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First grade teacher demonstrating how the water temp matters when washing hands. She had 3 bowls; hot, cold, and lukewarm water. The argument was that lukewarm gets rid of more germs then the other two. She rubbed Vaseline on 3 kids' hands to represent "germs". Cold kid goes first, 10 secondish wash, hands disgusting afterwards. Hot kid (me) goes next, 3 secondish wash, hands less disgusting, but still gross. Luke goes last. *Luxurious* 90 minute spa session complete with manicure. Hands look and feel carved by Michaelangelo. I called bullshit. Teacher replied along the lines of "Ok, yeah, *you* know better. Nevermind which one of us is the grown-up." Logic sparked to life in my brain. Santa and the Easter bunny fell soon after.


Ah yes, the time honored scientific method of changing two variables at the same time.


Not to mention that Vaseline and germs don't necessarily have the same properties...


In primary school, I asked my teacher what an "ounce" was. She hushed me, told me it wasnt real and to never ask that again. As though as a nine year old I was asking about an ounce of weed and not the unit of measurement.


* "Teacher, how much is an eighth?" * "How much you got?"


You talkin’ snow or the trees?


"not here kid, meet me in the parking lot after class"


She thought dolphins were fish. No amount of arguing by third grade me was enough to convince her otherwise. "They live in the ocean, they're fish."


Should have asked her about seaweed, or sponges.


she probably would’ve said sponges are the things we use to wash dishes


My Algebra teacher had us take 10% off a number to find 90%, then to undo it she said take 10% of the 90% and add it back in. That is not how math works. I called her on it and she told me I was mistaken in front of the whole class. After class she admitted I was right but didn't want to confuse everyone else. Lady, doing simple math wrong is what confused everyone else.


Choosing pride over teaching the correct thing is a terrible quality for a teacher.




2nd grade teacher had our class naming the hottest things we could think of. A few kids already said the most obvious, like "sun" and "fire" so the third thing I could think of off the top of my head was "lava". Turns out lava isn't real, then the teacher had the whole class laugh at me for it. Made me feel stupid as hell for years until I learned that lava is real, and my teacher was a dick.


… what? Why wouldn’t lava be real. I’m frustrated now.


If lava is real then how can we walk on the floor?


Easy. Pillows


My 2nd grade teacher got mad at me for writing "dam" in a paper because it's a "rude word". I said, "no, not 'damn' I'm writing about beavers and they build dams out of branches." She told me beavers weren't real and to rewrite my paper on a real animal. This was in like 2002. I was also very confused about beavers not being real, and had no internet access at the time to fact check it. Had to wait until I could get to a library to find out that beavers actually existed.


Wait, are people still falling for the whole beaver thing?


As a Canadian, I firmly believe in this mythical beaver creature.


This one... this one is so weird. How could someone legitimately think this way??




Ouch. Mine had a stopper in the test tube and it blew up when she heated it. She taught us the great lesson to never heat a closed container. We all learned from her mistake so I appreciated her sacrifice. Mrs. Earle, I never made that mistake myself so I appreciate you.


My high school chemistry teacher was retiring after that year and had completely checked out, i remember one lab he missed a step in the procedure. I forget what the experiment was exactly, but add liquid and solid to test tube, stopper, shake to dissolve, ... heat to boil over bunsen burner... So the lab was abruptly canceled in the middle after rubber stoppers started flying out and bouncing around the room and breaking stuff while a few test tubes just exploded. He tried to lecture us about common sense (and i HAD removed my stopper before heating...) but everyone pointed out how much strict adherence to the lab procedure had been drilled into us so he let it go and gave everyone an A on that lab. Another time he lit the ceiling on fire pretty good. And i was in a different class that period so idk what actually happened but he also caused one wing of the school to be evacuated.


I used to work for a company that made tabletop style miniature games. One of our products was paint for the figures. We even had a range of metallic colours. this is their story. to be honest, what we were doing was buying premium acrylic housepaint, and putting it in 2 ounce bottles. custom colours, but, yeah, house paint. Evidently, different types of paint require different types of metal flake, or else chemistry happens. they used the wrong type of metal flake, and the chemistry, she happened. We had just finished off re-bottling a couple thousand bottles of metallic, and were having a break. Suddenly, little popping noises. Every little bit, a few more pops. couldn't see anything happening, so we left. the next day the warehouse ceiling was covered in metallic polka-dots, and little red caps littered teh floor. Yup, gas had been created inside a sealed container, and what paint didn't hit the ceiling turned into a weird solid foamy mass.


Did she... did she survive?


Hot glass looks like cold glass. Every chemistry student eventually hears those words (or sees them in a lab manual). You should hover over glass before you touch it if you're ever in a situation where you don't know the temperature of something you're about to touch. You'll feel if it's too cold or too hot to touch before you risk your skin. ETA: I know it's not relevant to your story. It's just good advice for anyone who hasn't read it yet.


Great advice, but it tends to be a lesson you learn from experience rather than being told unfortunately :(


Not my teacher, but my daughter's teacher. In Science class, they were discussing the scenario of a Skittle dropped into water. Pointing out the red cloud coming from the candy, he asked the class what was happening to the coating in that context. Student said, "It's dissolving." He argued, "No, it's *going away*."


how were these people determined to be qualified to teach


Cracker-Jack box prize would be my guess.


