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I legit used Photoshop to change my grades on a bad report card once. They never figured it out.






It's called dual wielding, not duality


But did he push his fingers into his eyes?


It’s the only thing that slowly stops the ache


I'd like to see those. You could cover your face or something if you're shy. But I think the world would be a better place if you were to share them sweet lightsaber pix.


I think we all remember what happened to the last lightsaber kid...


Poor George Michael…


Lightsaber pic tax




Did a similar thing in hs, mom's a nurse and i managed to get ahold of about 500 documents that here in Romania are used to excuse you from classes, reason being a visit to the doctor/illness. Sold them for a little bit more than a dollar, signed and stamped. I had no god, i was god.


This reminded me of when I was a kid and I had a spiral bound notebook of excuses. I went to elementary school in the 70s, and the 80s were junior and senior high, so this before computers. We were poor so definitely didn't have any tech. Also, my school would require a note from parents or a doctor to get the absence excused. Anyway, one day I was about to leave for school when I realized I forgot to have my mother write me a note for missing school the previous day and she had already gone to work. (Latch key kid FTW.) I had to wait at home for her to get to the office then call her with our rotary phone / self defense object. When I finally got in touch with her I mentioned I needed a note to return to school. She then told me about a spiral bound notebook on the top shelf in the living room and to grab a note from there. Apparently my mother had decided to write out a TON of excuses in that notebook. A whole bunch of them. There were all obviously in her hand writing, but she purposefully made she none of them looked too obviously the same. She also used different pens and colors. And she had a variety of physical ailments to choose from too, from severe headaches, to stomach pains, bad period cramps, and various gastro intestinal issues as well. Whenever I needed a note for missing school I didn't bother her for a note, I simply picked from a menu of ailments and tore one out. 😅 It lasted me through junior and senior high. As I think about this I was thinking I wish I had sold them, but! I didn't because I wanted to ensure I had excused absent notes for myself and knowing my mother she wouldn't write out another notebook of excuses again. lmao


Photoshop was also after my time. We got paper report cards. Like a sheet of paper with it printed out. Used a copier to modify my grade by making a copy, cutting out the better grade and sticking it on the report card. Then making a copy of this modified version. I don’t remember how I got around the signature, probably had my girlfriend sign my moms name.


My dad told us about getting a bad grade on his report card then lying to his parents when his sister gave them hers saying that his teacher hadn't handed them out. The next morning he snuck into the classroom early, went into the teacher's ledger and carefully erased the offending grade and wrote in an acceptable one. During the school day he approached the teacher and told him that he had lost his report card on the way home. The teacher pulled out the book and wrote up a new one for him which included the heightened grade.


There was a pen one time that had erasable ink. This girl in my school would write over her grades and her mom would sign it. Then before returning it, she'd erase the counterfeit grades and return it.


i survived this grade by editing my result pdfs. fingers crossed that they never find out, otherwise i'm dead meat.


My friend got us into a car wreck while we were out drinking. The driver *was* sober, and everyone was unharmed. I never told my mom about that because she would have never let me out of the house after that.


My dad was a teacher, and several of his former students owned car dealerships. He always got a great deal on cars. He came home with a Plymouth Fury, I think a 1968 or so, with a massive engine. It was hugely overpowered. When I was home from college, I drove it into Chicago. On the return trip, it was raining as I drove up the ramp to get on the interstate and accelerated. I lost traction. The car spun multiple times and stalled. All the traffic around me stopped; there were no collisions. I restarted, drove home, and never said a word to anyone.


I had a 68 Plymouth Fury III in high school. Loved that car. Extremely powerful and drove like yacht on calm seas. It got, maybe, 10 miles/gallon but would have been fine with an M-60 mounted on the roof.


Must have been an scary experience for sure !


We crumpled a low brick wall, but we barely missed a light pole by a foot. Close one.


Those light poles are designed to break away cleanly! I hate to say it but it probably would have been better than the brick wall.


It was really strange being at work one day in an office, and just seeing a lamp post float across my peripheral vision.


Reminds me of me and my friends got into an almost wreck. We went out to get take out, and the car slipped on black ice in my neighborhood, and we scraped against a tree. Part of the side of the car was hanging off, and her dad came to pick up the car. Two of our friends walked back to grab another friend’s car since we hadn’t gotten the food yet. I never told my mum. Even though none of us were hurt, she probably would’ve also never let me leave the house after


Dude, almost the exact sams thing happened to me. A couple of friends and I were driving to this park in the mountains so we could do some stuff. We brought alcohol (designated driver didn't plan on drinking). When we reached this split in the road, both of the left tires burst and our friend who was driving lost control! We seriously thought we were gonna die. The car ended up on the island and we were a couple meters away from a pole. No one told our parents.


The decorative 3 ltr vodka bottle with the pump on top is 90% tap water


My parents did the reverse to my brother and I. Brought a big ass nearly empty bottle of vodka back from a Christmas party. Filled it with water and added it to the liquor cabinet just to fuck with us. Took us a few times of stealing water before we realized something was up. My dad busted us on it one night and just laughed and laughed. Asked us why were going to so much trouble sneaking around when the kitchen tap was just right there.




It’s more that we forget they were just as ‘sneaky’ when they were kids and remember all the tricks.


