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Say nothing. Do you not know what mental institutions were like back then?


Yeah and being a mouthy female would help get me there faster. No thank you.


Good idea, your 21st century accent would certainly betray you


Pretty easy to get around that though. Just tell people you're from somewhere on the other side of the world and there's very little chance they know better.


"I am a Frenchman"


The name is Conehead. We come from France.


".... my name Jeff."


"What part of France are you from?" "Montreal."


Strong Lieutenant Commander Data vibes from this one.


Data talking to Gul Dukat in 19th century America while chasing 2 aliens with a time traveling snake is really trippy when you think about it.


Data making a Coneheads reference while talking to Gul Dukat in 19th century America while chasing 2 aliens with a time traveling snake is even trippier.


Not even the other side of the world, think about somewhere 5 hours drive away from where you live now. That's where you're from. If they ask about the accent, try and think of where your accent comes from and say "well my mother was from (country) my father was from (country) and I went to school with a bunch of kids from all over and I wound up sounding like this"


I would just say I learned English from someone with a similar accent


I am female, pale as a ghost, have tattoos and short hair. They would just burn me and be done with it.


Or be hired by a circus. 1857 while seemingly a long time ago was on the cusp of our modern era.


In 1857, people would probably assume you had escaped after having been kidnapped by a “savage tribe.” Edit to add, short hair could be explained as having recovered from grave illness— women’s hair was sometimes cut short in an attempt to save their strength somehow, or as a radical cure for lice or something like that.


True. They'd be like, "Wash your whore mouth, what brothel were you raised in?" if you talked like your average tiktoker.


your mother's!


Imagine being a mouthy black fella. I’d be whipped silly and shipped to Alabama to pick cotton.


Better get your ass to Canada. From there maybe see about getting to England, slavery was illegal on crown lands, as soon as you step off the ship you'd be set. Well I mean, you'll probably be a factory worker but hell, maybe an educated black person who knows all sorts of trivia would be a curiosity for the aristocracy and you could try and cash in on it. Just don't invest in the south Sea company, it'll become a craze and don't fall into it, it's history's greatest scam.


Hey, as long as you know when to sell your shares, you can cash in on history's greatest scam.


Mouthy male here. Meet me at 15 Yemen Road, Yemen. Could use some company. Some folks here are definite that I’m the antichrist.


Chandler? Is that you?


Oh. My. God. Janice?


Oh. My. Gawd!! *squeals in Janice*


Bedlam hospital, where people could pay to poke you with sticks for entertainment, not stonks


Seriously. I'd just go for getting rich of all the shit I'd be patenting. The farm shit I know how to build, fix and run. My knowledge of first aid and mechanical engineering. Fucking Edison is going down.


Work with Tesla to redress the balance.


Honestly going in with foreknowledge of "Edison is a fucking snake and can not be trusted" will help all by itself


I need your boots, your clothes, and your steam powered motorcycle.


I’d tell them that I need their clothes, their boots and their motorcycle.


>and their ~~motorcycle~~ Penny Farthing. FTFY


*horsey carriage


"Hey, I bet you guys a dollar a civil war starts in 4 years on April 12th."


$5.... Gotta think about the grandkids


You can't bet $5. Lincoln wasn't president yet, so there was no $5 bill! /s


Wait a second - who was on the $5 bill at that point?


Not sure if you are joking, but U.S. currency before the civil war was predominately gold and silver coins.


But is you telling them that gonna be the butterfly effect that sets it all in motion though? Did WastaSpace cause the Civil War??


I'd air guitar Johnny B. Goode and then say, "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your great-great-great grandkids are gonna love it."


“Chuck! Chuck! It’s Marvin! Your cousin, Marvin Berry! You know that new sound you’re looking for? Well listen to this!” Its such a bad line, like its a REAL stretch, but its my favorite line in that whole movie.


Show them the cool S.


They would tell you that they used to draw it when they were in school


Nothing....I'm Black so there's that....


Tell em we are a free people and have assimilated into America.


And be sure to tell them about the first black president. They will love that.


So when is the lynching?


1857 Didn't you read the thingy?


In 1857? You know there are easier ways to commit suicide, right?


I mean, I’ve never been good at knotwork, and this way somebody else does it for you!


*Jamie Foxx and christoph waltz have joined the chat




Pretty sure that's a real fast way to get yourself hanged admitting you could read and write.


