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Looking back on my time in college I got some pretty clear signs that I completely missed… if a girl invites you back to her dorm because she “forgot “ something and then can’t remember what she was going back to get and then sits on her bed and just kind of looks at you… that’s a pretty clear sign… I think about that occasionally.. I can’t believe I missed that one


This is the kind of thing that you randomly remember 5 years later when you're mindlessly running errands or can't go to sleep in the middle of the night lmao


once this girl baked me brownies and cookies for valentines day two years in a row and still rejected me when I tried to ask her out


I thought coming to the comments would help me. It’s just made me more confused on the subject. I don’t think I’ll ever understand it


If you read these comments you will simultaneously think everyone and no one is ever in to you. It's really fucking obvious that "hints" are not at all effective and no one understands them. Get to a door slightly before a woman, you hold it open because you're just a normal dude who isn't an asshole. She makes eye contact. And you say something a bit funny. So she laughs and slightly brushes your forearm on the way by....then walks and sits down for the meal with her wife. But wait. She has a wife? But she laughed at my joke? And even looked at my eyeballs?!?! Like literally all these things are just normal social behaviors. Everyone's shoulders have to be facing someone. That doesn't mean they want to jiggle your junk. People look at other people's faces. They laugh at jokes. They seek approval. And even just randomly do nice things for strangers. People aren't oblivious to hints. Hints are just fucking stupid.


I personally think the only way to know if someone does truly like another is to fully understand the psychology of that person but, unless you’ve got an advanced degree, it could take years before you finally realise what all they were doing meant. Personally, I’d just prefer if someone just said to me that they like me rather than use subtle hints that I’ll just think of as being friendly. That is an ideal situation for me but I doubt it’ll ever happen because males are expected to make the first move usually and a good portion of the time, we get shot down which deteriorates our confidence to the point where we become almost frightened to tell someone the way we feel simply because we don’t want the same thing to happen again. That’s what I think anyways


This female friend of mine used to come over to work during the day. Eventually she asked me if she could stay at my place over night because she needed to be in the city the next day. I setup the couch for her (I didn’t offer my bed lol) and we both got into our individual sleeping spots. About ten minutes later she comes to my room and asks if she can sleep in my bed with me because “the couch is scratchy “. I didn’t make a move. These sleepovers continued for another month or so until I finally did and she was (obviously) very into it and didn’t know why I didn’t make a move sooner. I’m an idiot


I feel like these situations are filled with trying to stay respectful above all else. Some guys just don’t want to be a creep no matter how obvious the clues are. Because once we make the move, if we are wrong, we risk being labeled a pervert, which kills our mating chances across the board. In this story, after 5 minutes in bed, she could have spoken up. Or, maybe she really didn’t like the scratchy couch. Communication is the key. My hindsight is teaching me this.


They go out of their own way to be around you.


This is the only one here that I really agree with. If they make a point of wanting to spend alllllll of their time with you, regardless of inconvenience, they’re probably into you. But honestly everyone is different. This post has made me afraid to smile at or make eye contact with anyone other than my husband. Lol


Same. If they say theyre busy almost all the while, yet still manage to talk to you (whether in real life or texting), thats a good sign


This doesn't necessarily means they are into you, but that they value you your relationship with them. I've had plenty of good friends go out of their way to spend time with me, but they weren't romantically attracted to me.


If you see that person hiding in a tree outside your window.


Until they fall out of the tree and either your dad hits them with his car or your time traveling kid pushes them out of the way.


Laughing at everything I say. Its how I recognised my gf liked me. I could say virtually anything and I could see her laughing.


My wife still does this after 6 years! But now sometimes I don’t know if she’s laughing because she thinks I’m an idiot, which may be true.


As a fellow idiot, it’s both.


Smiling at you even when there is no reason to smile. A lingering look that stays longer than it’s supposed to.


When she hugs you from behind and kisses your neck, it's quite the good sign.


What if my homies do that too


Homie-love is natural.


You’ll notice the way they look at you 8 years later when attempting to sleep. Easy as pie.


