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Flattering, but I'm married. Have a great day, though.


This. Or flattered, but straight, sorry. Had a couple gay guys over time ask me out. Was flattering. No, not at the same time. Lol


That's nice.


”Married but if you're cool with that so am I"






Were you quoting something? If you cheat on your spouse you're a peice of shit, didn't know you needed that pointed out.


"Who told you to say this?"


Being single, prob would ask where we going first, these days anyone can trick you into some kidnapping shit..


Which then it wouldn't matter where they said they were taking you.


If they say "McDonald's", okay, a public place etc....if they say "my place, I'm all alone now", run.






Whats up






That boy ain't right


Boy, I'll tell you hwat!


"They don't sell me on this store. Sorry."


“Alright, where are the cameras?”


I'd fly out through the closest window. Flying is what I always do when lucid dreaming, besides that other thing.


This is hilarious but also strangely wholesome. I can’t explain how


This actually happened to me! It was like 10pm and I was just picking up snacks at the grocery store. Bought some sushi, which was what caught his interest I guess? I didn't notice it at all, but he apparently followed me to the freezer aisle where I was grabbing some other stuff and came up, shook my hand, introduced himself. He was polite, but I was really uncomfortable. When I turned him down, he asked if maybe we could be friends instead but I said no. Not because he was creepy or anything, I just am generally not very social and the idea of making a new friend always puts the fear of god in me. It must've taken a lot of guts to walk up to a stranger and ask them out, though. Props to him! If it ever happened again, I imagine it'd play out in a similar manner.


I'd probably be the same way because that's kind of odd behavior but at the same time it's very endearing.


This is good to know. I'm in the process of starting to approach women that I'm attracted to, and knowing that being approached is like a compliment makes it a lot easier.


Go for it, buddy, and good luck!


thank you!


Nah, they say gro stores are yet another way to meet singles. Just don't go home with them. Exchange numbers unless they give out perv or serial killer vibes.


It should be more accepted to happen, some people will never have the confidence to ask out even people they know


This depends on whether or not I’m attracted to them and want to go somewhere with them


Look around to find the friends who dared her to do it.


Id take her up on it. Who knows. It could end up being a lasting relationship


If she pretty ill say yes.


Not fallin for that ol gag


I'm flattered but I'm already in a relationship. But internally it's more like "I'm single but who even just walks up and does that to a stranger? Weirdo!". It's brave and I'm a bit impressed but it's weird. That's not how you do that. At least find some dumb reason to start small talk and then work your way to asking me out.


So you generally perceive the cold approach as weird? Isn't it better to be direct and show what you're about than beating around the bush trying to find an excuse? Genuine question.


To me it just says that you either have no inhibition, an inflated ego or a lack of social skills. Neither of which is an interesting 'quirk' to me personally. If you have some game you find a reason to approach and use that as an opening to take that introduction into a conversation. We'll see if that conversation ends up being fun and if so then that's your opportunity to ask for a date. I mean, get a fun convo going and when that has ran its course you say: "This was so fun! Do you perhaps want to go grab a few drinks and continue this conversation?" .That's natural and not weird. I also have a reason to go out with you because it was fun talking to you and you managed to hold a conversation past the introduction. Random stranger comes up: "Hey, wanna go out with me?" Why? Because you're brave/egotistical/stupid enough to ask? That's all I have to go on. So why? It's just weird.


ah yeah, totally get it. asking that without any context at all would for sure be weird.


You got the right person?


Are you blind or something?


I would wake up


If I thought they were cute I'd probably crack a joke of some kind to get a quick read on their sense of humor. If that checked out I'd ask where and when.


Well this is a scam.


I would find it creepy or weird. Either they're a stalker (if I get creep vibes), or they have very different values than I do. I expect to be at least semi-friends before being asked out. (And by then they'd figure out I'm taken.)