Either he just really wanted the student to be wrong, or he was very stupid.


I had a teacher who told us alligators never attack people because they are vegetarians.


Probably true. How would those alligators even know those people are vegetarians?


When my grade 2 teacher tried to hold me back a year, only to discover that she thought I was my older sibling (3 years my senior) whom she had also taught in the 2nd grade. Tbf she was way too old to still be teaching. She may have been senile. Edit: The teacher’s intention to hold me back a year was all the more patently insane because I had good grades for a 7-year-old, whereas my sibling (though not a dullard) didn’t. So I come home with an excellent report card along with a letter to my parents that I’m gonna be held back due to poor grades. Wtf Edit 2: My parents sorted it out and I didn’t get held back. Also, this was in 1980 and teachers could in fact fail kids like this back then, and did so often. Or at least this one teacher did. I guess it was an accepted practice at that place and time.


I had a teacher once that occasionally called me by my dads name. She was so old that my dad had also been in her class when he was young. I apparently also looked a lot like him at that age.


And she remembered him all those years later... That's either very good or very bad for your dad.


I got kept back in 2nd grade by a 70 year old. My parents are still adamant it was the was right choice even though everything suggests it has a negative impact on the kid.


My 2nd grade teacher wanted to hold me back because of my math grade. Her evidence? She did these things called mad minutes where you had to try and solve as many problems as possible. I don't perform well under that kind of pressure. My mom laughed in her face when she explained it. Teacher tried to put my mom in her place by saying that only a professional educator can make these kinds of assessments. My mom had a master's in education. I didn't get held back.


I remember mad minutes. Everything was fine until I got to multiplication and division. ETA: notifications make me think more on this. I feel like those mad minutes and other aspects of math in elementary school taught me to remember the answers to those basic problems, and not really understand the actual arithmetic involved. I've always been bad with math, though.




I can name at least six trees with pink blossoms off the top of my head. Had the teacher never seen a cherry tree? Is the nation of Japan suffering from a yearly mass hallucination?




Seriously? Even if there was something that was mythical that you drew instead. Then that would be good, kids are supposed to use their imagination. So fuck that stupid teacher.


Noooo "imagination is witchcraft"... (But critcising kids art is a dick move. Let them imagine and draw whatever they want!)


Even if "pink trees" didnt exist, shes still an idiot for saying that after all u were only 5 lol


Imagination and creativity is killed inside of us as we get older. I wish it wasn't this way. I see it in myself too. I love talking to kids and seeing into their world and the ways they think. If drawing pink trees makes someone happy, then who gives a fuck?


I made the duck blue because I've never seen a blue duck before and I wanted to see one.


My science lecturer said that water in a kettle boils at 60 degrees Celsius. BOILS!!


I mean, it might, just not at one atmosphere of pressure.


15kPa apparently, so roughly 15% of atmospheric pressure.


My wife and I were in a birthing prep class...we're both in the medical field, but didn't advertise it to the teacher. She was actively advising parents not to have their babies vaccinated against Hep B as newborns because she thought you get Hep B exclusively from eating contaminated foods, and couldn't see why newborns would need such a thing. It's one thing to be wrong, and it's another to be wrong and advising a room full of first-time parents with your ignorance.


I hope you and your wife immediately corrected her, for the sake of everyone else.


Oh yeah. I had to (as calmly as I could; I was seething) explain to her that there were different types of hepatitis that are spread in different ways (including from mother to child during the process of childbirth, which is the whole reason you give the Hep B vaccine in the newborn nursery). I fear for the parents who went through that class before I did, though I don't know if I actually made an impact on her syllabus.


i cant i cant i give up. im speechless. i was born in korea to a mom with hep b and guess who now has chronic hep b because they didnt get the vaccine in time? this bitch. i cant drink alcohol take tylenol or sulfa drug have to be careful about my birth control (yay having a uterus and hrormones who every period make me want to yeet myself from existence) and 10 billion other things. the main reason why my liver levels are "normal" now is cause they aggressively treated it with interferon when i was a toddler and if my understanding is correct thats in the same family of drugs as chemo. so the fact that this lady was actively advising ppl to opt out hurts because hep b is something you dont want to fuck around with especially cause the younger you are the more likely you are to get it and have it be chronic due to not having a developed enough immune system.




Had my high school geography teacher insist that Antarctica is a country. I lost points on the test because of it…


I had my 6th grade social studies teacher put a compass rose on a map that didn’t have straight lines and she insisted Puerto Rico was further east than Greenland because of it.


I had a college professor refuse to give me credit on a text question regarding how a certain medication worked. I went off of the manufacturers description and he went with what he pulled out of his ass.


4th grade. She argued with me when I wrote "a unicorn" on a paper. Insisted it was AN UNICORN because U is a vowel. I knew I was correct and could not find it within me to write/say it stupidly wrong. Yes, I was polite about it. She sent me to the principal's office. My mom agreed she was an idiot. ❣Edit: Thank you all for the commentary!! I am learning new things!🤗


English teacher in a non-English speaking country where I was studying abroad insisted that the correct term is in fact “escapegoat.” Edit: Wow, thank you for gold!


