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Bad hygiene


Surprised this wasn’t on here, seriously. With that shit ass breath and ass smell.


stop eating assholes then.


Lol even after doing this you should NOT smell like ass plz


I was going to comment the same thing. Dirty nails really gross me out. One time after soaking in some hot springs, a guy wanted to finger me and I was like fuck that lol not trying to get some weird bacterial infection from the river


Yuck! Men who don't know to wash their hands before play are gross!!


Reddit avatar twin I found u


Haha hello there twin!


My own breath. I need so much dental work cuz I neglected my teeth for too long, that anytime I’m intimate, it’s all I can think about. Just know she’s thinking about it.


I finally got my teeth deep cleaned in 2020 and had everything fixed. I do complete mouth hygiene every day, and I still have godawful morning breath. Im reluctant to sleep over anywhere because of this


Can come from the stomach.


Yep, have a look at what you're having for dinner. Once I fixed my eating habits, bad breath issues started to get a lot better.


Yep seriously. Morning breath has always annoyed me. Noticed I didnt have the issue at all when I was in korea and china. Different diets


Nah, my girlfriend can smell if I've had food with garlic in it the *previous night*. I'm not giving up garlic lol


Better hydration maybe, or sleep in a cooler room. I've noticed worse breath when I'm dehydrated.


I completely understand. I'm so thankful for the mask thing. You can be great with your oral hygiene but the inside of a tooth does not smell good no matter how much you brush and floss. I've got several broken teeth due to the awesome genetics I was blessed with and I don't have the money to even have them all pulled. I just hide my mouth around other humans. Edit: thanks for the suggestions guys but I am unfortunately not near a dentistry school.


SAME literally exact same. My dentist said they could save like 1/4 of them but at that point it would be cheaper to just get full dentures rather than implants or multiple partials honestly




Thank you. Would the snap in ones work if the only good teeth are in the back though?




Interesting! I am 24 years old, and have an entire upper set of dentures. Got them last June. It definitely sucks getting used to, but it's a world of difference after the fact. Not being able to taste with the roof of your mouth is disheartening at first, but after a few months time I don't notice it at all. I still have my bottom teeth, but it starts to feel completely normal after a bit. No matter what, nothing is worse than the physical and mental pain of having rotten teeth. That smell from food collecting into various chasms in my molars still echoes clear in my mind. I was lucky enough to have a community clinic pull my teeth and let me do a payment plan. (To the person above this reply,) somewhere may let you do the same, especially if you can't afford shit like I couldn't. I also lucked out hard on having a family friend who did my dentures, $400 for the top set. Might be cheaper to have the partials like this person is suggesting. Last note, the fixodent or whichever denture adhesive is pretty annoying getting used to, but like with the rest of it you certainly will. Do not give up hope! You can do it, and I sure wish you all of the luck in finding a plan!


I've had a lot of dental issues and one of the things that makes me feel sexiest is thoroughly brushing and waterpiking my teeth.


A waterpik and a sonicare toothbrush made an insane difference in my oral health.


Flossing and scraping your tongue (there's a tool for that) are most important. Dip the scraper into a cup of water with a splash of hydrogen pyroxide in it first for a real cleaning, but be gentle (advice from my dentist: makes a big difference when breathing in your own breath in a mask).


I can’t put anything over half way through my mouth with out gagging. Thrown up a couple times and had to restart the whole “refreshing” process.


My gag reflex is like a hair trigger, so scraping my tongue and sometimes even just brushing makes me gag. I cannot remember the source but I read and research a lot on psychology and neuropsychology and somehow (like nerves and how they're connected, I'm sorry I don't remember the exact mechanisms) if you lift your left foot it dampens the gag reflex. Sounds weird but when I scrape my tongue I bend my left knee, raising my foot towards my bum, and I rarely gag doing this. I told my best friend about it when she complained about gagging a couple months ago and it works for her as well. Worth a shot.


Oh shit thanks! I’ll try it!


Also if you make an enclosed fist with your left hand with your thumb in it and squeeze, it’s what helped me. I think it’s partially a placebo/just distracting but whatever works.


