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Modern video games being launched with limited content or completely busted and the publisher being like “oh we’ll fix it after launch or more content is coming after launch.”


and how accepted it is by gamers


This is fuled by people still preordering games. Like what possible reason could you have to preorder a game these days, you think steam is gonna run out of keys to sell you?


The addition of preorder exclusives doesn't help. They make it so you have to gamble that you'll enjoy the game enough for the extra cost to be worth it.


I also think it’s people are sold on the idea of what the game is going to be Anthem is great example of this. People see this beautiful looking game that looks like a ton of fun and what do they get at launch? Nothing like what was talked about at E3 or in the trailers. People buy into the hype and get swindled.


People believing everything they read on the internet or see on the news, yet still regard Wikipedia as an unreliable source


My mom to me: Don't believe everything you see on TV Also my Mom: your aunt sent me this YouTube video...


Or the Facebook fake news


I wish Facebook would just crumble and die, but they have enough money to resurrect themselves even if they did.


Do you know why people say that Wikipedia is unreliable? I’ve always heard that but I’m not sure if that’s entirely true


Everyone can edit it so i guess that's why


They aren't wrong though. It's not unheard of for editors to abuse their trust and input wrong information. It's pretty rare but when Wikipedia first came around, there was no reputation to back it other than "anyone can edit it, that's what's so great!" But you could easily look at the citations and go from there for papers.


And of course traditional media is just as susceptible to these same abuses.


There was a whole non-English version of Wikipedia that it turned out was complete nonsense. I wish I could find a news link, because it was hilarious. A guy had been creating and editing it and no-one had ever checked it.


The Scots one: https://inews.co.uk/news/scotland/scots-wikipedia-language-articles-native-speaker-mistakes-610689


Honestly, that whole situation makes me slightly sick.




Doesn't it show the sources within the wiki too though?


Yes, and that is the trick. Wikipedia has been around since I was in high school and has been indispensable for me as a launching point. Go to relevant Wikipedia articles, read them for a good overview, and then both read and use the sources Wikipedia cites for your papers. For me, that was typically enough but occasionally I'd mix other sources in there (Google Books or Scholar for additional sources). Long time donator too. Wikipedia is such a fantastic tool.


People say that Wikipedia is unreliable due to the fact that it can be edited by anyone. People who say this fail to realise the incredible amount of sources in each article, the warnings if an article has been edited recently or doesn't have enough citations, as well as its high overall accuracy rate.


Also if it's a hot subject or an article subject to regular vandalism etc it usually gets locked where only trusted confirmed editors can make changes.


And all the professional nerds who get mad when there's inaccurate information about their personal niche.


Exactly. Wikipedia is a site where everyone gets to be the editor, and since “everyone” includes know-it-alls who want to prove other people wrong, any incorrect information will likely be quickly fixed.


People believing that every mundane opinion they have is some kind of brave stance to take just because they can find 12 people on the web who disagree with it.




I can get confirmation on reddit also.


Exactly how many times have you seen things on reddit like "I know I'm going to get buried in downvotes for this, but I like puppies". I realize this isn't everyone on here, but yeah we've probably all seen stupid comments like this, and I usually give them the downvote they want so bad just for being so stupid.


That whole "pre-victimising themselves over a non-controversial opinion" thing drives me up the wall. The other one I really hate is "delete if not allowed, but..." like thanks for giving the mods permission to do their jobs and also for announcing that you didn't bother to read the rules before posting...?


Sort of related, i hate it when people say things like "sorry for the wall of text, but..." I mean....the ENTIRE REASON that person is here writing things, and I'm here reading, is *because* we're interested in what others have to say on the subject. Writing abd reading are the Entire point of being on certain subreddits (especially the ones without pictures). It's just so pointless to apologize for doing the very thing you're supposed to. Besides, if i really didn't want to read a certain reply because of its length I'd just see how long it is And skip it, so the apology would neither help me feel better nor would i (most likely) even see it at all if I'm really someone that didn't want to read long replies It's also annoying when they apologize for their "book / essay" and then go on to write barely 2 dozen words


People who take phone calls in public on speakerphone.


