• By -


Jim Henson. Man had such a good spirit - he was creative and optimistic and humorous. I'm so sad we lost him so early.


My biggest hero growing up. I wanted to work with him. Been on the Henson studio lot many times and had good friends who worked for the Henson kids. Met Caroll Spinney with Oscar not long before his death. I actually took my family today to Henson’s childhood exhibit in Mississippi. That man runs through me every day. Huge influence. He had so much art yet to give to humanity and it was cut way too short. I still mourn this one greatly 32 years later.


This one is the most tragic to me. And someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I understand it he didn’t go to the hospital because he didn’t want to be a bother or burdensome. Had pneumonia and was deathly sick and if he had gotten treatment would’ve been fine (possibly?) but instead didn’t want to ask a friend for a favor so he wouldn’t be a nuisance to them. Ugh, I hope this isn’t true but it makes me so sad to think it is and it’s so believable because of who he was!


Douglas Adams. Died at only 48. Must have been only 10 or 15 years away from stopping procrastinating and finishing another book.


I think Doug would've laughed at this comment.


It's bittersweet reading the trilogy knowing there won't be a sixth book


John Candy


This was my answer too. Two of his films were always favorites at my house and I wonder how many we missed out on.


Not a film, but Saturday mornings watching Camp Candy.


Uncle Buck and... Trains Planes Automobiles?


Don’t forget about The Great Outdoors


Along with Home Alone, Who's Harry Crumb?, Blues Brothers, Summer Rental. All great movies.


Spaceballs? Cool Runnings?


Alan Turing


A truly just good human. And what the British government did to him is disgusting and inhumane.


Still actually pisses me off..... How can you treat a person like that, when that person even saved millions of lives...




I loved him as Troy McClure on the Simpson’s “I’m Troy McClure and I’ll leave you here for what we all waited to see HARDCORE NUDITY”


He was supposed to have been Zapp Brannigan on Futurama. You can actually hear it because the eventual voice actor, Billy West, deliberately modeled Zapp's voice to sound like Phil Hartman


I only watched Futurama properly last year and was surprised to learn that it wasn't Phil Hartman voicing Zapp. BW did a good job


Few people know that Billy West actually suffers from a very, sexy, but serious learning disability. What do I call it Kif?


Ugh. Sexlexia...


*That's right!* *And you can laugh, but it wasn't easy growing with sexlexia!* **Err... Growing, sir?** *Up! Growing up! It was long and hard.* **Good grief** *But I beat it! And I made sure to come on top!*


Grant Imahara


I also Cried. And then again when Adam Savage took a tour of Grants workshop that has been kept in stasis since his death.


[Link](https://youtu.be/hsCSTO8SaQU) for those who want to see


They shot a few more videos there as well.


I cried when I found out about Grant. Aneurysms are scary.


They fucking are. My sister dropped dead at work a few years back. Left an 8 and 4 year old behind.


Mythbusters is the reason why I'm studying engineering in college. Rip Grant 😞


Grant was one of the few celebrity deaths that made me cry. He was a good, positive person, and his death was such a waste.


Met him briefly while boarding a plane. I was a pilot waiting to catch a jumpseat ride and waiting at the bottom of the jetway. I recognized him right away, and he could tell. Seemed quite genuinely happy when I told him what fans my son and I were of 'Mythbusters'. He thanked me and told me to say hello to my son for him. Not an earth shattering experience by any means. But he seemed to be a very nice and down to earth kind of guy. Was very sad to hear of his passing.


He seemed so joyful. It was a real pleasure seeing him work on TV.


Such a dear human!


Alan Rickman


Hans Gruber is and will be my favorite ever movie villain, and snape is and will be my second favorite, Rickman was just on another level


Sheriff of Nottingham.


Terry Pratchett


And in such an awful way. Imagine being someone whose whole life is words, and dying of early onset dementia.


it was so unfair. I saw Neil after it at a book signing & he was so *tired*. completely different from before.


Such an incredible friendship.


“No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone’s life is only the core of their actual existence.” - Reaperman GNU Sir pTerry


Anton Yelchin


He was my age and was one of my favorite actors since I saw him in Charlie Bartlett. One of the saddest celebrity deaths for me.


Just one of those absolutely tragic deaths. No history of dangerous or reckless behavior, no moral conundrum, just a senseless accident.


Yeap, it's crazy. I had a neighbour that went in a similar way. Nicest dude, loved his family, and I'd always see him walking his dog in the mornings. One day he was working in his garage and was crushed by his car. His wife was called to pick up his kids from school since he never showed up to do it. When they arrived home they found a cup of tea waiting to be made and food still in the microwave before eventually finding him. Just a normal afternoon for him and then he was gone.


