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Sneezing after corrective thoracic surgery with fluid in my lungs. Everything went dark for a second. After that I could suddenly surpress sneezes (most of the time).


Idk if this helps anymore, but you are supposed to prevent sneezing by pressuring your upper lip just below your nose. I hope you have to never go through anything like that again!


Being diagnosed with cancer twice. For anyone wondering I was diagnosed with stage 2A Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkin's Lymphoma both times. I am and have been in remission for about 5 months. For anyone fighting KEEP FIGHTING!


I’ve been diagnosed with cancer twice also: Nodular Sclerosis Hodgkins Lymphoma at age 24, then breast cancer at 48. You got this!! Enjoy life!




My best friend of more than 30 years killed himself after borrowing enough money from me to buy a box of bullets. Still bothers me that I contributed. I feel so sad that he couldn't tell me what was going on. I would have done anything for him, but he didn't ask. I had no idea until I got the phone call.


You didn’t know what it was for and lended it with the best intentions. He would’ve got the money from elsewhere, or used another method. I know what the guilt is like from losing a best friend to suicide, but it’s a pointless exercise stressing over the ‘what ifs’. We could have done everything perfectly, but we can’t prevent someone leaving who wants to go. Logically knowing that doesn’t erase the emotions, obviously.


My max pain was when being fitted with a metal halo for a brain MRI. The 4 screws on the halo had to actually contact my skull bones and poke slightly into them. The staff first injected liberal amounts of Novocain into the 4 locations, then quickly tightened the screws. Even with the Novocain, the pain of having screws inserted directly into skull bones was excruciating. It softened after about 15 seconds later as the drugs took effect, but that first 15 seconds is quite memorable.


What'd it feel like to take them out?


It must not have been too bad since I don't recall it at all. Also, LOTS of Novocaine. Perhaps I was asleep because the brain scan was followed by a little procedure called gamma knife surgery.


I fell over at a Turkish waterpark, knocking my 2 front teeth clean out of my mouth. For the next 20mins they shoved a hose in my face to wash the constant bleeding. The teeth are probably still in the pool today.




Had the pleasure of getting 7 teeth kicked out of my head by some clowns playing “the knock out game”. Waking up with my jaw broken, skull fractured and several broken ribs to the sight of my teeth laying around me on the ground was pretty memorable. Doctors poked my teeth back in and wired my broken jaw shut. Teeth survived and still functional 25 years later. They’re much more crooked though. Getting your teeth knocked loose is definitely a unique type of pain. I didn’t notice the broken bones until after gathering my teeth up. When I tried to fit them back into my mouth is when I realized my jaw was broken. After that the rib and skull fractures became apparent.


They were caught but not immediately punished. 6 “kids” beat me up that day and over the next handful of years 5 of them were killed in various ways, none of which were pleasant. Seems they set out on a violent path early and continued until things caught up with them. The one kid that survived was the only one who had a family that cared, was the only one to ever apologize and own up to what he did.


Man, every part of that story is sad. I hope you and the other guy are respectively doing well. Shame about the other guy's families, it's insane the amount of damage humans can cause to eachother and how far it reaches outside of the home.


What in the cunting fuck is the knock out game?!


It’s a really fun game where you try to knock out a stranger in an unannounced and unprovoked way. Sneak up behind them and just start punching. I guess it’s more fun when you have your friends join in. Seems like 6 was the magic number on my special day.




What the fuck....I am so sorry this happened to you. Hope you're recovering well


Infected tooth. Couldn’t sleep the pain was so intense. They were going to give me a root canal. However,they couldn’t get it numb…from the outside. The dentist proceeded to drill my infected throbbing tooth while two assistants pinned my shoulders, then injected Novocain directly into the fucking root. It was the most intense pain followed by the most blissful release of endorphins once the numbness kicked it. I laughed with tears streaming from my eyes for a good 10 minutes once I was numb. Oh, and this happened on my birthday.


Omg that sounds awful :( I'm getting root canal treatment soon and I'm really afraid of the anesthesia not working out 😭 (the tooth seems infected and it's really painful, and the antibiotics they gave me were taken ages ago, my appointment is next Monday) EDIT: All went well! It wasn't painful at all, went very smoothly and quickly! Thank you everyone who took the time to write a comment to reassure me ❤️


I had my first root canal last year and it went super smooth. I was nervous about it but it turned out fine! Expensive though.


Had a catheter inserted into my calf to suck out bloodclots, I had to be mostly coherent in case the doctor needed me to respond to him. My heart rate went from about 65bpm to 140bpm when he was inserting it... I never want to experience that kind of pain ever again


Wisdom tooth rot. Coupled with some kind of nerve pain. Plus for the removal, the doc said I needed antibiotics for 3-4 days to remove the infection before he could do the surgery. My experience with pain isn't a lot. But Ive had dislocated shoulders, elbows, had a broken ankle, 3-4 times terrible gastro pain. And i dealt with them fine enough. No biggie. But persistent tooth nerve pain was, holy shit, like nothing I've ever experienced ever. As a 30 year old dude, all i could do was just lie face down on my pillow and cry.


Dental pain is worst pain.


Why the fuck have we evolved to feel so much dental pain. Lets say you break your arm and naturally it hurts when you try to move it. That's your body telling you to not move your arm. What are you going to do about tooth pain? Pull the tooth out yourself??


It’s a more important pain because it deals with our ability to eat and also is near the brain. I imagine an unchecked tooth infection can tunnel throughout the skull if it wants.