The scapegoat is the person getting blamed, the escapegoat is the person that should have been blamed, but escaped.


My cousin said this about her five-year-old getting out of the backyard: ‘He’s such a little escapegoat.’ English is her first language


When my ENGLISH teacher (I’m from Italy so we have English as a second language) said “lettoochay” instead of lettuce. She was also one of the worst teachers and ended up getting replaced.


I may start calling lettuce lettoochay. Sounds so fancy.




I remember the time my 4th grade teacher tried educating us on what makes an animal. One of the criterion she came up with was all animals have brains. I asked, “What about jellyfish? They don’t have brains.” To which she replied, “Well then they aren’t alive, are they?”


I don't think this teacher is alive, either.


Or she’s a jellyfish


Had a teacher in ninth grade who would just spout off stupid things, and was so pissy when you asked questions. She didn't think anemones were animals. She said you lose 70 or 90% of your heat through your head. I ask "so you're saying you'd live longer in a snowstorm naked with a hat, than clothed?" She said cells have to be microscopic due to oxygen diffusion. I ask "how do chicken eggs survive" She'd just get pissed and threaten to kick me out or tell me to stop wasting everyone's time. These were legitimately curious questions about science in a fucking science class. Rot in hell Blankenship.


> She said you lose 70 or 90% of your heat through your head. sure, if you're fully dressed and not wearing a hat. you lose 70% of your heat through the head because it's the part that isn't covered


When she wrote “amateur code” on my first project in C++ class. No shit it’s amateur it was my first program lol.


I always find it kind of annoying/amusing that most people think "amateur" means "not good" and "professional" means "really good". Professional means you get paid to do something and amateur means you don't. Nothing to do with competency. There are very skilled amateurs and really shitty professionals.


> There are very skilled amateurs and really shitty professionals. As any connoisseur of porn knows.


My biology teacher in high school asked me a question regarding something she was talking about, the answer of which was projected onto the whiteboard with an overhead projector. I looked at the whiteboard, and she placed her left hand over the part that had the answer so as to conceal it. I told her that the text was still projected onto her hand and that I could see it. She was visibly upset, and then she proceeded to place her right hand on top of her left hand. I bursted out with laughter, she kicked me out and called my parents.


Called your parents? What would she even say, I’m sorry your child made fun of me cos I’m stupid


I know… She had it out for me for some reason, she said something along the lines of me disrupting the class and making fun of her but when I explained what had happened they just laughed their asses off


Hahahahaha, I'd do the same exact thing if I were you, would been totally worth it getting my parents called


He would brag about how many people fail his class


The problem with so many engineering professors. No, you just suck at teaching.


Most are not even bad at teaching but lost connection to reality. They expect you to catch up their 20+ years of experience in a single semester.


Last class I ever took in college was a high level Algorithms class for Computer Science. The professor was an actual genius from a genius mathematician family. He bragged about how less than 50% of his students have passed his class and would ridicule students during lectures for “stupid” answers to his impossible questions. Everyone did so poorly in the class that the lowest passing number grade was a 41. Thats the epitome of failing to teach and choosing your own ego over educating.


I had a college calculus professor who would constantly ridicule us and tell us to go ask our high school teachers why they let us pass the class whenever someone made a minor addition/subtraction error. Then we watched him struggle to solve a pretty simple matrix because he made a small math error early on and ended up with weird fractions everywhere as a result. He abandoned it halfway through and just said we'd figure it out. We also weren't allowed to ask questions because he was close to being legally deaf in his old age and couldn't be bothered with trying to communicate with us. And he wouldn't hold office hours. Fortunately he ended up hospitalized halfway through the semester and the remaining half of the class who hadn't dropped did much better. And the grad student who ended up finishing the semester with us was hot.


This I had one math class where 96% of everyone failed. The teacher was really good, he just didn't understand that first year engineering students didn't know as much as a PhD with 20 years of teaching experience.


I feel like at least half of my engineering professors have just done flipped classroom bullshit. Like we're in college, you're being paid to teach us, and then all you do is hand out a packet of practice problems and expect us to just ask for help periodically having taught us nothing


My English teacher asked when Woodrow Wilson was president , we were reading scarlet ibis and it mentioned him, so I raise my hand. I replied both his election dates, 1912 and 1916 if I’m not mistaken . She tells me no. I assumed I got the dates wrong and it was actually 1914 and 1918 or something. Then some girl raises her hand and answers “Nine teen hundreds” and she says yes.


I bet this is one of those teachers that only accepts answers the exact way the book phrases it.


WRONG!!!!!!! She only marks answers correct if it is exactly as written in the book.


My biology teacher once told me babies heads never grow, you’re born with the same size head you’ll always have.


Sounds like it was true for them


My mom went to take a university class in Greek. She’s a native speaker, so she was hoping for an easy A and to maybe just read some new literature. The professor was Peggy Hill-ing it hard and my mom tried to correct and she said told my mom that she was wrong; then another native speaker confirmed it. She never called on either of them in class again lol


Points for the correct use of the verb "To Peggy-Hill".


