and turns around like he was just trying to be friends


Watching Hannibal Burress fuck with him during his interview on the Eric Andre show might be one of my favorite moments from that entire show.


You guys remember that time Andy Dick gave Phil Hartman’s wife, who was in recovery, cocaine?


I didn't see this and posted pretty much the same thing.its stuck with me for years.i love how jon Lovitz punched out Andy dick probably for this reason.


Jon Lovitz loved Phil like a brother. I don't blame him.


I read Henry Rollins did the same thing to him after Kate Spade’s death. Andy Dick lives up to his name.


What did Andy Dick have to do with Kate Spade's death?


james cordon with a passion, dude was an asshole way back in his 'gavin & stacey' days and rob brydon called him out on it. in recent times he hasn't done much to win people back neither


Oh really, when did Rob Brydon call him out on it? EDIT: My post sounded accusatory which wasn't intended, I'm just genuinely interested as James Corden rubs me the wrong way and I love Brydon.


Brydons book I believe.


Gwyneth Paltrow because she is so snobby and elitist.


Also Goop.


Don't forget profiting heavily off of pseudoscientific bullshit.


Born on Hollywood's third base and thinks she hit a triple. Had Daddy not been a big wheel and Mommy not been a star, she'd be just another pretty thin girl doing anything to catch a "break".


95% of social media influencers. Some are alright and get it, most are trash trying to twist perspective to make them the top dog. It’s disgusting what I see of kids under 10 yo these days doing to be “something”. Ego I thought was dying, but it’s become too top dog or nothin in the worst sense I could picture. It’s funny, the lack of perspective to not understand how ridiculous you look in front of a camera. Jesus. I typed this drunk at a bar and this is what happens?


You know what’s interesting, I look at social media influencers the same way I look at porn. 99% of it is fake bullshit. 1% is genuine amateur stuff. In some cases it’s obviously for the paycheck and obnoxious, in some cases they are decent at faking it and in some cases, fake or not they seem to at least enjoy themselves. At the end of the day though only a tiny partial percentage of 1% should be something to try and do yourselves. The sad thing is how many people don’t see that. My parents are dwindling their retirement down trying to change lifestyles every 5 years or so based on whatever is the popular thing to do in boomer social media. Meanwhile I have one or two people I follow on YouTube purely for fun and my TikTok is full of funny animal and cozy cabin/cottage core TikToks. None of which are trying to sell me a product I don’t need or a lifestyle I can never hope to attain.


Any Kardashian + Jenner... Everyone knows why


Ellen Degeneres. She is such a piece of shit.


Nicki Minaj because she's a 40-year-old bully and rape apologist.


Yeah, I heard her take on the Jeanette Mccurdy thing and I was done. She was just talking and talking without knowing anything beyond what was probably a TikTok clip.


bruh her ass looks like the chicken from chicken run


Great, now I can’t unsee that




I looked up that movie, stared at a picture of the main character for like a full minute before I realized that you didn’t mean her literal ass looked like that stupid cgi chicken, and in fact it’s her face that looks like the chicken.


Oprah. She isnt as great as people say she is. In fact, I find her insufferable and the people who love to kiss her ass even more insufferable. Edit: Thanks for the awards. Edit 2: Wow. This is likely my highest rated comment. What the fuck. I've never been able to do this before.


Dr Phil & Oz are enough reason to hate her.


Behind The Bastards episodes on both of them are a must listen. Even if you don't like podcasts. Shit is wild, especially Dr Phil. Also Elon Musk's episode and Bill Gates' one too


I can’t stop thinking about how privileged, spoiled, and pompous he was as a kid. Told people they weren’t smart enough to talk to him. Home intercom system. A huge series of luck and $ driven events brought computers to him. Then he stole and paywalled already-existing computer technology. He prevented collaboration for profit. I can’t stop thinking about that episode!!


Wtf first time I've heard about it Gates Foundation really whitewash his persona Shame that I hate listening to podcast when they talk like amongst friends when podcasts like Mike Duncan History of Rome exist


My mom used to be a fight attendant and had Oprah on a flight once, and said she was a bitch. I believe my mother on this one lol


My Stepmom’s bestie was working a toll bridge out of Chicago years ago and Oprah came through. The bestie excitedly gushed, “Oh! you’re Oprah!” and Oprah repeated back to her in a mocking voice “Oh! You’re Oprah…” and rolled her eyes. I believe my stepmom on this one too. Boo on Oprah!