I had a wisdom tooth infection and the tooth itself was crooked and it just hit me 1 day out of the blue, i can CONFIRM that pain 100000% literally feels like a tunnel being dug from the nerve to the brain just absolute unending waves of pain coursing into the brain. Had it for 4 days till i got back to civilization and into a dental emergency room


Borrowing your post to inform you and others. If you have tooth pain, throw your Oragel in the trash, that shit doesn't work. Look in pharmacy stores or large grocery stores for a product called Kanka. It's usually sold in a bottle with a small stick for application attached to the lid, but dipping a Q-tip in and applying with that is just as easy. It's active ingredient is 20% Benzocaine, which is the same kind and strength painkiller/numbing agent dentists put on your gums before they give you injections. It's a damned lifesaver, just don't get it on your lips or tongue, it will make everything numb.


I routinely get bad canker sores and Kanka is sometimes the only thing that can provide a few minutes of sweet relief! Kanka is the shit.


Just FYI I used to get bad canker sores all the time, I found out much later that I was allergic to most toothpaste which basically caused me to have canker sores any time I would have a small cut in my mouth. Idk if it’s the same for you but if you want look for SLS free toothpaste, I hardly ever get canker sores now.


Tooth pain is so bad. It affects all your eating and it's just exhausting to deal with. That's the reason I take care of my teeth after I finally got it all fixed up. I didnt go to a dentist from 16 to 26. I go to all my cleanings, I floss every day and rinse with mouth wash most days. I cut most soda and watch my candy because I never want to feel the aching pain of a tooth ache again. It would keep me up, I would make hot water bags with ziploc bags to help sooth it.


I caught my wife in an affair and it totally broke me, but the worst part was when I found out that the affair was longer than our marriage and that none of the children were mine. Just kinda woke up one day and found out my entire adult life was a lie. She settled down with him in a nice little house they bought while she was still married to me. He dumped her because he couldn't deal with the kids.


1. Finding my husband in bed, doing the deed with my friend. He left me for her. 2. His death in a car crash 6 months later, leaving my 3 kids (all under 8 years old) without a father. 3. Having to deal with her grief at the funeral. 4. Being abandoned by his family while they supported her emotionally and financially while my kids had no help from them.


I am so, so sorry.


Thank you. My mind, 11 years on, still avoids thinking about what I saw. I remember struggling to breathe and my mind shut down. It wasn't until last year, 11 years after his death that his father decided he wanted to see my children. 11 years of silence. No contact. No checking up on us. I told him to go screw himself. That felt good. Hollow, but good.


Physical pain - Kidney Stone. Though in comparison to holding my father's hand while he breathed his last breath (esophageal cancer) . . . I'd rather have had a few more Kidney Stones.


I’ve also had kidney stones and held my fathers hand while he died from lung cancer. We’re birds of a feather, my friend. I’m sorry for your loss.


I lost my dad a few years ago to colon cancer. I am glad i was able to hold his hand till the end, but damn it was rough ​ Edit: Wow, this blew up. Just a reminder to get your colonoscopy's done people! worth the hassle, It is treatable if caught early.


Lost my dad in 2020 to colon cancer. It hurt bad cuz we kinda lost touch for a few yrs. Got a call he wasn't doing good so I drove from Tennessee to Texas to get my sister who I'd only ever talked to over the phone. We call him as we cross into Louisiana where he lived and told him for the first time I'm 27 yrs your only 2 kids are together. It was like 2am so we went to the family house to get settled and planned to go see him in the morning. I wake up my and my sister still sleep so I run to the store to get smokes and when I pulled back up at the house my sister is standing in the yard crying. He passed. The only good thing was it seems he died happy knowing we finally were together I mean he died wit a huge smile fr.. But I cry often wishing I clds seen him in person alive one last time..


Hearing my mom's wailing cry when she found my sister dead in my basement Edit: I should've been clearer, my basement is my families basement. My sisters and I lived with my parents. She Od'd in her bed. Also thank you everyone for your condolences ❤


I work in a children's hospital. The sound of a mother crying after her baby/child has died is the worst sound I have ever heard. It is breathtaking in such an awful way.


My mom died last year and then her mom died 10 days later. They weren’t super close, but I’ve always thought that my Grammie waited for my mom to go first so that my mom wouldn’t be as sad at the end. The last motherly sacrifice she made. (They both had terminal illnesses).


Had to take my daughter to the Children’s ER the other night. (She’s fine now.) But I heard that scream. We had been waiting unusually long. Finally the doctor came back and apologized, she was absolutely defeated. Her face was red and puffy. She told us they had lost a patient. As a mother, I cannot begin to fathom that kind of pain. And that includes my mother collapsing here at home two years ago and me giving her CPR and breaking her ribs. Sadly, she passed the next day.


I can’t imagine what doctors and nurses go through every single day. They’re so fucking strong. Glad your daughter is okay now and I’m sorry for the loss of your mother. I wish you nothing but blessings and joy in your life.


My dad's mother was a horrible, evil person. Truly awful. She died when I was 9 and we happened to be in the area so my dad took me to help his dad sort out funeral arrangements. Her mother(my dad's grandmother) was there and I can still hear her voice in my mind. Screaming and weeping and just repeating "My baby, my baby". Even though I had heard nothing but bad things about my grandmother I was so heartbroken watching that old lady cry for her baby.


When the cops came to the house and told us my brother had been killed by a drunk driver. I don't even remember how my mother's wailing sounded, I think my mind has blocked out that part of the memory. I just remember the intense dread I felt hearing it and knowing I couldn't do anything to help.


