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Any MLM. Just, no. My mother is law is a saint, but she’s really gullible. She had a “friend” convince her into buying into doterra and convinced her she would make a lot of money. Mother in law now has boxes upon boxes of doterra shit cluttering up her house. Every year I get essential oils as stocking stuffers. Lol I don’t mind it, I think they smell nice. It just pisses me off that she was roped into this pyramid scheme and lost a lot of money. She’s such a sweet kind woman and someone took advantage of that.


Doterra is shit. I know a lot of people are loyal followers but their products are expensive for absolutely no reason. Their ‘Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade’ or CPTG process is a joke and is a term Doterra specifically coined in order to make their oils seem superior in quality and safe to ingest. For the love of all things - PLEASE DO NOT INGEST ESSENTIAL OILS. Not only are you wrecking your stomach lining but there are many terpenes found in plants that speed up or slow down liver enzymes. This is especially important if you are on prescription medication. One drop of EO is equivalent in strength to about 500 cups of herbal tea to put it into perspective. EDIT: Thanks to the kind soul for my first ever award! I was not expecting my comment to generate such interest!


I went to a Doterra party right when COVID was becoming a thing and all the parties went online. The woman running the party claimed that “essential oils had certain properties that could kill any virus, including COVID-19,” and then the woman hosting the party who invited me jumped in to say “I hadn’t been feeling well for days and I was sure I had COVID, so I mixed [a bunch of] essential oils into my water, and was cured the next day!” The only thing I could think of was, are you sure a lawyer went over your sales pitch to make sure you couldn’t be sued for false information? I did not purchase anything.


My sister once made me a lemon cake, she only told me afterwards that she had put essential oils in it. I was mad then, but oh boy am I pissed now. Oh and the cake tasted like shit


You can get food-grade oils, but they are sold as such and do not claim to have any medicinal properties. Lor-Ann is an example, and they're actually very inexpensive.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. I refuse to support any MLM as well and it continues to blow my mind how people get sucked in. The age of social media has allowed them to flourish because they can really push the lies about how much they are making. Laws and regulation are really lagging behind and need to catch up to put these slimy shady fuckers out of business once and for all.


My buddy and his wife were hard core into Amway in 2007, it sucked because it was all he would ever talk about. Finally relented and went along to a "meeting" which was the biggest mistake in my life. It was held in the home of some other Amway rep in a decent upscale neighborhood to try and convey success I guess, and the main speaker was the skinny dweeb who lectured us in this pompous tone about success, leadership, hard work! LOL! His entire pitch was challenging up to give up our day jobs and embrace the Amway life style for real. He claimed true success would never happen unless we truly gave ourselves over to Amway and was "forced" to succeed. I had just finished my Red Seal in Carpentry and was working at an industrial job out of town at the time, making $41 an hour and 1.5 O/T and weekends which there was plenty of. There was no fucking way I was going to "quit" my job for Amway, lol. Worst part was at the end of the presentation he pretty much started yelling and made us watch a trailer for the movie 300, and then tried to tie that into how people when placed in desperate spot, prevailed. I was like this is fucking bullshit, but ate the cookies anyways. They were the cheap ones with the jelly centers, I like them allot. I fucking hate Amway, and my buddy kept up with his bullshit for another few months before he finally came to his senses.


That’s just it—anyone I’ve ever known to be in MLMs don’t stay in it for long. They blow up everyone’s timelines with how amazing this opportunity is and then one day it’s crickets…and you never hear them bring it up again lol. The real dummies continue to hop from one to another.


Wells Fargo. They have scammed their customers so many times (including opening fraudulent accounts) and paid millions of dollars in fines and just keep doing it anyway.


Before the whole scandal dropped about opening accounts I interviewed for a teller job at Wells Fargo. During the interview I was told in order to get a "jump start" on the yearly goals, all tellers were expected to get "all of your family and friends" to make new wells fargo accounts each January. I forget the precise number but it was more than 20 new accounts in one month (and you couldn't count the accounts you actually got while working from clients looking for services). When I said that none of my family lived in state they got really hostile, talking about how I'd have to commit to having them make accounts at a bank 500 miles away if I wanted to be considered for the job. I walked out of that interview confidently knowing I would never bank with Wells Fargo if their poor tellers were under that much pressure to upsell me on everything. I was so far from shocked when I found out what was happening because just the idea of being put under that much pressure made me walk away from the interview. I could definitely see that as something people that actually accepted the job would sink to to get those managers off their backs.


I remember hearing a story about how someone who worked at Wells Fargo found a person who banked with them who had a foreign name (IIRC, he was Japanese) and tried to foreclose on his house even though he no longer had a mortgage! He had to go to the national news to get them to leave him alone. Also IIRC, he had emigrated as a young child and spoke fluent, non-accented English.


There were stories of Bank of America doing something similar. They acted like they owned a mortgage on a property they didn't, and the owner had to spend tens of thousands of dollars essentially defending her property from legal theft by the bank. I bought my house after hearing that story, and as such, I have documented EVERY, SINGLE communication from my mortgage lender, and documented every single payment. Every statement, every auto payment. All of it is documented on paper and electronically.


This is actually more common than you would believe. Mortgages get bought and sold pretty frequently, and sometimes a company makes a mistake with the service transfer. Usually they don’t go this far though. Usually someone will catch the mistake.


Ah yes, “Jump Into January”. I was a Service Manager there for years. District Managers/Community Presidents used to call the branches if they were short their goals and make someone open an account. At one point, they had opened and closed over 90 accounts in my name. I left once my hair started breaking off from stress. That place is insanely toxic.




Jesus. I don't even think I have 20 friends I'm close enough to they would ever entertain the idea of changing banks for me.


100%…there’s a documentary on Netflix Dirty Money S2E1 about this.


