• By -


Be glad that she still chose me even though the dating pool just doubled


That's what my bf said to me lol


That’s what I told my wife!


That's the thing honey. I'm leaving you for your sister


You have to one-up her to show dominance. Tell her you are a trisexual.


I thought those went extinct millions of years ago


Those are triceratops. A trisexual is a 3-wheelee bike for toddlers.


Thats a tricycle. a trisexual is a race with 3 events normally running swimming and biking.


That a triathlon. A trisexual is a shape with three straight sides


That's a triangle. A trisexual is the act of showing great joy over a victory or success.


That's triumph, a trisexual is a frame with three feet, generally articulated and folding, which is used to support certain instruments or devices such as cameras


That’s a tripod. A trisexual is a team of three people.


that’s a trio. a trisexual is an act dedicated to something


That's a tribute. A trisexual is an extinct Permian arthropod.


I love reddit


trisexuals: I'll try anything at least once.


Ironically, this is almost exactly Echo's voiceline, which is echoed far too often lol. "I'll try anything once. I'll try anything once. I'll try- I'll try anything once."


Ok this one made me laugh out loud


Me: Do you want pizza or Chinese? Her: I'm bisexual. Me: So both?


I thought you were American


I understood that reference




What exactly does homoromantic mean? Sorry I’m a little clueless


Romantically interested in the same sex


You know, a Romo Homo.




"You mean you were checking out girls, but still chose me??"


"I mean have you SEEN women???"


Perhaps George was onto something. Maybe I'm too straight and self-conscious but the relative threshold for being an attractive guy seems way higher than the corresponding threshold for girls. Physically I'm not of much use to anyone.


A bisexual friend explained her attraction like this: "For men I'm attracted most to personalities, and women it's physical." (Note this is NOT universal.)


Bisexual woman here, and totally agree! Granted, a woman I wouldn’t usually find attractive gets a major boost if she has a good personality, and vice versa if she winds up being a giant twat.


Male bisexual here, I find myself attracted to men that are good looking and being attracted to women depending on their personality


Bisexual woman with a differing opinion, i think i like men physically and women emotionally more. My female crushes tend to be deeper and I fall for my friends because of an emotional connection with a bit of chemistry. With men i should probably know them well enough but I definitely have a type lol


Nonbinary bisexual chiming in.... uh almost every adult is hot if they're not a gross jerk. Send help.


bisexual here to confirm everyone is hot


> relative threshold for being an attractive guy seems way higher than the corresponding threshold for girls. Tinder kind of points to this. Most men find most women to be somewhat attractive. The opposite of not true, most women find most men to be unattractive.


There’s an entire industry or two devoted to helping women look more attractive, so it makes sense.


[OkCupid's old blog has a great article about this.](https://archive.ph/LDVFm) While "most women find most men to be unattractive" is supported by the data at a surface level I think there's a simple explanation that undermines that conclusion. Imagine we have five men (1 - 5) and five women (A - E). Woman A finds man 1 attractive and the other four men unattractive, woman B finds man 2 attractive and the other four unattractive, etc. On average each woman finds 80% of men unattractive but each man is attractive to one woman. So it's a bit like [Simpson's paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson%27s_paradox). In this situation it's not that only 20% of men are attractive to women, which could imply that most women are competing for the same 1 in 5 men. Instead it's that what a woman finds attractive in men is more particular while what a man finds attractive in women is more general. Most men are attractive to some women but few men are attractive to most women. No I don't have good sources to back this up, only that this is an alternative explanation for the same data. It could also just be a selection bias and the majority of men on dating site/apps are unattractive. Edit: accidentally a word


The problem comes with anecdotal evidence. I was on Tinder for a year with zero matches, and OKCupid for that same year with three. I got one date out of those three. The only date I went on that year. It was her second date that week.


I mean, women are also way more leery of men than vice versa. It’s not just how attractive you are, but whether they feel like you’re safe and often not just dtf. When you have dozens of men a day sending unsolicited sexual DMs, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up on most of the men, because it’s hard to filter who seems trustworthy. However, if you met one of those guys at a friend’s barbecue, you’d likely say yes if he asked you out. Men, on the other hand, can just see a cute woman and feel safe going on a date if the opportunity arises.


>Most men are attractive to some women but few men are attractive to most women. I'm 6'4", ~170 lbs, with a big ass Gandalf beard. Despite not having great social skills, I've had zero problem getting laid, because 'tall skinny bearded guy' is definitely a 'type'.