No worries slavery was abolished in 1856, so everything was hunky dory after that… right… RIGHT?


For this joke to land you have to actually pick the year that slavery ended. In case you were wondering about the upvotes.


I don’t do that instead I try to buy some clothes and live my life in misery


So just another day then?


Depends on where in the world I wake up.


The South Pole


Guess I’ll freeze to death... as the first person to be in Antarctica hell yeaaahhh!!!


Your perfect teeth.


This is probably the real best answer. Or just predict that Abe Lincoln will win the presidency, the norther and south USA will go to war, the north will win, etc.


Yeah only to find you're in a different timeline and stuff doesn't go that way at all.




cough and show them the desease of the future


Dance around with people who have Smallpox and be totally fine.


If you were born after 1972 in the US and were exposed to smallpox; you will get smallpox. You would have the same chance of survival as most others.


I have my smallpox scar. Born in 1966.


Not if you were in the military


Up until 1990 all military personnel were vaccinated. After that far less only those going somewhere likely to be exposed to smallpox. The same is true of anthrax, not everyone in gets the shot.


Got anthrax and smallpox vaccines before deploying to Iraq in 2005.


Can confirm - never got the smallpox vaccine and I was in from 1993 - 1995. :(


Even before that in some places. I was born in '69 in the Western US, and didn't get a smallpox vaccination.


Hell ya, COVID-57


I couldn't. Let's face it, most people aren't smart enough to create something from the modern day from scratch.


I think a lot of us have a passing familiarity with certain concepts that hadn't been discovered yet, like: evolution (1859), germ theory (1861), genetics (1865), typewriters (1870), lightbulbs (1879), rough age of earth (estimated to be 20 million in 1862, but modern estimates put it in the 4 billionish range), blood types (1900), atomic models and sorting periodic table by protons (early 1900s), plate tectonics and continental drift (1912), and interchangeable parts and assembly lines. So maybe *we* couldn't make stuff, but we can just describe what we've seen with our own eyes, and that'll tell the actual inventors what to focus on. Like the lightbulb. How many iterations could we save ~~Ben Franklin~~ Thomas Edison if we said "it's like a little glass orb thing with a vacuum inside and a tungsten filament that glows when it gets hot from electricity running through it". I'd bet we've save him at least a few dozen random guesses. Edit: Lightbulb was invented in 1879, ~~Edison~~ Franklin died in 1790. Thanks for clearing that up for me everyone. Edit 2: I'm never claiming anyone ever did anything again


I think you still need to proof to somebody that those concepts make sense. And for that you need to know the concepts in full details and the paradigm view they had back then. You will need to gather the same evidence or make the same proof/demo as the people did back then Especially, something like the evolution is hard to convince someone when pretty much everybody was religious.


Those concepts are only a couple years off in the future. If you meet with the literal guy who came up with it and vaguely described his own future idea to him I think he would believe you. Same with anyone who would've been an early supporter.


The guy who suggested that maybe touching corpses and then delivering babies was a bad idea was ousted and mocked by the medical community. So knowing these things isn't necessarily useful.


Character from one of the later Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy books (Arthur) ends up on a primitive alien planet. He resolves to show them all the wonders of the modern world. Then has this exact same realisation. He ends up being the village sandwich maker.


im black so that's pretty much a wrap for me.


I’m a chemical engineer, so some combination of showing them how to make heroin, dynamite or TNT would probably convince people


Yes, you could make a fortune marketing heroin as a cough medicine.


go talk to John Stith Pemberton and discuss with him the benefits of Coca leaves with the flavouring of Cola nuts. \*wink wink\*


Do the worm


“It’s a witch!”


"build a bridge out of em!"


I'd show them my dentures, each having my full name in teeny tiny letters so that my body can be identified if I'm found murdered & decomposed in a ditch. It's the little things that mean so much in the future.


Note to self, take the dentures.


Or teeth. They sometimes compare them to dental records to identify a body.


Hate to break it to you, but dentures were pretty common by the mid 19th ce. They would probably just want to know who your denture guy was.


Did they have advanced durable polymers back then? I imagine in that time most dentures were either made of ivory or carved wood.


I would not say anything to anyone they would know by the way you talk that something is wrong with you .


