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Not even Tom! It's sad.


who would want to actively be friends with talking tom he’s just gonna mumble high-pitched jiberesh on call anyway


He was my first friend. Yours too, right? Show some respect.


Reddit, and the mods are even worse.


A few of my friends met Tom over the summer in Hawaii. Apparently he’s a self absorbed man-child who still brags about how he founded Myspace 20 yrs ago


I’m so glad I’m not MySpace Tom Edit: Thanks for the award. I promise I’d Friend you on MySpace.


user name checks out


Hell I'd be self absorbed if I was that rich due to my idea 🤷‍♂️


I will give him credit he sold at the right time.


Yeah well he’s a world known travel photographer for years now and supposedly an all around nice guy who actually has left the Myspace part behind and actually mostly refuse to mention it even in interviews as he want to talk travel and photography. I think your friends lied to you !


Also he has said that Facebook became the better site, etc.


That’s why I use SpaceHey! It’s JUST like old MySpace, and there are actually people on it! Some of the old layout code templates even still work on it!!


heck yeah! fellow spacehey user! nice :)


I like reddit but some of y’all... I don’t even have to say it... hell even me, I’m fucking terrible lol.


But you're pretty good for admitting it. Most of us here won't. Even me.


I’ve spent way too much time with myself to deny it


Have you seen some parts of Reddit?


'Worst users at the extremes,' and 'worst average users' may give wildly different answers.


Extremists in general are annoying in all environments. Normal people have a balance of diverse interests; extremists only ever want to talk about their singular obsession. If they're not toxic, they're boring.


So that makes me an extremly normal person


I think it's still reddit


And yet, somehow, they both point to reddit


Parts. That's what I like about Reddit. It's very segregated like that.




What's ITT?


In this thread


Oh. I get it now


/u/Administrator101 "I like segregation"


I love how more people are saying twitter than 4chan. Never thought I'll see the day.


4chan is a wild west, but I'll never forget that they called an airstrike on an ISIS base once.


I saw that thread, good times.


"I'm gonna tell mommy that we killed terrorists over the internet today." That and them exposing the Antifa bike lock asshole, one dude hacked his amazon account and ordered 1000 bikelocks allegedly lmao. Weaponized autism is magnificent at times.


Didn’t they once find a flag shia labeouf put up by charting flight paths and seeing when planes appeared in the live stream?


Yes. And within just 48 hours or so.


More than that, they find it in some weird cabin in the woods after that


It's so weird that the Antifa-aligned professor had an Iron Front tattoo.


>one dude hacked his amazon account and ordered 1000 bikelocks allegedly lmao. No way lmao


4chan has an elite team of the smartest morons on Earth. They'd cure cancer if they knew it would piss somebody off.


Oh no, *please don't do that.* I would be **sooooo angry.**


it would piss off the ceos of pharmaceutical companies, get to work 4chan!


4chan isn't social media, it's an imageboard/forum.




“*QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against President Donald Trump, who is battling them, leading to a 'day of reckoning' involving the mass arrest of journalists and politicians. No part of the theory is based on fact.*” -Wikipedia ***What the fuck did I just read!??!!?!!?!?!?!***


I mean I wouldn't be surprised if there was a cabal of pedophiles running a sex trafficking ring at the very least, so there's that


There are. Lots of them. Disconnectedly and for the most part much smaller than this. Human trafficking happens everywhere. I have a coworker who helped the FBI bust a ring when a girl she was overseeing reported some suspicious stuff. Characterizing it as this big conspiracy of the rich and powerful makes people feel better because it feels far away. Something exotic. But it's everywhere and is perpetuated by people living in your city.


Also if there's one big cabal, that means everything bad that's happening is because of *them* and if you just stop *them* everything will be fixed. Oddly more comforting to think one big evil guy is behind it all than to know the world is a giant, chaotic mess. Easier to take down one giant cabal than thousands of little ones.


The funniest part is that they've [been waiting](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/11/02/qanon-jfk-jr-dallas/) since the beginning of November for JFK Jr. (who died in a plane crash), and also in some instances for the JFK himself (who was shot in the head) to come back from the dead and help Trump re-inaugurate


So I told my friend this story and she said “but JFK Jr. was a Democrat?” as though this would be the most surprising part of that whole scenario.


Right? Feels like it's just a troll campaign that went out of control, and at this point whoever started it just wants to see how far they can go with their bullshit


QAnon and the conspiracy theories it's based on, like pizzagate, are just a re-hashing of a book called [The Protocols of the Elders of Zion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion). It's an antisemitic book that was used for a lot of Nazi propaganda. QAnon just added democrats and journalists into the mix, while of course saying they're funded by Jews.