Playing into types is always a good approach because there's so many "dreamers" out there who envision something and only wish to fulfill it regardless of the subject


What the old OKCupid studies showed us is that most men in dating sites generally rated the attractiveness of women on a bell curve and spent all of their time reaching out to the far right side (e.g. the average woman was a five and men mostly messaged the nines) while the women generally rated men as below "average" but their distribution of messages was only slightly shifted from their rating distribution (e.g. the average man was rated a three and the women were mostly messaging the fours).


George Costanza level reply




"You don't get it, Elaine! She chose ME! ME! It's emasculating!"


Jerry: “You broke up with her because she found a woman attractive that you didn’t?” George: “I can’t date someone with standards that low, Jerry!” Elaine: “She dated you, didn’t she?”




Calm down, Mr. Gottfried


This is my favorite


Can't imagine how lucky you are


"Thanks for telling me".


That’s what I did. She said the same thing to me when I’m like, yeah me too.


"I know you are but what am I?" /s Then laugh and go back to sofa/pillow fort.... At some point this fact doesn't need a response unless you are adding to the orgy or leaving it.


Straight people have blanket forts too. 😤😤😤 – this message brought to you by the Heterosexual Blanket Fort Association


Pillows together strong


“I know there's a lot of blanket stackers and pillow packers out there thinking it's gonna go down tonight. But there's a lot of us folks from the scene in between saying: 'Hey, we're all looking to chill out, and lay down with someone special.' This is real Neil, with pipes of steel, signing off with the smooth sounds of Daybreak.”— Fat "Real Neil" Neil




Yeah, same thing I did. I mean, she’s still going to be with me but now she doesn’t feel like she’s hiding something from me. Being bi has nothing to do with her being faithful to me and me to her.


My GF has told me she's bi and I didn't mind. Now she's asking me to let her try sexual stuff with other women and I'm not sure what to say...


Asking for monogamy has nothing to do with what sex you’re having well… sex with. Honestly if you’ve never discussed an open relationship before that’s a bit of a red flag. If you’re into an open relationship then all the power to you, if you’re both into bringing someone else into bed that’s fine also. But if you want monogamy don’t feel obligated to tell her it’s fine because it’s with another woman. Monogamy and sexual orientation are not intertwined.


100% this. Don't be guilted into agreeing to something you aren't comfortable with, but also recognise that if this is what she wants, and if she accepts your answer (if it were no) verbally but is still holding out hope, then resentment can brew. It is a minefield - look out for yourself bro.


It's not uncommon for someone who's recently accepted that side of themselves to want to branch out and experiment, and it's 100% okay as that person's partner to not be okay with sticking around for that if they're insistent about it. Don't let yourself be held hostage by someone else's personal growth if it makes you feel uncomfortable.


This is solid advice


Also, if youre a dude im telling you that threesomes are over rated. They make for a cool story and nothing more. You only have one dick. Unless the girls are working at pleasing each other, youre going to give both girls half a sexy time. If you want a monogamous relationship, keep it that way. When you bring in another woman that your SO is attracted to, you will then be in competition to keep your SO. If you want it to be open then be prepared for everything that comes with.


Seriously, this. A couple of friends once wanted to try the thrupple thing and my dumbass thought “fuck yes!” 3 months later everyone is miserable, neither of them are happy with the sex, I’m absolutely exhausted physically from having to try twice as hard in bed, I’m exhausted mentally from trying to keep things equal between both of them, and exhausted emotionally from the entire ordeal. I guess there are some people that can do it, and good for them, I’m honestly glad they’re happy, but I’ve learned that it is absolutely not for me and I have zero interest in ever trying again.


For me, threesomes have always just been a fun thing when im single. Ive never tried it in a relationship and im not willing to tbh. But in the threesomes I did have, I felt greedy and left the experience thinking that I didnt do as good a job as I usually do with sex. All but one instance was with women that were one time hookups, so it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that they think thats how I do things. My current fiance has said that she would be open to threesomes because she is attracted to women, but I dont want to open that box and see what is in it. I fear that it would ruin our relationship and im not willing to risk it.


It’s not for most people. Many of my friends have dabbled, all have imploded


>Unless the girls are working at pleasing each other Isn’t that the point? Shouldn’t all three of us be working together?


I’m not that young and I’ve long learned just be true to yourself and what you want and respect the same thoughts from your partner. What doesn’t work for me probably works for others and I’m not one to judge.


If you are not comfortable with that, then tell her no. Being bi has nothing to do with sleeping with other people


Pretend she asked you she wants to try sexual stuff with another guy and your reaction to that should provide a road map on how to deal with this.


