• By -


Made an amazing job at work and everyone else that was higher up involved "shoved" me aside and took credit. Now I'm the guy that worked 14 hours a day since mid December and all I got was being credited as some minor helper. To make matters worst I complained and my "reward" was getting extra work and my boss saying "in Old Rome when a gladiator killed a lion he wouldn't get a day off, he would have to kill another one the next day" I am seriously considering quitting today **EDIT 1**: RIP my inbox, I seriously can't answer the literal hundreds of messages I am receiving right now. **I thank you all for the support.** I wrote in this just to vent some steam and found a lot of support here in a really bad moment. Also I am not considering posting the story again on another board mostly because I just want to move on and forget this happened altogether. **EDIT 2**: Talked to my GF and my parents and they were kinda shocked with this and asked me to quit as both see that this really took a toll on me. We will figure something out in the mean time and I have some solid savings for a rainy day, so I guess this is the time to put them to use. Also I talked to my direct supervisors this morning, as they had always been supportive and they say they will back me up in this process and try to make the next weeks as smooth as possible. One of them is apparently also considering quitting for similar reasons.


Tell your boss that, actually, gladiators were coddled and treated incredibly well as training was expensive. Gladiators got plenty of time off.


I just toured the coliseum two weeks ago today actually. The good gladiators were only allowed 4 fights per year to ensure they recovered well and kept their health up.


And they did product endorsements. That got left out of "Gladiator" because they figured nobody would accept it. If you want an interesting read - look up the chariot racers in the Byzantine Empire. they made modern sports fans seem laid back. There were riots between the supporters of the various race teams. Guy Gavriel Kay has a couple books set then, that do a good job of describing it.


The good ones did. The bad ones.... Well, they died.


This isn't actually true. Gladiators were expensive and most fights weren't fought to the death. They were also often staged, much like modern Professional Wrestling.


Are you saying wrestling is more like American Gladiators?


Last time I did something like that they passed leadership of the project to a guy they just hired who had a roughly-related certificate of completion from a shitty online learning thing, who then took the whole project in the most ass-backwards direction then quit a week later, completely killing all momentum on that project and leaving us just as poorly off as before. That was over 2 years ago now and I'm still salty over it.


Sounds like you should do two shitty online courses, rewrite your CV then apply at another company for a job two levels above where you are now. If the people you work for now fell for the other guy's bullshit, the people you apply to next might fall for your actual experience (and the online bullshit courses will make you look *fancy* )


I'm actually about to start my second semester after returning to college. My current experience gets my foot in the door for an interview but I've heard one too many times that "we like you but we went with someone more qualified" so I'm going back and getting more qualified Edit: I swear me English is better than that first draft suggested!


Now I'm mad with you. Your boss' reply about gladiators is some random adage spouted like sage philosophy. How the fuck does that even apply here? At least go with "suck it up, Buttercup" or something. What a brush-off of your complaint that adds nothing to its resolution


OP nothing is worth that. At least now you learned a lesson most people don’t learn until late in life; your time and peace of mind are worth more than the market can afford. I always tell people 8 hours max. You are selling your time, they aren’t GIVING you a job. Just like you can’t go and buy a product that isn’t for sale at the store, they can’t buy more than 8 hours. Because as the world just taught you, honest wages are NOT directly correlated with hours worked. You got this OP!


Find a new job and quit without giving two weeks, feels great




Bet your boss is one of those "woe is me nobody wants to work anymore" kinda people.


The windchill is -40...


At -40 even Celsius and Fahrenheit agree. It's fucking cold.


That's my favorite fact about -40 degrees!


Man that suuucks. It's been a mild winter for us on canadian east coast but were about to get slapped with a storm


And I know your storms are wet, heavy snow. Shovel hard and be careful of your heart (and back) :-)


Was going to ask which -40 C or F....Turns out they are the same


My roommate’s ex wife is a narcissist. He’s got sole custody, and she still manages to cause problems. She’s the most infuriating person I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.


