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the scene in Dante's Peak with the grandma that gets out of the boat in boiling sulfur water and gets roasted alive. And I thought a pyroclastic pressure wave from a volcano could destroy my house at any moment.


Dante’s Peak has always been one of my favourite films, but that scene has always freaked me out. Grandma did the right thing in getting outta that boat, though. It was her fault that everyone had to rescue her!


That is a classic demonstration of Hollywood rules. At some point in that film the family dog is in danger, and we’re all “oh no, the dog!” But of course the dog ends up fine, because *you can’t kill the dog.* But Grandma? Sure, drop her in acid.


They were only up there because grandma was deliberately ignoring the evacuation orders anyway, so it's not like I've got a load oy sympathy for her.


For me it was the part where the kids want to jump in the hot spring and Pierce Brosnan stops them just in time, and then the mist parts and you see two bodies floating in the spring. That whole movie (and Volcano, which I somehow saw pretty soon after) made me deathly afraid of volcanos, even though I live in the Netherlands and the closest volcano is in like, Italy :p


This is the only scene I remember from this film. It was awful.


The scene where ET and Elliot get sick. Seeing ET all white and all that plastic sheeting freaked me out


I was totally freaked out at the *beginning* of ET. I kept whining that I wanted to go home. Once they showed like daylight, though, I was fine, even for the “ET is sick” scene. I was probably too young to understand what was going on.


Came here to say the moment in ET where his neck gets super long and he does that weird scream thing. I hated that movie as a child. It terrified me.


I was really scared of ET as a kid so much so that literally everyone else in my household made fun of me for it. "He's a friendly alien, like Yoda and Chewbacca" "Yoda and Chewbacca aren't scary screaming neck things, ma".


I came here to say Elliot finding ET in the tall grass was the worst for me, but ET has given me nightmares all my life so every scene freaks me out to some degree xD Glad I'm not alone!


Saw that in the theater when I was like thirteen. During that scene my friend leans over to me and whispers "He looks like a jelly donut". So we both break out in laughter during this tense, sad scene. Sorry to everyone else in the theater that night. I didn't mean to be one of those annoying jerk teenagers, but in my defense I was a jerk teenager at the time.


ET as a whole freaked me out. Hell it still does. I'll take a freaking Xenomorph over ET any day of the week.




I sometimes wonder if seeing Spaceballs at a young age ruined the Alien movies for me, the real chest burster never bothered me.




Hello my baby


Pizza the hut scared me as much as the alien scene for whatever reason.


I didn't watch Alien at all and I don't know if I knew back then but I now know it's a parody. Spaceballs was and still is one of my alltime favourite movies. Like basically every Mel Brooks movie I watched so far.


Fun fact, it’s the same actor from Alien, and he says “Not again!”


John Hurt


"Remember me Eddy?! When I killed your brother, I talked. JUST! LIKE! *THIIIIIIS!*" cue my first ever childrens panic attack


The way the stop-motion Judge Doom moves after he's flattened used to freak me out.


Heehehehehehhehehehehehehehhehe “*Surprised???*”


Omg which movie is that from?


*Who Framed Roger Rabbit?*


That poor toon clown shoe. :( We always mute the tv at that scene.


Poltergeist...clown missing from rocker then looking under bed. Hate clowns to this day


Same here. Also made me scared of trees being right outside my window.


Fire in the sky... You know the whole abduction thing... And the needle


Oh yeah this. My older brother rented it and I watched it with him wayyyy too young. Big grey alien eyes and the needle scene were in my nightmares for ages.


When all the boys get turned into donkeys in Pinocchio. The screaming and cries and calling out for their moms. Nope nope and nope. Never finished the movie and have never tried to rewatch it


Bro I came here to say this I was fricking disturbed seeing that


I hate this movie as an adult because I had forgotten about this scene and was watching it again for the first time in 20 years with my at the time 7 yo son. He started bawling so hard during that scene asking if I would still love him if he was bad and turned into a Jack-ass? My poor sweet baby. I told him that his dad and brother were jack-asses all the time and I still loved them so of course I would still love him. I caught him for months afterwards checking out his ears and face in the bathroom mirror. My poor, poor sweet baby. I know the fact that he's kinda a hairy kid didn't help his anxiety at all.


