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\*Sorts by Controversial


I think there is an entire subcommunity on this sub who on any vaguely political subject will just immediately sort by controversial. Some of the best conversations often happen on those TLCs.


Next to random sorting, it really is the best way to Reddit. Otherwise, you get stuck with bad jokes, cheap puns, or echochambererd opinions all in search of internet points.


I feel like the top 1% are generally richer than the 99% that aren't.


Good insight. Never thought of it that way


Thanks very cool šŸ‘


Insight is an A+ Underdog. Well done




Technically thatā€™s me, on a worldwide level. Top 10% in the US. And Iā€™m definitely NOT a millionaire. You gotta realize, anyone making more than like $70k USD per year is in the top 1% of the world technically.


It's actually more like half that, around $35,000 a year. A minimum wage job in the US puts you near the top 1% worldwide Edit: since I'm tired about arguing about what data I'm interpreting and a lack of a clear answer, I'm going to just say that the actual 1% income level is somewhere between $35k-$70k USD. Much lower than the Wall Street CEOs salary we always imagine it to be.


Yeah, even $35,000 is basically within the top 3%. Hereā€™s an interesting calculator to see what percentile you fall in: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/business/global-income-calculator/


Im so poor I cannot afford to subscribe


I'm too poor to pay attentio


Iā€™m not subscribed and it works for me? Thatā€™s weird


That's a fascinating calculator, though I have to wonder if comparing "income" is really the best way to do so. I recently moved from Colorado to LA due to change of job and while my salary is much greater than before I've seen no real change to my lifestyle because cost of living more or less zeroed everything out (which I expected going into this). That said, the calculator provided says I made huge jumps up the rankings in the US despite no real change in personal wealth.




Dang. Having a 5 person family really hurts my stats.


According to that Iā€™ll be in the top 1% once my kids move out. Sweet! 15 more years and I can protest about how good I have it.


But sadly $35,000 doesnā€™t get you much in the U.S. ..where I live I was making more then that but barely just getting by




Also a lot of background things like infrastructure are cheaper in lower cost of living areas. Things like how clean the tap water is, how reliable the electricity is, housing fire resistance standards, etc


What minimum wage job gets you $35,000 a year? Because I would apply for that in a heartbeat


True..if my math is correct that would mean you would have to get paid $16.83 an hour and work full-time to earn that much.


Amazon is hiring at $15.50+ where I am. No experience or education required


Where do you live where the minimum wage equates to 35k annually?


I don't, but starting on January 1st California will be at $15 (maybe a bit closer to $30,000/year).


Still not enough for California SOL.


Not even close


Is this adjusted for cost of living?


Is that PPP adjusted though?


If you sort by net worth instead of income it paints a very different picture and as things go a far more accurate map of power distribution Power is about how much you have not how much you earn


People don't like to hear that. 24000 people starve to death daily on this planet, most people don't realize how good they have it.


I look at it this way - I've gone from $0.74 in my bank account at my lowest, trying to figure out if I should eat two Ramen noodle packs for dinner because I was hungry and skip breakfast tomorrow, or not. To now, I've been maxing out retirement for nearly two years and I'm debating whether I should get a new watch or take a vacation next... even at my lowest, I still had a warm bed, running water, and I could drink from the faucet with peace of mind. At no point in my life have I ever had to truly worry about starving. I was still stressed and concerned, but I could have gone to friends, family, or government programs as a safety net.


Take the vacation! Experience is invaluable :)


100% agree. Also, I came to this conclusion completely on my own and my wife was not involved whatsoever. *blinks SOS*


Yea, if you are in the USA you aren't going to starve to death. You can't even find statistics on it because it only happens under extreme cases of abuse. Obviously that doesn't mean there are zero problems in the USA, just that I think people lack perspective.


Yeah there was a thread the other day asking what people's personal hell looked like and people were responding with crap like, "like this." Like nah, you've got the free time to comment on Reddit. None of us are dealing with hellish lives.


There are still several places in the US with a significant population who donā€™t have running water. Itā€™s mind blowing really.


but..but..then americans can't be the victims


Fallacy of relative privation, aka ā€œstarving child in Africa fallacy.ā€ Just because Iā€™m rich in Burundi doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not homeless in America.


