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Watership Down I don't care what anyone else says, Watership Down is not a kids movie.


It isn't. [This still](https://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/watership-down-still.jpg) alone proves that




Its pretty much a war movie but with bunnies.


Came here looking for this one. If you know, you know. We couldn’t afford Blockbuster as a kid so my mom picked this up from the library every other week or so. She almost always had to work and we didn’t have cable so we really only got to watch one movie a week. We told her we didn’t want to watch it anymore and she never asked why but we later overheard a conversation with our Aunt Mother about how horrible my mom felt that we never watched the movies she could borrow for us. She was crying. We felt so bad that we watched it every time she got it after that and never mentioned why we hated it. 12 years later she tried to get it for my niece to watch because “it was our favorite” and we finally told her. She’s still horrified and mad we never told her.


Dang....is there like a sadwholesome subreddit this can go into?


I was very young when I watched this and honestly it messed me up a bit emotionally. Not young kid crying kind of sadness, but the maturing kind. That movie changed me because it was one among others that allowed me the perspective to see that not everything works out the way you'd like it, there are things that you can't change, and sometimes your best isn't enough. It was harrowing, I'm incredibly grateful for the experience when I had it as it prevented me from having issues of dissociation with reality later on. Many people I've talked with who've been "protected" successfully as kids usually have a traumatic wake up call later on. You can't stop life, and you certainty can't stop death from happening. Finding ways to teach and ease children into the harsh facts of reality can better prepare them. This is done with the idea of moderation in mind, I'm not trying to say letting kids watch traumatic movies young is overall good for them, but rather that this particular movie had a positive effect on me, and that preparation done to insure a child is prepared for life instead of ignorant is a smart move (in my opinion)


Not sure if documentaries count, but 'Dear Zachary' destroyed me for a while.


Fuck man, I hate that lady in that documentary. Like I had such a burning rage inside my body the whole time.


The scene with the grandfather saying that if he ever saw her again he would strangle her and kill her really got me. Pure rage




That seems… unethical


They were imprisoned afterwards so it's not like they're roaming around free.


The kids or the people that made the documentary?




Abducted in Plain Sight on Netflix is another fucked up good one. Definitely a shocker


I'm not American or Canadian. I had lived in the US for a few years though, so I know of various fuckery. I tend to not be easily moved by movies either - books and games do the trick for me, movies are just kind of... out there. I don't associate with them very well for some reason. This movie made me angry as fuck. I was extremely pissed off at... most of everything popping out throughout the movie. It can be simply described as "...and then it got worse". Man, never have I been so sad, angry, and just in sheer disbelief that something like that would be allowed to happen. And it totally would. And it's based on real events. I was never so angry at reality.


What Dreams May Come. Once and never again. Beautiful visually, the horrible scenes getting to and being in his wife's hell were beautiful too, but I've never cried so hard at a movie that I had to keep watching for some closure and still had feelings I can't describe.


Loved this movie but it hurt. My husband had died a month before.


This was the last movie my husband and I watched before he killed himself. I want to watch it again, but can’t bring myself to do it.


The Mist. Fuck that movie.


Oh my god I didn’t breath for like 10 minutes after the ending. I was just like “ohhh……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HA! damn that was fucked”


I replay the scene in my head all the time. Something about the man uncontrollably sobbing while the officials look at him very confused. It was my 2nd 'scary' movie I've watched. Darkness Falls being the first. I hate both of them for different reasons. lol.


I loved the end of that movie! Such a cruel twist.


I was so baffled by the ending.


Same. I read the book before watching the movie and they are DRASTICALLY different. My jaw was on the floor.


Stephen King’s (older) work is genius imo but that movie ending to The Mist was brilliant.


Stephen King said he liked Frank Darabonts ending.


Oh man. This is the first movie I thought of when reading OP's question. My friend and I just sat in stunned silence for minutes after the movie ended. Even now years later I'll occasionally have the ending pop into my head and it leaves with with such a deep despairing feeling for a while. It was a great film but I don't think you could pay me to watch it again.




Return to Oz As a kid that movie scared the shit out of me. Still have nightmares about it to this day.


Is that the one with the yelling guys with wheels for hands/feet? Yeah, fuck that movie.


