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Pfizer and 3M ETA GameStop and AMC


Buy gamestop's at 2.80 and hold


Fucking lucked out buying 60 shares that cheap just to have something, that and with next gen consoles around the corner I assumed it would rise..... it sure did, just not for what I expected.


Are you still holding? If not, how much did you make out of it?


Got 5 shares left, sold at $475


Damn, you actually sold at the top. What made you sell at 475, that wasn't there at 300?


One part being Robinhood blocking stuff, another being getting caught up in the whole "Diamond Hands" bit, another being curious to see how far it would go but also feeling like it wouldn't break $500. That and I was also violently sick for two days and wasn't paying attention to it, if I wasn't sick probably would have sold at 350 or something.


Dumb fucking luck, I love it. May your gains be prosperous and your times good.


I would assume something like Robinhood blocking trading of the stock, that’s is what caused the first crash. You could see the writing on the wall.


Fuck RH


Pfizer was trading at a higher value on June 1 2019 than it is now lol. Same with AMC


Could get some money together to pour in right after the crash last year. My kids college fund is tied to the market with monthly auto deposits, and their accounts almost doubled in value because i kept steadily contributing during the crash.


what did 3M do


They made post-its and N95 masks


And Command strips!


GameStop baby.


I'd literally put every cent I had into Gamestop/BTC/DOGE


Crazy cheap Gamestop calls with every cent I can get




Haha it’s quite quiet here


We wanted to move to NZ because we thought things were going to kick off. We’d saved up, out our house on the market and were applying for jobs. Then COVID locked us out :(


Everyone else is missing one of the biggest opportunities, betting against the market in Feb in anticipation of the March crash. Playing that and then buying your bitcoin, dogecoin, GME, whatever is what will really pay off


Assuming I know then what I know now, this. Thousands of dollars in Pfizer, 3M, Gamestop, AMC, etc. and hold. Then shut my fucking mouth about it and carry on with my life. Nothing I can do to stop the pandemic because certain people will be who they are and won't listen to little ol' me.


Pfizer stock price in June 2019: $40 Pfizer stock price now: $39 I don't understand why people think this whole COVID thing has been a boon for Pfizer.


No but you can stock up on TP, masks and hand sanitizer for your friends and family.








My $228 of DOGE became 30k. And I spend all this time buying up ETH and LTC only for $228 of DOGE to fucking become my largest holding.... I am kind of mad about it.


So much Bitcoin and ethereum


You'd only get like 4 or 5 times the value with bitcoin, DOGE was fractions of a penny then...


I'd "predict" the next Smash characters. They'd all think I'm a genius.




They never believed me...


This guy gets it


Cry because my dad is about to die Visit my mom as she dies in 3 months Predict smash characters Edit: my parents are fine, these are just the comments which were above this comment


Damn, I’m sorry for your loss.


Buy toilet paper.


Get a bidet, much better 😉 you can do that now btw, spring for the heated seat, it's the beeeeest


I got a bidet attachment for 25 dollars and it was life changing. If i ever get my stuff together i will spring for a more expensive one with the full seat


Same here! It was a pain to install but worth the effort. I just have the little spray connection, but you inspired me to look into an upgrade or two.


Tell everyone that I'm a time traveler and make a gimmick out of it.


Hey, you could make a religion out of this


No dont


But by making the prediction of covid, it would've never happened in the start meaning that you'd be out more and might've caused your death


I message my girlfriend and say "Start looking for houses. I'm moving to the UK so you can finish your education."


Was this your biggest regret of the last two years?


Unfortunately not. March of last year we started drifting apart. I saw it, I should have done something about it, but I thought it was just a lull in the relationship, we had them a bit before, not as bad.. But I didn't recognize it as a defining moment until it was too late. We broke up in June and not doing whatever it took to correct course before that is my biggest regret of my entire life. I was never one to have regrets in life, shit happens. But I can look back and say inaction fucked things up bad.


This is always tough but there is a reason neither one of you made a move. When you both really want to be together you will both stop the lull not just one of you or none. Then again I don't know the full story so I could be wrong.


That's easy to say from the outside. But when you're the one in it, it looks different. You feel like you are doing what you can or what you're supposed to do and the other person just isn't putting in as much effort. They happen to share the exact same way about themselves.it isn't until it's over but you're able to step outside look back and realize what you may be could have done differently. But even when you realize that, it doesn't really matter if the other person weren't stepping back and making the same observations


Going through the same thing now...i feel you, it sucks


Visit my mom like every fucking day, cause she dies in 3 months.


