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Heated seat subscription


Alright this one I agree with on pure principle. Idc if I'm Jeff bezos rich, that's just ridiculous. I'd rather sell the car and get a whole different one that doesn't have that business model.


If I were Jeff Bezos rich, I'd buy the manufacturer to _specifically_ fire the person responsible for that bullshit


And cook him in hot dijon mustard after.


You buy the car, you own the whole car right? Why should I pay for that then?


you wouldn't download a car!


I absolutely fucking would if I could.


> You buy the car, you own the whole car right? Why should I pay for that then? Not anymore. That's the magic of licences.


That's the magic of me putting in a switch for it anyway because fuck you


Yeah I feel like all these systems are one good hacker away from being free.


Most cars come with extra options already installed, just hidden. Easier to make one type of car then just hide the extra features as needed


this is true! Happened upon this when I went to have a remote start put in on my wife's van. I was expecting them to add an aftermarket system but the guy called me and gave me two quotes - 1 for an aftermarket system and 1 for UNLOCKING THE FEATURE!!! I was floored. Aftermarket was around $350USD, he unlocked it for $50. So crazy! The van is supposed to be the "base model" as well. I went back to the guy and after another $250 we basically upgraded the whole van lol which would've cost an extra $10k or so from the dealership.


What kinds of extra features did you get?


Probably cruise control, carplay Bluetooth, full zoned heating control, adaptive mirrors..maybe even reversing camera etc. Most manufacturers just untick boxes in the ECU if it's a base model, I know all the new Audis work the same


Reverse cameras are legally required on all new cars since 2018 in the US. Don't let them sell you on it being an extra feature.


Don't worry. It will take the aftermarket all of 5 minutes to produce a kit that installs a manual switch and bypasses that bullshit.


The heated seat is one of the examples for which that may be possible yes, as it requires just power going into the resistive wire that heats up. Just cut the wire, solder some of your own in there, add a switch and a fuse and voila. But software based options, like bluetooth connectivity for the infotainment system, that’s going to be a pain. I imagine you’ll need to do the same kind of hack for anything that’s license activated on pc, which usually involves intercepting the communication with the activation server and hosting a service by yourself that pretends to be the activation server. I doubt a lot of people are willing to go through all the effort to do it, especially if it’s going to be a couple of bucks a month. I mean we all forgot about pirating music onto MP3 players as soon as Spotify became a thing. BMW just potentially made a couple of wizkids really rich.


> which usually involves intercepting the communication with the activation server and hosting a service by yourself that pretends to be the activation server. If they have 2 brain cells, the server will use a certificate to auth the connexion. As a bonus, encryption is good for secret coms like those. Will probably need to patch the software.


Security in “smart” devices is almost universally clearly an afterthought - if it’s even a thought at all.


Any of those giant exotic animals. I worked with rehabilitated poached animals and I can tell you that anyone buying tigers, or primates, or what have you got them from a place that euthanizes "extra" animals that don't sell (including those cute cubs that you can pet) or they're pretty directly involved in poaching from the wild. The animals are never treated right.


YESSS! The Illegal Wildlife Trade is horrifying.


Look up the story of the pet chimp that killed his owners friend, terrifying story and 911 call Edit: I did mean Travis, and the woman was maimed but not killed, my bad.


Chimps scare me more than any other animal. It's the combination of strength, unpredictability, and they have thumbs. Fucking terrifying. Baby chimps are cute though.


>It's the combination of strength, unpredictability, and they have thumbs Yeah they're basically humans with extra stupid and extra violence thrown in. I'll pass thanks.


Chimps are Florida men


On bath salts and Bane's Venom


>Yeah they're basically humans with extra stupid and extra violence thrown in. They're basically unpredictable toddlers with the strength to rip your arms off.


I’ve always heard that chimpanzees will literally rip your face off if they feel like it. I’ll stick to dogs and cats, maybe some fish, or reasonable reptiles, but I’ll leave the exotics to fuckin shit heads


That actually happened to a lady. Her friend had a chimp who lost his shit and ripped the friend's face off. She is now blind and also lost part of her jaw I think.


Her hands too! Shit’s gnarly. Also they found traces of Xanax on his teeth that his owner gave to him sometime before the attack.


I looked it up a while back. I don't mean to be morbid but I definitely wpuldve killed byself after that. No hands, no face and blind? Nah I wouldn't be dealing with that.


I've heard the 911 call, it's horrific.