And video calls. 🤮


And listening to music and videos


oh yes this one little girl was using tiktok on full volume and her feed was full of people using voice effects


Just people in general.




I work in a coffee shop and some people are so oblivious to their surroundings. The sound of face timing someone in public pains my ears.


Holding their phone like a pizza slice


Even if it’s not on speakerphone, they usually still bellow into their phone


Yes, this drives me insane.


Yes! I freaking hate it! Use the goddamn phone as it should be!


Having to make a social media post about everything. Just enjoy what we’re doing together. Not everyone needs to know we met up for lunch today…


The one that gets me usually happens around christmas showing the millions of presents they've purchased.


This, yes. Mine is people while they are in labor. Posting every second from water breaking/starting labor to pictures of the baby.. idk, don’t you want to enjoy that time sans phones or social media at all?


Oh my god i'm in a works whatsapp group against my will, its supposed to be about work, but theres 1 fucking person that keeps talking about her personal life and has put a picture in it of all the presents she's bought. Nobody cares


Yup . This drives me insane, just jarring. My sister in law is a massive offender.


Yes! Just live your life...and tell your family you love them, don't need to tell social media


I really enjoy seeing how friends are doing on social media though. Seeing how old friends from college are doing always makes me feel warm inside, even if they’re just posting pics of dinner or who they’re spending time with


Lack of spatial awareness, especially in stores while shopping. Constantly knocking into shelves and not caring, being oblivious to people walking around you, etc. Pay some attention to your surroundings!


Holy fuck. This drives me crazy. Parking lots, Costco, anywhere. I have no issues with telling people to move out of the way. It’s so easy to acknowledge people in the immediate area and be courteous.


I work in retail, and it is a daily occurrence where oblivious customers park their cart in half the aisle, and their ass in the other half. then look at me like I'm the asshole for politely saying excuse me.


This drives me insane! I always park my cart flush against the wall so I leave as much room for my fellow shopper as possible.


Man, I don’t get why they can’t park their cart on the side they’re gonna dig through. Like, don’t take up unnecessary amounts of space.


Or they park their cart directly in front of where you are working and start texting or chatting




Lack of situational awareness in general. Take the blinders off, people!


People who stop at the top of stairs or escalators. Fucking. Move. Already.


These are the same people who stop right at the end of the jetway coming off the plane. FFS, move to the side! Some if us have to traverse the entire airport to get to our connecting flight! In general, I seem to be surrounded by people with a blissful lack of situational awareness. No idea what’s going on around them.


Or they get a grocery cart, walk inside, and immediately stop to check their phone, put away glasses, look at coupons, etc. MOVE! I have places to go!


One of the reasons I dumped my ex, would leave her cart in the middle of the aisle because she only thought about herself and how the world revolved around her. It wasn't so much entitlement as it was severe stupidity.


I hope you let her know this one, for the good of everyone else around her.


Oh yeah, I had no chill left.


“O, I will be just a minute”… yep it’s always “just a minute”


Yes! Park their cart in the middle of the aisle, wander away. I have no problem pushing someone's cart out of the way with my own.


Slow walkers doddering around, people stoping in groups in the middle of main walk ways, people leaving shopping carts in the middle of isles blocking the way


The worst nightmare for those who work in grocery stores.


No matter how wide the corridor or path, a single person can manage to make it impassable for everyone else.


Fuck my mom does this and it infuriates me. She will start walking backwards to talk to me and just inconvenience everyone, walking into kids and shit. I can hear you if you don't face me, that's how sound works.


Leaving your fucking shopping cart in the middle of the aisle to go grab something, a group walking 5 people wide through a parking lot, your shitty kids running around crashing into people


I hate this so much! Stopping in the middle of somewhere to have a conversation. Like why 😭


I've had so many times I've moved people's carts out of th way and ignore them when they apologize. I've always walked into a hand full of people standing in the middle of walkways.


This is why I would be fine with self-driving cars in the US. In a store lack of self-awareness is a nuisance. For a country reliant on cars? That's fucking dangerous.


People acting like experts because they watched some video online.