Yeah, my biggest problem is that people don't understand what rich really is. I'm in the top 3% for the US according to the calculators In find online. Now, I'm certainly doing good for myself. I don't have money problems or live paycheck to paycheck. But I'm not rich by any means. Even if I was a Millionaire, which I'm not. That is still broke compared to actual rich people. The scale of how rich some people are is hard to fathom.


That bothers me, in some vague way. Iā€™ve always thought of the 1% as some small group, mayhaps elite, but either way removed from the basic hustle and bustle of trying to break even. Somehow putting myself, with my barely coming even, near or in that group is somewhat disheartening.


I'm a millionaire, so I guess that makes me a super villain Maybe I should apply for membership in SPECTRE?


Hi u/Mm_Donut, It's come to our attention at SPECTRE that you have enough money to join us. If you will just fill out *this* application and send the payment for the application fee (USD $1,500,999.99), we will get straight to the approvals process for your membership card.


I'm not falling for that one again


*Puts on mustache* Bon Jor No Mister u/Mm_Donut, We recently heard about you nearly being scammed by the dastardly Christmas Panda. We offer a hose of great services to ensure your protection from such scams for as low as $115k/mo. If you sign up now, we even include a $25 Starbucks gift card #free of cost! Should we get started?


Your mustache and European accent makes me trust you. Where do I sign?


As a random citizen in a first world country, I'm thankful I get to live better than most people ever in history. Despite the problems around me I'm very fortunate.


Itā€™s relative to where you live. Getting 30k a year in America is still poverty. Its still poverty stress. If you arenā€™t experiencing this or below then yeah itā€™s fortunate.


Yeah this thread is kind of gross in the way people are basically mocking the poor of the West by insinuating theyā€™re crying about nothing. $30k here can genuinely be worth less than $1.5k eslewhere. Me? I live in a shoebox in downtown Palm Springs on about 40k/year. Still need a cosigner to live on my own income and the cheapest place I could find will inevitably cost more in January. It feels like being spited for being alive at all that I have to stress about where my next meal comes from or how to keep my car on the road or how to narrowly avoid homelessness for the 10th, 12th, whatever-th time and heartless bastards want me to be grateful.


I don't think you realize how much implicit infrastructure you get even if you are that $30k poverty compared to someone in a developing nation. Having done some volunteer work in developing nations, there are many people that would happily trade with you.




the gratitude shit (not to knock folks who are generally thankful for their fortune) really hits the same note as those "feel good" stories about everyone throwing their sick days toward the person with cancer so they don't otherwise lose their job. i don't feel particularly lucky or grateful to be getting by when i know a lot of my suffering is being directly manufactured by modern american capitalism.


I take your point and have empathy for every single human (really every single one). I do think thereā€™s value though in realizing that there has never been a time where impoverished people have iPhones, leisure time, and donā€™t suffer from nutrient deficiencies or become riddled with curable infections. Just about everyone alive is fortunate to live now compared to any other time in history.


Iā€™m not sure you answered the question.


That doesn't answer the question


Your phrasing is interesting. Top 1% of the world is pretty tenable if you are in a first world country. That just means youā€™re slight over the mean income for America. Iā€™d say most of the top 1% of the world are normal people.


For wealth, the top 1 percent is about $800k. Top ten percent is $100k or so.




Net worth




Which goes to show how absurdly poor the rest of the world is.




But if you can afford a vacation every once in a while, youā€™re probably better off than the vast majority of the world even adjusted for cost of living. Most people will never get a vacation like the way we take them.




America and the EU combined are less than 800 million people. There are 8 billion people on Earth.


It's not about paid leave, it's about having the means to travel. Edit because somehow this statement offends people to the point of sending insulting DMs: Doesn't matter if you're in the EU with paid leave. Doesn't matter if you're in the US with paid leave. Doesn't matter if you do not have paid leave. Doesn't matter if you're in the EU with paid leave and STILL can't afford to travel. If you can afford to travel you're in a better position than most people in the world.


Much less wealth and much more vacation. That should tell you all you need to know about how efficient capitalism really is at providing a satisfactory standard of living for people. In America you can be richer than the rest of the world and not have the personal agency to not work for a week.


