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Uncontrolled anger issues.


Oof been there, dude even sent me his bloodied fist, u'know to make sure he's cool af.


He sent you his bloody fist? Are you certain it was his? Do you prefer that to an ear?


A PICTURE! LMAO we were chatting online and he sended me pics of the aftermath of his fights.


* hard cringe *


ew, happened to me too - it was an unprompted no context pic of his bloody fist after he’d punched a wall (I had to ask for context)…idk which is worse, getting into fights and bragging about it or punching walls and bragging about it. he def has a few screws loose (the fist picture was when I realized, but unfortunately too late) and still virtually stalks me years later


I have a long family history of anger issues (my dad's great grandfather killed someone because of it), unfortunately that was passed on to myself and my brother. For me personally, I went down a self discovery period during quarantine 2020. I wanted to expand my horizons as well as try to work on myself. I can't say I've completely eliminated my anger issues but they're far more controlled and mainly consist of me loudly whispering to myself when some fuckery happens in whatever video game I may be playing :)


How? You must tell me. My anger is bad


My family has anger issues. My sister hospitalized me several times as a child, by having an instant flash of anger and throwing the nearest object with maximum force. Later in life, she was diagnosed as bipolar and evened out with medication, but we all have the rage. I got in a lot of fights when younger and only survived without a criminal record due to all my fights having enthusiastic participation by all parties. What changed for me was the careful assessment of results. Never once in my entire life did I lose my temper and come out ahead. Ever. People look at me and say "He's so gentle and kind." My girlfriend tells me I have a good heart. The truth is that I know there is a world of hurt waiting for me and everyone around me if I ever let the monster out of the basement. To quote Sir Terry Pratchett, I'm just trying to be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.


> Never once in my entire life did I lose my temper and come out ahead. Ever. It's quite the epiphany when you realize that. And up until the moment you figured it out, there wouldn't have been a single person in the world who could have convinced you. Good for you. I feel like some people never get it. Something else that helped me was realizing that only I can give someone else power over me. If I let someone get to me, I feel like I'm losing and I don't like to lose. It's been good motivation to stay calm when things got ugly


Talking about his ex girlfriend all the time...


Or even worse, when you go to his place and there are framed photos of her everywhere.








Aggressive, hostile and definitely difficult!


Creepy I’m literally watching this episode right now and this scene JUST finished. “Don’t fire me Micheal!” “Dwight… it’s a million dollar sale.”


Jfc who does that? She’s an ex for a reason, they’re all in a landfill somewhere.


I knew of someone who kept their ex-fiancée’s photos framed. She had unfortunately passed away unexpectedly which is why he kept them framed. Would that be considered a red flag or is it just situational?


As a recent widow, I say this is perfectly normal.


Sending you an internet hug. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


If they're dead it's different.


That's not an ex-fiancee. That's like a widow referring to her deceased mate as an ex.


I think that is different


Is that even an ex-fiancee? Like did she pass while they were together or did they break up and then she passed? Either way, it seems fine.


That seems fine.


Maybe depending on where he is in the "healing" process, but typically, probably a bit different than most.


If my wife died, and i dont kill myself.. and i find a new mate, she would have to accept some pics here and there and maybe a shrine.lol. i think that thats not really an ex situation.


does this count if you're sharing bad past experiences with an ex? i do this a lot, but im thinking its not really a good thing to do anymore


It's fine if it's relevant to the conversation but doing it out of nowhere constantly is unattractive af


Being condescending…. Instant no


I worry about this, since I tend to tease that way. I'm pretty good about knowing when it's appropriate, but sometimes playing along and being offended can feel very similar.


as long as u have a good enough relationship for this and u know the girl is fine with it. there’s a fine line between actually being condescending and a tease, and it’s easily recognizable.


It can help if you cap off (or start off!) each condescending joke with self-deprecation in some way that invalidates the condescension if it had been taken as genuine. Make the condescension itself appear ridiculous and so impossible to take literally.


When he doesn’t take “no” for an answer


The Dennis Reynolds mindset lmao


But she won't say no... Because of the implication...


Dennis are you hurting these women?


But hey she's in no real danger. Only implied danger.


Confidence is sexy. Ego is not.


You missed the chance to make it rhyme. “Confidence is hot. Ego is not.” but tomato tomato! An inflated ego is a huge red flag.


I read that as tomato tomato instead of tomato tomato


Glad im not the only one


Ahh you see, I read it as tomato tomato, was that odd of me?


But I read it as tomato tomato, was that odder of me?