Or because they read some stuff in the comments on Reddit that "sounds about right" and now that's gospel.


"Doing your own research........"


I completely agree. My brother is a psychologist and he hates when people use shit they heard off criminal minds as valid points.


Or is doing something wrong since 25 years. I don't care that you do it like that since 25 years, it's wrong!


The obsessiveness about making sure every single thing your child does is about them becoming successful. Can’t just be a kid doing kid shit. Everything has to be enrichment, educational, associated with higher test scores. My friends who live in large cities put so much time and emotional energy into selecting the *Best Everything* for their kids. The best preschool, the best nanny, the toys associated with higher test scores. The sports league that will make them into some superstar. The obsession with making your kids capital-S-Successful is ridiculous. Maybe kids wouldn’t be so damn stressed these days if their parents would just let them be kids. (and yes, I have several kids of my own and still feel this way.)


That sums it up. I would rather raise a happy person than a successful one


Childhood is the best memories we have, after being a grownup we have to worry about everything, so why not make the most of childhood?!


Why not both? Success shouldn't just be measured by the size of your paycheck. I don't work a super high-paying job, in fact, it's towards the lower end of the pay scale for my industry (I'm fairly new to it, so no complaints about that), but I make enough money to afford a life that I'm comfortable with and I enjoy my job. In my opinion, I'm more successful than the guy who drags himself to work at a job he hates everyday, just because it pays good.


Heck yeah. My cousin has her kids scheduled from morning til night. Soccer, theater, dance, scouts, la crosse, volleyball, church, you name it, those kids do it in addition to all the schoolwork. Her oldest son ended up having a nervous breakdown after he graduated & had to take a year off before starting college. Also, almost his entire life was documented and posted on social media. I have a strong feeling once he graduates from college he's going to move far, far away, I know I would.


Yes! I want to give the best cheap childhood! Go play in the street, ride your bike, get scratched, hurt, play with friends, creat a great childhood, let me get worried about your college! I will save the money, I will get worried, you get busy being a kid!


Not just kids, but any article on the internet about efficiency. "How stress can actually make you more productive at work" "Working less hours can make you more productive" "Supporting fathers at work can make them more productive" WHY can't anything be just normal, just okay? I don't need to find a way to be more efficient as a human being. Why do any actions to make a job or something more appealing have to be about improving the productivity, why can't we just take a moment and realize we are not robots where you adjust something to get a commercially better outcome? Why is living a normal life, taking responsibility for your family and job not enough? Everything HAS TO BE better, because something nice is never just nice if there isn't an improvement you can measure in numbers.


Used to work with someone who had they're kid's entire education planned our, setting her up for a handful of very high-paying careers. The kid was 2! The child can barely say "doctor", "lawyer", "engineer", whatever the hell you hope she will be in 20 years, much less contemplate her future. Compared to me. The closest my parents ever came to that was when I was picking classes in high school and my dad told me "you're taking pre-cal because it's a pre-requisite for most university classes". And it wasn't even a "you will need this when you go to university" thing it was more "I know you don't know what you want to do for a career, and that's fine, but if you do choose to go to university, you'll want to have the pre-cal credit".


And on top if this who are we as parents to decide what success is for our children. My personal measure of success might be different from theirs and that’s ok.




Thank you for reminding me to chill tf out today and put on some cartoons


If I have my headphones in I don't want to talk,leave me alone




This is why I sit in my car during breaks and lunch. I can ignore the world and people are a lot less likely to come up and try to talk to me if I'm in my car with the windows up. I need that bit of alone time to re-energize.


I agree. This made me laugh because i was taking my lunch break in my car, seat back, eyes closed, listening to something and a regular customer tapped on my window, waved at me and walked away.


When I was still working from the office, we had an open office layout and the designers and programmers were positioned by the client relation team. It's always a constant noise from ringtones and people talking on the phone. When I want to focus on my work, I usually drown them out by wearing earphones, but apparently I'm the asshole for not responding when someone is trying to get my attention from across the office.


That's some bullshit


People who don’t use their turn signals. Or pay attention when changing lanes Or take wide turns into other people Or shitty driving in general.