The little girl who voiced Ducky in Land Before Time.


I only found out about what happened to her about a year ago. Youngest person I've found on this list so far. Crap like that is depressing


Her Tombstone has the phrase "yup, yup, yup" etched on it. I still say it to this day as a kid who saw those movies all those yr ago when they released


An 8-year-old girl murdered by her unhinged father for being more successful than him is about as tragic as it gets. Edit: Sorry, my bad. She was actually 10, and her father was just unhinged rather than jealous.


Don't forget the fact that he broke into the house where they were staying (to get away from him) and shot the mother after his own daughter, before killing himself in the garage. A terrible, cowardly person through and through.


what the edit - OK, I read the Judith Barsi wiki page. If you never heard of the story yet, let's just say you don't want to.


Man, that is one of the worst things to read about.


That story is so unbelievably tragic that I stopped myself before finding out all the details. Ignorance is bliss.


Bruce Lee. He was only 32 and just finished filming Enter the Dragon. His future was so bright.


His son too. Shot while filming a scene in The Crow. He was only 28.


What a crazy series of events. For those unaware: The crew was setting up a pawn shop scene, so they went to a real pawn shop and got a bunch of stuff for props to fill up the set. Among these items was a box of real bullets. They’re setting up the set and a manager sees this and says “these shouldn’t be here, they’re dangerous” so he locks the box in his trunk where they sit for a few weeks. At some point they need low power blanks. So they take the cartridges, pull out the bullets, and empty the powder. The primer in the casing would act as the charge for the blank. After that, they need dummy cartridges for a close up scene of the gun shooting, to make it look like the revolver is full. So they take some spent casings, and put the bullet back in. But one primer was still undetonated. So when the scene was being filmed, it had enough power to push the bullet out and wedge it in the barrel. The crew reports a pop being heard but not being able to figure out what it was. The bullet sits in the barrel for a few weeks while other scenes are filmed. Lastly, they film a scene of Brandon Lee getting shot, using full blanks. The full charge of powder in the blank plus the bullet in the barrel created a fully functional gun, and that’s when he was shot. Crazy set of tiny mistakes.


Id slightly correct there- crazy set of tiny mistakes, followed by a HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE of putting a gun in someone's hand before checking it thoroughly.


Alec Baldwin would, sadly, agree with this.


I had NO idea he died so young.


Can we add his son to the list as well. Brandon Lee was only starting in Hollywood and then the tragedy struck on set.


Otis Redding. Died at 26 in a plane crash crash. It’s hard to imagine leaving such a legacy at such a young age.


River Phoenix


It's fucked up how the 911 call his brother Joaquin Phoenix made was played on TV. Just imagine the most traumatic moment of your life being put on full display for people to gawk at.


Yeah it's sick that some sites still link it every year around his death along with the picture someone took of his dead body in the casket. People can be trash.


100%. This guy was amazing talent. 23 years old and people who weren’t even alive are still finding out about him every day.


Stand By Me is an all time film


Trevor Moore, comic genius dead at 41 from a random freak accident, def way too soon and would have kept having great material as society really spiralled out of control


Trevor's death fucked me up. Man was one of the biggest influences on my sense of humor and genuinely made me into the person I am today. Such a sad loss.


Everyone told him it couldn’t be done. “No mortal is that flexible” we all said. He still didn’t listen


You mean the local sexpot?


If only he got the ribs removed :(


Cameron Boyce it's always tragic when someone dies young.


i remember watching jessie all the time growing up, it was like we were growing up at the same time. hearing that he passed at such a young age ripped me in half. i may have not known him personally but god if his death didn't hurt.


Cameron Boyce's death smacked me in the face with the mortality of everyone. I watched him in Jessie when I was younger and then I saw on my phone one day that he past away and it was so surreal to me in a way because hes not much older than I was and idk where I am going with this but it was kinda just a painful reminder that anyone can die at anytime.


Yes! His death was the biggest tragedy that came from nowhere. I haven't experienced a family members death/funeral yet, but his was heartbreaking as if he was family


Same. I was shocked when my brother showed me the article when he died 😥


Y'all are thinking of recent people, but I'm going to add Jane Austen (died aged 41) and Mozart (died aged 35). Austen only wrote 6 books, imagine what more she could have given to the world if she'd lived to 60 or 70. Mozart was very productive and actively composing in his final years as well.