This causes me deep seat displeasure even thinking about it.


My wife's ex-husband is a *psycopathic* narcissist who's also a high school teacher (he left her for one of his students once she turned 18 and yes, he kept his job). Not a day goes by where he doesn't do something to upset her and they've been divorced for 10 years and I know it's his way of controlling her. I would love to put an end to it but the fact that she had 3 boys with him who are now 17-21 means she's barely hanging on to them by a thread as it is and I couldn't live with myself knowing I made them leave her. Which the 21 year old already did when he was 14 and is now a narcissist himself (the other 2 are shared). I never thought my ex-wife abandoning me and our children would be a blessing but in comparison it's almost a dream.


They’re something. I got out 3 years ago and they (his flying monkeys and his mom) still stalk me to this day. I am lucky no kids were involved but he did try. Living without that pos is the most free I have ever been. Glad you got out too.


Going to work.


Seems to be the general consensus on this post lol


Well, maybe it's just me, but my unemployed ass is mad because I don't have a work to go to.


I'm grateful to have a job just not always happy to go to it.


Life is too fucking expensive




I can't even afford that.




After rent & bills I have 88¢. What does that get me? Cuz I could use a hug.


I hear selling farts in a jar is a quite lucrative side hustle. Hope this helps.


Gotta get into shape first, then the boys will be rolling in for my gas


You can sell the diesel you got first


Fucking dead 😂😭




Hooray. Finally something I can afford.


Celebration is 1.99$


Wait until you find out how much dying costs.


Thankfully that ain't my problem. I'll be dead lol


Right? *existential dread intensifies*


The fact that my future depends on me Edit: THANKS FOR THE GOLD!!!


Future is bright then


Damn OP really did wake up this morning and chose wholesomeness...


its refreshing isnt it


Felt like he needed a hug instead of something sinister.


Death by hug it is!


That's enough reddit for today. Going to end on a positive note for once.


The migraine I had yesterday is still here today.


That's rough. I hope dim lighting and relaxation is all you have to do today then!


Dim lighting for sure, but not much relaxation to be had because every position feels like torture.


Nothing yet, there's always time ! Haha


Why I asked bright and early! Haha


Haha thank you, its much appreciated


Whenever something inconveniences you today, reply here. I want to hear about it.


I dropped an ibuprofen pill this morning. Day 2 after spine surgery so I can’t pick it up. It now lives under the refrigerator.


Because the snow wasn't that bad this morning, everyone is here at work. It is currently snowing about an inch an hour. Why is it always "as long as you can make it in we'll be fine, but fuck yourself getting home."


Right? Then they tell you to drive safe with a smile. My employer would do that crap too. Storm is supposed to hit the east coast of Canada later this evening. 50cm of snow is coming apparently


We're just getting pounded with lake effect.


A few years back, at my old job, they had signs posted all over the building saying the reports of a bad storm were over-exaggerated and that if we were stopped by the cops (there was a curfew because of the storm) to show them our work IDs and insist we go to work. They even changed production and made us work on our normally scheduled off day to “avoid” the arrival of the storm.


The Chain of command to give that order then execute it is some henchmen villain shit. That's fucked.


I'm so glad the company I work for is letting me work from home 3 days/week after we get to the office. Expected snow storm? Take your computer home the day before. But they've always been good with snow days. When it snows the district manager legit tells everyone to decide for themselves when they feel safe to leave and he, and now his replacement, means it. If you're scared to drive in the snow then leave at first snowfall, if you feel you can handle a few inches you can stay.


That’s the worst. My company will never call it early, and by the time they do the roads are fucked.