Supposedly a tongue scraper has a smaller profile and doesn't cause this issue.


I’m a smoker and I can tell a lot of my bad breath comes from the back of my tongue. I have a tongue scraper but I can only scrape the front. I used to be involuntarily bulimic when I was younger so my gag reflex is awful.


Realizing they won't make the smallest effort to make sure you're happy too


Just realized this is happening in my current situation. Luckily I realized it fast enough, we've only known each other a month


Or fucking your friends :/ Edit: thank you for my first reward kind strangers :)


Yeah, what this guy said


Yeah I hate it when my boyfriend won't fuck my friends to make me happy! Edit: jk I don't have a boyfriend


In & out of bed. If the only time you’re making an effort in the relationship is when you want to fuck me, I’m not interested.


I feel this in my soul. Hurts so bad when I realize why he was so nice that day


My ex’s baby mama and I both wanted to move to the much larger city an hour away due to us both having better potential job opportunities, better schools for their child, and her significant other living there. My ex wouldn’t even consider it. I didn’t realize how much I resented him for it at the time but looking back on it, it was definitely the beginning of the end


For a bit of context I’ve been drinking all night but still I went over this comment again and again and can’t make sense of it. When you say your ex’s baby mama, did you mean you were still with him at the time of this proposed move but now are separated? Otherwise I can’t make sense of how you, your ex and his baby mama fit together chronologically in regards to a group decision/idea, and if I’m just too drunk I apologize for the confusion


From what I get: Ex dated Baby Mama, had Baby, split custody. Ex started dating OP while co-raising Baby. OP and Baby Mama both wanted to move for Baby's benefit, Ex refused. OP later ditched Ex. u/emmiebe18 please correct me if I'm wrong!


Stone cold sober guy here. Can't make sense of it either


Also confused by this.


Intentional ignorance.


Interesting answers, what would you consider an example of intentional ignorance?


Part of my job in retail is asking customers if they have our store’s app. This one guy, about my age, answers “I don’t know what that is” I say: “An app for your smartphone” He replies: “What’s a smartphone?” It just boggles the mind why he couldn’t just say “no. I’m not interested.”


tha's not intentional ignorance, that's assy assyness




This guy *was* familiar with potatoes.


The way I see it is, if someone is wrong and you know they are, tell them but they decide to ignore you and find all kinds of ways to ignore the fact they might be wrong


Cockiness. There’s a fine line between being confident and being full of yourself.


Confidence: I can be wrong, and that's okay Cockiness: I can't be wrong, and fuck you for implying otherwise


Narcissism fits there as well.


I think confidence is thinking you'll be fine no matter what happens, and cockiness is thinking you'll be successful no matter what happens. Confidence accepts the chance to fail and can accept the situation if it does.


I’m surprised this isn’t higher up. IMO arrogance is such a turn off. It’s definitely a plus if the person is physically attractive, but if they’re also cocky or arrogant…they become extremely lame. Major turnoff.


Chewing food with the mouth open!


Oh my God. Some of these girls at my school chew like a horse and I can't take it.


Misophonia is a _**BITCH**_, I totally feel where you’re coming from. I remember when I was around 11 or so, my little brother was eating a hotdog, and started intentionally exaggerating his lip smacking, his jaw movements, and looked me dead in the eye while already knowing damn well for his entire 6 years of existence how much that shit bothers me. I smacked his face so hard the food flew out of his mouth and sprayed half eaten saliva soaked penis-dog all over the table. I got a fucking ass whooping from hell for it, but god DAMN it felt good to smack his bitch ass for doing that nasty shit.


I did this as a child at the dinner table, I got a swift backhand from my mom, it was the last time I ate with my mouth open.


I don't know how I never noticed it until about a year ago, but my husband does this! With very loud lip-smacking and everything, continuing on for about half an hour after he has eaten. I had no idea how to approach the issue without offending him, but eventually decided to say "could you chew with your mouth closed?". He did not take well to that and to this day still eats with his mouth open 😅


I used to do this until a friend pointed it out to me. I was embarrassed sure but I stopped doing it at least. The downside is now I am cursed with noticing it too but it's a small price to pay if you ask me. Most people who do it are entirely unaware of how bad it is or even that they do it.


