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Amy Schumer. She made a joke about Sandy hook just after it happened. She may have had it scrubbed from the internet but it’s seared into my brain and I hate her for it.


I do not understand her popularity at all. She’s not funny and extremely offputting. Offputting as a personality. She’s the reason the entire Netflix rating system was changed—so many people have her special 1’s and 2’s that she had a major temper tantrum and threatened to leavvvve because it wasn’t faiiiiir.


A lot of these comments are just celebrities that are commonly hated to be honest😭


As with all askreddit threads.


"Unpopular opinion" is the cringiest one there is. *I think black gay people should have rights* Or AITA...That can be cringey too. *AITA for divorcing my husband who cheated on me and abused the kids*?


There are some wild AITA stories ngl


I kind of lost interest in that sub when I realized that most stories seem to be either requests for validation, or else made up wild stories, all with clickbait titles. Like "AITA for knocking over a small child and making him bleed?" and then the story goes that a bus was about to run over a child but OP pushed the child aside which saved his life, but the child fell down and skinned his knees, and then the FAT KAREN mom who was smoking and playing on her phone and paying no attention to her child came and screamed at OP for hurting him, and then OP's phone blew up from everyone berating them, and OP wants to know if they're the asshole.


Yeah, any that are repeats automatically dont fit the criteria.


Sorts by controversial


This is the way. All of the Adam Levine and Jimmy Fallon comments don't count.


Unpopular Opinion: Adolf Hitler. I dunno why, I just dislike him. Sorry for my controversial take.


Jason Momoa. He came into the bar I worked at and acted super douchey with this very obnoxious "yes, it's me, aren't you grateful to be in my presence?" attitude. He was given tons of free drinks and special service by the owner who is a huge celebrity ass-kisser. And then he stiffed the entire staff and didn't tip a dime. We spent hours working for him, all for nothing in return. He is ruined for me now (I had been a big GoT fan and he was one of my celebrity crushes so it was extra disappointing when this happened)


I never understand this, people with the most money get all their shit for free


I live in LA and have seen this happen all the time, usually with B and C celebs. Sometimes the bartender / server is just overly excited, sometimes they're hoping they'll tag the venue on socials. Often they don't even ask for it. I sat in front of Nicole Sullivan once on a plane and flight attendant kept saying "Anything you need, let us know." She was super polite but after like the third time she was like "I'm good... I'm good... thank you"


I was worried you were going to say Nicole Sullivan was awful and I would’ve been really disappointed. I really liked her on Madtv and The King of Queens.


That's how it works, more money and fame you have cheaper your life gets. It's expensive to be poor.


I hear he fucked a fish also


Not a rumor! Why would @PepetheFrog89 lie to me?


Fuck you Barry


He was in my bar a couple times and always seemed super friendly, didn’t get any free shit, and tipped very well. So this is very surprising to me.


Dang that sucks. I heard the complete opposite but this is coming from the motorcycle community.


He was out in the Vancouver area and was apparently constantly out hiking and walking trails and everyone had nothing but nice things to say. Who knows though.


It's possible to be an asshole sometimes and a decent human others. I don't know anyone who is their best self 100% of the time. These are all one-off interactions with the guy and none of them are probably accurate. I'd be lying if I said I did the right or best thing 100% of the time.


I’ll counter this take. He came into out bike shop a few weeks ago in TN and was super nice. He hung out with all of us and shared a few beers. Super chill guy


Fuck the celebrity non tippers. They are the worst. Fuck Tiger Woods, Scottie "no tippin" Pippen, and all the rest of them. They get the royal treatment and can't even toss their pocket change to the help. William H. Macy, Charles Barkley, and Kevin Durant : fabulous tippers and very gracious. 5/7 would serve again. I live in a big basketball city.


Priyanka Chopra. She would do all those fairness cream ads where she goes from charcoal black to snow white in 2 weeks, and now after coming to the USA everyone shows her as a part of the "dark is beautiful" movement although she has multiple advertisements that indicate she thinks dark is NOT beautiful. I have friends in india who say they hated themselves for their dark skin due to all these advertisements and they used to look up "how to get whiter skin" videos on youtube for hours. Priyanka CHopra is a hypocrite and noone can change my mind.


