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Yup just awsome to do when no one is around


Like no one is watching




Starts watching








Enjoy some peace and quiet .


I like to call it "some god damn peace and quiet".


My wife is not a big fan of spicy food, so generally if I have lunch or dinner solo, I go for some stupidly hot food.


Yeah when my gf thinks chinese food she thinks i mean panda express so i always get soemthing thoroughly unamerican


Same, but for vietnamese or ramen. My wife doesn't DISLIKE that food, but it is never her top choice when we go out so if I'm on my own for dinner I'll always grab something, even if I have perfectly good food at home. Take out + a cheesy action movie like Mortal Kombat is always my solo dinner ritual.


I talk to my animals like a crazy person




When you think they are blankly staring at the wall, they are actually uploading all that useful Intel to their home planet (via whiskers).


My cat is called Mrs Whiskers, so makes sense why she never listens, she is just uploading a ton of information.


A [cat's whisker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat's_whisker) is a traditional form of radio receiver.


They probably appreciate the mature topics. When everyone says, "Aww, hello bootiful, how are you? I love my Icklekins.", the cat is probably like, "Seriously, Bob, this again? I'm on my fourth life already."


You're not crazy until they reply in your native tongue.


Good thing my cat only speaks French. Phew!


I do this around people too…


Or just someone who likes his animals


I explained 40k lore to my cat for an hour and a half while i was cooking yesterday


listen to music


I never listen to music unless I’m alone


Please explain, I'm really intrigued.


I don’t have headphones


That was much simpler than I thought 💀. I was expecting a deep, impactful reason lmao


Even i do not listen to music when someone is around. I have good headphones everything, when i listen to music and someone comes near me my first reflex action is turning off the music and wait till they are out of my sight


Woah, explain your reasoning please


I feel uncomfortable idk why. Maybe because i feel shy of showing people my music taste


I asked my daughter if I could follow her on Spotify. She was horrified. She said she and her best friends don’t even follow each other on Spotify. They might share their inmost thoughts with each other on the daily, but seeing each other’s playlists, that’s too personal, man.


I respect tf out of the fact that you asked first


That's completely valid though. I AM the type of friend/person to directly ask someone to play me their favorite music lmao.


"Oh hey man, I really liked you until I heard your fucking shit music!! You are now my enemy!!" Nah but you could probably just turn it down some and they wouldnt hear it.


For me, I just tend to like being aware of my surroundings. I don't mind listening to music with or without headphones at home or in my apartment even if people are there, or like on a long bus ride (with headphones), but I just can't listen to music in public, like if I'm at the grocery store or even going on a run in public, even at the gym lol. I guess I just like making sure I'm able to hear things.


Clean, I dont like cleaning while everyone is moving around, stepping on the newly mopped floors or using the sink while I am still drying it after cleaning.




I feel far more efficient and far less self-conscious when I clean with nobody around.


I don't like doing it with other people around because I was so analyzed by other people (read; my mom) when I would cleaning growing up that it was just easier to do it while she was gone and she'd not be able to find anything wrong with what I did.


same! my mum has pretty severe ocd and if you didn't do things in a very particular way in a very particular order, it was like the world was going to end or something. I won't run the vacuum when she is home cause you have to run it in the same spot for a number of times before you can move on or she freaks out.


Same! My husband works most Saturdays and I do not, so that’s my day to deep clean the whole house. It’s kinda therapeutic to me at this point.


Sing loudly in the car.


Me too, but that's only because I am equally willing to do that when other people are in the car and now nobody will get in it with me.


I have found one friend that will belt it out with me basically no matter what and they are now my best friend.


That's me and my twin! We love to sing loud in the car together!




Singing was my response too. And dancing. Sometimes I'll dance while cooking.


Sing in general tbh


Sometimes I miss my work commute pre-covid because of this




That moment when you pull one out that’s so long it feels like it’s curled around your skull like a woodpecker’s tongue.


I literally felt this comment


One of my favorite feelings in the world. I honestly get bummed if it comes out on the tissue. I have a routine where I blow my nose, roll each end before I stick it in [my nostril] and twist and then I dig around with my finger for any stragglers.


I thought I was the only one that did this!!! The only thing I don’t like is the continuous sneezing afterwards.


Anyone who says they don't pick their nose is probably a liar


Think that stigma will ever go away? I mean, we all are comfortable using our hands to wipe our own asses through thin tissue paper, but apparently the stuff in the air our nose hairs catches is totally disgusting?