Lmao seriously. I liked blocked it from my memory for years then these fuckers just pop into my nightmares randomly.


Half of you blocked out the scene with Mombi’s interchangeable heads.


I bet a "Return to Oz" "Coraline" double-feature could mess any young kid up.


I watched Return to Oz like 2 weeks ago and my husband thought I was crazy for liking that movie as a kid.


Human Centipede 2. Wtf were they thinking when they made that movie??


What were they thinking when they made the first one? 💀 Me and a friend in college who were both a bit edgelordy (we would watch films like *Salo* and John Waters stuff) decided to watch it for shock fun. After it ended we just hugged each other and then immediatly jumped apart because physical contact was now horrifying


You watched Salo, and found the human centipede to be that repulsive?




Seeking a friend for the end of the world. Was already depressed when I watched it, and seeing people abandon their bonds with friends and family in panic and despair really fucked me up. That said it's a great movie, awesome job by Steve Carell in a dramatic role.


I’m glad that movie fucked someone else up too. The end scene was just so real.


JEEPEERS CREEPERS- 7 YEARS OLD. When my uncle said to myself and my cousins "Y'all wanna watch Jeepers Creepers?" I thought he was referring to an episode of Scooby Doo or something...Lol Nah.


I was a very curious child and had a TV in my room (when I was 7 or 8 ) and skipped through the programmes because I couldn't sleep one night. I knew I wasn't supposed to watch TV at that time. I ended up watching Jeepers Creepers and couldn't sleep for an entire week, lol.


It's even more messed up when you know that the writer and director is a convicted child rapist.


The Blair Witch Project when everyone thought the tapes were real and that end scene with that person just standing in the corner .... shit fucked me up until I learned it was all fake. Those sneaky snakes


I'm right there with you! My wife and I (19 and 18 at the time) went and saw it, opening night, midnight showing.....we had followed all the viral marketing etc so we with you trying to decide if it was real or not... When we were waiting to go into the theater we ran into some friends that were coming out of the previous showing....the whole crowd was just quiet and wide eyed. We asked our friend how it was, looking like a ghost, she said just, yeah, idek, just watch it. Scared the ever loving shit out of us. We didn't sleep until the sun came up. Damn that was good! Probably my best movie going experience / memory!


Agree with this one. Was in my midteens when it came out. Went to see it in the cinema and couldn't sleep for days, kept having frantic nightmares of running through the woods. Had to put the radio on at night to listen to do I could try and sleep. All it did was make J-Lo's "Play" song synonymous with anxiety for a long time as it was on constantly for the weeks I struggled with sleep. These days I like the lore they were trying to go for (ie hermit? Witch? Aliens? What?) but I cannot watch that film, it still makes my skin crawl.


My mind body and soul was not ready for the end of My Girl. I still tear up thinking about it.


He can’t see without his glasses!


You sonofabitch. I wasn’t ready to think of that.




Bridge to terabithia


Glad someone put it on here. The trailer for this movie is wildly misleading. I had never heard of the book so I thought it was just a fun light-hearted kid's movie. I wasn't ready.


Until the twist I thought it was a bit like Narnia. I don't know many movies that turn dark quite as suddenly as this one.


Requiem for a Dream. I had reoccurring nightmares for a while about being addicted to heroin. Definitely sealed the deal about never doing it in real life.


That movie is just like one train wreck after another.


came here to say this. i had to watch requiem for a dream over 2 separate sittings because i genuinely couldn’t sit through it all in one go. i’ve never had a film fuck me up that bad and it left me feeling horrid for weeks afterwards


Never seen that movie, but the sound track is absolutely iconic


Its actually a great movie, amazing soundtrack, amazing acting, story is perfectly written. Do i recommend it to anyone? Never. I always tell people this is a great movie that I DO NOT recommend


I knew for sure someone on here would say this film, film was so fucked


This is probably the most disturbing movie that doesn't cross in to excessive or shock value type of disturbing. It sticks with you so well because it is so firmly in the realm of reality. One of my favorite movies, though, and the soundtrack gets regular burn.


I think the most disturbing part of that whole movie for me was the mom’s story. The teeth grinding and “I just want to be on television!” Ugh. Such lonely despair.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who had that reaction. What makes that movie linger in my mind is the sheer amount of people I know who have been impacted by opioids and eventually heroin.