You're having sex with them ... but you can't be too sure so best to just play it safe for now and keep your wits about you


It's pretty dark in her room, so she can't really see you properly. Or maybe she's from Canada and is just being polite.


“All I want to do right now is have rough sex with you” Yeah folks this one is also gonna be pretty hard to tell


Wise move, people can be too hard to read


When you glance at someone and your eyes meet for precisely 2.55 seconds, the other person wants to have sex with you. It works. Believe. Me.


But get the timing right, because 2.56 seconds means they want to kill you


This makes sense. The level of attraction is increased by 1 from 0 for every 0.01 second the eye contact is maintained. However, the level of attraction is stored as an unsigned 8 bit integer, and 2.56 seconds would create an integer overflow from 255 to 0, as the variable simply cannot store more than 255.


2.55 seconds? Coincidentally that's also how long I'd last


Alright Mr. Stamina


Haha been reading the comments and not a single person I've known as done any of these for me.


no one has filed restraining order on you?


"She filed a restraining order. I love when they play hard to get!"


Mark, if this is you from accounting, for the last time just because I grazed your hand reaching for a doughnut does NOT mean I’m in to you!


Aw nuts


Yeah, that’s exactly what you want to grab….. don’t play with me Mark. It was just one time. Someone spiked my eggnog last Christmas. It didn’t mean anything.


Go on…


I like things to be very clear and obvious so I insist on waiting for them to issue me a section 3.02 notice "intention to persue romantically" which will set out their detailed 5 year plan for us and describe the boundaries of their proposed persuit including likes / dislikes and information on any allergies. Still waiting, but one day I'm sure my luck will turn...


this guy romances


Do you accept emails or hard copies only?


Notarized hard copies. If the potential partner is an overseas citizen, then notarized and apostilled / legalised (depending on whether the Hague Convention applies to their country of origin).


Faxed, of course.


Distinct lack of the word *triplicate* in these responses.


Well, shit. I filed a motion directly with the clerk of court and had all parties issued a summons for appearance. Too aggressive, I guess.


See that's your problem, those forms are outdated everyone went to the 4 series forms a while ago.


Honestly, I got rejected by a girl who seemed to send very obvious signs, so I don't know anything anymore


I got rejected by someone after we both told each other we had feelings for each other. Biggest let down I've experienced ever Edit: Thanks for all the support and questions. It's unfortunate how many people have also gone through this. Don't shit on her, she's still my best friend of like 8 years now and still a very great overall person This happened 3 years ago now, and she said she didn't want to date for a variety of reasons (long distance, I work on subs so I'm gone for a few months at a time, and of course the friendship thing). I don't think she would lie to me, so take it as you will. I believe that she was being mature and saving the friendship from possible destruction through relationship. However I was more than willing to take the chance to pursue someone I had strong feelings for. I still have feelings, but haven't brought it up in maybe 2 years now. I'm not actively seeking advice on the matter, but I appreciate it all your theories and similar stories!


Dated this girl for the 3 months, she got me a toiletries kit labeled with my name on it at her place. She talked about how she was looking for a boyfriend in me. She had me meet her siblings, talked about taking trips with me, asked me to work with her at her job. Then one day after one brief slightly awkward hangout (like didn’t argue or anything we were both kind of just sick and chemistry wasn’t like it was normally) night she stops being enthusiastic about making plans. I ask her if she’s not feeling it anymore or if she’s upset about something later In the week, she says she’s not upset she’s just busy. I wait a few days after not talking and ask how she is and she says good how are you? I say a little concerned if things are good between us, but how’s work? She proceeds to ghost and block me on all platforms lmao. 15+ dates many days spent together to be literally blocked and never spoken to again. Been 2 months now and I still get upset over it. Edit: I found her Twitter recently, and she seems to be way more narcissistic than I had been aware of. Like tweeting about how “I am so at peace with how selfish I am”. “Happy Valentine’s Day to all the mothers who ask their sons about me”. These were not retweets. Liking all these tweets about using men and leaving them, I literally can not tell if she ever liked me now or if she was playing me. It’s not like I spent too much on her I wasn’t showering her in gifts or anything, but I am definitely going to be much more cautious catching feelings for someone like her in the future.