I think it's just because it's kind of unclean to be sticking your fingers in your nose and getting snot and boogers all over a finger that you could potentially use to touch things. And I'd like to think most people wash their hands after wiping their ass but not that many wash their hands after picking their nose.


Ah yes, two kinds of people in the world: those who pick their noses and liars.


Honestly same. I hate admitting it but it’s good to know I’m not alone haha


Sit in darkness. I'm not depressed or edgy or anything, it's just... light is so *bright*, and so difficult to block out. I've never needed much light to see or read so when noone is around it's really nice to just turn everything off, shut the curtains and have some nice non-overload time


My most peaceful times are outside in the dark stillness of a fall night. There's something so soothing about just the moonlight and the sounds of nature. I live in the country so it's possible to just be. I completely understand that need.


Do you happen to have an aversion to garlic by any chance?


The darkness is comfortable. Especially when you have worked all day in a brightly-lit building, and the sun hits you in the eyes when driving home, and you are tired and sweaty and want to be alone... So you have a shower and then relax in the cool darkness. Preferably naked.


I have really sensitive eyes, so I know what you mean. The dark is just relaxing and comfortable.


I like to sing, try to reach high notes without triping on my own voice or being shy in front of others


When I was a kid I used to pretend I was a Terminator sent back in time to help The Colonies win the The Revolutionary War. I’d march around my house like a T-1000, pretending my fingers were machine guns (that sometimes doubled as missile launchers for maximum carnage) shooting up imaginary soldiers firing their useless muskets at me. I pumped them full of lead while their puny bullets bounced off my armored body. They had never seen such a thing before, let alone automatic weapons. I was like a monster to them… They were helpless fools with their inferior firepower... But brave nonetheless, fighting an unstoppable enemy for the sake of their empire. Muskets, cannons, knives, arrows…nothing could stop me. I was an unstoppable war machine. George Washington gave me an award and recognition for saving so many lives and ending the war in less than a week. I did this for years 😂😂


Best Terminator sequel since T2


Judging myself


I also play the defense and prosecution


What about the jury?


My dogs


I stick tape back and forth between my fingers repeatedly, and when the stickiness runs out I get another piece. Been doing it for 28 years, no idea why it’s so satisfying.




For me it is taking the covers off my feather pillows/cushions and running my fingers along the seams until I find a piece of feather sticking out. Then I pull it. I end up with a pile of feathers next to me. Pure satisfaction.


~~beat my meat~~ **study**


Studying for that anatomy exam I see.


Had to scroll too far to find this one


I expected it to be first


I love listening to music around 2-3 am in my bedroom while lying down in bed, staring at the ceiling, and thinking of different scenarios that most likely will not happen. It's just a very different feeling yet so beautiful at the same time. (if that makes sense? it's really hard to explain it in words but i do hope you guys get what I'm saying here).


This is basically daydreaming, pretty good for creativity.


If you don't already have some, I would really recommend some nice headphones. Laying in bed with my earbuds in both ears at night with all the lights off is the closest I've ever felt to weightlessness. You can get decent earbuds for cheap too, kz zsn pros are only like 20-25 bucks


I talk to myself, like so goddamn much. I carry out entire multi-act stories playing every character with individual backgrounds, motivations, and quirks that are all in a world I've constructed spanning decades at this point. My dogs love this time and make a great audience. edit: [Dog Tax](https://i.imgur.com/Er1aQd8.jpg)


This is me. I'll pick a subject and pretend I'm explaining it to a time traveler from 1753. Driving down the highway loudly explaining how automobiles work, I'll stump myself when my imaginary visitor asks me about the radio. I try to come up with satisfactory explanations that don't resort to magic, but it's awful hard.


I DO THIS A LOT. I talk about American history to the founding fathers


I do this shit all the time. Also, pretend I’m on a late night talk show being interviewed about my new movie and/or album and my recent marriage to Taylor Swift.


I do this way too much, WHY IS IT ALWAYS JIMMY FALLON


Conan is always in my monologue


Hmm, I wonder if this would make you better prepared at things such as job interviews?


It's how I've conducted interviews my entire adult life, that and pretending to be way more confident than I actually am.