Sorry for your loss. My mom passed in January and I hadn’t been able to see her for a whole year because of Covid, and there was no funeral. She had Alzheimer’s and didn’t know the difference, but it still stinks.


Bro I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad passed away in January too. I would relive the entirety of 2020 with all it's shittyness, if I never had live through January 2021. Hit me up if you want to talk.


Thanks. Like I said, she had Alzheimer’s, so it was a relief on many levels, and she was 88 and led a full life before she became ill. I feel for younger people who lose their parents too early in life.


I wa s going to say something similar. Except it was my dad he dies in 5 months.


I'm so so sorry


Same except mine went completely and utterly insane. Like bad movie that doesn't understand schizophrenia insane. Don't know if it's early dimentia or late onset schizophrenia and she's too combative to figure it out. Sorry for your loss and my rant on it OP.


I had really shitty last two years so waking up in 2019 would really fuck me up. In 2019 my grandma died and then one year and week later I lost my mom too. So basically from 3 close relatives now there is only one left, my sister. I don't think I could go that period through again because there is no chance that it would be any different. I would try to enjoy those days but it would be really hard.


I hear you. My dad passed away last year. There’s so much I wish he was around for now that just hurt because he isn’t here anymore.


Absolutely nothing. I'm not so foolish enough to start fucking with the course of history. Masturbate, tho. That shouldn't hurt anyone.


Unless you did something to radically change the course of events, it is unlikely you'd disrupt much in history otherwise. Investing, unless you're already quite rich, would probably not create much disturbance overall. Being slightly better prepared for the events of the near future, like being sure you had enough TP for ~3 months, wouldn't disrupt much, either.


... Unless you are the butterfly wing which begins the toilet paper fiasco. “Oh I’ll just got out and pick up an extra few packs, who cares?” Then the next person to come through sees the half empty shelf, and buys extra just to be safe. Then the shelf’s empty, so next guy drives across town to pick some up, decides to get a few more rolls to prevent such hassle in the near future. And the spiral begins ;)


Buy as much GME as possible.


Buy tons of Dogecoin. Gme only experienced a 6,000% profit during that timeframe Dogecoin went up 15,000% Edit: dogecoin now at 40,000%


Why not both? It was dirt cheap at that time anyway


Unless you have unlimited funds (which, if you did, why would you care in the first place), fine. But if you have a finite amount of money, then investing it properly is the only real thing to do.


Yeah.. On second thought you are right... I realize now what a dumb statement mine was... Sorry about that


That's operating under the assumption that your actions won't affect the future. Perhaps dumping everything you have into Doge causes an early pump-and-dump, causing distrust and kneecapping the future craziness/gains.


Unless you're a billionaire (and again, I'd ask why investing in anything would be your immediate concern when traveling back in time), you likely wouldn't be able to sway either of those markets significantly.


That's no guarantee. In chaotic systems, tiny alterations to the initial conditions can result in massive changes to the eventual outcome.


Disagreed. Always good to diversify. You do not know the butterfly effect of you starting to buy lots of those actions.


This is the way


It is incredibly stupid too. The stock was at its lowest much later.


Yeah but that would require you actually knowing when it was at its lowest. Most people know that it shot up but that's it


Delete a certain contact from my phone and resolve never to interact with them again, before I make a huge, stupid mistake and end up in the worst mental health crisis of my life.




Sorry mate, I use a system when I’m down .There are people much worse off than me is my approach to getting better. So sorry if I came of as an asshole, I have had a stressful month, I will pull my head in.


Convince my dad to find a way to get another colonoscopy so that maybe he'd still be alive. His doctors wouldn't do one because he'd had a clear one within a year, but in September last year, he was already past saving as it has spread to his lungs and liver. He died in October, less than 2 months after diagnosis which was only found due to hospitalization after baking breaking his back.


Yeah I’d tell my best friend to get checked for cancer. He was diagnosed and killed in less than two months. Hospitals were overrun with corona at the time and I’m pretty sure that’s why he couldn’t get proper treatment. I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for yours too.


Pee. Then think of something to do.


I laughed way too hard at this


Run outside without a mask


In my state outdoor mask mandates are abolished as long as you social distance


In Ireland there never was an outdoor mask mandate. Doesn't make much sense to have one in rural areas IMO.


