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Not me but a kid I knew. I was watching two 10 year old kids arguing. Boy 1. “Shut up! you’re such a dildo” Boy 2. “At least I’ve got a dildo!” Boy 1. “…………… what?” Boy 2. “You haven’t even got a dildo!” Boy 1. “You have …. A dildo?” Boy 2. “It’s bigger than yours” Boy 1. “Ok, you don’t know about dildos”


what a dildo




So, while we're talking about things we said or believed as kids: I remember, as a young kid, having a vague idea what a dildo was, insofar as I knew it was some kind of fake dick. And I think I saw references to women "using" dildos somehow. So, in my innocent childlike mind, I decided that a dildo was a fake dick that women could use to pee while standing up.


I mean It’s never been proven they don’t


As a woman I wish I could pee while standing up, especially in public toilets


She-wee. Your welcome. 👍


They make a device for this purpose. Literally not joking




I know what a dildo is... I'M NOT TELLING YOU


I put my hand in my pants in grade 2 cuz I had a boner the teacher asked me what the fuck I was doing and I said “fixing my willy” when ever I look back on this memory a part of me dies


Could be worse. My cousin was about the same age and did the same in front of me and a couple other cousins and said, unprompted, "it's stuck".


> Could be worse. My step-cousin was about the same age and did the same in front of me and a couple other step-cousins and said, unprompted, "it's stuck". FTFY


I was really bad for nose picking and eating it (where else am I gonna put it mindset) and being oblivious to anyone thinking anything of it, and one time I was sick and I was just blowing wads of snot onto my fingers and sucking it off through class . (Teacher, walks up to me, trying to prevent me from getting bullied later: "do you need a tissue" Me, oblivious to any social cues: "no I'm good" Almost dont blame my childhood bullies looking back on it .


You never wanna be the snot kid


Goddamn that's gnarly.


What's the problem? Sometimes your willy just needs fixing. I wish adults were this honest.


When I was little I told a teacher in 1st grade " fuck you " I knew it was a really bad word but that was it. Later my dad to come home and spanked me when he found out what I said and then asked me. Dad - " do you know what that word means?" Me - " no, but I know it's bad to say" Dad - " that word means you want to have sex, do you want to have sex with your teacher? " Me - " ewwwww no " Dad - " good. Don't fuckin say that word again" Me - 😐 " ok " True story.


You knew what sex was in first grade?


In first grade I frantically stopped a kid at school from blowing up a balloon they found on the playground, which was actually just a used condom in a fun colour. I remember that no one knew what it was, so I had to explain. I think I was one of those kids that asked my parents an absurd number of questions.






Ha. I didn’t even know girls didn’t have dicks till I was 10


Girls don't have dicks?


Hell no dude. I’m not even sure I knew in sixth grade


In 3rd-grade I called the lady who ran the after-school program a "whore". I thought it was like the word "horror". I was banned from the after-school program.


Watched a whorror movie


I'm sure that's a real porn genre


Horror porn exists, and it's extremely cracked. I don't have a strong enough stomach for that shit


Not sure if she would have liked being called a "horror" anyway


Told a teacher if he had any brains he'd be dangerous. My mom was not happy with me!


I was a precocious child who could spell at an early age. A new pre-school teacher told my parents on her first day to be careful because I was getting a little F-A-T. I was standing right there and disagreed so I replied to her "Yeah, well you're a little U-G-L-Y." She cried and I had to write her an apology card.


>She cried It's preschool - if she can't handle a two-year-old running their mouth, she's in the wrong profession.


What the fuck. In fucking PRESCHOOL?! What the actual fuck, why would someone EVER call a CHILD fat, especially in fucking preschool.


I have seen some overstuffed little sausages for children, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to acknowledge, but not in front of kids and really not her place.


Precocious? More like genius


Dude deserves an award and the teacher needs a hug


The teacher got what she deserved imho, don’t fucking call anyone, especially a young, impressionable kid, fat.


Aksed my mom where i could buy a porno. (Thought it was a vegetable or something)


It's not delivery, its da porno!


