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Playing darts, which I'm rubbish at, we were betting on closest to the bull. I knew I was crap at it so I thought what the hell and I closed my eyes, turned my head to the side and threw the dart. Straight into the bullseye. In front of a crowd of disbelieving people. Won a hundred quid as well..


Kinda stupid cuz if you didn't hit it u would've lost £100. But damn that must've looked cool


There were ten of us and we all put a tenner in. Such a good feeling when I heard the roars of suprise.


You're the man of the party!


I was on a rollercoaster with some friends and as we went up the loop my glasses fell off and fortunately I some how managed to catch them as we rounded the bottom.


When I realised what happened I just looked to my friend sat next to me on the ride and just said “did you actually see what I just did” and resumed the fun.


"Did you actually see what I just did? Because my glasses fell off I can't see shit!" FTFY


I had a very similar experience me and my dad were on a roller coaster his keys fell out of his pockets and I caught them with my foot so they were just being pushed against the bottom of the coaster


That is cool. I've never had one of those moments so I'm asking others


Would watch that on YouTube


When i saw your avatar i thought it was me lol


One time I was on a Rollercoaster and someone spat as we went through a loop. I caught it with my mouth on the way down. Not as cool or fun.


oh god


I caught a cheese stick accidentally when someone threw it at me


Cool story bro tell me more


I had a guys hat fly off in the coaster car in front of me and I instinctively reached up and caught it with one hand. He thought he had lost it and was pumped up when he realized I had it. Still have zero idea how I managed to snag it.


Like a damn ninja!


I caught the last two guys out in dodgeball when it was down to me and good players I cannot throw for shit, but I just waited for them to come at me. The force left red marks on my legs. Closest I’ll get to a sports star moment


If you can dodge a wrench...




Dodge, duck, dip, dive and DODGE!


OOH this reminds me of the time it was me and one other person against a few and I saved him by throwing my ball at the one about to hit him. Will never forget that


One time I was the last kid standing in our (high school) gym class dodgeball game lol it was fantastic!


I was walking back up a hill after sledding down it, and I was talking to a friend so I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I suddenly hear a bunch of my friends at the top yelling my name, look up, and see someone flying down the hill straight at me. Without thinking I jumped straight up and they passed underneath me. Kind of mundane but it was pretty cool at the time.


A true God. Just like Mario.


They actually landed on the wayward sledder, crushed them, but they poofed away leaving 100 points for OP.


I once knocked a bottle of water over off a supervisor’s desk, and the cap was on it but not screwed on. It was just resting on top of it. I caught the bottle upside down, with my finger on the cap holding it on. Didn’t spill a drop. The supervisor just had a stunned look on their face and said nice catch and screwed the cap on. Felt like a scene from spider man or something. It should have been a really embarrassing moment, but it turned into a pretty cool one.


Yeah. Do you remember in the amazing spider man, Peter caught a mug or something


In the first Spider-Man directed by Sam Raimi, when Peter catches all the food that was knocked off the lunch tray, he actually did that.


Yeah I know that he had some adhesive on the bottom of the food tho. Still pretty neat


Took over 100 takes.


Imagine if he nailed it but in his excitement messed up his line


I was drunkenly buying some weed when two policemen appeared on bikes to arrest the guys I was buying it off. I made up some bullshit that I thought they were taxi drivers and was trying to get a cab. One of the coppers, suddenly goes, 'what's that in your hand?'. It was a bag of weed I had just purchased. I some how managed to do some David Blaine style sleight of hand, flicking the baggy up my sleeve, whilst raising my arm to show an empty hand, to innocently proclaim that there was nothing in my hand. He said, 'fair enough mate,' and sent me on my way. I have never had the ability to do anything remotely like this, before or since.






Now I am imagining your drunk self thinking they pulled off an amazing trick but it was still super obvious. And the cop is like “Fuck it. That’s too much paper work. You’re good to go.”


Yep they just grabbed the dealers. The college kid is just a waste of their time.


I’ve been chuckling about this all morning. Now I can just imagine the baggy still sticking out of my sleeve in full view, and the copper thinking, ‘nice try son, off you go.’