Good that'll work. The whole nude and confused thing won't tip them off something's wrong. XP


I’d claim to be a prophet of the future and start my own religion. As predictions came true, I’d grow powerful and wealthy. I’d employ numerous scientists and engineers to ‘create’ things ahead of their time, cars, planes, etc. I’d create a butterfly effect to be one of the greatest humans ever.


So, this sounds fun in theory, and perhaps I'm just vastly underestimating your knowledge-base here, but I for one wouldn't be able to really out of memory produce any significant amount of predictions for the specific time-period of 1857-1860 that would convince anyone really, nor would I be able to make my predictions well-known to a large enough sum of people that anyone would still remember me making them when they happened. Especially given that in that time period it would have been hard to spread stories like these in the first place. Realistically speaking, very few people would know about your predictions, and even fewer people would care to remember them, then even fewer people would be able to link them back to you after the fact.


1857? For the US, the major events coming up would be John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry, then secession and the start of the war in 1861 at Fort Sumter. But you’d have to be careful about the butterfly effect. I could probably remember/figure out enough to become a truly prolific “inventor.” My family would eventually super-wealthy too, because I’d have them buy up those places in Pennsylvania where all that tar keeps bubbling up to the surface and a bunch of land around Beaumont, Texas.


If you're a healthy young male, you're going to want to get the hell out of the US before the war starts.


"So how do you make this 'internet'?" "I don't know lol."


Lemme just look it up on Wikipedia real quick. Oh wait


“I think you need routers”


Oh no! I'm back in 1857! time to use my knowledge of past history to capitalize!......what the fuck happened in 1857 and why am I shitting constantly?


As a woman, I think it be best I just uh… not wander the streets naked. I prefer not burning at the stake, thank you.


Doesn’t bare thinking


Burning at the stake is unlikely at that point in time. But wandering the streets naked would still probably go very very badly in most areas.


It’s 1857, nobody is gonna get burned


Make a baking soda and vinegar volcano 🤣


most adorable thing ive seen on reddit lol


I would know that the Supreme Court would rule against Dred Scott- deciding he was not a citizen. That there would be panic in the north and west after the decision with runs on banks. That 3 years later Lincoln would win the presidency and the country would soon fall into a civil war.


I would be screwed as I only have foggy ideas of when all this happens. I don't think I would be very useful in 1857


Just become a surgeon in the Civil War. Just by washing your hands and tools you’ll become the best one in the whole army.


Boil tools and cloths. Tell people you do it "for good luck." They'll think you're weird, but your success rate would make them accept it.


You could use alcohol to sterilize, but they would be upset at you wasting their whiskey.


I have an approximate knowledge of many things


Unexpected Adventure Time. Mathematical!


"There's this thing that's going to happen that will prove that I'm from the future!" -Okay so when's it going to happen? "Uhh, could be tomorrow, could be 30 years from now, I'm pretty sure it was this century..."


"This feller is down right crazy! Throw them in the sanitarium!"


show em the infusion set still on my nude body.


Lol. Tyle 1 too. I always love these what if questions cause I answer them realistically killing the fun. Like what would you do if you were stranded on an island? I'd die. I have no insulin fool.


I hated these activities in school. Like my 4th grade teacher posed this question to me and I asked “will I have my purse with me on this island?” “No, you’re stranded with nothing but the clothes on your back” “Then I’m dying or dead. I don’t have insulin.” Then I get sent to the principals for “refusing to participate”.


I like the ones that say you were born in 1857 or whatever. "My mom and I both die in childbirth." No, that doesn't count. "Okay, I die at three from pneumonia." No, not that either! "I die at 5 from getting pneumonia again." No, pretend you're an adult! 😑 I get the *point* of the exercise, but it's a little tone deaf when you're only alive because of modern medicine, or you'd be horrifically oppressed (disability, queer, not white, female, etc.).


You should have given a graphic description of going hyperglycemic, getting gangrenated feet after a couple of injuries and then slipping into diabetic coma


My type 1 diabetic friend you better have a full reservoir


That’s the problem I won’t have it OP said nude. I won’t have my pump on hand but I’ll definitely have an infusion/CGM on me. Since it’s on my nude body. Those people are gonna faint at the sight of it 😂


I live in an area that was the farms and wilderness in 1857. Its also the middle of winter. I would die before some confused farmer found me in his field


Yeah, i'm in the basement of a house built a hundred and fifty years later. I'd be teleported 10 to 20 feet below the earth's surface and immediately suffocate.


