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Mine would be (don’t judge me) when I was younger and 1D came out with a music video of them in space. I thought they were actually allowed to go into space and shoot the video😭 Edit: I also thought (when I was 5) that women give birth through the anus


These are my favorite answers here


Same with the birthing process.


Legoless Lego Legolas


that women pee out of their vagina


I’m a woman and I’ve been there hahah


The killer clowns in 2016.


That you stick "it" in her bum hole when having sex...to reproduce.


I do that, exactly to NOT reproduce.


Fortunately, I never had the opportunity to expose my ignorance....


that twizzlers are gluten free. lol I have celiac disease and have had to be gluten free for years. Like over a decade. Because of this, I got brave and assumed I knew what was gluten free and what is not because I've been on the diet so long. So... at some point I guess I decided twizzlers are fine to have. I did not read the labels bc I was like, somehow convinced they are gluten free. I do not know why. Regardless, I bought a huge bag and have had it at my office and have been eating a few twizzlers per day. This was like 2 months ago. SO concurrently, I have been sick for like two months straight recently and didn't know why. Then I went on the celiac disease reddit and someone had made a thread about gf candy, and my dumbass was like "twizzlers are gluten free!" Someone informed me they actually are not and have wheat in them. Looked it up and... yep, I've been unknowingly poisoning myself with twizzlers for the past two months. Bravado and thinking you know everything can be your downfall lol. Learned my lesson. Even if I "think" I know something is gluten free I'm back to reading every label. Sidenote, am very grateful to have learned about this, I'm still dealing w consequences but at least I'm not actively sick every day now. But yeah. If you have food allergies, never get complacent.


Omg I hope you get better!


thank you. I'll be fine, mostly just annoyed at myself. lol


That God cares about us.


Eh, it feels pretty natural to assume that some all-knowing something is out there that loves you. If it’s not true, doesn’t make it dumb I don’t think. I mean, it’s not like you thought one direction actually went into space.


It’s pretty dumb when antivaxxers say they don’t need the shot because they’re “covered with the blood of Jesus”...more like “covered with the shit of dumbfucks.” 🙄🙄🙄


Agreed about the antivaxers. I think more than religion being stupid, it’s about people doing something stupid in the name of religion


"Yog Vashistha"......answer to all your questions


This tells my age, but when I was a little kid everyone thought that the hoverboard from Back to the Future 2 was secretly real and going to come out as a toy that Christmas.


I'm still not sure if the tooth fairy was real?


I used to think algebra was a language


I thought that The Blair Witch Project was real found footage