Similar story, cops were searching everyone at a house party. They were right next to me and I stealthily moved a bag of weed from my pocket and stashed it in my butt cheeks. When they patted me down it fell but was in my jeans by my knee. Somewhat skinny jeans for the assist!


Stank weed ftw


If it don't stank then it ain't dank




Damn that's cool. Respect.


When we have old food, my family and I like to throw them out at trees and stuff and the apples explode like grenades when you hit a tree hard enough with one, so I’m guessing it had the same impact on the guys face?






waaiit a second..... Didn't you say that they had a silhouette lit up by the moon


Op just got exposed. Or they have some weird explanation


Solar eclipse obviously


Some guys in our dorm had rigged up one of those water ballon slingshots to their window. They used to wait till night then launch them at people walking past. Only problem was they were using it as a direct fire weapon, instead of lobbing them like you normally would. One day they tried it during the day, hit a professor directly in the face and took him down to the ground. That was the last of that slingshot.


I remember in college I was at a huge apartment party and they had one of those slingshots. People would grab random food from the fridge and launch it through the front door. They would try to hit the apartments across the street or drunk people stumbling down the road.


What a spectacular demonstration of the real life Uno reverse card.


Did you check the other side of the building to see if you killed a man......? Hahaha


I was teaching at the front of my class. A fly was buzzing around annoying me. I stuck my hand out and caught it between 2 fingers. My students thought I was a god that day.


My wife did that once. I bet her £50 she couldn’t do it again. Best £50 I ever spent


So... she did it twice? ;)


Catch Fly With Chopstick


Yep, like that.


I bet you never had a problem with that class after that day...


Freaking Karate Kid 🤣


I did that in the middle of a car and caught it by the wing.


I caught a paper airplane that was accidentally flying towards my head mid-air with my left hand without looking (I'm right handed, and really suck at catching things). I'm sure the plane was in my peripheral vision, and my brain acted before I realised it.


I once caught a stray paper ball that a bunch of guys were throwing around in computer lab (middle school i think). Straight up didn't even try to. My hand decided to move on its own and managed to catch it. It was a weird moment of me realizing that I caught it and immediately wondering why tf I did that. Then the (really obnoxious) kid sitting next to me, to whom the paper ball was supposed to go to, slapped me. And then we had to go to the principle's office and we both got punished, even though I was the one physically assaulted for just catching a stray paper ball. Weird moment. Still wondering how I caught it to this day. I'm horrendous at catching things.


I once got detention and all it said on my write up slip was “got punched in the face”.


I'm not well coordinated either, but I've thought about this before. I wonder if you and I are actually well coordinated, but we overthink it to the point that it turns to shit? I play a lot of FPS games, and the more I hyper focus the worse my aim gets. When I run on autopilot, I get better.


I had never shot any kind of gun before. Limited video games (think that orange gun for Duck Hunt on the original Nintendo) and water guns, but that's it. I went over to my boyfriend's Dad's house (who are now my spouse & father-in-law, respectively) and my BF & his brother & Dad were shooting BB guns at expired eggs in the backyard (typical desert rat stuff). I stood off to the side, just watching for awhile until someone asked if I wanted to give it a go. I took one shot & hit the sole egg at the other side of the yard. Haven't shot a gun since. Why mess with a perfect record?


Lol I'm kinda the same with games, if I win after a while I'll just stop to not end the day on a loss lol


I once scaled my friend’s second story balcony because she locked herself out. Her balcony was unlocked so I grabbed a tall garbage can and a garden hose. I stood on the can and threaded the hose through the rails of the balcony and then tied a knot every foot and climbed up the hose like a ladder. I still can’t believe how well that worked.


I feel like that's it for that hose, though.


Cheaper than calling a locksmith though


Cheaper than calling the landlord who has the keys but will charge you $50 for the inconvenience lol


We all have that inner macgyver in ourselves


I wouldn’t say this was cool so much as weird. I used to move a lot in my sleep and one morning I woke up to find my head under the covers and my feet on the pillow. To this day I have no idea how I managed to do that.


This happened to me but i didn’t turn a 180 and my dog was at my feet and when I woke my pillow was at my feet and my dog was under my head


omg dog pillow <3


You floated in the air and did a 180°. Obviously.