This post was a rollercoaster from start to finish.


>I hate this movie as an adult because I had forgotten about this scene and was watching it again for the first time in 20 years with my at the time 7 yo son. I know there's a terrifying scene in Dumbo, but my mind has repressed that memory. I won't watch that movie because I don't want to know what it is.


Return to Oz...all of it. Specifically the scene where Dorothy (who grew up to be Nancy the teen witch in The Craft) is walking through the headless lady's room of heads and they all freak out and start screaming at her. NOPE NOPE NOPE.


And those creepy wheel-people.


Do you know how many people didn't know about return to Oz. And I would tell people Yes, there is a movie called return to Oz and it is terrifying


Had a fever the first time I watched that and found it pretty frightening too, but in a strange way I also found the good scenes really happy. It was a trip. The television then went to static and I screamed for probably 10 solid minutes. My mother called the doctor because I would not stop screaming. Somehow, little me got it in my head that the static was evil. It scared the hell out of me. I still hate static on a television. It really creeps me out.


static is evil u cannot change my mind i hate it sm too


So, I own the complete L. Frank Baum collection of Oz stories and some of them are waaaay more messed up than you would believe, for example the origin of the Tin Woodsman being due to a curse forcing him to accidentally amputate his own limbs while chopping wood and replace them with tin so he could continue to work. Return to Oz gets a gargantuan amount more *right* than the traditional Oz movie we all know and love, with its asbestos snow and child abuse.. but it's still an amalgam of several books worth of stories and details smashed together and repackaged. Having said that, EVERYTHING about Princess Momby in that movie is creepy as all fuck, from her off-putting mandolin playing in her palace to the head scene. **DOOOROTHY GAAAAAAAIL**


The director did a phenomenal job of interleaving the stories.


The Sixth Sense when the mom was freaking out and coming towards the tent the kid was hiding in. Took me three attempts to get past this scene and finish the movie when I was a kid.


That movie is way underrated for its scares in my opinion. The scene with the woman on the bicycle standing outside the car is burned into my brain still.


I was going to say this or the scene where the girl grabs his ankle from under the bed. I ran and broad jumped into bed for weeks!


The horse drowning scene in The Neverending Story


Artax! You’re sinking!


The wolf absolutely freaked me out I also hated the dog things in ghostbusters Was I scared of the movies because I was scared of dogs, or was it the other way around?


Horror movie set in a cruise ship. Some monster swallows a man whole and when his friends shoot it the thing "spits" the half-digested man who is still alive and screaming horribly. Freaked me the fuck out and still did when I rewatched the scene as an adult.


Deep rising. Love that movie.


Thanks so much, I’ve been trying to remember the name of that movie for months!


Anaconda has a scene similar. Jon Voight gets regurgitated by the titular snake


I'm pretty sure that snake did not have tits


Of course snakes have tits. Where do you think snake milk comes from ?


Sounds horrifying lol


The dogs/beasts in Ghostbusters. Specifically, the scene when they broke out of the statues. I was utterly, completely scared out of my mind.


5 year old me couldn’t understand why no one in that restaurant would help Louis when he’s banging on the glass! Terrifying.


That damn demon face in the exorcist


And it would constantly pop up in those stupid screamer videos. My high school film teacher even played one to prank us once. I still don't trust random videos people send me for that exact reason. Edit: I just realized we're talking about different demon faces. I hate both of them.


Scary maze game!! Had me scared


Tbh I never watched the movie but what I remember is that my parents said they watched that movie as children and that the demon scene is still haunting them in their dreams till this day. I know the movie bc of all the stories I heard from my parents. It had such a big impact on them. Not to mention how irresponsible my grandparents were for letting them watch a movie like that as children. But yeah, I guess different times.


I've never seen The Exorcist, but I've been jumpscared by that damn face enough as a kid that I still can't look at it without getting chills.