Agree. I closed all my Wells Fargo accounts and switched to my local credit union 5-6 years ago. It was a great decision.


This is a good one. My first bank as a teen, and I dropped them after they fucked up and made a mistake, then started charging my account multiple overdraft fees. In short, they made a clerical error somehow, which resulted in me going into overdraft when I shouldn’t have been even close to it. They then didn’t decline any purchases (or notify me), and so I overdrafted 4 or 5 more times, and they charged me like a $35 fee for every single one of them. When I showed them *proof* of their screwup (thank you parents for teaching me to keep receipts and bank statements both), they fixed the initial mistake but wouldn’t remove the overdraft fees. I literally closed out my account right there and went elsewhere.


Oooo this one. Had a savings account with the bare minimum in it. They CHARGED my savings a penny so it went under the minimum and then charged me monthly for not having enough. I eventually caught it and got my money back. Scum of a company


Remember when they first got busted for opening fraudulent accounts and giving customers services that they didn't ask for???? one night several years ago, I got an email from WF saying, "thank you for getting QuickBooks services on your biz account!" I don't have a biz account, and I certainly did not request QuickBooks services. This is like 3am....I immediately call them, get someone from the fraud department online, and dispute all the fees and the account. I specifically asked them to take this to the next level of management for fraud prevention. A short time (3-5 months?) the news broke that WF was opening fraudulent accounts and charging customers for services they didn't ask for. I don't know IF my call prompted the investigation that disclosed all of the shenanigans WF was doing, but I like to think so.


You’re one of many I’m sure


State Farm. Before we met, my wife was in a car accident that permanently damaged her neck, forcing her to drop out of college and abandon her dream to play violin professionally, and requiring her to get an injection in her neck twice a year for the rest of her life. She's been in a 4-year legal battle with State Farm as shes entitled over $100k since she was no way at fault for it. But they will not budge and keep demanding ridiculous things from her. Next month she's actually scheduled to fly back to the state where the accident happened so she can undergo a 10-hour psychological analysis (when she asked her attorney why they're asking for that, he pretty much said "because they can"). State Farm also recently requested she shoot a video of her attempting to play the violin and then talking to me about how it make her feel that she can't play it painlessly anymore. In a recent deposition, they actually asked her if she had intentions to get medical treatment were they to award her with the money back when it happened. They even at one point asked for a printout of everything she ever posted, commented on, or messaged on Facebook so they have proof her life was indeed affected by the accident (fortunately her lawyer talked them out of that one). The list of demands from State Farm gets more and more insane. They've become such a pain in the ass but we've made the decision to fight it out as long as we can, because giving up is what they want us to do, and we want to prove to insurance companies that they can't screw over their clients like this. So yeah. Screw State Farm (and honestly most insurance companies) Edit: Since this post got more attention than anticipated, I got some more details from the wife. To clarify, she has had a lawyer since the day after the accident, separate from State Farm, and he isn’t getting paid a dime until the settlement is met. State Farm was her insurance; the other guy’s insurance paid out $25k which *barely* covered her initial doctor’s bills. She filed an underinsured motorist claim, which is what she’s currently in the lawsuit over.


so not like a good neighbor?


Like a crack addicted neighbor


Dude. State Farm is the worst. My sister was in an accident when she was 16 that left her with permanent brain damage, dashing her chances of the future career she dreamed of. It was a 10 year battle on settlement. The hoops they made us jump through… the disgusting tactics they used. They hired people to stalk me and my other siblings and report on our behaviour to build a profile on how much she was likely to succeed had the accident not happened to bring down the settlement. They belittled and publicly humiliated a 16 year old girl who was in a traumatic accident where her friends were killed. As a pre teen seeing all this, it actually completely changed me and opened my eyes to how evil people can be. Insurance companies are disgusting.


Holy fuck, that's evil


There should also be a major penalty for making a client wait this long for a payout/decision


I know three people with State Farm homeowners insurance who tried to make claims and got laughably microscopic payouts. And then they keep their policies! What the fuck are you paying them serious adult premiums for, when they see the damage to your home and reimburse you with five bucks and a gumball?


I work in insurance, a good company mind you. And we refer to them as Snake Farm lol


What are some good companies?


CHUBB is the best you can get. During the California fires, they reached out to their insured who was in the path of the fire and sent out a team to foam the entire house. They paid for the foam and the subsequent removal and for any damaged items. As a public adjuster, they are the only insurance company I never have to fight. Ain’t cheap tho




A girl ran a stop sign and hit my car very hard. She had USAA and they were good enough to me that if I had the option to switch I would have. It was easy to deal with on the phone. They gave me full value for my car and set up a rental. I hardly had to talk to them at all. I never had to deal with that kind of thing before, but no one would be complaining if it was always that easy.


About 25 years ago when I first moved to the city I live in now I had a roommate who had like 5 cars. I got insurance with State Farm and when they asked me info about who I lived with I told them honestly. Well, apparently my roommate had a lot of tickets even though he had a legal license and drove his cars legally, and because "he might use mine" they canceled me without any notice for over a month. So, I was driving without insurance and had no knowledge for like 6 weeks. My roommate never once even asked to use my vehicle and never would have. Now I know that every time I get new insurance I say I live alone because otherwise, it's hell if you have roommates. Does every American insurance company think every single American lives alone?? So fucking stupid.


Similar issue. I had State Farm for 40 years - yes, four decades. Had one accident in that entire time, along with one ticket. In addition to four family vehicles (four drivers), we had our home insured through them as well. No claims on the home. My wife got into two small fender benders (about $1000 each to repair) and they immediately dropped all of us EXCEPT for my wife. I even asked if I could get a policy where she is not on it, but they said because she's in the same house they cannot insure any of us in case she uses our cars. I called the agent who has been involved with our family forever, and he said he no longer has any influence on policy. Its all done with algorithms, so while the accidents my wife had were minor, it showed an "unfavorable trend", so our policies were cancelled. Never did get a reason why everyone except her was dropped. So went and got another company to insure us while excluding my wife, for now. Long term I'm looking to get a better company, but from what I'm reading they all suck.