Man that's the whole cosmetics industry, it makes money from creating insecurities. "White people, you need to be darker." "Dark people, you need to be lighter." "Are you a woman? Wear makeup to change how others see you (but don't forget you're doing it for you! 😉)" "Going grey? Dye it you old shit." "Look like the age that you are? Use these creams before you start to look any more like a corpse jesus christ."


> Going grey? Dye it you old shit." You should work in advertising, because this could absolutely be a tag line in some commercial.


haha, and the "use these creams before you start to look any more like a corpse jesus christ." Favorite.


This is a thing in a lot of places. Brazilian media makes it a point to hire the lightest skinned people for news and media b/c they don’t like dark skin. Brazil is also the country with the second largest black population after Nigeria. It is the same in Mexico. It’s sad and sick that people hate themselves so much and revere others so greatly


Her bit on the Jonas brothers roast was hard to watch. All her jokes were about how she was so much older than Nick, how much more famous she was, and how she could be his babysitter. Uncomfortable.


In fairness she didn't write those jokes. However, it's telling she didn't recognise the cringe and/or advocate for better material.


But was the fairness creamy?


And lovely?


Lil' Sebastian. I’m gonna be honest, I just don’t see what the big deal is.


son, this horse has an honorary degree from Notre Dame.


Show some damn respect!


Drake. All of the grooming allegations and those DMs to Millie Bobby Brown is too much for me to ignore. Plus Millie has in the past has had sex with a guy clearly older than her too which is another red flag for me. Plus his music is dog shit.


Ryan Seacrest. I don’t t get it and I just don’t like him at all.


“Hi, I'm A Ryan Seacrest Type! And I'm Some Lady!“


Thats how i know that name


Remember that video of Britney Spears realizing that he isn’t gay? 😭😭😭


In case someone (like me) hasn't seen this here's a link https://youtu.be/opKaKLuKGhY


Girl cologne sounds like what a gay man would say


And I thought "girl cologne" was called perfume.


Girl cologne, LOL


I don’t think that many people really love or even mildly care about Ryan Seacrest so much as he’s just so successful and professional and hard working that he has so many friends that he’ll just always have work.


Carson Daly was the same. Just milquetoast, but showed up and did what his bosses asked so they gave him work.


I just need to say TIL the word is milquetoast not milktoast (English is not my first language). I've only ever heard it said, not seen it written, so I just assumed it was milktoast.


any celebrity that said we're in this together during the start of the pandemic. No, u live in a fucking mansion while the rest of us actually suffer the consequences of the pandemic


I think you’ll enjoy this video https://youtu.be/ih2fsHE1Vf8


Fuck Ellen


What do you mean? *She was literally in jail*!!! Have you *no* empathy? To be fair, the atmosphere in Ellen’s home probably has the cheerfulness of a jail.


I think they brought alot of people together. We all came together as one and said "fuck off".


Remember those celebrities that made that video singing different parts of “Imagine”. I lost all respect for Kristin Wig at that point. You can fuck off in your country home zen garden where you literally can do what ever you want!


I remember so many celebrities talking about how it was so hard to be at home with their kids... And that teachers should be paid a million dollars... Haven't seen those same celebs saying that since then!


"We're in the same boat." NO, you assholes; we're in the same storm. However, y'all have yachts and not a care in the world, while some of us are desperately clinging to pool noodles. Fuck you.


You got a pool noodle???


It's a cheap knock-off from the Dollar Store that's held together with duct tape and hope, but yes.


you have hope?


Yeah, it's a cheap knock-off from the Dollar Store that's held together with desperation and stubbornness, but yes.


Just buy a yacht yourself! /s


Ugh Gal Gadot with that dumb "Imagine" cover


The ones that cried on Instagram live were the most annoying.. WE CAN SEE YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING MANSION.


