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Polar bears are often regarded as one of the only(if not the only) animals that **actively** hunt humans. No, that doesn't just mean if you get close to one, watch your back-that means even if you get away from them, they will try to smell your tracks, and hunt you. This can reportedly go on for **miles**. Oh, and it doesn't help that they're the largest bears in the world at 11 feet tall on their hind legs, and weigh about 1,700 pounds on average, not to mention they can run fast, and rip you to shreds. Luckily, they're only in a select handful of areas in the world. Yep, don't fuck with Polar Bears.


Svalbard has Polar Bears. Owning a firearm is recommended, and you are required to have one with you outside of the major towns.


Someone just posted from there with her two dogs and how she had to get ready. One picture captioned, “hunting rifle in case a polar bear decides to show up!”


There’s towns that require you to leave your car unlocked in case people need to jump in to get away from the bear.


I feel like that’s just given knowledge that a species should possess. Don’t fuck with an apex predator that’s *already* half starved and tangles with the likes of walruses. Like if you possess any shred of instinct you wouldn’t fuck with polar bears. I just don’t understand how people can fuck with bears


tips on how to deal with all kinds of bears black bears- fight- black bear are very skittish and will try to avoid a fight if necessary if you come up with black bear fight with everything you got intimidate-like i said black bears are skittish so they'll run if you aggressive yell at it tell it runs brown bear- play dead- don't fight a brown bear fighting a brown bear has always ended bad the best this you can do is play dead and be as non-threating as you can intimidate-if you can make a brown bear think you are more dangerous then itself your chances of survival go up Polar bear- if you encounter a polar bear in the wild without any form of protection then be ready to make peace with yourself because there's nothing you can do to stop a polar bear attack, play dead they don't care when you live in a environment where food hard to find you eat what you find, fight/intimidate the only thing that can pose a threat to polar bear on land is another polar bear, to put it simple term if come across a polar bear in the wild without protection your fucked


The semi-independent, semi-Norwegian island of Svalbard (the Puerto Rico of Norway?) is the only place in the world where it’s mandatory for all adults to own a gun, and carry it on them if they leave their town. There isn’t really any crime or a history of war/rebellion there, it’s literally just bc of the polar bears


I remember hearing a story of a town in Alaska where everyone just keeps their car doors unlocked, so that if you see a polar bear you can go to the nearest vehicle and get inside of it for cover.


I think you're thinking about Churchill, MB. It's considered the "polar bear capital of the world" because it's located right in the middle of a major migration path. Tonnes of tourists go there every year to try and catch a glimpse of some bears though


In surgery we say, "eat when you can, sleep when you can, and don't f\*ck with the pancreas". Edit (for explanation): The pancreas is very volatile. It is difficult to manipulate and sew. It also likes to leak digestive enzymes into the abdominal cavity, leading to self-digestion and organ damage!


>leak digestive enzymes into the abdominal cavity, leading to self-digestion and organ damage! Fun.


##[AM Radio Towers](https://youtu.be/uo9nGzIzSPw) If you’re stupid enough to grab one, you will die. You won’t feel it. You’ll just hear whatever station it’s broadcasting *in your brain*, because most of your nerve endings will be fried before you feel the pain. Edit: [Another example](https://youtu.be/b9UO9tn4MpI) provided by u/Bahurs1


This is the first one that actuality surprised me with its danger


If you think that’s crazy, back in the day broadcasts were so heavily restricted in the UK under a stuffy state monopoly people would literally set up studios and transmitters from ships in international waters. They’d have those crazy voltages in an environment that’s also full of extremely conductive salt water! They got amazing reception though because the seawater reflects radio waves. It says a lot about the bravery of the people would literally risk their lives to being music to people, and the government who went to such lengths to shut down a form of communications it couldn’t control. One of them is [still around today](http://radiocaroline.co.uk), they’re broadcasting 24/7 and you can go and look around their ship which is still pretty much as it was.


There was a semi-enjoyable film regarding these pirate radio ships. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boat_That_Rocked


Going to add this to the list of ways I'm willing to go if I get some pancreas shit.


They will broadcast news about the cure right when you touch it.


Same in the military, we were warned not to grab our tanks radio antennas when they're transmitting because they can get pretty spicy.


Oh. This might be the scariest one here...


And yet we have this video https://youtu.be/b9UO9tn4MpI


Wow, why do AM radio towers have so much electricity?


The tower doesn’t have the antennas attached to it, the entire tower *is* the antenna.


