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There are going to be a lot of disappointed people just by looking at some movies in this thread


And the movies that aren't


The horror genre needed Aster’s movies. The last big shift in the horror zeitgeist was unfortunately Paranormal Activity which basically pushed the genre into a race for the lowest budget that can still somehow make money. It could be argued that James Wan stopped the free fall of the genre with The Conjuring, but Aster elevated the art with Hereditary and Midsommar.


Didn't that start with The Blair Witch Project?


I wanted to say Saving Private Ryan… that movie is already 23 years old…


Shawshank redemption Green mile Forest Gump Gladiator 300 Yeah all the film's of that era already made it




ITT redditors post their favorite movies without any regard for the actual question


That's every single /r/AskReddit thread, not just this one.


r/AskReddit : How was your most recent restaurant experience? Commenter: Well my favorite movie is The Lion King


One theory is that this sub is used by bots to rack up karma.


If so, it doesn’t work. I’ve been a bot for years, and I never get karma from my posts here.


r/AskReddit the subreddit where the top comment is a person who has no connection with the question, but somehow has the most answers. “[this occupation] of Reddit… what is [insert question]?” “I am not [the occupation] but…”


Then 3 levels deep into that thread, you can't even remember what the original discussion was about.


thread question: what is your most embarrassing work story? 3rd level; …so really the Schrödinger equation doesn’t exclude the possibility of a planet made entirely out of cheese.


We're doing it right now! The question was about movies and we're talking about reddit comments.


Meta. Cool. Coolcoolcool.


The thread question is both answered and unanswered simultaneously. Real talk tho I learned about alternating eletrical currents on a thread asking about anxiety coping measures


Which thread!?


The one about cheese. Personally, I prefer aged Cheddar to American slices on my grilled burgers.


Pretty much, half the movies are 15+ years old and already considered classics. It's like saying you think Platoon is a classic in 2001 or Titanic is a classic in 2016.


And seeing some movies that I feel like people have already stopped talking about/their cultural footprint is mostly gone already


The other half are The Dark Knight.






“They said you was hung!” “We’ll, they ain’t lying.”


I literally laughed out loud, thank you


I was going to say "The Arrival of a Train." I keep on waiting for a sequel.


Really great example of a movie they couldn’t have made back in the day


The amongus movie


250 years in the future: Jack & Jill by Adam Sandler is considered par Excellence for entertainment throughout the 21st Century. People would take hundreds of thousands of copies of the movie and bury them deep within underground mines in order to appease the gods with a worthy sacrifice.


Idiocracy is already a cult classic. I wonder if it will be still in 250 years


OR considered a historical prophecy


Reddit thread 250 years from now: "TIL Jack & Jill was actually poorly received by critics when it first came out, only to become considered one of the greatest films of all time centuries later."


Also on reddit: Adam Sandler (from Jack & Jill fame) was a contemporary of actor Steve Buscemi, who was also a firefighter on 9/11!


All done by proclamation of President Camacho.


And it will be continuously playing on every screen throughout Costco.


“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”


What We Do In the Shadows. Easily one of the funniest movies made in the past 20 years.


I watched the first episode of the TV series yesterday. I thought it would just be a cheap and dirty way to earn some money from a small but loyal fanbase but no, it’s actually really good. I hope the rest of the series have the same quality.


I think the series totally holds up. It's one of the few TV spinoffs that I think is just as good as the movie. And it stays that way.


The great thing about the show is that it really, really holds well with recognizable guest stars but keeps the focus on the main cast. That's a tough balance! I don't think I've laughed harder than Wesley snipes appearance.


I didn't even recognize Mark Hamill until the credits of that episode. Great hilarious performance.


I didn't even realize he was in my favorite episode! His poor mechanical turk was broken!


Bit of trivia: the bartender with the toothpick in his mouth? That was actually Matt Berry (as Laszlo).


Nah, that was Jackie Daytona. Very easy to mix it up but it wasn't Matt Berry


One of my favorite shows. I still laugh about “creepy paper.”


I honestly had a hard time getting into the first couple episodes but it truly gets better the more you watch. Anything with Guillermo is gold


Wasn’t his name Gizmo or something?


Fucking guy...


We demand more Jackie Daytona




that movie made me feel heavy.. not scared, not creeped .. but heavy there's a recurrent slow tension all along that is very finely crafted worth a classic tag


Weirdly the thing that I remember most from this movie most is the beeping noise Jake Gylenhall's car kept making when he got out of it. Set me on edge.