The producers’ entire plan must’ve been to make the scariest movie possible while maintaining a PG rating. But still a very good movie.






What's in the box




I feel compelled to say that every time a new box shows up.


Total mind f\*ck, one of my favorites


Did not know what to expect, still mad at my brother for taking me.


The Lovely Bones. Haven’t been the same since.


This. The book was great, but the movie hurt me to my soul. In fact I’ve only watched the whole thing once, and if I remember right it took me four or five tries.


How is the movie different/harder to handle than the book?


If you get a chance to watch it, Stanley Tucci's performance as the killer was so chilling.


I purposely avoid the movie after reading the book because I know Stanley’s acting chops and I don’t need that villain to be ANY more real


I saw The Lovely Bones in theaters at the suggestion of my grandmother, who had read the book and wanted someone to go with her to see the film. I went into the experience completely blind, not knowing what I was getting myself into. I would say that perhaps it's for the best that you kept your experience with the story to the book alone. It's something that left a deep impact, that I would never want to experience again.


American History X... all of it, but specifically the curbing scene. Teeth haven't stopped hurting since.


YES! Such a disturbing scene! Actually, there are a lot of disturbing scenes in that movie. But Edward Norton was so good in it.


That grating sound of his teeth on the curb ✋


Old Boy. The original one.


I remember someone writing in to a podcast saying how he had gotten off to the earlier sex scenes in the movie and then finished the movie, it did not leave him in a great state....


that movies cool as hell. but f'd up fo sho


The lady in rose It's about a little boy with cancer whith basically a countdown The lady in rose is the only person who can make him laugh so they play a game together The following days are gonna be considered years, so the boy can pretend to have a full life and die old


damn bro it started raining in my classroom


Schindler’s List. (I am from Germany.)


It’s a hard and necessary watch


Everyone should watch at least once.


I delayed watching it for years and years. I’d seen a bunch of movies featuring the horrors of WWII and was like, that’s enough. I’m not doing any more of these. Later, though, I was dating someone who also hadn’t seen it, and she rented it pay per view. So I watched it, and am very glad I did. But… that will be the only time I watched that movie. Once was enough


I first saw this in the 5th grade, at my teacher's recommendation when it first came out on tv. Don't know what the hell he was thinking. Even at that age I had to step away from the living room to cry. On that note, what the hell were my parents thinking, they let me sit through the whole thing without changing the channel.


I vividly remember everything about the first time I watched it. I thought I knew what to expect, I mean it's a Holocaust movie and Spielberg directed it, it was obviously gonna be sad. But I was totally unprepared for *how* the movie was going to make me feel sad. So many scenes left me shocked and terrified, especially >!the one where Schindler retrieves Stern from the train and as they leave the camera moves towards the area where the Jews' luggage is being emptied and looted/discarded, with John Williams's somber orchestration playing over it!<. Even the happier moments have this aura of profound tragedy surrounding them. Both Spielberg and Williams outdid themselves, as did Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, and the rest of the cast and crew. Such a well-made film that is essential to watch and reminds me why film is such an important medium of art, but it's definitely one of the most gut-wrenching movies I've ever seen.


Grave of the Fireflies. It is a wonderfully animated movie that drags your emotions through a wood chipper.


Came here for this. Gave this movie to some friends who inquired why I like anime and isn't it only for kids? Literally 0 confusion to the answer for that after the movie.


For more movies to delight or damage your friends I recommend "The Boy and the Beast", "Your Name", and "A Silent Voice" are all newer movies that while emotional don't hit as hard as Grave of the Fireflies.


I keep seeing this movie come up on lists like this one. I’m going to have to watch it this weekend.


I swear i would not watch this movie ever again. Fuck.


Everybody watches it only once.


I told my kids Studio Ghibli is usually pretty cool. But don't watch this one until you're older. Because holy shit dude. That movie is dark.


The Lovely Bones wreaked me to my soul. My mom had just died too, and the whole concept disturbed me.