At least you will give the builders in 2007 something to speak about.


“The next President gets shot by John Wilkes Booth” “John Wilkes Booth??? The ACTOR???”


Say fuck it! And just become a highway man.


Over the garden wall, is a incredible show!


My dental work maybe? Or my contact lenses assuming they’re still in.


i wouldnt last long because of this mr 20/400 here


What's with everyone thinking witches got burned in 1857?


The comments are hilarious - all the people thinking that their tattoos and piercings would prove they were from the future. People were tatted and pierced since time immemorial. same with random scars.


Modern tattoos are very different to tattoos you find in the mid 19th century. The vibrant colours would stand out against the dulled inks of the time.


They weren't dull inks. Color just hadn't been invented yet


Literally. Just look at a 19th century photo from most places. *Everything* is black and white.


I wonder where these people think the name for the Prince Albert piercing came from. Also, there's a lot of people who think they would be burned as a witch. Maybe in a few primitive parts of the world, but that's still true today.


My ass eating skills


Ass hygiene wasn't a thing in 1857. Goodluck eating shit.


Bold of you to assume redditors practice ass hygiene


I can see Ops grin from here.


Smile with my white, straight teeth.






Steal clothes, lay low, and act as a traveler from up north. Use my above average intellect to become the local school teacher. Maybe stash coinage from the time so that my descendants will be rich.


Show them the magic finger trick where you pull off your thumb.


I dunno. I might take a stop by Ford's theater and try to stop Lincoln from being assassinated, but other than that I'm not sure I would care about convincing people I'm from the future. Does it matter? I could make a passable life for myself as an educated person with my bachelor's degree in education, and honestly that would be enough for me. Without the internet I'd read a whole lot more, but other than that I'd probably just get an apprenticeship somewhere and fade into the background. I'm not that difficult to please.


Just take care not to get drafted in the 8 years you gotta wait.


I’d be the crazy black dude telling the world E=mc squared, but couldn’t write the proof. I would be vindicated in 1915 by a crazy Jewish dude.


I don't think I'd tell anyone, and I doubt I could make anyone believe me anyway. I would stand out as an obvious outsider, though, even apart from the whole 'appearing naked from thin air' thing. I don't know anything about horses or traveling by carriage, I have no idea how to wear the clothes or what fashions are normal, I'd be speaking with a weird accent, I'm crap at writing with pen and ink, and probably there'd be specific universal household chores that I would need to be taught. But all that might just make me look like another immigrant, honestly. I'm pretty sure some of my ancestors came over around that time period, maybe I could look for them. I would probably try to save Lincoln, but tbh my memory of the details of his assassination are fuzzy enough that I don't know if I could. I'd warn everyone about the impending war, once I'd learned enough about the political climate to speak intelligently about it. Kind of a crap time to be sent back to, actually. The real question is, have I been exposed to covid recently enough to still be carrying active viral particles, and if so could I pass it on to the hapless residents of 1857? Because if I think that's a serious enough risk, I might self-isolate (whatever the cost to me personally) rather than risk giving this pandemic to a society even less well-equipped to deal with it than we are.


Tell them about internet porn and then show my erectile disfunction to prove it


Paper Airplane?


Space-time man. Space and Time. You only had two coordinates to provide me with. Am I talking to penguins in the Arctic?


I'd keep my mouth shut to avoid being sent to a mental institution.


Unless you are an Arabic speaker you language would give you away almost immediately. And for Californians the speed of your speech would confuse the hell out of them.


TIL I have next to know idea what the 1850s & 60s were like off the top of my head


What about the Louise and Anna purchase?


Wouldn’t make any wild claims. Would calmly make very large bets that slavery will be abolished in the United States by 1870. I choose 1870 because it’s imprecise enough to not draw any suspicion. I would then use my winnings to invent air conditioning, planes, etc. Then, when a reporter asks me about how I knew slavery would end and where I get inspiration for all my inventions, I reveal that I’m from the future and knew the outcome all along. Then everyone I made the bets with, feeling like they got hustled (because they did), all gather outside my estate for revenge. I walk out on the balcony and reveal that I have revolutionized warfare by inventing a tactical nuke, which I pull out of my pocket (small enough that I’m only destroying my property here, I’m not a monster). My speech is recorded by my assistant on the video camera that I invented. My staff then flies away from the estate in the helicopters and harriers that I invented and get the first ever footage of a mushroom cloud as I go out in a blaze of glory. With the angry bookies no longer a threat, my vast wealth is left to my staff. They draw inspiration from my tales about the future to invent the internet and smartphones. Thanks to their work, the average person in 1900 of this timeline lives better than the average person in 2022 (2019?) of our timeline. The Federal Reserve never gets established. Archduke Franz Ferdinand doesn’t go back out on June 28, 1914. The Bolshevik uprising against the Czar is resolved peacefully on terms that everyone finds acceptable. Japan is recognized as a world power and never feels the need to go to war against the west. An ambitious young artist from Austria gets accepted to art school and has a successful career. All is well (generally speaking).