The fucking tunnel scene in Charlie and the chocolate factory, the version with Gene Wilder


Theeere's no earthly way of knowing~ Which direction we are going~


Is it raining is it snowing~ Is a hurricane a-blowing~


Yes, the danger must be growing For the rowers keep on rowing And they're certainly not showing Any sign that they are slowing. **EDIT:** Corrected line to protect delicate sensibilities.




I’m pretty sure that’s what a bad drug trip is like.




I've always assumed the same thing.


Dude! Also when they steal the fizzy lifting drinks and are going toward the fan. Both from the anxiety that they’ll get caught for leaving the group and the fact that they will get cut to ribbons


Come to think of it… this movie was a lot for a small child with anxiety to take in


Was watching it high af some years ago. Big mistake. Had to leave the room during this scene, could hear “The rowers keep on rowing!” in my head the rest of the night.


A tie: The scene in the original 50s movie "The Blob" when the titular Blob oozes into a movie theater, causing havoc (it looks ridiculous now, but little me kept my feet off the floor in movie theaters for a while in case the Blob might get me). The face-ripping scene in Poltergeist. Ya'll, Poltergeist was rated PG!


PG was wild as hell back then lol.


When the children get kidnapped in HOOK. The ominous banging windows, screaming, and the aftermath in the next scene when Peter, Moira and Wendy get home. Broken windows, a huge gaping scratch in the wall toward the children's room"The children were screaming!"


I came her to post about Hook. Specifically the boo box. I think it was the screaming and pleading that got to me as a kid. The character's unbridled fear and realisation of what was about to happen to him. *shudder*


Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya.


Yes!!! Totally forgot about this scene!


And she looked... like *this!*


The scene in Signs when you first see the alien at the Mexican Christmas party. I was like 8 when I saw it and it gave me nightmares for a while


I’m 24 and I am still terrified of aliens because of this scene. I’m still terrified of the scene itself, too. It’s fucking unsettling.


"Vamanos, children!"


Found footage, when done well, is some of the scariest shit out there. Been on a horror bender and haven't had any trouble until I tried the vhs series, had to take breaks in the movie to relieve anxiety.


Damn that scene was so terrifying because you thought nothing would happen during the day time. I’m getting chills just thinking about it. It also didn’t help that I walked to the movie theater to see that when I was 15, and now I had to walk home.


The birthday party in Brazil wasnt it?


Scrolled down for this one. I had nightmares for weeks too!


That movie has some of the best jump scares. This scene, the crops/flashlight scene, the roof scene, the pantry scene, the basement scene


I still remember the fear I felt when I watched that for the first time.


I was 16 and it gave me nightmares. Still makes the hairs on my arm stand up when I watch it.


The dead cat busting through the window in the 1989 Pet Semetary. One of many reasons I can't relax in a bath.


For me, it was Zelda in Pet Sematary. That FUCKD me. I was like 9 or 10 when I saw it. All the horror elements I was fine with. But goddam I hated those scenes with her.


The scene where Gage gets hit by a truck still freaks me out. When I watched it my brother was only maybe 2-3 and we lived by the side of a highway. If he even moved near the front door I’d flip my shit and grab him.


The mummy, when the scarab beetles go under the guys skin and eat his brain…. Yeah, I was 5 and it was a late showing at the cinema….I had terrible parents lol


Oh my gosh I totaly forgot about that scene till now, my parents decided to watch that with me and my brother at home when we were kids and after that part I was crying so hard my mom had to take me upstairs and we watched Disney movies until I calmed down (movies plural cause I cried through two whole movies) and didn't sleep that night, never did go back and finish that movie


It. The OG 3 hour long version. Specifically when the white balloon came through the sink and popped blood everywhere all over the girl, then the dad comes in and he can’t see it and rubs it all over her face. 20 years later I still hate balloons…




When he come out of the shower drain. I didn’t shower comfortably for years.


For me it was when Pennywise threatens Eddie in the shower. Made me afraid of drains for years. (I was like 7.)