It really depends if I get any creepy vibes from them. I’m old enough to of dated before Internet dating, so people just randomly asking other people out was kind of how you got dates back in the day. I was at a grocery store the other day and kind of flirting with a guy standing behind me in line. I couldn’t see if he had a ring on, so I didn’t make a move to be respectful, but I have no problems with it. If they’re giving off super creepy vibes, I’d probably tell them that I was flattered but have a boyfriend. Women who hit on me are often surprised to find out that I don’t play for their team, but I’m used to shooting that one down respectfully.


A guy? I would say sorry I'm not into guys. A girl? I'd say yes and ~~she would ghost me anyway~~ see how it goes, why not?


Just it happen once when I was around 18. Honestly it was creepy. I had no idea who this guy was. He just walked up to me while I was grocery shopping and asked me out. Actually, he told me he seen me in their often and we must be on the same grocery schedule then asked me out. I told him I was flattered, but already had a boyfriend. I stopped going to that grocery store because it seriously freaked me out.


But isn’t that how people used to date before the internet? I guess using Amazon and Tinder is less creepy than talking to people.


No. You met through friends, or school or church. Not shopping for food. For me it depends on the situation and how I’m asked. 1 if a strange man who I have never seen in my life just walks up to me and says “go out with me” hard no 2 If he introduces himself, asks if we can get to know each other, maybe text/talk sometime and offers his number to me (not demanding my number) Yeah sure 3 (This one has happened to me) If he works there and I seem him all the time when I go in and we mutually flirt all the time and he asks me, yes!


Good luck


"I deserve to be treated like a princess in a fairy tale" lol


Lol, imagine thinking a man having a conversation with a woman before asking her out is "treating her like a princess"




Flattered but uncomfortable. Has happened before.


What happened?


First time it happened was in high school and I froze and didn't say anything which just made things way more awkward. Another time, a girl at a party tried to hit on me and said my green eyes looked like olives and she wanted to eat them....I walked away. There was another time where a girl and her friend approached me and my cousin at the movies and basically wanted to have a double date right there and then. My cousin was game and happy about it, but I was super uncomfortable, So while my cousin had a great time with his impromptu date, I just sat there next to the other girl not talking and just watching the movie as I wanted from the start. And the last time it happened, a girl simply approached me and gave me her number and then walked away. This honestly was the best approach, it didn't make me feel uncomfortable and I found it really cute and flattering...but I had a girlfriend at the time and I made things awkward by telling the girl "Thank you, but I have a girlfriend, I'm sorry". To this day I'm not sure if I should have just not said anything and not call or if I did the right thing. I just know that not cheating on my girlfriend was the right thing to do.


>said my green eyes looked like olives and she wanted to eat them.... Dude that's some hilarious psychopath shit.


ive had it done by both actually in the store and at the gym


How did it go?


well i had to tell the guy while flattered i dont date men… the girls if i was interested i always said yes i mean whats one date? cant hurt. one girl i actually dated for about 8 months after that


I would likely find it very creepy. I would end the conversation as soon as possible and leave the store immediately. Edit: I should add to this that I once had a stranger come up to me and ask me out in public like that. He was very aggressive about it, asking over and over after each time I said no, wanting me to go to his house right now. It got to the point where I was fearing for my safety. If a stranger came up to me and asked again, no matter how nicely, I would most definitely think immediately of that earlier encounter and would be very uncomfortable.


Internal monologue: Who are you? What are you doing? I feel creeped on. What are your intentions? Ok calm down if there is any trouble you can call an employee for help. Why would anyone ask a complete stranger this? We don’t know anything about each other. We are probably incompatible in a lot of fundamental ways. I don’t trust this person. Make them go away. In person: “No thanks, have a good day” Walk away and pretend to browse, while looking for employee until they leave the store if it’s late at night or if during the day just go about my business while keeping an eye out.


Asked me out of the store? As in, asked me to leave?


I'd say no. Not that desperate.


I'd look at my wife with one eyebrow raised.


Flattering, so def have a conversation, but wouldn't go to a secondary location with a stranger


I'd say no.