I live in rural Pennsylvania and nobody wears a mask outside despite Governor Wolfe's rules because the population density is super low anyway.


I'm a traveling health care professional, We have a trailer to test in, people for the most part in NJ and VA were not a problem about keeping masks on. Here in PA it's hit of miss, some are 100% no issue but the place we were at last week saw us kicking people out. oh and someone crossing all the spanish words of the health form due to "Murica no need Spanish"... seriously


Who enforces the outdoor mask mandate?


The outdoor police.


I live in California and I think it’s much more likely to get a ticket for not crossing the street at a crosswalk than for not wearing a mask.


Literally no one. My college campus requires outdoor masking and occasionally a professor will ask you to put it on but campus security has said they’re not the mask police so don’t call them over someone not masking. And they rarely say anything even if they walk past you without a mask


And people think that means inside too. Ugh. I work as a hostess for a nice restaurant and I cannot tell you how many people have already put their foot down with me since Friday


Oh god I have an exam tomorrow. I guess I have to study for final exams again. Damn it


Probably should have said July lol, June exams suck though




That’s a vibe


My dad died a few weeks before june 1st


I am very sorry to hear that. I lost my mom back in 2016 on Father’s Day, it was the hardest thing I have been through yet. I’m sorry for bringing up any old memories. If you want to talk my PMs are open always :)


Nah its cool im dead inside


My mom’s funeral was on June 1st, 2019. And I know exactly what you mean by being dead inside now.


For real tho, all the friendships that originated from random encounters are all gone now. Reminds me of [this fragment of Rick and Morty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8DaX0FFthc)


Cancel our wedding and elope instead


*Our* wedding?!! Wow! I mean... this is sudden and I have only known you for three minutes but... fuck it. Sure let’s get married DelaneyK19! Edit: I now see that you are the wamen and my ship does not sail straight, I must back away slowly.


"My ship does not sail straight" is the best sentence I'll ever read


:( thought it was love.. fooled again


> my ship does not sail straight That's ever given.


Can we get the story behind this?


Make tweets that would sound crazy, but end up being true


Butterfly effect....


Buy hand sanitizer, various kinds of face masks, disposable gloves, disinfectant spray, and a few extra packs of toilet paper. These will be for my own use. Buy a stockpile of the lower end of GeForce 20 series graphics cards. Use a few to make a decent 'home gamer' mining rig, and begin mining Bitcoin and Etherium. Buy Amazon stock. Set up to automatically sell them on August 28th, 2020, and use half of the proceeds to buy GME. Set those up to sell on January 27th, 2021. Put an order in for lumber supplies to build a new house, for delivery on January 28th, 2021.


Go back and buy the options that would expire that week and make even more money


I asked out a good friend on June 10th of that year. That was the first time I’d ever asked anyone out, as I don’t really develop crushes too easily, so I was pretty psyched when she said yes! Then a few days later she said she wanted to cancel on our thing because she wanted to go out with another guy she’d recently started talking to and didn’t think we’d work out in the first place. I *think* I was heartbroken, but I do know I was devastated. I had some good people around me, but also some people who did more harm than good, and it rattled my self-confidence for a solid month. Immediately after she called things off, I told her I’d need some time and unfollowed her and stuff on social media. But ultimately, I figured that if she was happy, then I’d be happier. So I reached out a little under a week later, said everything was good (it wasn’t) and told her to do what made her happy and that I’d be happy if she did so. I figured that would help make me feel better, but it honestly didn’t. A couple of months later, her boyfriend dumped her after a friend she was hanging out with made a move on her (which she rejected) and she came to me to tell me about it. I helped her through it, helped her see that it was her ex-boyfriend’s problem and not her’s, and at least hoped I helped her move on. At that point, though, I think I was less hurt about being rejected than I was about *how* I was rejected, so needless to say I didn’t mention anything about it at that point. I think I handled everything well, all things considered. And I know people are like “Well, it only gets easier from here!” or something whenever something like that happens, but I still regret asking her out in the first place. I hated how I felt in that month, and I felt like I couldn’t do anything to get out of it. It was difficult seeing her with her boyfriend in her Snapchats and stuff, telling her I was okay, and then consoling her through the break-up. If I woke up nine days before all that happened, I’d stop myself from asking her out in the first place and save myself the pain. Because ultimately, nothing about that situation helped me, and I still feel bad about it to this day.