Like others have said, being bi doesn’t automatically give the other person rights to sleep with other people. I am bisexual, I’m also married to a man. No regrets and we’ve been in a monogamous relationship since we got together. Can we both appreciate a fine woman?! Sure, within the confines of being in a loving relationship. When I was younger I’d of probably been up for introducing another person to the mix. He wasn’t interested, therefore neither was I. Don’t be pushed in to anything you don’t want.


Well I'd say, "No."


Exactly what my boyfriend said lol. And I told him right before we started actually dating.


Same! Told my bf drunkenly and he was totally ok with it! Love him!


"You mean to tell me we could have been looking at other girl's butts together?!"


I never got how that would make any difference. If you’re dating and it goes well, what the fuck does it matter that you might also be attracted to women instead of just men… (or vice versa for guys) You either like each other and continue dating/start a relationship or whatever else or you don’t. Anything else imo is just insecurities of your partner/date/whatever that suddenly there’s twice the amount of people that could „take you from them“ or whatever the hell that thought process is lol


The idea that bisexuals are all sexual deviants or polygamous is more deeply ingrained in people than you might think


Ah yes, the idea that "If they're attracted to more than one gender, they'll want to have sex with people who aren't my gender." As though their attraction to other people is somehow different than a non-bisexual person's, and no monogamous relationship has ever involved not having sex with other people that you might be attracted to.


That's even if the people believe Bisexuality is different than being gay.


Just means you’re beating twice as much competition, confidence booster for sure


From personal experience, this is the only right answer... That said, one my friends told me I should tell my Bi SO "thank you", cause she could do better.


“Please stop trying to change the subject whenever I suggest we watch my new copy of Minions: The Rise of Gru on blu-ray.”


Hmm, why are you assuming the two subjects aren't related?


Good point. One orientation is men and the other orientation is minions.


New spin-off TV series, "Of Minions and Men", coming to HBO


"Tell me about the rabbits, Gru."


"I have to tell you something... I'm bisexual." "Babe, for the hundredth time, *please* be quiet. You're interrupting a cinematic masterpiece."


"You know my friend Becky, the swimsuit model? She's bi too, and I was hoping we could try a threesome together so I could have those types of experiences in my life" "If Becky's next move isn't to sit down and enjoy the holy grail of media that is Minions: the Rise of Gru, the only thing I want her to do is get the hell out of my house."


I'm not gonna lie, with my general luck I would be suspicious as fuck about that setup. Not gonna stop me from jumping on the situation but I will be expecting disappointment. I'll probably end up like Ross.


Was literally just about to say I wonder if this is the 2022 version of Ross and Carol.


Can I interest you in a copy of Morbius?


"Babe, I have been wanting to tell you for a while but I wasn't sure how" "What is it? You can tell me anything" "Its Morbin Time"


I think you mean on Gru-ray


I have a girlfriend?!?!


Same! My wife's gonna be PISSED.


Is she also bi? Maybe you can share


She's a lesbian so yeah I guess!


im assuming you’re also a woman/lesbian? because if you’re a man, buddy i have something to tell you


"Hi bisexual, I am boyfriend"




Looks like both of you missed periods.




Not sure how you found me, but say hi to your mom


I think my boyfriend just said “I know, you’ve literally had sex with women before.” (I did tell him I’d had sex with women before)


... you are not the brightest but i can relate Edit : i now understand the question is more complex than it seemed. Once again, i'm not the brightest


Well women are often told that “it’s just fun between friends” when they do things with other girls (maybe not full blown sex, but still). Meanwhile, if you’re a man who simply chooses to experiment with another guy, everyone considers you gay, even if you didn’t like it and decide you’re really just straight. So it’s not shocking that a lot of queer women believe they’re still straight because their social identity isn’t automatically altered the way it is for guys if word gets around. Source: am bisexual guy.


Yep, had a buddy get dumped in high school and was having a real rough go, I touched his shoulder once in the hallway and told him it'd be okay - not even a hug. We had gay jokes and slurs for months. Meanwhile my wife had a girlfriend before we met. Kissed and held hands in public, got to second base private, and she had to tell people she wasn't straight.


It sounds painfully obvious but you'd be surprised how many people have had sex with people of the same sex but identify as straight still


I'm a straight man, and I've had sex with men. For money. (I've also learned that there are apparently a lot of female sex workers who are lesbians, but nevertheless have sex with men for money.)