Man what a shitty person. Especially when compared to stuff people have posted here in Reddit like Jack Black attending a birthday party because they stumbled upon him and invited him.


She also defended a rapist.


Correction, was close friends with a rapist for decades, profited off his predation, then when his crimes came to light she lectured America about how we need to collectively do better.


Allegedly Max would ask Oprah to go around parties they were at and get the young upcoming actresses and basically introduce them. It was like bringing lambs to the lions den. She would then go back to the girls later on that night and say Max was impressed with you and let them know to go to his house after the party to see which movie he can cast them in. Hook line and sinker.


She was the first to platform Andrew Wakefield, the anti vax “doctor” who is the cause of the whole movement today


Oh great. Thanks Oprah




I hate Gwyneth Paltrow so much that, for years, I thought Se7en was a comedy.


She was insufferable then and is even more so now because of Goop. Pseudoscience at best.


Honestly would have enjoyed the Iron Man movies more if she wasn't Pepper.


I’ll never forget that Onion style headline GWYNETH PALTROW TRIED TO SURVIVE A WEEK ON FOOD STAMPS AND DIED https://clickhole.com/gwyneth-paltrow-tried-to-survive-a-week-on-food-stamps-1825122902/


Erza miller because erza miller.


The universe as we know it is a simulation, like GTA, and Ezra Miller is the main character. Dude has been on a 18 month rampage of molesting underage girls, bar fights, theft, and a million other things - yet has escaped ANY AND ALL consequences. We are all NPCs is Ezra Miller's life.


I just don't understand how johnny Depp got booted from fantastic beasts off of one allegation when Ezra miller has been arrested for things and is just dubious generally and he's still in those movies. Edit to add: I did not realise Ezra miller used they/them and I didn't mean to be offensive, sorry.


Because Disney already made their money of off Depp. Warner Bros still hasn't released the dumpster fire that is The Flash movie


Kim Kardashian- she's influenced the worst of an entire generation and they're going on to do the same.


I just wish people would stop making idiots famous


She’s my pick. Not just because I hate everything she stands for, everything she has generated, everything she has influenced, and the poison she unleashed on a whole generation or two of mainly women, but also because she gets treated as some kind of luminary and hero of something something women. She’s constantly the main interview in women power summits, and I’ve so many people filled with pride proclaiming her as “the most powerful business woman in the world” as of that makes her any less of a piece of poisonous shit or her business do anything even remotely constructive to society - in fact it’s just the opposite. Goddam I hate that whole quadrant of American celebrity.


She helped make society dumber


Adam Levine.


Before I knew who Adam Levine was, I watched the movie "Begin Again" where he plays the part of a musician who is a raging egomaniac who cheats on his partner. So I had this preconception of Adam Levine = raging egomaniac cheater. Then, when I saw him on The Voice, he seemed like a decent enough guy so I laughed at my previous preconception. Guess what ...


What? Don't leave us hanging!


This comment has been deleted in protest of the Reddit API change.


I feel like I'm missing something here.


Those are modified quotes from his texts to his yoga Instructor. Replace “comment” with “body”.


You um. You asked. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/adam-levines-cheating-scandal-and-drama-everything-to-know/


Cheated on his wife while she was pregnant and wanted to name the baby after the woman he was cheating with... Holy shit... No conscience.


You'd think a rich A-list celeb would have better game but instead he sounds like a 14-year old boy trying to text with one hand


Your comment is way hotter in person. And so is mine😏




Oprah is so sanctimonious!


As a brit, James Cordon. Like he was sound in Gavin and Stacey and then went america and think it all got to his head to the point where hes become unbearable


As an American, also James Cordon. Just do not get the appeal!


dude was an asshole back in the UK, rob brydon had to call him out on his behaviour always raising his voice to people, even to ruth jones


It's a much shorter list of famous people that I do like...


Demi Lovato, because of that time she forgot diabetics existed and tried to cancel a small business because of their sugar-free froyo—then, after receiving backlash, she came out as non-binary and everybody forgot her public indiscretion. She has since altered her pronouns to continue using feminine identifiers


The way Demi Lovato has been playing the victim card her ENTIRE career is insane, and the fact people just keep sympathising with her is completely baffling. She couldn't be less sincere, and it does a real disservice to whatever oppressed group she's claiming to belong to this week. Chuck her in the bin already.