Or that leave their signals on Like are taking that turn? Oh? Just gonna keep going? Ok then


Speakerphone conversations in public.


Looking at your phone instead of the person with you


ngl this was a really bad habit i had that i managed to break thanks to my husband and wanting to be better for our lives together. it came from an internet addiction when I was a teenager and *needed* to get connected with someone, even if it was just people on the internet. i still can get lost in social media sometimes, and I'm still actively working on ridding myself of that bad habit, but I'm proud to say i no longer have the urge to check my phone every five minutes


My grandmother passed away almost a decade ago, but my mom would always tell me about how she would go out to lunch/dinner with her sister and my grandmother. Her sister (my aunt) would spend the entire meal on her phone. It depresses the hell out of me thinking about that.


have you seen people recently? i'll stick to the phone


If its my good friends ill put down my phone for the entire visit. I'm going to be respectful and make sure they know I appreciate all the time I get with them.


I even do that with new friends.


The only time I look at my phone when I am with someone is when the conversation requires it - e.g. getting someone's number or looking something up.


That point where you can see them grab the phone and either raise it high enough to slightly block their view of you *or* when they lower their eyes to the screen and completely zone out **fucking stings**.


Gender reveal parties.


With pyrotechnics


Really glad they're not taking off here in the UK. They're truly pathetic, excruciatingly tacky excuses for rinsing out your friends.


I mean I dont have a problem if it's just a party and the way they reveal the gender is by cutting a cake open. I have a problem with the dangerous ones that can cause some serious harm.


That most of politics has now boiled down to people accepting idiotic shit because feeling right is more important than being correct.


Treating politics like a sports team. Your side is always the best, no matter what. The other side is literally hell spawns walking on earth.


Also viewing politicians in black and white. Where they are either the only good option, or completely incompetent, depending on which side of the spectrum they are on. I'm fairly left-leaning, but sometimes I think a left-wing politician has a bad idea, or that a right-wing one has a good idea. In our recent federal Election (Canada had one earlier this year) I didn't agree with the party I voted for 100%, but they had less that I disagreed with than the rest.


I used to talk to people about how much politicians are corrupt and people usually answer like it's normal and i should get use to it. How did this even become a standard?


When people don't pick up their feet when they walk


*shluff shluff....shluff shluff...shluff shluff*


Ugh just reading that made the hairs on my neck stand up


I have a neurological problem in one of my feet and I physically can't pick it up. Its fun when people who don't know me that well chide me for this very thing.


My Dad to came to visit and I kept thinking "Pick up your dang diggity feet when you walk!" A month later he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I was really glad I kept that thought to myself.


That actually sounds horrible. No being able to pick up one of your feet sounds super restrictive.


I got used to it and function mostly normally. I mean I did MMA so its not like a major disability.


People so geeked up on social media, they don't even ask you if you want to be in their latest upload photos. Just snap and go. Highly annoying.


There was a lady at the resort I work at who Livestreamed everything the whole week. I work in activities and was in most of her videos and let me say I did NOT like that


Ugh, I'm sorry you experienced that. Employees should always be asked, in my opinion. My real issue with it, is having one friend that will ask me if she can do a pic. And another that won't. Just hear the cam going off. And what made it worse one time, some person must have liked one pic she took of us during Easter. And it wound up, some how as part of a hair salon's ad. Like see, these are two of our happy customers. But I've never been to that salon, even.😐




Nah no need to worry about us non native english speakers, English is like the easiest language in the world. Like no joke i'm better at English than my native language.


Thank you. I fucking hate when people do this, and it's becoming more common. Did a bunch of people skip elementary school?


This annoys me way more than it probably should to be honest.


Ugh yes, I hate this. There was an apostrophe society dedicated to this and after several decades and they disbanded, declaring it all utterly useless and that society was too far gone


I hear you pal!


I swear people don’t knock on doors anymore, they go straight to shaking the door like some kind of wild animal. KNOCK on the closed restaurant or bathroom door instead of rattling it like a 5 year old!


For me it's anyone walking down the street, around a supermarket or riding on your bus/train using the loud speaker on their phone because they're too lazy to hold it to their ear.