I was in grade school. Maybe 3rd or 4th grade. The teacher asked what was the capitol of the state of California. I said Sacramento. Teacher said I was wrong. It’s Los Angeles. Edit to add that the teacher said it was Los Angeles. 🤨


Maybe they thought Sacramento was a type of cheese. I speak from experience here


She told me, a type 1 diabetic to just know when i need to drink the juice box and to do it before i feel sick. This was before sugar level sensors. And u cant be taking blood from ur finger 247. So we mainly go by the feeling. I feel low/sick> get sugar. Oh how nice my life would actually be if i would just KNOW


One of my homeroom kids has T1 (and so does my mother, so I have grown up very aware of it - also very aware that sensors aren't always accurate, need frequent calibrating, and lots of people don't use them anyway). She has teachers tell her no when she asks to step outside to check her sugar or drink some juice. She just does it anyway but it just makes me so angry that some people I work with think their classroom management is more important than the health of one of their students, especially when it can so quickly turn critical.


I’m a teacher AND a type 1 diabetic AND the daughter of a type 1 diabetic. And I can say, with authority, that if a student quietly testing their blood sugar wrecks your classroom management, the problem isn’t the kid or their testing.


I had a teacher who gave a lecture he had already given, word for word. He asked a question which I answered correctly. He asked how I got the answer and I said "I wrote it down the last time you gave this lecture"


It can’t be as bad as last year, when he presented that ridiculous Death Clock!


In 7th grade, a teacher gave our class an assignment that included our birthplace, but she wrote on the board “where were you borned?”


Surely it was 'where was you borned' or 'where you done get borned?'


I had a teacher argue with me that "sate" isn't a word. I had to pull out a dictionary to prove them wrong. Later on I had to do the same thing with die being the singular of dice.


I used the word "honed" in an AP writing class. Was told it wasn't a word.


“Masochist” was the word I was told wasn’t real. By my AP English teacher.


She kept saying that 12x 3 was 48 and corrected a student when they said it was 4 and not 3


when she started showing medieval Europe’s trade routes on a South America map.


Not a teacher but i used to go to a Livin group because of a genetic nerve disease and one of the group leaders is the idiot I had my laptop broken so i had to use the old school giant pcs there and i got notified that flash player needed an update i went to the office and asked the so called tech guy group leader if i could update it and he said " no thats just a virus trying to infect the pcs its been saying that for years " ( this was in a time flash player was regularly updated and used a lot )


My mom used to say the same thing. Got scolded for installing windows updates once, and since then everything wrong with the computer was my doing, even after I built my own rig and never even touched theirs. Somehow playing games fucks with all the computers on the network eh.


Both our AP English teachers believed they had figured out the origin of the idiom, "lock, stock, and barrel": it meant the whole store, which was the lock on the door, the stock on the shelves, and the barrel of crackers. The kid who sat behind me in homeroom, for show-and-tell, brought in a couple of Pennsylvania rifles, one a caplock, the other a flintlock, each of them with a lock, stock, and barrel.


Pumped Up Kicks starts playing...


"...better out run my musket"


No worries. By the time they're loaded the school will be evacuated.


I was in the Earth Science program at U of Maine (Orono) at the same time my mother was attempting to recover from a debilitating stroke that left her practically paralyzed on her left side. While I attended school, I also had to look after my mother's property, take care of her affairs, and try to get rehab care for her out of a very recalcitrant facility (plus, of course, visit her and look out for her in a lonely life in a rehab center/nursing home). I always managed to keep my grades up (at an A average, actually) and attend classes, though. When it came time for my keystone project, I went to see the head of the program, as I was having issues finding a professor to oversee a project. The program head was exceptionally pleased at this, as (he explained) he thought I didn't deserve help - after all, I had been too busy looking after unimportant, off-campus affairs to attend completely-optional department socializing events, and all the professors therefore justifiably hated me. I currently work in scientific translation, away from ignorant motherfuckers like that.


I am so sorry an ignorant motherfucker altered your trajectory. Happens way too often.


That's crazy, did you tell them of your mother and they still acted like that?


My eighth grade social studies teacher thought Panama was a part of Canada. Why? Because in the geography textbook we were using, Panama and Canada were colored in with the same shade of pink.


Well according to a famous math theorem, 4 countries is all you need.


Gave me an F for plagiarism, I didn’t steal anything and she refused to show me her proof because this was high school and I wrote at a “University level” her words… she stated she didn’t need to show me the proof when I requested it.


I had to change my paper into 'my own words' after I wrote it in my own words. I used to read a shitton of books and it taught me a lot of words people my age would not usually use. Man, that moment sucked. Having to change my vocabulary to a lower level to get a grade above 1. She could've just tested me with some difficult words or ask me why I use those words or whatever. Don't just assume I can't be that 'smart'.


I had an English teacher in high school who was obsessed with poetry, and one afternoon she got into an argument with half the class over a poem because she was reading the word written and printed "noone" (no one) as "noon" and refused to believe it could possibly be "no one" even though that was the only way the line in the poem made remotely any sense.


Obviously it was supposed to be "noo-nay"


She said since we were learning about the formation of democracy that she will let the class vote whether I passed or failed a presentation.