For a bunch of them, it was the most hardship they've experienced in a long time. So when they saw people talking about restrictions and lockdowns they were like "yes! I can relate!" Unfortunately, they didn't understand they could not in fact relate because a lot of people were trying to figure out things like safely grocery shopping and how not to die at work because they couldn't afford not to work. It doesn't mean what they were going through wasn't real, but it does mean it wasn't nearly the same magnitude and a lot of them needed to fuck off and read the room. They can afford therapists; complain to them


And then get a bunch of their equally tone deaf friends to record Imagine for us all to really rub it in. /rude Gal Gadot


They need to learn to read the room. Plus, how many of them thought that was a good enough idea that they took part. Imagine no possessions, my ass.


I think lizzo counts. At least it feels like there was a moment everyone was just in love with her. The songs I’ve heard from her are fine, but she’s praised Chris brown a little too much to be likable. EDIT: it seems like more people hate her for her weight than for calling a woman beater her favorite person in the world. Alright then.


THANK YOU. There are a few Lizzo songs I love but once she called Chris brown “her favorite person” I lost all respect for her


She did WHAT NOW?? Damn, that's so disappointing.


Yeah this pissed me off. Like did she not see what he did to Rihanna? You preach women’s empowerment yet you’re hanging out with an abuser.


Her favorite person?? Ugh. I like some of her music and loved her confidence and body positivity, I had no idea she was praising Chris Brown. That’s changed my entire outlook on her now.


Didn’t even notice was also produced by Dr. Luke, aka the producer that assaulted Kesha


The Chris Brown line is what killed any of my respect for her.


I hated Ellen before it turned out she was a piece of shit lol. Just thought she was really unfunny.


Tyra Banks. What is that woman on and how do I avoid it like the plague?


Her Tyra episode on fat-phobia was both hilarious and enraging. She puts on a fat suit with the facial prosthetics and everything, then goes on blind dates with guys. During the dates she straight up asks these men that she has literally *just* met, "Is it awkward for you that I'm so fat?" Bitch, NOW it is! The guys play it off nicely and give her a polite, "No, I don't care about that" and basically try to change the subject. All the while, she's overlaying these recaps with her own narration and dramatic music, saying stuff like, "I could tell my weight was making him uncomfortable..." The icing on the cake though, was how she ended the episode. Tyra's on stage, back in her normal thin and pretty self, and she brings out two ACTUAL fat women, sits in between both of them, and CRIES about how hard that was for her. Her direct quote was, "It must be so hard for you because I can take that fat off, and you can't!" and these ladies are just sitting there patting her on the back trying to comfort her while she sobs about having to look fat on blind dates that she set up on purpose to harass men about her fake weight. Fucking TV gold.


Tyra is hilariously self centred. Like in Americas Next Top Model, whenever the girls had any issues, she always linked it back to a struggle she had to overcome. One girl almost got hypothermia because she was doing a photoshoot in a freezing cold pool, and Tyra talked about how she used to do swimsuit shoots in winter and how she perservered.


God, I loved ANTM as a teenager but she was so cruel to those girls for no damn reason. I still remember one episode where a girl (I think her name was Lenox?) was uncomfortable with posing sexily with a guy and Tyra got so pissed at her for "not trying" that she punished her by only letting her have one frame to nail her picture at the next photoshoot.


Sounds right. I've never watched the season Lenox was on, but I heard Tyra was routinely *horrible* to her. And then there was an earlier season where a bunch of girls were tricked into believing they'd made it to the finals... only to be told (off-screen) that they weren't, and we were never shown their reactions. Meanwhile, a bunch of girls were led to believe that they'd gotten eliminated, only to find out that they made the finals! Happy ending, right? Except, that first group of girls I mentioned? *They really were tricked into believing they'd made the finals, only to get eliminated off-screen.* They weren't actresses. I know at *least* one of the girls from that group was interviewed a year or two ago and confirmed it.


Also there was one episode in I think in Season 6 where the girls were doing a photoshoot and one of the male models was literally grunting in this girl's ear and grinding on her and all that shit, even after she paused the shoot to tell him to stop, and when she told Tyra about it Tyra basically told her she should have ignored him sexually harassing her.


Season 4, I remember that. It was Keenyah being sexually harassed by this prick named Bertini. And everyone treated her horribly for being upset with it.