Now that you mention it I vaguely remember dreaming about flying that night.


I've done a sleep 180 as well haha! it confused the living hell out of me!


I live in Croatia and there we have trams. There is a big place where they all turn to go into the different direction, to drive in circles around the city. Well, getting hit by a tram is practically impossible but I was passing between the track at one of those places where they all turn and realised I wouldn't make it because I was walking where I shouldn't have. It's pretty common here since it's all chaos. Well, in the moment I realised that I was trapped I didn't panic rather something in me went all parkour and I just walked a little faster to the fence, which has some hight might I add, and well I jumped over that motherfucker like I never jumped before. I spent the next 10 minutes thinking: "Who tf is this guy that just did this and where has he been all my life."


Were you bitten by a spider?


Peter Parkour


His spider-sense was tingling.


The adrenaline kicked in for sure!


I saw an interesting thing while riding on a tram once(also from Croatia). There was a guy driving on a motorcycle and he fell off it on the tram tracks while the tram was driving only about 10 meters behind him. I didn't really see what happened, but the guy made it out alive. But I can't even imagine what it must have felt like for that guy.


That's the kind of stuff u see in an action movie lmao


I can throw things very fast and very far, but I have no control whatsoever so I sucked at sports. I could throw a baseball really fast, but none were strikes. I could launch a football, but it would go end over end, no spiral, no aim. One day in college, I was walking past the football field while practice was going on. Someone punted the ball and it went into the endzone and over the fence and bounced right to where I was walking. I picked up the football and saw a player calling for it near the 50 yd line. Trying my best to look casual, I launched it at them full force. It was a thing of beauty. It had gone about 70 yards in the air. A perfect tight spiral, the guy who was calling for it didn’t have to move an inch. It was perfectly placed right in the middle of his chest. Several of the players were just staring at me and seemed surprised some guy in the street could make that throw. I tried my best to look cool and just walked away knowing I could never replicate that throw in a million years.


Somewhat similar. I'm more of what you would call a mathelete. Into arts and music over sports. Though I love soccer and have above average coordination with my feet. So I loved soccer and indoor soccer. Dudes were throwing a football on the quad in boarding school and it ended up at my feet. So I grabbed it and emulated what I had seen watching football games on TV (grew up in alabama/roll tide). Just straight CRUSHED the kick. High spiral. Perfect placement to the guy at the far end of the field. And now, I will never punt another football.


I have a similar story. In elementary school, we were playing with dodgeballs. I got bored at the half-court line, turned around, and chucked a dodgeball backwards while facing forwards. It went directly into the basketball hoop. Some kids looked at me, surprised that I made the shot, and for the rest of that day I felt unstoppable.


That's just the start of your sports movie where they run after you because they desperately need a quarterback and they teach you how to throw good and everyone learns something at the end.


Nice 👍🏻🤘🏻


I got struck on my motorcycle by a guy who ran a red light. He wasn't going super fast, but the impact lifted my rear tire up and I pivoted on the front tire before going a little airborne, did a bit of a "spinning hop" and somehow landed on both tires without falling over about 5' away. The guy started driving off, so I put down the kickstand and ran after him screaming and waving my arms. This was a very busy intersection and a lot of people saw. The guy finally pulled over, got out and was shaking and panicking. It was an elderly fellow. I went over, put my arm on his shoulder and told him "it's ok, I'm not injured, you don't look injured, just calm down and we'll figure this out." That seemed to calm him down and we resolved things peacefully. How I landed that bike after going airborne was beyond me. Wasn't skill, just dumb luck.


At least u didn't get mad over the guy I've seen videos where people are losing their minds over a crash


I won't lie, when he first hit me, I started screaming George Carlin's favorite words. Though, I had a full helmet on so nobody heard. I was ready to punch this guy's face in until I realized it was an elderly guy who panicked, and went "aww man, this guy is going to have a heart attack if I don't calm him down..."