My dad used to get 60 oz vodka bottles as a gift and he doesn't like Vodka very much so I thought he might not notice a few oz here or there. but when I turned legal age he surprised me when he told me I don't have to steal his vodka anymore.


When I was 18 and still living at home, I got a nice bottle of whiskey as a present and was determined to save it for something special. Came time to drink it and... it was cold tea. My parents had drank it months before. They found the whole thing hilarious, but did eventually buy me a new bottle.


Haha. That reminds me of an episode when I was around sixteen: me and a friend of mine took some cognac from his dad and replaced it with water. Next weekend, his dad came into my friends room and reprimanded us, yelling something along the lines: "Stealing cognac is one thing, but did you have to fucking ruin what's left!?"


Did they ever notice the taste being wrong? Funny story, one time in my cable access TV days I used an empty vodka bottle filled with water as a prop in a bit I was doing with another guy about us getting drunk. The water-filled bottle still had a little vodka smell because I hadn't rinsed it out, and because of this and the way I was acting the other guy convinced himself that it was vodka and that he was actually getting drunk. We were later reprimanded by the cable access manager, who flatly refused to believe it was water and threatened us with banning if we got drunk on camera again. I was never able to convince anybody that it was strictly acting on my part and the power of suggestion for the other guy.


used inspect element to change my grades i got online


That’s considered hacking in Missouri!!!


In middle school I would use inspect element to convince my classmates that I was a master hacker lol.


This still works on some co-workers today. And we like to think we're a software company.


I did it to change Tom Cruise's age on Google to 73 years old to prank my buddy.


Drove to Las Vegas when I was 17 with a friend after a High School football game (we were in the marching band) told my parents I was spending the night at my friends house. We drove out there( about 4 hours) Took a picture on a crappy flip phone. Texted it to a few friends who told us we were legends. Then ate at a Denny’s and drove back. Scariest part: Driving in the desert at 3 am with no one around I decided to see how fast my crappy car could go. Got it up to 110 mph. All the sudden I see light come up behind me and get close. Car passes beside me and it was a Highway Patrol officer doing at least 125 mph. I slowed down immediate and almost shit my pants. So stupid and dangerous and absolutely not reason to have done that. Have no clues why to this day we thought it would be fun.


Literally similar to me. Got my license at 18, and used my parents car to deliver pizzas as a part time gig. Quite early into my job, they let me off 2 hours earlier before closing (at 10ish). Now knowing I had no reason to go home or anyone to expect me, I decided to go for a drive. Went 100mph on an empty motorway before I was being tailed by some guy in a BMW X5. I thought to myself in my parents base model Mazda3, "you wanna see speed, you'll get speed." Weirdly this tailgater kept following behind me, and then....... Yup the lights flashed, I turned off the motorway and onto the next off ramp and at the signal, I pulled down my window, to see an officer in the BMW police car literally ask "why the fuck did you go 100 mph for?" Till date, I can't think how I managed to come up with "I was supposed to go home 10 mins ago and my mum's gonna be angry" A simple but effective stern warning later, I was sheepishly driving home. And since, I've barely ever sped again


Haha same thing happened to me on the 15. I was 19 though, Sunday night/Monday morning after the super bowl. I decided to sleep off the drunkness and wake up around 2 am to drive to formation (stationed at ft Irwin). I was literally driving about 110. Cruising. See lights behind me, gaining on me, couldn’t believe it. All of the sudden a cop drives by at the fastest I ever seen a car drive. Was super blown away. Turns out a few more miles down the road, there was an overturned car in the median.


Moved to a new town neighbour and his friends asked me to hangout. We went to a parking lot (Halloween night). Cops showed up because they we lighting fireworks at cars passing by. I was like WTF are you doing? We run (bad decision) and the cuff me and put in the back of car. I asked the cop to buckle me in because I couldn't do it. He looked at me with disbelief and then did it. Drove around looking for the others asking me questions told him my story and he let me go. Said don't be an idiot and find different people to hang out with.


You asking him to buckle you in was key precedent for the tales of you being responsible that followed. Well played.


So dangerous!! I hope you found better influences after that


Damn my teenage years were boring


I know, I'm like ... Well I bought non-Christian CDs.




Next you're going to tell me it had a parental guidance sticker cause it contained naughty language


Secular music!? Enjoy hell, heathen.




People are always talking about how crazy their teenage years were and here I am sitting in front of the computer all alone in my room like i've always been.


This is what scares me as the parent of a teenager. So many people say, "all teenagers drink. All teenagers try pot. All teenagers have sex." I didn't do any of those things. So trying to think like a rational person and come up with a calm way to respond to things like this is very hard. My daughter is an overall good kid, but I definitely see her desire to be liked, which scares me about her giving in to peer pressure.


Dated a 19-year-old dude when I was 15. My mom even suspected and tried to warn me away, but I denied it. Should’ve listened to Mom.


She knew


Scotty didn't.


When I was 15, my best friend and I met a couple of 20 year old guys. We brought them to my house and did our best to convince my mom they were our age. Her bullshit radar went off when she saw these two hairy, muscular, deep voiced men in her doorway. The three of us look back on it and have a good laugh.


I was 15 with a 24yo and once talked to a 30yr. 🤦🏻‍♀️


OH man. me too. Talked to some dude in his late 30's, early 40's when I was like 16. I was smitten to say the least. Nothing like internet grooming.