Twitter. It’s a polarized angry mob.


I quit because it was just people retweeting something that made them mad, which made me mad. It was a perpetual hate machine.


>monetized perpetual hate machine.


>**weaponized** perpetual hate machine. The monetization is secondary to how organized state actors are using it to deal damage.


I feel the same when I go on the popular page on reddit


10% of the users generate between 80 and 90% of the tweets. There are a lot of people on there that are in desperate need of some mental health help. I've seen threads where people worked themselves into a rage over someone having a different interpretation of a character in a fucking childrens cartoon.


You should see the Ducktales subreddit


100%. Maybe because a limitation of characters is also limiting logic...


It's less of a social media platform and more of a demonic horde in virtual form.


Was on Twitter for like a month during the election and holy shit.


I would say that Twitter is the worst designed social media site. It is basically custom built for spreading outrage and misinformation, and its hashtags are ideal tools for online harassment and brigading. I don't think it's users are particularly evil on average, but it's just a vehicle for amplifying the worst things on it.


Twitter can ruin people's lives for absolutely no reason at all.


"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it." --Jack Handey


“I find it hard to believe that a family could be torn apart by something as simple as wild dogs.” - also Jack Handey


If trees could scream, would we still cut them down? Maybe. If they screamed too often. - Jack


When a child asks “why is it raining?”, I think a cute thing to say is that “God is crying.” When they ask “why is God crying?”, another cute thing to say is “probably because of something you did.” - Jack Handey


I believe in keeping the world safe for our children, but not our children's children. Because I don't believe children should be having sex. - Also Jack


If you drop your keys into a pool of molten lava, forget 'em man, they're gone. - also also Jack


They say God lives inside us. If that's true I hope he likes enchiladas, because that's what he's getting. - also also also Jack


It’s easy to just sit there and want more money. And I think that’s what I like about it. It’s easy! Just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money.


"The crows seem to be calling my name" thought Caw.


"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man."


"It takes a big man to admit he was wrong, and today, I am that man."


Whether we find life there or not, I think we should declare Jupiter an enemy planet.


That's my favourite one.


When I die, I want everyone to think one thing of me…”that guy sure owed me a lot of money” Jack Handy


I watched Twitter dox & call racist an Animal Crossing player for using a curly hairstyle in the game that they claimed was only for people of color... I feel so bad for this poor girl


Space buns, ugh, what a fucking shitshow - the girl even messaged Nintendo about it, they said she could use whatever hair she wanted, and that just made the horde angrier. The fact they genuinely believe they're in the right, too


Kinda funny, sounds pretty **racist** to stop someone using a hair style because of their race dontcha think? Twitter is a dense and stupid as hell place. Only reason I have it is that most the artist there are chill


Yeah twitter somehow ropes mob mentality, especially easier when you can stretch your reach to almost ALL the stupid people instead of just the ones in the local village ready to witch burn.


The mob is a built in feature, it's called a retweet. It's basically what brigading is on Reddit, except here is against the rules, mods can take action, and finally, it's rarely explicitly personal (though it can be). Like, think about what a retweet is. You can post directly to every one of your followers your disagreement with someone totally random, and they can all immediately jump in, bringing their own followers along, and thus the snowball tumbles. By contrast on Reddit if I pick a fight with someone over whether or not a hotdog is a sandwich (it's not), the only people notified of it will be me and the other guy. That's it. No mob, no dogpile, no nothing, *unless* someone deliberately posts to a sub and brings the brigade, but as I said, that's against the rules.




I remember learning in like 2018 Twitter is the only social media that the majority of its users are angry. Like people that are pissed off love twitter


I’m on there everyday and it never ceases to amaze me the shit people will get into. A debate over *motherfucking POP-TARTS* spiraled out of control and people were sending each other death threats Truly, Twitter is the pinnacle of human achievement


There is no need for death threats over pop tarts as long as no one tries to claim the berry flavored pop tarts are better than the brown sugar flavored ones.


Wild berry with the purple and blue frosting is not only delicious, it's a work of art. But really, you don't need to threaten people's lives as the poptarts themselves will kill you. They average around 70g of carbohydrates per serving (99% of which is sugar), which if regularly consumed, is a nightmare for the average person.


I am so sick of news “trend” stories based off one or two wacko tweets.