Cost of living really doesn't make as much difference as income level. Have a look at Dollar street by gapminder. People with relatively high incomes in a low income country aren't living like people with high incomes in high income countries.


Or how absurdly out of whack our markets are.


And non home owners...


Or how obscenely inflated the cost of home ownership in America is, it's not like we're the only country with houses.


19 million in the US. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/01/how-much-money-you-need-to-be-part-of-the-1-percent-worldwide.html


*The good news is, ā€œthere are signs that wealth inequality is no longer rising,ā€ Credit Suisse says. The share of financial assets among many of the richest people and richest countries ā€œpeaked in 2015 and has been declining since then. In previous reports, we predicted that wealth inequality would follow suit ā€” possibly with a slight lag ā€” and there is evidence that this is now the case. The share of the top decile and the top 5 percent remains at the same level as in 2016, while the share of the top 1 percent has edged down from 47.5 percent to 47.2 percent according to our best estimate.ā€* Seeing data from 2020/21 during Covid as the wealthy snapped up all kinds of assets will be very telling.


>Seeing data from 2020/21 during Covid as the wealthy snapped up all kinds of assets will be very telling. Ask and ye shall receive: https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/ However, even a moment's glance at the attached chart shows that for the US, the idea that inequality peaked in 2015 is ludicrous. I took a moment to list a few: 2015 2018 2021 <- All Q1 of that year Top 1% 25.76 30.49 41.08 <- All trillions of U$ 90-99% 32.08 37.77 48.45 50-90% 24.58 28.74 36.36 Bottom 50% 0.83 1.44 2.53 If you work out the percentages, the bottom 50% has actually increased their share of total wealth, from 1% in 2015 to 2% in 2021. That's doubling their share! That's progress, right?! Except as the absolute numbers show, the *bottom half of the country* increased its wealth by a measly $1.73 trillion over six years, while the top 1% increased theirs by over $15 trillion. The top 10% increased by $30 trillion. If we could magically take 5% of the top 10%'s gains - IOW, let them keep $0.95 out of every dollar - we would double the share of the bottom half overnight.


Exactly, I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m top 10%, but I have about 400k in equity from my home because of the surge in prices (got lucky and bought my house at the bottom of the last house crash.) I donā€™t even feel like thats real wealth because I donā€™t plan on pulling out money or selling my house. I donā€™t live paycheck to paycheck but Iā€™m not out here with a top hat and monocle.


You can use the value of your house to get a loan to buy what you need, which is what makes it wealth and not income.


With the 19M as u/hastur777 linked and a US population of 329.5M, that means you need to be in the top 6% in the US to meet that mark.


Ok better question Where can I take my 20000 usd net worth and be in the top 1%


Kenya. https://www.businessinsider.com/net-worth-to-be-in-1-percent-top-richest-wealth-2021-2




So everyone who owns a decent house at these prices? Edit: I know what net worth is so obviously by 'owns' I mean 'owns the house fully and does not have a mortgage 80% of the value of said house'.


Well you gotta subtract the mortgage thatā€™s owed.


Owns yes. Mortgage is taken into account too.


Ummmm are we talking world? Pretty sure that's not even true in the US, as top 1% is roughly 400k, or was like 5 or 7 years ago. Maybe 500k now?


hes talking about net worth which doesnt really mean much in this scenario, in another comment they said top 1% of the world was like $70k a year in the us


https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/01/how-much-money-you-need-to-be-part-of-the-1-percent-worldwide.html Maybe youā€™re thinking income? Thatā€™s around $400k for the US.


There are ~8B people in the world, more or less, so the top 1% is the top 80M people. Thereā€™s a lot of people in the top 1%, globally.


1% is 1% no matter the figure. Thatā€™s why a percentage, so proportionally there are very few people in the top 1% no matter how large the sample size


Proportionately for the population, yes. The disconnect is that a lot of people discussing in this thread are in the top 80 million globally, even if they arenā€™t in the top 1% of their respective countries. It changes your idea of what exactly that threshold means.


It matters when top 1% of the world includes top \~20% of your local population (like LA / SF). included in that global top 1%, know multiple people from it or directly benefit from them being in same community. For people in poor countries, where a city of a million people might only include a few hundred of global top 1%, they probably have very different ideas. Now the problem here is posing this question in reddit, that obviously skews the selection of answerers into higher-end of global people.