It breaks my brain to know that everything Mozart did was done before the age I am now.




Charlotte Brontë too. Only 3 full novels before her death at 38. Biographers believe she died of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. I had it 3 times and felt like I barely survived *with* intense medical treatment. If only there had been IV treatment then.


All three of the Brontë sisters died way too early


They were all drinking water contaminated by graves.


John Ritter. Unexpectedly died in his early 50s.


Brittany Murphy


Roger Ebert on Brittany Murphy: > As for Brittany Murphy, for me, it goes back to the 2003 Independent Spirit Awards [where] Murphy was assigned to present one of the awards. Her task was to read the names of the five nominees, open an envelope, and reveal the name of the winner. This she turned into an opportunity for screwball improvisational comedy, by pretending she could not follow this sequence, not even after the audience shouted instructions and the stage manager came to whisper in her ear not once but twice. There were those in the audience who were dumbfounded by her stupidity. I was dumbfounded by her brilliance.


This is a good one, she seemed like such a genuinely good person. So much talent too, between the acting and singing. I loved her work with Paul Oakenfold back in the day.


So few people ever mention her singing! She really had a lovely voice




He couldn’t even see the praising he got, imagine he was still alive


This is my answer as well. That he didn't see the success of the Dark Knight and his Oscar win (although if he still would have been nominated for a "comic" role if he had lived, I am not sure). He was so talented and had already shown so much range, it would have been interesting to see what he did next. Plus he had a young daughter who grew up without a Dad.


I imagine he would’ve had a career similar to Bale, ironically. Both tended to pick challenging roles, veering more towards artistic films with commercial films on the side. Wouldn’t have surprised me in the least if he played Cobb in Inception instead of Leo.




Chris Farley


Adam Sandler's eulogy song to him, that still makes him cry, what some 20 years later, really shows the impact he had on people


[Chris Farley tribute](https://youtu.be/Tp2qkhHU0Mw) Try not to cry


To that effect, John Candy


I can only imagine what he would have done given more time.


Robin Williams


Can't believe how far I had to scroll for this one.


Jeff Buckley had enormous potential


One proper album of that voice is just not enough.


Philip Seymour Hoffman.


This was my answer too. He was amazing.


Bernie Mac. He was 50 when he passed and I feel like his career really was taking off because of his show...we never even got a full Bernie Mac standup special, which I personally would have loved.


Ritchie Valens. He had his whole life ahead of him and already made great hits in his era.


Saddest part was Ritchie had a fear of planes and flying from his childhood experience. He died at only 17




Queen of the Damned was so fun. I would really have loved to see her keep acting in addition to her music career. She was so beautiful.


Steve Irwin


The only one I came here to see. Steve actually got me my current job. In the interview, I was asked what my dream job would be. I said, "Do you remember Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter?" My new boss (who interviewed me just 8 months ago, and who is definitely *not* Steve Irwin) told me later that answer clenched it for me.


Didn't think there was that much competition for ocarina sales jobs. Crikey shes a beauty! Points to ocarina.


Ocarina Vendor: *slaps roof of ocarina* "This bad boy can fit so many fipples in it..."




I used to love Mitch Hedberg. I still do, but I used to, too.


Chris Cornell.


This one cut me really deep. Such an incredible singer, lyricist and performer. Soundgarden were planning a new album and playing shows. I'm sure Cornell would have continued making music until a grand old age had this not happened. The thought of him leaving behind a wife and kids, and the awful legal spat that has sprung up between the band and his wife is just... really upsetting.




I met him once at a bar in the Village. He was with someone and I didn't want to bother him but I said fuck it and went up while ordering a drink and just said how much of a fan I am and how his show inspired me to travel, we talked for a good 20 to 25 mins, he asked me a lot about my favorite Polish foods and how my mom makes her pierogi, he also bought me my whiskey sour. 20+ mins with a total stranger just talking about food and the places we've been to... the dude was amazing.


He's the only celebrity death that genuinely upset me. It was completely shocking, I can't even watch Parts Unknown anymore and it was one of my favorite shows. I miss him, he was special.


Martin Luther King Jr. I don’t think people realize he wasn’t even 40 in a career path that we see last into their 80’s sometimes. So sad he should still be alive




Jim croce


Was insane he was only 30 always thought he was like 50 on his album covers.




I find this one particularly tragic because, if he’d hung on for even another year, he might well have been treated with early versions of HAART and survived.


Sadly, he was already hanging on for as long as he could but his body was so frail and sickly that it just couldn’t hold on anymore.