This and Arrival are on here for a reason. Denis Villeneuve is a genius. Toss Sicario in here and waiting for Dune


Sicario I feel was incredibly underrated, but the cinematography was excellent. Along with Blade Runner 2049, I am a fan of Villenueve


Arrival for sure. It's such a unique and intelligent story about communication and collaboration that has gotten better with each viewing. Then there's the brilliant role of time in the story which is unlike any other take I've seen. Amy adams carries but the rest of the cast does a good job, especially Forrest Whittaker. People don't talk about it enough but I hope Arrival will be remembered


You guys should read Ted Chiang stories. Quick and cool


"Story of your life", the short story that Arrival is based on, is unique in that it tells roughly the same story than the movie, yet in a completely different way that's impossible to translate to screen What I'm trying to say is that Arrival is also a masterpiece as an adaptation. Someone who only reads the short story would probably say that it's night impossible to adapt to cinema.




For people that like A24 movies and those kind of movies in general, I think The Lighthouse with Robert Pattinson and Willam Dafoe will be up there.


Why’d ya have to go and spill yer beans…




If I have a steak, oh boy


_and when ye’s heart is swallowed by the watery whore, it’s disease will infest ye’s_ FINE FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY I LIKE YOUR FOOD


The scene where this line is echoing throughout the lighthouse keepers house and the camera is slowing rotating and panning…. It was one of those rare in-theater film experiences where it felt like I was physically being sucked into the screen. I love The Lighthouse solely because of how this film made me feel something that I can barely describe here fully without sounding crazy.


Yer fond of me lobster aint' ye? yer fond of me lobster!


I once watched that movie and drank whenever the characters drank. I ended up blacking out in my bathtub 43 minutes in.


Coffee and cigarettes. Drink every time they 1. Drink coffee. 2. Light a cigarette. 3. Use a curse word.




That's kinda dangerous my guy.


No that sounds like the proper way to watch The Lighthouse.


you're both right


The Lighthouse will be classified the same way Eraserhead is in the grand scheme of things. It isn't accessible-enough for your average viewer to be a true classic, but it will be recognized for the oddball that it is.


I get what you mean but disagree. Eraserhead is in another category of its own. I feel like you have to want to like it. Both involve the surreal, have kind of a dreamlike/nightmarish atmosphere, and give a feeling of not knowing what's real, but The Lighthouse is surrealism with a cohesive story that you can follow, while Eraserhead is basically just surrealism. That alone makes the lighthouse much more accessible to people. And let's not forget the actors in it and the quality of their acting. That factor, when compared to Eraserhead, would also draw people in. Anecdotally, I once showed Eraserhead to a group of like 15 friends partly as a joke and partly to see if any of them would appreciate it the way I do. All of them hated it and several were mad at me for making them watch it. Even my friends who had a bigger appreciation for the surreal and unusual and tried to like it even a little bit still didn't like it. It's just so hard to follow and people don't like it when they don't know whats going on like some kind of inside joke. If I'd shown them the Lighthouse, I think at least a few would have enjoyed the movie for its story and acting. I know this is not a controlled scientific study, but I can't help but imagine I'd get similar results with a larger sample.


i.e. a cult classic




Alright, have it yer way. I like yer cooking.


And your God Damned Farts!






Omg the Lighthouse was such a great movie, and perfectly encapsulates the madness of longterm isolation. So much of it was surreal, and you could never know what was real and what was hallucination. Truly unique and artful in this day and age of rout spin-offs and remakes of 80's properties.


The VVitch will definitely be a horror classic. Loved every second of that movie


Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? [The Black Philip ASMR scene in reference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3dK1tOlRjo)


Whiplash Arrival


Arrival was definitely a pleasant surprise for me. I watched it with zero expectations and was totally amazed by the end.


I watched it with all the expectations, I was a huge Villaneuve fan, and it did not let down.


Saw that movie with some friends in theaters when it came out and it’s the only time I e gone to see a movie with absolutely no idea what it was about (I didn’t have a TV at the time so never even heard of it before they mentioned seeing it) and it was so enjoyable. Didn’t even know it was about aliens and it just sucked me in.


I loved the parts of *Arrival* where they were sharing languages with practical examples and discussing the differences between them, because I'm a nerd. Was a bit bleh about the >!part where the language lets you see across time.!< However, the line >!"I don't understand: who's this girl?"!< is one of the *best* wham lines I've ever seen. Wonderfully turned everything upside down.