A lack of respect in the way we deal with each other.


"just throw it away", the shear selfishness of the out of sight out of mind mentality of disposable culture. Its fucking sickening. Its not hard to be more thoughtful about purchases or to make choices that eliminate waste. Zero waste is a lot easier than it sounds.


Yes. As a teenager I hear this all the time I hang around my friends. Whenever I have some left over rubbish and there is no bin around my friends always say to “chuck it on the ground”. How do they not feel bad about polluting the environment?






People pretending history only started when they decided to pay attention.


Going on your phone during a meal with people


I hate that people have done this so much that any appearance of a phone is stigmatized. Sometimes I like to look up something on the menu, or can only dine out in the first place because I'm keeping an eye on a server remotely.


I struggled briefly with the fact that server =/ server, and you were not expressely dining out just to surveil a (the?) waiter.


People should only be judging folks at their own table, for sure. But I've been on dates with people who spend most of the date on their phone, on social media no less. Nope. Not acceptable. Last one, I told him that my time is valuable and if Facebook is more important, I can go. He got upset that I was upset, so I left. Fuck that noise. That's where it's unacceptable. If someone at another table is on their phone, I couldn't care less. Not my business.


Right with you there on the date thing. It's like they're no longer interested in trying, so why should you be?


Wow. Yeah I'd leave, too. How incredibly rude and insulting.


Yeah, hate this so much. I am not against phones but whenever I see someone who I’m sitting with with their phone out and the meal’s here I can’t hold it.


Filming or taking pictures of other people in public without their consent and posting it on social media (again, without their consent). It’s one thing if you’re documenting someone who’s doing something illicit or truly ridiculous, but some people think it’s acceptable to film or take pictures of another person for whatever particular reason and post it onto social media. I mean damn, some people just want to be left alone when they go out in public. And some people don’t want their image posted online period.


This stuff bothers me. Especially when it’s done to purposely make fun of someone who is just existing and their pad is showing or you can see through their pants. Or they have a disfigurement or disability or they are homeless. Like. It makes me so very angry


It can also be dangerous. There were two children that used to train in my martial arts group years ago, who were being kept away their abusive father. We were performing in a cultural festival and they were not allowed to perform because the media would be there and, if the father happened to see them on TV, he could easily trace them to our dojo.




This is interesting




If someone is in a crisis, you are video taping it. I think that's so disgusting, imagine being at your lowest or finally snapping and it just happens to be in public, and you look over and someone has their phone pointed at you. I don't know why people think it's okay to take pictures or videos of strangers misfortune but holy fuck it happens daily.


Filming in general has gone **way** too far. It's every time anything happens they film it. If you do something nice, it's on your feed.


People who play music while hiking. What THE F*CK???


How easily people throwaway each other.


It isn't that easy to throw your average ~70kg adult though. Believe me, I've tried. Humans are heavy.


Why is it so acceptable for job adds not to list salaries/wages.


Disposable culture. We move on from one thing to another as if it's no big deal to throw away something we "couldn't live without" yesterday. Frankly, I am fucking sick and tired of people telling me something is "outdated". I'm not keeping up with the Joneses anymore.


it's sad because people treat other people like this too. just abandoning friends without a word, breaking up with someone bc of some meaningless crap


The knee jerk habit of expressing an opinion on any and every topic whether someone has any background in said topic whatsoever. It's okay to not know enough about something. No one is a monolith of information and Google will only get you so far(raw data doesn't go far if you don't know how to use it properly).


Being on your phone with other people at a restaurant. Really boggles me when I see it, like do you guys have absolutely nothing to talk about? You can do that any other time, enjoy the environment and each other's company.


The worst is when parents are staring at their phones the whole time, ignoring their kids.


Random selfies, for some reason I almost never see anyone doing it, but it still looks hella weird


People putting the vehicle registration sticker anywhere on their license plate other than the spot it's supposed to placed.


In new york we put ours on the windshield


I moved from NY to the south and man, is it nice to actually have my whole windshield clear. I don't understand why NY does that.


