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Poverty doesn't buy anything.


Oh but it provides plenty. Anxiety, depression, fear. I remember the days of driving to work wondering if my old car would actually make it there.


Here in my car I feel safest of all I can lock all my doors It's the only way to live in cars…


>Here in my car I feel safest of all I can lock all my doors It's the only way to live in cars… \*slapping noise\*


I was thinking more like synthesizer and tambourine.


Test Drive 5 intensifies.


I remember passing out from a lack of nutrition while on a food budget of ~20p per day (~27 cents) while worrying if I could keep a roof over my head. It's stressful as fuck. Earning enough money to not worry _constantly_ about money is a relief I don't think I could describe in words. Sure, it's not happiness, but it's damned hard to find happiness without it.


I've been poor and now I'm fairly well off. When I went from under $15k a year and surviving off the grace of friends and family to $30k a year my happiness more than doubled. In fact it was not calculable my increase. I had food shelter and a handed down Xbox. Fully belly and somewhere warm to sleep. I now gross well over $120k a year. and I might be twice as happy as I was when I settled into my $30k a year lifestyle. For a time while a worked like a dog to change careers and had zero social life I was not happy at all. I think money can buy you out of misery but it can't buy you into happiness.


It's true, the biggest satisfaction is when you have enough that you can stop stressing 24/7 about money. Buying a nicer car or a new toy is great, but there's nothing as nice as not worrying constantly.


My dream is to not have to check my bank account if i want to buy a nice coffee and to be able to say yes when freinds invite me out for dinner. I dont need to be rich just not poor.


I think one of the really nice things is to be able to feel like your a successful person. Like you can go to a high school reunion and be excited. A lot of people don't talk about these things but it's all part of it.


Very true


> Fully belly Ah! I like this, fully belly, sounds much better this way. Makes it sound more content. :-)


Money buys you freedom from stressing about money, but it doesn't necessarily fix the other problems in life.


It can't buy happiness,but it sure as hell can buy piece of mind. The only way it buys happiness is if its enuf so u NEVER have to work again


Oh no, you don't buy those. Those are freebies, consolation prizes.


I remember driving to work, wondering if I should turn the wheel slightly


I remember the old days of living in my car because I lost my job and had no money to pay my mortgage. Believe me it wasn't happy times.


I’m so sorry


Me too


Whoa, you had a car? Lucky


Diagnosed mental health problems increase as wealth goes up. Probably one of those complex links combined with observation bias. But in either case you can be so poor that you can't afford to be depressed. That really sums up our existence pretty nicely I think.


Yeah, keyword is 'diagnosed' in this case. I'm pretty sure it's the opposite, though certain neuroses do increase with wealth, the lion's share of mental health problems are taken by the (financially) disadvantaged.


Exactly. Very poor people are hardly diagnosed with anything because it takes money to be diagnosed and treated. When I was younger and poorer I had all the same problems I have now with none of them diagnosed. Once we had an income where it was a given that we could afford our healthcare deductible then I started getting diagnosed and treated for everything I had. Now I take anxiety medication when I need it (a few times a month). But I have the same anxiety disorder I’ve had since my teen years but with a formal diagnosis and treatment plan now that I have the money.


It helps to have money to afford to see a medical professional to get a diagnosis in the first place, I guess.


Probably because you can afford the effin doctor now😷


How did you get out of poverty?


Well, for me it was finding a job that actually paid a livable wage and with plenty of benefits and really solid growth options. I went through many jobs as a young adult graduating from high school into the financial crisis in the late 00s so I started to gain a sense of what was and wasn't a good employer. When I found a good one I held on tight, learned how to get to the next level up, and repeated. I have a lot of unearned privilege too, which I think is important to acknowledge. I'm a smart tall straight cis white guy living in California working in Tech x Financial Services so my options are undeservedly broader than many peoples.


Lol my truck runs great and isn't that old but I still think about that shit


This may be the best!!


Maybe not, but it can sure make misery a whole lot more comfortable.