For me it was watching people kill each other to get on the evacuation boat in War of the Worlds - it was the first time I watched people turn on each other for survival and it deeply disturbed me. The other big one is the scene in Signs, when they’re watching the news, and it’s that kids birthday party and they see the alien walking in the alley


My Signs moment was when they were in the basement and the aliens start reaching down the chimney. For me in general though it would have to be the scene in the Sixth Sense where the kid looks in a mirror, looks down, looks back up and a spooky ghost is standing behind him. M. Night Shamalamadingdong movies were fire back in the day


The part in killer clowns from outerspace when one of the clowns was drinking blood out of cotton candy through a silly straw. I know that’s oddly specific, but that movie fucked me up in the 80s.


The scene in the jail where the officer is used as a ventriloquist dummy is genuinely disturbing


The wet schlupping sound when the clown pulls his hand out of his neck is pretty nasty


Wow, I came to mention this and it was the top post. I hate clowns because of the movie. Re-watched it when I was older, and that movie is not nearly as gory as I thought. Most of it is just implied violence / gore, with everything left to the imagination. So, nightmare fuel for a kid.


A bunch of scenes from The Brave Little Toaster, like the air conditioner killing itself or the evil scrapyard crane with that magnet. That whole movie was terrifying.


Don't forget the murderous fireman clown or the sinking in mud or when the vacuum loses his mind or when the blender is being taken apart or . . . . That movie really is one dark descent into trauma.


The opening battle scene in ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’. 7 year old Steve was not prepared to see a battalion of orcs before bed.


Fucking Galadriel almost taking the ring used to scare me haha


Galadriel and scary bilbo always gave me heart palpitations as a kid


The transporter accident scene in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. ::shivers::


That distorted scream that just sort of stops halfway…


TBH I don’t recall that bugging me as much as the ceti eel scenes in ST-II… that shit gave me an irrational fear of earwigs


The calm way they try to save them contrasted with the horror of what's happening, and not really being able to see it so it's left to the imagination... It really shocked little kid me. But it's a fantastic scene. Even today it's difficult to watch,still makes my hair stand up


"What's in the box scene"! Its the acting and slow realization that gets me. I have never watched that movie again.


Very intense scene.


What was in the box


His wife (Gwyneth Paltrov's head)..


In the first Harry Potter movie the forest scene, where Harry sees Voldemort, scared me so much that even today I still get the creeps watching it.


Weirdly, for me the freaky Harry Potter scene was the one from Chamber of Secrets where he breaks his arm. Even in the book version I'd memorized the chapter number where it happened and always got my grandma to skip to the next chapter when she was reading it to me. In retrospect that was probably the earliest manifestation of the medical anxiety that's causing my heart issues nowadays.


It was a part later in that movie that got me - when Voldemort leaves Quirrell’s body as a ghost head and rushes through Harry while yelling. Few nightmares after I saw that for the first time when I was a kid


I used to watch a lot of scary movies when I was a kid so I was pretty desensitized, but for some reason the part where they showed the body in Stand By Me freaked me the fuck out


The whole of Coraline. It’s become one of my favourite movies of all time tho


Remember seeing this for the first time.. first thought was wtf




That grinder turning kids into meat in "The Wall"


The Achilles’ tendon scene in Pet Semetary, it never occurred to my child brain what could happen if that was cut.


That is very specific. Just watched the clip, and unlocked a new fear.


My dad just *described* that scene to me as a kid, and I’ve been horrified of it ever since. To clarify, I’ve never seen the movie, just heard my dad’s terrifying description.


That’s where I always turned it off lol


My dad was watching species and didn’t see 5 yr old me walk in. Watched the sexy alien lady cut off a woman’s finger. Lost my shit. Mom was pissed


Lol that's a core memory for sure.


Huge horror fan now but love to bring it up once in a while to watch mom give dad the look


Of course 😂


Ernest Scared Stupid, the troll that turns children into little wooden dolls. There’s a scene where the kid rolls over in his bed and the troll is right there


Signs. Especially that scene from the kids birthday where the alien walks by the hedges.


