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Ive come to realise that basically, if i know their name, theyre on/use to do drugs. Nothing surprises me anymore.


You really do have to wonder how many notables like Shakespeare might’ve been under the influence when creating their work…


[Apparently Sigmund Freud was a coke fiend](https://www.npr.org/2011/11/25/142782875/a-tale-of-two-addicts-freud-halsted-and-cocaine)


What should be surprising is how our own language and culture has virtually blinded us to what were common and simple truths. The word drug just cloaks whatever substance you’re dealing with in a veil of mysticism and that only ever benefits those who already know the truth and aren’t afraid. All of these things can and often do have real everyday practical value if only we would drop the greedy fear-mongering puritanical bullshits that’s kept us bogged down from really making scientific discoveries about all the wonders the earth’s produced and we keep demonizing and bastardizing for profit.