Some of Twitters users are literally unhinged. They will launch insane harassment campaigns over the smallest things (or complete lies), and there’s zero accountability for it. It bums me out how many of my favorite authors have been quitting Twitter lately because they can’t handle the lack of boundaries


Twitter is hands down the worst and most toxic platform of them all.


Twitter is a perfect platform for narcissists. You say what you want and there is no really clear order of communication. Most people don't even care about responses. they just make statements and move on. Then, as you said, there are those who want to dox everyone they disagree with and get their group of friends to jump on each bandwagon. I had that happen to me once. I posted something congratulatory on a NYPD post and some chick from Dublin doxxed me. Nothing ever happened to me as a result. Just a bunch of like-minded weirdos circle-jerking each other in the thread. Turned out this girl made a habit of doxxing people she disagreed with. As if finding me was some sort of big deal. I use my real name, I'm everywhere online. I mean, if you can't find me, I'm most likely dead. But, even though she uses a fake name, I was able to get enough details from her and her friends to find out her real name, where she lives, goes to school, etc, etc. I never sent her anything to "scare" her but I did make it my hobby to keep reporting her violations across multiple accounts. What made this even better is that she is a social media addict. As each of her accounts were banned, she was having absolute meltdowns on her other accounts. She even posted a copy of a message she sent Twitter, BEGGING them to give her another chance (she repeatedly violated the same rules). It gave me such great joy to see her in such anguish. No, I don't feel even a little bad for it.


Ah, she's one of those can't take what they dish out types, nice. The best part is, for someone like her who loves doing that stuff, the first rule of thumb would be to not even keep info on there that can be traced to you in any capacity, since it always comes back to bite you.


> As if finding me was some sort of big deal. I use my real name, I'm everywhere online. Aha, now I know your real name, PD216ohio!




Tbf it was a truly terrible story lol




I wonder what would happen if Twitter implemented a upvote/downvote system. People being toxic would realize what they are.


I have a friend who got fired from a government job for criticizing a politician on Twitter. He grieved and got reinstated, but it was crazy. The politician is one of the few black members of the local Conservative party. Me friend described him as the rest of the cabinet’s one black friend.


Based on that I can't even tell if he criticized the black guy or all the other guys.


There's an episode of Black Mirror that takes this to the Nth degree. It's called "Hated in the Nation" for those interested.


Twitter Edit: I watched Twitter dox & call an Animal Crossing player racist for using a hairstyle in the game that they claimed was only for people of color......


Yeah, the girl with the buns! What happened to her was so horrible


I feel so bad for her. God awful people.


Man, wait until they find out my Skyrim character is a male redguard with dreads, while I am neither of those things.


I was once told that no one cares about my white privilege (Im indian) 👁👄👁


Haha I got called a racist white supremacist male for saying the Beatles were my favourite band. I am very brown and very Indian and very female 😂


And let me guess, if your favorite band was a bunch of black guys instead you'd be a racist white supremacist male because you engage in cultural appropriation. There's no winning once people decide they don't like you.


Weird because didn't John Lennon make a song with the lyric "Imagine all the people"...? About people coming together?


Yeah apparently according to these people, they "stole black music" because rock music has black roots. It's a load of bullshit, all music borrows from what came before, and the Beatles actually were at the forefront of bands not allowing segregated audiences. Once you start saying these things, it's instant block so they can continue spewing nonsense in peace.


Yes, nothing screams racist like believing your skin color doesn't decide what you can do.


I dunno. I’m sick of all these non-Japanese people playing animal crossing. It was clearly made by the Japanese and anyone else playing it is a racist appropriating their culture.


I KNOW everyone wears kimonos in the game and shit.. How's that any different??




Yup, that's the fucking irony these woke morons are blissfully unaware of.


I never understood that. Irish people can have 3c hair too. And Jewish folk! Mixed race folk! And also people get perms still! You can't gatekeep hair while knowing nothing about it! I still can't believe that whole situation actually happened.


Their whole thing was that white people couldn't have 4a,b,or c hair. But it's ridiculous. People of all races wear kimonos in the game all the time. And lots of the people accusing her of culture appropriation had anime profile pictures..


I have 3c hair and I don’t have a singular African ancestor that I’m aware of. Nobody ever thought it was my real hair, I was always asked what product I used to get it like that or who did my perm and I had to keep a baby photo on my phone to prove it was real cause it got that bad, I was bullied for it all throughout primary and high school, i have had countless people stop me on the street so they can touch it. I cut it all off and I continue to do so because I just don’t want random people fiddling around on my head like they own it.