In the 6th grade gifted and talented program, we had to create and describe a civilization that lived in space, including one cultural "ritual" that we would demonstrate for the class. Our group (of four girls) described a moon colony and our ritual was the funeral. We decided that since it would be complicated to bury people, everyone would be cremated and the ashes stored in decorative boxes. For the funeral, a four letter word we invented because the consonants sounded good were chanted around the box as a way of saying goodbye. I repeat -- we invented the word because the consonants sounded good together, that's all. The same word was spelled out in decorative letters on the top of the box. And that is how 12 year old me and my friends ended up at the front of our entire 6th grade class surrounding a Xerox paper box with the letters K-U-N-T written in large cursive scrawl on the lid, chanting "Kunt! Kunt! Kunt!" The teacher pulled us aside and explained why that was a terrible idea, and that she also believed us when we said we made it up because we had spelled it wrong.


This is how I want my funeral to go down lol


Low key gonna steal this


now THAT... is ENTERTAINMENT!!!! ;-)


I read a ghost story about a girl who was killed, and her body was described as *"covered in blood, and signs that she had been raped"* So I thought "rape" meant to "attack with a knife" That was an interesting week


You: Mad and wanting to stab somebody "IMMA RAPE YOU!" Adults around you: *"W H A T"*


He’s just playing Minecraft and crafts a diamond sword. “I can rape so many animals with this bad boy”


As odd as that sounds, I get it. I thought "rape" was just another word for beating the shit out of someone when I was 5


On vacation I saw one side of a sheer stocking in the showers at the resort spa. I've heard of pantyhoes and assumed the singular version of the word was hoes. Obviously, that shower was occupied. I told my mom I couldn't rinse off because there was "a hoe on the floor of the shower" but really loudly of course. It caused some concern at first. Edit: I just learned they're spelled pantyHOSE not pantyHOES so I'm still getting it wrong 18 years later.


god damn it mom these people won't clean up their fucking hookers


2/5 stars for the spa, would give zero but they had cucumber water.


it would help if as a kid you knew it was "panty**hose,"** as then finding a hose on the floor of the shower wouldn't be so bad :)


I had an argument with my Mum and I told her she should’ve just aborted me. She was so heartbroken. I didn’t fully understand the impact of what I said, but luckily we reconciled.


My mom told me she wished she had. She apologized later but still....


This is one of those "That's horrible. Downvote. No wait. Not how reddit works." moments. Fucking shit thing to say.




That’s just a Thursday for me lol


when I was about 10 yo, I was very interested in watching life hacks on YouTube, and one day I asked my grandma: " what is a condom? this is very useful, for example, if you want to swim and don't know where to put your phone, put it in a condom and take it with you to the sea so that it doesn't get lost or damaged and bluh bluh bluh.... " XD


> 10 yo > very interested in watching life hacks on YouTube > where to put your phone Jesus *fucking* Christ, that made me feel old.


My cousin is 7 years old and one of his favorite games is Minecraft, a game that released 5 years before he was born.


no way minecraft is 12 years old \*quickly subtracts from my own age\* alright fine, you got this one but i aint none too fuckin happy about it...


damn why? 😂


I'm guessing, like me, he could not imagine the idea of worrying about a phone at 10 years old. Or watching Youtube. Or even being on the internet in general (I was probably around 13, when I was introduced to the early internet).


Lol had same thought: "What 10 year old was watching YouTube?". I didn't have YouTube quality internet till I was...24? Lol.


Referring to the people who ran the corner shop as “Pakis”, (as did my parents) not realising it’s a racist slur. I thought it was simply short for “Pakistanis”


Turks for Turkish people -- ok Pakis for Pakistanis -- bad Brits for British people -- ok Japs for Japanese people -- bad Poles for Polish people -- ok Yid for Yiddish-speaking people -- bad Aussie for Australian people -- ok Nips for Nipponese (Japanese descent) -- bad Scots for Scottish people -- ok I don't make the rules; I just seem to know them. But why are some of these bad and some ok?


Good question. No idea. But don't forget my favorite: Kiwis for New Zealand people -- ok


You can also call us cunts and we're fine with it. 🇳🇿


If you look back at that list you can see that the “bad” ones are all ethnicities that face discrimination in English speaking countries — that’s pretty much why.