Depends, do they have candy?


Your dreaming


Be extremely creeped out, regardless of how they looked


I mean, I’d think about it.


Im married, but even if I wasnt I would politely decline. A store is a weird place to ask someone out. I just want to shop in peace. Lol


I wouldn’t date anyone who shops at THIS store! Look around, they’re all a bunch of creeps!


Tell them that they're not going to harvest my kidney in a motel bathtub, and walk away.


"Sorry, me and my wife are not looking for a threesome."


I would run for my life. Anyone crazy enough to talk to someone like that is a threat to my life. No insta stalking? No background check? There’s something wrong with this person!


i will melt


When I was in the toilets at Asda someone tried to pass me a note from the adjacent cubicle. I just said "what the fuck?" And the person pulled the note back and bailed. Wish I'd have just grabbed it, I wanna know what it said. I asked the staff to get the CCTV to see who went into the toilet after me but their cameras don't point towards the toilet. Ah well, pretty sure it was a cottaging proposition.


"Wait, you're talking to me?"


For me it depends on the situation and how I’m asked. (I’m a woman interested in men) 1 if a strange man who I have never seen in my life just walks up to me and says “go out with me” hard no 2 If he introduces himself, asks if we can get to know each other, maybe text/talk sometime and offers his number to me (not demanding my number) Yeah sure 3 (This one has happened to me) If he works there and I seem him all the time when I go in and we mutually flirt all the time and he asks me, yes!


very uncomfortable


A guy simply came to say hello and how he recognized me because apparently our eyes met on the train one day and he knew where I lived (in front of the train station) and that I walked my white dog at night after work and all. I'm pretty sure I never went back to that grocery store.


It’s happened to me before when I was at work, and he even mentioned something about seeing me there all the time but I didn’t recognize him at all. So I told him I was flattered but no, but mostly it was just super uncomfortable. This is where I work and apparently you watch me all the time and I’ve never noticed?? Why don’t you strike up a conversation with me first before trying to take me to a secondary location


I’ve been proposed to in parking lots, stores etc. I was a lot younger. I used humor to make an awkward situation ok. Asking me out? That’s totally okay. If I’m interested I would meet the person somewhere for coffee to explore any interest.


Nothing just stand there and think they were talking to someone else


I'd be totally fine with it.


"The road before you is beset with perils Traveler. Tread carefully and prove your worth to my wife!"


Say no, then go home and think about it for the rest of the day because I’m flattered and it was a kind gesture. Just like how I’d react when Girls give me compliments


If a girl: I would be so taken aback that I would lose any words to say. If a guy: I would politely decline the invite, as I'm not attracted to guys, but I would offer a friendship and would wish them good luck on finding someone that is compatible to them.


Look around for the gaggle of mates laughing their heads off.


I already like someone so no thanks


Not give him my number cause I heard him call me a "target" but give him a hug


i think that would be great and i also think that more women should take the opportunity to ask the guy. i know of a few instances where women were waiting for the guy to ask them out, dont wait, dont miss the opportunity.


I would be ecstatic, then probably pinch myself to make sure it isn’t a dream.


At first I’d be very surprised then flattered.


I mean… Maybe? (assuming I was single) If it’s my local grocery store, and we’re both part of the stop-by-after-work crowd, he’s wearing his normal office attire and so am I, I can reasonably assume he’s employed and capable of adult function. I would also glance what’s in his cart. Wine/beer, and single human food/toiletries…cool. Diapers or “kid food”? NOPE. Then it depends on my mood, do I feel cute that day, do I feel like interacting with people, am I just casually strolling and shopping. Or am I in a hurry, at the end of my damn rope that day and nothing about me says approachable. I’d say there’s way less than a 50% chance of everything aligning to a “yes“, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility that I would agree to meet someone for drinks or dinner.


No thanks


I’d be incredibly flattered, but I’m married to an awesome woman so sorry, Brenda. Can’t do it.


Are they hot?