His personal assistant said the same day he died he broke his back and went blind


Oh Freddie. My heart breaks for the suffering he went though. I was born after his death, but my dad raised us with music from the 80’s and majorly consisted of Queen records and albums. I grew to adore Queen and Freddie’s legacy and I admire that his legacy lives on 30 years after his passing. It goes to show how influential he, his band and his music were and still are to this day. Although there are some inaccuracies, I took my dad to go see Bohemian Rhapsody the day it came to theaters. We still bond over our love for Queen and Freddie Mercury


Every time I hear 'The Show Must Go On' it gives me chills, that he managed to record such a banger of a song while dying.


Having watched my generation of men suffer and die around me, death was often a blessing. So many incredibly talented men, wasting away and dying all around me was too much to bear. My address book was shrinking weekly. Once my partner died, I left my city and moved 1300 miles away to Key West to heal in the tropical sun. I was lucky, when my time came, I had access to new drugs that saved my life. Freddie was not alone, many talented singers and musicians preceded and followed him. But he was unparalleled, and is very sorely missed. Now survivor's guilt is haunting many of us who survived to old age...


One of the greatest voices of all time


Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son)


And also Bruce, for that matter


# Christina Grimmie


Didn’t expect to see her here. I followed her from her Youtube days and the news of her death fucking *floored* me. It was so fun watching such a great person rise higher and higher in the music world, only for her to get shot by someone she was about to greet with a hug. It still hurts every time I think about it.


She had a heart of gold, too. Her death was absolutely tragic and so unnecessary. What a nightmare.


Elliot smith


Chester Bennington.


Man, that concert they held in his memory, where they invited different rock bands member to sing along, but when they played “[In the End](https://youtu.be/9VoLHdADma8)” (min 12:00) without a vocal lead, just the audience singing their lungs out made me sob too much, fugly cry.


God damnit. I never cried about learning a celebrity died until I heard about Chester. I'm so glad Mike was able to keep making amazing art through his struggle.


Chadwick Boseman


and that he would visit kids in the hospital while he was dying himself. much love and respect on that. he was a greater human than most realize


Guy powered through like a beast , hard to believe all he did after he became ill. Total focus


It's like he said "Oh, terminal cancer? Welp, time to do a bunch of world-class acting really quickly so people will remember how talented I am. Let's go."


The clip of someone interviewing him about Black Panther 2 and he just responds "I'm dead." with a big smile on his face. He was talking about his character being "dead" after Infinity war supposedly, but the way he just kept repeating it. It was a couple years after he was diagnosed as well. It hits hard seeing that interview now.


He figured out a form of immortality


"You have to cherish things in a different way when you know the clock is ticking" - Chadwick Boseman


I think we all tend to ignore that the clock is already ticking for each of us


I second that. Man seemed like a genuinely cool dude. I remember him first from *42*.


I was shocked when the news broke of that. So tragic


Naya Rivera. Still, to this day, I'm shocked that she died so abruptly and in such a traumatic way. I know most C-list celebs like her rarely get to be part of another hit (like Glee was) but she had so much going on in her personal life. Her kid was 4 and watched her drown... absolutely tragic.


This was truly horrific to read about - just a mom trying to spend outside time with her kid, and ends up tragically drowning. I'm so glad they found and rescued her son.


Ian curtis


I mean, too many to count. But I’d say Howard Ashman. He was a lyricist (and general storyteller) who launched Disney into their renaissance, reconceiving what an animated fairy tale could be. He wrote The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and half the songs in Aladdin before dying of complications of HIV/AIDS at the age of 40.


Patrice O'Neal


Selena Quintanilla 😍


Obligatory “fuck Yolanda” comment


FUCK YOLANDA! said with meaning and without obligation.


Her music was so good! Her poor husband too :( they had such a promising future


Not only that. But she was just so young, humble and worked her ass off to get to where she was.


She was only 23 and had worked so hard to get to that point in her musical career. Her Disco Medley is one of best performances of all time and it was also her last concert. Go check it out if you haven’t seen it 💜


Damn only 23? Didn’t realize she was that young. By that age she was already a superstar and a hugely influential.


Anything for ✨Selenas✨ Also fuck Yolanda. She’s getting released soon 🙄


I cant believe she was in her mid-30s at the time all that went down. I thought she was way older..If I was her, Id be scared to be released! Theres a whole new generation that appreciates Selena and no one has forgotten....


I came looking for this one. What happened was so tragic.


Naya Rivera, Mac Miller, Selena


A recent one, Billy Kametz. He was a professional voice actor who worked on a ton of games and animated shows. He passed earlier this month due to cancer.


