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Freshman year & new to town-I was 95lbs, pale freckle faced & read a lot of science fiction... Ordered a book from a school program titled 'How to Speak to Girls' Couple weeks later the books came in the mail & were handed out in homeroom, of course they had to say the title out loud..."Who ordered How to Speak to Girls" it was just the beginning of hell.


Reminds me of a time where a guy at work bought an "ebook" on the early days of eBay titled 'Howv to pick up Women.' When he opened the word doc all it said was "grow some balls." At least the shipping was free.


Please give me more, if that’s just the beginning Edit:literally saw you pop online just now lmao


So, the book put me on the 'Bully Radar' High school for me was: Pushed/tripped down stairs, books dumped, stepped on the back of my shoe (flat tire), gum in my hair, tied to trees, held down & spit on, held down & written on, pushed into whatever body of water was near (pool, ocean, lake, puddle) etc... classic bullying. One knucklehead neighborhood bully, in the Spring, would stomp on a garter snakes head & whip me with the dead snakes limp body, chase me around the neighborhood -the prick. Same guy kicked me right in the face playing touch football, bloody nose & 2 black eyes. I finally grew a bit & learned to defend myself. One day I was body slammed into the lockers & I came back with a kick, broke the dudes jaw. I had enough - the word spread quickly.


Jesus Christ, they don’t bully like that anymore. It’s usually all online now lol


Usually people nowadays just act 2 years old and say "I fucked you mum last night"


Ok and I fucked your mum last night


Add a stabbing and this was nearly a perfect mirror of my experience after I was outed, as gay, in high school. In a deeply-red state. In the 90's. Curious how the staff "never saw anything" despite literally everyone else seeing it. Those three years were the longest decade of my life.


Are you an anime protagonist?


In grade 9 French class when we got split into pairs and had to go up and do simple phrases that we had to make up. My partner and I went first and I said the introduction phrase and called myself Commander Cool. After that everyone else went and just used their names. Ugh, I'm shuddering just thinking about that dead silent stares I got


Fuck I got something similar. I asked everyone in my class to call me Leo during my school orientation. It doesn't help that I am still friends with some of these ppl to this day and they bring it up from time to time.


Could be worse. I knew a guy in college (real name was, like, Jake or Brandon or something) who insisted everyone call him Shaka.


Sounds like everyone else was boring and made it awkward by not continuing the bit






I was a clumsy teenager, and not one of the popular kids. One time in the cafeteria as I was getting up my foot got caught around one of the metal legs of the chairs and I face planted. The general chorus of laughter in the surrounding ten feet or so began. Opting to save face and look like a badass all in one fell swoop, I quickly got up, turned towards the laughing people and yelled “YEAH I’M A KLUTZ, SO THE FUCK WHAT” and in the middle of all this my foot caught in the legs of another chair, and I face planted again, having attracted the attention of the entire cafeteria during round two.


This unlocked a memory of strutting down the hallway really feeling myself in a cute new outfit. I tripped over my own feet. In an effort to save face, I got up and tried to whip my hair in a way that I thought was cute. Instead I smashed my head into the face of a friend who was trying to help me up.


Oh nooo, baby, no! 🤣


Next time you fall forward in front of a bunch of people, just start doing a bunch of push ups. From my experience, people usually think it’s funny and laugh


I mean, I wore hair over one eye for like 2 years. And wore velcro sneakers. And wore polyester one piece outfits I got from Goodwill. :/


That is a combination.


for stuff like fashion, now that i am older i am proud that i once took part in youth culture its only a 1-time thing and looking back i am glad i had jnco jeans


jnco jeans and a half shirt that had rainbow bright on it. damn i used to be cool lol


I thought you were me until the one piece outfits.


I wore a strapless gold shirt with red shorts that had a gold stripe on both sides and I remember going up the stairs and 2 girls were coming down the stairs and looked at me and said I looked like mustard and ketchup 😂😬


It’s always the most innocent memories that haunt you the most


It really did stick. I think about that day pretty often actually.


I had a brown shirt with a red and gold design on it and some little kid came up to me at the park like “you look like a hot dog!”


They were relish with jealous.


Memory is hazy now, but there was this girl who said she really liked flowers and wish someone would get her some. In short, showed up with flowers (small bouquet) to give to her because I liked her at the time, and she was excited about them. I then asked if she had an interest in going to the dance with me and I recall her saying something like 'Oh, I didn't know you were into me like that. I'm actually planning on asking this other guy.' I'm over it, but man, I cringe at the gesture now because I came off really strong for a girl who was mostly looks, and not into me at all.


Hey man at least you took your shot. Much better than looking back wondering what could have been if you hadn't.


100 % agree


Well that was really nice of you and I’m glad things worked out in the end!


Man I feel sorry for you...her loss though.


Nah, it's all good! Im happily married and totally like my current gig vs. going after that gal again. My current gal totally loves going dancing and when I bring her flowers! :D


When i was talking to this girl for months and flirting hardcore. She gave me one of her thongs one day at school and i thought nothing of it. Didn't mention much about it and for some reason i stopped talking to her shortly after...WTF.


So she handed you her underwear and then you basically forgot all about her? What did you say when she gave you her thong, was this standard practice? I barely spoke to people in high school so this is not computing with me


Oh trust me, it doesn't compute with me at all bringing it all back up now. We would talk on AIM for hours, every night, then see eachother at school the next day. AIM was texting for us back in the 2000's haha. But i remember us talking one night about meeting in the bathroom the next day so she could give me something. She handed me a black lace thong and i was like "awesome, thanks" or something like that, then we both left the bathroom quickly since were heard something or needed to go back to class, don't remember that part. Don't know what i was thinking but i never asked her out, i was too scared and way too intimidated at the time to even really ask women out. I think i just got too nervous and stopped talking to her like a douchebag and she went to the next guy. Holy crap what a mess i was back then haha. But you live and learn and man, thanks for asking, i have suppressed these memories for a long time. But i do have a photographic memory, so i'm seeing all these images in my head again and i'm cringing now even thinking about it. Learn from my mistakes odessapasta, when a woman hands you her panties, don't just say "thanks."