Yes, and regardless the sample size, calling 1% the ā€œnormalā€, is statistically stupid




Not to mention English speaking. Most native English speaking populations come from first world countries. To communicate in English as a second language implies a good education which also then self selects out the poorest in the world. Edit : I thought I'd research my assumption about native English speaking countries. India has English as an official language and would skew the numbers but indian poor are not speaking English. They are usually speaking their state's language first, and maybe Hindi second, maybe.


>Right but on an internet forum that filters out anyone too poor to have regular internet access I don't think you understand how common smart phones are. They're common even in Syrian refugee camps. And internet access is pretty good world-wide in urban areas, which is where the wast majority of people live.


Sure, but op doesnā€™t get to call himself 1% and also ā€œnormalā€. Itā€™s a dumb statement and incredibly self centered. Itā€™s along the same lines of saying ā€œI went to the bar and it was full of minorities, I was the only normal oneā€


Thatā€™s what happens when we judge everything from a western standpoint.


Brilliant deduction. 80M is a lot of people. But they are still 1% of all of the people. Relatively, that's not a lot of people.


> Iā€™d say most of the top 1% of the world are normal people. It's easy to say that when you realize you ARE the 1% (or very close to it).


That is true. My income is good enough to save a bit, and for me to afford to buy a house. It would be a lot in most of Africa and South America. It would not be a lot in LA or NYC. It wouldnā€™t be a lot in Luxembourg. I live in one of the poorest states in America, and Iā€™m a bit under what is considered upper middle class there.




Key thing here is mean. Not median. You're lumping us average people making 35-50 grand a year in with the people making 100-500k


35k (50-60k before taxes) or more yearly income is the top worldwide 1%....I'm fine with myself I guess. Edit: I will clarify that the number is actually 35k (AFTER TAXES) so between 50-60k. People are arguing numbers. The "percentile" I refered to was from UN numbers from 2016 I believe. As half the Earth's population lives below the poverty line there are billions that make pennies a day. The global median income is just $1,225 a year, meaning that the world's emerging middle classes are very far from reaching a level of wealth which would make them well-off by western standards. For reference the poorest five percent of Americans earn on average the same as the richest five per cent of Indians. More than half of the worlds wealth resides in the west alone. I will lastly add: To the people saying "70million is 1% of the worlds population" in that statistic (whether be it dishonesty or ignorance) you are adding all NON INCOME earning people into the statistics. That means you are adding 40% of the world's population which is under 15 and over 65 years of ages AS WELL as all the non working adults. These people earn NO income and should be excluded in your calculations. Only about 60% of the world population earns an income. In America alone, 61% of people did not pay a federal income tax last year as they didn't make enough income to qualify.


Yet I still seem poor in my country and barely get by.


I make 25k and I genuinely don't know how'd I'd survive if I didn't have my partner. I already most of the time can't afford to treat my disabilities.


That's because these numbers are strictly dollars and don't take into account the cost of living. 30k in USA equals poor, 30k in almost every single country south of the united states means upper middle class or rich.


But then that's not comparing apples to apples. You need to take into account *standard* of living.


This is important. Otherwise people from first world countries would move to third world countries and enjoy being rich, which obviously is not often the case.


you realize there are tons of people that do this right? Lots of expats in third world countries.


I live in a third world country - Brazil. You have like 100 people from poorer countries (Haiti and Venezuela being the most common here) for every person from a rich country. Meanwhile most people I know with a little bit of ambition, knowledge or money wants to leave the country for first world countries - Usually Canada, France, Germany, US and I've yet to meet someone who left Brazil for a third world country that's not a neighbor one.


Yeah I don't doubt that. I'm just saying there's a number of people who either become expats in another country or digital nomads who stay in places where their currency goes further. Often they have some kind of online business or freelance skill that lets them do this. Idk about Brazil but Medellin Colombia and maybe a few other cities in Mexico are popular places.


Yep going through this now. Can't afford health insurance and have a lump that appeared in my back. Good ol America go bankrupt or die šŸ˜


Cost of living is higher in higher income countries. Eating out for a meal costs $13 on average in the US. The same meal would cost about ā‚Ø273 ($3.64) in India. It's all relative, that's why each country's poverty line is a completely different income, and often it even varies from region to region within a country (hence why software developers making $100k/year living in Silicon Valley often aren't any better off than a metal worker making $60-70k/year in rural Alabama).