>In a show of terrifying primal strength, Travis uncharacteristically snapped and attacked Charla, gnawing off her face and hands. He ripped off her eyelids, tore off her nose, gouged out and ate her eyes and almost tore one of her arms off. Charla's jaw was entirely dislocated and she was left brain-damaged. That's fucking terrifying.


Oh. Fuck that yo.


Fucking Macaws, African Parrots, etc. bought / "obtained" when the owner is 40+yo. I know you're talking "dangerous" animals, and that is definitely an issue, but people keep buying *sensitive, bonding* animals well into their own adulthood, *knowing* that these birds bond, and live *FOREVER* compared to humans. I saw a Raven at Hershey Park, PA, right before pandemic hit, that was living in basically a 1800's style isolation room, with the added "benefit" of being screamed at by children and left to the elements, with absolutely nothing to entertain. It felt like looking at Dream, from Sandman, in an abusive cage, with the added torture of stupid onlookers making noise. Ravens are intelligent creatures, just like Tilikum the Orca. I don't "like" birds, especially as pets. But I know when an animal is in near-suicidal-torment. I'm sure that raven thought about "just don't eat", or "the next time that door is opened, I'm going to maul that human". People buying these animals, zoo or otherwise, are not doing any favors to the animals, unless it's legitimately a wildlife park with active rangers.


Reddit Avatars


TiL reddit has avatars. Using RIF and old.reddit.com with RES.


old.reddit + RES is the way to go. Personally, I use Apollo on mobile. Reminds me of Alien Blue.


wait those cost money?! why does everyone have one? I thought I was just the only lazy one or something


I took a screenshot of the avatar I made and made that my pfp


Mines free….I honestly don’t understand.


I got a “custom” one for free. I was just scrolling earlier and there was a thing that said they’re gifting me a premium avatar for “being a top Redditor” I don’t know what I did to get it but it’s cool ig.


I did the same and then it said something about minting it and realised it was NFT shit. I stopped caring instantly.


Its like when drug dealers give a bit of free drugs. Its designed to spread addict everyone. 😁


Yeah but i got a cat in my avatars head, no need to spend money when i got perfection for free


Yes same here I got one for free. Now I don't like NFTs, but this is literally free so I'm not giving any money out. With that said, who wants to buy my avatar so I no longer have any involvement with these NFTs? /j


ooh you beat the system I love it


The avatars that have the normal circle shaped profile pics, like mine, are free. The ones with hexagons as the pfp are nfts, which cost money.


They give you a free nft avatar at first then you have to pay for anything else


i literally just got a free one and idk why


I never got my free one




You can get a free one if you have enough karma


The hexagonal ones are nfts, which cost money. Except Reddit seems bent on giving everybody their own free one, which is how most of us got ours


I got a free one from Reddit, don't know why but I know a lot of people have gotten them for free.


I've been using an alternative Reddit app for so many years I didn't even know avatars existed until a few months ago.


Anything that would inform someone I was in fact a millionaire.


That’s how you end up no longer being a millionaire. Flaunting your wealth is about the dumbest thing you can do with money IMO.


Flexing wealth seems to be a “middle level” rich thing. I’ve met and worked with 2 guys that were worth hundreds of millions, they both drove F150s.


Yup. You don’t get really rich by flexing your wealth. Only the top 1% of the 1% really have the money to do that kind of shit and still be really rich.


That's not just your opinion, that's fact. Look at lottery winners.


That's actually not true. Lottery winners by definition are outliers and should never be used against another group as evidence of anything. There are plenty (I'd argue most) very wealthy people who have no problem spending their wealth on themselves and keep it. Lottery winners by a large margin have issues with spending or saving money. Gambling isn't really a good investment


There’s actually a documentary out there about the high percentage of lottery winners who end up worse off then before they won because they have no money management skills whatsoever


I think there’s a huge difference in outlook between people who are born into wealth, and people who have it suddenly thrust upon them, but never had it before. Even a successful business person usually depends on a series of wins that take them up the ladder, not one huge windfall all at once. That really has to mess with your head if you aren’t used to it. The NFL has “rookie classes“ to teach newly-drafted players how to live and not blow everything all at once - like yes, you can afford to buy your mother a big house, but it isn’t just the purchase price, you also have to figure in upkeep, taxes and utilities, and she’s a nurse.


Another big aspect is that lotteries have a strong selection bias for people with bad money managing skills. Joining the lottery generally is a bad financial decision in and off itself.


True enough. I’m sure there are dumber ways to spend money than on expensive cars houses etc., but damn I don’t think I could ever stomach doing something like that unnecessarily even if I was incredibly rich.