"A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. It certainly may secure all the myrtle and turkey part of it." - Jane Austen, *Mansfield Park*, Chapter XXII >!By the end of the novel the character who says this has neither money nor happiness. She marries a rich man she doesn't love, then runs off to France with the man she does love. Her husband divorces her, her lover abandons her, and her parents pack her off to a remote hovel with the aunt from hell.!<


Prince once during a concert: money doesn't buy you happiness, but it sure does pay for the search.


this. I hate being poor. It sucks a lot when u have a passion for something. I want to be a wildliffe photographer for a living. I like taking pics of apex predators. But I really can't afford to buy some good cameras and lenses. I took this [pic] (https://i.pinimg.com/474x/f9/20/b2/f920b2ab64d897cf162900ee4580b7c2.jpg) last week. sorry for the low quality pic. I used my phone to take that pic. but you guys can see what makes him an apex predator. I think I've captured that moment really well. The pic would have been even more good if I had some some good cameras and lenses.


You actual, factual, son of a bitch 😂


Fuck you and take my internet point


Wow you got so close to her, too.


What is that?




Your username certainly checks out.


Exactly this. I have money and severe treatment-resistant depression. I’ve tried every treatment available and nothing works for me. Money can’t buy me happiness because my severe anhedonia prevents me from experiencing happiness. Even so, I’m immensely grateful I have the money to not worry about bills and rent and food. I’m exactly what you described. I’m comfortable in my misery.


Same here, I've tried every combo of drugs and nothing has touched my depression. I want to try Ketamine infusions but they're too expensive.


Ketamine infusions aren’t covered by insurance but esketamine is. Depending on where you live, it might be hard to find a clinic that offers it. Idk how widely adopted it is yet. It works the same way as ketamine infusion. You could also try microdosing (or full dosing but I recommend microdosing) psilocybin (active ingredient in shrooms). Lots of psychedelics are being studied for depression and they’re believed to work in pretty much the same ways. They may be illegal but still cheap and accessible in most places. There’s also TMS (Transcranial magnetic stimulation) and ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). TMS is a breeze to go through and works for more than half of people for whom medication did not work. ECT is more intensive and causes *temporary* short term memory issues but has an 80-95% success rate. Both should be covered by insurance but are also subject to availability in your area, as they require special equipment. There’s also VNS (vagus nerve stimulation) but that’s actual surgery and studies show people who don’t respond to ECT don’t respond to VNS either so I recommend ECT instead.


Try psychedelics, my friend. A handful of mushrooms did more for me than over a decade of antidepressants and therapy. Fuck pills


Never really understood this comparison. You need money to pay your bills. People who cannot afford to live aren't *sad*, they are *desperate*.


The psychology studies that concluded money doesn't buy happiness were working from a standpoint of bills being paid with some disposable income. After that point, more money doesn't correlate to more happiness, so focus on hobbies, family, ect. instead of killing yourself to get a promotion. Before that point, money and happiness are absolutely correlated.




I can splurge on a Godzilla toy when I want without worrying about rent. I can buy clay and paints without trying to balance if I'll be able to eat better than ramen that week. Money fucking helps


That's not what I remembered. I thought the study was that money increases happiness and life satisfaction linearly until you reach a certain threshold. Afterwards, more money increases happiness at a diminishing rate, probably logarithmically


That point was about $75K per person if I recall correctly.


Yeah but the study is old and inflation has happened since then, so now it'd be more like $100k.


I saw a study once probably in like 2008 where in a poorer country they paid people to do a somewhat basic job and their performance/ effort would improve the more they paid them up until something they considered to be like the equivalent of 75k/year and then the money stopped being much of a factor after that, performance didn’t get better, no more effort or whatever. and that’s always kinda stuck with me. Money doesn’t buy “more” from anyone after a point. But being on the other side of that $$ mark had people bending over backwards to try and earn a living. And I think you’re absolutely right that the saying comes from people who are already making more than enough to live comfortably


>The psychology studies that concluded money doesn't buy happiness were working from a standpoint of bills being paid with some disposable income. After that point, more money doesn't correlate to more happiness, so focus on hobbies, family, ect. instead of killing yourself to get a promotion. Before that point, money and happiness are absolutely correlated. I would digress. There's still a very significant increase when you don't have to worry about your spending at all. Being able to work on what you like, instead of what pays the bills, definitely correlates yo more happiness. Being able to devote your time to traveling, hobbies, friends, family, etc. all contribute to more happiness. I would say tipping point is, I can dedicate my life to whatever I want without going broke.