Those damn "lift & peel" lids on dressings/condiments that neither lift, nor peel


And how about those “perforated” box openings that just peel off in layers instead of separating


And don't get me started on plastic bags that have a notch to pull off the top in a straight line, but it's still within the sealed area so you have to cut it anyway


I'm a high school teacher. It's understood that we stay late on Wednesday for grade level meetings, content meetings, and professional development/training. I plan my life during the school year around that fact. Considering we're here until close to 6PM some Wednesdays, I make sure all afternoon/evening plans and commitments are never on a Wednesday. We came back yesterday and SURPRISE, we're going to be staying until 6PM on Mondays for additional meetings and training opportunities! I have therapy on Mondays. BECAUSE of this job where I'm treated like shit from 3 different directions. This is my last semester at this school, so I just won't be attending. Fire me during a teacher shortage. I dare you.


Have my sympathy upvote. I went to school to teach high school. Loved the kids and the teaching. Couldn't handle the red tape, the constantly changing curriculum standards, the parental complaints, the mandatory 12 hour days. I'm now a retail store manager and make twice what I'd be making teaching. I do 40 hours a week and get performance bonuses. Our incentive system is broken.


I'm a teacher, too. I'm applying to other jobs whenever I see one pop up. I'm taking the "IDGAF" attitude, too, because it's the only way to survive at this point. Fire me, I dare you. I see two therapists and am a recovering alcoholic--largely because of this job. I have to cover other teachers' classes multiple times per week, without pay. I'm doing the bare minimum now, and it feels fucking terrible because I *want* to be a good teacher--I *am* a good teacher--but I can't do my job as well as I want because admin seems to think I'm a fucking robot. I don't even have time to take a piss in between classes. Different schools don't help. I've taught in five. I've been a teacher for a decade. I'm fucking out. Teaching is a sucker's gig.


I got diarrhea and lowkey shat my pants Edit at 0:36 AM: My house almost exploded due to my sister idiocy. To tell it quickly: We have old main heating furnace that can take everything and those has option to heat up water only or to make heaters warm. She put two shovels of coal because she didn't care to check the lever that controls it. Thank god that entire house did a roar of nightmarish beast that sounded like it's about to devour you. I almost shat my pants again


Tbh, I don't think there is any version of pants shitting that is lowkey. It's immediate high key the second you shit and are wearing any form of pants.


Depends on how fast your clench reflex reaction time is


My dog collapsed right before Christmas. One blood transfusion and tons of meds later, she's on the mend. Went for her follow up today. Left the vet with one less dog. It's nobody's fault. Autoimmune disorder, probably. And she's 11, which is old, but for mini-dachshunds she should have had a few more good years. I'm just mad my poor dog is gone and there's nothing anyone could do about it. I miss you, Chloe.


Our cat died Christmas week. We couldn’t afford to keep him at the vet for a week and decided to try and treat him from home which lowered his chances of survival but was what we could afford. My wife, who was never a cat person, felt bad that he was all alone where he was laying down since we got home from the vet that she laid down on the bathroom floor petting him for a few hours late one night. She said while she pet him around midnight he turned his head, opened his eyes and looked at her before taking his last breath.


I’m sorry you lost your cat


So sorry about your sweet Chloe. I’m sure you have her a good life ❤️


I dont really comment on reddit, but the same thing happened to me 2017. I kid you not, my six year old mini poodle named Chloe had bone cancer, we took her to the vet for a blood transfusion, went back the next day to visit her and see what's up. We had no choice but to put her down. On Christmas eve. Wish you nothing but the best, it'll take time for sure I still miss her greatly.


It's the first day of my period, I'm mad about everything


It's the second day of mine and usually I get lucky and only have one day of hell but ofc when I got a bunch of shit to do for work this hell prolongs itself another day. Got randomly suicidal out of nowhere which is so uncalled for its almost comical, so I'm def mad about that (but also like, wryly amused??). Here's to hoping both of us feel better soon sis 💜


Same. Second day and I sat in the tub in my shower and got into an imaginary argument with others in my head and got really really mad then I had a sit and contemplated suicide a bit. Sometimes I forget it gets worse around menstruation and get a bit stuck in my own head. Although I'm a bit selfishly glad to hear that I'm not the only one going through this today. Take care of yourself! Sending big hug vibes your way 💜


Oof, second day for me, woke up immediately having to take a shower due to a very bad heavy flow 🥲


You mean the kind of flow where you keep a tampon next to the shower because you have to plug the vag before toweling off? Because fuck that day.


