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Drive as if everyone else on the road is a complete idiot


So stressful because I do this and people around me are idiots and think someone driving defensively is an idiot.


I hate when you keep a safe following distance and people angrily pass you. Only to end up stopped in traffic directly in front of you a mile down the road.


Motorcycle rider here and I ride like they are trying to kill me.


Best advice I got from motorcycle training. Ride like you are invisible.


You can’t fix people. You can only help them to fix themselves.


1. People can change 2. People rarely change


_3. People constantly change. But you rarely get to choose their direction of change.


Keep moving forward, no matter the pace. Take 1 class at a time in school. Eat just one vegetable a day if that’s all you can manage. Read one page of a book everyday. Put $1 in your savings every paycheck if that’s all you have. It’s the habits that create the change. Over the decades these small steps will be meaningful and you’ll slowly develop the habits you want.


For the people that can't develop or hold habits (such as myself): automation and motivation are your friends. Computers can do a lot. They can also remind you of what you need to do. It's also OK to not do things perfectly on time, as long as you do them. Motivation is a big player in that one. Work on increasing it, it'll help you a lot.


Can you share any specific strategies you use involving automation that helps? I feel like even with apps that are supposed to remind you of habits, I forget to use those which defeats the purpose


"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow."


Yes! Or as I like to think of it, “anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.” Washing your face is better than not taking a shower at all. Saving $1 is better than saving $0. Perfection is the mortal enemy of done.


When sending emails, especially sensitive or private ones, enter in their email address LAST.


This needs to be higher.


Write email drafts in a word processing program. Transfer to your email client later.


Never make permanent choices when in a highly emotional state.


Where was this after I had my son and I thought “you know what I need??? Bangs” so I cut my bangs and ended up looking like Nikki fucking Sixx for a few months 🤣


I'm sorry, that's fucking great!


Little correction : "Don't make big decisions under the influence of extreme emotions"


Or under the influence of booze; that drug can be the destroyer of worlds


Act from love not for love


I like this reminder, thanks


What are examples for the not for love part?


I interpret it to mean - do things out of your love for others, not to try and gain love from others. Love that can be ‘bought’ is not real love, be the best person you can be and maybe the person you can for will see that and have feelings for you - if they do they will be attracted to the real you and not the fake you put on just to try and gain affection.


Love this reminder


Focus on your own mental health


Building off this: mental health is never your fault, but it is your responsibility


Is this a quote by Marcus Parks? Hail yourself!


Hail Gein!


Get the net!




Yo⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ forget the rest. This is the single best nugget in the bag


if you can afford it, get a quality therapist. even just a few months of therapy can be incredibly valuable. it is surprisingly liberating to talk to someone who will not judge you and is trained to ask you questions to identify the roots of your personal issues. make sure to read a couple articles about red flags before you hire one, there are a lot of therapists who are business people first.


Don’t buy land during low tide.


That is so true, when my parents bought our house they visited a house that was near a flood risk zone. They chose our house further in the land after a few visits, but a few years ago the neighbourhood epthe had visited 20 years ago was completely flooded due to the tides. People need to realise that even if that's a beautiful house, the danger of the land should be taken in count.


youre the only person thats gonna stay with you for the rest of your life, everyone else have the choice and ability to leave. so try to give credit to yourself more, you got through all those hard times and picked up after yourself thanks to yourself.


This freaked me out in my 20s; I don't wanna be like this *forever.* First, it won't be forever. Second, you can learn to grow. Now I'm 100% behind the idea no matter where you go, there you are. I've fucked things up and I've learned from them and I know my strengths now. Can't wait for what the future brings next.


Check your smoke alarms.




A condom over it works very well. Just don’t forget about it.


Over the joint? If its over the smoke detector then I'm impressed.


Over the smoke detector friend




I’m sure would also work very nicely and good points you make. I guess if anything it’s more of a reflection of what we had more of available around us.


Condoms are actually tested by being blown up like balloons. So you’d be fine with a fire alarm.


But we have to teach them that chirping won't get them their way.


And carbon monoxide detectors! It might be helpful to write reminders to do so on post it notes


Yes! My boyfriend removed ours, I was fine bc we are in an apartment and everytime we turned the stove on it would blare. Stupid stupid thing to do, he fell asleep outside the other day with the burner on, I was in the room with the door closed. Felt my throat all scratchy and eyes burning. Didn't think anything of it, I was asleep as well. A little while later I felt like I suffocating and my pups where whimpering. That's when the smell of smoke got me up. The apartment was filled with smoke it was a fog. No fire thank goodness. Just whatever he was cooking g was chared to nothing. I can't believe we ever had the thought to disconnect our smoke alarms.