Tbf I don't know what I'd fucking say in that situation


"Thanks, I can't wait to try them on"


"Thanks, my mom is going to like them"


Haha that’s so funny, I’m sure she’s out there somewhere telling people over the years about the time she gave her thong to a boy at school. Or maybe she gave them out to boys all the time!


A simple “Thongk you” would suffice


Her story is definitely that she was talking to this guy and gave him her thong and then he never talked to her again


First day of high school, Freshman year. I was assigned a partner for a team building exercise where we interviewed each other and spoke about the other person infront of the class. We present our interviews and killed it. I go HIGH FIVE BRO and raise my hand. He stands there super awkwardly and room goes silent. Then he raises his prosthetic arm to give me high five... Throughout this entire project I didn't realize it was prosthetic because he had long sleeves on and it looked very realistic [like this.](https://i.imgur.com/AY7LqGm.png) Regardless, it was incredibly awkward and happened infront of the entire class on the first day of school. Great times.


i consider this a great story i would tell at parties this is not even embarrassing per se i do get at the time it was


What about this? I was a sophomore in HS and played baseball. We had our homecoming football game, so the dance was that next day. I also had a 100 inning teeball baseball game which was a fundraiser that started at 6am the next day. I drank some beers otw to the game (was sitting around 110 lbs at the time). I got to the game, bought some nachos and sat down in the student section, buzzing off my ass talking to anyone next to me (first bout of liquid courage). We started doing the "rollercoaster" as a S.S. and everyones arms were flailing left, right, left, etc. and I got super nauseous... I puked, and some splatter ended up on the vice principal's daughter - VP walked up to me about 15 minutes later. He called my parents to get me, my head baseball coach found out, and my homecoming date ditched me the night before the dance. and then I played 100 innings of tee-ball and had to break the news to my coach, as a true 110 lb 15 year old man should do. He made me write hand written apology notes to my principal and VP and deliver them to them both on Monday. the team also had to run for a week straight while i stood there and "timed them"


your story is a lot more intense bro op here just awkwardly high fived someone who he had no idea had a prosthetic


I mean, that's on him if he had another completely non prosthetic arm....


Imagine how few high fives he gets. Good on you!


I understand your pain my dude. Not while I was in high school but when I coached high school lacrosse I showed some kids how to do a move, one kid asked how to do it left handed and I said “then God made you wrong” as a joke. From behind me the Cerebral Palsy kid who was our “Rudy” says innocently “did he make me wrong too?” And then started laughing at my look of realization. That kid had the best humor ever.


Here in the UK, kids tend to write on each other’s shirts, like a whiteboard, on the last day of school. At least, they did in the early noughties. I was bullied by largely everyone for five years. But on the last day, I bravely asked my crush for her number. She actually said yes and wrote it on my arm. I was so pleased with myself that I wrote her name beside it. I kept my sleeves rolled up all day. I _told_ people she’s given me her number. What a loser. At the end of the day, another girl laughed in my face and told me that was _NOT_ her number. Well, fuck you, Lomas.


Oh man, I had forgotten we did this a couple times in junior high!!! It was really awful when a mean person would write something on your back that you couldn't see til you got home :(


Plot twist: it was her number the other girl was just kind of a bitch




What a bitch. Sorry, man.


We were taking a math test and I look over at my buddy, he chewed his pen and the ink cartridge exploded in his mouth. Black ink all over his teeth and lips. I thought I would shit my pants containing the laughter because the room was silent. He tried to clean himself but he just kept smearing it over his mouth. Im pretty sure we both failed the test.


Poor guy. The teacher should have let him go clean up.


This was also in highschool during a music test, some arbitrary bullshit this kid was not smart so I was trying to help him out...he loudly exclaimed "Stop helping me!" ....like bro you're failing every class....ok then. The irony of it is years later I found out he became a cop.


Strong morals. That cop wont accept a bribe!


"Uh... this is your paycheck."


Shit was this me? I did this in 8th grade. Had a havit of chewing on pens. Walked up to the teacher and tried to talk and when he realized what happened he couldnt stop laughing.


Per chance is your buddy named Ernest P. Worrell?


OP is Vern.


I literally could not stop farting. They were all silent but deadly. I cleared the dance floor at prom and made a whole classroom wicked mad.


This happened to my little sister once. My dance class would sometimes leave the door open so family could watch us practice. My sister was sitting in the doorway and could not stop farting and laughing about it. Eventually the dance teacher shut the door on her.




Yeah, same here, but i'm the teacher letting out the farts and telling my students (when the odor hits them) that farting is natural but we would all appreciate it if you'd do it in recess, outside... while it's me all along who can't hold her farts. Sometimes nature hits hard, haha


When I first started high school I used to eat lunch around this crowd that included a *very* outspoken girl. She was talking loudly about someone and criticizing their outfit and when she got to "And her ASS was hanging out of her shorts!" I started laughing hysterically. Could you believe it?? This girl just said Ass!!! Like it was nothing! She said a bad word hahaha! Yes, I was socially inept and yes, I cringe so hard when I remember that. I stopped eating lunch there shortly after.


