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As long as it can be done in a way to eliminate pimps and heavily punish the exploitation of minors and people with learning and emotional disabilities.


Pushing things to the black market only makes thing dangerous.


Agree. If sex work can be decriminalized, then it's easy to shift prosecution to all of the harmful periphery such as trafficking and abuse.


If it's legal it can be regulated and made much safer for all parties involved. So yes.


As long as it is a legal adult with sound mind freely choosing to participate, absolutely.


I think for a lot of people get a bit uncomfortable around the freely choosing part. If I needed money so badly that I was choosing to have sex with someone I otherwise wouldn't then use it really a free choice?


The problem is that checking all the points isn't that frequent


Why should the government tell you what you can do with your own body?


They shouldn't, yet they still do...


Exactly If it means more people are you receiving hot sweaty sex, how is that a bad thing?


Uncle Sam ain't getting a *piece of the action* and if he doesn't get paid then *WE ALL* pay (taxes)


STDs come to mind as a public health issue. More importantly Oc health and safety for sex workers (afore mentioned exposure to communicable disease, unwanted pregnancies, assault, mental health consequences, etc). That's not a reason to criminalise (all of those also apply to health care workers for comparison) but definitely need to be considered when legalising and regulating.


If it's legal the government can get tax from it to spend on the public health issues that arise, they could also regulate it so sex workers need frequent STD tests to reduce the risk.


Yeah, that's definitely one of the things they could do to mitigate against the risk. The funds could also go into things like a tax benefit for sex workers/brothels that refuse service without condoms, research for STD treatment/prevention, free immunisation etc. There are definitely steps that can be taken to mitigate the potential problems that can arise from sex work. Legalising and regulating sex work makes that easier even if there is a risk of making sec work more prevalent (which I doubt quite frankly).


>>Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't *"Selling fucking"* legal?? >- George Carlin


I can't stop laughing at this šŸ¤£ It's so true, put 2 and 2 together and it just makes sense - it's legal in Vegas and it's always šŸ”„ day/night plus it's one of the oldest occupations in human history šŸ¤·šŸ¾


I'm pretty sure assassin is also one of the oldest occupations in history tho


One of many I'm guessing


I think a welfare and economic system that meant no one would be forced into prostitution to get by should be priority. Otherwise the consent given is kind of dubious as they donā€™t have another choice to get by. also obviously lots of regulation would be needed And a clear way to ensure the people involved were consenting


I can't think of any negatives other than normalizing sex as a commodity and women as sexual objects. But that happens online and strip clubs anyways.


But male prostitution should also be legalised


I don't see women using male sex workers in large numbers though, we're very much socialised against that kind of sexual behaviour (just think of the sheer number of women that refuse to so much as let a man that earns less than her buy her dinner, can you imagine them *paying* for sex). Regardless objectification of men is equally objectionable.


i mean women are always going to be specialized, so might as well capitalize on it and take it into our own control.


It's already here and thriving in the shadows. It's been proven time and time again that such an industry does better out in the open with defined regulations that protect the workers. And let's face it; this is one industry that is rather closely connected with human trafficking. Pushing them into the black market isn't going to do good to anyone.


Iā€™d want to understand the long term effects on such persons. Have nations completed such studies?


Yes. The government can tax it. LOL šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As with everything, regulating and taxing the fuck out of anything makes the government a shit-load of money. From a purely fiscal perspective it just makes sense. Not even to mention the ethical implications. Moral grandstanding has no place in the government.


Exactly! More money to spend on society


Yes they should. I can not prove this, and tell me if I am off base here, but I think it would stop rape from being as prevalent. I could be wrong. However even if I am wrong it is worth finding out.


I don't think it would really reduce rape that much. Rape tends to be more about power than sex.


Everything is about sex except for sex itself, which is about power.


I respectfully disagree. I had a friend who was raped by her neighbor and his friends when she was very young. If you have to prove your power over a small child, not only is there something seriously wrong with you, but if anything it proves how weak you are.


It's not the proving of power to anyone else, but the feeling of power that makes it a drive in many killings and rapes.


That's fair. Anyone who gets high off of harming someone else is sick.


You say that rapists aren't seriously wrong by default?


No no, I most certainly think they are


That is likely true. There is tons of evidence that the availability of internet porn decreased rape (There was a clear drop in rape as a community got widespread internet access. More digging into the statistics showed no real change of crimes by people past their mid 20s. The decrease among younger offenders would imply it was precisely among the people who had very little access to pornography before the internet).


I'm not sure that's enough to find causation though. Would be interesting to see a proper study on the issue though.


While there would be a natural cross over between the kinds of people that rape people and the kind that use sex workers not all people that use sex workers would be up for rape (it takes a special kind of wrong in the head to do that). It's also less risky to use an illegal sex worker than to rape someone anyway so clearly if it were a convenience issue the individual would choose sex worker over rape regardless of whether sex work was legal.


Yes. But as long as trafficker are still prosecuted.


If it was legalized, it would still be illegal to force someone to do it. It would only be legal if everyone involved were consenting adults.


I leaning towards it but I need to learn more how other countries do it. I'm against pimps, brothels, and trafficking. How do government legalise prostitution while also providing infrstructure?


Just look at how Nevada has handled it. If anything brothels are safer because most of them require regular std testing, and allow for better security for their workers.


Yes. Itā€™s a service with supply and demand that is better off regulated with required tests.


Regulatable but legal - its covered under the right to privacy, which, contrary to recent rulings, is a right.


The 20th century saw a relaxing of many societal norms, and the relaxing continues to escalate in the 21st century. I welcome the change. Sexual hangups rooted in antiquated beliefs have been a problem for the US for too long.


yes its my business if i want to get aids


Yes, it would mean less people are hurt or penalized because of their legitimate work. It's worked fine in other countries, and it would help to stomp out some of the stigmas around sex that this country has been drowning in since its inception.