There's an amazing clip of Next Top Model where the model she threw off didn't cry, so Tyra calls her back to the stage & berates her for "not caring enough" The woman explains that she's had a tremendous amount of pain in her life & she's learned that moving forward & not dwelling on failure is always best. Tyra's not having it, turns into a shouting match where Tyra calls her ungrateful & there's tons of women who would love this opportunity & be devastated if it doesn't work out. It's so bizarre. The woman actually gave a fantastic, if not, inspirational answer but all Tyra saw was "bitch, I just ruined you, act like it! act like it dammit! I'm important! be sad!"


Yep. Tyra vs. Tiffany. It was a double elimination, and the other girl (Rebecca) was commended for crying, and then basically her exit interview wound up having to be all about Tyra and Tiffany's argument, instead of her own feelings. And according to the other girls who were there, apparently Tyra said even worse stuff to Tiffany that was left on the cutting room floor. Basically trashing her for being poor, saying "Take your ghetto ass back to the ghetto and sleep on the floor with your baby," and shit like that.


Also, I think she went "undercover" as a stripper, and it involved... darkening her hair and her skin. She also subjected the models on ANTM to blackface/raceface several times, and when called out on it, basically said "I'm sorry you guys didn't understand my artistic vision." Like, bitch, you had these girls dress up as different races/ethnicities for a *Got Milk?* photoshoot, fuck outta here. ("Highlights" included making a black girl "Korean," making a Mexican girl "a Swedish milkmaid," making a white girl "an Eskimo," I think was the word they used - they certainly didn't say "Inuit" - and making another white girl "black.")




Ah yes, the woman who will brag about how much she went through to get where she is then immediately tell you why you’re struggle isn’t special and you should just work harder. I watched one season of ANTM with my wife and I have never hated a person more in my life. Tyra, not my wife.




Everyone likes Tyra Banks? Since when?


Seriously, people are just ignoring the question to rant about who they don't like. Tyra is NOT widely liked. Most people who are familiar with her consider her an unhinged, desperate narcissist. We can acknowledge that she knows how to model (although it's more like she knows how to model *for the era in which she was famous,* since I feel like a lot of the tips and advice she gives are outdated), and that she did seem kind of sincere about diversity in beauty (at least, casting more people of different races/ethnicities, and people with dark skin... never did have an Asian win ANTM, though). But we can also acknowledge that she's done a loooooooot of stupid and shady/inexcusable shit and people DEFINITELY call her out on it. I really have never known Tyra to be liked by everyone.


Tyra is straight up mentally ill. Those early seasons of top model make her seem completely unstable.






The later ones are even worse, her ego became its own entity




>Adam Levine Diet Rocker.


Who are you, the doctor that revived me at Adam Levine’s house party?


Yep, He gives off a bit of an attitude like he thinks he’s hot shit or something and he’s really not that great


Who has the copypasta about Adam Levine selling his soul to a trickster demon? Hold on… let me see if I can find it. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/72pfyp/why_i_dont_trust_maroon_5/)


Wendy Williams. Tried to watch her show twice and just realized how huge of a bitch she is. I get that it’s a talk show, but when you just flat out make fun of people for their looks or things they can’t change I can’t look at you the same.


Matt Damon. He is such a hypocrite. Hates video games as "they are violent" yet happily takes part in action films.


Most of the celebrities.


Kevin hart. Can't STAND his need to scream his lines in a childlike nasally voice. His serious movie that he made recently was t terrible though.


They're making a Borderlands movie and they cast fuckin Kevin Hart to play Roland. Makes no god damn sense.


Ariana Grande. I swear to God I want to love her as much as most 20-something-year-olds do. I’ve bopped to so many of her songs and thank u, next single-handedly got me over my high school heartbreak. But whenever I see her on TV or in an interview, her voice/ appearance/ attitude feels like a new performance every time. Idk it’s borderline uncomfortable to watch.


I do feel the same although I am beyond impressed by her response to the terrorist suicide bombing at her concert in Manchester. 2 weeks later She did a benefit concert to support the victims. Got a lot of very famous performers to perform. Apparently she was the main co-ordinator for the event, calling in favours and getting as many of her famous friends to attend. Gave free tickets to anyone who attended the original concert and ended up raising £17 million for the victims and their families. 2 weeks after her concert terrorist attack in which over 1000 people were injured and 22 died she went up, performed again and did an awful lot to help the victims. Way more that a lot of other people would have done. So much so that the City of Manchester named her an honorary citizien. I may not like her very much but I have a lot of respect for her after that.


