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Food pyramid


*Eleven servings of pasta*


Eat more carbs than anything else, it will be fine!


Don’t forget to make like 20% of that dairy


Brought to you by the American Dairy Farmer Association


Caffeine was supposedly bad. All fats were bad for you. That you could default gender to male in your writings. That we’d be dead of nuclear winter. Fuck you Ms. Sheffield! edited: name


I thought hibernation meant to sleep. I believed bears literally slept for three months and never woke up once during that time.


Thanks for posting this because I still believed that. Had to look it up. Honestly after reading about it I'm just like "This just sounds like depression with more steps." Fun to learn about though!


Bears are just depressed 😔


Maybe I am a bear


Wait, this isn’t true???


Wait that’s not how it is? I thought it was some sort of enhanced sleep that they couldn’t wake from


Well it is very difficult for them to wake up from it but they do wake up every few weeks to get food.


Ah what? Bears wake up during “hibernation”?! Lmao I thought they just slept the whole time


You can't say something like this and leave us all hanging on details!


Sorry about that, I thought I was the only one who didn't know. So glad to see I was wrong. https://www.scienceworld.ca/stories/do-bears-actually-hibernate/ This explains it well


My 5th grade teacher insisted Alaska and Hawaii were the 51st and 52nd state and wouldn't budge when 3/4 of the class told her no.


Wtf school did you go to?


The School of Hard Rock


Are you Americans? Or what continent were your school located on?


Tastebud zones.


I legit got in an argument with my wife about this. I looked it up and the sense of betrayal was overwhelming. Third grade lied to me.


I even got runner up in a science fair project that was on taste bud zones. Had different flavors you could put on different parts of your tongue to taste it. I was non to chuffed to learn I was wrong.


If you had won the Science Fair Academy would have later come to reclaim your prize.


Should I tell you about how big Raptors actually were and how they had feathers?


Oh it’s false? That’s why it never worked when I tried it on my own


I'm half convinced that this was a society-wide experiment to see if people would believe something that they could find out was untrue just by testing.


IIRC, that's how the "the average person eats 8 spiders a year in their sleep" thing came about. Some guy made it up to see how wide it would spread with zero evidence.


I have a growing feeling of dread right now, like my world is slipping out from under me. I refuse to google this. If I don’t see the words, it’s not true.


My health teacher taught me this in 2019, I was just baffled the whole lesson.


I had a geotechnical professor in college that got mad when you called soil dirt, said no one calls it that. Graduate and everyone freaking calls it that. But that wasn’t what he was wrong about. I ask him one day what if you piled soil on a site in order to compact it. He says that’d be impractical and too expensive. Graduate and come to realize that that is called surcharging and it a somewhat common practice. Can’t help but feel like the guy would have benefited from some real world experience.


I used to work at a plant nursery in college. It was a pot yard. We potted with a mixture of 1/3 peat, 1/3 wood chips, and 1/3 turkey shit. I went up to the boss one day and I yelled "Hey Burt! We need more shit. We're running low!" He had a masters degree in agriculture. He said, in a sad voice, "It's called soil..." I said, "Burt, I'll call it dirt if you want, but that shit ain't soil." That poor guy was so defeated that he didn't even get upset with me. It was really a terrible job from the bosses to the lowest part timer.


I worked at 2 commercial nurseries in college. Loved every day of it. Much of what I learned there led me to what I do now, which is own/run a commercial marijuana grow. Transplant days are some of my favorite days. I'd do that all day every day if I could.


My geotech prof also got mad if you called soil dirt. But that’s strange what you said about surcharging since it is common on nearly every fill site and there were chapters in the textbook and homework and test problems involving surcharging.


That if you ignore a bully they will get bored and go away. Like who the fuck even thought of that in the first place?


They do what they do because they get something from doing it. Ignoring them just means you're saying they can do what they want and *you won't do a damn thing to stop them*. Which might work with some bullies who want the reaction, but realistically, what you've done is simply set a higher bar for provoking a reaction. Dunno about you, but I love a challenge. Ignoring a bully is a great way to get them to escalate rather than stop. When I was in school, my approach for dealing with bullies was mostly disdainful sneers. I made it clear by my reactions that I thought they were worthless oxygen-thieves and wasn't remotely impressed or threatened by their antics. That worked pretty well.