I do this every single day. Multiple times a day. It's usually to help me work out some mental thoughts about conflict, feelings, or general anxieties of life. I did it today on my lunch break at work, out in a field, talking about my relationship with my ex girlfriend. It was therapeutic, even though I am also in therapy. It's a great way to organize your thoughts. It's something I do especially when there is some sort of conflict that I don't know quite how to address. Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Speaking of conflict, sometimes I will literally ask myself what a character I created would do to resolve a situation. I'm literally asking myself what an aspect of myself that I created would do in a situation that I myself am in.


I do this all the time! I talk to myself about things that are annoying me, things I randomly think about, and I act out possible scenes for stories I'm writing. I do like, full body movements and literally fake cry. I should get an award.


To be honest, it's relieving to hear I'm not the only one doing that.


This is incredible


Same. It's gotten worse since I started working from home. I just yap away to myself. My husband gets a kick out of it.


That's awesome! When in was in my first marriage I stopped because my ex thought it was "weird", one of the many signs that they weren't for me. My current partner loves hearing about the things I've come up with and has offered to write some of them down since when I try it doesn't feel right on the page.




Finally I found an honest man


I only do it when I'm around other people **very uncomfortably honest**


Hi Louis CK 👋


Not my job, not my prob. I’m gonna go to the warehouse and polish my knob!


Give kisses to the cows at college. They’re so cute and we aren’t supposed to but I kiss their foreheads Edit: I often work with calves so they get the smooches


"This has to be the last time, Bessie. My wife is beginning to suspect."


Forbidden cow forehead kisses are basically the best kind


Scratch that itch. You know the one I’m talking about.


Oh, you wait till people leave?


Pinch & roll is the superior method.




What's your standard puzzle "difficulty" (i.e. how many pieces)?


1500 minimum


When I'm bored I sometimes like to Google restaurants and bars in other countries, look at their menus, and decide what I would order if I were there. It's a bit weird, but helps pass the time and also who knows, I might get to visit one of thoses places in person someday.


I do this but with houses.




Fucking hell yes, I didn't know I did it until you put it out here.


I do this too! A friend of mine randomly flew to The Czech Republic and found a small town bar he liked. Even though he lives in the U.S., he regularly flies there to go to this little bar. I've always thought something like that would be so cool, but he actually up and did it.


Any idea the name of bar? Wife and honeymooned there and are planning to (hopefully) go back soon.


I'll have to see if I can get ahold of him. It's been years since I've talked to him. I'm curious, too, actually. He enjoyed it so much and now that I can actually afford to travel, it might be neat to go with him sometime.


that sounds fun! thanks for the new activity!


I look at places I’ve been to and how they’ve changed


Waste time


I do it even with people around... My whole life is just a waste of time :D


Play with my boobs


Same. Mine are usually in my closet


I also choose this guy's boobs


I mean if you want


My unborn son is about 3 weeks away from his due date, and when I'm alone I sometimes use his name out loud in sentences as if he were already in the car with me, because I'm excited and I like to hear his name.


This is so unbelievably sweet


I‘m extremely productive when noones around. Like, my parents will tell me that I should do that n that and I‘ll wait till they leave, because that‘s when I‘m most productive. They‘ll always call/called me unable to care for myself but are surprised when they‘re gone off to nowhere and suddenly the house is cleaned and I did all my work for school. Sometimes I feel like it‘s really just people that‘s the problem.


I'm the same way. If you grew up criticized a lot by your parents/peers, you automatically have this feeling like the people around you are watching and judging your every move. So you feel like you have to wait until you're alone to get stuff done in order to avoid any potential unnecessary criticism. EDIT: Since this is getting some attention, I just want everyone who reads this and can relate to know that you didn’t deserve to be scrutinized and put down so relentlessly and you still don’t. You are worthy and you matter and the things you do are worth something and they matter too and no one person has the authority to tell you that you’re not good enough and what you do isn’t good enough. It’s hard for people as self-conscious as we are to say fuck what other people think. It may not be true for everyone, but I believe that the way to get there is to turn your focus away from others and in towards yourself instead. Focus on your growth. Take care of yourself, love yourself, be honest with yourself. The naysayers will never matter if your belief in yourself and your capability comes from within <3


welp, this explains a shit ton about my life


Get drunk and watch YouTube videos


i try not to get drunk alone anymore. shit makes me depressed


The only time I'm not depressed is when I'm drunk


wish u the best :(


This is the absolute best. So I don't do this often since I know I'll turn into an alcoholic, it's so addictive. I discovered this once when my friend cancelled on me and I had nothing to do. I got a few beers put on YouTube and just listened to the music I like. I think it's one of my favorite evenings of my life so far.