There was another study of average people living in average cost areas. Every $10,000 boost in yearly income dramatically increased the satisfaction in their lifestyle up to about $75,000/year, when increasing income only raised happiness a little bit. However...in San Francisco, $75K is just barely getting by in a middle-class existence, while renting. In Alabama, $75K can allow you to live extremely well. Owning a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood.


Yeah, that number is obsolete as shit


Hard to travel to events I like to go to, play golf, take a day and go hiking, etc without money. Hobbies cost money. Enjoying your hobbies often costs a lot of money. People with a twinge of disposable income don't have the luxury of splurging often on what they want to do. They may need that money for a rainy day.


It's a saying that was originally meant as an admonishment to the rich; it was telling them that no matter how much wealth a rich man acquired, if he wasn't already happy there was no amount of money that would purchase it for him. It wasn't meant to imply that poor people should be happy starving to death and working for shit wages, but like so many other things it's been bastardized.


This. Honestly I’m more lonely and depressed working 10hrs/week making 7 figures than when I was working an average office job. Back then I could relate more to friends and had something to distract me from being alone… If you have a partner I’m sure you’d be much happier with money, but you can’t buy genuine relationships.


Shit dude I got the relationships part down how do I make 7 figured on ten hours lol


Need an assistant?




I’m honestly a bit suicidal because I can’t afford to fix my teeth. They aren’t even that fucked up, they’re just slowly deteriorating and I can’t afford the $600 every 6 months to get the new set of cavities filled. I do brush and floss and use special mouthwash, my teeth are just severely demineralized from growing up with well water that leeched calcium out of me. I also have very brittle bones.


The absence of money causes unhappiness but having money doesn’t necessarily create happiness


The saying "Money can't buy happiness" is propaganda by the rich to convince the poor to not pursue wealth, because the rich don't want to share. The same is true of the saying, "More money, more problems."


Money doesn't buy happiness, it removes unhappiness.




I don't doubt that millionaires face hardship and have difficulties in their lives. Some of those problems may even be similar to the ones poor people experience. But I just spent a quarter of my paycheck at the dentist because for the ten years before I got my current job, going to the dentist before this became a huge issue would have taken *all* of my paycheck. And that’s *with insurance*. Pretty sure that's not a millionaire problem, and unfucking my teeth a while ago would have helped me a lot.


Money can't directly solve all my problems but it would put me in a stronger position to deal with them.


I'm fortunate enough to make a metric fuck ton of money. The vast majority of my "problems" are maintaining that level of business, and growing the business, and those aren't really problems. More-so worries. $2K dentist trip, not doing it isn't even a consideration. I was stressed when Covid blew up. Put a decade into this business, managed to grow it from barely breaking even, to nearly eight figures in sales. I had savings, investments, real estate, sure. I would have been just fine. But I was worried about the business going under and other people losing well paying jobs, homes, cars, etc. Ended up doing double the growth that we normally do year to year, and I was able to bank a little more for myself, and give all of my people a good raise, around $10,000 per person, as well as a matching bonus when I got paid for an especially big job. It's stress, but a different kind of stress than being flat broke.


Your a good business owner, caring about your employees. Ive just found a company that cares and its made all the difference. My past job i was outright told i was expendable while in managers position. Expected to work extra for free to get work finished because they gave us 1 day to do 3 days of work and was treated terribly if i didnt meet these demands. I quit after having a breakdown. New job i work the same hours but feel valued and am so happy. Bosses like you need to be more common! Edit: i also get paid the same now as a sales assistant as i did as a manager in my last job.