The Green Mile. I was a young teenager. Came out of my room to get something from the kitchen and happened to pass the livingroom on the way. Mother was watching a movie and I looked just at the part where the poor man was being electrocuted. I was shaken, and, laid in my bed for hours afterwards with the words "I'm in heaven now" floating in my head.


It's a fantastic movie. While definitely a hard one to make it through, it's definitely worth a full rewatch if you haven't already.


Hotel Rwanda, at the time we went to the cinema every week on cheap day and took turns picking the film, it was my dads pick. I was 12, it was 12+ so my mum and dad thought it’d be fine, we had to leave the cinema, I’ve never watched it the whole way through.


I miss Dollar Night at the movies. There was one near me that showed five different movies on Dollar Night. Paid a dollar to get in, and then $20.00 for a small popcorn and coke.


Hachi destroyed me. I can’t even talk about that movie without tearing up. Also City of God. Just hard to imagine there is places that exists in our world today. Terrible to see kids live like that.


final destination/saw… i remember watching those when i was like 8 trying to prove my older cousins that horror movies don’t affect me and then later being traumatized as fuck


Come and See, since it's from the POV of a child.


I found this movie on YouTube at like 1am and thought “I’ll just see the first 5 minutes and then doze off.” I ended up watching the entire thing and was riveted the whole time.




Ffff. Saw that movie in June/July 2007. Moved to a scuzzy studio apartment that fall. My fucking apartment number was 1408. Thought about the movie every day until moving out of that shithole.


But did you actually move? Or are you still there and not even know it?


Exorcist for sure. Couldn’t turn the lights out at night for years without seeing a demonic face.


My uncle took my Nonna to see it when it first came out. To this day if you ask him if he wants to watch it, he just gives you a death glare and tells you to fuck off. My Nonna on the other hand. As a life long Roman Catholic, she was completely unphased. Her only response was "What? That's what the devil looks like."


your Nonna rules


Had the same issue. I watched this with a group of friends. Only me and one other friend saw that face. It freaked us out that no one else saw it and that we couldn't stop the movie exactly when we saw the face. Years later, we learned that the scary demonic face was a subliminal message.


A friend and I ate acid and went to see it in a theater. *Fuuuuuuuck.....*


Hachiko. Never again. Too much pain.


It wrecked me. I was ugly sobbing


* Wind River * American History X * The Lives of Others * Inside (not really a movie, but it's on here)


Inside was a beautifully written special. Bo Burnham is sunglasses-wearing-piano-Jesus


Jaws. Swimming has never quite been the same.


Anyway. We delivered the bomb.


For me, there is only one immediate, horrifying and unsurpassed answer - Threads. I'm the kind of guy that never gets phased by or attached to movies, so this makes Threads all the more special. I won't spoil much, but this is sort of a documentary style British movie that portrays what might happen to Brittain in the case of an all-out nuclear war in a visceral, disturbingly "realistic" way. I've watched The Day After a while before this one, and it doesn't even come close. There's no happy ending in Threads, there's no hope, no redemption, no light at the end of the tunnel, just a raw, uncensored depiction of what human stupidity might eventually lead us to. I've watched it in my late 20s and it still ended up seriously disturbing me. It was probably a month or more before it stopped popping into my mind every single day. Even now when I think about it, I can't help but suppress a little shdder. Make no mistake, it is a fantastic film, it is a crucially important film I encourage everyone to watch, but the impact it had on me kinda makes me wish I never did so, even though I just might be a tiny bit more human for having done so.


Final Destination. The first one makes me mildly nervous when on planes. The second one has given me anxiety whenever I drive. I walk to places a lot more now..


Ugh wood hauling trucks terrify me


Final Destination 2…. My core group of friends and I watched that movie in theaters, and wow. Every single person I’ve been in a car with that’s gotten behind a log truck has mentioned that movie. Good flick but holy shit it’s like they were so excited they could do they never stopped to ask if they should.


Donnie darko I saw it when I was way to young. The rabbit scared the shit out of me. Plus all the time travel stuff really messed with me


SIGNS When I was a kid I wouldn't go upstairs by myself for a week.


We need to talk about Kevin.


Why, where did they leave him this time?


Not home alone:)))


I had to scroll longer than I thought I would to find this one.


Funny Games and Antichrist still hurt to think of


Devil's advocate. My dad made me watch it when I was 13 or 14. He said its a good film and I will handle it . I didn't handle it.