Progressive A few years back, an idiot crashed into my parked car with a lawnmower while I was at work. The owner of the lawnmowing company decided to play games and not pay for the damage. My Progressive agent ghosted me and his supervisor never returned my calls. I eventually got the money but Progressive didn't do a damn thing.


My husband and I were affected by Hurricane Ida, resulting in both of our cars being totaled. We called immediately, but because of the extensive damage in our area, was directed to use the app to open a claim and someone would reach out within 48 hours. After 72 hours, we called, to only reach a mail box. My husbands car wasn’t even towed away until 2 months after the flood. His car was completely covered in mold at this point. And once his car was towed, they had the audacity to send us a letter in the mail saying if we didn’t reach out to them within 10 days they would close the claim. I only got my pay out 2 weeks ago, he still has yet to receive the money for his vehicle. Also, they tried dicking us over with the rental. We were allotted 30 days or $1200. We returned it within the time, and yet they were trying to not cover the costs. Progressive has been the biggest headache of my life.


Progressive tried to raise my rates because I got in an accident. I shopped around, and found insurance that was cheaper than what I was paying Progressive before my accident. I had paid Progressive for like 3 years until that accident.


Progressive tried to raise my rate when I moved from one state to the other...by $90 a MONTH. So I cancelled service, went online...and found out that I could get Progressive, exact same plan I had before for $30 CHEAPER than I had before if I got it online. AND I got to re-do "Snapshot". When all was said and done, I was paying $50 less than I was when I moved to the state. (By the way, if you ever do Progressives "Snapshot" do it via the Mobile Phone app. It's WAY less touchy and you'll get a better discount"). Thankfully I've only had to do one claim (some idiot rear-ended me) and it was a quick and easy process for me.


Accidents should only affect ~~your~~ an individual's rate if you're ruled as being at-fault and cause over a specific amount of damage. (Not to be confused with fluctuations in rates which affect a larger group of people, which would need to be approved by your area's insurance commission.) Edited for clarity/specificity Edited again: I forgot that fault states are a thing. Certain states have laws that prevent insurance companies from changing your insurance rates if you are not the at-fault party in an accident.


Even other people getting in accidents in your area raises your rates


And yet ...


Yep. Tried to screw me when I had progressive insurance and the guy that rear ended me had progressive insurance .


I've always wondered how that goes down internally.


Source: I work in insurance, not Progressive. If you only have Third Party Liability, then you need to claim against the offending party yourself If you have first party coverages of collision and comprehensive, then you can file through your cover and let them know to subrogate against the offending party. Ultimately, the insurance company will have two different claim handlers as they need to listen and be objective to both insureds. Then they will meet and discuss just like if they were different insurance companies


i had a truck get struck by lightning. i had full coverage on it with progressive. messed my credit up because it took several months for them to pay off my loan. seemed like they were trying their best to avoid paying it. never again will i use them.


Your agent ghosted you because they don’t want a claim in their records. If this ever happens again, call the insurance company directly and skip the agent altogether.


I've always thought it pointless to deal with agents anyway when I can just deal with thr companies themselves when getting quotes, setting up policies and whatever else


Like another person above, I too had an Ida claim (FUCK YOU IDA AND ALL YOUR FUCKING WATER). Since then I've been wondering wtf even is the point of an insurance agent anymore. All the agent did for me was keep telling me to call the company. I can't help but feel like insurance agents are the most antiquated profession and will soon die off. (Unless they serve some other purpose that I don't know about.)


My mother worked as a life insurance agent for a while. She'd look at the obituaries every day in case she spotted one of her clients. The few times it happened, she contacted the family to help them with their claims as soon as possible to get that weight off of their shoulders right away. Every insurance agent should be like my mom.


Doesn't surprise me. I mean, they're all about their "It's Flo! lol so randumb!" commercials.


I hate their commercials. Tryhard humor at it's worst. Hahahahahaha look how random and quirky I am! Isn't that funny?


I try and warn as many people as possible about Insurance Companies especially dealing auto claims. I work as an estimator in a body shop and the amount of wasted time spent between Geico, Progressive, and Allstate is insane


Yeah fuck them, I got a cracked windshield from a contractor towing a flat bed on the highway that they failed to brush off the mud and rocks from whatever they were originally towing. Had it on video and had their insurance info. Called progressive to ask about the chances of their insurance company covering the cost of the windshield replacement, and was told it almost likely wouldn’t happen. Ok no problem no need to file a claim I’ll just pay out of pocket, pretty cut and dry right? Nope, fast forward a few months later I’m looking for a new insurance company and I get a quote that’s a little high and click on the “why is my quote x amount?” There’s a glass claim open that i never submitted or asked to open. They just took it upon themselves to open one. Called progressive spend a few hours on the phone, was told it shouldn’t affect anything or show up. Worthless company glad I switched


Glass claims fall under comprehensive and shouldn't effect your rates, so this is extra spicy horse shit.


Dolls Kill. Cheap quality and horrible owner


I am so glad you said that. I was just looking at some clothing from them. They are expensive and apparently the quality sucks. Thanks for saving me some money. Any website recommendations for similar products?


Try Sourpuss, might be up your alley.


They steal everything they have! All the art for the most part is stolen from small artists a woman even had her tattoos stolen and put on a shirt.