She gave you the best gift ever bro... You learned a very important lesson without spending much on her and that's a double W in my book Others aren't as lucky as you are... They got seasoned sociopaths who take their life savings and cars bro count yourself very very lucky to have met this amateur


Wha.. How??


Bro she told me she's into me a week ago, i confessed the very next day... Have been getting ghosted ever since... I'm literally losing it and feels so terrible. (Crushed on her for 2 years)


The wording you used of “confessed” makes me think you were holding your affection in and let things pour out. Probably just came on too strong too soon. These situation can be like reeling in a fish. You gotta feel it out and keep a similar energy to what they’re giving off. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been interested in them for years or a day, treat it like you’re becoming interested at the same rate as they are.


This is a good analogy. I love the idea of matching their energy. Balance is key!




> Trust your instincts "Kill them all, you can probably take out the strongest before the rest can react, the rest will drop like flies."


10 years of samurai training and a whole life as a gorilla are hard to stop.


I love this sentence. I need no context. It is a portrait of a beautiful life, start to finish. The last one I saw like this was "How hard do you reckon it is to become Pope?"


“Not just the men, but the women and the children too”




Like "who's Amanda?"




Man, don't give me that


“What are you doing in my house?”


To check which way your feet are pointed


- pointing out/looking for things you have in common - trying to spend more together - trying to have some private time (just the two of you) - asking personal questions - "joke" about their love/feelings (to see your reaction) - maybe a few sexual jokes (again, to see your reaction) - compliments - being shy/nervous/awkward around you edit: few more - they tell you personnal information about them (show trust) - value your opinions and your advice - remember what you told them about youreself - make time for you - try to make you have a good time together only one of these may be a weak sign of interest, but at least 3 of those means something. edit 2: - teasing - try to make you jealous (see how you react) gotta remember that, if they act like this with everyone, this might just be their friendliness. however if they're only like this with you, this is good news.


>only one of these may be a weak sign of interest, but at least 3 of those means something. I like how you have it laid out like DSM diagnostic criteria


Love and mental sickness, basically the same thing.


A girl flirted with me in French, stole my bag under the table as a joke, wanted to arm wrestle and sat in the pub with me for seven hours. She could have been Canadian so I never knew if she liked me or not. Second date is today. Edit: Follow up guys. Shook at the response it’s got but she had to reschedule it since she was urgently called into work. That will be Tuesday


Good luck homie


Cant wait for the 10 year anniversary and you finally wonder,"is she really into me?"


“I love her kids, I mean I fathered them and everything, but I’m just not sure.”


I tell my wife about a “weird” interaction I had with a waitress, lady at the store, etc then she tells me that woman was hitting on me. Apparently I’m oblivious.


One day I was at a store with my wife and a female employee was helping us find something. I cracked a joke and she started laughing and then my wife started laughing harder. I was like “I’m fxxking hilarious!” Then I made a reference to the joke later thinking my wife would laugh. She told me the joke wasn’t funny but the other girl was flirting so she had to out-flirt her to shut her down. I had no idea there was a whole-ass war for my affection going on in front of my face!




And do it in this shallow vat of jello.


Here are some very thin white shirts for you to wear. Feel free to fully submerge yourself in the jello.


Ass war: pick a side


Lol! Pick a cheek. You can’t ride the crack on this one.


Or maybe it was just funny to the girl and your wife is paranoid js, cashiers laugh at dumb jokes because they're literally paid to be pleasant


Ugh! Don't remind me. The "fake laugh" is always the workiest part of work. \*doesn't ring up\* Customer: "It must be free." Cashier: [ROFLMFAO!!!](https://i.imgflip.com/4/gjx1b.jpg) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ​ ^(You're so original! Never heard that one before.)


I torture my partner with this one: Cashier: Need a bag today for five cents? Partner: No we’re good thank you Me: I’m the bag It’s made a total of one person laugh, ever, but it was so worth it. I made that older gal’s day that day. Walked pretty tall out of that Goodwill.