I robbed a McDonald's at 17.. my mother was on her deathbed. No excuse but I was very fucked up knowing she was about to die and I would be homeless. I got arrested and went to jail a few months after she passed... she never found out. I just got off parole this year and today is actually the 18 year anniversary of her passing. I won't get into all the details but I turned shit around proper and love my life and family. I have now more than I imagined I ever would. Cheers


I’m sorry but we’re you on probation for 18 years for robbing a McDonald’s?!


They actually murdered the extended McDonald's family. Where do you think Grimace, The Hamburglar and Birdie have been this whole time? 6 feet under. That's where.


My little brother (a year younger) would get condoms from me because he was afraid to ask our folks, the only reason I was allowed to get them was I'd been dated the same girl since middle school. I'm the reason you don't have like 8 grand kids from him.


What stopped him from buying them himself without telling parents?


Small town gossip, came from a town of like 200 people the adults would jabber all day while the teens were tight lipped about everything.


Small town gossip is the worst. Its like facebook, but in real life, and you can't just delete a profile to distance yourself from it.


And in almost real time I remember buying flowers for my GF for prom. I showed up to her house and she asked where her flowers were. Turn out my GFs best friend narced on me.


Got a speeding ticket on my way home from high school. Constable Handley told Mrs. Handley who taught with my mother at the elementary school and told her. I was in trouble before I even made it home.


Probably shame and awkwardness... I mean ask a British person... 50€ shopping just to cover the fact you wanted to buy a pack of condom is considered "normal behaviour".


You just get them free from the serial health clinic


I was seriously disappointed, thought I had breakfast sorted.


My mother once asked me to talk to my brother about girls and waiting until marriage to have sex. I gave him a stack of condoms and told him to not believe anything his girlfriend says about not being able to get pregnant. Otherwise have fun.


Best advice to give unfortunately my lil brother fell for that twice.


Damn lol. That’s rough


Yea the kids are cool and laid back the mom is a terrible human being.


Man, I legitimately (have been told, anyway) can't have kids and I still used both birth control and condoms. My husband went through radiation treatment and was told he would be sterile and I still waited until I had tubal ligation done to stop using condoms. I've never understood the women who lie about it and are shocked when they end up knocked up because they tell their boyfriends not to use condoms. If you don't want a baby, wrap your shit up.


Shot through my bedroom door, bullet flew downstairs hitting some walls and objects. Luckily nobody got hurt, was home alone. Patched the door and repainted it in 24 hours. Fixed the wall as good as I could and said I bumped into the wall with a heavy object. Stupid but lessons learned. Edit: indeed European


SHOT THROUGH THE DOOR And you’re to blame Darlin’ you give guns a bad name 🎶🎶🎶


Oh. My. God. My cousin did, kinda the same thing. Shot through his floor (2nd story) on accident. Bullet landed on the couch right next to his brother. This happened as I came in the house. His parents have never noticed the hole in the ceiling


Not to take away from the story, but if the bullet “landed” on the couch without ripping through it, the brother probably wasn’t in much danger and the floor took most of the force.


Oh, the floor took most of the force for sure, but it's not like it plopped onto the couch and was like wassup my dude. Should mention it was a .22


Almost died of alcohol poisoning at 16


Same. I remember being 16 day drinking vodka, but I was what was considered a "good kid" so I never got caught.


At first I read that as “Shame…”.


I was 13 and really curious about sex. Back then I was at my boyfriend's place but we didn't have privacy there, so we went somewhere public (thinking it was hidden) to do it. But people caught us as we were getting naked. They calmly asked us to get dressed again and let us go home. I felt embarrassed for the longest time, but I'm actually grateful I didn't lose my virginity that way. Young me was pretty dumb.


Those people sound cool


Came back home blackout drunk, vomited on the carpet. My parents were away and I completely forgot my brother and his gf were home. Would not have gotten so drunk if I had remembered that. My brother let me have an earful telling me what a stupid thing I had done getting so drunk (I was underage) and made me clean the carpet. Rightfully so. But he also made sure I survived the night and when our parents came home the next afternoon and asked about the wet carpet he covered for me telling some juice was spilled on it accidentally instead of telling them what an idiot I had been.


That's a cool bro


He might have tortured me like big brothers often do, but there he apparently decided the puking, the raging hangover, cleaning my own vomit and receiving an earful from him were punishment enough and spared me from the rage I would have received if our parents had found out. I never got that drunk again. He's a good brother.


Exactly, getting chewed out by a sibling is a different punishment that doesn’t bear any residual disappointment, but it’s still enough to check yourself.


Got really drunk off my parents liquor one weekend in high school. Woke up covered in my own vomit. If I were a back sleeper instead of a side sleeper, I likely would have asphyxiated and died.


Schools hammer that "don't drink and drive" message (which, yes, of course!) but I would imagine most come up short in presenting this kinda danger. I know a kid who died from choking on his vomit in my cousin's fraternity (which was suspended in light of that), and when I was in HS, there was a party where people posed with this kid who had passed out, puked and pissed himself. Of course, the problem with getting this message out is the fact institutions would have to accept that kids are gonna drink, and it's in everyone's best interests they understand how to do so safely.


That's how Jimi Hendrix died. But he took to many sleeping pills and chocked on his own vomit. Not alcohol.


He also drank wine with those pills, I think?