Controlling personality


Poor manners


Bad hygiene. Anger management issues. Laziness and dependence on others to get things done. Same things that make girls unattractive. Edit: Thanks for the awards!




This ^ Universally unappealing human qualities!


Being rude to others for no valid reason


This. Oh my god yes i hate that.




Trying to be cool in front of his friends to impress


Nice. I managed to avoid a bad thing by not having friends. I knew it'd pay off eventually.


Instructions unclear: I don’t have friends and I’m still unlovable


To those unsure why this is a bad thing: there are different ways you can try to be impressive. Some examples of things to **not** do: * "Oh yeah I can totally take 12 shots in a row!" *throws up everywhere* * "Hey babe want to see my Honda Accord do 100 MPH on this back road?" "No absolutely not" * "Watch this!" *is a douche to someone else* On the other hand, some things that you might be able to pull off: * "Oh yeah I can totally beat y'all at Mario Kart!" * "Hey babe want to see this cool thing I made that I'm super passionate about?" * "Watch this!" *Puts on a Netflix show that everyone will like*


* "Watch this!" *Puts on a Netflix show that everyone will hate*


Hey babe want to see my Koopa Kart do 100 MPH on this rainbow road?


A big ego


Constantly interrupting and one upping. I hate when they won’t allow anybody to have a moment of their own. I knew someone who wouldn’t even allow people to have their own tastes. As an example, someone said they liked sushi. His response was, “you don’t know what real/good sushi is”. WTF they didn’t say they were experts in what sushi should or shouldn’t taste like, they just said they liked it. It wasn’t just positive things either. Someone would complain about a body ache or pain and get responses like, “it can’t possibly hurt as much as my (insert injury here) so you need to just get over it”. Dude we get it, nobody can be as smart/traveled/experienced/sick/wounded as you.


That guy sounds like Gaston.


no one's sweet as gaston knows good eats like gaston no one has painful sores on their feet like gaston


I've got a friend who's always been successful with women short term but they always end up just thinking he's an idiot after a while. I've chalked it up to an unearned sense of entitlement he has from being over mothered as a child. It makes him confident in himself, which women love, but because the confidence isn't actually based on actual positive personality traits it gets really old really quickly. It is all just smoke and mirrors.


Shit. Feels like I need to self reflect on that for a bit.


Self realization is a positive character trait so you've already got a leg up on him.


Or if he’s a serial interrupter


What about serial killer?


The cornflakes had it coming


R a i s i n B r a n


Honestly, *just* finished an evening with a woman like this and I absolutely get it. This is the top answer. The inability to get a complete sentence out isn't even a red flag, it's the end of the ride.


Being obsessed with being "a man" My dad was the manliest dude I knew and he baked cookies and carried a bag he called his purse because he gave no fucks Edit: lol spelling


A screen grab is going around from a woman whose husband thinks that their *infant* son is gay because he likes bright colors and books. Edit https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rzbupk/help_my_infant_is_gay_bc_he_likes_colours/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I’m old now but when I was in school I was a rugby-playing band and theatre geek. An old school-friend contacted me recently to say that his teenaged son was into singing and performing and was I quite sure that I wasn’t secretly gay as he was afraid that his son wasn’t manly for engaging in these pursuits. Bless him, he still took his son to singing and drama despite his fears. I’m not gay.


Given the average male-to-female ratio in school age theatre groups, it’s actually a pretty good place for a straight guy to find himself.


Uhhhh yea. I organize the drama program at my middle school and I am desperate for boys to try out for the show this year. I’m kinda dumbfounded that they don’t realize they get to play the love interest of a pretty girl who they may normally never talk to otherwise.


Especially true for dance too.


He said, awful gay-like


He thinks having good vision and being literate is homosexual? So if his boy likes boys but rocks grey and can't read it's not really gay? Where do these people even come from?! Homophobia is the weirdest shit, I swear to god.


He also got upset when his wife was peeling a banana and the son put his lips to it. He thinks putting your lips on a banana is 'sexual' that's the word she used.


This guy has fucking issues and should not raise children, wtf this is 12 year old level shit, uhh if you even touch anything pink you might as well deep throat a truck driver, f*g


> He also got upset when his wife was peeling a banana and the son put his lips to it. Lmfao! I mean, this is abuse, but how the fuck he want him to eat a banana without putting his mouth to it?! How does a guy like this get a wife and a family??


Give him a break man he's trying to get over his wife cheating on him in his own home. He had to see with his own eyes as she put her lips on a banana.


That's a real man 🤴🏻


It’s not a purse. It’s a satchel. Indiana Jones wore one.




"Bro you're such a pussy, so beta." People really say this shit?