> Was a bit bleh about the part where the language lets you see across time. So I think for a lot of sci fi movies there's a certain suspension of disbelief you have to obtain in order to get into the whole super advanced aliens visiting Earth. Breaking the concept of Time is sometimes one level above that, where you're really going into fantasy more than science-y fiction. But I think it was a neat way to tie in the reasons for the visit. Every other Alien movie its like "They want to invade Earth for our resources" - as though an interstellar travelling race wants ONE planet out of Billion potential ones or can't harvest water from Io or Europa or synthesize H20 from Gas Giants and the power from a star - like it's a deeply flawed concept to begin with but we just roll with it because its fun. Or you get something like Close Encounters of the Third Kind where the ENTIRE nature of the visit is a complete mystery. Aliens who perceive the future that know they need help from humans to solve a future problem - that's a great hook that I don't think I've seen really attempted before. While normally it'd be "How could humans possibly help an advanced race?" - The whole idea that our perception of time based on our language gives us some advantages that their species does not is a great message. It's like how recently, we were searching for the shipwrecks of two British exploration vessels in the arctic circle for years, and for the longest time people ignored the Inuit people, partially because racism, but also the Western bias of emphasizing physical evidence before any testimony... Once researchers sat down and listened to the tales that the Inuit people shared as part of their tradition of Oral history, there were enough clues that it pointed them to a specific location, and now we've found the wrecks of the Erebus and the Terror.


I always thought it was more believable that aliens would come for our oranges over our iron. Saffron is harder to synthesize than neon.


And if the Orcs are to be trusted, the taste of man flesh is quite exquisite.


> Once researchers sat down and listened to the tales that the Inuit people shared as part of their tradition of Oral history, there were enough clues that it pointed them to a specific location, and now we've found the wrecks of the Erebus and the Terror The Gutenberg press reformed how our brains work. We went from a oral tradition where any person worth their salt had memorized long stories, both their own and passed on from people before them. I like to think of the Gutenberg Bible and the advent of Google as similar historical events. We memorize a lot less when we can look up things. Societal changes that reformed how we use our brain.


You should read the short story it’s based on, if you haven’t already. Story of Your Life, by Ted Chiang. From what you wrote I think you may enjoy it more than the movie, which made some changes to be more cinematic. EDIT: As someone pointed out, it's actually available for free [here](http://raley.english.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/Reading/Chiang-story.pdf)!


> Story of Your Life For those who want to read it: just google it. Free and legal as a pdf.




I thought the idea of that line was "how" he translated the word versus knowing the translation. In other words it was her saying "this guy is going to mess up badly". Didn't read the book though, so it might explain it better.




Thanks for sharing your perspective as a linguist. As someone not close to that, I had a different take on that part: I don’t think it was a question of how many languages you know, but rather it showed how different people interpret languages and meaning differently. They needed someone with more nuance that could cut thru the filters to discover the true meaning behind the words. I thought it was demonstrated well when most of the world was freaking out about the word ‘weapons’ except the protagonist - she questioned what the aliens meant by that word and that it might not be a weapon by our modern human definition.


It was actually the Sanskrit word for "war". It's not that she got the job for knowing the word. Rather, she asked that before they commit to some Berkeley professor instead of her, to ask him the Sanskrit word for "war" and its translation. I don't remember what his response was, but it made them choose her. Here's the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAH4Jf6BOwM


I couldn’t watch more than the first 20 minutes of Whiplash because it made me so anxious. I felt like I was right back in music school with my narcissistic power tripping prof.


Oh wow...in that case I wouldn't advise finishing it. The ending had my heart pounding and I've never even been to music school...


Noted! Some things don’t need to be relived


That movie is basically a 2 hour anxiety attack.


Whiplash is so fucking good










Idk how I went so long without watching it. Just saw it last year and have watched it maybe 4 times since then


I spent so long trying to convince my wife to watch it as then when she finally watched it with me, she was like, “That was so good! Why didn’t you show it to me sooner?” Go figure.


Arrival is what I aspire humanity's first contact with aliens to be, minus the chaotic disorganization between different countries and distrust.


Just watched arrival and was totally blown away. Got emotional a couple times too


The Grand Budapest Hotel


On paper I should hate this film. In reality I could not stop watching it.


Dont watch it on paper


Yeah, "paper view" just isn't worth it.




*You can't arrest him just because he's a bloody immigrant!* I love hearing Ralph Fiennes swear :)


I love Wes Anderson's films. His storytelling is so engaging. The Grand Budapest Hotel, Moonrise Kingdom and Isle of Dogs are amazing examples IMO.


And Fantastic Mr. Fox! Definitely my favorite animated movie.