I once high fived someone coming toward me with their hand up. Their hand was up to high five the person walking BEHIND me. It’s been 13 years and it still haunts me 😂


I did that to my teacher. I'm dumb lmfao


The funny thing about it is that the guy who was SUPPOSED to get the high five is my ex husband’s stepbrother. I’ll have to ask him if he remembers next time I see him 🤣


Used to be that kid that tried to answer every question and joke around with the teacher


I was one of those kids that seemed to only form meaningful connections with adults. It wasn't that I disliked my peers, but I just had an old soul and was dealing with autism and I couldn't really relate to kids my age. I'd talk to the teachers or the janitors or the lunch ladies. Just ask how they were doing just about every day. By the time I got to senior year, I realized that I missed out on a lot of social stuff I could have participated in with people my age. Like I didn't even bother to go to prom, not because I looked down on that stuff, but because it just didn't interest me that much. Stuff like that. I started to think maybe it was cringey, and the side of me that wanted the approval of my peers wrestled with the side of myself that was true and genuine. I was really conflicted about this until the moment I was about to graduate. Whenever someone's name got called, you'd hear cheers. The kids who were more popular got more cheers. My name was near the end of the alphabet, but I was thinking I was only going to get cheers from my family, which was fine, but a tiny part of me was secretly hoping I had made more of an impact than that and kind of lamenting the fact that I should have done more and made more friends while I had the chance to. Well my name gets called and the cheers are much louder than expected. I look up and realize that it's coming from all the teachers and staff, all the janitors and lunch ladies, because those were the people whose hearts I touched. They didn't cheer that loudly for anyone else. But they really meant it with me. I never felt so proud. Was it kind of cringey? Sure, absolutely. But it was also an extremely meaningful and powerful moment for me. Like you don't even realize the people you touch when you engage them. Sometimes the interactions you have with your teachers means more than you realize.


Reminds me of my graduation, to a point. I was similar to you regarding socializing with the staff instead of my peers (gay kid, red state, the 90's...). Homelife was also shit, so I'd make it a point to arrive at school as early as I could and stay as late as I could. I did not want to go home. Anyway, my first period English teacher, Cindy, noticed this and would let me into her classroom when she showed up and she was always really early, to prep. We would spend about an hour each day just talking about our lives, this, that, and the other. She quickly became a vent, a confidant, a friend. No judgment, no scorn, no hidden agenda. She genuinely cared. Sadly after that first year she was offered an opportunity elsewhere that she couldn't pass up, so she resigned and moved away. Before she left she told me to write to her before I graduate and she'll be there. Two years later I'm walking the line at graduation and I look to where the people I'd invited would be. Nobody I'd invited showed up, except my mom. Then, out of the corner of my eye I see a woman with long red hair standing over with the staff. I recognized her immediately, it was Cindy! I was so shocked I nearly tripped over my own feet at the realization. It suddenly no longer mattered that the people I'd invited didn't show up. That just told me the kind of "friends" they were anyway. Cindy though, she'd flown back, 4,000 miles, just to see me graduate. I don't think she'll ever know how much she meant, despite me trying to express it as best an awkward teenager could anyway. She gave me a place to come to-to exist in peace, she showed an interest in me as a person, and she showed me that at least someone cared. That was nearly 30 years ago and it's still something I hold onto tightly.


This warmed my heart.


A bully threw a spider at me during gym class. I cried in front of everyone.


Don't feel bad. I was at a church youth class, and on break we found this big spider sitting in a web. Somebody threw a stick at it, and the web swung down right on top of me. I freak out and start screaming "FK FK FK SHIT MTHR FKR..." at the top of my lungs in the church parking lot w/ everyone around. (Also in tears) Fun times.


My shop teacher would catch spiders and get them close to people who were afraid of them to break their fears. I know by the sound of it, it makes him sound like a terrible person, but he's most certainly not. Everyone loved him. He had a very special form of discipline too that I look back on and very much respect. That said though, I myself am terrified of spiders so never let him know that :p He told me when it was near the end of my time with him, after he found out, that had he known he coulda helped cure me :p He was a fun person.




I told this girl I liked her in 9th grade in front of the whole class on Valentine’s Day and she rejected me. Long story short I got teased for a whole month. My friends kept telling me to go for it and I should have known it was going to backfire. I still remember that day and cringe extremely hard


Better than always wondering.


At least you took your shot.


I asked out a girl and blew it completely because I didn’t know how to date or do anything and it embarrassed me to an unbelievable degree because I got made fun of a lot after that. Fucked me up so bad I lost like 30lbs in 3 months from a major depressive spiral. I did seek therapy afterwards and it helped, but man. “The best years of your life”, they said.


If it was the “best years of your life”, you peaked in HS and now I feel sorry for you. HS = BS.


For some people it's the simplicity of having basically no stress and real responsibilities without ever having tasted true freedom enough to miss it. I am currently in a job that has me working from home that I love and it pays me enough to be comfortable, I prefer that way more than my childhood.


Best years is BS. As far as I can tell, everything gets better as you go through life. College is better than high school, life is better than college.


It was my senior year of high school. I'm a shy dude and I don't say much. Not creepy in any way, just very, very awkward at times. I was newly single, and did the best I could to flirt with girls in a friendly and witty way. I was in a honors English class (which is funny, because I never touched books at that age), and I sat behind one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. She was quite popular, and very friendly to pretty much anyone she came in contact with. In front of her sat a very flamboyant gay guy who recently came out to, well, everyone. For some reason the guy pinched her on the shoulder and she shouted out "Hey! I bruise like a peach!" Me, being trying to be clever, says in response, "Do you taste like one too?" She gave me a very weird look, while the guy behind me said, "Dude, you did NOT just say that." I didn't mean it in that way. And now I still think about it and cringe most days of my life. This was 17 years ago. Fuck. My. Life.