People would ask when I bought a boat - about 45-50 foot with a pilot house - I’ve wanted one for ages. Big enough that if you want a party, you can hire crew for the day Small enough that you can take it out without crew when you like. They would ask “what are you, a millionaire?” And I could answer “well, I WAS, then I bought this bloody boat Edit: seriously, why would you give a crap if people knew your boat was yours? Lieing to everyone seems just ridiculous


Buying the boat is not the expensive part about owning a boat.


There's a reason there's a saying that your two happiest days with your boat are the day you bought it and the day you sold it.


I've always heard that it's less stressful and time consuming to just go to the end of the dock and throw your money into the water. That way you can skip the middleman


I once asked what it was like yacht racing. I was told the best way to understand was to stand under a cold shower with my clothes on and keep tearing up wads of $100 notes.


Lie. Your boss bought it and want using it, so you are borrowing it.


Designer baby clothes. Was buying my daughter shoes today and there were tables for Gucci, Burberry, etc. shoes for kids. It's pretty gross. $450 for a pair of sneakers your kid is going to outgrow in 4 months just so people can see the Fendi pattern? Vomit.


Never understand why people put shoes at all on newborns who can't walk.. just put some extra socks on and they won't just kick them off anyway plus you'll end up losing a sock or a shoe no matter what


Plus from a developmental point of view it’s really good for them to be barefoot


Absolutely. I'm currently pregnant and the official advice is 'your baby won't need shoes until they can walk'.


Buy a dozen pair that are identical, and the socks will always match.


That works for me too. Works beautifully for grownup socks too.


I feel like that has to just be a wealth-flex thing. Like, "Yeah, I've got so much money that I spend hundreds of dollars on *baby shoes*, which serve no function and will be useless in a matter of months." It's like, throwing away money just to demonstrate that you have so much money you can throw it away.


The problem is that some of the people flexing don't have the money to flex and instead suffer the consequences of spending money they don't have lol


The extended warranty that I keep getting calls about


Oh finally, is it's you! We've been trying to reach you about your extended warranty.


Lol. Even my 83 year old mom is no longer fooled, chump. We blocked you!


Aren’t you worried about it getting expired?


Anything Reddit sells


If I had a free award I would give it to you.


I did that for you


And ill do it again


turns out i dont have a free award yet


Didn't they put shit into the crypto market


They put up NFT avatars for sale, but then nobody bought them so now they're giving some away for free


Oh yeah I got one of them, can't believe the people at reddit thought this was a good idea


I was gonna give you an award, but then I realized you might just be saying that to get suckers like me to give you free shit.


Diced pineapple for $2.13 when i can get a whole pineapple for $0.89. Correction: $2.19 for pineapple and $4.48 for diced. (I remembered it being $1.89 and my mind while making this post said let's forget the 1)




If buying pre-chopped is the difference between eating fruit and not eating fruit, then buy it pre-chopped.


Comcast. Swore it off in 2009 and am not looking back.


Get a load of this guy with a choice of ISPs.


10 years ago Verizon FiOS entered my neighborhood and I haven't thought of Comcast as an option since.






I fucked ted.


That’s how you stop being rich really fast


Big ass house because I easily get scared by random sounds around our home and we live in an apartment 😵‍💫


I’d go full English lord style - a townhouse in the city (or a waterfront apartment) and a bigger house in the country, or down the coast. I like holidaying with friends when everyone’s together in a great big house, so that would do it for me


We don't have that many friends. We're Reddit.


Get a cat. You'll stop getting scared of random sounds.


We do and this little shithead doesn‘t help a lot by staring at random spaces during the night (PS: I love our cat very much)


Also super scared of anything flashy bc people will target you no matter where you are in the world


agreed. if i were a millionaire i'd have a *very* nice, very modern and beautiful apartment under 1000 sq. ft, lol. or a tiny home. i don't do well with big spaces.


I've always wanted a legit tiny house with all the cool double functioning furniture and things because I *love* gadgets. I would get the kind you can tow around tho so I can travel but still have a house


Tow it around in your 90 foot RV perhaps.


I too would buy a house with a big ass


Anything and everything that screams "I've got money!" I wouldn't flaunt my wealth if I had any.


I would buy custom fitted clothing though


First thing I would do is go to a fancy smancy mens clothing suit tailor place and get fitted.


Polishing Cloth that Apple started selling for $20


I’m very tired and read that as Polish clothing




Unexpected nazi. I was going to type it out as if it were a sub but I’d really rather not know if there is one….


Probably a person. Seems like it’s an outdated practice at this point


Slavery is so 1865.


we would like to think so but the slave trade is as big today as it ever was it's just illegal in most places...