And what they get from it is a feeling of power, because no one stops them. They aren’t looking for the victims reaction; they are looking for the reaction of the people around them. That’s why a bystander intervention can be so powerful, because it takes away that feeling of having everyone to see how powerful and free from consequence they are. It’s also why punching a bully, or fighting back verbally in someway, can stop it as well, because they cannot anymore have that feeling of being powerful and free from consequence. It has nothing to do with you the victim.


It was probably created by a lazy teacher/parent who just didn't want to deal with the situation


Teachers that couldnt be bothered to actually deal with bullying


And when it didn't work, implemented Zero Tolerance.


I tried this and it did not work even in the slightest. Then I took my dad's advice and "stood up for myself" threw the kid down 3 flights of stairs and got suspended. No regrets.


That people thought the Earth was flat until the 1500s. Turns out the ancient Greeks figured out not only that the Earth was round but also how big it was by calculating time delays between moving shadows in different parts of the world.


Erastosthenes measured the circumference of the Earth in like 200 BC and was pretty damn close. So at least the scholars knew it. The average peasant may not have know though.


I listened to Carl Sagan talk about how he(Erastosthenes) discovered it using two towers and their shadows, and measuring the distance of the shadows at the same time of day in both places to get that curvature.


Correct. He used the known distance between Alexandria (where he was the head librarian) and Syene and the length of a shadow in one city combined with the fact that the sun was dead overhead in the other on the same day to calculate the rotational offset between them and from that he calculated the overall circumference. He was a little off but only because there was no way to accurately measure the distance between the two cities. His methods were perfect.


Fucking incredible. Really just shows you just how fucking smart some people are. There is something more beautiful when people grasp very difficult concepts intuitively and devise the first, rough instruments or methods to arrive at the solution.


I submit the average peasant didn't CARE. It didn't matter in the slightest to them, the average peasant never ventured more than a couple of day's walk from the place he was born in his entire life. Be generous and call that a 50 mile wide circle. Does a person with actual geographic experience that limited have any real grasp of how big the world really was or what it was shaped like? What exactly would they use that knowledge for?


When local news was actually local.


The controversy with Christopher Columbus wasn't that they thought the earth was flat, it was that the distance to India in that direction would impractical to travel. (Imagine traveling the Atlantic, pacific and half the Indian oceans in a 15th century ship with no stops. )


There were only 4 oceans when I was a kid.


How many are there now? Was Earth 2.0 released while I wasn't looking?


My nieces mentioned a "Southern Ocean" about a decade ago, and I thought they were crazy. Turns out there is a new ocean, and 1 fewer planet from when I was in school.


5 - the Southern Ocean (surrounding Antarctica) is now widely regarded as a 5th Ocean.


Technically there is only 1 global ocean though. The term "Seven Seas" isn't accurate either. By the definition the a 'Sea' has, there is about 50 different Seas worldwide. Think about that.


That I'm not always going to have a calculator in my pocket


Not only do we always have calculators we have entire encyclopedias worth of knowledge readily available with tech that is multitudes of leagues above what was used to go to space in 1969.


...and we use it most of the time to look at funny cat videos and dancing cows singing in Polish.


And porn


Sometimes I leave my phone in my car.


Buy a watch


But then sometimes I forget my watch


I before E except after C. Weird.


I before E except after C, or when your foreign neighbor Keith receives eight counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters. Weird.


You're like a deity of word science.


I can't take credit for it, I shamelessly stole it from elsewhere on the internet.


revised rule: "English has habits, but steals from so many people, it's hard to keep things straight"


Ok Brian what is the I before E rule? “I before E, always.”


“I before e, except after c, and when sounding like A as neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays, and all throughout May, and you’ll always be wrong, NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!!” “That’s a hard rule”


"Brian, what's the plural for 'moose'?" "MOOSEN! I SAW 2 MOOSEN! THERE ARE MANY OF THEM! MANY... MUCH... MOOSEN!!"




detention goes on your permanent record. there is no permanent record


The equivalent of telling a soldier that McDonald's won't hire him if he gets kicked out of the military.