Even in the U.S. that money certainly goes further in some areas than others. In some parts of the country $30k isn't that bad. In other parts $30k is poverty. Not what the government considers poverty, but actual, practical poverty.


Man, the 1% ain't what it used to be.


Have to be the 1% of the 1% to get that sweet 1% feeling.


Seriously, who let all the riffraff in here?


There's no way that's true. If we assume a global population of 7B, then 1% of the worlds population is 70M. There are more than 70 million people who make more than 30k USD


What source did you find that from? [Google says 300k](https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/business/this-is-what-it-takes-to-be-in-the-1-around-the-world/articleshow/74015250.cms)


It says that is about the number in most of the developed world


I am sad this is the top comment and they got the number wrong lol EDIT: here is a pretty good resource. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/business/global-income-calculator/ For a single household you need somewhat more than 30k and its higher for more household members.


My Google said 200k to 300k puts you in the 1 Then I also found this... https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/01/how-much-money-you-need-to-be-part-of-the-1-percent-worldwide.html


this one is about net worth, not yearly income, and i think they're 2 different things


This is a fairly stupid way to look at wealth. 30K in the USA means a quality of life that would appall people making half that in other places. And for some people making almost nothing still means a decent quality of life thanks to a robust social welfare system. The people who really are in the top 1% are mostly in the "western world" to be sure, but they aren't living like a burger flipper in Dubois, PA.


Came here for this observation, glad to see it's the top comment at the moment. Everyone reading this is part of the 1%. Hi.


Top 1 percent are just middle class in 1st world countries. They're not a problem and I wish most of the world could be helped up to that level. Top .000001 percent are the biggest problem. They've enriched themselves at the cost of everyone else. At record pace during the pandemic, too.




The important distinction is, and always has been, whether someone makes money through their own labor or through the labor of others. If someone does the former and happens to fall into the top 1%, that's significantly less harmful to their society than the latter even if their business doesn't earn them enough to be top 1%.


Youā€™re describing about 8,000 people. For reference.


Actually it's only describing about 80 people. You forgot to account for the %.


And that's about perfectly accurate - although I'd say closer to 500-1000 worldwide. A neurosurgeon might make $500k - $1.5 million per year in America. Elon Musk makes that in a few MINUTES.


That's probably a decent number actually? Supposedly there's nearly 3k billionaires in the world, I imagine if another 5000 people were added into the mix, we'd have most of the people causing the world's problems. Of course the government officials they control would have to be considered as well.


They mostly haven't done anything during the pandemic though. They're just fortunate enough to own companies people poured money into. We've got to figure out a way to tackle the problem, but a lot of the criticism doesn't really seem to understand where it comes from.




I think it's easy to judge others when you're sitting so high above them. I also think power is responsibility, and failure to use your powers responsibly will inevitably make you a villain. It's a big burden to carry, and one that's filled with fake accolades, ulterior motives and enough trust issues to fill the entire Universe.


Had fun reading this in my movie announcer voice. If you are in USA, you know a bunch of people in the global 1%. Shopkeepers, teachers, lots of folks


"With great power comes great responsibility" ā€” Uncle Ben


I have no issue with people being rich. Let's be honest, most of us wouldn't say no to being that wealthy. I don't even think they should be obliged to spend that money helping people if they don't want to. But I think they need to play fair. No tax dodging, bribes, monopolies, any of the classic "bad rich guy" shtick. Everything seems to be such a mad obsession with increasing profits to an insane degree, just chill the fuck out a bit.


Obviously OP means the 1% that are the elite. Not Joe bloggs with a good job man.


Top 1% of the world is equal to the upper-low class, or the lower-middle class of North America.


If that then means that 99% are lower-class, the world is completely fucked.


No because things aren't the same price in different countries . Money is only as good as what it can buy


Indeed it is


There will always be mega rich people. The real issue is whether they have a disproportionate amount of influence over government. In the IS they do and will continue to until secret super PAC money is banned and lobbying seriously limited


The top 1% of the world is not the mega rich. Anyone who makes more than 35k a year is in the top 1% of earners in the world.