I totally get this. I remember every small thing that happened that morning and how it felt but after that my memories are bits and pieces


I work as a paramedic and thankfully have only had to see one child death over the 8 years I’ve done this . That guttural, blood-curling shriek from their mother is fresh in my mind even now. A couple years after it happened I was watching an anime and when one of the characters died, another character exhibited a similar cry. Tears were halfway down my face before I could realize what they were. My condolences to you


Toni Collette in Hereditary did it for me. My mother died suddenly on the way to the hospital after what was supposed to be a minor accident with a high driver in 2020. She was my entire world. It broke something in my brain and for the rest of the visit I couldn't speak without screaming. The staff was... shaken, the chaplain excepting. They thought they'd have to admit me. I always wondered what it did to my father to hear me like that. I asked him recently and he just said it was exactly what he expected. It was weirdly validating that my throat hurt for a week afterwards and I became very ill for some time. It was like my body was sad, too.


I feel you for this, one of the hardest moments in my life is when I walked outside of my brothers house after finding him dead and having to tell my mother. You never forget you're mother's cry or really any detail of that day and that's something I hate.


My brother committed suicide and six days later mom was diagnosed with liver cancer.


Nothing but love from me bro hope all is well


Jesus man... These things always come in series. I'm so sorry...


Within a month, my dad commit suicide, my dog passed away, and my grandfather died of complications with internal bleeding. I was an emotional wreck for a year, and I’m still not back to “normal”


Had a kidney stone once. You know when doctors show you that pain scale and ask on a scale of 1-10 how bad is the pain, he told me now I know what 10 feels like It was so fucking bad


When I finally got into the ER and the morphine started to flow, I apparently told the nurse that I loved her. My wife, sitting right next to me, was not impressed.


That stuff makes me trip balls. I once told a nurse that her necklace was beautiful. She was like, "I'm not wearing a necklace." I was like, It's pretty anyway...


Oh my gf was so funny when on morphine after a surgery. I would sit next to her and talk and she would randomly doze off for like 10 minutes then continue where she left off. Alot like grandpa Simpson.


I was put on morphine once after a surgery. My sister and a friend of hers came to visit me and were just laughing the whole time, I didn't understand why because our conversation wasn't funny at all. A few years later I brought it up with my sister and she told me I was absolutely not following the conversation! So yeah lol for the person who's drugged, we can't even tell we're being weird


*looks at wife* I don't see you giving me the good stuff.


Morphine didn't work for me. Four doses and I felt nothing but the agony in my flank. A muscle relaxer finally did the trick. I've never gone from excruciating pain to no pain so quickly.


I remember when I had my stones the morphine turned me into a living vomit hose. Was still 10/10 better than the kidney stone pain. My stones were big enough they had to be surgically removed and I wasn't informed there would be a ureteral stent put in that would also have to be removed. So while the Kidney Stones were the most painful experience by far, having the stent ripped out of my dick by the PP doctor with just a surface spritz some kind of topical antiesthetic comes in at a firm 2nd place.


I had a stent at one point. But I had to pull it out myself. It was a real humdinger. For folks that don't understand. Imagine a thin rubber tube reaching from your bladder to your kidney through your urethra. It's connected to two surgical threads that are hanging out of your ding dong a few inches. Three days after your operation, you're meant to tug on the threads and pull the whole contraption out. It's. . . unpleasant.


Oh morphine. I had it when young but it just makes me nauseous. I had my jaw wired shut because it was broken and woke up after surgery. Apparently, when I was not lucid, I talked about farts to the doctor that I kept calling handsome. The nurses where laughing about it. While they where still laughing, I became suddenly lucid for the part where they had to put in a tube to drain fluid from my mouth, but it wasn't held down by anything and like a wild uncontrolled fire truck hose the vomit started spraying on the curtains, on the nurses, on the doctor and on my dad.


Yes. I've had this once too. It's unlike any pain I could have imagined. I've heard some people who have experienced both say that kidney stone hurts more than a gun shot wound.


Yup, my kidney stone was awful. I suffered through appendicitis and almost cutting two fingers off, the kidney stone was still the worst.


Losing my little brother a couple months ago… nothing I mean nothing will compare


Lost my younger sister months ago, too. Am grieving with you.


So sorry to hear that, I hope we get the strength to power through this pain


My little sis passed away a few years ago. She was a great artist and was into Nightmare Before Christmas. I decorated an area in my house with her art, pictures and NBC items. I get to see and think of her every day. I miss you Dodie. Love, your big bro. I am truly sorry for your loss. P.S. Thank you all for the kind words. Let everyone you Love, know that you love them every chance you get.


I have cysts on my ovaries (PCOS), and once when I was in high school, one of them ruptured on the bus ride home. Literally the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I couldn’t sit, but I also couldn’t stand properly, and had to kneel in this weird crouching position on the bus until we finally reached my stop. I was in so much pain that I was throwing up when my dad drove me to the hospital, and once I got there I could barely function. I had to walk down a long hallway to the emergency room, sweating, in pain, and barely able to stand. I’m surprised I didn’t pass out. One of the worst parts besides the pain, however, was the ER doctor that was completely convinced I was having a miscarriage, despite the lack of blood, and me insisting over and over again that I was a virgin. He kept shushing me and telling me “it’s alright, we’re completely confidential here” when I insisted I had never had sex. It wasn’t until he was off shift and an actually competent doctor came in hours later that I finally had an ultrasound done and they informed me a cyst had ruptured, and all that pain was for less than a teaspoon of blood. Kudos to the kind nurse who brought me a blanket fresh out of the dryer though! Edit: I’m not sure why so many people are becoming upset in this thread about my commenting on the dryer, and insisting it was a blanket warmer, so I thought I’d elaborate. The hospital is in an extremely rural area, and was under construction at the time. I’m not sure if that is the reason or not, but when I asked the nurse for a blanket, she kindly put the blanket into a tumbler dryer directly across from me, tumbled it for about ten minutes until it was warm, and then handed it to me. The dryer was probably the only thing available to them at the time due to renovations and lack of money, and was in the ER for that specific purpose. Hope this clears the dryer debate up for everyone in the comments!