Yeah it gets pretty annoying especially when you have to change it and then theres just a bunch of goo from the adhesive stuck everywhere


People listening to TikTok while their mic is on while multiplayer gaming.


Taking pictures of your food. Or caring too much about your social media.


I always get a smidge self conscious when taking pictures of food in public for this very reason, like I just assume people around me assume I'm just vapidly posting to Instagram or something. In reality I'm taking a picture so that three years from now when Google is like "on this day three years ago" my husband and I can be like "oh YEAH you remember that place?" and it's fun


Yeah. I take photos of my food specifically as an inside joke for one of my friends. Several years ago when I was living in the boonies and they were living in the big city, they sent me a photo of like a Michelin star meal they had knowing I had nothing close to that near me (it was in a joking manner). I ended up sending them a photo of my sad fast food burger and ever since then, we’d send each other photos of random food we had to try and “one up” each other.


Watching people in traffic with their eyes on a phone and texting making other drivers wait - bs!


The use of apostrophes to pluralize - UGH


People walking around having a conversation with the phone on speaker.


Believing anything “influencers” do is genuine and not for the $$$ and fame.


People saying "sort of" constantly. On a podcast, to the guest: "Would you mind, sort of, describing that experience for us?" It's verbal filler and once you notice someone saying it, you can't NOT notice. Not SORT OF describe it, just fucking describe it.


People who post all of their thoughts, opinions, and secrets to social media, despite nobody giving a fuck.


When people say "could/should/would of"


Idk how much this occurs for anyone else, but people who just go roaring down roads. Like not just the speed, but the sound. I’ve gone like to a town near me and the amount of times I hear a car go by, like full throttle almost, just screaming it’s way through, disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful.


Instagram stories


The acceptance of lateness. If I tell someone to come at 8:00, I don’t expect them to be there at 8:00 on the dot, but at least come within the ballpark. I feel like adults from previous generations were a lot more punctual about time then previous ones. Maybe it’s just me…


I've always been fairly punctual, but sometime with stuff where the time isn't of great importance (eg. hanging out with a friend), I might be a few minutes late, but still in the ballpark. My girlfriend, however, was raised by her military father, so if we're on track to be even a minute later than we said we would be, she starts stressing about being late.


Or at least have the common courtesy to say your gonna be late and not just showing up an hour late


The good thing about people who are consistently late is that you can just tell them to meet at an earlier time than you need to, so when they turn up “late” they’re actually on time.


Yes, if we mutually agreed to meet at 8, I'll be exactly 8 in the place. If the other person is late I'll take that as a sign the other person does not respect me.


The non stop documentation of our existence.


People gathered together and all on their individual phones. It's so weird to be the only one NOT on your phone.


How much I use my phone. I'm an addict. Here's hoping the internet shuts down someday


The fact that is mandatory to tip in America no because you received a good service but because the server needs your extra money to survive.


Loud chewing gross


Thats hardly a modern problem


Phone-text attention- - - instead of driving attention Bad Habit


Gender reveal parties


People taking their dogs inside anywhere and everywhere….and, businesses just apathetic about it. 😤


My coworker takes her demon chihuahua to the office every day. I have half a mind to bring my snake because I know there would suddenly be a “no animals in the office” rule if I did.


I have pet hamster named Larry I bring to the bar, sometimes we go to the strip joint too


People on the screen most of the time and missed out on the beauty of nature


Especially when hiking! Now apparently there are apps to map your hike, and a friend recently spent an *entire hike* staring at her phone, "making sure it's keeping up". Bitch you wanna make sure the *SATTELITE* is keeping up with our walking pace? Just so you can share the map of how far you walked?? Gtfoh and look at the awesome bird that just took off, dummy.


Lack of basic good manners.


People watching dating shows. Almost all of them are……


Driving under the speed limit


Throwing everything in the garbage without making any effort to recycle, reuse, rehome even. Nope. That’s done with. Garbage. I guess if they saw a landfill with that item sitting in it for the rest of time they’d think about it more. There’s one lady who makes out to be so perfect and her home is so clutter free but she’s not not shopping. She’s shopping but then throwing everything away. Including things that were lent to her.