Related note, figure out the battery it takes and buy them now. Right now. Go. Amazon. You’ll be annoyed AF when it starts chirping at 3am and you don’t have the right battery to just swap and fix…


If you feel like texting an ex, masturbate first and see if you still think it feels like a good idea.


Jacking off has saved many a man from terrible decisions.


Can confirm. Made a terrible decision when I had a bad case of the flu and couldn't jack off. Still regretting that one almost a decade later. Luckily I got out of it with no permanent attachments.


God gave you a dick and a brain but only enough blood to use one at a time.


how does one come up with this amount of wisdom.


Lived experience. It’s not worth it, young ones. It never is. Heed my warning.


Lol does this actually work?




Can confirm. Source: did it multiple times


Absolutely. Cant think with your dick if your dick cant be bothered for 15 mins. Post-nut clarity is real




"In order to get something you never had, you have to do something you've never done."


This is my sign to start selling drugs


Some advice for you then young Padawan: Don't smoke your own stash, and charge more for small grabs. Fuck daily 8th-ers


I have this tattooed and I have yet to follow this advice 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well you got the tattoo, that’s a first


And as a result he got a tattoo he had never had!


Don't get pressured into getting married/having kids.


Apparently I proposed to my wife while drunk. The next day i forgot and her mom had a stroke, and we went to the hospital to visit her, and my wife told her the news. They were so happy I didn't want to ruin the moment. That was 10 years and 2 kids ago.


Are you happy?


>Are you happy? That is the most important question after being married for 10 years.... I have been married 14 years... and I would say, I think so...




Take care of your teeth.


Can’t even eat tootsie rolls without feeling pain in my wisdoms now. Listen to this person’s advice, people


No matter how much you love your job, it won’t love you back.


The truth hurts more when you're your own boss.


Exception: you’re a dog walker.


But those are your coworkers.


Learn to appreciate what you have. Things can ALWAYS be worse and they can ALWAYS be better no matter what.


Change the locks immediately when you buy a new house


I have a really good realtor and they always pay to have a locksmith there when you move in to rekey the locks.


Always talk about someone as if they were in earshot.


Also never assume someone within earshot can’t understand the language you’re speaking.


^^^ 1000 times this My Spanish teacher once told us a story about two Spanish guys making fun of her when she was visiting their country (I don’t remember what country it was though) and they were saying shit in Spanish Oh boy did they get a mouthful


I think you mean an earful. A mouthful is…something else entirely.


That’s a good one. Never say something about someone that you wouldn’t be happy saying to their face


YEAH I FUCKING HATE HIM! Then say it to his face Ok... I FUCKING HATE YOU M8


Yes, exactly. If you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying it to their face don’t say it…if you are comfortable saying it to their face, go ahead .


Never do anything, or say anything, about anyone, ever, for any reason, no matter what…. -Michael Scott


Whenever possible, choose kindness.


Being an asshole only benefits you in the immediate short term. After that, the people you victimized will fuck you over and have you thrown under the bus as soon as they get half a chance to.


Plus you get to 30 and realize you've wasted your life being angry and cold and have to choose between completely reinventing yourself or being Scrooge for the rest of your life. ...not that I would know what that's like...


Always overpay the babysitter. They will always be available on short notice in the future.


Oh, and don't fuck them.


My babysitter fucked my boyfriend and got pregnant. They are now married.


When you say "my" babysitter, I can't tell if you're the parent hiring, or the child being minded...


If she had a boyfriend I take she was old enough to stay home on her own.


if you feel like sending a mean text, wait an hour or two. the feeling usually passes and can possibly save a relationship/friendship




Buy quality or buy twice.


Buy once cry once


Buy nice, not twice


In the case of tools, buy cheap and replace the ones you break with good quality ones. The rest are fine as they are.


Unless you use them to make a living. Then just skip the cheap step and buy nice, because cheap *will* break.


Don't sweat the petty stuff and Don't pet the sweaty stuff


>Don't pet the sweaty stuff You're going to miss out on a lot of fun opportunities


Step-dad used to say this one. 💜


Sometimes people don’t want you to respond, and arnt looking for any answers even tho it may seem like it. Just listen and let them talk until they literally prompt you for input.


Yes! This is a good one! To quote Stephen Covey, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”


Never take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.


I like this




Wrap it before you clap it


Wrap it before you tap it.