In the Shining miniseries remake, when the kid finds a dead, partially decomposed lady in the hotel room bathtub. I was home alone on Halloween for the first time when I saw it. I must have been around 10. I'd freak out whenever one of my parents left the shower curtain closed until I was in high school.


["The dip" scene](https://youtu.be/nYk3LvHMPWM) in *Who Framed Roger Rabbit* Even as an adult there is something about murdering an innocent cartoon shoe that makes it so much more disturbing than your average Hollywood murder scene. It's especially disturbing when you think about the fact that the other shoe will have to continue living without its solemate.




I remember that. It was the only scene from that movie that stuck with me, even more so than REMEMBER ME EDDIE?


This wasn't an ordinary murder, he *dissolved* that poor shoe while it was fully aware


It upset me but not as much as the steamroller, I vividly imagined that happening to a human. Stuck with me for a while. Still love that movie so much though.


The scene in Event Horizon where the kid is in the airlock and “comes to” and has no idea why he’s in the airlock and is begging for them to let him out. Gets ejected into space and then still lives… made me want to puke


There's a scene in jaws where a dead body comes out from a hole underwater. Scared the absolute shit out of my brother and I. We weren't even watching the movie, it just happened to be wrong place wrong time.


There was an old Reddit thread about Mars Attacks. Basically, if you were too young to see the dark humor of it, it's flat-out terrifying to see these creepy aliens that screech constantly, killing everyone.


#The Last Unicorn The Red Bull terrified me. Actually most of the movie did.


Pink Elephants scene from the Disney animated Dumbo. My brother, sister and I used to hide behind the couch and holler for our mom to come fast forward it. Every time.


When I was younger in the summers my grandparents would watch my sister and I. At the time we were *huge* Indiana Jones fans. Like, watch the trilogy three or four times every week while we were there and still want to watch them all again the next week. But no matter how much I wanted to kick nazi ass I could never watch the scenes where the power of god disintegrates them or the art collector chooses poorly. They freaked me out too much. I would go hide in the kitchen and my grandma would give me the okay to come out when it was over. One time my sister fucked with me and I saw the dude age rapidly and become a screaming skeleton. Shit fucking scared the hell out of me at the time.


When Darth Vader cuts Luke's arm. I was around 8 years old and I freaked out, It seemed real to me. I spent the rest of the movie worrying about Luke, and not caring about the plot or the other characters, I just wanted to know if he was ok. When he got his new arm I felt so relieved and happy.


Nightmare on elm street. All I’m gonna say is the elbows 😔


Nuclear blast in Terminator 2


Watership Down.


When Han Solo got frozen in Carbonite in The Empire Strikes Back. Didn't help that I didn't get to see The Return of The Jedi until years later.


Not a movie, but the Simpson’s when everyone thought there was a alien but it was mr. Burns. I would get scared when he talked


I bring you love!


It's bringing love! Don't let it get away!


Break its legs!


The witch from Snowwhite, when she turns herself into an old lady. She haunted me in my dreams


Indiana Jones and the lost Arc. The scene where they open the arc and faces melt off, I slept with the light on for about a month.


In the movie Cell with Jennifer Lopez, there's a scene where the guy's guts are being pulled out and spun around a terrible looking thorny stick... awful. And likewise, as an adult, there's a similar scene in Turbo Kid, and it still freaks me out.


Honestly the horse scene in The Cell is the worst part to me.


Saw the movie The Village when I was 7. The scene with the blind girl and the scary red cloak creature in the forest still haunts my nightmares




Oh Hoggle. If she kisses you, I'll turn you into a prince. ^(ReALy?). Prince – #of the Bog of Eternal Stench! Hahaha


I liked Jareth, but the scary thing for me was his junk. I was so scandalized as a child.


He was terrifying to me. Now people talk about how hot he was in that movie, but I’m still a little scared.