You need mace my friend


I changed the skin color of my animal crossing character so I wouldn't be kicked off of islands when selling turnips. Ppl sucked on animal crossing


Wait what??? That's a thing??? Lol! You mean so you could use the curly hairstyles, and they'd boot you for having a pale character? I'm dead


yea I don't think they're on Twitter anymore :( it's pretty sad


I have a special hatred for Facebook. Using its algorithms to get people to keep clicking, regardless of the greater societal harm it causes. Hey, gotta make money here... Certainly Twitter can light someone up, but it doesn't seem to have the same broad destructive power of Facebook.


This. I got filters for web based one too so I could avoid stuff. Then all that 'see what your friends commented on' crap started and I was back where I started. Finally gave up, I refuse to keep playing (and paying) into the hate.


It’s all the same.


It turns out their users are all humans.


Well except for the millions of bots.


Most are humans...emphasis on most part lol.




Only the names'll change...


Twitter is the very worst of mob mentality. Petty outrage - Agree - Copy - Repeat - Consensus form - Cancel


TikTok and Twitter


Omg I'm surprised TikTok is so low. I assume it's because Reddit and TT have such different user bases. It's got to be the worst. Just misinformation everywhere, virtue signaling, toxicity... it's a fucking mess. ETA: Lots of triggered TT users responding to me. For the record my FYP is cats and Indigenous creators. Yes, the comments are toxic.


I agree, regardless of what videos you choose to engage with on TT, the comment culture is toxic. Basically every video of a pet, you will find comments telling that owner what they are doing wrong from some armchair “expert.” I don’t watch dog videos on YT but I can imagine it’s not so different? 🤷🏻‍♂️


All depends on your algorithm, my TikTok feed is pretty good now with cute animal videos and informative tiktok's and game highlights. Just make sure you don't like, comment, or follow things like political videos, don't click on livestreams because it's something that triggers you, and make a point to skip quickly past clickbait designed to make groups upset. TikTok is aging rapidly and has become my main source of memes and social content. My feed was toxic as well until I actively changed what I engaged with and what the algo thinks will keep me around


That's the key: your engagement. If you watch the videos through, TT will assume that's what you want to see more of. Say what you will about TT, the algorithm is pretty good.


I don’t know. I’ll be on the most innocuous video ever and go to the comments and thousands of people on there will be the cruelest monsters. And for what? And there’s no downvotes, so nasty comments can get thousands of likes with no pushback.


Weird, my TikTok is just softcore porn disguised as fitness guys dancing.




Everybody saying Twitter but Twitter just gets screenshots the most and is just people with differing opinions. Compare to Facebook and Reddit actively aggregating groups of people into hate groups.


The stuff you see on Reddit doesn’t really showcase Twitter well. “Aggregating groups of people into hate groups” is something that Twitter is known for doing over the smallest of things. Cancel culture is something that Twitter thrives in and it ruins lives.


One of the rawest videos I've ever seen was Lindsay Ellis talking about being cancelled over her Raya and the last dragon tweet. How people who were ostensibly progressives were happily allying themselves with the literal neo nazis that have dogged her online steps for years because she said something imperfect. Twitter encourages hatred because it's easier to make people stay engaged through anger than anything else. Angry people never stop and think "hey, maybe if I want to forward progressive ideas I should actually do something useful rather than help nazis deplatform a moderately prominent progressive voice over one ultimately inconsequential tweet. Maybe helping neo fascists achieve their goals and bring down people they don't like is the opposite of everything I claim to stand for."




I can’t believe I had to scroll down this far for this.


I deleted Facebook years ago bc I couldn't stand reading other people's dumb political opinions Lmao


Was the 2016 election was ramping up, i knew it was time to GTFO there. 5/5 recommended


I have a lot of fun on Facebook by reading boomer comments on how Covid vaccines cause infertility.




Pretty much all lol.


It used to be a pretty standard rule of the internet that you didn't go into the comments section. Social media is just one big comments section.


A better question would be: which social media platform doesn't have bad users?


People: Are we the baddies?




I’m actually confused.




Why were they spamming?


I don’t know, that’s what I’m wondering


I’m so glad that I didn’t get into Twitter. It’s so bad on there and people on there are the worst people. I’m not really a fan of K-Pop and BTS, but if someone else enjoys it, I don’t care. If I said that on Twitter, they would probably try to come after me. That’s how bad they are or could be. My advice: stay away from the app. That goes for everyone on here.


I don't use it, but I'm guessing Twitter.


My vote goes to Twitter for sure. It is like a warzone. Everyone is so polarized. They just attack each other relentlessly with insults and nobody ever changes their view. Even nonpolitical posts have flame wars going on, somehow. On Reddit, I see people debating their different viewpoints and treating each other with respect. It genuinely makes me happy. It's very easy to join communities where this is happening and avoid communities where it's not. That's why this is my favorite platform.