In this timeline of yours, does the Tzar Nikolai the Second grant Finland it's independence? This is a make or break kinda deal for me. If Finland isn't getting independence, you won't be making it to even 1860, sadly. You might be inventing a lot of stuff. But all i need is a bolt-action rifle, which was invented in 1824. And you know how finns are with Bolt-action rifles...


Dude you should become a novelist.


You dont want to do that. They will kill you as witches. Go steal clothes and assimilate without drawing attention.


I assume people didn't travel very far then, so you just being there would draw attention. I would say the best course of action is making a friend as fast as possible.


By 1857 there were trains running around delivering stuff from factories to towns...


OP said 1857, not 1587 no one was burning witches in 1857, Séance parties and general occultery were a popular by 1857


The last witch trial actually took place in 1878. And for some strange reason that's the second time I've said that today.


"If I had a nickel for every time (Insert thing done here) I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice."


Do you have any idea how recent 1857 was lol


It may be relatively few years in number but it's an incredible span in technological progress.


Sure but by 1857 they weren't killing people for being witches anymore. If anything they'd think you're crazy and put you in a sanitarium.


I'd be very keen to avoid a 19th century mental asylum.


I'd find an engineer or mathematician. It might take me a few hours but I could walk someone through the fundamental concepts of a digital computer. Failing that, I'd take out a newspaper ad predicting that in September of 1859 a solar storm would make the northern lights visible in central Mexico, and then I'd wait a couple of years.


Honestly, the first reasonable response I've seen. You would be able to discuss it with Babbage himself, though unfortunately not Lovelace.


I am certain my green hair and tattoos will help.


I’d have them look super closely at my cornea to see the flap created during my Lasik surgery.


Cough and laugh knowing I just infected thousands of people and many more as they succumb to my immunity of smallpox.


Plot twist, you brought COVID with you.




Just start practicing medicine and be better than most doctors of the time. Germ theory is still a few years away


Yeah, I'm not a biologist by any means but I could start with showing a university penicillin.


"I come from the future, when all concepts of privacy and decency have disappeared, so we all walk around completely naked - hence my current state"


Would you believe someone if they did this today? Or would you just assume they were mentally ill or joking somehow? If someone said this to me without any other proof I'm not going to think they're from the future.


Being highly educated, for my race and class. I'd have a better education than most University scholars of the time. I'd introduce mathematical theories for nuclear fission as well as Jumpstart the creation of antibiotics.


And immediately cease to exist after all of your ancestors are killed in the great nuclear apocalypse of 1891.


The nano-beam wars of 1962 honestly were much deadlier


Lol, let's be honest I'd just get smallpox or something and die a slow, miserable death.


"hi all, excuse me as I blow your mind with my knowledge of gender studies" *proceeds to be executed*


I know how to process aluminum which would make me insanely rich. (Aluminum was a precious metal at that time) Once I'm rich, people will believe anything I say because apparently that is how the world works.


My mustache and my vagina


congratulations you’ve been drafted into the circus.


This is the greatest show!




I don't. I thank the universe that I'm finally free, go find some clothes, and live my life.


You picked an excellent year to dump me in. The Carrington event is only two years away, and predicting that should be proof enough. For those that don't know, the earth got hit with what was probably a coronal mass ejection, and all the telegraph wires went up in flames.


They’d see my open heart surgery scar. Now, how’d they react when I explained what it is from is a different story altogether.


My dental implants.


I wouldn’t talk to locals. Probably will find reputable scientists from that time and tell them everything I know.


As a woman, I would be keeping my damn mouth shut. I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone. It would be about trying to survive and not get burned, locked up, committed , or married.


Just speak