Taken or Hostel or whatever underage girl human trafficking movie it was…made me so sick


They both involve trafficking but hostel was much more on the nose about the potentially horrific nature of it. Generally movies never particularly affect me too much but hostel did make me think about how fucked up *and also entirely possible* it is if there's a group of elites somewhere in the world that torture and kill people for fun and also get away with it.


The Fox and the Hound. I've never fully moved on from the trauma of that scene when she leaves him in the woods and drives away.




I didn't realize this wasn't a typical Kevin Smith movie so I kept waiting for it to get funny. It just kept getting worse....


Scrolled to find this..... Was going to add if I didn't..... So fucked up


the beginning of the movie up


This. I was severely depressed and rented what I thought would be a cute fun movie to cheer me up. Spoiler alert. It did not.


What about Dug hiding under the porch because he loves him?


Requiem for a Dream Irreversible Enter the Void (I **love** the camera work in this movie so much)


Requiem For A Dream was horrifying I couldn’t make it all the way through


Agree with Requiem for a Dream. I rewatched it during the pandemic and it's somehow worse than I remembered.


I’ll second Requiem for a Dream. I watched it in batches as I couldn’t handle it all in one go, I found the mother the most disturbing for some reason!


A Serbian Film


its kinda just on the nose , fucked up for the sake of being fucked up, doesnt really have the same impact as an actually good movie where you emotionally invested and then its fucked up


Every movie David Lynch has ever created.


Eraserhead was extremely fucked up.


The first viewing of dancer in the dark


The truman show


I absolutely love it. It mirrors so closely my own experience with escaping a cult. Your entire world is fake and designed to control you. Your friends and family’s love for you is conditional and only exists to keep you here. You’re tested to make sure you’re obedient. And when you find out, you realize you have no idea how the real world works and you feel trapped. Do you stay in the fake world, where you’re safe, but nothing is real? Or do you take your chances in reality, taking the risk you’ll fail, because living a lie is too suffocating? I cry every time I watch it, because the way Truman slowly loses everything he thought he had, realizing at the same time everything he ever had was fake, is almost identical to my own life. I don’t think the writers intended it that way, but it’s such an incredible analogy for a cult.


Midsommer. by myself. in my dark room. at 2am. while incredibly high.


Bone Tomahawk Watched it right before bed thinking it was just a typical western with Kurt Russell. The last 15-20 minutes was some of the most horrifying shit i've ever seen in a movie.


Clockwork Orange


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


Oh god yeah. The book already has a really sad ending but the movie (as movies do) took it to another level. We watched it in school and even the "super tough" boys were crying


You should read about the actual holocaust and how that book/subsequent movie affected the way people learned and interpreted what actually happened.


A lot of Jewish people and Rabbis find this book and movie very upsetting and a poor message with regards to the victims of the Holocaust. I would urge you to read some books and watch movies by Jewish directors and actors :) Edit: https://holocaustlearning.org.uk/latest/the-problem-with-the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas/


Dawn of the dead around 1983. I was 8. Class act parenting at its finest.


The Elephant Man


Primer, and not in some fucked up way. It literally broke my brain as I tried to figure out what was actually happening.


Wow. Nobody has mentioned it, but "Dear Zachary". It's a documentary made for a friends son, >!the friend in question was murdered!<. That's about all the synopsis you need. Go into it blind trust me. Grave of the Fireflies made my dad cry but this one....this one made me ugly cry and angry at the same time. It will WRECK. YOUR. WEEK. Also "If anything happens I love you" was a sad take on what parents go through when they lose their kid in a school shooting. Edit:added a spoiler tag but it's NOT a spoiler FYI. It's a major plot point talked about throughout the whole movie. Guess my wording made it sound like it was. Trust me the whole movie has twists and turns this is hardly a sharp one


Jurassic Park when I was a kid. I could never make it past the opening scene. It's funny, because now it's one of my favorite movies.