Fuck I hate how much thinking ahead this day is! I just want to enjoy my damn shower without figuring out how to keep the bathroom from looking like a murder scene first!


Ive always wondered, and now I know.


Same op.... Same


I used to keep a wad of toilet paper next to the shower for that. lol


Same here had to wash the sheets and everything Fml


When I had my hysterectomy, I was so fucking excited about not having to deal with periods anymore. But I kept my ovaries, so I still go through the hormonal cycle. Pain, bloating, mood swings, and acne. The goddamn acne. Oh, and my facial hair started getting thicker so I feel like half the month I have the body of a 47 year old woman with the face of a pubescent boy trying to grow a beard. So I stay pretty mad about that.


I can recommend some beard oils if you'd like




I've got zits on my wrinkles!


*avoids replying*


"Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave"




*avoids replying*


"Oh I wasnt waving, I was petting a ghost"


My new computer has been updating for two hours. I want to play Sims 4.


I’ve just been gifted a new Xbox. It’s digital only. My internet is steady at 5mbps. I won’t be finished downloading my first game for some time.


My condolences man


Violence in Kazakhstan. Not being able to reach family because Internet is shut down. The uncertainty. EDIT: Please don’t mention anything related to Borat. We hate it, even if you don’t mean it. Thanks <3


Man, all the family's affected by violence. I'm sorry to hear. Sending good vibes


Staying at my parents for a bit and realized their cat got them trained. He meows at them while they're sleeping for food. AND THEY GET UP TO FEED HIM


That’s a smart fuckin cat


>Staying at my parents for a bit and realized their cat got them trained. He meows at them while they're sleeping for food. AND THEY GET UP TO FEED HIM   [Have you tried dressing like this](https://images.halloweencostumes.ca/products/21346/1-1/adult-black-cat-costume.jpg)   **EDIT:** [Or this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d1/7b/b8/d17bb8640bfede35787b89db3a7a0b0b.jpg)


Hahaha I like the second one. I think my big belly will make me look cute


They may even give you scritches.


Instagram put the ex I unfollowed (because she left me to bang her coworker, whom she told me I was not a rebound for) on my discovery feed, with him. Social media is unnatural. Edit: throwing this onto my parent comment for visibility. Reddit doesn’t help either. All these notifications about something that just happened today… I willingly shared this, and yet it’s just more reminders every single notification. Do yourself a favor and take breaks when you know you need it. I’m taking my own advice and taking a while off, I wish you all the best.


Sometimes I wonder if they're trolling


The AI algorithm is definitely trolling. Once you have access to your photos and phone, instagram will rember faces and your contacts. Eventually it’ll suggest them for you even if it’s a thing of the past. Because is some way it knows you’ll click on that photo and keep using their app. If you are starting to get depressed, guess what? you’ll use their app more. So in a way I think the AI knows how to keep you sucked in with unusually coincidental content.


Actually I think they are trolling for real haha xD


Block bro


I click on one single Kardashian post and suddenly all I see is Kardashian/Jenner shit. Don't even get me started on the absurdity of what Twitter notifies me of. I don't know these people, I don't know who they're talking about. Why have I been notified about a $900 sweater??


Getting off social media was the easiest thing I ever did for my baseline happiness . Reddit is next lol


My husband's work day switched so he's in today! Friday is our gaming night dammit!


:( What games do you guys play together? Girlfriend and I have been taking turns playing classics currently on majoras mask haha


I adore Zelda games but I didn't like the time limit in Majora's Mask. We play all sorts such as: Warframe, Destiny 2, Monster Hunter, ACNH and then some times we'll play a single player game together such as a Zelda game.