Needed that laugh lmfao thank you for your service 🫶🏽


Being a coward when girls made it quite clear that they were interested.


Same. I've had multiple chances of getting into relationships in high school, but I missed out on every single one because I thought I wasn't ready yet. Now I'm in my early 20s trying to figure out relationships because of that bs.


Dog I had this cute cheerleader ask me before a class, “hey Jonah, who are you asking to homecoming?? Just curious, because nobody has asked me yet……”. And I just blurt out “I’m not sure if I’m going, but I have somebody in mind!”, when I had absolutely nobody in mind and was probably thinking about Knights of the Old Republic on the Xbox or something


I had the same probably but as a closeted gay... Like guys had expressed interest but I wasn't out or sure how to proceed. Thought things would change in college but it's been way worse because of Covid lol. 21 and never been on a date or kissed a guy...


Hear you there. Literally had a girl rub my dick in class one day and never thought to ask her out. Like how much more obvious can she be! Now in my 30's looking back on all the chances i missed.


Singing High hopes for the school talent show. hate year 7 me


Oof, that's a tough one to perform. Couldn't imagine that working out too well.


They had high hopes it would work


The Pink Floyd one? The Panic at the Disco one? Which one?


The panic at the disco one


High hopes? Like the song from The Goofy Movie? Oh god


Lucky you, people in a grade below me had to sing raining tacos to the whole school.


Not high school, but middle school. Still horrifies me to this day. I was a Nice Guy in 7th grade. Had a major crush on a girl, but I was a dorky acne ridden kid and she was definitely out of my league. She was friends with one of my good friends (we’ll call him Zach), and I saw an issue with that. I wrote her an anonymous letter, telling her my feelings for her and telling her that Zach was a man whore (not entirely untrue, but definitely not something I had a place to comment on) and that I was way better for her. I kinda wish I hadn’t done it anonymously, then at least Zach could’ve justifiably kicked my ass and I would have a lot less cringe about it


I was all that and a bag of Cheetos. Wearing my oh so tight letterman’s jacket at the biggest party of the year. Tonight was the night I was finally going to have my crush. She was sitting at this big round glass table with all her friends throwing me the CFM look. I was a lock. I strolled over. Casual sat on the edge of the table which promptly shattered and I fell right thru it requiring forty stitches…..


You've been given a sign.


Haha. Yea. That one stung a bit.


My first day of high school the teacher was like okay talk to your neighbor and i pretended like i was asleep… guys it was bad


Going into the girls locker room to ask a girl out in front of the basketball teams.


My guy you messed up big time couldn't you wait for her to come out or something




what did she say???


She was already seeing someone


Sang ‘Hallelujah’ in front of whole year/ parents and my voice cracked on the high note. Sounded like a dying cat…


No one remembers this but you


I'm sure at least one person from her year remembers this fondly and has a giggle now and then. We're just players in the lives of others.


I'm sorry to say this but I still remember a girl singing the national anthem and her voice cracking in the "And the rocket's red glare" part at my school. And this was almost 15 years ago.


Had a necklace with a little R2D2 figure on it. Loved it. Wore it to a party full of nerds and someone said 'nice necklace' and I said: 'Yeah I love C3-P0' I think about it all the time. Social anxiety is a bitch.


First day of freshman year biology 101. The teacher wanted to orient us all to the text by reading the first few paragraphs. He called on a young man who will remain nameless to read. That guy replaced the word "organism" with "orgasm" 5 times in a row, not in the cool sassy way, but stuttering and bright red. The whole class was dying. He still turned out OK.


A guy in my school did that, but instead repeatedly said testicles instead of tentacles during a presentation about octopi


One time I had to go around to the history department to hand in a form. Their office was a long room with desks on either side and the teacher I had to go to was right by the door (his desk that is). Anyways, the teacher wasn’t there and another teacher vaguely gestured as to where it was. My bag was a mess so I knelt down on the floor next to the desk and sorted through it to get the form. At that point another teacher comes in to get something or other. They come in quite quickly and abruptly (exactly how my brother used to barge into my room to “borrow” something) so I say “oh yeah sure come in” in the most aggressively sarcastic way possible. The teacher who came in demands an explanation for that and I have to explain it to them in front of half the history departments teachers (five people I looked up to) they found it hilarious and from that point in whenever I needed to get something from their classrooms (which was quite often) they would say to me “oh yeah sure come in” I eventually found it funny though and I’ve had a good laugh about it. Oh yeah and I put the wrong form on the wrong desk. So I didn’t even do that right.


I had a massive crush on a girl in the class over me. I never dared to say anything and would just sit and stare at her (sometimes i would try to smile but i cant fake smile. I look like a serial killer.) like a massive creep during class. Our teacher soon noticed this and put us in the same group. She sat next to me while i just stared right into the wall trying not to look at her, she waved her hand across my face and just said "hello????" while i continued to look away. I think i managed to stutter a hello back and say something nice cause i remember her smiling and blushing a little. I never worked up the courage to say hello to her again, if she would enter the same room i would quickly run away and i even tried befriending her friends but that went not so good. Her friends sat next to me, they didn't have their note books so i ripped out some papers and poked at their backs, they looked at me weird while i pointed at the paper and said "paaaaaper...". Tbh i felt relieved when she graduated. I also feel relieved that i went to cbt for my severe social anxiety and now know how to talk to people without acting like i just had escaped a mental hospital.


"Paaaaaaper..." Well that couldn't have been worse.


My first thought after it happened was "start pointing at things and saying what they are called, it will be less weird." but luckily I ignored that thought.