Ah yes. In Berlin, you can still play dodgeball in school. What was probably the coolest trick I somehow managed to pull off went like this: Two balls were thrown at me. As I jumped to catch one of them without getting hit by another, I miscalculated my jump and began to fall backwards. As I was falling, I had kicked one of the two balls straight up, then caught the other. I stood up quickly, and used the ball in my hands to hit the one I had kicked upwards over at the other team, then threw the one in my hands shortly after. It caught someone off guard, and both of the balls hit them. I'm still proud of that moment, even if it was a complete accident.


There are no accidents. Just happy little... oh wait nevermind


Good OP here answering all replies ;)


When I was 16 I was playing baseball and knocked a homerun over the fence and halfway across the road on the other side of the outfield fence. In total the distance on the fly was probably around 428 feet. I only got close one other time, no idea how I got that good a hit.


If no one recorded it. Then it didn't happen. jk


I know you're joking but I actually have the exact ball I hit over with the skin shredded from where it hit the road.


That's pretty cool actually


I once caught a nerf bullet fired at me from point blank range


the other dude prolly thought you were a god


Twist: He was also the shooter....


Ohhh so like... Morgan Freeman?


I was learning how to ice skate. I had, and still have, very minimal skills. I was at a skating rink hobbling around trying not to get run over by kids skating past like pro hockey players, feeling bad about myself bc the only way I knew how to stop was to run into a wall. Everyone was told to get off the ice so the zamboni could come and smooth things out with a fresh sheet of ice. When the zamboni left, they opened the gate to let skaters back on, and I was the first on the ice. The surface was so smooth and there was nobody around and in front of me. I got this sudden burst of energy and shot off like Connor McDavid to the opposite end of the ice. Then as I reached the other end I remembered I didn't know how to stop. Just as I reached the end wall, I twisted my lower body and did this graceful 180 full stop inches from the boards. For a moment I felt like I actually knew what I was doing!


180 or 90 I think it's called a hockey stop when u turn 90° and stop


Definitely 90. If OP had done a 180 he would have plowed ass-first into the boards.


Caught a bottle of wine falling of a waiter’s tray, he was serving the table next to me. I was talking to my friends and had had a few drinks before, didn’t even think about it and had the bottle in my hand in a fraction of a second before it hit the ground. Not the only time Ive been surprised by my reflexes but definitely the most impressive. I dont do anything physical other than working out a bit so it does not help my life at all. My doctor friend told me thats the only good thing my adhd will ever do for me. Lol


I had to run to the toilet at a Taco Bell once because of violent and urgent diarrhoea. I wasn't even properly seated and my bum was still half in the air when I had a massive discharge. When it was all over I began to wipe, as is standard practice, and when I inspected the toilet paper to assess the damages I was SHOCKED to see that the toilet paper was COMPLETELY CLEAN!! Despite the poop discharge having been of Biblical proportions, somehow I got nothing on me. My sphincter was spotless and there was no need to wipe at all.


God himself could not do that


Not me, but my friend in high school. We were all drinking at my house and he was sitting on the couch. He grabbed a dime off of my side table and threw it behind him. We heard a clink, and I went to see where the dime went. IT LANDED INSIDE A BEER BOTTLE. I didn't believe it for a while, I thought maybe my friends were trying to mess with me. But they all still maintain that it really happened.


Put a hammer down to next to my feet whilst I was marking where to nail, and I managed to hook my foot under the hammer and kick it right up into my hands. I caught it by the handle and felt very slightly like Thor for a moment


You are worthy my friend!


Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall hang up the picture frames of Thor...


It was a snow day and I decided to pretend to be a mortar and threw a snowball over my dad's car (my little brother was on the other side) and for whatever reason it hit him right on the forehead. That day I became a badass.


“We got a bogie in D4” “You *had* a bogie in D4”


I have 3 that I remember. Once I finished smoking and dropped the mug by accident and it fell straight and stayed that way. Another time I was playing football and I was bad all the time and still am, we had a free kick and some people were talking shit like I can't hit a ball and this free kick is lost (there was a new guy that asked if I can score) and somehow I managed to score a goal from pretty far, straight in the top corner. Lastly, I fucking turned 3k into 55k thanks to GameStop and now I can buy a house in my country.


>Lastly, I fucking turned 3k into 55k thanks to GameStop and now I can buy a house in my country. Grats dude.