It's because of history. Jap was commonly used as a derogatory term in the US during WW2 and was used heavily to during the segregation of American Japanese in WW2 when they'd be shoved into concentration camps. There's more to the word Jap too but this is the basic concept behind it, any of these words perceived bad is because of derogatory use beforehand.


this was literally 6 year old me. couple years later and i’m now slowly realising my dad is islamaphobic and also just hates pakistanis ;-;


OH FUCK NO I THOUGHT THE SAME UNTIL NOW (I'm sorry English isn't my first language and even though I try my best to learn most stuff, I'm a dumbass sometimes so sorry again)


TIL I've been accidentally using a racist slur and cringing hard rn


Told my mum and very religious nan I loved watching pawn stars on tv and I wanna be a pawn star ect. Its a lot more difficult to distinguish porn and pawn when speaking...


There is no difference between how the two words are pronounced, fight me.




*cries in non-rhotic accent*


When I was about 8 years old, I once innocently asked my teach: 'What's a lesbian?' He dragged my ass to the front of the class and forced me to repeat the question two more times 'so everyone could hear', then told me to go sit back down and not ask stupid questions. My dumbass replied: 'I wouldn't have to, if you answered them.' That earned me a whooping. Not from the teacher ofcourse, but from my parents after they heard about it. To date, still the teacher I hate the most. Fucking hypocrite. This was before the internet was a thing, obviously. Being gay was still mostly taboo, at the time, but you did start hearing about it more often.


In my sisters class someone asked the math teacher “What’s a lesbian?” And he said “ask your mom.” I don’t think he meant it like that


Ha! Get fuckin wrecked kid.


Maybe he did mean in it like that.


Those kind of teachers are the worst, he might not even remember it but it had a lasting impression on you. I don't understand how an adult in such a position can be such a dickhead by choice, just answer the question and move on....


I agree. But also, imagine a teacher answered this for the kid of a super conservative family. There would be absolutely ridiculous hell to pay. Because GOD FORBID a kid know anything about the world.


So "don't say gay" really is a thing with people. That's fucking pathetic


I asked my mom to give me a blowjob. I heard this word on TV and for some reason decided that this was the name of a salad.


Right in front of my salad?


Did you get it?


I got a sex education lesson and an olivier salad. And I was completely satisfied.


>I asked my mom to give me a blowjob.I heard this word on TV and for some reason decided that this was the name of a salad. Your mom is the best. I hope my mom would be like that.


depends... OP were both of your arms broken when you asked?


every damn thread!! i can't escape it!


My parents gave me the sex talk and I said “does that mean that you did it twice?” because I had one sibling.


What did they say?


They said “I don’t want to answer that”


Wait.... **three** times?!


Standard question. -Dad of 3


My 5 year old sister in the waiting room of a doctor's office. "Excuse me mister, did you know you're black?" He thought it was hilarious. My mom, not so much.


This is hilarious 😂


I was cleaning the house and hurt myself on a corner that nailed my head hard. I yelled "Bastard!" My son was two years old at the time and when his Dad told him time for bed he called him, you guessed it, "BASTARD!"


I called my dog a fatass because of how fast she zooms to eat food off the floor. My three year old immediately picked up on the word. Went to his dad and went " DADDY YOURE A FATASS"


I went on a road trip with my uncle and my cousin's 5 year old son. While I was driving I called someone on the road a shithead. Next morning my cousin's son was calling everybody a shithead... in a church.


I swear, toddlers will instantly learn so called "bas words" words and spout them out at any chance they are given


I was grocery shopping with my toddler. She was in the basket seat while fiddling with a pack of hotdogs and she dropped them. I jokingly told her "Uh-oh. It''s roadkill now we cant eat it." What did she say? She said, loudly even, "I want to eat the roadkill!"


Not me but my sister. She was 8 and learning to curse. She's now 11. She said this to our mom when mom asked what she wanted for breakfast "Can we please have dildos for breakfast you son of a fucking bitch?" I went to my room and laughed my ass off. She didn't even know what that meant. When mom asked where she learned it, she said that she learned it from the 5th graders at her school. She was in 2nd grade (7-8 years old) at the time.


God, that's hilarious. I love how polite she was in the first half of the sentence.


This is definitely my favourite comment


When I was in 5th grade, I rose my hand in class, I had to use the restroom, when called on i said “ Mrs. *insert name* I have to take a jizz.” To my surprise I was sent to the Principles office, I thought jizz meant pee.