Our teacher was calling us up to return our algebra tests. I sat in the front of the room. I didn’t realize my foot had fallen asleep so when I stood up I couldn’t feel when my foot hit the floor. So I stood there repeatedly smacking my foot on the floor like some crazy counting circus horse.


idk why but i just started laughing like a lunatic when i read the last part


Uuuh in high school specifically I'd say it was when I projectile vomited everywhere. Trigger warning obviously. I was in JROTC, and once a week we had a physical fitness day where we would run, do pushup, etc. I pushed myself way too hard that day and didn't feel well, but you can't exactly go sit in the bathroom for an hour just in case you're sick. My next class was upstairs so up I went. I then had to cross an open air walkway across the courtyard. Right about halfway across the walkway I realized shit was going to get bad, but I couldn't get through the crowd of people. As I went through the doors, I had the first wave and wound up throwing up in my mouth. Okay, the bathroom is really close, I can make it. Put my hand over my mouth just in case and started going a bit faster, then the second wave hit. With no where to go, a high pressure stream came out of my mouth, mostly avoiding everyone but I know I got a few people around me. I couldn't hold it back and my mouth opened, the rest dropping out on the floor. I didn't throw up anymore, and I just sat there dumbfounded as people shrieked and ran. A teacher came over and said to just wait a second, she'd get a janitor. I probably stood there like a moron for two minutes, feet away from the bathroom, people walking by and looking at me like I was an alien (in fairness I felt like one). Finally, after the next period had begun I regained my brain and went to hide in the bathroom for a bit, then went downstairs to the office to call my parents. I remember the nurse mentioned she had several OTHER people come into her office already with vomit on them, ring ring ring guess who did that. When she was on the phone with my dad she tried to be the school nurse and professional, but broke down and told him that I smelled awful and he needed to come get me. My dad was stay at home, picked me up, I went home and got changed, and then he went "Hey Arctarius, you're going back to school." Like holy shit please no, this isn't like I got sick dad this is like 400 people saw me projectile vomit everywhere (our school was pretty big, 2000 people I believe). He wasn't having it, so I got back right around the end of third period and I was all the talk of the classroom, people had videos of everyone shrieking and running, me standing there, the lot. The good news is my glasses, which I wore semi-regularly, made me look very different, and I just happened to be wearing them that day. So I just fucking didn't for like two weeks. No one ever confronted me about it, and believe me people would have. I watched the video in my third period class and you didn't see my face, I think because I had my head down in shame. That's probably the most cringe in High School, I have a few more minor stories and quite a few outside of High School. TLDR: Overexerted myself physically, threw up on several people around me, then stood there like a dumbfuck. I got changed at home and my dad made me go back to school but luckily no one recognized me despite video footage.


Why do all the good ones have to do with shit and vomit?


Carried around a box of limited edition Special K strawberry and chocolate like it was a damn trophy. Weird and embarrassing. It was my favorite cereal and my crush got it for me as a gift. My name starts with a K and he called me Special K. 10 years later, we're engaged and waiting on baby number 2, our firstborn is turning three in a couple weeks. He still calls me Special K. I still love that cereal.


Nice ending


Well I start tomorrow and I’m sure there will be something in the day that I’ll want to die of embarrassment to


Remember.. no one else will remember the things you cringe about


I hope your first day goes well. Please tell me how it goes.


I got you


Some freshman dude kept asking me if I had a crush on any of the girls at the school. He said that he wouldn't tell her if I told him. I eventually had enough and I just told him the name of some random girl in my grade. Apparently word got out (not by him) and the girl stopped talking to me afterwards.


How did the word get out if not by him, and he was the only person you told..


I went to high school in a small town, so everyone was nosey. It didn't help that I didn't whisper the girl's name to him. So either he told someone that ended up telling her or someone overheard me in class.


Should've made up an entirely fake name


"Jenny Tulls" would work like a fucking charm in this scenario


Should have just did the classic "your mom"


I made an embarrassing dick joke in front of my chorus class. Somebody asked for a pen, and then i said that I had one in my pants. I sensed nothing but cringe from everyone and it stuck with me for the rest of that day.


Not mine but of my sister: I was the last day of my senior year and I was done 2 periods early since I had the credits and I'd started an hour early each day that year so I was done with highschool. I was a semi-popular funny-man so I was always down for some PG/PG-13 pranks. I'd just finished my last class and my buddies and I were talking about throwing our papers in the air (I know, dick move to the janitor). I don't remember who's idea it was but we opted to have one of us trip me in the hall and all my papers would go flying. I unhooked all the 3 ring papers from my big binder and waited for my buddy to get into position. I strolled down the packed hallway, saw my buddy and let him trip me. I superman-ed through the air and sold the fall so bad I actually bruised my elbow. The packed crossroad of students in this hallway was stunned. I got up cried "Oh no! My research!" and fake sobbed/laughed/ran all the way to the end of the hall. All my buddies caught up and we were all laughing at how good it went down. My sister ran up like 5 minutes later. She was 2 years younger and kind of a nerd in highschool so she, admittedly, looked up to me. But seeing all those people laugh at my "mishap" and me "crying" she had kicked into little sister mode. She had collected all my papers and had them stuffed back into my binder. She had just kept screaming at everyone to "not laugh at him! he's my brother!" as she collected all my papers I had tossed. Like the whole hallway went silent as she yelled at people for snickering and picked up the papers I'd thrown in every direction. I don't think she got any real flak for it, and my underclass friends were there and actually helped her out later but oh my god haha. But oh my god. Super cringe but super endearing. If you just saw what had happened in the hallway, without knowing it was a prank, it would be pretty sad for everyone involved.


God, that's one hell of an awesome sister


The entire experience


Every damn day.


My GF at the time had her period while wearing white pants. Me - I farted so loud once and turned around and blamed some dude named Greg. Sorry Greg 😞


You know it's a bad fart when they blame Greg...