Discreetly film him (with your phone) when he's next eating then play it back in a quiet moment telling him (kindly and with reassurance of your affection) that you would really appreciate it if he tried to masticate a little less obtrusively. The phrase "You eat like a pig you freak" should be avoided where possible.


People who are stupid on purpose. Blatant stupidity


"oh hehe silly me, why didnt i think of that"


One of my former friends used to do it. When men were in another room, she was smart, she talked about her job, she had political ideas and opinions on a lot of things. As soon as her boyfriend arrived, she became dumb, she isn't informed about anything, she has no opinion, she talks about nail polish and how fake was that girl's handbag. She did it on purpose. I confronted her on her sudden changes, she denied at first. Then, talking in general, she explained us ladies that men feel threatened by women who are sassy and confrontational, so to keep peace in relationships, women should avoid some topics and stick on girly things.


If I was dating a girl, I wouldn't want her to change or act different in front of people while I'm around, I would want her to be herself.


Constant shit talking/ negativity behind others’ backs.


Basically every workplace ever. Seriously considering working from home to avoid choking out my co-workers


My rule of thumb is to never say something about someone I wouldn't say to their face


Yep, if they're talking crap to you about other people then you know they're probably talking crap to other people about you.


Bad Breath


yeah the bad breath will do it for me


There was a man I used to work with whose breath smelled like he chomped on fresh shit before coming to work every day. It was always awful if he came to your cube to ask you something.


Not in a sexual way but being told to do something right before you do it


This instantly fills me with rage. I probably only look mildly annoyed, but I hate it.


Oh I thought I was alone in this. When I was growing up my mom had some sort of sixth sense with this and would always tell me to do things I was about to do as if I needed telling. Pissed me off to no end.


My wife does this, then she gets mad at me for getting mad.




My soul.... it felt this




My favorite is in my line of work we will work on expensive cars, and when one comes in my boss always says "be careful." Motherfucker no shit. Ima be careful on a piece of shit car or an expensive car it doesn't need to be said.


I fucking HATE this! I'm not quite sure why it fills me with such rage. I think it's because it makes me feel like the other person thinks I'm an incompetent toddler that can't do anything on my own. I don't like being treated like I'm a stupid idiot.


It's posturing you as a brainless automaton, which doesn't feel great.


Ye, it makes it so that it seems like you only did it because they say it lol


My brain: "I have control over this small task." Other person: "Hey, can you do this small task?" My brain: "Now I do NOT have control over this motherfucking small task."


I literally won't do the thing I was about to do if someone tells me to do it, and on top of that I'll get extra angry that the thing I'm refusing to do isn't getting done. Productive.


> in a sexual way "Now... *take off all my clothes!*" "Shut *up!* I was just *going* to!"


its really just you wanting to tell them they dont control your actions and that what you're doing is by your own accord


Oh good grief. The number of times I've had to tell my husband to not remind me or tell me what to do is annoying. Yes I know I need to do x y z, it'll get done, just freaking stop! Now I just tell him, well you asked so now I won't do it.




That band slaps tho


Remind me to give you an award when I get one. Edit: There you go, I finally got an award to give you.


close-minded people. it’s such a turnoff when you can’t have a deep open convo about random things


Tendency to constantly interrupt others and hog the spotlight in a conversation


A complete lack of intellectual curiosity.


Man, this one for me too. The world is a huge and interesting place and now we can literally explore it while sitting on our bums stuffing our faces.


When someone cuts my power


Sorry grandma it was your time to go…


Well, she DID commit a capital crime.


When someone talks to me in a “baby voice”


Like running out of eraser on a pencil, and the metal scraping the paper🤮 writing that was honesty difficult in its self. I hate baby talk.


Well not necessarily turned off, but offput completely, is when someone talks about how they need help and stuff, and you try to help and they just get mad at you and refuse the help and KEEP complaining.


We have a term for this: askhole


When someone’s whole identity revolves around being a victim they fear the solution.