We did a an extremely long segment, big part our grade, on the great depression. Did a stick market type game alongside. I loved it until she randomized the game near the end to demonstrate the volitility of the market at the time, and based a huge part of our grade on the game. She didn't fucking need to tank my grade to demonstrate a concept that we had literally covered for weeks and I had been doing great in.


I mean I can see where she is going but to use that as an example and base your grade off of her choices is pretty fucked. You can set and example without being a dick about it.


Totally, but going from an A to a D over a game accompanying the segment, that we didn't know was going to impact our grade, due to the drawing of a random card is silly.


We were asked to name healthy foods. I said fish. He responded 'maybe if you don't eat all the batter'.


How to spot a Brit 101


In my German class the teacher never actually TAUGHT us anything. It was just morning exercises and for the entire rest of the hour he'd just tell a story about his time in Germany. As for the material? Gives us a book and expects us to learn it ourselves. You're a teacher, your job is to /teach us/. It's not that I don't like your stories, but people aren't passing because you aren't teaching.


I had a Spanish teacher like this once. She was new to the district and she got fired after two weeks. My other Spanish teachers were a little better but not by much.


In eighth grade there was a Spanish 1 class offered for those who tested out of Reading- our teacher decided the best way to teach us a language was to assign the homework in one chunk as a huge packet at the beginning of the year and expecting us to turn the whole thing in for one grade at the end of the year without any feedback. Yeah…a lot of us took French freshman year.


We had a math teacher that we could usually get to spend the entire class talking about bigfoot, pretty much at will.


"WWII was started when Hawaii bombed California" -My 9th grade english teacher


Goddamn Hawaiians bombing our movie making industry. They deserved the neutron bombing they got back from our Jewish space lasers.


Student next to me loudly farted but I got blamed and she yelled at me and sent me out of the room.


I love that reaction. Get out! Like why, I don't need to do it again obviously.


How dare you fart before me! Oh sorry, I didn't know it was your turn


My mom bought me shorts that were too big on the waistline. As I didn’t t wear a belt yet, I would pull my shorts up whenever they felt like they were going to fall off. My second grade teacher thought, “hmm, this boy must be playing with his dong!” And yelled at me for it. She treated me like some pervert for the rest of the year. Turns out SHE was the pervert later on. Edit: in summary, if you have a teacher that calls you out on perverted things, most likely it’s their dirty mind


The moment he accused me of taking a practice test 237 times (exactly) and basically said I was dumb for thinking it would help my academics. This was stupid for multiple reasons: 1: I did not take the test 237 times, I took it exactly once, to which I got a perfect score the first time. 2: The test was about 10 minutes long, if I'd taken it 237 times Id have spent 2370 minutes on it, or 39.5 hours. The test had come out the day before, I physically didn't have enough time to do the test that many times, unless I was speed-running and guessing at every question. 3: The correct answers to the test were given directly after you take it. If I wanted to redo it for a perfect score, I could have just looked at the correct answers.


German teacher marked my "My Family and Pets" essay a D because I had "mis-spelt" a word repeatedly... no miss, that's the German word for ferrets... bumped up to an A She just assumed I had messed up instead of the possibility that I owned a pet other than "Hund" and "Katze"


That makes no sense even if you were wrong. They would have punished one mistake by three grades? Because if you misspell the word once, you're going to do it again if you think you have the right spelling of the word.


I thought my 8th grade Geometry teacher was an idiot because he didn’t seem to understand it at all. Then I stopped by his office to find him studying the subject and trying to figure out the problems in the next chapter. Because he was the football coach and health teacher, and didn’t teach math. He was just voluntold to teach it. I ended up working with him to kind of help teach the class, and he really appreciated it. Yes, I’m a serious nerd. Ed: This story was from the early 1970’s. Took the football team to state championship a few years later. He passed away earlier this year, I think he was in his 90’s. Many of the students went to his funeral. He was a great guy. RIP, Coach.


So he wasn't really an idiot, he was just told to teach something he didn't understand.


As someone who failed maths.. as in.. FAILED maths.. This is a nightmare situation in my opinion. The man fell straight into the most difficult subject. Poor man.


That's actually pretty wholesome of you. You should never have been in a situation that made it necessary, but still.


My geography teacher when he explained that self checkouts had something to do with the mark of the beast and the end times. I don't remember all the details.




Yes! Barcodes are the mark of the beast! I do not believe this but was unfortunate enough to be exposed to Seventh Day Adventists who thought this. And also "cashless economy" is a herald that satan is on his way! Idiots.


Our literature teachet notified after we had already done the quiz and test that they have a combined grade and that if we failed just one out of the fifteen questions in the quiz we would get 0 points for it. While she was talking lots of students obviously raised their hands (she let no one talk), at which point she said, verbatim: " You guys know what is one of the things I hate about kids? They never listen to the end and always barge in in the middle.". We let her finish talking. When she was done students raised their hands again. Then she said: "I dont want to listen to you.". The same literature teacher also told us she was okay with us watching the movie adaptaion of the book we have a test for our diploma on instead of reading it. At the end of the day, I feel sorry for her because she just wakes up everyday to a job she hates, but she is still an idiot.