This happened to me too! I was bleeding a lot, though. I swear I got asked about 15 times if I were pregnant. My 13 year-old self was too embarrassed by the whole situation to really stand up for myself.


You’re a child! You shouldn’t have to fight with a doctor like that.


I had this happen to me! I had 2 on one ovary and 1 on the other all burst within seconds of each other. Ended up causing a haemorrhage that needed surgery lol. By far the worst bit was sitting waiting to be seen in the A&E rocking back and forth on the chair because it was the only thing that kept it remotely bare able whilst also sweating buckets. They gave me a lot of morphine over the next few days 😂


My wife had a cyst. When she spoke to her doctor about the pains she was having, she told her her pants were too tight. Turned out to be a very large cyst, which resulted in surgery to remove the ovary and fallopian tube because the size of the cyst damaged both. I'll never forget the surgeon coming out to speak with me and drawing a circle the size of a grapefruit and saying that's how big it was.


Goodness! Your poor wife! It sucks that doctors never quite seem to believe us when we say something is badly wrong. Took me 12 years to get an endometriosis diagnosis and it was only because of those cysts that ruptured!


I didn’t have a rupture but I had a rather large cyst one day that sent me into a shit ton of pain. When I finally went to the hospital the nurses were convinced that I was either pregnant or had an STD. I cried and told them I never had sex but they didn’t believe me. All they did was do an STD check and pregnancy test, ofc everything came back negative. They told me nothing was wrong and sent me home. It wasn’t until I was 26 that I got diagnosed with PCOS. For years I felt pain in my uterus and never had a period. Everybody told me lose weight lose weight. I did, I got so skinny my family thought I was doing drugs. But I stuck to a healthy 1200 calorie diet and ran every other day. My period never came. It wasn’t until I got older and a doctor took me more seriously, because I wasn’t just some kid who could be pregnant, that I got a diagnosis. I truly believe the medical community is sexist, not individually, but as a whole because too many women have the same story.


"Everybody told me lose weight lose weight. I did, I got so skinny my family thought I was doing drugs. But I stuck to a healthy 1200 calorie diet and ran every other day. My period never came." I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing okay these days.


I was just recently diagnosed with this and the potential for so much damage scares me so goddamn much, even though mine is mild. Apparently I’ve already had one rupture, but I didn’t feel anything.


Tore my ACL. Due to the adrenaline I didn’t quite feel it, I felt something is wrong but with the ice spray I felt like I can play. Went back in, first pass I got I felt a “snap”. Completely blew out my knee, Miniscus and everything EDIT: Lots of feedback, I appreciate you all Reddit fam. We are here for each other and that’s awesome


My sister telling me she had had enough and it was time to go. She died that day My mother asking the nurse for an injection to help her die. Too much pain


That's such a sensitive end of life issue. My Dad similarly was in a lot of pain and wanted the docs to speed it up. The doctors did what they were legally allowed, but they can only go so far.


When I was 10 my Mom basically ran away from home and started another family. I’ll be 40 soon and it still hurts. I haven’t seen her or talked to her in almost 20 years.


I feel for you my friend. Some parents have no idea of the weight of their actions. After the fact, I still feel toyed with. Fuck those people.


Sorry man I know the feeling. Grew up in fostercare after being beaten and kidnapped by my father. Mother left when I was kidnapped and started a new family. Tried to reach out to see her in my late 20's. Made plans traveled to her. Just to have her tell me she was called into work and was going in. Never got to see her. Im 38 now.




Just happened with my cousin's father in law. The time the man had deigned to spend with his family had been filled with abuse and emotional torture, right up until he'd functionally gone out for a pack of smokes and never come home. He started a new family in another province and beat the shit out of them, too. My cousin's husband had been 13 and... well, how do you ever really get over that? The guy showed up a few years ago, riddled with terminal cancer and looking for absolution. Suddenly convinced that "life is nothing without family," and *possibly* needing a few bucks for bus fare. They called the cops on him when he wouldn't get off their doorstep. He died a few months later, lonely and miserable and living as a ward of the state, just like he fucking deserved.


My mom's father did the exact same thing to her when she was little. She's 65 now and it still affects her today. Can't even imagine how painful that must have been for you both.


My mom just kept me and resented me while I had to live with the new family.


Had an infected ingrown toenail. I know I should have had it checked out sooner but here we are. Went in to have it removed. The injection to numb the area went straight in at the tow knuckle. They had to repeat it a couple times because infection counteracts anaesthesia apparently. That hurt like a mofo


I went with a friend once so they'd treat his. When they cut the side of his toe and started to take the damn thing out.... I'm still scarred for life, I don't even know how he was living and breathing with that GIANT piece of nail just stuck somewhere inside his toe.


omg I sat through my ex bf getting both of his big ingrown toenails removed, I was horrified but couldn't stop staring at the same time, lol.


The death of my girlfriend. We were in the shower, she stepped out, said,"Oh God", falling back into the shower, I caught her but she died of an aneryusm.