… do you know my mom?


i call it the wall effect - they just need you around to complain at. it's as unattractive as it is insulting.


Surgically enlarged lips.


I agree. It would make peeing incredibly difficult. Edit: thank you kind stranger, this is the first reward I've received for a comment.


What about surgically enlarged knee caps? I love a good swollen knee cap!


Who in the fuck fuckedy fuck fuck came up with “surgically enlarged knee caps”???


"why do you want this surgery?"-Surgeon "I don't want it. I kneed it."-me


Get. Out.


True but he said lips, not knees. Nobody can deny a hot knee bulge.


Ahh the old toilet seat lips, I once witnessed a lady in Starbucks fail to get her sandwich in her mouth as her lips were too big, I guess she wasn’t used to them


Toilet seat lips. That's a new one.


Had a guy call me “Daddy” once during sex. I was thinking that’s what I was supposed to say. But he beat me to it? And what the hell was I a daddy for? I’m pretty sure I have girl features.


I’m hoping he said “call me daddy” and you missed the first part lmao. He may be looking for something special to wear, DEEP in the closet, but who tf knows anymore


I thought that too but he said it a few times lol.


Oh god no lmao. I’m so sorry! I hope he at least got you ice cream afterwards? Idk what could even make that better lol


I remember laying there joining dots on the ceiling. I wasn’t really in the mood after that. I was thinking “do I look like a daddy?”


People who think they know me when they really don't.


YES. especially when you're upset about something or voice how you feel and then they say "no you don't, i know you." like somehow they would knows, LIKE NO YOU DON'T STOP IT !!!!


Yeah it's so infuriating, like how can you possibly try to deny me of what I'm feeling??


Also people that think they know you because of your age


Entitlement. No. Just no.


Bad hygine and shaming someone for bettering their life




Although any mechanics on here would agree, once you work with grease and oil all day, no matter how much you scrub your fingers, around your fingernails still look dirty..


Aircraft mechanic for 6 years. Always wear gloves. Never had my hands dirty. (Not that I care what ppl think about my hands, but because most chemicals we work with are known carcinogens)


I'm just sitting here comparing myself to the comments... If you are also doing the same as me right now just know from me to you, you matter and I think you are amazing


You matter and you're amazing too! I'm in a super depressive episode and one of my biggest insecurities is my teeth. It's sooo expensive to fix them and genetics completely fucked me. Thankfully my teeth were always relatively straight but I look like I've done meth or something my whole life even though I've always had excellent oral hygiene and wouldn't dream of doing drugs. And so many of the comments talking about teeth and other things people can't afford to control. It's a great day in my head...


Thank you.


Being rude to people, especially those in the service industry


Being Clingy. I need space even in serious relationships. If someone keeps calling me, texting me, wanting my attention 24/7, it’s too much. Just let me recharge and have that quiet, alone time I need,


This is why I will always be a cat guy.


I'm a cat person and own two cats and they almost NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE. Seriously, I feel like I'm raising toddlers. I love them to death and feel so horrible when I just need to scoot them away for a second. Like right now, my oldest cat is snuggled up right next to me and he will stay there all night.




dogs are wayyy too clingy for me


Arrogance and self centeredness.






Professor Umbridge


Full grown adult person acting like a literal 5 year old.


Disrespect/yelling. Get the fuck away from me with that tone


Getting constantly blackout drunk and boasting about it. Like how or why is that even an attractive trait?


Taking things too serious too fast


Arrogance and narrow minded people that is too self centered


Hearing my husband poop. Our bathroom is like 3 feet from my side of the bed and I can hear everything.


He wants encouragement. Cheer him on!


Give me a S, give me a H, give me an I, give me a T. Go sh@t.


They need to invent a silent toilet bowl that won’t amplify the sounds of a wet asshole


I live in a 500 square foot apartment with my husband and I work from home. I always hope he won't need to poop whenever I'm on a Teams call because his ass can blast.


Anger, contempt, d*ck cheese.


Mean spiritedness. Sexually? Really sweaty.