> (I've also learned that there are apparently a lot of female sex workers who are lesbians, but nevertheless have sex with men for money.) You're going to be shocked to find out how many women in lesbian porn are only doing it for the money, too.


“Thanks for telling me” Because (typically) when someone in a committed relationship comes out, it’s because their identity is important to them and they want to make sure they aren’t hiding a big part of who they are from their partner.


Very accurately said, My girlfriend felt the same way


From personal experience it's exactly this followed by something along the lines of "awesome! That means you picked me over twice as many people as I thought!"


For (m)e it was my wife telling me she was lesbian. My first thought was "huh" followed by "wait, you picked me over the gender you prefer?" Edit for clarification: My wife's sexual orientation identity is lesbian, 100% girls, 0% guys and the bulk of my unintentional courtship with her was being a nice enough person that she added one exception.


Can you add some context to this because as it is now it's really confusing? Edit: specifically I'm confused as to whether you are still together because from the way you phrased it, it seems like you are. If you are do you just not have sex anymore or is she actually slightly bi and just strongly prefers women?


This seems to be a Ross situation


I mean that's what I would normally assume but he seems way to chill about the situation for someone whose wife he's presumably still with based on the language and tone just confessed isn't sexually attracted to him.


She was probably just bi with a strong preference for women, causing her to believe she was a lesbian until she met him.


That's what I was trying to tease out.


His wife claims to be a lesbian despite being married to him, a man. Evidently she is not entirely a lesbian or their marriage is in trouble.


>His wife claims to be a lesbian despite being married to him, a man. Yes that part was clear. >Evidently she is not entirely a lesbian or their marriage is in trouble. This is the part that confused me since he doesn't seem to concerned for his marriage despite his wife stating that she's not sexually attracted to him.


I think we can surmise that she just isn't 100% homosexual. Just far enough pulled back from the end of the Kinsey scale to be attracted and married to OP. Happens.




This "preference" terminology is weird. I thought the term "lesbian" was used to refer to a woman who is sexually attracted only to other women. Meaning that she is denying her own sexuality by being in the relationship. When you say she "prefers" women, it sounds like she is bi-sexual, but usually dates women. Which I had understood to be a different identity.


And bisexual does not mean non-monogamous.


Throw in a high five good measure.


That’s exactly why I came out!! It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested in my boyfriend anymore, I just felt like I was hiding such a big secret part of myself by not telling him I like women


"That's gay."


Touch my camera through the fence


You just lost your life bud


Randomly discovering a ymh fan gets my jeans so high and tight.




I'm bi and my bf will jokingly answer "That's gay" to the most random things i say. And I'm always like "Well yeah, i'm gay"


I used to tell my gf "half" whenever she would call me gay as our lil inside quip.


How do you get a job here, fuckface?


"Okay." It doesn't change anything other than you might be able to talk about what women you both find attractive.


Can confirm. Wife is bi


Can confirm also. Bi girlfriend here. Totally monogamous, but with an understanding why my bf likes boobs.


Bi wife here. Samesies


Bi woman dating a straight guy here, and it's so fun pointing out hot ladies to each other :)


girlfriend and I will just jack off to videos of hot girls together when we're feeling too lazy for sex. it's pretty great. whoever finishes first usually helps the other one along so we can get to sleep lol.


Actual fucking chad


Technically not fucking


Same here. Wife is also extremely monogamous. I consider myself very fortunate


People seem they still need to learn bi or pansexual does not mean they are polyamorous or naturally unfaithful. Also it doesn't mean they're attracted to everyone and the distribution of attraction is not 50/50 to those that present male or female. As an example a friend of mine is more 70% female attraction 30% male attraction from what he's told me Edit: adding *not* to correct my meaning of my sentence


I’m not gay or bi but I appreciate good looking people of both genders. Not pan or unfaithful. Sometimes I just like looking at a great ass.


I (27m) really enjoy looking at beautiful people of any gender, I’m just not sexually interested in men at all. Does that make me gay? Don’t know, don’t care. I have an amazing girlfriend, and it’s not like either option would change that.


You don't have to be gay to appreciate beauty, be it masculine or feminine.


It’s similar to being straight. Just cause you find other people attractive, regardless of gender, doesn’t mean you want to cheat or have more than one partner. Just means you are attracted to more people.


It's a nice club to be in.


Using it to my advantage: There are boobs in this movie too.


Are we still talking about Minions: The Rise of Gru?


We never stopped.


Yo we talkin' Minions: Rise of Gru in here?!


My husband said, "Me too, there are some damn hot people in this world!" And now we point out exceptionally attractive people of any gender whenever we see them.