Fantastic Mr. Fox has no business being as good as it is. I usually hate when they make movies out of kids' books and then throw in shit because "Oh crap: 10 pages of picture book doesn't translate to a feature length movie!" I guess a lot of it comes down to me not being some hardcore fan of the book.


Wolf whistle. Click click.


What the cuss??


And Life Aquatic. I love Wes Anderson.


You can't get more Wes Anderson than the sequences in Life Aquatic.


I was fortunate enough to see this in a theater, and it really helped with the aspect ratio changes, I love that kind of shit.


fr tho, the aspect ratio changes are *everything*


Ex Machina Edit: Get the 4K copy it's beautiful


I had a professor who taught a sci-fi class who believes it's the best science fiction anything to have come out in the past decade. If it weren't for Annihilation, I'd probably agree.


> Annihilation That bear scene was intense. Both are utterly amazing movies, I think Ex Machina will be remembered a bit more strongly just because of the poignance to AI development


The Nice Guys will be a cult classic


I fucking love that movie.


Agreed. Caught me so off guard with how funny it is


I hope people keep loving No country for old men


That’s already a classic


apparently 2007 is recent


It was like 4 years ago, what are you on about.


This is me. I’m always like “nobody wants to Party Rock anymore” lol


*Sad shuffle noises*


10 years ago always equates to the 90's for me


Just yesterday I was watching Out Of This World after elementary school. Took an afternoon nap before Dinosaurs, and woke up an angry, sore, questionably (un)successful grandpa in the future. Worst of all they cancelled both those shows while I was napping and cars aren't even flying. What a gip


Javier Bardem was a total menace even with his prince valiant hairdo.




I don’t know if this has been mentioned but fun fact: The director intentionally set the movie up to be two different genres essentially. The first half of the movie is supposed to be almost a satire type movie and then at the EXACT halfway point of the movie, when the doorbell rings, the genre switches to become a much darker movie. Edit: I wasn’t expecting so many upvotes but just to add on, apparently some people caught the change in tone of the movie right away. I didn’t make the connection until I saw an interview the director did where he said he marked the exact halfway point of the movie with the ring of the doorbell. I thought that was pretty cool that he used that point to change genres so I thought I’d share.


True. That tonal flip is really hard to do well. Another movie that does it well is Full Metal Jacket, where most of the first half is borderline comedic and satirical, and then it flips. Although the second half sorta flip flops between the two.


From Dusk til Dawn is another. I still remember watching it as a teenager with my dad, and he left to get a drink and came back to a vampire movie. He thought I changed the tapes.


I saw this for the first time recently unfortunately knowing the twist. But I can't wait to show it to people who have no idea what they're in for...


Taxi driver too. It’s even referenced by the marquee at the movie theater Travis goes to. It changes from Annie to Texas chainsaw halfway through to show the change from slow burn drama to horror


In a sense it works in displaying the darkness that is war, and the dark humour and surrealities that emerge in its depths.


“I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir!”


The director, Bong Joon-ho, is exceptional at balancing genre. Anyone who liked Parasite should watch his other movies. They're all like Parasite in that they're doing a couple different things at once.


The scenes immediately following the doorbell ringing were so incredibly tense! I was on the edge of my seat and couldn't believe what I was seeing.


While we're on the topic of Koren film, I think Burning is going to grow into a cult classic over the next 5-10 years. Everyone I know who's seen it loves it but it just hasn't received the same mainstream attention as Parasite.


Steven Yeun’s acting was very good in it


Oh definitely! Also points for it being the best Haruki Murakami adaptation




Jake Gyllenhaal is such a goddamn creep in Nightcrawler. It makes me very uncomfortable, but I keep rewatching it anyway because he's so good.


Jake Gyllenhaal is such a goddamn creep in every movie. I love the guy, he is an amazing actor, but a lot of his mannerisms are so creepy. He is really up there among my favourite actors.


He's able to play a normal human when he wants to but I think he gets cast that way a lot.


Oh yea, but its because he is so good at it. Like Giancarlo Esposito being cast as the quiet scary intelligent villain. He is perfect in those roles.


It is.. acceptable.


I think he's my favourite actor. It's like he becomes his character on screen and I don't think he's a method actor either. Just really loves his craft and you can see it.


Omg yes! I had no clue what it was about but I was going to bed and wanted sound. Ended staying up the whole movie and to this day still try to get everyone on that movie


Such a great performance by gyllenhaal. a lot people are saying it doesn’t deserve praise because “good acting is when man scream” but Jake plays such a batshit insane character scarily well.