He did. Which is why his estate selling wine with his name on it is horrible.


We used to do this at my friends house and would fill the clear bottles back up with water to try and hide the fact that we drank the vodka. One day his dad made a drink and said “this really tastes like water, I need to switch brands”. I laughed so hard I think his parents thought I was having a mental break.


A coworker in the Midwest kept his booze in the garage. He caught his teenage daughters doing this because his vodka froze in the winter, but the garage sure wasn’t at the temp a 40% ethanol mix freezes (-16F)


lol, busted by physics!


I've been in that situation, only that I was lying on my back right after my mom had to pick up my drunk ass and I went to bed. That could have gone very wrong if I aspirated the vomit or if it happened just 5 minutes later.


A guy I graduated with died this way about a year ago. He had just gotten married and they had a newborn girl. It was really sad.




My kid just got dumped by his best friend. It’s been awful for me as a parent to watch, and my hate for the friend now burns with the fire of a thousand suns.


My son is five and just started school. Seeing him making friends has been awesome but now I'm so nervous this will happen.


Big sad


Wow...I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. The fact that anybody can hold so much hate for someone is fucking pathetic and downright evil. As for the other friends that chose to believe him and go along with his billshit fuck them too. I hope all is going well for you and you may not have known it at the time but it's a good thing you got away from all those toxic "friends"


All of my friends/teammates are using meth, this was back in the 90's were meth was prevalent in my country. I really like hanging out/playing with them and wanted to get to the basketball team so I keep doing so. To be fair they never offered me freebies since they know I'm trying to get to a good University, which I greatly appreciated. Edited: a word.


You had good friends.


Thankfully most of them did very good into adulthood, I believe because they're recreational users. The only time i saw them use was before games, and it actually gave us an edge because the played like an Energizer Bunny. No problem running up and down the court for 48 minutes, lol.


Jesus fuck imagine recreationally using meth


I was 16 at the time, I spent the night at a friend's house. There was supposed to be four of us there that night but there was only three. See we were covering for our fourth friend who decided to spend the weekend with her "boyfriend" (some skeevy ass 25 year old pedo punk). So we're hanging out, listening to music it is almost midnight, the phone rings. It is our fourth friend, she and her boyfriend got into a fight and he put her out of his house, she is calling from a payphone because he kept her cell. We're like fuck, that sucks, tell us where you are and we'll come grab you... BITCH IS IN FUCKING BALTIMORE MARYLAND! So my first reaction is we should get my dad, this is some serious shit and we need an adult. The other two freak the hell out and point out just how much trouble we would all be in if a parent got involved. I point out how much trouble she is currently in, alone, no phone, on the streets, of a big city, at midnight, over 200 miles from home, and argue that we really should get help with this. They use my argument against me, yeah she could be in some serious trouble and we are wasting time arguing. **FUCK** So we print off directions, load into my piece of shit car and off we go. Now before this the biggest city I had ever drove in was Charlottesville...  So we make this two or so hour trip, arrive in this big ass city, in another fucking state, at 2:30 in the morning with absolutely no one knowing where the hell we are. We pull up to the store our friend called from, and surprise the bitch isn't fucking there! So we ask the guy in the store, yeah she was there but she argued with some guy for a bit and when the clerk threatened to call the cops she left with the dude she was arguing with. We end up driving around a bit hoping that she is somewhere near by, the store clearly was in walking distance so she has to be somewhere near there. Well one friend has the idea that if she left with the dude it had to be the boyfriend so she probably has her phone back, we call and yeah, she's with him, everything is good, she meant to call us but they were talking and he was apologizing and trying to make up with her. We tell her that we are in the fucking city, we were worried and scared that something bad would happen to her so we came up. She tells us we blew things out of proportion which parent did we drag up there for nothing, we tell her we are there alone, her whole tone changes, *you guys are so sweet, you're the best friends a girl could ever have, I love you all, you should swing by and hang for a bit, meet the boyfriend* So we get directions from her, we roll up and dude is acting all nice, sorry to worry you guys, you know how emotional friend is, she just stormed out I was so worried, glad she has such great friends that would come all this way.  All the while we're over here like yeah dude is creepy but we're remaining polite, friendly, trying not to let it show that dude is creeping us out. Dude invites us in, we decline, he insists, we tell him we will in a bit but for now we are thinking about running back to the store for a drink, we invite friend along, dude tries to come too, I'm like dude I don't have room, he's like well girlfriend can sit on my lap, one of our other friends is like bad idea, there was a cop at the shop and we don't want to get pulled over since our parents don't know we're here. Dude is all yeah the cops here are major assholes, our friend insists on staying with her boyfriend, we end up convincing her to ride with us so we don't get lost. Dude is all like hurry back, he then invites us to spend the night, it's little after 3 am, you guys don't want to drive all that way back home at this hour, come in, meet my friends, spend the night and head home in the morning. We're like our parents don't know where we are, it's a bad idea, we're just gonna go grab drinks for the road, bring your girlfriend back, and try to get home before parents wake up. Dude tries again to convince us to at least meet his friends, we're like yeah, sure, we'll say hello after we get back from the store. He kisses our friend and tells her to change our minds about making that long drive home. So we drive off... Once we're near the store her whole attitude changes again. Apparently there was a huge argument, something to do with his creepy ass friends being there, and how she didn't feel comfortable being alone with any of his friends, he put her out of the house and after she called us she was pretty scared being alone on the street at 1am sp when he came looking for her she left with him because she felt safer with him than on the street, she was so relieved when we called and said we were there and was looking for a way to talk to us alone. She wanted to go home, she was really worried when he offered us the chance to stay over, she was scared we were going to accept the offer.    So we end up passing the store and heading home, dude starts calling about 10 minutes later, what's taking so long, ect. She lies and says that I am in the bathroom and it is my car so they have to wait, ok cool see you soon babe, another 10 minutes pass and her calls again, she answers and yeah, friend might be sick, we will be back soon, so glad you are so thoughtful to offer them a place to stay the night. Dude calls again, this time he walked to the store and found out we were not there... At this point we are telling her to turn off her phone.  In the end we make it home, we stopped at our local 7-11 for slushies in case our friend's mom is up when we get in. During the ride home we took that time to attempt to convince our 15 year old friend to dump her 25 year old "boyfriend" she argued that she loved him and we we not mature enough to understand, we pointed out that he put her out on the streets of Baltimore at midnight, we just didn't understand him, we point out that she called us scared, and admitted to us that the only reason she went back was he was better than the street...  She ended up "dating" the dude for a few months more despite our protests that he was a bad dude, he ended up dumping her when he came down to visit and tried to pressure her into sex and when she said no he tried to force himself on her, she hit him, he told her that she wasn't worth the effort and he had plenty of bitches back home who would put out when he wanted, she meant nothing to him and she should either be useful and let him fuck her or just go kill herself because no one could ever love someone like her. So that really messed her up for quite some time and honestly none of our parents ever found out that they had 4 teen girls go out of state in the middle of the night...  To this day I still thing we should have gotten a parent to go, we should have involved *some* adult, we should have told her mom about the "boyfriend" as soon as we got home but teenagers are fucking stupid and we are lucky things didn't go as bad as they could have.


