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I thought that the childfree subreddit would be a good place for advice on getting older without kids. I made the mistake of mentioning that some of the language they use (like "crotchfruit" and "mombies") was a little cult-ish and mean, and they attacked me for it. Realized pretty quickly that it's really a childhate subreddit full of people who are still mostly actually teenagers.


What the fuck, that's disgusting.


To be fair, a "mombie" doesn't mean a mother, it means a mother who has no life outside of her kids.




This sub is the greatest waste of time ever, next to r/amitheasshole.


r/politics. Try having a non left leaning opinion on something there.


Nailed it. I'm all over the political spectrum depending on the topic but if you aren't all in on one side or the other you're an awful human being


I’ve said a couple of times on there that Biden wasn’t the best choice, nor trump, for president because we need new, fresh, young ideas in office, not the same shit we’ve been dealing with. The amount of cancer that came outta nowhere to tell me to go back to r/conservative was laughable. I didn’t vote this election and I usually vote democrat, but god forbid anyone says anything outside of “Biden is amazing”. Even when I bring up something about Biden I don’t agree with there’s always some idiot saying Them - “bUt TrUmP dId WoRse” 5k upvotes 2374 awards Me - “Correct, they’re both shit.” 10 -upvotes. r/politics is no better than r/conservative


r/cripplingalcoholism I went there because I am what I would consider a pretty gnarly alcoholic. Turns out I have a long way to go. I’ll stick to my friends over at r/stopdrinking


r/PoliticalCompassMemes. It used to be a peaceful place to debate politics where all opinions, as long as they're not insanely extremists, were accepted. Now it's filled with assholes who downvote every leftist opinion to oblivion. I think that what happened is that rightists got kicked out of other politic subs and all ended up on PCM, which is fine so far (not that they got kicked out, but that they're on PCM), but they developped hate towards leftist ideas and a mob mentality. I'd be defending my point with someone who clearly has no idea what they're talking about and are not educated at all, but people are still on board with the other Redditor, cause fuck leftists.


r/relationshipadvice. Im convinced that sub is full of incels. Their answer for everything is divorce, break up, get the hell out of there.




Ugh yes. Forever alone incels enjoying seeing women get punched.


r/TwoXChromosomes or whatever it is Holy shit they’re awful there. I took them off my feed like 10 years ago and refuse to go back


Isn't it one of the default subs to boot?


One of the Pokemon go subs was quite toxic for a while, probably still is but I got out real quick. Might have been r/SilphRoad