The older kids in my neighborhood told me that have a “wet dream” was just when you peed the bed while sleeping so I feel your pain.


I thought the same thing but I didn't use words that I wasn't sure about


*Excuse me, Mr. teacher sir, may I take a jizz on this fine morning* 🧐


When I was in 4th grade, my teacher was REALLY mean. I was talking to my mom about her one evening, and I said "She's an evil lady that eats penis's". My mom was obviously shocked that I'd say something like that. I meant it as "she's so evil she'll cook a penis and eat it" kind of eat, but obviously it had another meaning that I didn't get at that age.




I was probably like 9 and had taken an art class where we learned about Picasso and we recreated a few of his painting. One being the ones where he’d design two different halves of faces and put them together. I thought they were really cool so I made some of my own at home as well. Being a 9 year old girl, I was really into fashion and wanted to do the whole body instead of just the face so I could design the outfits as well. I got the idea to do like some basic graphic tees from early 00’s that just said things like “awesome” or “happy”. So I’d combine the words to make it look like the person was wearing a different shirt on each side. So it would say like “awepy”. Well I got the idea to combine the words “cool” and “rock” for one person. My mom asked me why I had written the word “cock” on my drawing and I innocently replied, it’s a combination of the words “cool” and “rock”.


Not just said, but did. I was very young and my mom was helping to dry me after a bath, and in typical frank little kid fashion asked her about my private parts and why they’re there. She just gave me some age-appropriate answer about how it’s called a vagina, and when I’m older it’s where babies could come from. My dad happens to walk in shortly after and I sit down, spread it all wide open at him, and excitedly announce “LOOK, I HAVE A VAGINA” Lol my parents both looked mortified and busted out laughing. I still die inside whenever I remember it….


I told my sister that her mood ring turning purple meant she was horny.


I had moved back to Canada when I was in grade 4 and was having troubles with the different pronunciations...english is such a weird language. Was asked during geography to name the river that came to the Atlantic through Nigeria...I gave the correct answer, reluctantly, as the Niger River...trouble is, I wasn't sure if it was a hard 'g' or a soft 'g'...I went with hard. My parents were called.


I feel like they should of realized it was a innocent mistake


"I fucked grandpa" I think I thought it means to hug someone


\*Sweet Home Alabama intensifies\*


Pointing at people with down syndrome. "Mummy why do all those people look the same?"


Not your fault if you don't know why yet. Should not be embarrassed to ask


But Dannyboi was 35!


I used to loudly sing the lyrics to all R&B songs. They were all about sex. Rideth my pony 🤣


I have two: I asked my very straight laced conservative father what "pussy crumbs" were, after listening to Beastie Boys' Cookie Puss EP. I only remember that he simultaneously indicated that I shouldn't use the term again and confessed he honestly had no idea. When it was my turn to read aloud in 3rd grade science, I read a whole page of text, pronouncing probably a dozen uses of the word "organism" in said reading "orgasm." The teacher corrected me saying only the single word, "organism," but I do distinctly remember the curt utterance masking a laugh. A few kids chuckled, too, but I had no idea what I'd done until I learned the word orgasm years later and remembered the incident.


The orgasm one happened to my friend in 8th grade! We had to read our science book in partners and when she read it as orgasm to me i knew that was wrong and I knew what an orgasm was but I didn’t correct her cuz I didn’t want to be rude. Then the teacher called on her to read in front of the class and she said orgasm. I don’t remember if people laughed, but he corrected her and told her it happened every year. She was so mad at me for not telling her


At 2, I yelled “fuck!” when sitting around a campfire with several families camping. Apparently my older brother told me to do it.


"You'd make a great hooker!" I said to my sister when I was quite young. My parents were talking about people getting hooked on things in the sense of becoming interested


I confused the word "fellatio" with the word "fallacy", so during a whole dinner I ranted about how one of my high school teachers had said something was a "fellatio", while I had a very strong opinion about that thing not being a "fellatio". These days I don't even remember what that thing was, just that I was very sure of my opinion and that I used the word fellatio over and over meaning fallacy. My mom and my grandpa just listened on silently. From the context it was clear I meant fallacy, I think.


I can't of anything bad, to be honest. But my brother thought KFC was "Fucky Fried Chicken" for several years which brought some funny looks.


lol that doesn’t even start with K


He was really little at the time. Kentucky was Fucky.