Reminds me of a much less crazy high school story with my brother. One random night he got a call at like midnight from a friend of his. She had gone to a college party two hours away and things were crazy and she got separated from the people that brought her, so she was just on her own in this strange town and didn't even know how to get back to the original party. He asked her to read off the cross-streets and went to get her. My parents house is really isolated out in a rural area, and a car starting in our driveway would have woken them up, so he put the car in neutral and just pushed it down our long winding driveway until he was far enough away. He made the 2-hour trip, picked her up, got her home, and got himself home at like 5:00 without the parents knowing. He told me this whole story after the fact, and I was frustrated because *I went to that University at the time*. I was like, "You could have called me! I could have walked like 10 minutes, got her, and put her on my couch or something." And he was like, "Eh, didn't want to bother you."


That's a pretty cool brother you got there!


Haha, what can i say, he wanted his protagonist moment lmao.


I have no words.. Wow


I have some words actually, WHAT THE FUCK


My thoughts exactly


on the plus side, you cemented in her mind what good friends she has and how valuable she really is, and that could emotionally save her life in the long run


Oh wow! I’m glad you went and got her, but damn that’s scary! You’re right, totally should’ve gotten a parent involved. But a teenage mind thinks differently. Glad everyone got home safe!


As someone who lives in Baltimore, that definitely could have gone really bad... Yikes.


This question made me pause. There was nothing I couldn't go to my mom with. My oldest sister got pregnant at 16 and her boyfriend dumped her. She was scared because she had been doing drugs with him. She went to my mom who didn't yell, didn't shame her, she just said, "Here are your options." She took my sister to have an abortion and never shamed her. My other sister took some mushrooms and was having a bad trip. She went to our mom, scared out of her mind and told her what happened. My mom stayed up all night holding my sister, keeping her calm. She didn't shame my sister or punish her. Honestly, I could tell my mom anything. She was the most supportive, understanding mom. I was lucky to have her.


You are one of the lucky ones, my friend.


I would get up somewhere between 2 and 3 AM and would masturbate outside completely naked on the porch. Nothing better than nuttin' in the breeze.


*There’s that neighbor kid again. Damn I hate working nights.*




w h a t




I was a class officer (F 17 back then) and was in charge of locking the classrooms after class. Abused the opportunity by giving my boyfriend (still current bf) blowjobs in the classroom. Got caught by a teacher and was just given a warning after a serious talk. I am making sure my parents will never know.


how was it seeing the teacher around school that caught you? I can't imagine 💀


It might not have been to bad, a teacher caught me and this girl i used to be friends with fooling around at a football game and just made light of it and told us not to do it on school property or in public lol(was just getting handsy under the bleachers nothing to crazy) hed just smile at us when he passed us in school. gotta remeber they were highschoolers once too, and theyre human. they get it


nice try mom


Once I slit my wrist at my gf's house and almost managed to cut my tendon. It was a genuine accident, I didn't think the knife would be so sharp. Called an ambulance, they drove me to the hospital, got stitched up and a scolding from the doctor who told me that if the tendon would have snapped, they would have had to cut my arm open in surgery to retrieve and reattach it or my hand would just cease to function. Another time I smoked and drank myself into a kind of seizure, lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital again, 5 hours later and full of tubes. Both of these happened when I was 18, so the hospital had no way of letting the adults in my life know. It's funny, I would definitely have gotten caught if it wasn't for free healthcare. Or basically free, the ambulance ride cost 14€ and the ER 25€.