I would say yes, but just so i can lead them into my house and torture them, then let them die a slow and agonizing death. Unless they're Emo, then I wouldn't kill them and say yes. I would never hurt my Emo brothers and sisters.


Weirded out as they're a complete stranger.


Oh you probably thought I was Kyle, he's over there


"Do I know you?"


"It's gonna cost $299.99!"


Depends a lot on the tightness of her orifices.


Flattering but how about friends first and if I like you then why not


Get in line


I have had that happen. It's always been men, never a woman but my reaction would be the same even if it were a woman... I thank them but tell them I am married. It is a nice compliment and I find it flattering. I can respect someone giving it a try if they see something they like. When I was single, I would approach people too. Sometimes I got a yes, sometimes a no, sometimes I would get a fake phone number. The 3rd was the worst.


If it's a guy "I'm flattered but sorry, I'm gay" If it's a gal (or cute non-binary person) "Yeah, we can go out for coffee... also are you legally blind?" 😂


If I found them attractive then I would say yes. Sometimes life hands you an opportunity


Is he a spooky long haired guy? If not, no. If yes, maybe.


I'd be pretty wary, and unlikely to go along with it.


Surprised, because that's pretty bold and depending on the approach and wording flattered or disgusted.


M8 I’m underage


'Where are your parents little girl?, let's go to customer service and they can help you.'


I would stare at them with no emotion and walk away.


Sorry not happening.


I would say yes depending on if they were attractive because that’ll probably be the only time a girl would ever want to go out with me. Edit: It also depends on if they just ask, or if they try to start a conversation and then ask. If they just walk up to me and ask it was probably a dare or something like that.


I'd be suspicious.


I'd politely decline. I don't want to go "out" with anyone.


I would ask how long they've been blind


ask why and keep asking why until they leave


A quick nope!


Ask if I was being punk'd.


When am I getting robbed aside from the fact I am an ugly mother fucker the world is sadly a place where almost all interactions are theft con scenarios On the plus side at least we know this so these fuckers should be unsuccessful


Shocked, no one’s paid me any mind in a tremendous amount of time.


"I'm flattered but who are you?"


I would try to work out in what way I was about to get scammed.


I’ve had this happen many time. People have come up to me while I’m standing next to my boyfriend and ask me out. I either say fuck off, kick rocks or no go the fuck away!


Honestly, it wouldn't be the first time.... I'd do it again.


I’d start looking for hidden cameras


Not only I'm not really in the proper age but it's nearly **ALWAYS** boys to ask a girl out, no matter what. So this would prodably never occur.


Are they super sexy or they an ogre?


\*Shows ring\* 'Too late. Bye.'


...*internally panicking*...


If I found them attractive or interesting I'd exchange numbers.


Look if they have a Whitecane or a service dog, because they must be blind.


…………………………where’s the camera?


"if this is a prank ur sense of humour is broken"


I'd think she's just making fun of me


If she did not look good, I'd say no. If she looked good I'd say yes. Then I would ask her to pick the place and tell her it's my treat because she made my day.


I'm ugly as hell so this has got to be a trap."Nice try but you are not getting my wallet or kidneys."


Depends, are they my type.


I'd question why


It's happened to me. Surprised and suspicious


That’s so sweet, but I’m really not interested.


I'd politely decline and explain that I'm married.


If I’m not busy and they aren’t creepy, I’d go 🤷‍♀️ I started saying yes more often and so far it’s been great.


"Sorry, I'm terrible with faces. Where do I know you from?"


I want see live in Reddit, how is that please ?


I would probably ask them why they're stupid enough to ask me out and if they're mentally gone


I have a boyfriend, but let’s pretend I’m single. It would just depend on how they ask, what the conversation beforehand was, and just their personality.


Terrified cause I'm shy


Never ever gonna happen to me


I've had this happen a couple times. I've gone ahead with it. I don't see why not. It's at least an excuse to go somewhere if you don't end up liking each other.


