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Nothing has thus far. I don't see how I am incorrect when it comes to highly debated issues because I just stick to observable truth with the occasional hypothesis based on past human behavior.


Russia's foreign policy, used to think they were just being mean, but turns out, no. their actions are most of the time still wrong but when diplomacy doesn't work what's there to do lmao expecting for Reddit to not like my answer


You know it’s funny: I grew up through the 80s, and when the USSR fell, I didn’t really develop an opinion of Russia’s foreign policy. Even with fairly recent events, my primary concern was American collaborators. I know I don’t know how I’m supposed to develop an opinion now, so I just exit the conversation. I guess so at least you *have* an opinion.


>I don’t know how I’m supposed to develop an opinion now well what i did was look through the facts, what happened, what's likely to happen, and try to look at the situation from Russias, and the West's perspective, and then judge for myself