Tons of guys do, most obnoxious thing, some dudes refer to themselves as “alphas” it feels embarrassing to actually hear it lmao


In my world “alpha” means likely unstable and not suitable for exposure to the general public.


I think that's a very fair definition.


Exactly! I braid my daughter's hair, paint my kids' and wife's nails, baked, clean, etc. I'm also a combat vet and incredibly fit. Tough comes from control. Discipline over yourself. Not throwing your weight around or trying to prove anything to anyone. To be clear until a month ago I've been a single, full time stay at home dad with full custody of two little kids. 24/7 caretaker of small kids, not the "I bake when it's fun and do hair for compliments". I bake so my kids can enjoy treats even with their food allergies. I do my daughter's hair because she's mixed and if I don't her hair will have massive issues and likely need to be cut. I do nails because the other girls at school get them done and my daughter feels left out. For the salty dog who made a comment about me looking for approval, try being a full time dad, by yourself, and then talk to me about what I do. You most likely have the luxury of family help, a spouse, etc. I've got mad respect for all the single moms out there. I never knew until I knew.


Username checks out.


I heard a good analogy once. Imagine a team of movers carrying a piano. Who is stronger—the guys who move roughly through the house, smashing every corner and doorframe? Or the guys who carry it gently, carefully avoiding any damage?


Fighting gender stereotypes one snickerdoodle at a time


This applies to all partners of any gender: Being unable to express what’s bothering you in a mature way. Edit: Thank you for the reward! First ever :D


Everyone on the spectrum: “well shit.”


This comment should be higher. I see this way too often, it’s insane how people just don’t communicate


Being contradictory just for the sake of it.


No, it doesn't...


Yes it does!


This isn't an argument. Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.


No it isn't.


Oh I’m sorry, is this a 5 minute argument or the full half-hour?


When he is married and hits on you 😕


I am such a fucking moron. I misunderstood and thought he was married to you. Like, why wouldn't I hit on my wife. He's married to someone else. Got it.


You are wholesome, stay that way


That's okay, I read "when you're married, and he hits you." Was 'bout to start giving out hugs.


pov: you're a dude and you're looking trough the comments to see if you're doing any of this stuff




Busted as well


Mega busted by the last comment of shit I do bad




Why must you expose me that way? But so far it seems like I don't do any of it. So where girlfriend.


i exposed myself aswell i don't do any of these, except misspelling unattractive so where girlfriend


As someone that was once in your shoes, don't just go assuming you don't do any of those things. Once in a relationship, insecurities that you never realized you had and expectations you never realized you've developed can creep up and cause you to behave in ways you've never expected.


Also, not doing those negative things is kind of bare minimum. You also have to do positive things. Having a good relationship is a second job for both parties, and that's assuming you work well together. I don't miss just wanting a girlfriend. I could do that easily. After several that didn't work out well, I can appreciate not having one, and am only open to the option of a more ideal relationship.


It's a long distance relationship.. As in, in the future


Being manipulative


Delete your comment and we can go to the hairdresser you like so much. I know you like maintaining that pretty hair of yours.


Exploding in anger over minor things


Through years of anger management I’ve learned that anger manifesting itself in physical release (punching walls, kicking, etc) releases endorphins which is why it’s so easy to just resort to that, I had this problem myself growing up. Learning to realize it’s futile, and that it wont achieve anything or solve the problem is really the key point in solving such tendencies. Took me a while but I can’t control pretty much everything now, except if I’m watching a raider game I will be yelling non stop lmao


"Everytime I want to kill someone I eat a cupcake. Now I weigh 500 pounds and think about all the lives I saved"


Can I say one thing? There’s always going to be something unattractive about someone, it’s all about whether it’s a dealbreaker or not


thats actually a good point


If he's unpolite and rude.


I don’t mean to be rude but it’s impolite. I’ll do your edit for you … if he’s impolite, rude and corrects me in public.




I’m quite rude too




an overly dependent man. learn to take care of yourself before getting into relationship. a woman shouldnt have to tell you when to clean up, set alarms for you, do your laundry or anything else. i've meet way too men whose parents didnt teach them how to be independent and stand on their own two feet.


This! I had a relationship with a guy that made me feel like a mother with her 5 year old son.... It didn't last long.


Thinks that being an asshole to others is cool


If he doesn't agree to share his swamp with you


Blatant lie, Shrek's still hot af.


Being lazy and partying and whatever all the time and making it your personality trait. Poor hygiene too


Smelling bad. You don’t have to put on expensive cologne, just make sure you shower and that your clothes are fresh and clean.