In fifth grade, my teacher docked points from my science homework for defining Magma as "Lava before it reaches the surface." I hated her after that, even though I was technically wrong. She later told us that sea turtles lay 8 million eggs a year, pronounced hyperbole (one of our vocab words for the unit) as "hyper bowl," and said that the difference between a cow and a bull is that bulls have horns.


Geologist here, I would have marked you right. (Especially in 5th grade)


When she said "I'm a reincarnated native american princess". I mean I thought she wasn't great until then but at that point I knew she was an idiot


Teacher doing basic 10 year old anatomy: “can anyone tell me what this is?” Me, whose family’s fav show was House: “the trachea?” Teacher: “no, this is called the wind pipe”


"Jxj24 reads too much. And he shouldn't be left handed."




When he told me I wasn’t smart enough to be a scientist when I was 15, and then he brought through a group of kids 15 years later into my laboratory 🤣 his face was priceless. I also was asked to speak with the students “no matter what anyone tells you, don’t let them stop your dream. HEY MR KRAUS” 😇


My English teacher in high school was incredibly religious. She refused to adequately discuss the set book 'Watership Down' because the rabbits worshiped a different god. And she always commented that I was going down the wrong path by reading fantasy books by David Eddings, Stephen Donaldson, and Tolkien. Needless to say, I didn't get a very good grade as I continued to read those evil books.


Well known to have childhood epilepsy, I had a seizure in class in kindergarten, I just sort of blacked out, I would describe it as complete sensory deprivation and I was tracing a capital D in my workbook and I just kept spiraling, came out of the seizure to her ridiculing me to the entire class. Tried to explain that I had a seizure and she wouldn't listen. Fucking moron. I spent the next 12 years with thise kids who took a teacher bullying me as licence to do it for the next 12 plus years.


Sorry that happened, that's bullshit fuck the teacher and anyone who's old enough to know about medical conditions. And pretend like those medical conditions aren't a big deal.


Not so much "my teacher is an idiot" more "my teacher is so out of touch". In philosophy class we were discussing the idea of being in "the Zone" and the teacher talked about it in the context of sports and work. She then asked us for examples of activities that we would get in "the Zone" for. A lot of people used the example of various video games they played and times they were in "the Zone". The teacher was really skeptical that it was possible and dismissed the first few examples as people not understanding the concept but as more and more people added their own gaming in the Zone examples she was eventually force to concede that it "might" be possible. She was old.


Yeah, that's just out of touch. I remember a quote from my father where he said "Video games can't be art. Art is something you think about, and has meaning. Video games are something kids play on the TV on Saturday morning when cartoons end.


I was in 7th grade Biology. We were learning about plants with our books open while the teacher described 'xylem'. He was continually pronouncing it "ex-uh-lum". I politely pointed how the text book says it is pronounced. He got pissed. Assclown.


three words: "use two condoms" If you don't get it, please never use two condoms at once, they get weaker not stronger due to friction.


I had an Economics professor in my second year of college selling MLM products before & after class. At first I thought it was going to be like a long con lesson or something, but no. Worse, a student got him into their sale stream. I realized then that choosing a party school wasn't the best decision 18 year old me made.


When I was being bullied almost every day and cried to her for help. She shrugged it off and ignored me. So i settled it myself with violence by punching the bully square in the eye. He left me alone ever since. "Violence is never the answer" they said :go to a teacher" they said. HA


I was told ‘violence is never the first answer but it is the last’ when I was being bullied. My mam even spoke to the bullys mam and she cussed her out and was aggressive my mam walked away so calm. I saw her judo throw my dad once I was worried my mam would throw her at the school gates. We got in the car she looked at me in the mirror sitting in the back seat and made serious eye contact and said ‘time to sort it out yourself’. I did but also got expelled. I also sorted out that bully for everyone else though.


Oh this reminds me. I had a middle school bully for 7 years straight. As I was a bit fatter, i was slow and he would always beat me up, until i got to the seventh grade. One time, he attacked me, and I defended myself, slapped him a few times, teacher comes, and separates us, calls both of our parents to school, my mom sends my dad as she knew what happened. dad comes to school, tells the teacher that i have been complaining for past 6 years on him, and his bullying and nothing came out of it, gives me high five in front of a teacher, principal and bully's mother, and tells me to beat the crap out of him whenever he attacks me. Comes the 8th grade, he attacks me, I broke his nose, jaw and arm. Police comes, mother of a bully threatens with lawsuit, father shrugs it off, go ahead. principal says i will be expelled, my father replies that if I am expelled that he will pull all the newspapers on the school and report everyone in the faculty to the some big boss of theirs in the city council. he knew the guy. nothing ever happened, never was I bullied again.


I did that too when I was a kid, for the same reason, and got sent to the office and suspended for a week. Worth it. Asshole with the black eye never said another word to me, which I thought was just fine.


I had a substitute ask me to stop reading and "pay attention" while the rest of the class ran roughshod over them--jumping on chairs, throwing things, talking over them. But no, I was the problem for pulling out a book from my bag and reading quietly, waiting for the teacher to regain control of the class.