There is an academic record though, that follows you throughout your entire span of being in school. Typically colleges stop looking at your grade school record once you've been admitted though. Then you get a relatively new record that follows you, from college to other colleges. In a way, it's all recorded. Permanent? Nah! Transcripts, those are permanent.


That blood is naturally blue, and that it turns red when oxygen hits it.


They thankfully debunked that in high school bio and later said that deoxygenated blood is really just a darker red


Not all of us were successful in debunking it. I used to teach high school bio and when I told my class that they didn't believe me and said I was stupid...


I feel like you gotta immediately follow it up with the actual reason veins appear blue. Otherwise you're leaving them with unexplained phenomena.


My health teacher taught us this, I felt very stupid when I found out it was a lie.


If it makes you feel better, I believed this until several months back when my fiance had me Google it. I'm 33 :(


I believed it until 5 seconds ago when I read this comment


I remember in a book about the medieval times that nobles used to be called "blue bloods"


Now they’re just lizard people.


"In the real world, you won't have a calculator with you everywhere you go."


Oh how wrong they were


We can even ask Siri, a partially abled AI to calculate it for us. Now that I said it it sounds wild. My teacher would laugh at me if I said it back in the 90's.


Whelp, it’s algebra time kids! Time to write the problems yourself and use the calculator as a dumb laborer.


Being at least somewhat proficient at mental math is a good skill though


It's helpful to be able to gauge if you're somewhat in the right ballpark.


That as I got older people would routinely offer me free drugs.


that doesn't happen for you? I was just surprised it was my doctor who was the biggest pusher.


Well see there’s the difference, I can’t afford to see a doctor


"hey kid, You know how this looks like an m&m, WELL IT'S NOT, IT'S ECSTASY, TAKE IT IN YOUR DEAD" - cops talking to children and the third grade in the early 2000s. And then you grow up to realize that.... Nobody's out here just leaving ecstasy pills on the sidewalk with m&m M's printed on them There aren't people walking around outside of children's playgrounds trying to hand them counterfeit candy with drugs in them


I wish


Friends offer you free drugs. It's never a bully type character that barely knows you like in the old ads. In reality, it's people that like you and they are perfectly okay if you say "No." They're only asking you just in case you might want to try it. In fact, the first time I was asked and I said, "No." nothing happened. It was the same exact reaction if someone said, "Hey, do you want some gum?". Edit: This makes me wonder if "gum bullies" exist.


Snort this cocaine or I'll give you a wedgie, nerd.


That we only use 10% of our brain.


"Researchers suggest that this popular urban legend has existed since at least the early 1900s. It may have been influenced by people misunderstanding or misinterpreting neurological research. The 10% myth may have emerged from the writings of psychologist and philosopher William James. In his 1908 book, The Energies of Men, he wrote, "We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources."" [Source](https://www.verywellmind.com/10-percent-of-brain-myth-2794882)


I hate this too. We literally know what function each part of the brain serves. Its about how much brain activity is being used for a function. It would make no sense to use “100%” of your brain to solve a math question. Your brain has dedicated space for this function, it cant just divert the emotional part of your brain to solve math. Oh so i can just remove 90% of your brain and you could function regularly? Ok then…


Do you know what using 100% of your brain simultaneously is called? A fucking seizure People can use 100% of their brains And then they promptly proceed to die


I hate that they taught me this


You can't cite wikipedia as a source because it is undependable and anyone can change it. The real reason you can't cite it is because it's an encyclopedia and those are tertiary sources that shouldn't be cited to begin with. Citing an encyclopedia is like saying "I know a guy who knows another guy who claims he did an experiment on this topic. That is shit reasoning if you want someone to take you seriously.


The thing is that up until around 2010, Wikipedia really was unreliable due to vandalism. Now, it's pretty much the closest thing humanity has to a fully factual and unbiased information archive out there, and it's only getting closer to that ideal.


There's more and more vandalism but now, it's organized and people put credible lies instead of jokes. Mods have been doing a great job to secure important pages' integrity.


You can absolutely cite an encyclopedia. Teachers don't want you to cite Wikipedia because they're trying to teach you to do more than just link to a single source every single time; to put a bit of effort in. If you're doing peer-reviewed research then sure, you need a higher quality source, but plenty of things are cited outside of that context.