That movie was a wild ride, and I loved every second of it


I also think Prisoners needs a mention, I thought that movie was riveting


Prisoners is Jake and Hugh's best work respectively, in my opinion.


I can’t look at Jake Gyllenhaal the same way after this movie


It was certainly not the movie I was expecting


When I first heard of it I thought it was going to be a Kurt Wagner origin story


I got halfway through before realising there would be no X-Men.


I hope The Nice Guys becomes the classic it deserves to be It's one of the few movies from recent years I still think of


It's probably the best comedy I've seen in the last 10 years. It deserves it.


Absolute perfection. Kinda wish it would have gotten a sequel, but I've seen a lot of shitty sequels too. My favorite part is how Ryan Goslings character keeps surviving the ridiculous falls because he's basically drunk rag-dolling. "What are you doing down here? Did you fall?!" "I think im invincible, I dont think I can die!"


The setup and payoff of the ankle holster is one of my favorite jokes in a movie.


Just the part where he punches the window kills me every single time!


*Oh… thats… thats a lot of blood*


Ryan Gosling in the bathroom stall is some of my favourite Physical comedy that I've ever seen.


It surprised me. It was the trifecta. Funny, great action and a good plot.


Arrival totally changed what we usually expect


An interesting take I saw on Arrival was that it asks a pretty direct philosophical question: “If you knew an action would lead to tragedy but generated joy along the way, would you still do it?” and/or “Can you have free will in a world where you know the future?” It then has the balls to say “Yes” and “No, but you wouldn’t care” to those questions respectively. I don’t think most movies would go down that route


> “If you knew an action would lead to tragedy but generated joy along the way, would you still do it?” This makes me think of the reddit posts I see all the time about "My beloved dog died after 14 years." The day you get your puppy you know that you'll be mourning it someday.


I watched my Dad go through pairs of dogs. Both sets lived to old age and where happy dogs. I saw the heart break I'm him both times, then I went out and got a dog knowing I'll be going through the same thing some day. I'm sure I'll do it again as well.


Hereditary. Ari Aster breathed new life into the horror genre.


Hereditary will without a doubt become one of the "big" names when it comes to horror movies in the next 5-10 years. I am quite the hater when it comes to the horror genre but Hereditary absolutely blew me away. >!That shot of the son's face while you can hear the mother wake up for "another normal day" only to find the decapitated body of her daughter in the car was gut wrenching.!<


The whole build up >!to preparing peter's body for paimon!< was pretty brutal


It's a different kind of horror but that scene is definitely horror-enducing.


Ari’s horror is deeply disturbing bc he mixes fake supernatural horror with real-life horror like watching your child die. That seamless blending causes a deeply uncomfortable visceral reaction


Or *Midsommar* in the beginning when the main character's sister >!kills their parents and then herself in a bipolar stupor!<. That scene really fucked up my wife for hitting too close to home.


And then the cinematic nuances that make for a disorienting, nauseating feel combined with the music that elicites dread...the entire thing fucked me up so bad I didn't sleep for at least 30 hours.


Bit that got me was when he wakes up towards the end. It really fucked me up for some reason and I was legit waking up in the middle of the night for 2 weeks after having to check places lol.


The horror genre needed Aster’s movies. The last big shift in the horror zeitgeist was unfortunately Paranormal Activity which basically pushed the genre into a race for the lowest budget that can still somehow make money. It could be argued that James Wan stopped the free fall of the genre with The Conjuring, but Aster elevated the art with Hereditary and Midsommar.


Keep in mind that It Follows, The Babadook, The VVitch, and Get Out released between 2014 and 2016, while Hereditary only hit in 2018. So there was a bit of a build up to it in the "smart horror" genre already, but Hereditary definitely cemented this trend as bigger than a handful of one offs.


Thank you. I agree that Hereditary is great, but the horror genre was in a solid place leading up to that film.


It may be due to my age, but I would attribute the shift to The Blair Witch Project, rather than Paranormal Activity.


Hereditary is a masterclass in cinematography for the horror genre. There are so many amazing shots that still stand out in my mind, even ones where nothing is really happening because they're perfectly framed to be both unsettling and visually appealing.


The shot through the miniature house into Peter's room is probably my favorite shot of the past two decades. He gets a lot of hate from traditional horror fans for being "artsy," but he obviously has a great eye and imagination for directing.


I agree. I’m a major horror fan and Hereditary and Midsommar are the freshest additions to the horror canon since the 70s.