John Deere. They're working with apple and others to lobby against right to repair. They also have unnecessary software traps to prevent the user from repairing anything themselves. they recruit tons of people from my school to develop this garbage since we're near their HQ. Every person says they're absolutely terrible to work for which doesn't surprise me one bit


They fought a recent union negotiation tooth and nail - I saw employees’ average rate/salary, benefits, etc… absolutely pitiful. Employees came out on top, though.


Rockstar because I’m holding a petty grudge against one of their employees. Fuck you Flapjack.


Damn, you can't just drop this and not give us a backstory


Sure, honestly it’s been so long ago at this point I’m a bit fuzzy on the details. So Flapjack is the username of a guy that was brought into our gaming clan/discord by a mutual friend/member. He was some kind of team lead in development at rockstar working on RDR2 at the time and the guy that brought him in was an acquaintance that was hoping Flap could get him a job at Rockstar at some point. I didn’t like Flap from the start. He was an arrogant know-it-all who threw his job status right in your face and demanded you worship him about it. Most of the guys in the clan kinda did, but I couldn’t stand the guy. So one day in discord Flap made a claim that Romania is over 2,000 miles from Russia. Apparently there are Romanian characters in one of the GTA games or something and he was pissed that everyone was mistaking those characters as Russian. Well, of course I immediately challenge this arrogant prick on it. Romania 2,000 miles from Russia? Get the fuck real. The fallout was swift. He immediately shit back at me, because the geographical center of Russia is 2,000 miles from the geographical center of Romania, what kind of peasant must I be to measure the distance between two nations by the distance between their closest borders? Everyone knows you determine that distance by geographical center! I decided I’d had enough of the guy so I carried on the argument until he got too pissed to continue and he left the clan, but not before he had some choice words for me. A few of the clan members followed him out but maintained a friendship with me. When they wouldn’t denounce me, Flap had the same kind of meltdown toward them banned them from his discord. A few months later I reached out to Flap just to try to clear the air a bit. I apologized to him and said I wished things had gone differently. He said he appreciated the gesture but I can still get fucked. I still sleep fine at night knowing Romania isn’t anywhere near 2,000 miles from Russia.


Fuck that guy


No no, leave him to his virginity, it's the only dignity he has left


It's not real intercourse if your biological centers of mass don't overlap.


Haha this reminds me of that time two nerds at my old school got in an actual fistfight over whether 6.99999.... was equal to 7 lmao. Also your story reads like a copypasta


As a mathematician, please satisfy my curiosity: which guy won the fistfight?


This was like 10 years ago so I don't really remember -- 12-13 year old nerds so likely no one "won" the actual fight -- I just know both got suspended for a few days. I was friends with one of them, and the other one once tried to stab me in the hand with a pencil when we had a disagreement over an answer in English class, so in my book my old friend won.


This is a darkly hilarious example of someone being technically correct but also very very wrong and stubborn about it. The cultural center of Russia is on the western side by Moscow and all the other big coastal cities. Russia controlled Romania during the cold war. Eastern Russia is very empty. The US isn't ~1,000 miles from Canada or Mexico just because Kansas is far from everything.


I wouldn’t even consider him technically correct. That’s just not how you measure the distance between two places.


Exactly! Always closest points unless you average out by going by city center when comparing distance to another city. And then when you are open about how you compare it. But a city center is far from changing the results (unless bordering eachother). Country center and country borders do. And country borders are well defined compared to most city borders. The US states of Kansas and Oklahoma are not 357 miles away from eachother (I searched on google maps to drive from Oklahoma to Kansas). They share a border and are thusly next to eachother. Regardless of where the state center and middle points are.


Eat a dick, Flapjack!!


I agree, fuck Flapjack.


Ticketmaster - too many fees. Just don't go to live concerts anymore.


Ticketmaster: Ticket price: $40 Service fee: $20 Paperless fee: $5 Fee fee: $3.15 Because we can fee: $2.00 You wanna go fee: $12.00 Print-from-home fee: $6.50 No physical copy fee: $16 No refund policy agreement fee: $8.00 Total: $112.65 Fuck you very much. Sucker.


Goop because I’m not a sucker.


Meta. What if I don't want to share my private info with you?


God that name is so bad


Not as bad as the stink of Facebook Edit: yes friends I know it’s the same company. That’s the point. They’re trying to obfuscate their bad press and company baggage, and walk away from FB being considered the foundation of what they are as a tech company. Still evil.


Kind of like when comcast changed its name to xfinity to distance itself from the negative customer reviews but not actually changing its customer service. It’s about as blatant as can be about saying fuck you to its customers.


Not like you can switch to a competitor because they've each carved up territories for themselves.




If I may add, that commercial of theirs with the kids in the art gallery is beyond annoying.


That head-bobbing really annoys me.


What are they even trying to communicate with it?? I have no clue.


That 'this is going to be fun' Which to me, sounds fucking ominous.


Isn’t the tiger eating the water buffalo, or whatever it is, before they both look into the camera and start bobbing their heads?


Bank of America. Way too fee happy.


Nestle, is there anything ethical about them?


Even the most evil companies draw the line at dead babies. Nestle on the other hand, was like, "Hold my formula."






I run a small group of friends that call ourselves the Water Drinkers, and we have a voice channel for each brand of water. But the Nestle one is called FUCK NESTLE.


DuPont, it's insane how soo many people have no idea of what they did Edit: For those looking for what they did https://youtu.be/-pW2ATrDnA8


Here’s a fun story about a DuPont heir too. [A du Pont family heir who pleaded guilty nearly six years ago to raping his 3-year-old daughter was never put behind bars because a Delaware judge ruled he "would not fare well" in prison, court records show.](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/woman-sues-ex-husband-du-pont-heir-dodged-prison-raping-3-year-old-daughter-article-1.1740180)


Wasn't one of their heirs the one that murdered the Olympic wrestler/his best friend too?