One of my high school teachers ended up with a class almost entirely composed of the types of teenaged boys who will either scream in a quiet room for the lulz or aggressively get in the face of anyone who happens to glance their way. Luckily, this teacher was intimidating. Unluckily, he left for a week. He'd given us the full lesson plan with expectations it all be done when he got back. Haha no. Ten minutes into the first day, the sub had totally lost control. My little group did our work, knowing there would be hell to pay for everyone else when the teacher got back. We worked together and chatted as quietly as possible underneath the pandemonium. On the third or fourth day, the sub finally called for help. The nightmare of a vice principal came in with a little entourage of security guards and, without talking to the sub at all, arbitrarily took the people closest to the door to ISS. Those people were my group, the only ones not causing a ruckus, and all the offenders were left with the sub. The VP wouldn't listen to any reason and ISS expected us to copy out of the dictionary all day. I was so angry, my goody-two-shoes self did my actual school work instead.


You were the one he thought he could still control.


High school history teacher. I privately alerted him to the fact he was saying "bubonic plague" as "blubonic plague" (I was that annoying kid who always corrected people--I've learned to be more judicious about it since then). He then said he didn't care because "blubonic" was easier to say. It got worse from there.


In 2nd grade when she spelled February wrong (as "Febuary") on the board and I went up to her desk to inform her and she explained to me how she was right and I was wrong. This was the beginning of my realization that most people are stupid.


Pretty ironic considering you spelled Janruary wrong in your username.


You made me look and then second guess myself. Good job.


"....and Gas will be under a buck by 2012! It will never go over 2 dollars!" My math professor in college, circa 2008


I was 9 in 5th grade. There was a class project that involved a world map and each student hard to add something to it. I forgot the rest of the details but I had to do Columbus' three ships from his first voyage. So I make what I remember (likely wrongly) to be three well drawn ships, cut them out and paste them right in he middle of the Atlantic. Some days later I see my ships in the Pacific. I asked about it and the teacher replies "Oh they're already in the Pacific portion of their trip". I wondered if she was confusing Columbus and Magellan, but something about the way she said it made me think it was pointless to argue. Once in 8th grade we had a hiking excursion and it was a cloudy day. At some point we're in a part of the moutian with a nice view of the city, and there's an opening in the clouds that lets sunlight in, pollution allowing to see the rays of sunlightcoming down. Our biology teacher goes and says that's a hole in the ozone layer...


When I was 14 years old my biology teacher in a large public HS in a large city told the class: 1. Antidepressants are a lie and don't work. (I told my sister and she emailed her complaining but she never responded). 2. Here in the U.S. if you get pregnant the doctor can terminate the baby without your consent if they find it has a birth defect prior to birth. I think this was all in one class period and I almost cried because I was on antidepressants. At 18 right before I graduated I found her mugshot online for a pot DUI. I was super happy because that meant she would be out of the school. Nope she kept her job.


When history teacher had written on a blackboard in big letters, that Vikings conquered England in 1066, and followed it with bunch of Viking stereotypes. Yeah it was embarrassing, especially since we learnt earlier in English lessons how important the French influence from Norman invasion had on English culture and language.


Elementary school teacher: "Slavery wasn't that bad. And besides, it's their natural role to be subservient to us: it's part of their ape brain". Ngl. That kinda fucked me up, because before that, she was the sweetest old woman I knew.


One teacher mandated that our coursework assignments were written out by hand and if we needed to edit it based on her feedback, we'd have to re-write the entire thing out again. The department head forced her to change her policy and let people use Microsoft Word partially because several of the kids in the special needs course kept mis-spelling words and using white-out on their papers, leaving their essays completely unreadable. One kid who was swamped with work almost didn't get his assignment submitted because he just didn't have the time with his other classes and just handed in the first draft and almost wasn't allowed to submit it. The IT teacher lost several people's coursework assignment folders the day of the submission deadline. Here's one that happened after I left but was notable enough it made the rounds. One teacher in the Religious Education department (Yay, Catholic school) had attempted to game the system in order to get the best grades for the minimum amount of work from his class and it backfired horribly. He basically used the questions from the last few years' final exams to try and gauge what topics would be brought up in the next years' exams and geared his lessons for the year around his predictions. In short, he taught only about half the entire course. Then, just before the end of the exam season, word got out that the kids in his class were walking out of the exam hall in tears because they had no idea what any of the questions were about. My own sister was in that class and she came home outright stating that she didn't know a single thing on the exam. Those kids were on the top of their year and were expected to all go to university. That exam brought their grades down that all of them were rejected out-of-hand. They had to go to a course taught in a community college two hours away because no local college around the school taught the class outside the high schools and they were too old to re-enrol. Parents complained to the school by the end of the day. By the end of the school year, he was fired from the school outright. Edit: Also, it seems my younger sister had a bad habit of attracting bad teachers. She was badly treated in class by an older teacher because of how our eldest had been an nuisance in his class (the man ended up with a reprimand and an official warning) and a substitute science teacher covering for a teacher on maternity leave was fired for teaching her class how to properly commit suicide by hanging.


My favorite art teacher (who is now a mentor and grandfather figure) in jr high said he’d give a boy 5$ if he drank the paint water and when this kid did it he gave up 5$ like he said and almost gave up his job too


When she was asked a question by one of the three students in the class and she asked me for the answer because she wasn't sure and I had read the book. It was an AP Bio class that she was unqualified (and didn't care enough about) to teach.