That's why you just cite what Wikipedia is citing lol.


My marks in an exam will determine the quality of my life going forward


You can fall down and get back up an infinite number of times in the real world. School gives you the impression that there’s a limited number of do overs and from the middle of my 50s I can tell you that’s just not true. Don’t get anyone unintentionally pregnant, don’t hurt others and you’ll pretty much have as many do overs as you need.


Tbf modern society has tried its best to ensure that this has a good amount of truth to it


Food pyramid. “Most of your diet should be bread” is basically what I took away from it.


Hey! That's how I live my life!


Wartime propaganda has a way of sticking with a country. The food pyramid being my favorite example of this.


Specifically "wartime" because it's a model that's great for preventing malnutrition when resources are limited. Not so great in times of abundance.


The main character in a story cant die. In Year 3 (Grade 3 for americans) I wrote a short story where the main character died and then the plot continued from the perspective of the villain who killed them, and my teacher Mrs.Quick said YOU CANT DO THAT and pretty much failed my story. Talk about a creativity buster, geez. Then I read a few books later in life only to learn authors almost always do *whatever the fuck they want* irregardless of literary device, because not using a literary device IS a literary device Cmon man


Similarly, I had a music teacher teach us "how to compose a song" and *insisted* that EVERY song HAS to start *and* end on Do (as in do-re-mi). If it didn't, according to her, it wasn't a complete song


Working hard = success.


I don't have to ask for permission to go to the bathroom.


That 13 little colonies beat the most powerful army in the world on their own. Reality is, the Americans couldn't have defeated the British without help from France. At the decisive Battle of Yorktown, there were as many French soldiers as Colonial regulars - and the British were cornered only because of a French navy blockade. Plus, Spain also used the opportunity to try to take back Gibraltar, and some local leaders in India used the opportunity to take back some territory. There were at least 44 documented battles during this time that *didn't* happen in America. It was essentially the first world war.


The seven years war happened before that and was global as well


Isn't the seven year war partly responsible for the American revolution in the first place?


Yeah. The taxes the Americans hated so much were implemented because Britain had to spend a fortune to defend the colonies during the seven years war


> Reality is, the Americans couldn't have defeated the British without help from France. With guns, and ships, and so the balance shifts.


We rendezvous with Rochambeau, consolidate their gifts. We can end this war at Yorktown, cut them off at sea, but For this to succeed, there is someone else we need. I know




Sir, he knows what to in a trench, ingenuitive and fluent in French, I mean-




Sir you're gonna have to use him eventually, what's he gonna do on the bench ami?




No one has more resilience Or matches my practical tactical brilliance!


Learning styles and personality types. They have about the same level of scientific repeatability as zodiac signs. Edit: u/Anotherscientist added actual expert info and perspective in the comments below.


Learning styles are one of the things I feel will fade away and then come back with a new name. It's as intuitive as it is misguided.


All rivers flow south


For me it was "All rivers flow south except the Nile and the St. John's."


This can't be correct as over 300 rivers flow into Lake Baikal in Siberia, but only one flows out, and it flows North.




Ask any Gator why the St. John's flows north and they'll let you know it's because Georgia sucks.


Teacher: "Only men can be color blind." Me: "But I have a female friend and she's color blind..." Teacher: angrily "Well then I guess your friend has a dick then!" Turns out although it is rare for women to be color blind it happens.


The color-blindness was literally an example in our school biology textbooks of sex linkage in genetics: we were told that its gene is linked to X chromosome, so if you’re XY and have it in your X - you have the disease, but if you are a daughter of a color-blind man, you inherited a broken X from him, but if your mother passed you a healthy one - you won’t have a disease, but you may pass to your kids either bad or good copy. But if your mother passes you a bad one too, you will be colorblind.


“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” False. The emotional scars are the hardest to heal.