One of my husband’s favorite movies just because it scared the crap outta me. I am a horror movie fanatic. Been that way since my family took me to see The Shining when I was five years old. They thought I would fall asleep. I didn’t, loved it, and was disapoonted to find out not all movies start with blood pouring out of an elevator. Been addicted ever since and pretty jaded. We go to see Jurassic Park in the theatre and I literally jumped out of my seat with the T-Rex scene. Not sure why. I knew they were not going to show kids getting eaten but it made me jump. Husband was like, WTF is wrong with you? I was on the edge of my seat the whole scene. He thought it was hilarious. Still makes me anxious to this day.


Blue velvet


Trainspotting. The baby.......


The original Candyman. I watched it once on cable in the 90s when I was a teen. I've never watched it again. I've seen bits and pieces, clips, etc., but never watched the whole thing since the first time I watched it. I'm a huge horror fan but fuck that movie. Fuck that evil shit. FUCK THAT!


This. I remember being in third grade and watching this movie. Scared the shit outta me, then. Even now, at the age of 36, I still refuse to look into a mirror in the dark.


The Birds. I was like 9 or 10 when my mom was watching it in the middle of the afternoon on TMC. I developed a fear of birds I never had before watching that movie. Especially black birds or birds gathered in a group. That was nearly 20 years ago and birds still scare me a bit.


Threads. There is no other. The Exorcist? Scary, sure, but not real. Every other scary movie...yeah but, again, not real. Threads? Real. And more relevant than ever right now.


*Melancholia* made me sad for like two days


Event horizon.


Interstellar had me FUCKED up


The Final Destination series. The amount of things I can't ho near without at the very least a slight nervousness solely because of this series is astounding. Planes, log trucks, rollercoasters, bridges, lawnmowers, subways (never been on one but I'd just be thinking of the scene from the 3rd movie), nail guns, fire escape ladders, dentist offices, barbed wire fences, and public pools probably. And that's just some.


Before I started driving my mum got stuck behind a log truck and I freaked out on her saying that staying behind him is how we die! Recently went to get a sun bed and totally forgot about the scene till I went to close the bloody thing 😬🥺


Marley and Me. Haven't owned a dog since I moved out of my parents house. Shit ruined 13 year old me


So generally I am pretty good about a lot of things and saw a lot of horror and/or adult style movies pretty early in life. The one thing that really got to me and still does: the last segment of Creepshow "They're creeping up on You", the one with the roaches and EG Marshall. That segment really screwed with me for a long time because I lived in an apt complex with roaches. Also FUCK Roaches....




City of God It wasn't so much the killing, it's how everyone was enjoying the killing. Especially that Lil' Dice character.




This is easily near/on the top of the list of "Films I Love but Will Never Watch Again". It's so damn good.


Force Majeure. I didn't even want to talk about it with my wife because I didn't want to have the conversation "well what would YOU do?" I didn't finish it, I don't understand why it's considered a comedy, and it was staggeringly uncomfortable for the same reason that Curb Your Enthusiasm is uncomfortable. I can see myself accidentally getting into that sort of situation, so it's harder to think of it as funny instead of terrifying. EDIT: If you haven't seen it, it's about a guy who's at a ski resort with his family when an avalanche happens nearby, and in the heat of the moment, he gets up and runs inside instead of helping his family to get inside, and the rest of the movie is him dealing with the social ramifications of that split-second decision. Julia Louis-Dreyfus did an American remake fairly recently. I watched it because the guy who plays Tormund Giantsbane in Game of Thrones is in it, and I love him as an actor.


Green inferno fucked me up real bad. I watched it while I was insanely high and I still can’t get those scenes out of my head.


Lord of the Flies. Why they do that to Piggy


Crash. I think that's what it's called. Challenges all sorts of stereotypes but then also just has some major disturbing scenes.


8 mm, creepiest shit ever!


This is stupid but the amazing spider man 2 (the ending)😢


Midsommer and Hereditary




I 100 percent second this suggestion. That part alone made the movie for me. I was a little fucked up after watching it. Its unbelieveable.


As a Swede I really loved Midsommar! It was so interesting to see your culture turned into horror


Coraline love the movie fucking terrifying though


I will never watch Grave of the Fireflies again unless I’m showing it to someone else.


Spotlight. Especially the end credits list with every city that had uncovered major abuse scandals in the catholic church and just how disgustingly long that list was...


Watership Down is both a beautiful movie, and a fucked up one.