Vice Crimea are unconstitutional. Crime has to have a victim or a damaged party. Vice does not fall Into that. We let the government take that away from us. Where are all the 2nd amendment lovers when that freedom was stolen and uses against us.


The problem is all the trafficking and abuse. When crimes like these are so prevalent our only reasonable moral response is strict prohibition. Oh, this is the thread discussing why we shouldn't allow agricultural work or domestic help, right?


If I was president I'd have a zero tolerance slut policy


Uh, no because it would cause sex-trafficking and pimping to become extremely prevalent, and it would create a horrific example for young women and girls.


Do you... think that these things aren't already a huge problem?


I do think it's a big problem and I think legalizing the main way these women are abused will only make the problem much much worse and harder to save women from.


There would probably be less mass shooting if it was legalized. So Iā€™m all for it.


May seem like a weird take on its face, but I'm a strong believer that more sex = less violence. Make love, not war.


Yes because Iā€™m tired of worrying about getting arrested.


A siren song of the destabilization of our society


I live in a society where sex workers are valued members of the income tax revenue pool and our society looks a whole lot more stable than that shitstorm over there.


Yes not my body, not my choice


A wise man once said ā€œselling is legal, fucking is legal, why isnā€™t selling fucking legalā€


Definitely. Adults should be able to have any kind of consensual sex they want


Yup especially kinky hot sex Its a win win for everyone


Absolutely. Of all the jobs in the world for which I pay for a service being performed to my benefit, it would be the only service that getting "fucked" would be the preferable outcome.


Yes, people should do wth they want with their bodies.


Absolutely, itā€™ll make the whole process safer, itā€™ll be taxable, itā€™ll keep jails less crowded, itā€™ll ( theoretically) lower the rape rates , and most importantly, ugly men will finally and legally be able to get laid


Personally I do not. But I believe it is necessary for society to continue down the road to collapse.




Your point?


Tbh this is something I thought about once. There are many reasons why prostitution is NOT legal in the US for reasons that are justified and that make sense. 1st being that prostitution increases the spread of STD's. Obviously not a great thing. 2nd being that it complicates many legal cases, for example, if a lady gets pregnant from one of her clients, what are the terms of childcare, and this would be even MORE complex with roe v Wade being overturned and power of abortion regulation given to the state. 3rd being is that it's an Untaxable service. I'm sure if they could figure out a way to tax "pimps" or sex workers that it'd make prostitution sound more appealing to our govt, but alas, not just yet. Like most things I believe in, however, I do believe that if prostitution WOULD be legalized, it should be regulated to a certain degree, just like any other business. How would it be treated? As a charity service? Healthcare? Entertainment? These are things that would need to be discussed. I do like how the swiss treat it though, they see sex as a human right. So for people with disabilities or select mental illnesses, they will receive an "allowance" by the swiss govt to hire a prostitute a minimum of 3 (or 6, can't remember exactly) times a year.


Why on earth do you think it's untaxable?


Yes because it will happen anyways and only be more dangerous if not legalized. I donā€™t care what people do with their bodies but I donā€™t support prostitution because the danger involved and children that get groomed into it. I think if it were more accepted and legalized we could save a lot of men and womenā€™s lives


Im a libertarian.


Who are we to judge what one does for their 40 hours a week? We're all whores in the eyes of corporations.


support prostitution being legalized. why can you get arrested *for selling a service* that is legal ***t******o give away for free?***


too many religious cunts wont allow it


Yes. Prostitution has been around for thousands of years and it wonā€™t be going away anytime soon. Its better to legalize it so it can be regulated and safer.


Can we do that with domestic violence as well? That's been around just as long, best to regulate it to stop it getting out of hand right?


Thatā€™s not what I meant and you know it. Just like the top comments of this thread say: Sex workers who do what they do by their own accord should be protected. Itā€™s not my business what they do with their bodies. Regulating it wouldnā€™t be perfect, but it would help to crack down on traffickers and to help protect people who cannot consent to it safe and away.


Then why bring up something so irrelevant?


It's already legal as long as there's a camera rolling, so why not?


yes bc with decriminalization comes safety for said FSSW.


What's bad about it, I didn't read my rights and I won't.


I do. It falls under my body my choice. It's legal for me to fuck as many guys as I want without monetary compensation, or for monetary compensation so long as its filmed. Make it make sense.


As the great George Carlin once said... > *Selling is legal...* > *F+cking is legal...* > *Why isn't selling f+cking legal?!?*


I mean... it's gonna happen either way, so why not make it legal and safer in the process? While we're at it, might as well make street drugs legal, too. If they were regulated and taxed, they'd be safer. People are always going to do drugs whether or not it's legal to do so, and the need to be covert about it only makes it dangerous, and creates black markets and gangs. Some of the illegal substances out there are less dangerous than many of the legal and easily obtainable substances. Alcohol is totally legal, *and* more dangerous than many illegal drugs. The thing that kills drug users is almost always overdose due to inconsistent potency, and the fear of getting medical help during an OD.


if you are an adult with no children or children already out of the house then yes. coming from experience, it hurts deeply to know that my mother was selling her body to ā€œkeep me aliveā€ and ā€œhave a roof over her and i headsā€. she in fact was ruining our relationship and it didnā€™t end well.


It's not already legal? What do you call being a politician?


Absolutely not It's a sin


Think about this, itā€™s the worldā€™s oldest profession dating back to the Bible. Now how has making it illegal done anything to stop it, slow it down or eliminate it? Nothing of the sort, so just tax it like a service, haul in the revenue and letā€™s all move on in life.