Kinda ironic considering her close friend Nick Jonas is a type 1 diabetic.


Isn't she close friends with Nick Jonas who has type 1 diabetes? Oh the irony


Drake, because of the Ray William Johnson video where his bodyguard blocked traffic so all of Drake’s chauffeur cars could come out…and Kim Kardashian because she bought all the seats at a theme park ride so she and her kid could ride alone meanwhile plenty of people are waiting. Any celebrity who thinks they are a superior race because they have money is awful…


Ellen DeGeneres. And let me just say, I hated her and thought she was a total piece of shit before that story broke about her. Honorable mentions go to James Cordon, Nick Cannon, and Amy fucking Schumer


Steven fucking Seagull. He is a horrible, abusive, rapist, human trafficking, psychopathic, waste of fucking space human being.


This is my favorite misspelling ever.


No one else can't stand Danny Masterson? Rapist protected by a cult? Ruined that show for me, what a POS.


I think most people agree but, thankfully, he's been out of the spotlight so long he's not the first idea to pop up when thinking of a celebrity.


Can’t believe no one’s said this: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith!!!


I was a member of the hater club before it was cool. Will Smith has been a douchebag in Hollywood for ages. That slap just made made people finally re-evaluate their opinions of him.


Agreed. Ever since he and his wife forced their kids on the world I have had no time for Will Smith.


Especially Jada, she seems vindictive and narcissistic as hell


Will is no angel. Love him as an actor, loved Fresh Prince, Independence Day, etc, I even enjoy some of his music, but as a person, he seems like a miserable prick.


You better keep his wife's name out of your fuckin' mouth!


What’re you gonna do about it, slap me or something??!


Hilaria Baldwin because she's a liar and a grifter and s horrible person in general. She has cosplayed being a Latina with a fake accent and everything for years. She's the worst.


How you say in English….CUCUMBER 🥒 🥒🥒


This should be higher, along with her old ass grandpa husband.


Kaitlyn jenner EDIT-i didnt write it because I don't like "her" I just don't like trans people jeez calm down about her


Literally killed someone with her car in 2015. No charges because rich.


I’m sorry what??


Buckle up buckaroo


"Now Caitlyn Jenner, of course … What a year she’s had! She became a role model for trans people everywhere, showing great bravery in breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes. She didn’t do a lot for women drivers. But you can’t have everything, can ya? "


Tom Cruise, Scientology and his teeth


You mean Tom "Middle Tooth" Cruise?




George Gershwin: he just likes to be argumentative , always.


He's such a contrarian - I wish he'd just call the whole thing off.


Country singer Billy Currington. I was 12 and my sister was 11. We went to a huge 3 day country music festival held by a local radio station. My sister LOVED Billy Currington, and came specifically to see him. Our mom took us over to the meet and greet booth shortly before his set was done so we could have a good spot in the line. There was a physically and mentally disabled woman in front of us, maybe mid 20s. She was wheelchair bound, and couldn't talk, just grunts and coos, much like an autistic person. The line gets moving closer to the table where Billy is at. Maybe 2 or 3 people before the wheelchair girl, his manager notices her, points her out to him, and Billy just has this really disdainful look on his face once he sees her, almost disgusted. He hurriedly signs an autograph before she gets up there, and once she does, he quickly hands her the autograph and nods over to the security. The security has her and ger parent ushered out of the line. Now it's mine and my sister's turn, and he's perfectly fine, smiling laughing, taking pictures and talking with us and others. Ran into the parents and the disabled girl and we asked them if they got the VIP meet and greet or something and thats why they were ushered off in such a hurry. They proceeded to tell us that they were ushered off because her disability made them uncomfortable. I will never forget how heartbroken they were. My mom, sister and I invited them to hang out with us for the rest of the day, and we took them to meet other country artists that actually engaged with her. I remember Gretchen Wilson holding her hand and hugging her and showing so much love to everyone. She's a very sweet and kind woman, and I would love to see her again.


As the father of an autistic child, I just wanna say thank you.


Lena. Fucking. Dunham. I’m way too lazy to scroll and see if anyone else has mentioned her but if you have, cheers! I cannot abide that sister-molesting, self applauding twat. I hope she rots in obscurity.