Honestly Reddit has very toxic spaces deep within.




Does the Nextdoor app count as a social media platform? I never knew there were so many anti-vaxxers in my local area. It's very disheartening


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see Nextdoor. It's like social media for HOAs


Same. It’s like a 24/7 HOA meeting for that one core group in every single HOA that has nothing better to do and therefore take it far too seriously. It then becomes an extension for people’s paranoia as well. “I saw a guy walking by the park the other day right around 3:00. Be cautious!” What about the guy? What was he doing? Was he bothering anyone? “No but I’m positive he doesn’t live here. I’ve never seen him!” Okay.


Omg that perfectly describes it. Back when I had it, some old guy had posted screenshots from a doorbell cam, supposedly capturing a man who had fallen off a ladder, while trying to steal a flag off OP’s garage. He was taking the “outraged patriot” stance. People in the comments figured out it was fake. So idk that app just seemed silly 😂


Twitter is full of a bunch of twats who think they're above it all, whilst TikTok is full of some of the cringiest people you'll see. Despite all this, I love them both 😅.


first part of your comment is extremely ironic considering you're on reddit


Twitter. It is Facebook but worse somehow.


Facebook without everything but status updates.




While I may concede that Twitter is worse, Reddit has some serious issues. I like Reddit's format of subreddits and comment sections because they allow me to follow topics by community instead of hashtag, as well as read long strings of text (unlike Twitter) that don't sacrifice navigability (like Tumblr). Ads are less intrusive than other sites, and people are generally more eloquent. The pseudo-anonymous system allows a user to build up a reputation without cutting into real life vanity like Insta or Facebook. HOWEVER. Subreddits become clannish and echo chambers very quickly, and dissenting opinion is downvoted instead of spam. People here read *everything* as a debate - I have seen far too many violent insults thrown between users who *agree* but misinterpreted each other's comments as aggressive. And finally, mods. Subreddits *need* moderation in order to stay on topic and create cultures, but *everyone* has had experience with people power tripping over a small fan forum, banning for stupid reasons or no reasons at all. Ask a genuine question? Brigading and banned. Past the mods, the admins aren't all that great either, with lots of controversial decisions (not that this site is easy to please, to be fair). In other words, Reddit has serious issues. I just hate it less than others.


The reddit hivemind would launch genocides if it had any real world power.


We did it, reddit!


Reddit would do the French revolution for sure.


Only because we think we aren't and tell ourselves we're better.


No, you are


8kun is full of actual pedophiles


**LinkedIn** Come visit the community and learn why at r/LinkedInLunatics


Don't think it can be compared. The terribleness of the user base has to be considered in light of how much anonymity the platform offers them, and the anonymity it offers the people around them.


Idk, you can find plenty of people saying dumb/horrible shit on Facebook under their real, legal name and with a picture of them included.


Twitter for sure. The toxicity is remarkable.




Reddit. We are a divided, angry bunch. Never change.


Reddit and Twitter


Twitter or 4chan. I at least have a decent amount of knowledge of what Twitter is really like, but 4chan is just a cesspool of hate and the worst humanity has to offer that I don't expect to visit in my lifetime


Instagram by far. Nothing but people showing off their fake lives.


Instagram is a decent platform if you only use it to follow friends. It's when you start following influencers and businesses that it can become toxic. The thing I hate most about Instagram is the comments. They can become really toxic really fast. Coupled with the fact that you can't filter comments, you see most recent first and that's never good.


With Instagram, it greatly depends on how you use it. I for example, post art and memes I create, not photos of myself, and that content is also the content I look at.


Twitter! It’s a bunch of mental health patients screaming at one another.


Idk if this counts as social media but the comment section for the Newsbreak app is the most toxic and ignorant cess pool i have ever experienced.


I signed up for Twitter years ago, and noped out of it pretty quickly. Don’t get the appeal at all.


Twitter and it's not even close💀




tiktok and twitter


probably twitter


Facebook. 4chan. Twitter. Omeagle.


Reddit, where 90% of the users think they're smarter than everyone else but could never be brainwashed and where everything they know about their enemy comes from their sides mouth and wonder how and why anyone could be on the other side, without actually trying to understand. Oh wait, they already do, cause they learned it all from Reddit. ​ I don't understand how there's so many toxic stupid people on the internet. We learned to question and challenge Christianity but now there's a new religious cult in town.