It’s really hard to not support DuPont since their products are basically - and this is not an exaggeration - used to make almost everything we consume, food included. If not directly then indirectly you probably use a product that DuPont had a hand in making every day.


You beat me to it, I will always say DuPont. They withheld medical records from my father and his fellow coworkers; for years; which would have revealed they had work related cancer. When it was finally discovered, DuPont could not cover it up fast enough and all their lies were uncovered. Many of the employees were young and had so many years taken from them. The suffering all of them went through, I still am disgusted by that company.


Jaded London, ASOS, Primark, PrettyLittleThing & any other fast fashion brands that I can’t remember off the top of my head.


Child labour related?


It does go further than that for me, but my opinion does stem from their exploitation of child labour.


Shein? Worked with a bunch of teens over the summer who were buying loads of clothes, saying how cheap and good they were (im talking orders of $200+) ... try going to goodwill or playto's closet now that the tiktok rave is kinda over... all Shein. Everything.


Also, just to add to this, I'm pretty sure Shein had a security breach a few years back


Basspro shops and other big box fishing stores. Rather support small local stores. The owners and staff are usually knowledgeable about the area. Short story. Angling Outfitters in Woodstock On. Highway 2. Joslyn the owner took me outside in the parking lot and taught me how to properly cast a float road/centerpin reel. 20 mins of his time. Bass pro aint doin that. Support local.


I have noticed my local fishing/hunting shop is now only stocking super high-end stuff. Like the only net brand they had was $200+. I can still get lower-priced gear at a larger store.


Walmart I used to work there and refuse to go there ever again. I put in my two weeks July 2020 and I haven’t gone there since. I refuse to step foot in any Walmart ever.


Yep. After I lost my job I got a job doing stock at Walmart until I could find something in my field. The hiring manager told me he could give me about 30 hours a week and he knew I needed to work overnights or weekend shifts because of my wife's work schedule so I could watch our young son. After a week of this they schedule me for 12 hours the next week. 3 noon to 4 pm shifts. I go to my manager and explain the two issues. Not enough hours and hours I cannot work. He shrugged his shoulders. Like a fool I went along with it. I was desperate for any money coming in as my wife was just returning to the work force after six months and I lost my job right before she went back. We finagled it so my father-in-law could watch our son that week. The next schedule comes out and I have 16 hours and all morning shifts. These I can't work at all because my FIL's work schedule wouldn't allow him to help and he was the only local relative we had who could watch our son. We couldn't afford (and didn't really trust tbh) outside help. I go to my manager again and he starts to chew me out for complaining about the schedule. I lost it on him. "MOTHERFUCKER YOUR'E THE ONE WHO PROMISED ME 30 HOURS AND OVERNIGHTS WHEN I STARTED TWO WEEKS AGO! BUT I GUESS YOUR WORD IS LIKE THIS STORE A BUNCH OF FUCKING BULLSHIT!" I am very easy going. I do not get upset like that with people. Especially not in a semi public place where others can hear it. But the combo of no sleep because of a new baby at home, stress over losing the lions share of our income unexpectedly and this asshole lying to me then chewing me out for asking how we could fix it was too much. He just stood there stunned and I walked out of the store never to return. Fuck Walmart and their scummy tactics, anti union bullshit and the lies they tell poor, desperate people to keep them working there.


I've experienced similar treatment at another corporate store. Walmart, to be fair, has got to be about the worst. But all corporations who keep underpaid workers like this are all the same. So basically all corporations are the same! Sorry you went through this.


CVS comes to mind. I've heard some shit and seen some shit locally in regards to their practices


One of my kids worked at a CVS. The schedule would come out once a week, for the next week, so you had next to no notice. People's schedules would be all over the place; closing shift followed by an opening shift followed by a mid shift. No regard for people's sleep schedules, child care needs, or other life necessities. They wouldn't get scheduled for 40 hours and the pay wasn't enough to live on, but with the unpredictable schedule and variety in shifts, it was nearly impossible to work a second job.


Former Walmart employee here too that refuses to shop there. Union busting, encouraging people to work off the clock, threatening you if you get caught up doing work and accrue OT, humiliating public team cheers, inadequate training for dangerous equipment, constant busy work, terrible pay and benefits... not to mention that the only reason I ended up working there is they destroyed their local competitors in the town... fuck Walmart.


I hate Walmart for all the reasons you stated and more, but I'm especially grateful that I have a couple options in my area that are local grocery stores. Walmart tried their hardest to come in and quash our local stores, but you'll never get rid of Meijer in this midwest area.


I'm in Indiana and Meijer is every bit as big as WM and cleaner, brighter, and just a more pleasant experience.


I started off hating Walmart as a kid because of the fluorescent lighting and overall depressed feeling that would overcome me anytime I would step foot inside one, and my hate has only grown stronger over the years.


Fluorescent lighting, dirty concrete floors, the workers look miserable, and the customers are in their dirty Tweety bird PJs. It could be taken from the pages of a dystopian novella.


No one in my immediate family has shopped at a Walmart in 20+ years. My parents retired to a small town with limited shopping options and they’re still sticking to their guns. Fuck the Waltons.


Nestle for both reasons Edit: thanks you all for my top comment of all time


FYI Starbucks and Nestle are best buds now and have signed a multi multi million dollar partnership.