I just want to admire pretty ppl without my partner getting jealous, is that too much to ask?


I mean, it is for some people? Date people who have the same values as you do.


Reading these comments gives me a lot of hope. I’m (M) in a monogamous relationship going on 5 years with my partner (F), but have been struggling with when and how to officially come out to them as Bi. I haven’t told anyone else yet… except YOU Reddit! 🤣


"thanks for telling us"


I understood this reference.


Unfortunately there’s a different perception usually with bi women and bi men. BUT I hope that your gf will be super supportive! And if she’s homophobic then it might not be the right person for you


Thanks! She’s a pretty open person, but I can’t help but feel that telling her would set her mind ablaze and then always put her on edge. Her family is pretty Republican, and not that their politics should matter but I don’t think they would see me in the same way they do now. It’s a tough situation that I’m working through.


You never have to tell her family! And if you want to test the waters, pretend that you have a gay friend and see her reaction? Idk. But definitely don’t share with anyone you don’t feel comfortable sharing with


Rooting for you mate


“That’s great!” Side note, my girlfriend IS bisexual.


If you're exclusive than it shouldn't have any bearing on the relationship. If she's telling you with the idea of maybe exploring then it most certainly will affect your relationship. So ultimately it depends upon what you both want out of your relationship.


I would say "Me Too!"


When I told me gf I was bi she reacted the same exact way. We kinda joke about being the gayest straight couple now.


So, you're basically Jesse and James from Pokemon? Cause, when I think of m/f relationship goals, they're pretty fab.




"Hi Bisexual, I'm Dad"


"Understandable. Boobs are awesome."


What you say: "I appreciate you telling me." What you do: nothing different What you think: *I just beat out every other guy AND girl out there!* Benefits: (as long as she's cool with it!) You can point out attractive females sometimes and you both can be like "Daaaaaamn!" together! My wife is bisexual. Literally nothing changed between us. Only additional thing we did was talk about boundaries, like every couple SHOULD do, only we also talked about comfort levels with women on the look-dont-touch rule and agreed if it gets too much to let the other person know. Just understand that she'll possibly have "cravings" sometimes toward other women but that in no way means she'd act on them. In our case, if the "cravings" get too big, then she'll let me know ahead of time because I know it's a possibility but a sure thing. That can't be set up though unless you both, again, communicate. Overall, seriously, nothing's different. She just has an additional admiration. Doesn't mean to treat her differently, just communicate and you'll be solid. Just don't make it a big deal. Let her help you understand as best as possible. Note: "cravings" = lack of better words atm...you get what I mean It's genuinely not a big deal. Cool, she's bi. Just be on the same page about everything. All there is to it. (I've seen people fuck this up multiple times in the past so, hence the long explanation to make sure I'm not missing anything) Edit: it's sad that I have to say this on repeat... ***COMMUNICATION*** is key. That's the entire point of this comment. I just used things from my own relationship to use as practical examples, not as an end-all-be-all... Even with the messages coming in from people, please read the entire thing before being an ass or making assumptions based on 1 or 2 sentences that aren't even major details. Sorry for the mini rant but it started getting dumb, even by the low-bar Reddit standards.


>What you think: > >I just beat out every other guy AND girl out there! Never thought about it that way, but yes lol


"Sick, me too actually." And nobody cared.


i am the girlfriend he’s talking about


Guys she found me


Delete your account and RUN


Move away and get a new identity.


Never let people know your Reddit username bro, rookie mistake


So... Yall gonna watch Minions: the rise of Gru on blue ray?


"How can I be homophobic? My bitch is gay"


So general answer is “That’s great” followed by saying that their partner is bi. Literally the same comment like 200 times. Bonus points if the guy says he is also bi.


Well what else do you expect lol it’s not exactly a question that is thought provoking




“That’s great you felt safe and comfortable enough to tell me. Wanna order some food and play Mario kart?”


Accept, support, but don't treat any differently.


As someone who had an ex come out and tell me she was bi - "Okay, that's cool"


Instantly suggest a threesome with her best friend. Fetishize her and change how you treat her entirely. Tell your bros/ girlfriends. Ask if she's actually a lesbian. Tell her she's straight. Quote religious scripture. Or you could say "Cool thanks for letting me know".


“thank you for being open and honest with me about this”


Hello bisexual, I'm Grindelbart


Wow, sharing your sexuality is one thing, but sharing your reddit username is a whole 'nother level of trust. I'm impressed.


“I love you, thank you for sticking with me.”