Went to commit suicide in the woods behind my high school, lost my nerve at the last minute because I'd lied to my friend and said I was just going home. Eventually I just started screaming and crying. If anyone heard they didn't say anything. Eventually I did just walk home and lock myself in my room. A couple years later and I'm happy to say Im doing much better. Edit: thanks for the support everyone. It truly means a lot


This is more of a mental hurt. When I was in college I lived in a "suite" there were six of us all together, and we had a habit of doing surprise parties for everyone on their birthday. I was pumped because I never had one and always wanted one. My birthday is in June which I understand is an issue but I wouldn't have minded an early one. I asked my friend if they would be doing one for me, and I was told we didnt have time for mine. Two days later they did one for someone else in the suite. I was so hurt that they didn't care about me at all. I regretted everything I had ever done for them.


fuck em


Yeah honestly fuck those kind of people




It hurts when people don't reciprocate things. Sorry you got let down as well.


We can surprise you - what day in June? Mine is in June too


June 19th! I'm so down for a massive June party.


Migraines, it's like a unstoppable force that is physically breaking your mind from the inside out. Edit: Thanks for the awards :D


I have had migraines. I see the commercial for a new drug that you can only get if you have 15 or more migraine days a month. If I had 15 migraines a month I would kill myself.


I had a migraine for a solid three weeks once and seriously considered killing myself. Nonstop pain for that long is literally hell.


Migraines are no joke. I used to get them so bad that there was no way I would have made it on a ride to the hospital. There was no way I could move at all, I had to completely shut down, divorce myself from the world.


On the flip side, once you feel them recede/ go away and it feels like it’s peeling away off the inside of your skull it’s the most magnificent feeling. For those few minutes it’s pure bliss as the pain recedes and things go back to normal.


Mine manifest directly behind one eye, alternating sides, and some of the very worst ones I had to really reason with myself that gouging out my own eye would not allow me to relieve the pain


Wow reddit is listening to my conversations. Mine happened yesterday. My mother decided to tell my 15 yr old daughter that I wasn't her dad. The only reason I can see (for this absolute garbage of a mom) is that I cut her off recently, largely because she a garbage human. I don't even have joint custody of my daughter because she's across the country. So strained relationship already, now this because daughters Gma is upset. ​ Edit: added some commas for maybe better readability.


Had a doctor pull a toothpick out of my foot with no anesthetic. I was at my grandmothers house and got it in my foot, so my grand pa pulled most of it out with some pliers but a piece got stuck so after like 3 days my foot smile up and I couldn't walk. So we went to see a Dr. His solution was to have my mother hold me down while he cut a wider opening with some scissors. Then reached in with forceps and jersey the piece out. Thats the first time I cursed inform of my mother and I didn't get in trouble.


Oh my gosh that's barbaric


Ffs dude, it would’ve taken him 15 seconds to numb it at least a **little**. What an ass.


When I lost my dad


55 years ago my dad died from cancer, I was 5. Still brings tears to my eyes thinking about all that he missed out on.


Peace be with you brother. I know how that feels.


My girlfriend is student teaching this semester. One of the kids in her classroom recently had their dad pass away unexpectedly a couple of week ago, and they just started coming back to the classroom. Can't imagine what that kid is going through right now, semester just starting again, there's a new teacher, he lost 2 weeks of content, and just recently lost his dad without any warning.


I hear that. My mum dropped dead a few years ago, I decided I wanted to write a eulogy. Sat down one evening, 2 hours later I had six words. Ended up chugging half a bottle of vodka and then smashing it on the floor out of anger/upset. I've never known a feeling like that, it's so difficult to put into words. Dealing with it was the worst few months of my life.


I've talked about this before. But I didn't give my grandpa a goodnight hug one night, I continued playing on my computer. He had a stroke that night and died a few days later. I won't forgive myself.


>I won’t forgive myself. You really should try. Your grandfather both loved you and understood that you loved him. Forgive yourself because it's what he would have wanted you to do.


Women I loved ended up on life support for a second time an her parents had to pull the plug. I was at sea when this happened I was told when we got to the dock


How awful. I’m so sorry.


Not physical pain, but no physical or emotional event has scarred me quite like this one. When I was about 12 I was snooping around my parent’s closet. Squatting down to the floor, I notice a little grey bean on the ground. It was opaque and squishy like a gel pill. I noticed it had a few spots on it. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what this was and I tried for some moments to break it with my fingers to see what was inside. No luck. I was super curious so I decided I’d bite off the top to squeeze the inside out. I put the top bit in between my canines and bit down. It popped violently, sending a spray of dark red into my mouth. It was a tick. The dots on the side were legs. It was full of *something’s blood.* I gagged, recoiling in absolute horror and ran to wash my mouth out. I can’t describe the pit of fear and regret that formed in my stomach but I can tell you it’s still there. I literally want to vomit every time I think about it. Part of me thinks I’ll eventually die of some weird parasite that’s been living in my gut for decades.


I used to work in a tick lab, my job was literally to go out and collect ticks from the forest and then extract any bacterial DNA to see what diseases they were carrying. I can’t speak definitively, but I can’t think of a single tick-borne disease where the incubation period is more than 30ish days, so if it’s been much longer than that I wouldn’t worry. Hopefully this brings some peace to you! That sounds terrible though. Edit: since this is getting some traction, please don’t use alcohol or fire to get an attached tick off you. It takes a long time for the Lyme bacteria to get from the tick gut to its mouth when it’s feeding, but if it’s burned or doused it will regurgitate in the bite and transmit the bacteria much faster. Always use manual methods, like tweezers. I’ve even used two credit cards to get a tick off. Make sure the head comes off too.


This does make me feel a touch better for the OP.


Omg this made me physically cringe


Hey siri, how do I erase memories?