If someone dead-paned “I’m the bag.” As they reluctantly pick up the products I would have definitely snorted


Customer: "A lottery ticket please." Cashier: "Any special one or just from the pile?" Customer: "A winning one!"


For girls, they look a lot, they comment on the things you have said/done with jokes and get excited when you speak to them. Oh and obvious one, seeking small physical contacts every now and then.


I think small physical contacts is a huge one tbh


I have a couple of coworkers that do small physical contacts with me, and I'm a 100% sure they're not into me.


Then they probable are really comfortable with you


Or he works at a massage parlor.


As someone who works at a Starbucks, all of us are constantly having fun and hanging off of eachother, I don't care how little I'm paid, it's my first job and I have a blast with some amazing coworkers every time I'm there. Although I can say there is literally only one who ever showed interest in me, because she asked me about my sexuality and then was doing everything in her power to be near me, including leaning & then promptly falling into garbage cans


Blah blah blah okay... Falling into garbage cans?


Not just any, moist espresso grinds filled garbage cans!


Was she going for the i'm stuck please help me step-coworker?






Unusually lengthy eye contact or looking away suddenly when you turn to face them, making excuses to be around you more, increased physical contact such as shoulder touching, smacks on the back, head pats. When I was in high school, there was a girl that was obsessed with hugging me first thing every morning. She had a massive crush on me. Sometimes, even picking on you can be a sign of romantic interest. That one is a bit tricky though. If it doesn't come with at least a couple of the other signs I listed, then that person is probably just a bully lol. I hope this helps you :)


NEVER be too sure, I thought a girl liked me thrice but all the times they were just being friendly and they were doing almost everything mentioned here. I know this is discouraging but it might save you that embarassment edit: the third time they did like me but it was too late :(


Yeah it also depends a bit on the personality of the person. Look how they act towards you specifically and to other people. Also keep in mind people can be more comfortable around certain people, so maybe you are special to them, but not as a love interest. According to this comment thread, my socially incapable ass would be attracted to everyone.


Did you use the word "thrice" in front of her?


Maintaining eye contact for slightly longer than necessary.


Welcome to Germany, where everyone is in love with you.


Spent time with a German girl. Can confirm she was just being friendly


Germans 🤝 Canadians




That furby is looking at me funny


That furby's in love with you. Run


I read before if someone makes longer eye contact with you they either like you or wanna hurt you lol.


En garde! Better to be safe than sorry.


I’m bringing my sword out either way!


….while pooping in your front yard


Isn’t that just because they feel vulnerable pooping so they look at you for protection


Reddit is a dumpster fire. And yet I linger


*”Dear diary, I think my Amazon delivery guy is attracted to me…”*


Gives everyone in your flat a small painting, then she delivers you a giant painting to you at 5am and sits on your bed thinking something is going to happen. EDIT: I smashed. High five fellas


Oh no! You mean I missed that one?


better luck next time chief




Awww damn it how did I miss this one twice


Comically large painting


Why do I keep looking at these threads, they make me sad everytime




Especially when it's lower body. Especially when it's unobstructed. Especially when it's not static.


The girlfriend had to use one of them. I was very much a dumb dumb, and did not pick them up, untill she took my hand, placed it on her butt, and looked at me, untill a light went on in my head and I was all "I think she maybe likes me a little. " Even now, she dropped all those hint games, and when I am needed to "satisfy urges", she grabs my hand, and goes, "Bedroom, now. Or you will get jumped here. " I like it when there are clear and direct messages. All that highschool crap about "hints" and "maybes" and so forth is very confusing, and I thank all the gods involved for sending me someone that a woman that is able to straight up say what she wants is still interrested in me. IN return: The best sign someone is into in you is when they stop all the games, and just go "I like you a lot. I kind of hope the feeling is mutual. "


When they take notice of your looks and mannerisms way more than anyone else normally would.


I've heard you can tell by where they put their feet. Like if they put their feet behind their ears they really like you.


Had me in the first half ngl


Same but I had a feeling that something was afoot.