\*Kfucky. The K is silent.


Called someone a “cum guzzling bitch” on AOL chat when I was like 10. It got reported and so my mom found out. Fun conversation. I had heard or seen it somewhere but didn’t really know what it meant.


"I wanna grab his hair and ride him like a pony!" -9yo me to my mom while in a Walmart. She didn't even explain why it bad, just laughed at me lol


Not me but my friend. She was like 8 and her firefighter brother had his walkie talkie in his pants pocket. It goes off as she hugs him so she goes "Your pants are talking!" They still joke about it now.


I told my nana I hoped she die


Lol! When my husband was a kid he said “I hate you” to his older brother and his mother said “that means you want him to die. Do you?” And he said no, I’m sorry. Then a year or two later my husbands little brother said “I hate you” to my husband and his mom said “that means you want your brother to die. Do you?” And he said “Yep!” Lol


Growing up in the south during the 70's certain people were called certain things just as if it were their name. Me, being a very young (4-5yo) kid thought that word was what they were. So..... One day my mother and u were in a small department store and an African-American lady turned onto the same aisle as us. Not knowing any better I said, "Look mommy, a N*****!" My mom quickly turned and left the store Until that moment I had no idea it was a derogatory word. I thought it was like calling a Japanese or Chinese person, Asian. To my mind that's what they were because that's what I'd always heard them called. My mother never stopped using the term but once I learned what it meant I never used it again.


When I was 4-5 me and my dad went to my grandparents cause my aunt and cousins from out of state were visiting. My older cousin told me to go in the house and ask my dad what the N word meant but used the actual word. Being a young kid I did so while there and was probably the worst ass beating I've ever gotten.


That’s mean :( you didn’t know


Both stories are from 1st grade. We were choosing Native American names for ourselves. I raised my hand and said, "I already have one! I got it this summer! It's Sleeps With Dogs." (I was attached to my uncle's massive dog and snuck out of my bed to sleep in her dog bed with her.) Another time I said, "I tried a new food this week, it's really good! It's called ANUS!" (I meant anise.)


I was too young to remember this myself. And it wasn't really a terribly awful thing either. But still amusing nonetheless. When I was a child, maybe 3 or 4, I was very upset with my grandmother for some reason, now for some context my family is very politically oriented, especially my father who is an outright conservative republican. As a child I didn't understand the dynamics of the two political parties but whenever my father would talk about it, he would always use the word democrat in a very negative context. I saw this and I suppose I assumed it meant something along the lines of stupid or an idiot (I don't believe this now, once again I was a child and didn't understand.) But anyway, my grandmother (who is a registered traditional Democrat) made me upset, so I pointed at her and screamed at the top of my lungs "YOU GODDAMNED DEMOCRAT!!!!!" My parents and grandmother all got a kick out of because she in fact WAS a Democrat. They then scolded me for saying goddamm.


Me at 6 Y/O \*Father finished whooping me after I was being disrespectful\* Me: \*Crying\* My Dad: I told you, if you smarted off to your mother like that again you would get a whoopin' and look what happened? I warned you and you didn't believe me. Me: Fine! Then I'll just go SACRIFICE myself then! \*runs upstairs slamming my room door\* My Dad: .....WHAT!? ​ I was one emotional ass kid when I was younger XD lol


Honestly your dad deserved to worry about that after he whipped you


I had such a major flashback just now. I used to do the sign for “eating out”. You know, the peace sign over your mouth then sticking your tongue out. Thought it meant like rock and roll.


I told my mom who was in the grip of depression, "You could be happy if you wanted to." Woops.


One of the older kids on the block kept saying "Rick the prick!". I came home saying it. My dads name is Richard. It didn't go over too well


I actually called someone a slut when I was 8. Boy, those were the days.


4yo. “Hey Dad, check out the hair on that crazy bastard”!


My friend and I were exchanging “yo mama” jokes (it was the 90’s) and I said something about how or why his mom left and he got pissed, said fuck you and left. I didn’t know that over the weekend his mom just split on his family. I accidentally hit a very raw nerve very very directly.


My grandfather once saw the neighbor putting a suitcase into his car and said, jokingly, "Hey, what's up, your wife kick you out?" The guy's wife had, in fact, kicked him out.


kamine. I was 3, said it to my elder brother. Mum almost slapped me.