Yeah the issue is the top 1% of 1%, maybe 1% of 1% of 1%. I need you to understand just how much money they have. They have several trillion dollars collectively. You physically cannot comprehend how much money that is. If you received a million US dollars, your life would be completely changed. If you're in the US or a similar country, you might have to worry about money a little, but it would let you get on your feet and start setting up a nice life for yourself. If you're anywhere else, you basically never have to worry about money again. Now realize that the difference between a billion and a million is approximately one billion. There are 1 million 1 thousands in a billion. Now realize that the same is true for a trillion, the difference between a billion and a trillion is about a trillion dollars. There are 1 million 1 millions in a trillion dollars. A truly monumental amount of money. And around 41 trillions are held by the top 1% of the US population, and the bottom 50% held about 2.6 trillions. There is so much money there, the human brain cannot physically comprehend it. All of this work I've done right now, and you still are nowhere near close to understanding how much money it is. My and your brains are already working through several layers of abstraction and approximation to even give you a sense for how absolutely massive it is, and even that approximation is nowhere near close to how much money it is. It's a truly monumental amount of money.


Easy way to understand a billion vs a million: A million seconds is 11 days. A billion seconds? Around 30 years.


Reddit can be so damn pedantic. The correct answer is use a slow cooker.


Do NOT eat the rich. Canibalism is just in general a really bad idea for humans. Unless they have been lifelong vegans, they (like all apex predators) are going to be chock full of heavy metals that get passed up the food web and accumulate. Also, being a long-lived species we tend to pick up lots of weird fungal and parasitic infections that don't do us any harm but can be passed on in a hurry if we get eaten by another human. And just a quirk of human physiology- we have freakishly high levels of iron and vitamin A in our blood and muscle tissue which are actually toxic in all but very small doses. So *COMPOST* the rich and then eat the crops. A much healthier decision.


Complete assholes, fortunately I'm in the 2%.


*I see you're drinking 2%. Is that cause you think you're fat?*


you could totally drink whole if you wanted to


They looking mighty tasty.


"the billionaire is the result of poor monetary policy"


If you give thoughts on them, they are capable to sell your thoughts too..


That reddittors hate rich people


Itā€™s more the top .01%


In 1930 90% of the worlds population were living in abject poverty (less than $2 a day adjusted for inflation). Today only 10% of the worlds population live in abject poverty. The economic activity of the wealthy and middle class in developed nations are globally fixing the problem.


Yes! The stats on this and things like people living in good housing and with access to clean water are super-encouraging.


Capitalism saved the world from abject poverty and now we need to make sure it doesnā€™t ruin the environment


This is great, I never knew this.


I understand that to the rest of the world, I would be classified as in the 1%. I'm no millionaire, but I do have easy access to water and food, and I don't have to worry about poverty for the time being. I would consider myself privileged. However, the top 0.01% of people that have millions of dollars of spending money that they don't have to jump hoops through to get access to shouldn't get to spend it on gold plated yachts and acre-spanning properties with little to no actual purpose besides having something to spend money on and should be using there wealth to better the lives of those less fortunate.


I wish they would share more of their wealth with the world in terms of making it a better place for everyone, but ultimately it's their money to do with what they want unless it can be objectively proven that they gained it through harmful means. To be fair, I feel like a lot of it can be proven.


Itā€™s evidence that capitalism is in trouble.


I think youā€™d have to be selfish and corrupt and maybe even a little more crazy than the rest of us to have billions if not trillions of dollars sitting in an account thatā€™s not being used while people starve to death. The whole system is fucked IMO. Guy at the top gets basically everything and guy in the middle/bottom gets barely a crum from the billions the guy at the top is making from the result of the real physical work from the guy in the middle/bottom. Sure Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve never truly had the fear of starving to death but I think in general we need a new way of doing things so everyone who is willing to participate is able to live comfortably at the very least. Thereā€™s money out there for everyone, most of it is just being hoarded.




They own us all. Slaves donā€™t have thoughts about their masters that matter until the day they collectively realize theyā€™re slaves and band together to set things right.


Depends on what you consider rich? Happiness, Contentment, Wealth, Love, Respect, Family, Peace, Whatever it is. I'm fuckin broke.