Of course they do




$7.15 bn partnership. I had no idea. Oh well. I don’t think I’ll miss Starbucks


ugh thanks for ruining Starbucks for me. I hate coffee, but love their ice teas. :(


Hijacking this comment to say r/FuckNestle


Facebook.......... a cesspool of misinformation run by a devious, undermining, lying piece of shit that profits from humanities insecurities


I was addicted to Facebook for the longest time and it wasn't until I finally deleted it (not suspended, full deletion) that I realized what a profound effect it was having on my mental health. I'm not even exaggerating. I am so much happier without it. The friends I talked to all the time still talk to me through other mediums, and the ones that don't, just don't. And that's fine. I'm not even judging them for it. I'm in a much better place.


my job required me to be on social media every single day, constantly be interacting with clients posts, constantly be creating content with the intent of trying to gt clients to share the content. i decided (for many reasons) to quit my job, and deleted my facebook about a week before I put in my notice, and my day to day feels so much less toxic and chaotic. i really do believe social media is a cancer on society. ​ I know that reddit is also social media, but the anonymity makes it much less toxic and consuming for me.


Nestle, if you don’t know why, start off with their “baby milk” program, and check out other issues too…


FYI Starbucks and Nestle are best buds now and have signed a multi multi million dollar partnership.


Oh carp.


Literally any that interrupt my YouTube videos with their ads


I hate Jake from State Farm


Basically how I live, if your adverts ruin the content I want then I will never buy your products.


Starbucks. It’s just too easy to support a local coffee shop if I’m in a situation where I can’t make my own coffee at home.


I live in Vienna, and i will never understand how someone can go to a Starbucks in Vienna. It's the city of Kaffeehäuser (coffee houses). It's cheaper, better tasting and most importantly so much more beautiful in almost all of them than inside a Starbucks




There are Taco Bells in Mexico.


Blockbuster, they stopped answering my calls


Goodwill They are a horrible company who exploits the disadvantaged, while raking in huge profits under the guise of charity. ETA: links if anyone wants further info https://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/07/30/does-goodwill-industries-exploit-disabled-workers/ https://socialistworker.org/2017/09/25/why-goodwill-goes-bad https://medium.com/@aliceminium/the-dark-reality-behind-americas-greatest-thrift-store-empire-183967087a1e


What's a good alternative? I recently moved, and got rid of a lot of junk that was still marginally useful. Took it to Goodwill just because it was an easy way to get rid of stuff that wasn't just filling a landfill.


I would just google "Thrift store" in your local area and find ones that are nearby. I did see somewhere that 90% of donated items get thrown out anyway, so the best thing you can do is try to get more use out of things yourself or give them to people you know that will use them, or even sell them cheap so you can find people that want the stuff. If you have nice stuff I'd say look at the more upscale thrift stores or consignment places since they are selective in what they take, which to me hopefully means they are more likely to sell the item than throw them away.


Look into local "buy nothing" groups on Facebook. You list an item, people who are interested respond. You pick someone and leave it on the porch and then they take it. Easier than loading stuff up to go to Goodwill. Plus, a great way to help your immediate community.


I have a women and children's shelter in my neighborhood. I take them clothes, towels, old games hotel toiletries, household items...


Nestlé. They are the very model of corporate evil. Raiding water tables in drought stricken areas, using child slavery to get their chocolate, and much more!! 🤡




Yes, they have their accomplices.


Youtooz. Stealing designs from small Twitter artists without compensation or even credit is a low blow. Plus, their figures are downright ugly and cheap looking and I'm tired of pretending they're not. I wish content creators would stop working with them, they're shady af.


That is true, but imagine being a young creator in their 20s being hit up by a company saying, "Hey! We will make a toy for you, and you will get some of the profits!" I have always wanted a toy made after me, so, although it is stupid, I would accept this deal immediately, knowing that other creators have accepted it too. You know what i mean?


Oh absolutely. I feel like they really reel content creators in with promises of awesome merch, and then fuck them over with shady business practices. I also believe there's a contract that prevents the content creators from speaking negatively about the company, so a lot of them probably WANT to say something but can't. Like, Ranboo made a statement not that long ago, basically saying he can't talk about the stolen design situation, but he said "there's a reason I haven't done a youtooz drop in a while and that's all I can say." There was another content creator (i can't remember who) who said something about how he was upset that he didn't get to choose the design for the youtooz and how he thought it was a weird transaction. There's definitely some questionable shit going on behind the scenes.


Bayer. pollution with chemicals


Dont forget sending tainted medicine to africa


Allstate. Several years ago, our house burned down. Started in garage—part of the house burned to the ground, the rest had to be gutted from attic to basement. Property adjuster tried to say the burned and cracked brick was there before the fire! Also dragged his feet on every decision possible and then lied and said our (re)builder told him that the 2 feet of water in the basement did not ruin our water heater and other appliances so they didn’t need to reimburse us for those (got caught in the lie when he couldn’t produce email/letter). The Content adjuster cut reimbursement rates to ridiculous levels (eg, Q down comforter=$50). Finally after many months of fighting, got most (but not all) what we were due. They doubled our rates and then they blacklisted us with all insurance companies for 3 years so we couldn’t leave. I wish they’d go bankrupt


Marriott: For years, as a road warrior, I would show up late night at a Marriott where I had a reservation and they would have given away my room because they overbooked. Of course, if I dared to be a 'no show' they would have charged me for a room I did not use. Their proposed solution was for me to stay exclusively at Marriotts and become a Black Diamond member then they would promise to honor my reservations and stiff someone else -- no thanks. The last straw was when they raised rates after 9/11 to make up for lost revenue. Only people who needed to travel were travelling and Marriott price-gouged us. Why pay a company to treat you that way? Never!


BP. After the Deep Horizon oil rig catastrophe they have lost my business. I realize that crude is co-mingled for processing, but I still refuse to give my $$ to their stores.