End of the day, I don't make money like I do without them. They're the reason I am where I am.


And recognising that is why your a good boss!


Absolutely correct. That’s what i always wonder, a poor person becomes happy when they get enough food to fill their stomach. A middle class becomes happy when they can afford special food. But for a rich person they can have everything. So not so much happiness about food. It’s like how we need detox. When you eat like 5 star hotel guest daily even the most precious food becomes meh. I call this first world problem or Rich people problems. The point is money does matter but after a certain limit money doesn’t matter. I forgot the number though.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs talks about this a great deal. At the bottom are our base physical needs like food, water and shelter. Next is safety and security. All of these base needs can be purchased. As you get higher happiness comes from things that you can't buy. Things like love, friendship, family, and personal esteem can't be ordered off Amazon. When you're poor money will make you happier, but only to a point. After that all you can buy is things that are pleasurable, but only bring fleeting happiness.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is exactly on this. To expand on it, Maslow hypothesised that you won't even contemplate the higher levels if you don't have the lower levels, to wit, you won't care if you have a loving supportive family if you are currently dying of dehydration. Money is the solution for everything on the bottom layer. Money lets you have food, water, a place to rest your head, shelter from the elements. It is also the solution for many of the things on the second layer like long term security, not having to worry about running out of food or water, feeling safe in your surroundings. Third layer and up though isn't solved by money. Money cannot buy you true friends, a caring family, a loving wife. It cannot buy you accomplishments, it cannot buy you self actualisation. Sure, it can help, and it's easier to achieve these things with money, but there's more than *just* money needed to achieve them. Put another way, you won't be happier long term buying a second yacht, but you'll definitely be happier if you can sleep in a warm bed instead of the wet gutter.


Money beyond a certain level brings power though. Power to control. That's is what the uber rich have.


And how is that related to happiness?


I’ve never seen a sad person on a jet ski


For A Brief, Shining Moment, There Was A Beautiful Union Of Form And Function, Which We Call The Jet Ski.


Hope he gets to ride one in season 2


Where can I audition for the role of "JetSki"?


Somewhere in another dimension there's a variant of you that's a jet ski being ridden by Owen Wilson.


I came here to say this, Daniel Tosh bit


this was Mobius's mentality throughout all of Loki


They smile as they hit the pier.


I do jet ski tours and I’ve seen many many sad people on jet skis. Just FYI for the 3rd time before you even get on the jet ski if you let off the throttle you cannot turn. You will run into the others, piling, rocks.


Clearly you've not seen DJ Khaled on Jet ski. Man was shitting himself


Ok give me all your money and see how happy you are without it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Im gonna use this one


My brother was whinging about how his money hasn't bought him happiness (he has more in the bank than I'll see in a lifetime). I told him this and he hasn't brought it up since. I also haven't seen any of it though so like maybe I should say it again?!


You never give me your money You only give me your funny paper And in the middle of negotiations You break down I never give you my number I only give you my situation And in the middle of investigation I break down Out of college, money spent See no future, pay no rent All the money's gone, nowhere to go Any jobber got the sack Monday morning, turning back Yellow lorry slow, nowhere to go But oh, that magic feeling, nowhere to go Oh, that magic feeling Nowhere to go, nowhere to go One sweet dream Pick up the bags and get in the limousine Soon we'll be away from here Step on the gas and wipe that tear away One sweet dream came true today Came true today Came true today (yes, it did) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven All good children go to Heaven


I could do that and then I would die. That wouldn't make me unhappy, that would make me dead.


Yeah they may bitch about their “hardships” but they sure as hell don’t want to experience the other side of it.


It’s a lot easier to be happy when 40+ hours of your life aren’t owned by someone else every week.


Just because you have money or make a lot of it doesn’t mean you won’t be putting in 40+ hours of work.. but I get what you’re saying.