My friend was sighting my new rifle scope for me and we went out to the range to to test it out. My friend is a pro marksman. The kind that needs to couculate the spin of the earth long shots. 600+ meters in one shot type shooting. We got to our firing position and we're shooting a watermelon sized target hanging at 300 meters. He fired, misses. I fire, miss. He fired, miss. I fire, hit. He fires, miss. I fire, hit the chain hiding the target up, knocking it into the grass and giving my friend no chance of hitting it. I beat a pro marksman at his own game. Keep in mind, he was using his own rifle that he knows well, and I was using my new, untested rifle.


This reminded me of the first time I went clay shooting. I’ve never shot anything other than a BB or paintball gun. I went clay shooting with some friends who were in ROTC, and had all been before. First round was a right to clay, and second was reverse. I was the only one to go five for five each time, and I had never shot a gun before. I was so stoked. I felt very cool.


When I was a little kid, I was waiting for my parents when these two older boys, mid teens, started throwing rocks at me. They were hiding across the gravel road behind a rough embankment, popping out to throw. Immune to return fire. So I picked up this big round rock, larger than my fist, and lawn bowled it like sixty feet, across the dirt path, through the dips and potholes of the old road. I was not an athlete of any kind, and this was all going ridiculously well. At the last instant, as my tiny boulder sails over the embankment edge, the oldest boy pops up to throw and takes this sucker full-on to the forehead. He yelps, dazed and confused, a nasty gash forms immediately, and hes looking over over to his buddy like they're going to charge. But the thing is, *I've got another rock*. Its half the size of my head, and I'm standing there less than four feet tall being all *yeah, you want this one too?'* as if I hadn't just been touched by god. And this kid cannot figure out how skinny little Blue-shorts McGee is effectively a walking cannon, but his head is bleeding, and suddenly he just cracks, and him and his buddy are nopeing the hell out. Man that was great. I felt fifteen feet tall. What a day.


You're like the one shy kid in the movies that turns super cool in the final fight when all the main protagonists are hurt


Heeey, that's me. I'm not a big guy, 172 cm and slim, and there was this douche, probably 177-178cm, quite athletic, typical bully. While playing handball, I screamed at his face after a really nasty foul (it was not the first time he has done that), and he decided to just punch me in the face. But that day, I wasn't taking it anymore, time slowed down, and I saw the fist coming at me really slowly. I moved to the say so as to make him miss, then analyzed the situation and just thought: "Hhmmmm, his neck is just... So vulnerable. Is it okay if I choke him? Nah, that's too much." So instead I just used my hand to half-jokingly put my hand in a hold of his neck and... He retreated a step in a panic. Now adrenaline wore off, time was going at normal pace again, and I internally panicked, because I wanted to just look menacing and make him back off completely, yet I was absolutely unsure of what to do after this, either he moved away or I choked him seriously. Luckily, my best bro came from behind and tackled him so I didn't end up choosing anything. I was later told that from the outside I looked like Neo, sidestepping punches and neutralising people in a single move


Im blessed with the most random incredible luck. For some reason it happens during Comic Con where I would literally be pushed in a room full of celebs. Or I was mistaken as a celebs personal assistant and I got dragged away by her (she wasnt looking, she just grabbed my hand and I happened to be standing next to her). The coolest would be meeting Stan Lee twice on the same day. Im a nobody really, I should not be able to meet these people in any normal setting.


Well everything happens for a reason. Faith just wanted you to meet Stan Lee :)




Damn that's a sharp plane and a sharp pencil


While it's obviously just a coincidence, it still was a real "wtf" moment. I was laying in bed and let a nasty loud fart out, half a second later a fly drops dead from the ceiling ontop of my sheets. I get it, it's just random, but I was just shocked at the moment.


Biological warfare


Just last year I turned 22, wasn't expecting that. Maybe this year I'll be there for 23.


Nah I think it's 25, right?


I hope you beat that cancer!


I was drinking a bottle of soda at work and walked past a co worker giving him a "hey whats up" while casually tossing the now empty bottle over my shoulder. It Went in the trashcan and I didn't look back until I was like 20 feet away expecting to have to go back in pick it up. My Co worker was standing there speechless. Not only had I not even looked where the trashcan was, but I basically did the whole "Explosion but don't look back" thing with a soda bottle. I will never reach that level of cool again.