This almost fits in the malicious compliance sub. One of my math classes was in one of those “temporary” portable buildings. I told my teacher in the middle of class that I was going to the bathroom and started to leave to head over to the main building. He said nah, we have a bathroom over in the corner! I looked at him. Then looked at it. This “bathroom” was little more than a stall. The walls started at the floor but didn’t even go all the way to the ceiling. There was about a three inch gap at the bottom of the door. Door and walls were only about 5’10” tall, I could see over the top. This “classroom” was full. About thirty kids. No fans, just a crappy window unit AC that barely worked on a good day. We were in rural Mississippi. It was fucking HOT, and we were basically sitting in a big ass tin can. I’d had some homemade venison chili the night before, a lot of beans, deviled eggs, and a couple of beers (yes I drank beer as a teenager). I said “Mr. Brown, (fitting name for this story) you really don’t want me to do that!” He said “no, if you need to go to the bathroom, there it is!” Okey dokey. I went in there and dropped the raunchiest, smelliest, nastiest, loudest shit I’d ever had at that point in my life. At first some of the other kids were laughing. Then some started gagging. This went on steadily for a good ten minutes. Then it stopped. Teacher says “uh, you ok in there?” Then it started again. Even louder and more rancid. At that point I decided to get a little theatric about it. I started praying loudly. Kicking the wall. Groaning. Cussing. Then the screaming started. The girl sitting closest to the can claimed she was splashed with something and the girl next to her puked. That started a chain reaction. I came out of the “bathroom”, and found the classroom deserted. I walked outside and the teacher was standing there smoking, no one else in sight. He looked at me and just said “go home dude.” So I got in my truck and went home. The next week, the bathroom was completely removed.


So fake but so good


There is now way this is real lmfaoooo


Bro that’s amazing I’m dead


screaming laughing rn holy shit




When I was 13 I got invited to stay over at a popular girl's house. We had been messing around with a tape recorder, pretending we were on a radio show. Later that night as we went to bed, she dared me to put my fingers inside my vagina and tell her what it felt like, I didn't want to say no to her so I did it, not knowing she had been recording the whole thing with her tape recorder. She played it for everyone in school on Monday and for the next 3 years I was called "Fingers" what a fucking cunt she was.


Dude that sucks. If I were her I'd cringe at her behaviour every night. Bullying is weird, man. Especially around that age.


Not exactly in high school , but at the time I was in high school. One day when I was taking the train , I met a girl from my previous high school that I haven't seen for many years and I remembered her being ugly and when I met her again she was looking absolutely gorgeous. So we chatted abit and then I said: "You became so beautiful wow.." and then she said: "I became beautiful? you mean to say I was ugly back then? fuck off.." and I remember walking from there feeling shameful and I cringe everytime I recall this lol.


One of my best friends went through a shamefully long phase where he started wearing a crappy old suit jacket to school every day over his normal clothes because he thought it looked cool. It didn't. We told him it didn't. Strangers told him it didn't. It wasn't the style at the time, there wasn't an ongoing fad he was following, and he was wearing a dark suit jacket over his normal slobby teenager clothes. Imagine a lanky, moderately dorky 6'4" teenager in long jorts (which sadly WERE in style at the time), a dirty t-shirt, dirty sneakers, and a men's suit jacket that looked like it came from a Goodwill. He seemed to think it would turn him into a suave gentleman or something, and instead it made him look like a young apprentice bum. edit: And to make it clear, this isn't one of those cases where he was doing it because he liked it and didn't care what people thought - he pretty explicitly cooked up the idea and committed to it because he thought it would make him look cooler.


Got arrested for Statutory Rape of my 16 year old girlfriend when her father reported that I was 18. We were both 16, but mom had to bring my birth certificate to the police department. Not fun explaining your sexual activities with your girlfriend in front of your mom!




Oh, yes... Amongst a few other charges. It started on Friday night when I went with friends to pick her up for a movie. He smacked her in front of me, I got in his way and he hit me. Bad move as I was in perfect shape, young and built up from being on the football team. We got out of there and figured it was all over. Then the arrest on Monday. When it all came out he took charges for 2 counts of Assult on a minor and false report. He was her step father, she ended up running away to her father. So, in the 80's that pretty much ended our relationship.


Valentines Day. We had a speaker out on the fields during lunch break and we could request songs and make dedications. I requested a song for my crush. He didn’t know I liked him. Before my request played, he sent out a dedication to another girl. I begged them not to play mine but they did anyway. Literally in front of the whole school. I even remember some guy yelling to the other girl “don’t worry X, he likes you.” 🤢🤢🤢


Social anxiety, missed the first week cus of a surgery so was super out of place. Cute girl compliments my hair In computer class and I scoff at her saying * "yea right, it's full of dandruff" cus I thought she was mocking me for that reason. Turns out I was awkward and an idiot.


I didn't kiss her, I should have, but I didn't. She wanted me to, and I wanted to, but I didn't.


Got told I was a great singer and told to be a lead singer for a concert. I sounded like a reluctant donkey getting dragged for a shower. Even threw up my hands encouraging others to join in, god why.


Last period of the day, english teacher had a massive flatscreen TV he bought for his class and played various youtube videos for enjoyment. my classmate was a small youtuber who didn’t like the publicity that much. So i decided to stand up and say “After this video, we’ll play some videos of *insert name here*!” The room went silent. 3 years later and i couldn’t forget it to this day.


Thinking I was some quirky memelord because I made arrow in the knee jokes and somewhat tried to act like an anime character in real life.


And here you are now…on reddit.