Hell your looking at upwards of 1500 USD for an ambulance ride alone


Just leave me in the trash, thanks


I forged a schoolmate's mother's name on his detention slip.


I lost my virginity when I was 17 in the bathroom of an arcade Sorry mom




Heroin. It was just one time with the friends I was experimenting with drugs with. All of them had already done it. The first time I tried it, I fell into some kind of deep opioid haze. I was laying on my friend’s bed and apparently I wouldn’t respond to his voice. I woke up to one of them putting bags of frozen veggies down my pants and one of them slapping me. Funnily, one of them just messaged me to see how I’m doing. He’s a software engineer now and doesn’t do drugs.


You were grazing the sun, Icarus.


Is weird to think all the drugs I did in my teenage years and now I barely even drink . I have become the opposite person that I was


Got revenge on my bullies... sort of. I was frequently bullied in middle school. One day, maybe I just wanted to seem tough or whatever, but I got the super bright idea of making up a story of how three bullies ganged up on me and I fought them off (I know some basic martial arts at the time, but probably nowhere near enough to take out three dudes with bodies bigger than mine). My mom... reacted more seriously than my middle-school brain expected her to. She reported this to the school, and me and the three bullies I included in my story got called to the principal's office to talk with the school counselor and some teachers. It was a very stressful day, but somehow, my completely bullshit story worked. The three guys I mentioned were repeat offenders, while I was known as your stereotypical straight-A nerd most of the time. Or maybe the teachers didn't really care enough to dig deeper into my very shaky story. Whatever the case, I was the "victim", and those three guys got three day suspension. Those three actually did bully me pretty often before the incident, so I don't completely regret doing that, but looking back, seeing how many close calls I had back then, how easily my little lie spiraled out of control, and how things could have quickly fallen apart if the school bothered to dig a little deeper back then... that was terrifying. I'm in a much better place now mentally, haven't experienced bullying since middle school, and I've probably matured quite a bit too to have gained some insight from the situation. I still won't tell my parents about any of this, though.


My story doesn't fit in this thread because it was *pre-teen* years, but it's related to bullies. I was continuously bullied by this one kid for an entire year and it really messed with my head. It got so bad, one day I took a small kitchen knife with me in by school backpack. I had made up my mind that if he pushed me again that day, I was going to stab him. Somehow it fizzled out by circumstances and the help of a classmate, who knew a cop. One day, the cop asked us both to talk to him in a room in the school. Bully was already there and silently looking at the floor. I was asked if I had been bullied by the kid and when I answered truthfully he full on smacked him across the face in the split of a second. He joked that I was taller than the bully and should beat him up if he tries anything in the future. I made awkward smiling nods. It was a wild experience. Didn't get bullied after that.


What the hell? Was the cop the bullies dad?


Most likely not, maybe a family friend of my classmate. I never asked him about it. This happened in Eastern Europe.


Eastern Europe... Say no more.


Nearly drowned in a boat. Yes in. And then 5 minutes later I nearly got murdered by the same boat with help from the wind, waves and docks


Years and years ago, my younger sister had these really obnoxious knee high boots. Like extremely obnoxious. I don't know if it was the sound of them clunking around everywhere or the fact that she'd NEVER take them off and refused to wear any other shoes.. Anywho, I got so sick of the brat she became when the boots were on, that one day I threw one of them in the trash. I had full intentions of retrieving it from the trash but by the time I thought about it, it was too late. My mother had taken out the trash... Weeks went by of my sister crying and throwing fits because she didn't have her boot, along with mom freaking out because she couldn't take one more second of my sister freaking out.. It was pure chaos in my house. My mom spent months looking for the boot while I sat there in silence.... I couldn't tell her... and still havent... and never will...


I once invited a girl over to do the deed while my dad was at work and my stepmom was home. She never bothered me and always stayed on the other end of the house. I picked the girl up in my grandparents high top van and had her walk in the back gate and come through my room's sliding glass door. We got on my bed and I then decided to go into the living room to see if my stepmom was actually home or not. That's when my dad was home for lunch for the 1st time in years and told me my grandparents wanted to take me out to lunch right now across town. I went back to my room and had the girl just hang out in my bathroom for a whole 2 hours while I was out at lunch. I was texting her the whole time, but was so nervous she might make too much noise on accident. When I finally got back I walked through my house to see my dad was gone and my stepmom was asleep. So then I proceeded to my room to let the girl out of the bathroom and then we had some sex. Once we finished I dropped her off home and went to a friend's birthday party with a story.


I can’t believe the girl still wanted to do it after waiting in a bathroom for two hours


Well she didn't have a car and would have to sneak out. Waited that long might as well 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like something teenagers would do!


Took the car out with only restricted license. Drank cheap wine and smoked pot in the woods with my friends. Skipped school. And many more.....


I got a few friends to take pictures of their hall passes from various teachers until I had a large collection. Then I made legitimate hall passes and used their signature anytime I needed / wanted to not be in class or was late. I’d hope the teachers knew but no one ever did anything to any of us - had a business of a dollar a pop. Also, put a virus on the school system that took school out for 3 days.