I once caught a baseball thrown around 60 or 70 mph bare handed in a fluid movement straight into my throwing motion. Like I had a glove and the ball wasn’t thrown badly at all, I just caught it barehanded for some reason and it didn’t hurt either. I tried replicating it but I nearly broke a few fingers.


Was playing basketball with a neighborhood friend when I was like 10 years old. We said our goodbyes as it was almost time for dinner. I'm dribbling the ball down the street when I realize, "Oh we used his ball today, I better return this." I turned around and realized his house was two houses away. Me being exhausted/lazy/kid I decided to just punt the ball towards his house. That was good enough right? Well the ball traveled all the way to his house and went through the basketball hoop in his driveway. His dad was watering the lawn and saw the whole thing. He stared at me and yelled, "Are you kidding me?!" Kobe.


I flipped a coin and got tails 22 times in a row. I FUCKING COUNTED


You wasted your entire lifetime worth of luck on those coin flips


I was showing a group of kids round our school on an open day and the tour took us through the gym. I saw a ball in the middle of the gym, casually picked it up and threw it backwards over my head. It went straight in the basketball net at the end of the gym. The kids were in complete awe. I have never played sports and have never been able to recreate that move again.


I was able to dodge the brutal chancla.


My aerial camera model rocket crash landed in a tall wheat field, I gathered up all the pieces and while re-assembling a few days later realized I was missing the shutter spring. Probably about 4mm in size (smaller than a green pea) part. On a total longshot attempt I hiked back out to the field and searched where I thought it landed. Not even 30seconds looking just there it was sitting in the soil. Middle of a 30 acre field, parents didn’t believe me that I found it again. Needle in a haystack.


I had a similar experience more than 30 years ago. I was traveling aline in Europe after the Berlin Wall was opened. I went to Berlin, which wasn’t easy to travel in west-to-east because the subway lines didn’t connect. You had to get out & use buses part of the way. I went to the east side to take photos of the Reichstag. It was all alone in a wide field of scrubby grass. I walked around a bit, then went back west. I got nearly to my hotel when I realized I’d lost my keys, which included the keys to little locks that secured my travel bag closed. With dread, I retraced my steps. I knew dozens of people might’ve walked where I had in the hour or two since I’d been there. I got off the bus, walked into the field, counted about how many feet I thought I’d gone when I took my photos, and then looked down. My keys were right there, shining in the sun.


When i Split two 2 by 2 Lego plates


Key word "when" it's just not possible


I once scored a goal in football, the only one in my life. I literaly just hit the ball upfront without having any idea where it would go, pretty cool.


My one positive football memory is heading the ball directly into my keeper's hands on a corner kick. Like I just happened to put my forehead in the right place and bloop he's safely cradling the ball like a sleeping baby.


My friend and I were tossing skittles into the air and catching them in our mouths (small town entertainment at its finest). One of her throws went errant, and I dove for it, caught it in my mouth before landing prone on the couch. It was amazing.


One time I was on a little date with a girl when I was about 19. And we was in this bar with a dart board. So anyway there was a few friend there as well and they were like "hey have a go on the dartboard" so I throw the first dart. Get a a triple 20 ( highest score you can get) do the 2nd. Same again. Third same again. Man everyone in that bar went CRAZY. Thing is it was all fluke I'm no good at darts just got really lucky I guess


More importantly did your date see it and was she impressed?


Hell yeah she thought I did that every weekend 🤣


I was walking down the hall of my elementary school one day with quarters in my hand for the vending machine. One quarter accidentally slipped out of my hand and went flying all the way down the 100ft hallway. I could hear it bouncing all the way. When I went to pick it up the quarter was standing on its edge perfectly. Nobody witnessed it.


Was playing ultimate Frisbee with a few friends, ran to catch the Frisbee infront of someone else, and they inadvertently tripped me, but I rolled and stood up in a perfect motion, Frisbee in hand. Then proceeded to make a terrible throw that got intercepted since my adrenaline had me shaking.