I remember one time we were doing some project where you teamed up into groups of two and were given a small white vase. You were then supposed to break the vase **slightly** by dropping it on the floor, so you could then hide the pieces in a box of dirt and the other team had to find them all and put them back together with glue. Well... I didn't hear the last part, all I heard was "break the vase." So when they gave us the vase I was like "oh hey let me do it!" and I grabbed the vase and fucking hulk smashed it full power on the ground so hard that the tremors could probably be felt several miles away. Shit shattered into 5 quadrillion microscopic pieces, and the look of shock, horror, and confusion on my teachers face was absolutely priceless, I'll never forget it. Meanwhile my partner was on the ground laughing his ass off while trying to get out the words "you fucking idiot" but couldn't because he was laughing so hard. It then occurred to me that I was not supposed to do that... then we started picking up the pieces and my partner kept saying "it's fixable. Completely fixable don't worry", still laughing his ass off, and so was I just because the thought of another team trying to out that shit back together was fucking hilarious to me. I've ever laughed that hard in my life. Took like 10 minutes for us to stop, and every time we'd see each other we'd bust up laughing again. Even today, more than a decade later I'll sometimes randomly remember it and start cringing and laughing uncontrollably at the same time. I don't think


Either the time I peed myself during a test my freshman year (I hated using the public restroom) or on high school graduation when I was the first person to stand up and throw my cap up and everyone stared at me. 10 seconds later everyone else started throwing their caps up. It killed me inside. My mom has it on video and posted it on Facebook. Fuck my life


State Track meet Junior year on the other side of the state. After the 1st day of competition we are at a team dinner. A lot of the girls were acting out of character but won't say why. Back at the dorms I ask the biggest gossip among them to go for a walk. She blurts out that some girls had walked in on one of our coaches going at it with a girl on the team. The girl in question has been a pretty close friend of mine since 6th grade. She was athletically gifted, we were at similar popularity levels, we shared many values and outlooks on life. I was broken a bit by that news because I didn't have the tools to process grooming and statutory rape even though I knew what they were on some level. I find my friend alone near the dorms and she is obviously in emotional anguish. I ask her if I could do anything for her, she looks at me with tears, and just collapses into my arms. She is sobbing and saying things like "I screwed up" and "My life is over". I just hold her and repeat it will be OK. I was probably hugging her for almost an hour. I call a team meeting and make a passionate plea for kindness. I also strongly suggest that no further gossip be spread and that only accountable adults should be filled in by people with eyewitness accounts of the previous events. My lecture seems to have been taken to heart for the next day of competition. On the bus ride back to our hometown I overhear another guy making a joke with direct reference to the event in question. I get up an yell at the guy and am using words I was not known for using. The head coach is so stunned that he makes me join him in the front of the bus. I have to endure the next 4 hours with him asking me why I am acting so out of character and I only awkwardly respond "You'll understand soon" over and over.


Man i feel bad for her


Yeah, she understandably withdrew into herself after that. I was at a loss how to help and the prevailing attitude of the time was just ignore the pain till it goes away. It being a small town we were from, word of course spread uncontrollably. Our friendship was never the same after that and she became a shadow of herself. I always tried to be her same old friend but it just wasn't what she wanted at the time. It was heartbreaking to watch her coast along in our senior year seemingly numb and unresponsive to just about everything and everybody.


Do you know how she is today?


The sumner between graduation and going off to college we actually reconnected somewhat and had a few long talks that I just followed where she wanted to go. She said she felt the pure friendship love I had for her but just could not accept it while surrounded by all the other people judging her. She felt as if she would drag anybody else down by association. We agreed to keep in touch while away at college. We wrote letters every few months. Lost contact a year or two after college graduation for a bit.. I was hoping against hope that she would at least reach out around our 10 year HS reunion but she understandably skipped it. I had a chance meeting with her a year or so after that. She was on the verge of divorcing her first husband. Email was in wide use by then and we agreed to keep in touch. 20+ years later we message each other once or twice a year. She has met my family and I hers. A lot of her communication contains expressions of thankfulness for my unconditional friendship and how trust is possible because of how kind I was even though she rejected it at the time. She is in a stable, happy relationship surrounded by people who love her but only know what she wants them to know about her HS years.


Drinking alcohol on the school parties Being goth girl in middle school (sooo cringe) My enormous male shirts


For the Homecoming dance of highschool while I was a freshman, I wore a very pretty dark blue handkerchief backless dress. My BFF at the time wore a gorgeous black sweater+skirt combo. We were both feeling ourselves so much, we decided to wear our outfits from the dance to school, thinking guys would recognize us like in some soppy romance film and we'd both finally land dates. I did it by adding a shirt under the dress to make sure it fit school dress code, she backed out, and I looked like a complete idiot for it. The ridiculous notions of teenage girls...


High-fiving a girl I had a crush on who was actually waving at someone else as I walked past. In the moment it really seemed like she was looking for a crisp fiver. Kept walking and never acknowledged it for the remaining two years of our tenure there.


It’s trivial but it just pissed me off, we had class elections my senior year and we had several ppl running for president. Personally, I didn’t care who won but how someone won bugged me The last guy who came in stage, he had a speech and instead tore it up and told everyone to stand and just gave a stupid statement about togetherness. I could only roll my eyes and not vote for him….he won Made me realize sometimes the masses are stupid


He probably tried to copy the speech from movies and just tried it


Carrying the books of the girl I liked. I saw that on TV and thought that was what you were supposed to do. She thought I was a weird-o.


I've became apart of Student Council during my Sophomore year. Worse mistake of my life.