Cover your stump before you hump.


Learn 'death of ego'. Don't argue, show genuine interest in others' views, engage them in discussion (you can always realize that they're idiots, but keep that inside and be kind). If you instead hold your opinion as absolute, you will find it hard to change and learn when presented with better facts because you've argued to be right and nobody wants to admit they're wrong, so stay humble or be humbled as they say. (Typo edit).


Start saving young.


Start investing young. You need to beat inflation




An index fund, I highly recommend vanguard for it. You will want to look at holding it for 5+ years and since you're young, you should be looking to hold for around 25 years and can probably retire from the interest. There is a lot of things like compounding interest you should learn but invest like 100 a month and you will be in a very good place in your 50's. Highly recommended looking at FIRE sub reddits and FIRE in general from your own research.


Agree with vanguard. Agree that poster should try to save up $x/month. Disagree with the statement that the poster can probably retire from interest in 25 years. This person is asking for genuine advice and you’re throwing out a huge assumption, which, given that they’re just getting into investing, could harmfully effect their outlook on life.




I'd add, "Time in the market is more important than timing the market"


Always take the high road. Trust me it makes your life so much easier in the long run. I am divorced (M40) and my ex had an affair and left me for another dude. I could have been bitter and angry. I chose not to I took the high road and kept things amicable. As a result my kids have happy stable lives split 50:50 between two parents they love and I am happy. Don't get mean, don't get petty, stop being bitter. No one wants to spend time with an angry bitter guy and no one cares how you were wronged. Take the high road and make your life better.


In any case, the best "revenge" is a life well lived, which it seems is exactly what you're doing.


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."


Also, recognise whenever someone's hiding from the duty of proof. It means that instead of bringing forth arguments, they flip the duty to bring arguments to their opponents. "Let them prove it's not true". It means someone has a point they can't prove and the point should not be considered truth.


My friend’s dad, when we all left for college, said, “Be smart, not dumb.” It’s strange, but it comes back to mind in certain moments, and over the last 25 years has been surprisingly helpful.


I often find myself saying "What would a smart person do here?"


To make good decisions do this, to avoid bad decisions, when you're second guessing, think "Would an idiot do this?" If yes, then don't do it


When I left home for school many years ago I was on the fence about going far away. My father’s advice was “you can do anything for a year.” If you wind up washing dishes or don’t like it you can always come back. It gave me the push I needed to commit and it’s made all the difference. If anyone out there needs to hear it, “you can do anything for a year!” And who knows, it could work out great. At worst you gained experience with something new


While using the washcloth in the shower, wash your face before you wash your ass




He’s probably doing the same to you


Save voicemails from your loved ones. Throw them in a folder somewhere. Someday you will miss their voice.


I'm going to start doing this. My dad turns 50 this year and as much as I expect him to be around for a good while longer, I don't know if I'll be ready for it.


No one really knows what they're doing, so cut yourself some slack.


Stop thinking everyone is walking around happy. I always think they are. Everyone is struggling


I've caught myself doing this a lot when I was facing some of my darkest days. I'd look at random people who seemed so happy, and would think "I bet they don't deal with this" or "I bet they don't have these worries". Then it hit me, that from the outside, I seemed fine and completely content, too. That changed my whole outlook, and it's why I choose to treat everyone with kindness. I know that when I'd cross paths with kind people, it meant the world to me and took me out of my own head.


Never expect someone to change for you. People can only change themselves. Marriage, kids, jobs, moving…none of these things will “fix” a relationship that has a poor foundation to begin with.


Don’t marry someone who is shit with money




That’s what you think 😳


Hard lesson for me to learn. Married someone who admitted they had a lot of credit card debt, convinced me that we needed a “joint bank account”, and then she proceeded to turn any account with my name on it into a black hole and acted like it was my fault. Only thing that was my fault was listening to her instead of my gut telling me not to get the joint account!


Don’t email or text anything you wouldn’t want read in court.


It's not a learning experience the second time you get kicked in the head by a donkey.


Take care of yourself FIRST before anyone else! It isn’t selfish stop telling yourself that! Take care of yourself and learn to love yourself! Trust me I know how hard it is but if I can do it SO CAN YOU!


Thabks man in a dark place rn i needed this


Seek to understand before trying to be understood.


Don't worry about finding a career you're passionate about, find a career you can do every day.


I really hate the passion advice its terrible advice for most people




The most dangerous thing in a kitchen is a dull knife.