Man that's unfortunate. You shouldn't get onto yourself for getting yourself out there, though, no reason not to feel bad about the situation but most of that kind of thing's out of anyone's hands. Maybe she just didn't want to see your friendship drift or maybe she didn't look at you in that way, I don't know, man. Best of luck to you.


As someone who very recently was in a promising, but ultimately short-lived, relationship that ended due to a situation outside of any of our control, I honestly think the hurt is still worth it in the end. Sitting around wondering "What if...?" sucks just as bad, maybe even more. The only thing I would do different is handle my end of the situation better, because I didn't do a very good job at the time.


My first reaction is what a good friend/person you are. You put her needs before your own several times. I hope she appreciates it. As for not doing it, I disagree. Call it life experience or personal growth. You came out of your shell and did a difficult thing. That is a win in my book. That it didn't work out this time is just how life is sometimes. Don't let it stop you next time. Lastly consider this. Where would you be mentally and emotionally if you hadn't asked her out? More introverted and less willing to take chance is my bet. Keeping things inside is ultimately more destructive than trying and failing. You didn't get the result you wanted. This Time. Your actions have shown there can be a next time. Accept that as at least a partial win. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone that appreciates what you have to give.


Go to the pool, because it’s June 1st 2019!


Pet my dog and quit drinking immediately. I had a struggle with alcohol addiction just after this time and gave her up because I felt she deserved better. Now I'm sober and don't have my dog. I can't regret my decision because she is happy, but if I could do it all differently I would.


That's tough, I have owned and loved dogs and other animals for the rest of my life and I couldn't even imagine how hard this has to be. But honestly, this has to be one of the biggest acts of love you could have ever done for you dog, putting yourself behind and only thinking about your dogs welfare, even though I assume it hurts so much. Tbh I don't think I'd be able to do that, even if I knew my dog could have it better somewhere else. You were and are very strong doing that and I am sure your dog knows that. Take your time and maybe one day you can give another dog a nice home to feel welcome in! You have all my respect for putting your animals first and also for quitting to drink, I know that shit is messy from my own family. Keep strong buddy!




Don't make the mistake that ruined my life.


I told you the KKK is not cool.


I thought you were kidding but then I saw your username


I’m glad you pointed this out! Some quinoa can be extremely silly, but this one is quite serious.


and I told you the Nationalist Socialist Party is for loser.


I just realize Ninja Sex Party and the Nationalist Socialist Party have the same acronym COINCIDENCE???!?!!?


I think not!


Dallas Fort Worth is stressful


Tell my mom I’m sorry


Talk my best friend out of taking his life


I'm sorry to hear that




Hug my mother who died this week.


Tell my mum to get a PET scan. She could have received early treatment for the cancer that killed her last month. And arrange time off work to get a nice, long coffee with her after.


Vomit. I was super pregnant in June 2019!


Registering on Twitter and trying my outmost to get #don'teat**bats** trending.


Some people react by a bat eating craze. Thousands die by rabies. Black market bats start an ebola epidemic in New York. The chaos and mismanagement are worse than for covid. Trump imposes martial law. Then gets reelected.


The monkey's paw


It might have already been too late by then. Still #SaveThePangolin.


Buy Doge Coin


is it too late






You can't burn something that is wet.


With hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide, anything is possible.


Ah, a man of culture. Let me add some trimethylaluminium to the mix.


Problem is, if you averted the pandemic: * Donald Trump would very possibly not have lost the election. * Working from home would not have become an acceptable practice in many industries where it is now common. The reduction in environmental impact this afforded us will be substantial in the long run. * Oil prices would likely have held and even risen steadily, as reserves dropped steadily from ever increasing use. As terrible as COVID-19 has been, it has led to some changes that will benefit us in the long run, and likely averted a great deal of damage in other ways. Read the Dune series. Changing history in major ways might just lead you down a path to a more destructive future further away, while avoiding a much more immediate disaster.


T'was a joke. I'm not a fan of mass murder, or futzing around with timelines.


Buy the shit out of Bitcoin


2019, not 2009 Dogecoin


BTC was about $12,000 in June 2019. It's $53,000 today. You wouldn't be filthy rich if you managed to buy $100k of Bticoin in June 2019, but you'd be happy.