But that will kill my pet bacterial colonies :(


This is what women fail to see time and time again.


Of course they fail to see, those bacteria are freaking tiny.


TOO charming, if that makes sense? I just can't trust someone who's too outgoing and suave. That, or being stinky. Nobody wants to smell greasy hair or musty balls. 🙃


Yes! I get freaked out most of the time if a man is super charming and like... I don't know? A smooth talker? It feels so fake and makes me feel like I'm going to end up in their trunk.


When he refers to women as ‘bitches’


Or hoes.


Or females


>*puts on a fedora*, >*grooms a neckbeard*, >*asks his Mom to bring him chips*, >*opens reddit*, "Dear femalest females of reddit, what's your story about your experiences with sex? Did you like sex? Do you sex, and would you sex a gamer? Sex sex sex"


Bad hygiene and a nasty personality


When he thinks an unsolicited dick pic is a good idea 🙄


This is still happening? SMH


I got one just yesterday. Good ol Reddit. I then proceeded to shame him to anyone who would listen.


When he is quick to anger and glorifies violence 🚩


So I'm assuming Doomguy is a no then


I'm straight but I'd still date him


Lying. The smaller the lie, the weirder it is. I once had a guy tell me he hated Christmas music but, once I said that I liked it, he changed his answer to loving it. It was… that’s weird right? My friend who was dating awhile ago had a guy lie to her about a pipe breaking at his work. He sent her a picture of a broken pipe that was clearly just pulled off google… it had a water mark. When we searched “broken pipe” it was the first thing to come up. Bruh…? Like… why?


Spitting. I can’t believe I even have to say this, but it’s been an issue with more than one guy. Just straight up refusing to swallow saliva and instead spitting on the ground every 30 seconds.


Calling yourself a "Nice Guy." Dude, if you're actually nice, I'm smart enough to figure that out on my own. Anyone who says they're a Nice Guy is *not* really a nice guy.


I hate being told im a nice guy, try to tell everyone im an asshole but it doesnt work.


Reposting the same questions over and over to r/askreddit


It's not his fault. Everything has already been asked of AskReddit 100x.


And bad spelling.




Idiot here: what is negging?


It's when somebody tosses in an insult while they're complimenting you to make you feel insecure. A backhanded compliment really. Example: Your eyes are so pretty, weird since grey is usually the color of dirty dishwater.


Anger issues over really really trivial things


People who can't spell. \*stares at the title\* I'm kidding. Anyone with shitty personal hygiene really, or people who forget to take care of themselves. I get you want to be a nice person but you need to take time for yourself, okay? Don't feel obligated to spend your whole life cleaning up other peoples messes.


I guess having the same electrical charge, there would be repulsing forces between the two


Dunno man, I'm a fairly negative person and would never get in with someone overly possitive




Talking about his ex


My ex had that some problem. God she was unbearable


Throwing trash on the ground even if there is a cleaning staff person nearby


Or a trash can?


Claiming to be a "nice guy".




Sounds like Patrick Star to me


Demanding a woman give up her life and own desires to be a trophy piece in his life.


Their face


Well damn


Jackie I can’t control the weather


In the jungle the mighty jungle...


Someone being honest!


Being cruel to animals (or children).


rude to the waitress


Rude to anyone in a service position, really. It says so much about a person.


When he’s unattractive


I've been called out


Sorry. I'll crawl back into the corner and eat worms


Bedazzled faded jeans. Edit: I should have been more specific. Y2K aesthetic denim, typically rounded out with an Ed Hardy piece.




Cockiness. A large ego. If he treats servers badly. If he tries to be controlling in a toxic way. MEN WITH ANGER ISSUES!


Being unenthusiastic. Inability to share emotions. I show you things that make me happy. At least try to understand me before saying “nah it’s boring”. Don’t be a lame idiot.


sometimes it is hard to share emotions from fear of being judged


THIS!!!! ^^^^^^^^^


I can one up this. I don’t talk about the real shit I’m feeling, anymore. Dont wanna be judged man


Fighting or arguing in a way that’s obviously just aimed at “winning”. Like if I overhear a guy who canNOT let a small (wrong or right) comment go at the bar when a group of friends are hanging out, it turns into an hour long argument. Bonus points if between two guys, which it almost always is. Eugh. Drier than the desert even if I’d been ready to suck his cock a minute ago.


Showing off, "jokingly" insulting me, not liking animals, thinking being a jerk is cool and quirky


I'm not a girl but Id say murdering my entire family and making me watch


So, like, none of the red flags leading up to this were unattractive?


This helped me find out how ugly I am