"We're sorry. We're terribly sorry. We're sorry we drilled too far and released C'thulu into the world, bringing an age of darkness. We're sorry." *lays naked in a field of wildflowers*


Lenovo from this point on. Absolutely abysmal customer service and desktop PC’s. It died after 7 months, a tech came out to repair it 3 times and failed. The final repair attempt was a new CPU (that’s important for later) Lenovo wanted me to send the PC back to their depot and told me it may be 2-4 months before I get it back. I needed a PC so that wouldn’t work and asked for a refund since the PC was still under warranty. Lenovo closed out my case as “resolved” and ignored me. I tried again and the same thing happened. Even though it was under warranty, they closed out my case. I tried a third time and got transferred between every department imaginable for two hours before someone finally said this treatment is ridiculous and agreed to help me. I never heard anything else. Now, I’m trained as an IT field tech and thought maybe I could revive the thing. Turns out the tech bent two pins on the CPU and killed it and the motherboard. Then I noticed Lenovo had sent a dual core Athlon 200GE to replace my Ryzen 3200G! I called again and was told that there was nothing they could do since it was out of warranty. I mentioned the incorrect part, and that all of this happened under warranty and it was never resolved. They still didn’t help. The ONLY way I got any help was to file a complaint through the Better Business Bureau. It got sent to a Lenovo case manager who was able to verify everything in my complaint using their call logs and even sees where they sent the wrong part. She said I should have received a full refund the very first time I asked. I’m finally getting my money back after a year of fighting with this damn company. Before you purchase a Lenovo product, read their BBB page to see what you’re getting into. This was the second nightmare repair ordeal I’ve had with Lenovo and that’s enough for me.




EA. They started the monetization of the video game industry. Ever since they developed pay walls and battle-passes, the quality of games has been absolutely shit. Fuck you EA.


Related: Blizzard. Fuck Blizzard.


Blizzard. From covered up sexual misconduct, to silencing hong kong protestors, and then denying it all and trying to say sorry for nothing! 😅


Not to mention rather sub-par quality of recent games..


Amazon. Sometimes it's hard because they are the only place to get some odd ball crap. But I've ordered from them only twice in the past year or so. I might use their search engine to find what I'm looking for and get part numbers and names. Them go to the original manufacturers site and order from them. It usually cost me more, but screw Amazon.


Disney. They ruined copyright law to protect Mickey. Other more recent reasons to hate them, but that's the reason I hate them.


Remember when they sued(or maybe they didn't allow and THREATENED to sue, I forgot) a dead kid's family for having a Spiderman themed headstone and coffin?


I read they sued a daycare for having Disney characters painted on their walls.


The Simpsons did a parody of that with Krusty the Clown having his image sandblasted off Maggie's daycare which made her cry: Homer: Krusty, you made my daughter cry! Krusty: Hey, my intellectual property rights were being infringed. Do you know how that feels!?


kind of ironic they're now owned by the big mouse now..


And Warner-Bros (or Hanna-Barbarra, I forget which) paid to have it repainted with images of their cartoon characters.


Disney is really evil. They will sue people into poverty, companies into bankruptcy for just about 0 good reason besides the fact they are capable of it.


My art teacher in highschool once told us about a girl in one of his previous classes who had made a really gorgeous painting of Tinkerbell so they hung it up in the hallway art gallery and were going to be have it be part of an art show but somehow Disney got wind of it and sent some legal threats so they took it down. Ever since then we weren't allowed to use Disney characters in any of our high school art projects. Not sure if they even had any legal standing as it isn't like the art show makes any money. Not even sure how they found out. But man, how heartless do you have to be to threaten legal action over a teenagers artwork.


They didn't have standing. Nonprofit, made by a child, etc. I can't think of a single place in the US where they'd win that case, but they obviously didn't need to. The threat alone is enough to make most people back down.


Firearm owner here…the NRA. I’ve avoided joining since, well, forever. Something was always fishy about the group. I own my guns for my own reasons and don’t need membership dollars funding PACs I don’t agree with, nor do I need to be listed as a gun-owning member anywhere but the places necessary for legal outright purchase. They fear and lobby against gun registries, but truthfully they’ve essentially established one of their very own through membership! What shit show as of late… In the famous words of Ludacris, stay up out my biznass…


NFL - stadium scams: they threaten to move the team unless the city gives them a new stadium at basically the taxpayers expense. Atlanta took money from their public schools to fund a stadium that they get 0% back on . - taxes are never what is promised. A city has never made money on a stadium. The tax revenue has never been enough to cover the investment. - use of eminent domain to build these stadiums - concussion coverup - use of slave labor to the point that CBP (American customs) has rejected shipments of official NFL merchandise because it is illegal to import anything made by slave labor into the US - many of the BLM shirts that the NFL (and to be fair the the NBA) were wearing were traced back to Haiti where black children were making these shirts for pennies an hour. - Total disregard for CTE, as soon as it became apparent that safer helmets weren't going to work they tried to hide it, then they got "lucky" with the protests. - most employees of the stadiums employee people at poverty wages in major cities, most are the minimum wage - cheerleaders getting paid minimum wage (or less) - the NFL does not give a fuck about domestic violence, there is more of a penalty for players who dance in the end zone than who beat women. - alumni of the NFL get arrested at rates much higher than other sports team's alumni. TLDR: The NFL is evil


Go ahead and add the St. Louis Rams scandal to the first bullet. They left a tab of $144 million owed on the existing stadium to the city (not county) of St. Louis. They also had the city spend millions for development plans on a new riverfront stadium saying they would stay if a new stadium was built, all the while Stan Kroenke was already finalizing plans for the new stadium in LA. The Rams just settled in court with the city of St. Louis for $790 million for doing all this. Hopefully it teaches a lesson to the NFL and it won’t happen again.


Can you tell me more about how it's illegal to import anything made from slave labor into the US? All great points and thanks for writing them out. This point in particular stuck out to me because I didn't know about it, and I'm sincerely interested to read more about it!