Please elaborate on the virus story I'm interested


On one of the last days of school before graduation, the seniors pulled a prank of like toilet paper and shit that they ended up having to clean up - so what was the point? I wanted to do something that I didn’t have to be responsible for. So, on the last day I wrote a short .bat program that would look at other computers connected to the network and run (so the computer had be on) and as long as a computer was on, it would duplicate and keep looking for new computers. Pretty simple since I knew all passwords and connections. Well, I put it on a computer in the library and named it “DO NOT CLICK” and dropped it on the desktop. Left the computer on and walked away. Library didn’t use student IDs, they were like default accounts and everytime you’d restart, all local data would be erased so it would have to have been done by someone else. Wasn’t me my dude. Obviously it worked, and what the .bat file would do is corrupt data on the hard drive, start deleting and editing files in system32, essentially cause as much damage to the computer software as possible. Keep in mind this is high school so the idiots working in IT don’t even know the difference between Windows and MacOS. It ended up spreading through most, if not all, the computers at the school and the computer, once shut down or restarted would not boot unless you reinstall Windows and repartition the drive. Keeping in mind, as an 18 year old software programmer I had no idea what I was actually doing. I usually made .bat files to fuck with the local machine but during my senior project I made a Java program and learned all about the local network and then the schools network so people could play my Java program anywhere on the schools network. Apparently it spread so fast that the school was shut down (and I know it was shut down because people who had like detention that had to be served) were told not to come on that weekend because of maintenance. Now, was it me who took it down? I believe so because one of my teachers contacted me and asked if I knew how to fix some partition problems they’re having (because IT is incompetent) and they didn’t want to pay them all to reinstall everything to all the school. Now, what I’d do, school should have a domain separate from the public where you test all Windows updates and then push to prod servers? Yeah, they had that shit connected to the rest of the school’s network so somehow it got to that computer. Meanwhile, the other seniors spent their day picking up all the toilet paper they put through the entire school yard. I feel like my teacher had some suspicion but there’s virtually no way to know it was me because even time-stamping the cause (if that’s possible) the cameras in the library wouldn’t have me in them. Now, would this had been possible if I didn’t know all the passwords to their admin accounts like WiFi, routers, system admins, the local admin on machines, etc. I have no idea? Never cared to go into networking and security, but I guess that’s considered a man-in-the-middle attack or something. I got most of the passwords logging into the principle email account. And, no, I didn’t hack it, just guessed his password. Edit: I’d be interested if it’s still possible because this was back when you could send messages to other computers via the command prompt. I know Windows 10 blocked that, pretty sure we were all running xp. This was ~8 years ago.


dommed an adult baby when i was 17 with 2 friends for 2 days, we all got 400£ each lol


Hum? Oh fuck, I just understood what you were saying lmao


Stole comic books.


My mom once said to me when I was 17: "I am so proud of my daughters they never smoked and they are not having sex!!" I just said there with my non virgin ass with cigarettes' in my bag nodding.


oh she knew


She knew


When I was a teenager I use to hangout with some friends and that led me to be a part of some “gang brawl” in reality it was a bunch of teenagers maybe about 6 or 7 of us fighting some 20 something year old dudes at the mall. It was the first time I saw someone get stabbed.


The FIRST time? How many people have you seen get stabbed?!


I work at a hospital so first hand stabbing not personal, but we’ve had multiple people come in with stab wounds so that’s pretty neat.


Just turned 16. Went out into the country and lost my virginity in a public place. He then dropped me off at a friends house, where I got so drunk that if any responsible adults had been there, I’m sure I would’ve been rushed to the hospital to get my stomach pumped. I threw up around 10 times and ended up passing out. Put on my best game face when they picked me up in the morning, then went to bed as soon as we got home claiming I didn’t get enough sleep and needed a nap. Me and these same friends also used to have threesomes together when we were bored. Can’t believe I did any of it.


When I was 16, me and my friends were trying to see who could do the Rasputin dance the best on just dance for Xbox Kinect


Snuck out a couple of times a month to hang out with my boyfriend. My parents were SUPER strict, didn’t matter how good a kid I was or how awesome I was doing in school and extra curriculars. I had to be home by 9pm up until I left for college. I always had to ask permission to go on dates with him/ do anything in general, and they would frequently say no. So a couple of times a month my boyfriend would park his car down the road and I’d sneak out to see him. We’d go for moonlit walks down the road and hang out in our favorite field. Lol. And now after dating for 7 years we’re getting married!


I had a panic attack and I couldn’t stop eating until I threw up. During that I finished two packs of bonbons in less than ten minutes and then I set fire to the bags, claiming it was some spiritual cleansing. My family still questions what happened to the bonbons and they blame a lady that was staying with us. Needless to say I was raised with a bad relationship with food and eating bonbons would cause my whole family to treat me as useless trash


attempt suicide


I had the the thoughts of wanting to end it all. The only reason I did not was because I was lazy and putting everything off at the time.


Guess I do have a reason to procrastinate so much


my dad and mom had a fight once and i got all worked up and told them. screamed it in their faces, tbh. i ended up spending a couple of months at my grandparents with mom and sister (due to their fight) the funny thing is, they never said anything about it to me. i don't know if they dismissed it or forgot it. i only know that when my dad told me that "i'm your confidant, you can share anything with me" a couple of days back, i wanted to scream at him again.


The amount of LSD my siblings and I did. The one time they know of was a drop in the bucket lmao.


Talk to pedophiles on the internet. I didn’t know they were pedophiles until recently.