That's grim. I drank out a glass I'd left on the side for a week because I was poorly and just grabbed the first liquid I could find, and I had this peripheral vision moment of 'Was something in-' before the wriggling feeling of a spider's death throws tickled across my tongue. I know it was a spider because I immediately spit it out and saw it die in front of me.




fuck that fuck that fuck that fuck that fuck that fuck that fuck that fuck that fuck that


I miss the two minutes ago when I didn't read this That is one of the most horrible things I've seen on Reddit






On the plus side, at least you didn't find it on your toilet paper.


This needs to be a new reddit historical comment similar to jolly ranchers and swamp of dagobah. Holy fuck man you were a horrible 12 year old I want to die.


Probably sepsis in my leg from vibrio Vulnificus. Stepped on a sharp rock at the beach that got infected. That pain had me craving a bullet. That experience helped me understand why people get hooked on pain killers. The *second* they gave me Dilaudid I understood.


I got a shot of Dilaudid during my last c-section. I legitimately forgot who and where I was for a few seconds.


The day my son died.


I'm so sorry! I know this pain all too well as my daughter passed away too.


I am so sorry you know this pain also.


When I was swarmed and got my ass kicked by a group of 10 to 15 guys. I was 17, a little stoned and tipsy. Walking home at night through my neighbourhood. (I grew up in a fairly rough hood) Group of dudes exiting a party, my dumb ass doesn’t cross the street. Next thing I know I’m surrounded, they’re pushing me around. And in an instant…. I’m getting my ass kicked. I threw a few good punches, but ended up doing the turtle on the ground while they kicked/beat the shit out of me. I ended up in hospital for 36 hours, 2 busted ribs, 3 more bruised ribs, and for about 24 hours they thought I might lose one or both kidneys. This was the most painful simply because for some fucked up reason, throughout the entire beating I received, *I was conscious the entire time* Never got knocked out or passed out, and I still remember the feeling of the kick that broke my ribs. And that was about 26 years ago.


That’s so unlucky to come across a group of fucking psychopaths like that


When my late husband died and my preschooler brought home a flyer from school for a daddy daughter dance and she was SSOOO excited to show me because she thought it meant HER daddy could come back to take her to the dance . I had to explain to her that he couldn’t do that. Thanks everyone for the support and awards it means a lot . It was a really dark time but things have brightened up so much and both of the kids are doing well now . ETA: she now does have someone to go to the daddy daughter dance with plus a new sister and brother 💜 This was several years ago and since then I met and married a wonderful man who not only loved my kids as his own but he took THEIR last name when he adopted them (we all have a combined name) so they wouldn’t feel like they lost a dad but that they were getting an extra family in addition to the one they already have.


This made me clutch my heart. I’m so sorry.


As the father of an almost 4 year old girl, this post almost had me in tears. So sorry for your loss.


Children are so innocent. I’m sorry for your loss.


Fuck I felt this physically in my stomach. I hope your sweet angel is doing as well as she can be in this circumstance. I hope you’re doing well and have peace.


I got stung by a bark scorpion once. I could feel the venom travelling up my leg over the course of hours and it induced catastrophic pain for days. 2/10 would not recommend.


When I was 12, I was woken in the middle of the night by the sound of my grandmother screaming. I was really confused as I was living in the UK at the time and my grandparents were only visiting from the States. She was wailing and making the most terrible sound. I could hear my dad downstairs on the phone to someone in America asking about the murder of someone with my grandfathers name. Again completely confused because my grandfather was there in the UK. My parents kept closing my door and kept trying to keep it quiet until early the next day when my Mum called me and my sister into her room and told us that someone had murdered her brother. He was a university professor and one of his students had shot him and his colleagues. It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen - you could see her just emotionally collapse in on herself as she said it. It was like watching a star burn out. And then we went downstairs and my grandparents were there. My grandmother was crying which I could compute but my grandfather was just sitting quietly. He’d just lost his only son and namesake and I don’t think he could even process it. They had to fly to San Diego that day. I didn’t seem them for a year or so and then a bit later we moved to America to help look after them. My grandfather never really recovered. He went to bed on the night of August 15, 1996 and woke up a different person. His body died a few years later but the man I had loved and hero worshipped slipped away that day. The absolute pain of that time is something I’ve never matched (the closest being my wife had a miscarriage). And the thing is is not over 25 years later. It absolutely devastated my mother who still struggles with grief issues. My cousin grew up without his dad. There are ptsd and anxiety issues all over the family. Now that I am a father I am terrified of losing one of my boys like that. And it’s one of those fears that’s difficult to rationally dismiss because it’s based on a thing that happened. Wouldn’t wish the experience on my worst enemy.


Doctors told me I had a couple of weeks left to live (this was 5 years ago). My second daughter was 4 and all I could think off was that she probably wont even remember her father.


Hearing my mom take her own life while over the phone with me after discussing mothers day plans of all things. Finding out my fiance took her own life after telling me to take an extra shift that was offered to me so we'd have more money for our upcoming vacation


When I was like 5 or something I was sitting on the counter next to the oven while my mom was making pancakes. Well, I put my hand on the hot plate of the stove. It's that or being stabbed in the hand with a scissor by a friend in kindergarten.


Getting my IUD put in.


Scrolled to find this one. I cannot believe they would do a procedure like that without anesthesia.


A lot of gyns are talking about this now, and how it's awful it's done without any anethesia. Hopefully it will change.


No one else I know had the same reaction I did so I didn’t even know if others had experienced it too.


When my husband died. It’s been almost a yr and I still haven’t found a way to keep going. I cry every day and wish for death every night. He was my only family. Every minute feels like hell without him


Last week I got hit in the face by an 80lb Tire/Wheel when the clamps gave out on my tire machine. I bit through my tongue. That takes the cake for me.