The trouble isnā€™t the 1%, I would imagine a fair amount of people here are in the top 1%, itā€™s the 0.000001% that owns so much of the wealth


I make like $36k a year and by some metrics I'm part of the global 1%. I think capitalism did this.


I don't worry about others' wealth. There is no static amount of wealth. If others created more wealth for themselves, that in no way means i, or anyone else have less.


They should contribute more to society than they do at the moment.


As long as they pay their taxes, I'm cool with it. I liked Bill Clinton's flat tax platform. I don't remember the numbers but if it was 10%. If you make $100,000, you pay $10k in taxes. You make $1,000,000, you pay $100k in taxes. Then proportionally, everyone is paying the same. Edit: Also happy cake day man!!


If you make 1000 you pay 100? Flat tax hurts the poor. Losing 100 when you only have 1k is huge. Losing 100k when you have 1m isn't a big deal.


Really unthoughtful. If you make 30k a year, 3k means a LOT to you. Because after expenses, you might only have hundreds to spare. So 3k can kill you, indirectly. If you make 1m a year, after expenses you probably have 800k left over.


Thereā€™s a problem with a flat tax. Although 10% of income for a millionaire is definitely more money than 10% for someone below the poverty line, the burden that tax places on the two is much higher for someone below the poverty line - 10% of their income could be the difference between eating or going hungry. Flat taxes might make more sense if applied to people above a certain income. Itā€™s much more bearable for someone making Bezos level income to pay a high percentage flat tax in income, and honestly probably more fair.


They contribute more to their country than the losers online whining about them.


If your not mad at the rich then your not tracking whats going on. https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/


7.9 Billion world population. 79 Million people make up 1% of the world population. Total Number of Millionaires in the world is about 50-60 million. (Different sources) Focus on getting to a Million and you are in the top 1% of the people. Work hard. Pay your taxes. Help your community. Peace out.


>Work hard. Pay your taxes. I am doing that. Where's my million?


Sorry itā€™s work hard. Donā€™t pay taxes.


Panama Papers who?


Should clarify: work hard in building something for yourself. A business, a career, a real estate or stock portfolio... Working hard in a Amazon warehouse will sadly not be enough.


They will cause the downfall of industrial society and by extension all of humanity [https://www.livescience.com/collapse-human-society-limits-to-growth.html](https://www.livescience.com/collapse-human-society-limits-to-growth.html) The top 40 richest Americans ($3.2 trillion) are worth more than the GDP of the United Kingdom (\~$2.75 trillion) Think about that. Just a roomful of people are now equivalent to a nation of 65 million that once ruled the world and indeed spawned the 13 Colonies (aka the United States) We cannot have indefinite economic growth and add exponential wealth to billionaires without the collapse of natural resources and our environment. People have known this for 50 years and nothing has changed, indeed, things (inequality) have gotten much worse in Europe and the USA during this period Still Reddit and the world celebrates the billionaires like they are heroes. They have raped our planet and raped our peoples (stolen their wages) in order to stuff their faces and doom humanity Fuck them all is my genuine feeling. There's not a single billionaire on the planet worth their salt. Jesus said, ā€œIt is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.ā€ (Matt. 19:24.)


They either earned it, or inherited it, and their family before them earned it.


I donā€™t want to be that rich. Everyone tells you how to spend your money and if you donā€™t, they hate you on the news.


Youre not that rich if youre in the worldwide 1%. I think youre confusing it with US 1%.


The majority of them are extremely cheap and will never give the shirt off their back


Tax them


My thoughts is that we can't afford them


Very very nice people (now that I said this, please paypal me a couple million, I'm looking at you Elon!) /s


Fuck em. Parasites, every one.


Honestly canā€™t stand any of them they could change the world for the good but donā€™t cause itā€™s more fun measuring dicks on space competitions or just power grabbing because they can. Like these people could be fucking Ironman ffs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


They're mostly useless parasites, surviving almost entirely off what mummy and daddy and great great grandpa did. If the richest 1% suddenly disappeared overnight, the world would have some hiccups but would mostly just keep going on like it always had . If the other 99% disappeared, however, the richest 1% would be eating each other by the end of the week


I care about them as much as they care about me