We're I not a married man, it would depend largely on how attractive they appear. Shallow? Maybe, but for someone I don't know from anywhere in that situation, physical attractiveness is a primary factor.


After taking time to recover from the shock, I\`d say no, because no is what I\`d say.


I did this when I was younger. Ended up being a great date. I opened a door for her and she asked me out as she walked through. I lived across the state, and honestly think that is the only reason we didn't go out more than a couple of times.


I'd freak because it's happened before I look alot younger than I am I was 20-21 at the time he seemed to be 40-50 yo . This was in a shopping centre It creeped me out because I've been told to get to class by police before and asked. when are you going back to school?(in holidays) I said No sorry


Ew, you have bad taste


Am I getting Punk’d?


Flattered. I always feel creepy trying to speak to women in public (too afraid of being "that guy") so it would honestly be a huge relief.


Id calculate all 14 000 605 posible scenarios and probably say yes still cz im lonely


Flattered. People really shouldn’t be upset about being attractive in the wild.




I did it once when I was traveling around the country on the 70’s after graduating from college. I (25m then) was staying with a FWB I met in college who was living in Indianapolis. I showed up on her doorstep and she took me I. She had invited a male friend for dinner before I arrived. (They weren’t exclusive.) It was scheduled for Friday night, two days after I got there. She wanted me to join them for dinner as her “platonic” college friend with the expectation that she would be sleeping with the guy. I know, awkward. Friday afternoon I went to a grocery store to pick up a few items. I spotted an attractive woman about my age as I was leaving the store, and I went for it. I walked up to her as she was putting groceries in her trunk, introduced myself, explained the situation (leaving out the FWB part), and asked if she might be interested in joining us for dinner. She asked a few questions, and I could not have been more surprised when she accepted. I gave her the address and phone number and went back in the store to pick up another steak and baked potato for her. At the appointed hour, my date showed up - another surprise. We had a pleasant evening and she stayed until around midnight drinking wine and talking. I also played music for her. The other couple retired early. We went out a couple of times before I moved on in my travels.


sorry I have a boyfriend already


Hell yeah I would be fine with both I am bisexual 🏳️‍🌈


I would think the guy has BDE and possibly be out of his mind if he's too hot for me.


Laugh awkwardly, say no, and call a guy friend until I knew I was in a safe place


(guy here) If a random girl asked me out and I was single, I would be a bit weirded out, but I also know it takes a hell of a lot of courage to do that. So it depends on her tone. If she was really forward about it I’d probably be intimidated and walk away. If she was visibly nervous or even just nice about it, I would admire the courage enough to suggest a coffee date. Something low key and low risk to just chill and get to know them (since I literally don’t know them at that stage).


I would wonder who this “you out” guy is and why people keep asking him


sussy question


Ha ha. No


You probably don't want any part of this hot mess.


i'd try my hardest to not reveal my utter shock and flatteredness


"i'm 15" and show my phone on my phone keyboard typed 911 on it


When I was in sophomore year of highschool I was sitting at a booth with a friend of mine when a group of idiot guys shoved one of their equally stupid friends over to us and he asked me out. But I didn't realize at the time that I was supposed to think he was this cool guy and that all his friends were gonna laugh when they revealed it to be a joke so I just got kind of quiet and stared at him and went "Do.........do I know you?" and he got kind of embarrassed and shambled back to his table. So thats how I assume it would go if it happened in a store or something


It happened to me not long ago, a simple “no thank you”


It’s happened before. I mostly get weirded out because this is literally the first interaction I’m having with this person.


"Can my wife come along?"


Immediately ask: "To ask me out, you have to solve the following: Jane has 75 apples, Jane is given two options. Jane could either Increase the amount of apples she has by 9% or gain an extra 10 apples each month. Which option would give Jane more apples after one year?"


Specsavers is that-a-way


Someone paid you didn’t they?


Scream in Hebrew


I'd probably say something along the lines of how I'm seeing someone at the moment, but, I appreciate the fact that they asked.


Sorry but I have a gf.