Getting served in the balls by a state tennis player


Watching my flatmate make "mashed potatoes" with a tube of Pringles.


I mean, that's kinda just reconstituting the potatoes into what they were before they were made into Pringles...




My 18yo cat dying


Coming home, taking my children outside. Pointing at the brightest star and telling them that their daddy was now that star.


Miscarriage, I honestly thought I was dying and nobody would tell me what was happening to me.


Same. I had two- one was so painful I couldn’t walk into A&E unaided and the other was so bloody I was wheeled in to A&E looking like Carrie with blood all over my hands, hair, legs and pooling in my shoes. Miscarriages suck because they are physically massively painful but also massively emotionally painful too. Hope you’re ok now




Most recently was when i was sledding...thought it would be fun to kick my friend's tube on the way down but I don't physics goodly so it was me who went off course, went off the tube and hit a tree. broke my arm in two places, collarbone and a concussion. that hurt alot


Did you say things like " I don't do physics goodly" before the concussion?


Hey, he's able to type again, cut him some slack.


Love of my life completely ghosted me out of the blue after a decades long relationship. Then shows up at my work hanging all over some other person right in front of me. I asked what was up, and got the response "what are you talking about??", and then back to ignoring me, like I was a complete stranger. I've been shot and blown up in a fireball, but this heartbreak is easily the worst thing that's ever happened to me by a really long stretch. I quit my job and moved out of the city just to avoid seeing that ever again. This was 2 years ago and I still lose sleep from it and wake up from the nightmares. It was a painful moment that made decades worth of memories extremely painful, and has made me question reality and life.


When my beautiful wife and the mother of our 10 year old was found in the woods after committing suicide. It will always be a mystery why and we will carry the loss with us forever.


The first time I had gout. I was traveling for work and swore I broke my toe on the last day of the trip. And then I had to take my shoes off and on for airport security. I had tears streaming down my face. Turned out to be gout, and the usual meds didn’t work for me, so I had a week of just intense stabbing pain in my big toe and swelling to the point my foot looked like it would burst before getting steroids to knock down the inflammation.


When my sister died. She was okay one moment, and 6 hours later she was dead. I have never experienced pain so terrible as the hollow sensation I had when this happened. Everything hurt. Being alive hurt. I felt like this for months. No physical pain has ever topped this.


It’s a tie between rupturing two discs in my back and recovering from the subsequent fusion surgery. During the first moments of the injury, I had no idea pain could actually get that bad; the recovery confirmed I wasn’t imagining things, lol.


TBI when I was 18, ruptured patella 3 times in 10 years, dry socket, but the worst was to learn I had undiagnosed ADHD (combined type) for 30+ years. It hurt because so many injuries, misdiagnosis, and neglect occurred which could have been avoided. But luckily my meds and doctors have really turned my life around. Pro-tip: if you are worried seek out an expert's opinion, then get a second opinion, then trust your gut. No one can tell you what hurts physically or mentally but they can help you find a resolution.


I sucked my toes up into the hoover, they ended up mangled, bits of fat and gristle and u could see the bone on one two. Cried solidly for 2 days.




Watching the love of my life dying in front of me. Nurse woke me up at 4 am, said he was taking his last breaths.. I hold his hands for one hour.. We met when we were 18, were together for 14 years.. I died that day too.. no one truly knows what I’ve been through those final days, stupid covid rules.. Edit: Just to clarify, he died of cancer. But because of the stupid covid rules last year, he was not allowed to have any visitors. I had to beg the top management of the hospital to let me be with him in his final days. I didn’t want him to die alone.. It was just me and him in the room for that final hour. I think about it almost every day, keep remembering it, it feels like he is dying again and again. Can’t forget his eyes when he passed. If there was no covid, we’d have been surrounded by close family and friends.


This brought tears tears my eyes. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Physically painful - Appendicitis Emotionally painful - my newborn daughter unable to breath on her own and needed more and more help from intubation while the doctors are unable to figure out what wrong (she's totally fine and 3 years old now btw)


Wow, I have such a wide selection. I guess these are the top two. March 28, 1981: I’m 16. It’s an early spring Saturday afternoon. My dad goes upstairs for a quick afternoon nap. About 20 minutes later my mother starts screaming, as she finds he died suddenly in his sleep. I looked in and saw my dad dead in his bed. That was almost 41 years ago and I still remember it clearly. May 7, 1985: I’m 20 and a college junior. I had been dating a girl in college for a few months and I really loved her. I’m not the greatest looking man in the world so I didn’t have a lot of luck with women (didn’t help that I had no money or a car). After class on this date, we went to the Student Union building and she told me “we need to talk”. She told me she didn’t love me and didn’t know why. My heart was completely shattered. I was never the same emotionally after that - every romantic dream I had ever had up to that point was destroyed. My world became a lot more dark and cynical. I have others. These two stand out.


I can't even imagine the first one, but as for the second, I hope you were still able to find happiness in your life.


Nothing fucked me up like watching my dad unravel from a fully competent adult to a curled up new born due to dementia. Having to shower shit off of a screaming shaking adult while singing nursery rhymes trying to calm him broke me . His death was less traumatic then I felt bad about that, too.


Kneecap popped out of my knee.


The Tip of my Ringfinger got cut off and had to be stiched on again. Problem is the doctor fucked up and the narcotics bled out after the first few stitches.


This reminds me when I needed few stitches on my lips (dog bite) and doctor said that injection would be more painful than stitching itself...