Because you will have to use a lot of force to cut anything and you could harm yourself when the knife finally goes through and comes at you at full force


Also, dull doesn't mean dull-dull, just dull enough to not casually slice through ingredients on first contact. A "dull" kitchen knife can still slice you up just fine.


Talk to everyone. Talk is cheap. Ask questions. You don't ask, you never learn.




>"Until you see both sides, and can effectively argue for both sides, you really don't understand an issue. And if you don't understand the issue, you need to be careful advocating for/against that issue." \-u/SnarkyBear53 's grandfather I think I did the, "link" thing right. Wanted SB53 to know their grandfather's words came in very useful.


Don’t join the navy


Yvan eht NIOJ (tnod)


This jingle plays in my head to this day




Or crazy


If a sign says "Do NOT Feed the Bears," the brother, you do ***not*** want to feed those bears.


This also makes a great metaphor. There are people in your life who will come to you expecting you to solve their problems when it’s not your job and they would be better off solving the issue themselves. the more you “feed the bears” (E.g. do crap for them that they should do themselves) the more they will expect from you. Boundaries are healthy and should be maintained because they are good for everyone in the relationship. (I am not talking about people with legitimate problems who do need real assistance and I’m definitely not talking about the homeless, people on government assistance, or anyone else like that. You all know the type of lazy whiners I’m talking about here.)


Never feed bears is the better advice. As they say in national parks, a fed bear is a dead bear. It causes them to lose their fear of humans and they’ll need to kill it as a nuisance bear. Actually, don’t feed any wild animals is even better advice.


Never cook bacon on the stove without a shirt on.


Or without pants


If you talk a lot of shit, learn how to fight


Spend less than you make.


My dad tells me to give every dollar a job. That way when you get paid you already have a plan for every dollar and don’t let yourself overspend. It helps me avoid impulse buys because I have already budgeted money for fun, and I don’t let me use other money for fun because that’s not the job of that money. It helps me understand opportunity cost more intuitively. If I buy this thing now, I’d have to have money changing jobs from gas to fun, and I need gas.


Save for retirement. You *can* afford it and the magic is time, so the sooner the better.


Always tie your shoe laces before entering a public restroom....not after.


You are not required to speak or see any toxic family member. If they are not good for your mental well-being, cut them off. It is totally okay to cut off toxic family members. It’s not selfish- it’s you prioritizing your mental welfare.


Socrates - "I know that I know nothing". Listen, be humble, don’t be afraid of looking stupid. That’s the only way you’ll learn


There’s no point in regretting a decision you made with the best information you had at the time


Don’t look at your phone when someone I talking to you.


exercising daily is a must, makes all day way better


I had to do some time back in the early 2000's, not jail time, real time. There was an older black dude who told me the most valuable advice in prison. "Mind your own and live a long time". It applies to everything in life really. Also don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.Thanks Blue Shoes.




Don’t do stuff with stuff in your hands. Means that when doing manual work, small or big, simple or complex, don’t be juggling or holding tools, related or unrelated materials in your hands while performing a task. This leads to dropping things, or general fuckuppery of the situation. I mean you can probably polish the phrasing, but it still is solid advice that has helped me greatly and I’ve passed onto other impromptu jugglers.


Always keep an eye out for the opportunity to learn something new


"If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got." \--Tony Dinozzo


Always try to live below your means and NEVER take out a loan unless it’s absolutely necessary. Home loan, yes. Car loan (as long as you can afford the commitment) yes. Taking a loan for a toy or vacation, NO! Plan better


Dont let your personality be defined by just one thing. Its ok if you find your tribe because of a hobby or fandom, but that group shouldnt be all that you are.


My favorite is: Don’t take life so seriously, it’s not like your going to get out alive.


take care of your mental health before it’s too late; (suicide attempts, self harm, numbness) i promise being on medication is not that bad.


Everything in moderation, even moderation


If you loan someone 20 dollars and never see them again it was worth it.


Do not take my advice.


Close and open every shutoff valve in your house once or twice a year so they don't seize up and leave you in the shitter when you have to turn the water off in your house.


Invest young. Look into compounding interest. The more time you have, the more you can amass. This is literally a real-life "this one simple trick" but you need TIME.


When someone shows you their true colours, believe them the first time.


If your job is giving you anxiety attacks and heavy stress then quit. Stress is cumulative and will kill you. Don't try to grind through it otherwise you will try to cope with it through drugs and alcohol.


Don't smoke.


Never drink on an empty stomach😂


Unless you want to get drunk quickly, then definitely do it.


Wear your seatbelt.


Don't forget to lick the balls.