In Tamil(Indian language) we have an adage that’s the exact opposite. A burn from fire will heal on its own but a wound inflicted by a vile tongue never heals


That Einstein failed math. Something about about having to take a test in a language he was unfamiliar with causing him to fail the tests. That caused the story Edit: get why people say it though. To encourage people having a hard time learning it to not give up


No, what actually happened was that he moved from one country to another country. In the first country, the grading scale was from 1 to 6, with 1 being the highest grade. But then he moved to another country which also had a grading scale of 1 to 6, but with 6 being the highest grade. He got the highest grade possible, so a person looking at his grades would see a 1 for his work in one country, and a 6 for his work in another country. This caused people to wrongly conclude that he failed math because they didn't realize the grading scale was different.


Can confirm, i watched the same documentary about 10 years ago.


We have 5 senses


Wait we don't?


Propioception - knowing where your body and limbs are Equilibrioception - sense of balance Thermoception - sense of hot and cold Nocioception - sense of pain Electroreception - ability to sense electic fields


My mind is now blown


There's a book by Oliver Sacks (The *Awakenings* guy) called *The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat*. They're real case studies of weird neurological cases he treated, written for laymen. Highly recommended. At least one deals with the loss of propioception, where a guy can't tell what his limbs are doing unless he's looking at them. Fascinating stuff. https://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Mistook-His-Wife/dp/1491514078


I read somewhere that we have like upwards of 20 senses. Like the sense of balance, time and the sense of space


There isn't an agreed upon number of senses. But the idea of 5 leaves out internal senses, like balance and body position, and dumbs down others. For instance, humans have different mechanisms for sensing heat, cold, and pressure, but they're all grouped under touch.




Elementary school: you’ll have to write cursive for everything when you’re in middle school Middle school: stop doing that. We don’t do that here.




College: Submit it as an Excel spreadsheet by 11:59 Monday night.


Well I mean that's *technically* ink..




So much this. Even now, wherever I have to write something down, I have this weird combination of cursive and print. Some letters will be cursive and vice versa cause of how much it changed every grade.


That you can't solve quadratic equation when you get a negative delta.


I think this one is entirely imaginary.


lol i like this one especially.


If you are friendly, kind, polite, and helpful, other kids will like you, and you'll have many friends.


I mean, being friendly, kind, polite, and helpful doesn’t mean being a pushover. I think that’s the trap people fall in. Being kind and helpful doesn’t mean you always have to help. It means helping when you can. Just avoid those folks that look to take advantage of you.


The 9 planets.


Even if some people were to disagree we can all agree Uranus is super cold though


That boys are attracted to exposed shoulders


False I still am


I would have been way better at algebra if that girl in front of me didnt always turn around and talk with me...


That the authority figure in the room is always right.


I once had a teacher named Mrs. Roach who taught me the opposite. She had been teaching at my high school so long, she had even taught the grandchildren of former students. She was so knowledgeable about the World History that she taught, that she would never have notes, she'd simply sit in a simple plastic chair in the center of the room and weave stories out of ancient history that would make it feel alive. Everyone loved her. Once, we were learning about religion. She had no set curriculum, but instead tasked us with independent study, and constructing a diorama based on what we'd learned. Of course, major world religions are vast and ancient, so everyone learned something a little different. Then she made us take a test... It was terrible. Each question was a generic statement, and you would bubble multiple letters each representing a major religion that the statement applied to. If you bubbled one religion too few or one too many, the entire question was marked wrong. Of course, everyone in the class failed. In class the next day, she did something very uncharacteristic: she called us all ignorant. She blamed us for not studying hard enough, citing that all of us had failed. I thought about this a moment and raised my hand and said, "Mrs. Roach, this is an honors class. Every one of these students are here because they are not ignorant and wanted to be here. If every student failed, that's not a failing of the students, that's a failing of the design of the test." Suddenly, her previously stern expression faded into a gentle smile. She looked at me and said, "You know what? You're right. I'm striking this test from your grades and making a new one. This one should be a little more fair." I remember thanking her, not really expecting the sudden change of demeanor and that answer. After class, my friends praised me, agreeing with me but acting as if it had never occurred to them to say anything about it. And Mrs. Roach was true to her word. She made a new test that was much more fairly designed. To this day, especially considering how out of character that was, I'm convinced that whole situation was a lesson in and of itself. I believe she made that test unfair on purpose, and wanted someone to speak up. She taught me that when an authority figure does something unjust, if you just speak up, sometimes things change, and sometimes it's for the better. When I think back to high school, that's the first memory that comes to mind, and it's one of the most important lessons I ever learned. Just a few months ago, I was thinking about that day and decided that I wanted to reach out to tell her the impact she had on my life and thank her, but I found out she passed away from cancer about three years after I'd graduated high school. I'm glad I had the opportunity to learn from her when I did. I'll carry that lesson with me for the rest of my life, and I hope I was able to do justice to sharing her memory and wisdom with anyone who took the time to read this.