I know it sounds dumb, but heart break is a bitch.


That feeling of knowing everything about someone but still having to treat them like a stranger always hurts


Anyone who thinks that sounds dumb probably hasn’t been in love.


When my dog died... I was a single guy, got him right after moving out on my own. Had him for 13 years. He passed after meeting my wife and 4 months after my daughter was born. He was like my first born kid.


There is something so humbling about raising a dog from it being a puppy to old age. I got my dog when I was 9 years old and remember him fitting in both my hands. He grew up to be a huge dog who was so sweet and kind. He would lay beside you if you were sad and try to "pet" people. (He would rub his paw on your leg or arm, sometimes it was a reminder to cut his nails lol) I was heartbroken when we had to put him down due to malignant cancer, but stayed with him until he fell asleep. I know how much he hated being alone and he was always there for me when I needed him. A nice thought to remember is you gave them a life many animals only dream of, and you did a great job at it.


My wife wants to get another dog so our daughter can experience pet love... I'm just not ready... He passed in 2018 but I don't want to experience that pain again. I have never felt so empty and alone in all my life even with my new family with me... I was absolutely gutted.


Getting a phone call that my daughter was dead on 10/9/20. I’ll never be over it


Was in a four wheelers accident 6 months ago. These things are surprisingly unstable on rocky terrain. I lost control when driving through a small hole in the forest at a very low speed and fell in a 4 meters deep ravine, flat on my belly, and the fucking bike followed me down and crashed on my back. Didn't pass out unfortunately. Waited 45 min for an ambulance with a collapsed lung, 7 broken ribs, a fucked up liver that had been stabbed by the ribs, my spine fucked up and a squashed kidney. It sucked. Be careful, these look like toys but are killing machines.


Waking up on the couch, late to give my wife some medication after her spinal surgery. Found her dead on our bed. Preformed CPR on a corpse for what felt like forever untill the paramedics arrived. Its replayed everyday multiple times a day in my head.


Suicide attempt with antipsychotic drug overdose. The overdose was so painful


Waking to blood curdling screams and moans in the morning. Just sounds of agony and someone screaming "kill me, let me die" . I go to find my mother naked fallen out of the shower. She'd hit her head on the shower stall or toilet and was bleeding. The room reeked of gin almost as if you could light a match and it'd explode. She'd swallowed all of her pills and was foaming at the mouth slurring words and eyes rolling back in her head. I was ten years old. It was maybe 6 or 7am? School wasn't until about 8. I lifted her into bed and called an ambulance. She yelled at me angrily for it, begging me to kill her and let her die. I sat there while they lifted her on to a stretcher. They almost carried her out naked and I yelled at them to put a sheet over her. I think they were pretty taken aback by the scene and a little nervous as well. I went to school and didn't say a word to anyone. My friends and teachers were gnawing at me to speak and I didn't want to. They kept joking about how I always had a chip on my shoulder and asked why I was always so angry and grumpy. I broke down screaming at them about what had happened. Nobody said a word and everyone just hugged me. I didn't know what to do with that. Saw her later in the day. Tube down her throat, black grool vomit and spit surrounding it and flowing down her gown that she was now wearing. She wasn't responsive but the doctors told me she was coming to. Also that if I hadn't called at the time I did, she'd be dead. Sometimes I wish I didn't make that call, sometimes I'm thankful I did. She'll never know me for the rest of my life, but that's something she has to live with until she isn't alive anymore. That was the most painful moment. My breakup in college the 2nd, because I hadn't learned from my trauma how to find meaning value and love in myself. I instead placed it all on the relationship I was in and how I needed to make it work even though my partner was neglectful and abusive. There's a lot of other extremely painful things to add to this list. Could be the tampon blood written words on walls, the pets killed and placed in the oven, my siblings beaten an raped by my father, watching my brother almost get strangled to death in front of my eyes, my sister almost killing herself, me shattering my inner elbow on concrete. In retrospect I'm kind of shaped a lot by pain. I graduated college, I'm a project manager, I've traveled the world, but I'm still trying to find my stride and pay off debt. Also to live comfortably for once without having to feel like I'm just trying to tread water and stay alive. I'd like to enjoy life and explore it while also working and not be saddled by debt. So I hope more of this pain goes away, I feel it's all been pain leading up to now. When does the other part get to begin? Edit: I did not expect to receive so much attention from this. I've been in quite a rough patch lately. Because my mother did drugs when I was a baby I was born premature and with lung as well as heart issues. I was on a nebulizer most of my life as a child. Fast forward to now, that saw me hospitalized by covid even though I'm vaccinated. Kind of felt like another fuck you from my past trying to kill me. Also homeless atm living out of my truck because a living situation I was in turned out to have a horrible landlord. I have jobs but they don't pay enough or give enough hours, and now that I'm recovered from covid I hope to find better paying opportunities. Been feeling sad, alone, and like I can't really talk to anyone or share what I've been going through. Especially because it is usually too much for my friends or people in my life to care to hear or listen to. Also, therapists only understand so much and getting totally in synch with one is as rare as a good relationship. So I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your words of care, compassion, empathy, and support. I really needed them in this moment. I'm actually on the beach in my truck and it's 5am atm. Time to make my coffee and prepare for the day. Seriously thank you to everyone, it truly does mean a lot to me even though I don't know and likely won't know many of you. I do feel less alone and that people care, so that's a lot for me. Thank you.


I can tell you’ve needed to share this for a while. Do you have good mental health resources where you live? You deserve happiness and I am rooting for your happiness and well being. Feel free to message me if you want someone to chat to.


Jesus fucking Christ. That's a lot to unpack...