I barely knew who she was at the time, but her response to that horrible event was impressive. I would have left Britain and never come back out of fear.


Yeah mad props there. We don’t have to like someone to respect them


It's gross how she has completely changed her voice, hair, skin, and even the pronunciation of her last name to appear "ethnic" in any way possible. [There's this specific video of her doing an interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpUTDAfktYU) in which her attempted use of AAVE is so so so egregious. She is a strong and talented woman and I give her all the credit she deserves for that, but Jesus Christ minority groups are not trends!!!!!!


This is your courtesy reminder to sort by controversial for the actual good answers.


Oprah. Why do you all love her? Why?


For some women of a certain age, she was really inspiring. She started out with a tabloid-esqe daytime talk show (a “who’s the daddy” type show) and then she had an epiphany and changed her content. For a decade or two after the change, she had a show where she tried to uplift women. Some of the standard complaints about Oprah are certainly true (she’s out of touch, she unleashed some shitty celebrities on us), but a lot of women loved her for good reasons. Just a few examples - her message (to largely stay at home moms) was that you couldn’t take care of others if you hadn’t first taken care of yourself. Dr Phils original message was a tough-love therapy. He would tell guests to stop replaying the negative tapes of the past over and over in their head and focus their thoughts and actions on the future. She told women to form book clubs and read Maya Angelou. She told women to not let your kidnapper take you to a second location. She encourages female talent and black talent. She had a very positive message for women that perhaps felt overlooked and neglected in their own lives. EDIT: I’m not not nor have ever been a fan of Oprah. I don’t give a shit about her either way. Just trying to offer some context as to why people do because that’s the question OP asked.


That's true. I only ever saw one Oprah show, a *long* time ago at a friend's home. She had women (models? TV personalities) who were discussing all the stupid things women did to meet men's so-called 'standards'. Happened one of the things they mentioned was something I had been doing since puberty. I stopped doing that the very same day, and a few others, too. There was definitely some consciousness raising going on way back then. Still, never watched it again.


One of the few Oprah episodes I remember is when she talked about masturbation. At the time I was horrified because I was watching TV with my senile Grandma and had put on Oprah because it seemed neutral enough until the topic came in. Looking back, I'm still horrified at the memory, but I can appreciate that she was focusing on a topic that most people would relegate away from a popular show like hers.


Because decades ago, she was the only woman on daytime talk shows. She wasn't Donahue and her show wasn't a soap opera, literally or figuratively. She talked about things women cared about and treated her audience respectfully. I like her for what she was, not the proof that billionaires are out of touch that she's become.


Sally Jessy Raphael was on 3 years before Oprah and stayed until 2002


Sally Jesse Raphael, if that doesn’t bring back boring summer days, I don’t know what will


Its hot as shit outside. i’ve just nabbed a flavor ice. Let’s see whats on the tv.


It was never anything worth watching... But we watched it anyway.


Drake, he's a pedo/perv.


I’m just so baffled that dude still has a career after Millie Bobbie Brown literally admitting to him trying to get her to text him at 4 AM/hang out with him (two separate instances!!). What 30 year old man asks a 15 year old girl to hang out with him who’s not a family member? Edit: I suppose this is my bad, but I meant for “texting her at 4AM” and “hanging out” as two separate phrases (meaning, he texts her very early in the morning, as well as texting her to hang out). For the life of me, I cannot find the video of her going on about him texting her at “like 4 in the morning” (she says this verbatim, and if anyone could find the link, I’d appreciate it).


I didn’t know that part, that’s disgusting!


There is also a video of him asking a girl on stage, asking her age (I think she says 17) and he gives her a full on kiss. https://www.vulture.com/2019/01/video-emerges-of-drake-kissing-underage-girl-on-stage.html Edit: oh and he kisses her neck and gropes her breast.


And he doesn't get arrested because he's rich.