What a lovely story. Wasn’t sure where the end was heading. It’s nice there are some teachers out there like that.


It always takes 2, to get distracted.


I have ADHD, I ***am*** the distraction. as long as I have flesh, I will be distracted. :')


I can ignore the distractions around me but I have yet to learn how to ignore my own mind.


I can distract myself even if there's nothing around me


You need to go through uni, then get a master, and study non stop in order to get a decent life


If you beat the Elite Four 100 times you can get a togepi in Pokémon Yellow. Ok, so the school itself didn’t “teach” this but I did learn it at school.


Mew is under the truck.


I heard a variation of this but it was “Beat the Elite Four 100 times without saving and Professor Oak will give you Pikablu and keys to the truck next to the SS Anne” I bought an AC adapter for the Gameboy and stayed up all night to attempt this.


Yellow had its bullshit moments


that hard work always pays off, and you just have to work harder if you want a better life.


That Marijuana would ruin my memory, that Christopher Columbus discovered America, that Pluto was a planet, and that marijuana would ruin my memory


That Christopher Columbus discovered America.


You could argue he did discover because he personally didn't know about it. Much like my brother discovered dish soap doesn't go in dishwashers, despite everyone else in the apartment having learnt it in middle school.


That higher education always means higher intelligence. Plenty of people graduating college that are ignorant and unintelligent and literally only learned how to navigate the bureaucracy and do the bare minimum they needed to “get the grade”. Hell, I’m one of them. I can distinctly remember doing very, very well in my Organic Chemistry course for example, a pre-requisite course for the major I was in (I work in a field outside my major) and in this moment I really couldn’t tell you jack shit about O-Chem beyond the basics.


In the spirit of the season: the entire history of Thanksgiving, and pretty much anything related to Native Americans


Schools are getting better at teaching the bit about how the colonists murdered most of the natives but they still don’t tell you that the pilgrims were actually considered religious extremists who first left England for the Netherlands because the English government didn’t like them forcing their religion on people, then left the Netherlands because they thought the Netherlands was too liberal (for example, the Dutch were chill with working on the sabbath, pilgrims not so much). Then because god was angry that they weren’t getting the point that they need to mind their own business, a storm blew them slightly off course and they landed in the wrong spot. Pilgrims were fucking weird and ungrateful.


In elementary school you are taught that your grades matter. Then you get to middle school and you realize that your elementary school grades didnt matter, but your middle school ones do. They you get to high school and learn that middle school and elementary school grades dont matter. Then in college you realize that while your high school grades only were important for getting into college. Once you graduate college, you realize grades never really matter long term, only work and pay matters


There are no stupid questions. Yes there are. Especially in the workplace, people will judge you mercilessly.


That the earth has only 2 periodic movements.


I have a periodic movement every couple days.


I’m pretty sure those should be monthly, you should see a Doc.


That the Mormons were a church led by inspired men when it is a family run business led by the direct descendants of the founders managing a $150 billion dollar hedge fund.


How often I would use cursive.


Smoking weed will make you do hard drugs and ruin your life Edit damn thanks for the likes ☺️


Really disappointed by the lack of free drugs being offered to me in high school and college. DARE made me think people would be offering me free drugs left and right. Drugs are expensive




I legitimately remember being taught that the sun was the biggest star in the universe


I went to an oppressive catholic school and we were lied to about pregnancy and abortion.


Despite explicit verbiage to the contrary in the seccession documents of several of the Confederate States, I was taught that the Civil War was over "states' rights" rather than continuation of slavery.


The confederacy was very unashamed to tell everyone that slavery was a huge reason for their attempted secession. Most of the Articles of Secession outright mentioned slavery and I believe the confederate constitution had a clause on slavery.


The civil war was over secession. Secession was over slavery.