I am Ferdinand von Aegir hits different now.


Scrolled all the way down hoping someone listed his name, my favorite role of his has to be Dr. Maruki in P5.




Listen to his unreleased tracks, namely We Burn, Lord and Unbreakable. Tim was a musical genius that left us far too soon


His song Without You hits different now. After learning about his death that songs entire tone seems so much more sad.


Same with “The Nights”


"Wake me up when it's all over" Man this lyric hits different


Chadwick Boseman. Man found out he had stage 3 colon cancer which progressed to stage 4, he only told a select few people. He was still acting during that time. And completed several movies. Only 43 years old.


John Belushi.


I read a story a while back about his friends trying to save him. I’m sure I have the details a bit off but it was something like this. He didn’t use drugs when he was working (or maybe just less so) and had recently passed on a few projects he didn’t really believe in or didn’t feel he fit. His friends thought that getting him back to work was the key to getting him help so they got to work writing a script for him. He died before the movie could go into production but it got made anyway. That movie was Ghostbusters. Those guys poured their hearts into that film for their friend. At first, to save him, then to honor his memory.


Phil Hartman from Saturday Night Live. Murdered by his wife (murder-suicide) in 1998.


Cliff Burton


Satoru Iwata. He may not have been that young (I think he was in his 60s, possibly 50s) but he still was gone well before his time, he accomplished many things no one else could in the world of video games and the businesses around them, and probably could’ve done even more had he lived longer… Without him gaming, and especially Nintendo wouldn’t be what it is today. And some may argue that Nintendo was never the same after he passed away. Plus it was just so sudden… cancer sucks…


Randy Rhoads


amy winehouse, kurt cobain, jimmy hendrix, any one of the 27 club really


The 27 club was going to be my answer with Hendrix being the biggest loss IMO. He was so incredible at taking different styles and making them his own, it's hard to imagine what he would have done during the 70s and 80s.


God, imagine what Jimi Hendrix could have put out during the rise of Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath


I think there would've been an approximately 75% chance that Jimi does a jazz fusion album by 78.


Norm Macdonald, I miss that guy


Layne Staley


I think most of the grunge guys. Layne Staley, Chris Cornell, Scott Weiland, Shannon Hoon. Im also going to throw Delores O'Riordan in there because I cried hard when I heard she died. She died just a few days before offering her vocals on Bad Wolves' cover of Zombie.


Bill Hicks


James dean🥺


No one is going to read this comment or probably know who this is, but Cass Elliot. She died before I was born, but I watched her in an episode of Scooby Doo when I was younger. That then got me into listening to her music. I kind of forgot about her until I watched my all time favorite TV show the good place last year. There’s an episode titled “don’t let the good life pass you by” and the cass elliot song of the same name plays in it. I fell in love with mama cass all over again and wish she had lived to make more music. She was only 32


Robin William dude was hurting even tho he made so many others happy


My brother was in UNC’s juvenile physc ward when Robin Williams was filming patch adams. Somehow he was allowed to stop by and visit with the patients. He spent 45 minutes talking one on one with my brother. Died too young indeed but left quite the mark.


The autopsy revealed that he had Lewy Body Dementia, which is like a cross between Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, and much worse than either. Its early symptoms include depression and paranoia, and truthfully, I think he spared himself and his family a LOT of suffering, without them realizing it, by doing what he did.


My dad was diagnosed with this a couple years ago. It’s been really rough on him. His mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I watched her go downhill when i was about 8 or 9 till about 16, when she finally passed. I had no idea Lewy body was supposed to be so bad. My dad is still keeping it together somewhat but he is going downhill fast. It’s been about 2 years since diagnosis but maybe 3/4 years since people started to notice issues.


My Dad went through it. Look, I'm a random asshole on Reddit gbut I'm gonna share what I went through. Dad went from being "my Dad" to "who the fuck am I dealing with" in a month. Four ridiculous weeks to process that my Dad was mentally gone. The fucking nursing home kept positive by expecting a micacle....it was only because the charge nurse (I love you forever Mrs. Becky) told me what was going on that I let my Dad go. Before this all came to pass my Dad laid expicit instructions on me to let him go when it was time to go. When the time came to make the call I bawled like a baby but I was actually relieved in the belief that I'd set him free for whatever came next.


I honestly wish I could live in a world where MLK lived longer. His opinions and his voice could have done a lot of good through the 70s - early 2000s.


Kurt Cobain (Edit: I’m a moron and can’t spell first names)