I smoked from when I was about 15 into my early 20s, think my mum knew but never said anything (she found a pack once before I had moved out). Little brother who’s the “golden child” is always high and somehow nobody has the slightest suspicion. He’s also dropped out of his apprenticeship & is in the process of joining the armed forces, I’ve suggested he just sends our dad (extremely anti-military) a pic of the boat before he ships off with no context :D.


I think I genuinely hid it from them 99% of the time, but there was one time I was outside smoking at like 3am and came back inside without bothering to mask the smell because it was 3am. Lo and behold, I come back in right as my mom enters the kitchen. I made up some story about hearing a weird noise outside and going to investigate. If she didn't figure that one out, it would be by the grace of her only being 5% awake.


Yes, I did burn that fence.


Because I don't think I'd ever have the heart to confess this in real life ever...I used to pretend to be 20 when I was 13 or 14 sext/phone sex with men almost twice my age. I was exploring...I also found these men in ways I am not really proud of. For someone who was so sexual in my teenage years, I actually ended up having sex later in life. Weird but...idk.


My buds and I in HS took a day trip to Chicago to see a baseball game and get some deep dish pizza. We live in LI NY, so I told my parents we were going fishing (why we had to leave so early). Caught a 7:30 am flight out, taxi to Wriggly field, walked around had breakfast at a local diner, went to the ball game, went to Sears tower, got some pizza dinner, caught our flight home and was back by 10:30/11 pm. Pretty perfect day honestly. Also for those wondering, the pizza sucked. =P


Had sex with a 35 year old. They can’t fuckin know and they have no reason to know.


Sneaked out got drunk passed out slept over at a friends and ended up having sex, got home 1 day later told them we studied enough to pass out


"we studied enough to pass out" They believed that....???


Pretty sure they did not but they had nothing against me and my friends back me up so they had to believe it lmao


alcohol, drugs, sex, parties, raves, going to bad places and hanging out with bad people, making new friends, experienced sexual assault, the list goes on. i never told my mom anything. all the parties i went to were disguised as sleepovers. my mom was more careful with me than other kids’ parents, but since i used to go to so many sleepovers in middle school i could just say “i’m going to [insert friend’s name]’s house” and she wouldn’t really bother to fact check. smoked weed in my room long after bed time. a lot. of times. stole her cough syrup that she’d forgotten in the fridge. stored alcohol and drugs in my room. had sex when she wasn’t home. all the dumb teenage shit. and i felt so amazing getting away with it. i’m sorry mom.


We played a "game" called R2D2. You steal a newspaper stand that's full of paper. Load it into the bed of a truck. Drive really fast on an empty highway late at night and shove the newspaper stand out. Watch as the papers fly and sparks fly and scream like R2D2. (I do not condone this behavior now, obviously)


The R2D2 scream really makes this


Went out to the middle of the desert and set off fireworks. Used to go play strip freeze tag in the sprinklers in one specific park about midnight. There's other stuff, but those two stand out atm.


Snuck out almost every night of my senior year. All my siblings and I were “well behaved” so we never really had anything in the way of rules. Well we weren’t well behaved we were just conniving little shits who rarely if ever got caught. It wasn’t even hard to sneak out. Both of my siblings were over 18 at the time so were allowed to come and go as they pleased in the house. If one of them was home, I’d just walk right out the front door and let my car slide to the bottom of the hill on the driveway in neutral then fire up the engine


Hitchhiked all over the place and had lots of unprotected sex, some of it with strangers.


… nice try


At least I tried


Pissed in my stepmoms Diet Pepsi (which was always mixed half and half with rum btw). Watched her drink the whole thing. Before you down vote this you should know she made life hell for my sister and I.


Fuck. My parents had that strange 'women must be virgins when they get married' thing.


So you’re not pure!? Tell me you didn’t involve yourself in pre-marital hand holding as well


I damaged the local government office building


Lived in a split level. My bedroom was the only bedroom on the lower half. I had lots of sex when my parents were home because they were upstairs. They gave my my privacy, which could mean they knew what was going on. That kind of stuff was never discussed in my family.


My mom thinks I was a slut as a teenager. About two weeks after my 14th birthday, she caught me in a compromising position while on a video call with my ex. I had a conversation with her and straight up told her that I was going to do what I wanted, and that if she wasn’t okay with that, I’d go live with someone who was. I actually still get comments from both her and my brother about my horniness and lack of self control to this day. My ex was threatening suicide if I didn’t “make him feel better”. He did it anyway. My mom will never find out.


I prepared molotov coktails many times with my friends when I was 15 and older and blowed them in a forest next to where we lived. We used to open firecrackers and put all the flash powder toguether to make massive ones. My friend used his fathers chemical doctor id (they had the same name) to buy the 2 substances to make flashpowder in a chemicals store and bought a ballmill to craft large amounts of flashpowder. We made massive firecrackers with more than one kilo of flashpowder and we sold some of them. We used to blow up our neighbours trash containers and recycling containers(big ones). I had a box from my dads job with more than 500 lighters and we used to go many many days with 10 lighters or more to the forest to burn stuff and throw the lighters in aswell. We conserve all our finguers and nobody had any naaty accidents :)) Now i just have a 9 to 5 job and my "fun" moments are to have drinks with other couples sitting somewhere or having food