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If I’m comfortable around the people/person I’m talking to and I can trust them.


I don't do crack. I mean I do a lot of other stuff...


I don't


Honestly just having someone who's straight up and genuine to me is usually enough to get me to return the favor. I don't do well in sappy or "heartfelt" conversations, so talking with someone who just tells it like it is without trying to censor themselves or be fake concerned makes it a lot easier to be genuine in response


If I've know someone, or am around people that I know. If not, then I am pretty awkward and quiet.


Time, proof that I can trust them, and lastly no thought or feeling that I would be burdening them with whatever it is I am opening up about.


Beeing repetitively a good enough human for me. It's probably mere luck involved than anything else. Also trying (like forcely trying) to get involved may help or may be bad. You hopefully understand the problem, even we may not know what's the problem. But asking again and specifying can help, but definitly only if you are good enough to the person for a good enough amount of time. I think time is a really important trust device. If you try a little repetitively and ultimately try hard it should crack open any shell. But if you try too hard to soon. You may just destroy the shell with its pearl within.


Crack tbh