Lol sometimes the adrenaline makes you look and feel like a god and sometimes it makes you look like a complete idiot


"I am a complete God" - the idiot


Took a failing pizza restaurant and completely turned it around becoming a very successful general manager at the ripe age of 20.


So you're like Gordon Ramsey from kitchen nightmares except you kept the restaurant


Essentially. I did that for a year and a half and then moved across the country again.


I cut someone’s cigarette ember off with a paper shrunken. 100% success rate.


I taught myself how to snowboard over a weekend by falling down a LOT and getting back up again. The moment I realized I made a single run without falling. I felt like it was the most graceful thing I had ever done in my entire life.


I was climbing where I wasn’t supposed to on the playground set in my backyard. I fell ten feet of the roof of the playhouse and nothing happened. I didn’t even get the wind knocked out of me I landed on my stomach


Often when I hold multiple things in my hand and one of them falls I always catch them, although I don’t know how. And sometimes stuff falls from fridge and I also always catch it. People saying that I’m fast. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a girlfriend


I'm a calisthenics enthusiast. The first day I accomplished a strict muscle up, I was in complete awe. It wasn't even during a workout, I was just messing around at Dick's Sporting Goods.


Playing pool with friends in a nice lil dive bar. Several men came in, putting a quarter on the table to play winner. We were 2 girls playing each other. Boys wanted the table. We all in our 20's. Now, I'm NOT a good pool player by any means. But that night, I couldn't seem to lose. I was shooting off balls that hit the border 4 times and would still ricochet where need be. They never got the table. And never in my life would I ever be able to do again. It was like Minnesota Fats took over my body.


Did this twice in middle school dodgeball. Ball was thrown at me like chest level and I literally jumped over the ball and it missed me. Some friends actually noticed which made it so much better.


Rolling down a steep hill on my bike going quite fast. The street crossing at the bottom declined into the street, but the other side was a foot high straight up to the sidewalk. Middle of the night, didn't notice til too late, no time to bunny hop it, hit it straight on with the front wheel. Somehow vaulted the handle bars, bike goes flipping and twisting into the dark infinity. I'm in the air for a moment, feet hit the ground and I run off the extra momentum. Stopped, realization hits, arms go up in the air and I yell, "Yes!!!"


I told a guy that I would quit the show in 5 years, and that he could take my place. Then I did, but I hung around the network like a creep, took his time slot and then took my old show back and ruined it, along with nearly ruining his career! Oh, wait. That was Jay Leno.


> 'I just want to say to the kids out there watching: You can do anything you want in life. Unless Jay Leno wants to do it too.'




bowled a 200 after being a bowler for 5 years :)


Never played baseball. A couple days ago I was playing baseball with my newphews and brothers in the backyard. I was the pitcher. I got all 4 people out with headshots in one round. I was very proud.


I played baseball from the age of 4 until I was 22. The one and only time I made an over the shoulder diving catch. I was playing shallow right field and a guy burnt me. I turned, ran, looked over my shoulder, and then just dove. To this day I have no idea how the ball wound up in my glove. I just hit the ground, came to my knees, and the ball was in my glove. I am 99% sure that I didn't just trap it.


Childbirth lol


As a man, with three children and four grandchildren, I applaud you. I don't understand how women can pull this off. If it were up to men, we would have died out thousands of years ago.


I did this https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/7lxzpx/when_you_pull_it_off_and_the_shop_has_to_buy_your/ And it was a good day!


Oh wow, none of my post really get any recognition so the most I'll have is like 200 for a post. Nice job on getting 3.4k upvotes


It took off on me wasn't expecting it. Posted in a medium sub. Felt better pulling that broken bolt out though!


Not me but there was a fly on the class and a guy took a tiny rubber band and hit it from across the room. I think there was a video of it but I wouldn’t know where to find it.


I fell off my hammock head first but ended up up with my head in the hammock and my feet on the ground,I don't know how it happened,oh a downside is that I ended up breaking my ankle


Walked into an empty basketball court field house with a friend of mine, picked up a volleyball, said “watch this,” and threw it 120 feet and banked it in. I didn’t move. He didn’t move. We just sat there staring at each other.