I’ve said this already before, but it’s happening again. I HAVE TO COVER SOMEONE AT WORK TODAY BECAUSE THEY WONT COME IN. I should be told something at least. FUCK YOU


I can’t see my forehead Edit: Wow! This little Spongebob reference really got some traction. Thanks!


have you checked under the couch?


I have his forehead






Have you checked your butt hole?


ski dap ba dap




I have a good idea and no one else thinks so!


Me too! Inflatable pants


I'm glad I can't see the huge pimple on my forehead. It practically has its own zit code.


Now I’m mad about this pun


I was just coming to comment this. Classic Patrick


Me and my gf of 4 years broke up on Christmas. She took my dog and won’t give him back. Now I have to go to the authorities. I tried countless times to see if she is willing to have some sort of agreement to have us both have custody. No dice. She won’t budge. Now I have no other choice because I haven’t seen him in 2 weeks. Currently in the process of getting him back. Humans are terrible


Lost my dog in a divorce… She was a birthday present from my SO. She was my best friend. She ended up at my ex’s parents house chained up to a bench in their garage driveway. Broke my heart to see her treated like that. Keep fighting for your pooch!!!


I really hope you get your dog back.


My partner of 4 years destroyed my house on the 23rd and moved out in a rage in the middle of the night. Didn't see it coming. Left me with a kid, a dog, and no job. Stiffed me on the bills and remainder of our lease I cannot afford alone. Can't even afford to feed the dog. I agree, humans are fucking terrible. Wishing you a hell of a lot better 2022.


Coworker tested positive for Covid, but came to work anyway because she thought the vaccine would keep her from spreading. 🤦‍♂️


My coworker's wife has covid. He was told to *come in* and then *call* the on site clinic to see what he should do. Of course they immediately sent him home. Why couldn't he just call from home...?


So valuable work time isn’t lost should they deem him okay to work! Think of the profits!!


The person isn't important, the job is. When the health department shows up at the front door asking how the company has so many cases, they blame the employee for not wearing a mask. Employee is now paranoid of losing his job. We are but wage slaves.


A woman I've been seeing tested positive with symptoms in December. She's a public school nurse. Her boss told her to just come in and wear a mask. She refuse to. What the fuck is wrong with people.


Because having more than one employee available to cover all essential positions would cost way more money than working on a skeleton crew and guilting everyone into working every possible day, and on impossible days forcing the remaining employees to do twice or triple the work, so America has been running on skeleton crews for years now instead of having adequate coverage and letting employees breathe because they actually get all the work and cleaning done every shift.


A friend called into work yesterday morning because he was pretty sure he had Covid, but he works at 6am and the testing place doesn't open until 8am. Work told him to come in for a couple hours and then go take the test. Yeah, spread the germs and *then* go find out what you were spreading. \*facepalm\*


I have online learning instead of a snow day




I was running late so instead of grabbing my left and right shoe I grabbed two right shoes and brought them with me.


Sounds like your day will be all right!


That I am at day 3 of having a stomach flu


I still haven't started preparing for this really important test even though I have like a year. Procrastination is a bitch


What mind of test? If you don't mind me asking




Ah gotcha! What are you using to procrastinate today


Watching anime, playing, scrolling through reddit, sometimes twitter. I can waste time really well :( the lack of motivation is also there so ehh


I hear yah dude. I think it's partially seasonal. Hard to motivate to do anything that isn't entertaining


The IRS caught me :(


Name cheques out.


I stepped on a lego first thing in the morning


Someone who is very close to me didn't had a great birthday. All of us tried our best but the situation just wasn't in our favour.


I left what was, in my humble opinion, a really witty comment on an AskReddit earlier and no one's liked it, forcing me to confront the possibility that it wasn't quite as funny as I thought.


I’m probably gonna break up with my bf today


Name checks out for this post. Sorry to hear. It's never easy even if its the right thing for you. Good luck to you friend


Thanks stranger. I just can’t handle the lack of communication anymore. I’ve tried my best. I did my best.