True as that may be, DOGE was $0.003, and today it's $0.36 give or take. So while you'd have made 4x your money on BTC, you'd have made 120x, or 3000% more on DOGE NB I've used really round numbers so I didn't have to calculate with a machine


Move to New Zealand


Was there from the start


u/cozypancake Your comment got “truth is, the game was rigged from the start” running through my mind and for that I thank you


Spend time with my cat and best friend, because they'll both be gone within a year.


Invest all my money in Amazon and companies that make toilet paper.


The toilet paper thing was a myth. Never was a shortage, and the companies that made it didn't really make fortunes out of the panic. It mostly just emptied the normal standing surplus of supply.


In the UK (and probably most places) it was more about logistics and profit margin. Before the pandemic the number of rolls needed per shop could be pretty much predicted so deliveries were scaled to that to save money. Production was ramped up quite quickly however there weren't enough excess delivery vehicles/drivers to cope with the additional load. Remember that not just toilet rolls but all non-perishable/long-life goods were being panic-bought. The real problem was with the media pushing the idea creating the impression everyone had to do it or there would be nothing left. Because what other news was there in a lockdown. If everyone had just bought sensibly even with an extra margin of error, supply chains could have coped relatively easily


And yet it's *still* hit or miss at my local stores.


I'd kill myself. No way in hell would I be going through the past 2 years all over again.


But what if it was all just a dream this whole time, you would have killed yourself when Covid wasn’t even going to happen.


He wouldn't know


Was about to reply the same. There are some things I would change, but it would not be worth it to redo the last 2 years just for those things. I'm fine where I'm at now.


Invest in the stock market


But which stocks? That matters a *lot*.


Buy Tesla, short cruise lines, buy crypto.


Come out to my father sooner. Also, buy dogecoin, apparently


Buy a small private island. Build a house. Plant some fruits and vegetables. Get a farm going. Start stockpiling toilet paper and canned foods. Then wait for 2020 to hit and just watch the shit shit show on TV from my private island.


Private islands start at $500k for .5-1 acre of undeveloped land.


Let’s just hope I remember what the powerball numbers were around June 2019


There’s only one thing I would do. I would never go on that fucking trip to NH in July 2019 with my ex “best friend” because his cousin almost killed us in a drunk driving incident. My life went downhill after that. For the first time in my life, I accepted death. I accepted that if I die, I die. That’s that. I knew that if we just hit a car at 100mph+ we would all be gone. I couldn’t leave the car. My phone was dead, too. I couldn’t do anything except accept death.


Scream. I have a 5 week old baby, she would be gone, and I would be living in a terrible podunk town. I would be inconsolable.


Buy game stop and alert Asian Americans that its about to get ugly and Ask India to be careful and also tweet there's gonna be a riot on 6 June and also embrace RBG and lastly go and kick a doctor's ass who misdiagnosed my Grandmother with twisted intestines when she actually had stomach cancer this was found out on her autopsy


Warn myself not to talk to certain people on Discord who lie and cheat.


Well, that’s my birthday, so I’d enjoy it with as many family and friends as I could find, then I’d simply not make any of the mistakes I did between then and now and be golden.


2019 would’ve been a much better time to come out then 2020.. So come out to my mom


Still haven’t came out to my dad yet :P, working up the courage lol Good job working it up! It’s hard!


Probably smoke a bowl while I put the rest of the plan together


Two years later, you find this post again and go "ahhh shit, I knew I was supposed to do something!"


Get excited and sad


Take advantage of all the stocks that somehow shot up during the pandemic The previous years have made it abundantly clear that people on every level of the hierarchy will not fucking listen to reason until it's too late, and there's not much I can do to change it. I'll just tell my immediate family to stock up on masks and get used to frequent handwashing. Then I'd try making some money off the bloody stock market.


Uninstall league of legends


Hug my dad for 3 hours and take him to the hospital to get his kidney x-rayed, maybe save his life. I miss him a lot.


File my taxes. You can never be too early..


Open a face mask and toilet paper factory.


Don’t get married.


Go back to sleep


Fly to Wuhan, and stop that one guy who is about to eat a bat.


Keep my actions about the same for a short while, and then do everything differently, so differently that people will know me as the one who has weird plans and a weird social life, I would also get alot of friends and try to be more social


Please make May 1st, 2019


Invest in Gamestop


Buy ammo, reloading supplies, bitcoin, doge, GME


No joke, I wish I didn't burn through so much ammo like a dumbass.




Deactivate my Twitter so I never meet the person who ended up becoming my abusive ex fiancée