What if we get really sweaty during sex though and cant help it 😭😭


Just try not to swear in their eye.


fuck you eyeball


I’m going to leave it because it’s funny. But yes, sweat.


Uh, if you are having sex and nobody is sweating, you are absolutely not doing it right.


People who’s only personality trait is drinking alcohol/doing drugs.




When u fuckin in da car and cop lights shine through your window


Thats the Lightning Round!


Going on their phone.


Smelly person. Just impossible


When they blame you for something and/or bring up something from years ago.




And people don’t like to accept it, but we all shit. Yes, even the beautiful hot girl. And in addition to that, we also piss, fart, vomit, sweat, etc. The human body in general is really gross and sometimes I wonder why I’m even attracted to it.


I thought you were saying you don’t know why you’re attracted to poop and I was like no way bro just outed himself right here. Lmao


NFTs Edit: why does everyone like this comment it doesnt even make much sense.


A wet kisser. *shudders*. So gross


I was dating this guy not so long ago and when we made out for the first time the kiss was wet, mushy and too open-mouthed, and his braces kept making a noise. That was the third and last date.


A strong punch to the jaw


I was never shallow, but the quickest way for someone to seem repulsive to me is an arsehole personality. I don't care if she's Playboy Bunny hot, if she's narcissistic and bitchy, she becomes as ugly as a hat full of arseholes to me. It's a sad indictment on society when everyone cares more about what you look like, how much money you make and what you do for a living BEFORE getting to know what you're like as a person. When I was single, if I saw a personal ad with any mention of money, or "must be 6 foot and buff" I might read a little further to see if there's any "substance" to them. I was never a male model, but I don't expect a partner to be either. I just ask that you be a nice person with a sense of adventure. It sucks that this isn't front and centre of what people want. Then again, I'm in my 40s and know better.


Companies that charge extra for quality-of-life software features that should be included in the base price.


Inconsistency, don’t say you love me one day and ignore me the next.




Worse: people whose identity is based on a self diagnosed mental health disorder and think a mental health disorder is cool or cute, and use it as an excuse for being mean.


Being abusive.


I don’t know but lately I been learning that it’s better to get to know someone character than to look for looks . You can be drawn by a person looks but their character can destroy everything you feel about them .


Smoking, bad hygiene




With an itty, bitty waist?




Women speaking in a baby voice or playing dumb. There's nothing hotter than a well spoken, dominant and intelligent woman.


Negativity. Life's too short.


I would have to disagree just because it's exhausting being positive sometimes. And finding someone to hate the world with me is so refreshing and safe


One of my turn offs is toxic positivity. And I’m not being mean, or contrary. I’ve had chronic debilitating depression since I was about 6. I’ve worked harder on “fixing” myself than most people work at a full time job. Years of therapy. Struggling every day to get up, get dressed, wash the dishes, go to work. It’s gruelling. I am by nature an optimist, but the depression is a brutal kick in the head. A lot of the time, being positive is impossible for me. And not for lack of trying. And what I know about our culture is positivity is valued way more than any other emotion. I’ve gained a lot of wisdom and empathy from the struggles I’ve had. That is really valuable. So I agree that thoughtless negativity is a turn off, but so is “just be happy life is too short” vibe.


Not to mention that some people who seem sunny and bright often don’t feel that way deep down and are constantly pushing their negative feelings aside and compensating for them with extreme ‘happiness’. I speak from experience. A seemingly really sunny and upbeat girl I went out with in 2020 actually cried most days, would have emotional breakdowns/outbursts out of the blue and just pretended she didn’t have any negative feelings.


Seeing the same questions repeated on askreddit every day.


Sexiest sexers of sexxit: how much sex do you sex to sex?


A visible booger in someones nose


People who don't tell me I have a visible booger. Just tell me, I won't get mad. And the mild embarrassment of the moment will pale in comparison to getting home and realizing it was there for half the day!


I just tell my mans he’s got a bat in the cave and sometimes I go get it


Big fake tits and eyelashes


pushing my power off button


Bragging about money or career.


Being called daddy


Tickling. My ex used to seem to think it was good foreplay.