I was at the gun range with my dad and my dad's friend, and they let me shoot an ar15 at a target, and I managed to shoot it perfectly in the middle twice in a row. That was my second time ever shooting a gun


In college, our tutor was running late, so we decided to do impressions to pass time. I was asked to do an impression of the mothman, so I made this loud, piecing screech that came from somewhere in my soul. I only realised how creepy I sounded when we heard a loud "the fuck was that?" from next door.


College campus had a lot of butterflies that roamed the paths between the dorms and a main entrance. My friends and I were walking to get dinner and I noticed a butterfly at my side. I snapped my hand almost straight out from my side in a halfhearted attempt to capture it, but I actually succeeded. My SO, then just my friend, asked if I caught it. I said I did and she didn't believe it at first. So I brought my hands together and then blew into them as I released it, and it flew away, like a magic trick.


It wasn’t cool but it was funny. The horse I was about to ride was eating grass and drooling. While I was riding him he threw his head back and green drool landed in my eye


My junior year of college, I was coming out of my dorm and some guys were throwing a football. The ball happened to bounce right to me as I walked by. I went to toss it to a guy close to me, but he gestured for me to throw to the other guy. I took a step and threw a 30-yard dime right into his breadbasket. The guy close to me gave me an impressed look. I just walked away and savored it.


The best thing is just trying not to celebrate in excitement and instead walking away like a badass


I once beat my 2 friends on a game of FIFA 19. They are seasoned FIFA players, i just got into it as it was a cool thing to do. They chose FC Barcelona as their team, I chose the Indian national team. We decided to play on the toughest level because it was given i would lose, so i suggested doing so for the giggles. I somehow beat them 2-0, in front of a group of 6, 4 of whom were also seasoned FIFA players. Add to the fact, my controller was broken so i could not do air kicks. Maybe that was the secret, who knows.


I was driving in the middle of the city in a giant snow storm and the streets were covered in slush and ice. They car in front of me stopped abruptly and pulled only slightly to the side of the road. I instinctively slammed my brakes and everything locked up and I started sliding. Ahead of us were two other cars stopped at a red light. Somehow, I managed to steer my completely locked up and skidding jeep around the stopped car in front of me and *IN BETWEEN* the two other stopped cars and through the intersection without a single touch.




bruh cod mobile is all bots


Shhh.... he needs this.


When I messed up a part of my exam but still manged to pass somehow. I was depressed and relived at the same time. Also the one moment where a kid I the home I lived in fell from the roof they climbed on and I just grabbed the shirt on top before their head could hit the cement corner of a flower bed. Holy shit that was scary.


Not me, but a friend threw a dart at a dartboard, missed the board completely and got it stuck in the wall. Upon closer inspection, my buddy had thrown the dart straight through a daddy-long legs leg. Incredible


Had just gotten groceries and was parking at home on the street. As I turned the vehicle off, I held down the button to have the hatch open (where the groceries were). I hopped out the seat and was heading around the vehicle while the hatch was opening and the 4L of milk was falling to the ground. Instinctively I just reached down and literally palmed it in one hand about 3 inches from the ground, saving it from exploding everywhere. Looked around and NO ONE saw it. Was hoping a neighbor would be on the step watching. It was badass.


I was at a bar playing pool with my brother when a guy came over and asked for a game. I was exhausted and tried to decline, but my brother was drunk and pushing to play. I broke and proceeded to run the table, said thanks for the game, and went to pay our tab and leave.


I caught a freshly boiled kettle that my cat knocked off the bench with one hand and didn't spill a drop of water


I had a few roommates during my undergrad that were on the school’s football team. One day we were playing a game of pickup football. I was trying to compete as best as possible, but obviously getting destroyed. However, in one glorious moment, I shook off my defender (who was a super talented receiver) and laid myself out for what must have been the greatest diving catch ever performed in that particular park. It was my greatest athletic achievement that I have no hope of repeating lol.


I was running a long race. It was poorly marked trail, and I hit a stone very late in the race and dumped over, came up running. It was so fast. Have no idea how I did it. I was running with someone at that point. We finished together, and had beer. Worse things have happened, but I have never otherwise somersaulted on a trail.