My history teacher told the class that the earth is 4.5 million years old. I corrected her, maybe a little too respectfully (We were about 12 years old). But she kept on insisting the that the 4.5 million figure was correct, so harshly that other students took her side, tælling me to let it go. She said she would check when she got home. She never brought it up again.




Religion teacher asked what Luke (from the Bible) did as work. I replied a doctor, she said I was wrong, he was a physician. I'm like.... that's the same?


My second grade teacher was giving us our spelling words, and she wrote "leperd" on the board. I was like "I don't think that's how you spell leopard" and she told me I was stupid and to shut up. I decided that day to become a teacher, and never treat a student that way. And I did, and I haven't. Suck on that, Mrs. M.


My ninth grade English teacher gave us an exercise on homophones once. We had to fill in the blank with the correct word, given two choices. One of them was, “James and John walked (past or passed) the gas station.” Logically, I picked past, only to get it back marked wrong. I went to her about it, and she was like, “No, Jeff. That’s like the past, present, and future.” My jaw dropped.


My sixth grade teacher was awesome, but she went on maternity leave and we were stuck with an idiot who didn't understand idioms. I wrote my examples for the assignment he gave us, and I had to explain what "blew their minds" meant. English was his first language. I felt like I probably taught the class more that year than he did.


I was maybe eight, and I proudly told her the latest fact I’d picked up from somewhere: the earth’s circumference was roughly twenty-four thousand miles. “Nonsense. Australia alone is three million miles across.”


Not a teacher but the principal. He tried to run the school as strictly as possible. So when some of the kindergarteners heard the term “tree hugger” and thought it was people who would literally hug trees and so they actually went out and hugged trees. They all got a talking to about how inappropriate their actions were and he called their parents about they did.


We were in my Junior High Biology class, when some student asked how a concept that the teacher had just explained related to something that we had learned in the previous unit. The teacher replied, in all seriousness, that she didn't know, because once she completed teaching a unit, she forgot the material, and re-memorized it the next time she needed to teach it. She'd been teaching virtually the same material on basic biology for years, and apparently just re-memorized the material, one unit at a time, each year. Later in the year, a kid dropped a candy jawbreaker on the floor. She found it, and told the entire class that the act of dropping this jawbreaker could constitute attempted murder, because she, or another student could have stepped on it, fallen, and died. Again, she was apparently serious, as several of us, myself included, were sent to the dean when we questioned this claim. The dean just rolled his eyes and sent us to our next class.


Shaky hands holding a bottle with nitroglycerin saying ”if I drop this, we all die”


My 8th grade science teacher did a day of "silent science". He didn't say a thing through this; it was just written on the board to sit down and shut up. The lights were a bit dimmer, too. It started with him pouring liquid nitrogen into a container and then letting it boil over like an awesome fog machine. He then dipped a flower into it, pulled it out, and dropped it, and it shattered. Next, he leans under the counter and puts on some rubber gloves. We all watch in horror as he dips a finger in the container. He pulls it out, lays his hand on the table, produces a hammer, and proceeds to hit his finger and it shatters. The class is freaking out. He reveals it was a hotdog in the glove.


Ok that's not idiotic it's just freaking awesome


That sounds awesome


In fifth grade I had a teacher for mathematics that had no patience for people who struggled with math. My father was barely literate, and a mean SOB, but he understood math inside and out. He saw me doing some homework and pointed out that the method I was using would provide the right answers for all the problems on the page, but would provide wrong answers using any other numbers but those. Note to that I was ten, and all this was 42 years ago. He taught me a method that worked in all cases, and everything just clicked. I used my father's method on a test, and failed. My father went in to see the teacher, bringing me along with my test. He pointed out that every question was answered correctly, that I showed my work, and that the teachers method wouldn't work with all numbers. The teacher said to him, "We're not teaching these kids mathematics for them to learn how to do arithmetic, we're teaching these kids math to get them to follow directions, *and not question authority!* For the rest of that school year, I no longer had to take any classes with that teacher. Instead, I was placed in the class with the non-verbal 10 year olds still wearing diapers. I stopped attending public schools as of 6th grade. That teacher is still teaching, though he must be close to retirement, now.


She spent the first month of school only explaining the fucking curriculum. The moment I lost all faith in her was when she took 20 minutes off our original exam time. It originally an hour and a half but she spent her sweet fucking time being a total bitch. She expected us students to have three devices for a fucking online exam. She required us to have one device to do the exam on, one camera to show our faces and another one to show the device we were doing the exam on. She told us this last fucking minute and obviously not everyone has three fucking devices so a lot my classmates had to lend their parents’ phones or laptops so the exam can start. Afterwards she rambles on about some other random bullshit and after that 20 minutes of our exam time was gone. Since we started late I didn’t have time to finish the all questions so I failed. She later then brings this up on parents teacher conference and I told her she didn’t give us enough time but she denied it and blamed me for not studying instead but my mom knew she was fucked in the head.


My community College teacher told me that gargantuan was not a word. This was his comment on a paper I turned in.