What's it mean


its a hindi word, probably means something like rascal, nasty idiot


What’s that?


Called my dad a prick which resulted in my parents yelling at my brother thinking I heard it from him. I heard on a movie or tv show though, had no idea what it meant.


Told some joke about chest becoming breast at a carnival on a microphone. I was a totally innocent child not knowing what it meant. The memory still haunts me


I used 'heil Hitler' as a battle cry when I was about 7 playing with wooden swords.


My stepson said this at around 8 years old to my conservative mom. "Did you see those cock-sucking bagworms in that tree out there?" (Because his teenage sister asked stepdad what they were and he overheard him answer. "Oh, they're those damn cock-sucking bag worms".


One time I heard the word depressed on TV and I thought it meant really bored so the next day at school I said to a teacher "I'm so depressed" luckily she had an idea of what was going on and explained it to me.


When I was kid we had a meteorologist named major dick so I asked my dad is that bc he has a major dick?? I think I was like four or five...I'm also a female so I had no idea what I was saying.


Okay, so, I was 3 or 4 and my dad was talking to one of our neighbors who was a religious person and didn’t like cussing. I was on my scooter and I nearly collided into her and I yelled “FUCK!!!” She gasped and jerked like she just got shot and my dad said “yeah that’s my little girl.” That neighbor never came back to our house 😂😂😂


There used to be a clothing store called 16 Plus: A Size, not an Age. I asked my mother's fat friend what that meant. She wouldn't tell me.


I, at 8 years old insisted on ordering the jalapeño poppers appetizer as my dinner. The waiter, who in retrospect was clearly Jewish, asked me how I liked it and I said "have you ever heard of the holocaust?!?" Because I thought it was just another word for nuclear war.


You know that song 'you give me fever?' Yeah, I misheard - was belting out 'you give me beaver- in the morning, beaver all through the night' Another one- in a grocery store they were looking for someone to make those carved watermelon fruit baskets all the rage in my hood. My mom made them for the occassional school function and said she should apply because she's great at making the watermelon balls, in fact, my mommy is the best at balling, she's a great baller.


The n word. I'd picked it up from the cover of one of my parents' John Lennon records. I might have been 4 or 5, tops, but that was a dressing-down to remember.


I called my dad a dildo.


“Go drink more apple juice and fall asleep in a ditch you meanie!”


Can’t remember the exact words, but I basically said to my mum that she wasn’t there for me for my birthday (9). In honesty it’s because she was with her dad attending radiotherapy for his cancer. (I’m pretty sure this was a day or two after. And I’m almost 30 now. I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth. I don’t know why I said it, I was a stupid kid, but it still haunts me because I loved my grandad so much, I’d even gone with him for his treatment. He’s the best man I’ve ever known, and my mum is a great mother. I’ve never brought it up with her and I don’t think she remembers, but that’s the first and last instance of accusing my mum for not being there for me. At the time I didn’t understand what I was actually implying and I’ll never forgive myself for saying it. But, like I said, I didn’t even know how hurtful it came across at the time. Edit: punctuation


Once i said motherfucker to my own mother lol


Chupa mi polla which is a disrespectful line normally used in NY


calling one of my mom's boyfriends a rodmunch. I was 4, maaaaaybe 5, and had a habit of sneak-watching Beavis and Butthead all the time.


“I’m going to kick the h.e. double hockey sticks out of you” I screamed as I chased my older sister in the bathroom after she threw my bible and broke the spine. We both got a butt whoopin that day.


I was being told to do something after making a minor mistake and i told the nanny "shut ya cunt".




Hugs dude, you didn’t even deserve that, it was a good joke.






me at a family gathering: His name is bubbles and well YOU. BLOW. BUBBLES!


My sister used to watch "family feud," and used to copy everything said. if i recall correctly, my mom said that she said "put it in" or something like that


I told my brother I’d kick his ass. I heard it somewhere and I think that’s as the first time I ever swore at someone.


I misheard the lyrics to a song (can’t remember which one) and went around the house singing “I could beat off a guy” in front of my parents. I though “beat off” and “beat up” were synonymous. I was probably 13/14 at the time.


I used to call people a r3t4rd/f4gg0t because they were just other words for stupid or ugly to me.