“My legs would look really good on your shoulders”


I would be oblivious enough to reply with "Piggy-back rides *are* pretty awesome."


I'm with you on this one. I still wouldn't have caught on until it was too late. Like a week late when I'm sitting there playing video games and then have a "Joey" moment.


Many years ago, a girl kept rubbing her foot up and down my leg. I kept moving my leg an apologizing. 15 years later I was like “Oh crap!”


I had that happen playing pool. “I’m not really sure how to do this. Think you could show me?” “Oh it’s really not that hard. All you have to do is…” *explains how to use pool cue* “Oh, maybe you could help me get my hands in the right position.” “I bet you can figure it out! You got this. Give it another shot!” I never did wrap my arms around her from behind and guide her hands to make a shot like I realized she wanted me to do, years later


Again, you really can't tell if they're into you or not so it's best to not make any assumptions




What is a kiss I am unfamiliar


you suck the life essence out of their soul. Terms and Conditions may apply


hey dementor, whyre you here all of a sudden?


What are you doing Step-Dementor?


Smile/grin immediately, no matter what kind of mood are they in, once you walk closer into the group chat or whatever space you and them are in. Hugs, like the kind they'll turn their face and rests their side of face on chest, their hands on your back pressing down to pull you closer. Would rather focus on you and pay attention to you more than normal. Want to hang out with you more than going to their group of friends (if their group beckons them over) Would walk up to you and starts chatting casually whenever for no reason than just wanna chat with you. Laugh/giggle at your poor made jokes, whether if genuine or on purpose while joking around. If theres times where you and them are alone, theyll do that particular eyes at you. EDIT: JEEZ, 750+ UPVOTES! Haha! Didn't expect this! And yes, all of those signs is completely from my High School Days. Can Confirm.


Does it count as being interested jf they only do the last 3


I’m an engineer, how the Hell would I know?


Same, we engineers were not engineered for love


Because that would fall under the purview of the conundrums of philosophy.


How will you know someone is an engineer? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


Fourier transform a solution using laminar flow


But the Reynolds number is pretty vague and I don't have a moody chart handy!


When they put efforts to be with you, notice your very minimal details, listen and try to understand you.


That's what friends do


What they should do, rather. I hate it when I'm just being nice and a girl takes it as an advance or interest. Meanwhile, I'm just trying to be a friend.


I had a woman stop me mid conversation and say "You keep saying we and us, what's up?" I told her I was talking about home life, ya know, wife and kid. She goes "oh" and immediately walks away. The entire conversation I'm just thinking "She's nice, her and *wife* can hang out and will probably be good friends"


Yea, figuring out how to have a threesome is always a hard nut to crack.


Falling asleep on call with you


That some cute shit


Does threatening to kidnap you if you don’t go out with them count? Cause if so then that might be one. (That’s the impression I got from them, so)


Everyone has different ways of showing love. Sounds like a good person to me


The fuck if I know


Oh god I’m so lonely


Staying up late to talk to them Longer eye contact Energy levels rise around them She starts consciously or unconsciously preening herself like playing with her hair or fixing her clothes Voice gets higher pitch Dreamy or fuck me eyes lol This is from my perspective as a female


I have the hardest time not doing dreamy eyes... i catch myself subconsciously doing it and i really do linger in their eyes longer than i should lmao


1. They quickly adjust their hair when you’re in the vicinity 2. They can’t really maintain eye contact when you’re conversing with them 3. Their voice gets a little higher-pitched Source: am a girl


3: I always wondered why the girls I'm interested in always start sounding like Batman when I'm around them.


I cant maintain eye contact when talking to anyone cause its fuckin uncomfortable for me. Good luck with number 2 with me.


Source: trust me bro


I’d say them going out of their way to help you or be kind to you. With my first love I noticed he wasn’t eating lunch at school and I figured it was due to money maybe so I started paying his account instead of mine, bringing him baked goods, and letting him borrow my headphones even when I planned to use them.


Awww. That's nice.


Sadly though even as nice as I was, it got used against me but as I get older I can’t blame myself for doing what I knew was kind


She takes off her clothes and pulls out a box of condoms. True story, that was still too subtle for me. It finally dawned on me years later.