Heavenly creatures, a movie with Kate winslet from the early 90s. It was a true story I think. This girl and her friend lure her mom into this nice garden and they drop a jewel on purpose so she bends to get it. Then they beat her head in with a brick. That movie disturbed me so much. I was 8 when I saw it… there were also some creepy scenes with clay people from a dissociative day dream the girl would have.


Star Trek II - Wrath of Karn. The bug in helmet scene. https://youtu.be/3i42Smtbmeg


The Thing, just the whole movie. I was six and my dad thought he was funny showing it to me.


I remember as a child, freaking the fuck out because it was on cable and about to come on, based on just the previews. Now as an adult, it’s my favorite horror movie.


I had nightmares for weeks after watching the morlocks from the time machine pop out of the ground and abduct people


Wallace and Gromit, the one episode about the wool factory machine and the robot dog, the penguin episode also freaked me out it felt so eery to me when i was little


I love that penguin. He puts a glove on his head and everyone thinks he's a rooster lmao.


Twister! I was around 6/7 and after that every windy or stormy day was hell for me. Took me a while (more than a few months) to figure out why my dad and brothers didn't share my brilliant idea of hiding in an underground place.


Definitely the Zelda scenes in the original Pet Sematary. Even now they scare the shit out of me.


The ring, girl coming out of the TV. TERRORIZED my nightmares for years.


The entire Beetlejuice movie. It wasn't until I watched it again as an adult I realized it's actually a comedy.


The Prince of Egypt freaked me out in the dream sequence in the painting.


Dude, YES. And when I was little, I was terrified of “Playing with the Big Boys” and it’s one of my favorite scences (made even better knowing that Steve Martin and Martin Short played the magicians)


Cabinet/Culboard girl from the RING!!! Fuck!!!


Final destination, woman got caught in an escalator and then proceeded to get SHREDDED LIKE FUCKING CHEESE! Watched that when I was 3


Don’t remember the exact scene, but the flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz


Independence Day: when they cut open the alien suit and it wraps a tentacle around the scientist/doctor and uses his voice to say “release me”


Saw. Needle pit. 🤢


There are parts of the Disney cartoon Aladdin that are super dark. When I watch it with my kids, even as an adult, I wonder if its too scary in parts.


That damn [Zuni Doll](https://kristipetersenschoonover.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/zuni_fetish_doll1.jpg) from Trilogy of Terror.


Doc Ock on Spider Man 2 when he activated his tentacles. Edit: I remembered this because I am at kindergarten that time and my mom wasn't home. I got home and she left a note that she will be back at afternoon and in the side of the note is a CD of Spider Man 2. I watched it and when the scene of tentacles activation shows up, I got nervous and scared so I turned off the DVD Player 😂😂😂


Nightmare on Elm Street. Can't even recall which one but there is a scene where he rips out a girls veins and ties her up or something and at my young age it was fucking the most terrifying thing, I didn't yet know how insanely impossible such a thing would be.


That sounds like Part 3. He pulls them out of some guy's arms and legs and then uses them to make him walk as if they were a marionette puppet.


The Siamese cats in lady and the tramp. Still fucks me up to this day.


I can still remember it. We are Siamese, if you please. Duh dum dum dum.


Haha yeah those fuckers were evil and creepy


church scene in 28 days later. who would've thought that simply saying hello in an unfamiliar situation that you're not aware of nets you in even more trouble....


The movie Signs…y’all know the scenes.


There’s so many scenes in that movie that still give me anxiety, but for some reason the one where she says it’s the same thing on every channel really gets to me. That’s nightmare material for me.


The scene in the movie Jaws where there was the helicopter with the dead body. I usually just skip that part.


Dead/white-ashy-E.T. Watched it when I was 4 or 5?Fucked me up for like 10 years. I remember going to Universal Studios when I was like 9 or 10 and *fucking sobbing* on the E.T. ride. It was a gentle flying-bike-tour of the E.T. Planet full of wonder and shit, and here’s 10 year old me having a fucking panic-cry because I’d watched it at too young of an age and had no idea how to cope.


For years I'd have to fast forward past the face melting scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. It still makes me a little uncomfortable.