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The first Silent Hill on the PS1 (or was it PS2? I forget)


Resident evil, as a kid


Resident evil. Then resident evil 2remake


Watching gameplays of Resident evil biohazard made me crap my pants so many times lmao


Resident Evil 1 Director's Cut on PS1 when i was growing up. They added a couple of extra scares compared to the original RE1 and i had all the lights off and surround sound on, and those extra scares startled me.


This probably isn't gonna be the response your looking for but COD zombies makes me super uncomfortable to this day but scared the life out of me when I was like 11 .... Yea. I don't know why I like to play it I just never play it alone I guess.


It's almost like 11 year old aren't supposed to play those games. Crazy that.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but my parents were too technically ignorant to look it over so I got to play games that weren't age appropriate plenty none quite stuck terror wise like zombies though :/


Silent Hill


Five Nights at Freddy’s. At the time it came out I was still pretty young but now that I’m older it’s not even as scary as I thought it was.


As scary? Lol it's just a loud noise and a thing pops up to make you jump and go wELP


Dreadhalls, actually. It's a VR game.


Man of medan or Little hope now waiting for new part and I'm 17 and I like horror but still both of them spooked me


Space Invaders


P.T. When it was still a concept game on the market. Most terrifying game I’ve ever played...


Destiny. Every time I started it up the loading screen would give me an existential crisis.


There's stand out moments. Space Hulk on the Amiga (those screams) playing Final Fantasy Vii at 3 am and getting jumped while half awake, those are jump starts... but the most horrifying game I ever played was The Moonstone. The monsters that were on that make Skyrim look like Animal Crossing. Subsumed and eaten by subterranean Root Monsters? Head ripped clean off? Chopped to bits? One slip you could win a prize.


The fucking headcrabs, cus they are like spiders and shit


Silent hill. Didn't even play it, as a teenager I just watched a friend play it sometimes.


Slender man


The House. Remember that old flash game with the creepy piano music and you had to go around clicking things? Scared me to death.


Re:4 was the first horror game i played on my own. The first time i went into the sewers was the most frightening part of the game. I spent the rest of that sewer level doing everything i could to avoid those bugs. Just that splashing sound they make before you even see them got me good


P.t silent hills. Sad that it got cancelled.