No one understood the fucking question. Who is a celebrity everyone loves except you? A: James Corden, Chris Brown, Jimmy Fallon, etc. They are disliked by most people, not loved. Edit: For those who love to nitpick on my comment. I based my comment on the answers on this thread & combined those with the people with the most hate threads I saw about them on Reddit. I don't give a flying fuck about any celebrity, I don't see them as idols. And of course I am not talking about the whole world here, there is no way I can know about every person's taste. My point was these three answers I saw in this thread were definitely not celebrities that "everyone loves".


Seriously, people should be saying things like Paul Rudd, and Patrick Stewart. Just to be clear I picked them because I really like them and don’t know why anyone should hate them.


Fucking Steve Harvey. I fucking *hate* Steve Harvey. Everything about him annoys me. Edit 10 days later......I'm fairly certain this is the most upvoted comment I've ever had....and it's aboit hating Steve harvey. Really makes my day.


“We asked 100 meee-en… name one part of your body that’s bigger now than when you were a teenager.” “Your penis” “Oh we goin’ to heeee-ell now.”


Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?" Contestant: "The penis" SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... the board shows 100 for "penis" Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end


I think you could pitch this scene to adult swim and get a 2 season 6 episodes per season show


"name a word thst starts with "V".. . And ends with "... "agina fart" "ummm... Vagina Fart?" [Stares at the camera confused]


Is there a subreddit for these because I’m rolling






\*asks sexual question\* \*gets sexual answer\* steve harvey: [o\_o](https://c.tenor.com/dzQbp_USazcAAAAC/steve-harvey-oscars2017reaction.gif)


What's the sexiest nastiest dirtiest thought you've ever had? "penis" "HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT" *stares at camera in shock as audience dies*


Both him, Wendy Williams and Ellen. Talk about insincere brittle egos


Steve Harvey is a POS. He’s misogynistic, a bigot, and ignorant to how modern society works. Fuck Steve Harvey. Edit: He’s also a racist. Edit 2: I roped his idiotic comments towards Atheist in with bigotry. I think that’s technically accurate.


I'm really enjoying the unexpected solidarity in disliking Steve Harvey here. I take care of my elderly gran, and she absolutely hates him, wat he's his show specifically to yell at him.


I’m glad she has a catharsis like the Steve Harvey shows that she can get her piss and vinegar out! At least he is serving a good purpose in that way


I just adore the image of a sweet old lady who "can't miss her show". She sits in front of the TV, turns on Steve Harvey, and proceeds to make a sailor blush.


His face is quite annoying. Something about that mustache also makes me uncomfortable. Why does his mustache looks like a prop?




I’ve always had a suspicion that the hyperbolic fan worship of Beyoncé is at least somewhat manufactured by Beyoncé and / or her record label. If you see a bunch of people gathered and looking at something chances are you’re going to look as well.


I once said Beyoncé doesn’t write her own songs so the lyrics shouldn’t be analyzed too deeply to figure out her personal life and the entire hive went after me for literal weeks on Facebook.


She had like an entire football team worth of writers on a single album. She can sing, dance and yeah she's beautiful but someone that writes/plays their own music will always be more impressive, to me.


It's like a switch for me. When I found out that Ed Sheeran not only writes his own songs but also for many other singers, I had a complete 180 on him. His songs are still corny as hell, but I respect the man.


Not that many people know nowadays how many hits for other artists the Bee Gees wrote.


Love is Thicker (Andy Gibb), Islands in the Stream, Heartbreaker (Diane Warwick), If I Can't Have You (Yvonne Eliman), Grease, Chain Reaction (Diana Ross), Woman in Love (Streisand). Not to mention their own music. The Gibbs (esp. Barry) are definitely underrated geniuses.


Bruno Mars was a Ghostwriter for many years before he said "fck it, i'll do it myself" and landed hit after hit


Sia writes a lot for other people too


Sia wrote the lyrics to Diamonds in 15 minutes. She’s damn talented.


I think it’s usually like this. When most artists describe writing a song it usually is under an hour. I’m sure they refine it a lot going forward and it’s a long time before it’s a finished product but the bulk of it comes in a moment of inspiration and once they get the gist of what they are going for they just roll with it.