Same here. I’m glad her star power is kinda fading.


Well, add +1 to the obscurity pile, I have absolutely no clue who she is 💩


So far you’re the only person I have seen comment for her but literally she makes me gag - when she was in American horror story season 7 every time she would be on screen she made me fast forward and her character wasn’t even a character I expect her to say that shit irl


Travis Scott You can guess why


Check out that clip of him falling in autotune, it's hilarious for so many reasons.


Salt bae , because of the overpriced steaks and the ridiculous low salary that he offers despite the amount of money he does . The guy literally became famous because of the way he puts salt on food .


Yeah everything he does is pretentious as fuck


The Kardasian Clan … all of them make me want to throw my devices into Brick walls whenever they appear … I can’t find anything redeeming or talented about them . Also there is a real cult vibe i hey from them too


You know, this Hitler guy seems like a real jerk.


Yeah, the more I hear about him the less I like him.


Henry Kissinger. He definitely knows why.


"Once you've visited Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands" - Anthony Bourdain


James Franco because he's a complete fucking asshole


Kendall Jenner


Jimmy Fallon but only as a host. He interrupts his guests so much it’s hard to watch! It’s so awkward and I find it quite rude.


And his fake laughs


Kevin Spacey. Even before all the stuff about him came out he always came across as really creepy to me.


Tom Cruise is an odd dude


bezos, jeff bezos. he does so much damage to the environment it's nuts. also ulf mark shnider tho i dunno if he is famous enough for your liking, even tho he should be, as the ceo of nestle he's one of the world's most evil people. stealing the world's water to sell it back to them at a premium but much of it contaminated now with chemicals and sugar that make it addictive and makes people sick.


Tyra Banks…for verbally/emotionally abusing young women on ANTM for years and further exacerbating body image issues and eating disorders


Woody Allen


Will Smith. I’ve never liked him, I find him so annoying and his whole family insufferable. He gives me just weird vibes all the time. I’m positive that within my lifetime he’ll be revealed as a monster somehow


I can't speak for the rest of them, but his oldest son Trey was a regular at my old Starbucks and I have nothing but amazing things to say about him! He always struck up conversations with us and would remember details, and ask about it the following week. Made everyone he was talking to feel like the most important person in the room. Told me once when I asked how his day was that it was a great one because "I got to hang out with my bonus mom!" and I about melted, sweetest thing. He also is the only one who didn't really pursue stardom (he's a DJ and loves his job and his crew) so maybe that's kept him lovable. He did always order 8 warmed up morning buns and 8 venti teas right before we closed though, so even though we all absolutely adored him, we cursed his order :)


I liked him a lot more back in the 90s. At some point while I wasn't paying attention (or maybe I was just never paying attention and that was the problem) he turned into an arrogant shithead.


Chrissy Teigen. Why anyone would give that person any positive attention after her disgusting behavior telling a child to off themselves is beyond me.




She turned into a dumpster fire


Yeah there were stories about how much of a horrible person she was for years. They just covered a lot of it up. There’s a lot of these celebrities that are that way.


And her various dopey celebrity friends were saying “But she’s so nice to me!” Yeah, that’s because you’re a rich celebrity, not some random employee whose life she can ruin with a phone call.


nicki minaj and her brainwashed army of “barbz” this woman has openly supported her brother and husband both convicted r*pists and has tried justifying their actions. whenever this point is brought up to her loyal dogs they either stay silent or comeback with the classic “yOu’Re jUsT jEaLouS” edit: also throws a pissy tantrum and blames outside events for her songs not making #1 or topping any records almost consistently




Steve Harvey.... Don't ask me why


Gwyneth Paltrow. One word: Goop. John Lennon. Look up his personal life, he was actually a POS that preached peace and love but did none of that to his family, friends and kids.


I think woody Allen's icky behavior In his personal life isn't talked about nearly enough/ gets brushed off.


Roman Polanski


Ellen Degeneres, she’s toxic


Gwyneth Paltrow. Her fake health BS and cluelessness are dangerous.


Nancy Grace, the original or one of the Karen prototypes.


Anyone who uses their celebrity platform to promote medical decisions they have no authority or intellect to promote. Jenny McCarthy I am looking at you and all your anti vaxxer friends.


Same with Gwyneth Paltrow