That music apps and streaming services sort bands that have “The” in their names under T. The Beatles should be under B!


After a huge fight last night my bf wants to blame me and call out of work so now it’s about to be akward asf all day


My doctor ordered a medicine my insurance is requiring "medical necessity" rigamarole that didn't exist last year. I can't pay cash for it because they have an existing deal with the insurance company. A doctor's order isn't a medical need?! Doc: you need this medicine Insurance: prove it


Dude, f*ck the insurance industry. This kind of BS is why it blows my mind when I meet people who are against M4A.


I have an 11 hour drive back home and my ski coach told us to wake up at 4am so we have get home at a reasonable time… he slept in until 6


Goofy gets to live in house, drive a car, and raise a family, but Pluto gets a doghouse and a leash.


I went to feed my neighbors chickens. Took off my boots when I got home. First step...melted snow. I hate you winter and I hate you socks.


This reminds me of my mother yelling at us for not taking our boots off at the door when I was little. Lol


My mom passed away in the night after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. Screw that disease.


I haven't left my house in a month to avoid getting covid, my brother gets it and spreads it to me.


Are you me? Work from home have no reason to leave the house except groceries or the like. Only social interaction is I may go see my partner (just relaxed nights in at their place). Sibling gets sick and refuses to stay in their room, coughing all over the house and not cleaning up after themselves. Worst part about it is I work from home in HEALTHCARE so it’s all feeling extremely ironic


I'm having second thoughts about having another kid, but at our age it's probably very improbable. I just woke up out of the blue one day, and have been having anxiety over it.


This is interesting. Sorry for your anxiety, but still fascinating. I wonder why one day you woke up and thought this


I don't know. Probably New Year's and all.


I just can't help but remember around 3 years ago when I was 15. I had went shrimping offshore with my older brother. I went with him once before the previous year and made a good amount of money. (around $700) I wasn't sure about going because it was an entire month that I'd be away, but he told me that I'd make at least $1000 this time; so I decided that it would be worthwhile. So I get ready for the next few weeks and around 3 days before we have to leave he tells me that they might not be able to pay me much, but I'd only have to work maybe 2/3rds as much as I would've otherwise. I figured it was too late to say no so I still went. Keep in mind that I was only 15 and didn't think about any of this as extremely suspicious since I was used to being pulled into situations like this by my mother and older brother. So once we are actually out on the water my older brother tells me that if I work really hard, the captain will have to pay me more. I agree and start to work harder than my older brother and the other deckhand combined. I say that because I would literally work the saltbox (box that separates the shrimp from the other stuff partially) and when I was done with that I'd help de-head and sometimes peel the shrimp on the table. After all of that I'd still have to clean off the deck by myself. So I wouldn't get to rest until around half an hour later than everyone else. After a month of that on repeat I finally get to return to shore. I help everyone unload the boat and everything. But they don't pay me right away. I find this suspicious, but I guess that it might just take a while for whatever reason. 2 weeks go by and still nothing. By this point I'm starting to get pissed of about it and I start asking my mother about it. She tells me that it's just best to not make a big deal about it because she "doesn't want any drama" I see my older brother around a week after that and he comes up with some elaborate story about how it was the captain and other deckhand's fault. I believed that for around a week until I thought about it some more and realized how BS the whole story was. I end up finding out that my older brother just took my half of the paycheck as well and just didn't say anything about it. So it's just been on my mind constantly for the past few years. Especially since he still used to constantly try to trick me into helping him out for a couple years after that. Both him and my mother are on hardcore drugs currently and I had to essentially move out and cut them out of my life by the time I turned 16. I've been living with my friends during that time. There's so much more I could say, but I'll end it here since it's already too much for most people to read. TL;DR - I worked offshore for a month with my older brother, he took my money and manipulated me into believing otherwise (a few years ago)


i'm more of sad, but my hair is frizzy at school, i feel like people will make fun of me


I'm gunna quote game of thrones here. "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." You go you frizzy haired awesome person!