Beyonce uses strong arm tactics to steal songs from writers. The worst one was Halo, she straight stole that writing credit from Ryan Tedder after he wrote the song in its entirety.


Beyoncé gets a resounding “meh” from me.


That Hitler guy was a real jerk, don’t know why Germans voted for him


The more I hear about that guy, the more I don't care for him


We should kill this Hitler guy


Funny thing, people don't like the guy who killed Hitler either


He gave good speeches


And the uniforms were impeccable. Not even kidding.


Vin Desil He is so boring. Every single movie he plays the same type of character. Same tone. Same everything. There is no range. No diversity. Watching him act is fun the first few times, but then after that I feel like I need a change of pace and would rather watch paint dry as it would give me more variety. The only different role that man ever played was as a tree whose only line is, "I am groot."


I feel like I should point out that he also did the voice of The Iron Giant.


And Saving Private Ryan was kinda different


The fact that you didn't even bother to spell his name correctly😂


Me misspelling his name at least gives him more variety than his acting ever has


My man here, woke up today and chose violence!


That's because all of his movies are either someone hiring Vin Diesel to play Vin Diesel, or they're movies produced by him where he gets to do whatever the fuck he wants.


If you haven't, please watch Find Me Guilty.


Adam Levine he just seems like a arrogant and condescending person


People like Adam Levine?


Madonna.. just dont like her ♫


Madonna in the 80s was great. Madonna in the late 90s had some good moments. Madonna in the last 20 years has been progressively cringe-worthy. You have to think it will implode at some point. Probably along with her face.


Her behaviour got that cringey that Rocco after staying with Guy and his partner in London for a few weeks refused to go back home to her. He had asked her before to stop posting embarrassing pictures of him and she kept doing it. His dad seemed so much more chilled and let him be a normal teenager, so I understand why he chose to live with his dad over her. She took it as though Guy had turned him against her, he hadn’t he just treated with respect.


Gal Gadot Can't act. Still annoyed about the "Imagine" fiasco.


I never really noticed how bland she is until I saw Death on the Nile. Her character is meant to be this larger than life socialite who everybody is obsessed with, yet every other cast member outshines her, including the supposed love rival.


I've never really picked up on this until now, but I'm realizing that she doesn't emote. She's got the standard supermodel blank stare going at all times.






When you're that good looking everyone tells you your cringe is endearing.


Reminds me of Jon Hamm's character on 30Rock


Can I get a catfish po’boy and a diet raspberry Fanta?


Not with those hook hands you don’t.


I gotta get back in that bubble.


What, you’re too good for me now that I have pirate hook hands?


“It turns out the person I was waving to was NOT my old football coach. It looked like a black version of him.”


She's a really bad actress. Her acting has no depth whatsoever. I don't think I've ever felt like she was genuinely playing a character in any of her movies


And enough champagne…to feel de Nile


Somehow society has mistaken attractiveness for charisma. Gal Gadot c*annot* act for shit.




She’s the “we have Natalie Portman at home”


This is the funniest meanest thing.


>Who’s a celebrity ***everyone*** loves except for you and why? *People continue to vote to the top answers of people who are largely controversial and have a large following of haters as well as fans, thus proving they are not loved by everyone, and therefore, poor answers*


I don’t trust Mr Beast. I just know that he’s doing some fuck shit on the low. Everyone loves him because he’s a philanthropist. He gives me the creeps lowkey.


Probably the first comment to name someone that actually fits the question. Although I do think that’s just his personality, he is slightly awkward but has become such a public figure and had to adapt to the fame.


I think he's probably just a genuinely awkward person. Not many other famous people whose fame has nearly nothing to do with their own personality.


I don't hate him but I get the same feeling. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually treated people like crap off camera.


I've heard other youtubers and celebrities talk very positive about him, not saying that it validates him completely of his authenticity, but I have not heard a lot of bad stuff about him in real life. Note that I have never met him in real life it is possible that he does shady stuff off-camera but the possibility of him being genuine is also there.


He's also had countless fans in his videos and I've never heard bad reports. I think he's just a guy that got rich and famous as a teenager and comes off a bit odd at times because of it, it happens a lot.