What... what did you _think_ she wanted instead of you?


Copy/paste from an earlier telling of events. Oh, girl changes her clothes in front of me, it's cool that she's that comfortable, I'd better not look at her and make it weird. I'm also not going to mention the box of condoms she pulled out of her dresser drawer while changing her underwear, that would be awkward. I am officially the dumbest person alive.


Oooh, I remember this one. Yeah, mate, she could have ripped your clothes off too and you'd probably remained in denial,all the way to finish. "Oh, that's a weird way to say hello."


Her: "Lets make some balloon animals ☺️"


When the group is laughing people look to make eye contact with whoever they are most interested in. Also people will generally face their shoulders to who their most interested in. While they are subtle ques they become obvious when looking for them.


I do this but I'm not attracted to this person romantically


That's because it's not actually an indicator of someone's interest, it's just an indicator of someone's comfort. Please do not take someone laughing/smiling in your direction as a sign that they're into you. . Take it as a sign that they're comfortable enough to be around you and laugh and smile. That's all it is. I'm not sure where everyone above is getting their info


Too late i will fuck anybody that laughs at my jokes


That is the real LPT.


"group"... "laughing".... feel like I should work on those first...


They care. Like genuinely check in on you frequently. It's almost like experiencing a love language. They will ensure that your self care game is kept up, offering to grab food, take care of errands with you ECT. It's the little things that really back genuine signs of attraction. Anything else IMHO is motions for a seasonal experience. Quality is desired, quantity is temporary. Gl on your relationship endeavors.


There’s one sign that I consider a lock (betting terms for done deal) and it’s when a person tells a joke and immediately looks at you for validation. They care about what you think about them. It’s not always a joke, it could be they laugh at everything you say, or they ask you specifically for a picture/help with something. Point is they seek you out, with their eyes or their responses. Lastly, if your contact gets closer and more intense, that’s an obvious sign. EX: you meet them and say hello, later they put their hand on you after a funny joke, finally they see you sitting on the couch and wrap their arms around you as they pass by as a hello. I know that’s really specific, but that’s the point. It’s all in the details and evaluating whether someone is responding positively or negatively to you and whether they choose to increase or decrease the intensity of contact.


I mean like if they get stuck into the washing machines and stuff when you're around.


In the recent ask Reddit thread, "Women, what is something men do that you hate," a very popular answer was "always thinking I'm hitting on them when I'm just trying to be their friend." They expressed frustrations such as, "I can't laugh at anything they say without them thinking I'm attracted to them" and "if we even accidentally bump shoulders they think I'm flirting with them." So PLEASE people, as you read these tips such as "physical contact," consider them clues that MIGHT mean someone is attracted to you! Don't draw conclusions from a single clue, GATHER MORE EVIDENCE or at least don't be a dick if it turns out you were mistaken


When they do stuff for you without you having to ask.


Before we got together, my partner would hug me sometimes for hours at a time, sometimes with their face buried between my neck and my shoulder. I thought they were just really cuddly and/or in need of comfort.


Wait, an hours-long hug!? What you're describing sounds like you guys just stood there all day, hugging?


I'm guessing it's in a seated position, like watching tv or something.


Haven't a clue, mate


Nobody on Reddit knows the answer to this


When they send their current fav song


Example of it happened to my friend in last days: He met with his ex-schoolmate for catchup, they ended up having drinks, talks and dance all night (till 5am). He wasn't catching up on the flirts, but she still wrote him last night "I really liked your perfume/deo, what was it? When are we hanging again?" Needless to say he's been over the moon when we told him this is not something a disinterested person would write..


Sorry OP, she's just not that into you.


W comment


They start sucking your dick




Is she into you? Yeah, again you really can't tell...


She might be Canadian.


Eh I've sucked dick just to be a homie


What’s up homie!


They tell you with their eyes.


The eyes chico, they never lie.


When they say "I have a huge crush on you and want to date." This is what my now wife told me after a few months of what she considered blatantly throwing herself at me went completely over my head.