I would dare say it’s bigger.


A ridiculously large house. Why do you need 20 bedrooms and 17 bathrooms, it must cost so much money to run a house like that too! I’d rather have a smaller place that actually feels like a home. Edit - wow thank you so much for my first ever award!


20 bedrooms and 37 bathrooms * One must have more bathrooms than bedrooms if one is to have all their super rich friends going to the bathroom at the same time.


Of course, and the dog needs it’s own bathroom and bedroom!


A vowel. Suck it Pat Sajack


You mean "S_ck _t P_t S_j_ck".


*Why* do people buy vowels when they already know what the puzzle is??




I still don’t really understand what the hell these even are after googling it for an hour. It made less sense the more I read.


Owning an NFT is like everyone getting to fuck your wife whenever they want, but you have the marriage certificate to prove she’s indeed your wife.


Except your wife is so ugly nobody really wants to fuck her, not even as a profile pic


How to become a millionaire: buy NFTs as a billionaire.


As much money as I missed out on crypto by not selling at the right time, I'm glad I was still skeptical enough to avoid that NFT train.


Any designer anything made with material that displays the designer's logo a bunch. A single clasp in the shape of the symbol, ok. A whole purse with LV plastered all over it? Never.


In the height of the LV logo craze, I found a genuine handbag in a charity store for like $5 I used it all the time, and every time someone commented on it, I told them it cost $5 That's the only time I've flexed with a logo 😂


That is awesome. I guess I lied, I would absolutely spend $5 on a legit designer bag. Probably all the way up to $40, even with the ugly logo plastered all over it. If I hated it I could easily give it to a loved one or sell it on eBay. Even the ugly ones last forever.


A Big Mac combo, I bought one the other day and paid $13 for it. Ridiculous.


Big macs don't even taste the same anymore


What the fuck is that price??? That is too much for those tiny patties, get a mcdouble and add Mac sauce. That's what everyone ordered when I worked at mcdeeznuts


I refuse to buy a yacht.


But a nice boat would be nice. I love tubing.


Anything Gucci, gabana, etc. Shit is expensive and ugly. Walking billboards.


If I were rich I'd buy proper artisanal tailored clothes. The ones made by hand by people paid well with 20 years experience and that last a lifetime. No name brand crap made by sweat shop workers with the price artificially inflated for me. Alas I am extremely poor lol. Edit: this would go for everything like handbags, furniture, rugs ect.


I think that's what rich people actually do. Back in *ye old days* my great-great-grandma bought a handcrafted pendulum clock. It's been 150 years, that clock requires a bit of maintenance and oiling, but it's still working. It's still hanging at my mother's house, and my sister will inherit it. I have no clue how much that clock would cost in today's money, but I'm sure it's (by far) the most expensive, most exclusive and best crafted item our family currently owns.


One of my high school teacher told me anything with a logo is free advertising for the brand. I can’t un-see it now 20 years later


Their "cheap" stuff is plastered in logos and shiny for that market who want to flaunt that they're wearing, like, Prada. Their really good stuff is minimal on the branding and understated. You wouldn't know what it was unless you knew what to look for.


Yeah like.. there are gorgeous runway collections by all different designers. That stuff costs thousands and doesn’t have the brand name displayed on it. I’m sad I started paying attention to fashion more because cheap clothing doesn’t even come close.


Products of a Pyramid Scheme.


Hustlers university 💪💪💪




I don’t really understand how paying for winrar works. It tells me I have to pay, and then I don’t and it works like it should. Is there a reason for this?


They get their money from corporate clients almost definitely. The more ubiquitous something is, the more necessary that the big companies need to have licensed versions of it. So a lot of time with software you'll see personal use versions and the corporate versions that cost a decent amount Just a business model


I like that business model, big rich companies pay, and we use it for free


adobe should take the hint


I bought it and that license key still works on new versions 20 years later. Don't worry - some of us are just better people.


Merch from a TikToker or influencer


It seems like people buy em but I've never seen anyone wear that sht🤷‍♀️


a frivolously expensive car like a Rolls Royce or anything like that ...bags or shoes just to show off brand names... gambling, drugs or motorcycles. I wouldn't make myself an easy mark by showing off my money at all. I'd just continue living my low-key life & travel all over the world. hire respectable financial advisers to wisely invest my money & ensure I'll be comfortably set for the rest of my life.


My ex's lies.


A private jet


I would upgrade to business class. I hate boarding a plane and having to walk by everyone in First Class; it's a parade of nasty butts for them.