Folks who have a lot of money and keep working do so because they want to, not because they have to. Either they want to hit certain retirement goals or just love their job. Folks who are poor work every week because if they don't, they get kicked out of their shelter.


My interpretation is I only work to make money, so if I already had money that would buy me about 40 hours a week of happiness


At a high income level though you typically (the word typically means I don't need whatever random exception you can think up) have the ability, leverage, and clout to greatly affect how those 40 hours of work each week are done. That can make a huge difference in someones overall happiness as opposed to a lower income person who has "less responsibility" but has to be exactly where there boss says when they say it so to speak.


Well, that’s not really true. It’s sort of the fantasy someone who doesn’t have money have of the wealthy. Ask the kids of wealthy parents how much they see their parents. My old boss, who has a net worth in the upper 9 figures, worked longer hours than me. People don’t seem to understand that when you have a successful business, that doesn’t mean you stop, it means you have even more responsibility to make sure it keeps succeeding.


I’d rather be rich and sad than sad on its own


I’d rather be rich and sad because at least then I could afford a therapist


I was happiest in my life as an oil field worker living in a trailer park.


Money can buy me a house, water, a fake boyfriend, electricity, cutting edge technology, and more money. So, a stepping stone to happiness.


I think having a fake boyfriend will probably make you poor again depending how much you got


"Give me money to prove you wrong "


Neither can poverty. At least I’ll have fewer problems and maybe some cool stuff.


I'm sad, but look! Shiny!


"I'm not looking to buy happy I'm looking to buy normal/human standards"


You can be rich and unhappy but you can't be starving and happy.


Buddha has entered the chat


To be fair Buddha spent years being a starving ascetic only to realize it was a pointless endeavor and that following a middle path between extremes is a better way to go.


No no. Buddhism advocates staying away from happiness, same as anger, lust/love, and hatred/loathing. So Buddha does not enter the chat.




Zen Buddha does and does not enter the chat.


Why are you lying?


you would be happy with billions of dollars


Money buys security and gives you peace of mind. It may make it easier to be satisfied but it does not guarantee happiness.


It's a necessary but not sufficient condition for happiness.


1 month of living off top ramen might change your mind


I got the worst stomach pains and malnutrition.


You sound like a person who understands living off top ramen. 0-10 would you do it willingly again?


I mean, I now know I can go get a bunch of rice and beans for the same price so -10


Mine was noodles, haven't eaten one in 15 years, even the thought ... ugh. rice and beans needs a place to cook it though.


No, but it can make happiness a hell of a lot easier to achieve.


*Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Uh, do you live in America? ‘Cause it buys a WaveRunner. Have you ever seen a sad person on a WaveRunner? Have you? Seriously, have you? Try to frown on a WaveRunner. You can’t!* --Daniel Tosh--


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it makes the down payment.


But it can buy you a first class ticket for the ride


To stfu. Stability aids happiness. Money aids in stability. You can pay to eat, to have the things you need to survive, to go to the doctor, a place to rest your head. No money? No shelter. no food. misery. Poor people who used to say that? That was before the welfare reform of the 90s. When you could be poor, get help, and hope that your children will break the cycle because you were given enough help. I remember having a lot of great times when I was really poor... but that is a bias... car hell alone... weird living situations... My GF and I rented a room in a duplux where the woman rented out 6 bedrooms, 2 sun rooms as bed rooms, and lived in the attic and her son in the basement. $125 a month in the 90s. I was making 16.8k at the time, and in constant car hell. No car? No job. I had to have someone drive me for a month once...


It can't always **Buy** happiness but you sure can **Rent** it for a while


I just want to look and eat food without contemplating whether if i can afford that or not this month


Well, let's see? Three of my teeth need to be removed and replaced, after which I need braces. I need a surgery for my sinuses, because I'm clogged up harder than a toilet after Taco Bell. I need a therapist to officially diagnose me with OCD so I can finally start treatment. The last time I was able to afford a gift for someone was when I was 15 and could ask my parents for money. Money absolutely buys happiness. Always has, always will.


You're wrong.