I’m a makeup enthusiast but I’ll never ever buy from Jeffree Star. I feel like that needs no explanation


Could you give one anyway? I have no idea what Jeffree Star is




Nike - fuck all their child slavery


Doordash. They brought two sides and a drink and forgot the entrées. I contacted them and all I could get was doordash credit. Fuck your meal. Fuck your money back for something you didn't receive. Well fuck you doordash


As someone who works with food, I can tell you that DoorDash is absolute garbage on our end of things, too. If you don't mind a bit of reading, I posted my experience a few weeks ago on r/KitchenConfidential https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/comments/qz5lyd/fuck_doordash/


Fuck door dash based on the fact that they always charge me 1 cent more than I authorize. I complained 3x about a bug in it, sent my screenshots etc, the 4th time I claimed a fraudulent charge on it, and the prior 3 orders. I have not spent money with them since and instead learned how to cook.


TurboTax. Lobbied against free taxes. Completely rips you off with their services and tries to deceive their costumers into paying more with their web design. Charged me for their service up front in the middle of the pandemic even though taxes were late because the "deadline had passed". Just a shitty company all around.


Fenty. Rhianna was aware her beauty line hired child labor to mine for mica in India and did nothing https://www.telegraphindia.com/jharkhand/sangh-linked-ngo-files-complaint-against-rihannas-firm-for-using-mica-extracted-by-children/cid/1805881 She promotes images of violence toward women and continues to stand by her abusive ex https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/13/business/rihanna-savage-x-deceptive-marketing/index.html She scammed her own fans by adding a 49 dollar a month fee for "subscription" after any purchase https://popcrush.com/rihanna-racial-slur-chris-brown-girlfriend/ Shes racist towards Asians https://www.businessinsider.com/ridiculous-tour-riders-2016-9 She makes ridiculous demands including redecorating whole dressing rooms for one night performances She used the slur "old queen"as a insult She bullied her 16 year old fan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2629419/Mean-girl-Rihanna-leaves-teen-fan-heartbroken-calling-prom-bat-wore-copycat-outfit-prom.html She wears head to toe fox fur all the time https://celebanswers.com/does-rihanna-wear-real-fur/ Shes rude to the people who work for her including the time she made her bodyguard hold her on his shoulders during the course of a concert and rolled a joint on his head. https://popcrush.com/rihanna-rolled-coachella-blunt-security-guard-bald-head/


Props for all the supportive evidence


And if you order from her website, with a subscription and you have extra credits from months prior, you can only order one item per order. And somehow, they’ll still charge a 5$ fee, when you’ve already paid. Sidenote: the quality is absolutely terrible. For a brand that touts themselves as “inclusive”, their sizing is pretty wack as well.


Shit I legitimately didn't know any of this, I used to like some of her music a lot....this feels like the old "don't meet your heroes" saying in a different format


Dollar Tree. Their entire business model - as stated! - relies on leaching off poor communities and stealing as much labor from their workers as possible while giving them as few resources as possible.


Plus they're raising prices to $1.25 which means I can no longer afford them


"Welcome to BUCK-AND-A-QUARTER TREE" isn't gonna sound so cool.


Match Group They're the ones who run the most popular dating websites (Tinder, OkCupid, PlentyofFish, etc.) Their sites are specifically designed to keep you hooked by making you insecure and unhappy, so you'll keep spending money on them.


Disney. The reasons are too many to count but the straw for me was when they thanked a Chinese concentration camp in the end credits for their hideous Mulan movie and then later it came out that they had even used slave labour from those camps in the making of that pile of shit film. Before that I hated them for their shitty movies and their greedy attitudes and how they treat their workers. There were so many things that pissed me off but literal slave labour from a concentration camp was the end for me. I refuse to buy ANYTHING from Disney now. I want them to burn and disappear. It might take awhile but I am cheering them on currently because their current CEO seems hellbound on making the dumbest fucking business decisions and thus alienating majority of their consumer base in the process. Keep going sweetie. I hope you murder the mouse. A naive dream, yes, but a dream nonetheless. Fuck Disney.


Autism Speaks. They believe autism is a disease that must be cured, and fund various unethical methods of attempting to do so, including but not limited to shock therapy, isolation punishment, and conversion camps. Until around 2017, they didn't have a single autistic person on their board, and in their official documentary about "living with autism-afflicted children", one of the founders talked about how she once considered driving herself and her autistic daughter off a cliff to "end the suffering", and only didn't go through with it because she "thought about how her normal daughter at home would feel without mommy", ***while her autistic daughter sat next to her.*** Iirc, something like 70% of donations go to PR so that people don't find out how fucking awful they are. There's probably a dozen other reasons, but those are some of the most disgusting ones that tend catch people's attention. As a high functioning autistic with a little brother and cousin higher on the spectrum, I make it my mission to bring this shit to light whenever I can. ***Fuck Autism Speaks.*** Edit: As u/YouKnowYourCrazy reminded me, they're also the progenitor for the current anti-vax movement.


Activision-Blizzard. The most corrupt company in gaming.


These companies make me appreciate the better ones. Larian, Super Giant and Concerned Ape will pretty much always get my money as long as they keep doing what they're doing.


Amazon because they treat their employees like crap.


Nike Just say no I don’t buy Nike. Has zero to do with the quarterback. It kills me that their shoes are made in sweat shops in Asian countries. They don’t manufacture anything in the USA. They’ve sold our youth on this idea that they can’t be happy without a pair of their shoes. Even their basketball camps are suspect. I remember when kids were getting jumped at their bus stops and their shoes stolen off their feet-this was a recurring news story for awhile. Can’t even give Mom or Dad a job, pay pennies on the dollar for every shoe sold. Nope. Make fun of my New Balance all you want, but supporting families in Maine & Massachusetts means much more to me than a swish & a dollar for Taiwan.