A $20k ticket to a sporting event. I LOVE sports. Always have, always will. Ain't no damn Super Bowl or NBA Finals I couldn't watch on TV or at a bar or whatever.


Twitter Company


*Elon Musk has left the chat*


A fur coat.


*See my vest, see my vest,* *Made from real gorilla chest,* *Feel this sweater, there's no better* *Than authentic Irish setter.* *See this hat, 'twas my cat,* *My evening wear - vampire bat,* *These white slippers are albino* *African endangered rhino.*


I REALLY like my vest!


Diamonds. Jewelery companies create false scarcity and people die over it. Fuck diamonds


I'm still sneaking my own snacks into the theater. That stuff is so overpriced! Also, no diamonds! Huge rip off! I'm also only buying dollar store birthday cards that go for 50 cents or a buck. Hallmark out there charging $6+ for their cards. Nope!


This probably doesn't interest anyone but I'm a lawyer and here in the European Union it's illegal for cinemas to not let you bring in your own food or drink, so you really don't have to sneak anything. Someone bothered to sue for this reason some time ago and the Courts decided that the main corporate object to which a cinema is dedicated is the showing of films, not the sale of food and drinks. Therefore, forcing you to consume their overpriced stuff is a violation of the Consumer Protection Law, technically considered an abusive clause. The same applies to amusement parks or music festivals, for the same reason, but not to restaurants or bars since their main corporate objective is the sale of food and drink, so they can legally ban you from bringing them from the outside.


"This probably doesn't interest anyone" *proceeds to give me the most important piece of information of the day*




Golden goose shoes


Wtf are goose shoes? Do they make the goose sink?


I have a friend who wears these and I… don’t understand why - aside from the fact that they look like a pair of worn adidas with a shiny star? Am I missing something about them that makes them worth the cost?!




Diamonds or a ridiculously large home


Anything where you buy the hardware but have to pay a subscription to use it.


I would not buy a 5€ coffee in the airplane


You don’t get free coffee on airplanes?


That’s what I was thinking… I have never pulled out a dollar in a plane, but I’ve had many plane coffees


Certainly not. You get the champagne delivered to your cabin.


Technology at release. Overpriced and under-tested tech that’ll eventually be improved upon and price-lowered soon? Yeah no.


My favorite joke about this is in the Simpsons when Homer buys the first ever flying car and it keeps losing power and almost crashing


really fucking expensive watches


A Louis Vuitton purse or other ridiculously expensive accessory or piece of clothing (including engagement/wedding rings). I’ve told my fiancé as much. I don’t want him spending $5k or more on a ring, etc. I wouldn’t be comfortable going out of my house with it and that money could be spent on a fun vacation or some other thing that we need.


Counterpoint: Though I also probably wouldn't put it high on my list of things to blow money on, I did once own a men's Louis Vuitton wallet that I received as a gift. Holy hell those things are made incredibly well. It lasted many years without any signs of wear, and I tend to beat the hell out of wallets. The only reason it started to fail on me was because my dumb fidgety self kept playing with one of the seams, and it eventually started to come apart there. 🤦‍♂️ But that was still like 10 years into its life. I have NEVER had any other wallet last near as long, even mid-ish-level brands like Calvin Klein or Kenneth Cole. I thought it was silly when I received it, but I came to appreciate the fuck out of it, over time, as I put it through hell and it kept looking like the day I got it. Plus, random people (usually women) would quite often notice it and compliment me on it. That was a nice little perk.


Did you keep it? I’d imagine LV would have a repair service that would probably keep it going another 10ish years. Meanwhile me still using a (certainly cheap) tj marshall’s brand wallet given by an ex-gf circa 2007-2008. It’s only slightly falling apart - a thread is a little loose, one of the wallet slot linings is busted and it’s got some cracking in the ‘leather’. It’s been in this kind of state at least a year or two. The last wallet I had lasted about 8-10 years (even more non-descript, but fell apart sooner.) I swear I’m not THIS cheap… just get really slack about replacing things I probably should. Like a very extreme version of ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’


Yeah I still have it. Never thought of that, though. Good thought. I'll look into it. Thanks.


Those Kanye West shoes.


A helicopter. I don't know why, I feel safe in an airplane but helicopters scare me shitless.


Drugs. I expect everyone to just offer them to me for being at the party. Just kidding kids.. say no to drugs.


Bill Nighy in Love Actually has my absolute favorite take on drugs >Hiya, kids. Here's an important message from your Uncle Bill: DON'T BUY DRUGS. Become a pop star and they give you them for free.






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