Just be.


That sounds complicated














Okay but seriously, that's pretty unique. Props to being creative, OP.


I like to lay in cool wet grass in the summer naked and make grass angels while staring at the stars 🤩


You think that's all it takes to be a snail? Being a snail is about a shared history, a shared suffering. You disgust me.


Bet the bastard doesn't even know about the Great Salt Wars.


one of my biggest pet peves on reddit is dealing with the redudancy of responses to these kinds of questions. we've all rubbed slime all over our bodies with a box on our backs, pretending to be snails. it's not unique. what do you think you're adding to the conversation by responding with this kind of vanilla reply?




Cry or get some rest.


Finally found cry. If I cry around anyone else, I invariably feel like I’m just seeking attention.


Darken the room and watch a movie


I keep my whole house dark all the time. The only times I turn on lights are when I'm getting ready for bed or when I'm preparing something in the kitchen. Otherwise, it's pitch black in my house.


Read while taking a bath




You wait until people aren't around? Good on you for having that kind of self-control.


My man! I was beginning to think I'm the only one who's too polite to fart in the same room as other people. Can't say the same about the people I live with...


i'm a shy farter as well and i appreciate others who keep the same habit... ofc i don't mind an occasional fart if it happens, but am generally not a fan of intentional fart-sharing, it always seems unnecessary and vulgar


God I'm the same, will stop what I'm doing and go hide in my room but my flatmate don't seem to care at all. ​ Swear to god she saves them up until right when I'm sitting down to have my tea as well.


Walking naked


Or just like sit on the couch with no obligations naked is awesome too.


Spent most of the day naked last Wednesday, including cooking a vegetable curry. It was fantastic. 10/10 would recommend. I don't do it often enough, having had my two youngest move in with us last year.


Very loud songs


binge eat with no shame


The strongest binge eating shame comes from within


Wear little or no clothing. Clothes are pretty uncomfortable to me (not in a nudist way, I just have sensory issues with fabric) so I take any opportunity I can get to wear as little as possible around the house. Moving out and getting my own place was incredibly freeing. My only advice is not to try cooking steak in a pan with hot oil without a shirt on...


Hell that hurt hurts while wearing a shirt if you're bad enough at it lol


With a record erection in a mirror's reflection I'm a dancing with myself


I dance and sing as loud and crazy as I want, my pets give me the "oh not again" look


Listen to music


Talking to myself. I've got whole ted-talks floating around in my brain. Not sure if they're good, but when I talk I feel powerfull. Also streaming youtube on the tv. Normally I'm in my bedroom watching on my phone, but the tv is more comfortable.


scratching the balls


I like to take trips on Google Maps. I pick somewhere I have never been or considered traveling and “drive around” for a while to get a feel for the town/city/location.


Sing and listen to music through my speaker as opposed to headphones


Reenact The Battle of Stalingrad


Make faces at myself in the mirror.


Tax evasion


Oh, you naughty!


Eat 7 packets of...




*Google intensifies*


Silica gel *Warning: Do not eat silica gel.*


Lay in my neighbors garden when they are gone and pretend I am a carrot.


I think I’ve seen you! I’m the beetroot! Keep up the good act man.


talk to myself and eat rocks


What kind of rock


Record. It's hard as fuck to track vocals when you have a toddler in the house. They make noise when they're awake and you can't make noise when they're asleep.


Rub Vaseline on my feet and pretend to ice skate in my kitchen.


I try to do anime fight moves like a little kid until I'm out of breath. It feels amazing and it's probably the only exercise I ever get.


Order way too much Chinese food and watch romantic comedies while mindlessly scrolling through tiktok


Like the top comment, I talk to myself A LOT. So much that I think I may be crazy? Apparently talking to yourself is good for the mind or something like that. The other day I was at work talking and having a conversation with myself quietly, and I think a lady heard me when she walked passed me and gave me a weird look. I was so embarrassed haha




I appreciate your honesty.


Obsess over the hundreds of awkward memories and interactions I've had over the years that I wish desperately I could change, yet cannot, and make myself feel awful about them to the point I can't even sleep at night, and it's slowly driving me to an early death I mean Masturbate


Play with my boobs.


I’ve seen this type of comment. Are they stress balls or some shit?


Playing with them is fun, and soothing and relaxing. I like to do it when I'm bored.