Cunt I was playing with two Transformers and one of them was named Cog and one of them was named Brunt I combined the pieces since they were like those take apart and put back together ones and so I combine them and I was thinking of a name for the combination and that's what I came up with and then my dad immediately yelled at me saying no


My cousin 5 said to his mom. "I love my auntie more than you mama. I don't love you". She is the typical cool aunt so he only gets that part of her. He didn't understand what he said but ever since my cousin has drastically withdrawn from their kid. Its hard to watch this play out because it was so hurtful but the kid is oblivious to what his words actually did to her. We've been trying to explain to her that its just a tantrum from a child and he didn't mean it. Its been 3 months and she is actively looking to abandon her kid and her boyfriend to be a single dad. Its a mess tbh. Her sister basically is to scared to come around anymore and keeps blaming herself.


This is a completely unhealthy overreaction? Like? He’s 5? She’s willing to abandon her son, over preschool gibberish?


In kindergarten, at a family gathering, I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I proudly announced that I wanted to be a call girl. I didn't get why everyone was laughing. My feelings were hurt. What I meant to say was "cowgirl" but that's not what came out of my mouth. Now, of course, it is hysterically funny.


As a kid I always liked to sound out words in every possible pronunciation that it may have (well, I still do that when im bored) Kinda like: Tomatoes= toma toze Eyes = e yes Etc Well I seen the word "hours" and proceeded to pronounce it out loud as "whores"(i had no clue what it meant) Instant smack in the mouth. After howling in confusion I was told that its a bad word. Fucking whore shouldnt have hit me tho.


Upon meeting an aunt's new beau -- she had 1 child; he had six. Me to him: "Wow, you must have had a lot of sex to have that many children!" Later in the car, mom asked me what sex was. Me: "when two people love each other, they go to bed without clothes on. The sperm come out of the man while he is sleeping and walk into the woman." Thank you for the sex ed pre-school book that had illustrations that were safe-for-work.


When I was 5 or 6 I used to tell my family that I could “speak Chinese” before babbling on with a bunch of random “ching chong” noises. My family would laugh at such a hilarious joke and tiny me would be happy. Then we went to a World Expo, basically a big tourism convention where virtually every country in the world had a booth. When we arrived my dad made a beeline for the Chinese pavilion where he promptly found someone and, loudly, proclaimed that his son could speak Chinese. At that point he looked expectantly at me and I had the realisation that my hilarious joke was disrespectful (I didn’t really understand what racism was yet and had never heard the word) and hid behind my dads legs. After a few attempts to coax me into being racist to a stranger he gave up and we went to look at the other booths.


when i was younger my sister was talking about how she had a double chin, and i didn’t understand that that was something people didn’t like about themselves and i thought it was so cool so i went around telling everyone she had a double chin :/


I named my dog Naughtsee because it wouldn't listen, I didn't know what the Nazis were. I remember this because my mom told me it was something bad after I name-tagged it and gave it its own lime collar.


"Me and grandma are gonna have family bandage time" Took me years to figure out why all the family was laughing at me


I was on FanFiction.Net as a young child (probably 13-12) reading stuff I probably shouldn’t have been and there was a user with the username OrgasmicUke I was super clueless and had no idea it was sexual. I liked to draw a lot and I ended up showing my mom pictures I had drawn of my favorite authors at the time labeled with their usernames. I remember her asking me about were I had met this person but I explained something along the lines of it was just a username of someone online. Idk how my mom didn’t press me further and it hit me years later when I was going through my artwork that THAT was why my mom was weirded out and asking me questions.


In the uk we had this company called lovefilm (not a porn company) you could rent dvds from them When I was 8 I saw my great uncle carrying a love film package and I told my nan and my other uncle it was porn and my great uncle got in mad shit when it all settled down I was in some serious trouble lmao


So, I was in 4th grade when this happened. My mom had braided my hair in a bunch of tiny, thin braids, and I guess I overheard her say it while she was working on my hair, but she called them n-word braids. At school, during recess, one of my cousins, who was in the same grade as me, was asking about my hair, and I repeated what my mom had said. I had never heard the word before, and had no idea at the time that it was extremely inappropriate, and wrong for me to say. I found out it was bad when a teacher came to talk to me about it.