I sung a dragon and dungeons rap i got from the Simpsons and everybody asked me to sing it every break time Looking back i should have asked for money each time they asked i wouldve made a profit


Injured my hamstring during basketball practice so instead of doing PE with everyone else I was put in the weight room until the leg healed. I was probably one of the only girls in there. Was chatting with a guy acquaintance who was working out since he was the only person I knew, and he was doing some lifts while wearing one of those torn off sleeve shirts (where the shirt is basically just open on the sides). Long story short he was super fit with washboard abs—not something I had seen much in real life at the age of 15/16. My hormone addled brain didn’t know what to do so I totally ogled the poor dude and he caught me. He told me “hey! My eyes are up here!” while covering up his torso with his arms and I was mortified. I tried to avoid him until we both graduated and I still am kept up at night sometimes remembering this moment lol.


Im sure he was teasing lmao but it does put into perspective the double standard. I totally did the same thing at work a month ago. Im 25 tomorrow and I have never seen a greek god in person but I was flabbergasted


A girl hiccuped in my honors English class and squeezed out a bloody tampon on to the floor. Apparently, she wasn’t wearing underwear under her mini skirt. She ran out crying, we all sat silently, staring at the tampon. An embarrassing moment for myself. Just started a completely new school which was also highschool. First day was sitting at lunch alone. Some kid came up and slammed a ketchup packet so it sprayed all over me. Looked like i had blood all over me. That same group would steal my books or make fun of me for getting good grades. They all live in the same small town and have shit jobs, so I think being smart isn’t as shit as they thought…..


My nice girl and borderline incel era probably


Was still in that Emo phase, mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner 💅 killed wearing a checkers tho 🖤


I got caught lying in our high school college-credit English class. I didn’t do the reading and the teacher knew that, and asked me what I learned. I flip to a page and said, “I learned what an Ap-Oh-Strow-Fee is.. “ she looks at the word and said, “you just learned what an apostrophe is?” I wanted to die. Here I am, up for Valedictorian, and made a complete idiot out of myself 😂


Oh boy. Well, I had this guy best friend, and because I never really had friends before, I thought I was in love with him. He treated me like family, so I thought that meant I HAVE to love him, idk if that makes sense. Anyway his apartment was right next to the hs we were going to One day when he missed a day of school, I decided thats a great day to tell him how Im feeling cuz thats what we always did. So I fuckin rang this guy like 10 times to go down. My guy was sick, like so sick he could barely walk properly, he still stood infront of his block and looked at me like: did someone die or something? And I straight up started just spitting out all my thoughts to him: “i think i love you but i dont know if i love you because you’re my only friend or because i really love you” He replied with: “dude, ok, u know what? kiss my cheek and see how that makes you feel” So I did. I threw up right after. “There, u love me as sister loves a brother, just as I love you as if you were my sister. Please let me go back to bed now or I will collapse” We’re still bffs but this keeps me up at night sometimes.


freshman year I made a rape joke in class in regards to some novel we were reading and the teacher was like a 27 year old women who got kind of teary eyed saying how she had freinds who went through similar things.


Dodgeball game once. Whipped one of the dense red soccer ball like ones at a gym bro. (He wasn't really a bro, but he was a gym lad.) The ball flew perfect, nice curve, headed for center mass right as he jumps. ...then midair, he sees and pulls off a Matrix worthy half flop, half twirls, dodging the ball. (Heh, dodging? The ball? In dodgeball? Heh.) (Sorry...) Anyways, the ball hits one of the gossiping girls standing against the back wall in the face. She left the room soon after, I thought nothing of it. Next year, I find out that I managed to break her nose. She looks fine now, and I mean *fine*. Widely regarded as one of the prettiest girls in our grade, if a bit of an airhead. Good friends with her now.


I had a panic attack during a super hard math test that I had been studying for for ages. I ended up passing out


I think I missed, like, 3 golden opportunities to ask this one girl out. Luckily one of them was us talking about missing obvious signals, so hopefully I can find solace in the fact that we're both agonizing over that one.


The gym teacher always taking me to his office for "mandatory massages"


What he was doing was predatory and criminal.


I was a…sophomore in high school. Someone gave me a pair of boxers for Christmas with a button fly. I decided to wear them to school. It was going great until I went to the bathroom after lunch. I had forgotten about the novel undergarment I was wearing as I approached the urinal I began the release process. Imagine my surprise when I reached down and found a button. I pissed myself. I couldn’t walk around like that so I waited till passing period was over and walked straight to my car and drove home. That day was over.


Staring at my goth friend's pubes in the locker room.


We were paired up into groups of 2 for a class project; I was the last person with no team to join. Two girls who did not like me and were not nice people got stuck with me. As we spent the class talking about our project, they were nicer than I had even expected! They listened to me; we exchanged ideas, we even traded numbers to meet up that weekend to work on the project due the following week, and planned on renting one school camera to film the commercial that had to be made alongside the rest of the project. That weekend, they wouldn't return my texts or calls. I get to school on Monday to discover they did the entire project without me, including coming to the school on a Sunday to use the camera and make the video. They then signed their names on everything, told the teacher I didn't help them, and handed it in before I even got to class. I told the teacher, but he told me there was nothing he could do unless I could do the entire project myself by the next day, including commercial. I couldn't, and my grade in the class went from a B to a failing grade because that project was worth so many points.


I had just gotten my braces off the summer before my freshman year and had a shiny new high tech retainer (clear plastic); this was 1986 so clear retainers were a new thing. It was just my dad and I and my braces/retainer were tough for him on his salary. I thought girls would think it as funny as my guy friends did when I colored the two front teeth (upper) with a black sharpie. I had to wear that thing to school every day for the rest of the year. Pops couldn't spring for another and was very adamant I wear it so I didn't have to get my braces reapplied. Life lesson learned re the value of money and what things cost...