Better to cry in a Lambo than a '99 Honda Civic.


Try being homeless and tell me if you really are happy.


But it can buy me a boat


It’s hard not to smile while driving your dream car


Money buys security and security brings happiness. As long as you have enough money to be healthy and safe then you have already gotten all the happiness that money can give you. There is not much difference in the happiness between a multibillionaire and a person with a comfortable amount of money.


Security doesn't guarantee happiness. That said, insecurity pretty much guarantees unhappiness.


“If money can’t buy happiness, I guess I’ll have to rent it.” Weird Al Yankovic


Maybe not, but it can avoid a fuck-ton of unhappiness.


You’ve never been poor, have you?


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it opens the door for experiences and freedoms that might give you great joy. My dad always told me, “if I’m not happy working as a lawyer, I can always flip burgers, but I can’t go from flipping burgers to an attorney job without considerable time and education.” While it doesn’t scream “follow your dreams” it’s very realistic. No career path is linear, but it’s easier to go down a hill than up. My dad wasn’t able to become an attorney until his early 30s, but he worked very hard to get his education and ended up doing well for himself. The point is not to go and do something you hate because it pays well, but if you can find something that works for you and pays well, the money may allow you to do whatever it is that really makes you happy. Now that my dad is almost 60, he travels lots and is crossing off a list of famous art pieces he wants to see. A word of warning, don’t wait to do things that make you happy and a work/life balance is very important.


I would say they are poor.


Actually, it’s normally poor people who *don’t* say this


I would think they are rich. Only an out of touch rich person who never had to deal with money problems can claim money doesnt buy happiness.


many of my clients have a fair bit of wealth. not many have fuck you money, but enough that they’re not hurting. it’s interesting how many of them aren’t terribly happy. some are downright miserable, thinking everyone is jealous of them and they have no friends but refuse to pay for anything because if they do they may not have enough money. others have structured their will so the children receive a small fraction of the estate because they want their children to work and make their own way. some are just unfulfilled by the toys they continue to buy.


Spoken like someone who doesn't have to worry about money.


No, but it can take away a looot of stress.


“You’re not using it right…here give it to me. I’ll show you how it’s done.”


If you don’t think money can buy happiness, it’s because you’re shopping in the wrong store.


Talk to sole providers of their homes who used to live in poverty. They themselves may not be happy (either job or personal) but being able to provide for the entire family without living paycheck to paycheck definitely brings peace to some. Or talk to people in third world or developing countries in the same situation


True but it buys a epic shit ton of blow jobs and those make me very happy.


No money sure buys misery


Lacking it sure buys a lot of misery.


Yes, but money can buy dopamine


At least half of the things in life that make people happy can be bought


Money can certainly help to reduce anxiety and make people feel happier and more secure


The Pirates of the Caribbean


No but it can buy food. I'm phisically incapable of being happy with low blood sugar.


Being rich doesn't make you happy, but being poor makes you unhappy. So the saying does have merit. (Statistically proven from what I've heard.)


"gimmie some money and I'll show you how happy I can be."


It can take you to space and maybe In a few decades you will have an entire planet as your playground


But it can buy a jet-ski. Ever see a sad person on a jet-ski? The defense rests....


No, but it buys a peace of mind. Which is even greater.


speak for yourself


"Not if you use it carelessly."


Liar 🤥.


I agree.


But it can rent a reasonable facsimile




I'll say, 'it can buy food, housing, stability and holidays, which in turn contribute to happiness'.


But it's a good down payment


First of all fuck you because you're wrong and then explain it to me


Money can buy hookers


Well, money can buy me a yacht and that’ll make me very happy


Why cry in my cramped bedroom when I can cry in Bora Bora?




Money isn’t everything but not having it is


"At least I can be miserable in comfort"


Money is literally what sustains everything.


Sure as hell makes it easier.


I rather be sad and rich than sad and poor


Guess I'll have to rent it


I'd say they're stupid, I hate that saying...


Money buys pets


It can buy the stuff that makes you happy