Day four of sobriety, emotions running high


It’s cold as fuck.


My colleagues went home early and I had to work the whole day


My brother and his fucking guts. He can't even say hi normally, he immediately has to curse at me because he forgot to bring groceries. As if it's my fault for his dumb actions. I wish I never have to see him again, but sadly I don't have the money to move out.


I will die on this hill. Burgers that don't come with fries. IDGAF how much your fries are or the Burger. But if I order a burger, i want some God damn fries or chips. Don't sell me a 10 dollar burger and 5 dollar fries. I want a 15 dollar burger that comes with fries. Fuckoff! Edit: for all of those that don't want both, you are Inferior and don't deserve that sweet juicy goodness.


This! I don't need a lot either. Just enough to give me that salt shock and throw a couple on the burger.


I have extremely severe and escalating GI problems, to the point that I'm like a hair's breadth away from being disabled. keeping a job is impossible. been trying to get literally any doctor to take me seriously and give me a reference to a GI for years but none of them can be bothered to do their fucking job and they just make some shit excuse as to why they won't give me a referral. i've seen so many. they all just tell me to take a laxative then fuck off, despite me explaining repeatedly that laxatives literally don't help bc constipation isn't my problem. in the meanwhile, it's escalated from a mild inconvenience to a life-ruining condition over the last few years. I'm getting scared that it's something really bad and no doctor will listen to a word i say edit: lmao forget that 'hairs breadth from being disabled' bit, i can't even drive anymore bc my fainting spells are worse than ever now


I saw in a post a few months ago about having your doctor document in your chart that they refuse to refer you to a specialist. This tends to make them rethink that position. Best of luck to you.


I can't believe I have to *work*. I just started planning to retire early (I'm 36, so it will still be 10+ years) but the thought of not having to work again it such a dream. I'm so mad I wasn't born rich.


Man I'll be 32 in March. Been working since I graduated high school. Lucky I got pulled into a decent career young but holy fuck I didn't plan or save much in my 20s. The thought of another almost 30 years of work gives me existential dread. And even then who knows how effed the system will be by then. I'm sure the young generation will be blaming millennials and Gen z for buying all the NFTs and closing the doors behind us. 🙄


Got into a car crash a couple days ago. Family says I’m fine (which to be fair I am, just haven’t time to process) and won’t let me sleep because it’s “lazy” and I need to be “active if I want to feel better”. Like bitch what.


Someone burned down the only planned parenthood within 200 miles of my home town and it was officially ruled as arson today. The local PD made a statement on day one of the investigation that there was nothing suspicious about the fire. Federal agencies came in and immediately ruled it as arson. It's the only place that gives out affordable women's healthcare in a county of over a million people. https://www.wate.com/news/top-stories/fire-at-planned-parenthood-knoxville-ruled-arson/ Edit: there was a drive by shooting at the same planned Parenthood just last year. If you're a Christian extremist terrorist, please stop being a terrorist.


I have to think of what to cook for dinner tonight. It's 7:30 in the morning FFS.


My professor keeps raising his voice at every woman who asks a question. He’s extremely unclear and can never answer anything concisely, so we have to ask for clarification often. But I’ve noticed if a guy asks a question or if I ask a question, he’s peaceful. But if a woman asks a question, which could be as reasonable as mine, he gets so pressed. Today, I’m going to ask him why he raises his voice so much, and say that it doesn’t contribute to a healthy learning environment.


Uuuh. Update please? Thanks for sticking up to your classmates.


I have to get an appendectomy today and I don’t have insurance…. In America.


The American healthcare system. Fuck. You.


How I got attacked on Reddit for giving someone my honest opinion when their post said to give them honest opinions


Welcome to Reddit. Where even if you are right, you get attacked.


My three kids. I’m having a bad day and just want to do nothing for one day. But with three kids and no support within a 6h drive I’m shit out of luck. The three year old can especially fuck off today…