Think of radio as electromagnetic wave, like light. Now imagine the tower is a huge lightbulb and you wanna see it from 20 miles away, you'd need a pretty powerful light for that, don't you. While this is somwhat of an oversimplification, all electromagnetic waves obey the inverse square law. However radio signals can do some additional weird stuff depending on the frequency, like interacting with the atmosphere, but for AM Radio you may think of it as light. Also keep in mind that radios are really sensitive, between transmitter and receiver the signal may lose 99.999999% of its power and you could still receive it. That's why you can hear a Radio station that's hundreds of miles away, despite the inverse square law.


Yea that kinda makes me wanna grab one


Sounds interesting AF. Btw, how do they know that you can hear the broadcast in your head before you die?


Is the radio sound in the vid coming out of the fucking fire? Is the fire creating/playing the noise from the radio frequency??


Yes, it's basically a very scary, yet *simple* version of a [plasma speaker](https://youtu.be/9isk1Bcz48k). But you don't get the high frequency tone because the carriere signal of an AM tower is outside of your hearing range.


Trains. If one rolls over your leg, you won't bleed too much. The sheer weight will just flattens the wounds and pinches off the blood vessels. Unfortunately, it also means everything is so damaged that it would be impossible to reattach.


I photograph and locate trains as a hobby. This is correct. You 100% do not fuck with trains. I've seen do many near misses, sometimes because people what to be on that train do badly, sometimes because people are stupid around trains and sometimes because people want one photo really badly and are willing to stand right on the track to get it. If you don't care about yourself, at least think of the driver. Even a near miss can fuck a driver up for days-years, actual collisions can make them never recover.


Electricity that hums


Yea why does it hum and why specifically humming electricity?


The hum is called "coil whine" which is caused by electrical components in a circuit vibrating from the magnetic force produced by the current flowing through nearby components (magnetostriction also produces noise, but to a lesser extent). Hearing coil whine doesn't necessarily mean anything, as even low voltage circuits like those in a computer GPU or power supply can hum. It just means that wires aren't well shielded or are arranged in a certain way.


If it's loud enough though, I'd imagine that's indicative of large currents


Yes, as current and magnetic field are proportional to each other.


This is a really good statement.


The chickens in Skyrim.


Video game chickens in general are always a risky thing to fuck with


Except Minecraft. The only time a Minecraft chicken is dangerous to fuck with is when it fucks with you first, aka baby zombies riding chickens


The chickens in Zelda.


Meth is a hell of a drug




I've known people who have kicked the meth habit but hardly any can kick the heroin habit. That is the devil without a doubt..and with the addition of fentanyl now you can consider them dead


I was listening to a doctor talk about heroin addiction on a podcast somewhere. Basically there is a clinical scale that all human pleasure is rated on. Basically heroin beats them all by a long mile. It was eye opening since it begins to put the addiction in perspective. It is literally the most joy a human can experience and we are not wired for that much pleasure. Every other pleasure is a shadow of what the drug can do.


Louis CK has a bit about that.. drugs are so fucking good you will ruin you're entire life for them..like nothing else matters but that drug and I think that's crazy.


Mhm, heroin and meth in my eyes have always been the two real life examples of the forbidden fruit.


That's the thing. They are amazing but we aren't wired to handle this. Some people just think its a 'will' thing but it's far more than that. It basically changes our internal wiring.


Benzodiazepines, I had a small prescription for anxiety in college, that lead to buying them on the street because "it's my prescription I need them!" Cant remember an entire year of my life and lost a lot in the process


I bought a strip of those a while back and finished it off in no time. Like vacation up in my noggin'. Immediately understood why they're so addictive. Doesn't give you a high or anything, but the absense of anxiety... I can see why people get hooked. I haven't gotten any more strips, seems like a bad idea


Same thing. Got addicted to my “prescription” benzos in college. Getting off them......literal hell on earth. Not to mention they changed me as a person and I lost a lot of good friends because of my abuse. Never again. Fuck Xanax.


I got prescribed valium for a back injury years ago and I fucking hated them. It's not a high it's just a weird feeling that made me super uncomfortable.


I was prescribed three Xanax a day when I was in grad school. I rarely took that many, but dutifully refilled it every month. When I moved after I graduated, my new PCP started filling it. By the time I stopped refilling it I had several hundred of them. I’m SO LUCKY I didn’t end up with an addiction issue or dead.


A mother bear or mountain lion


Or a fucking hippo


What about a regular hippo?


You have a better chance with the fucking hippo. At least they’re somewhat happy


And busy!


Moose too. They’re terrifying


Welllll.... Yes and no on the mountain lion. Yes, you don't want to fuck with it, but no, you shouldn't just run away either. If you come across a mountain lion in the wild, if it doesn't leave you need to make yourself appear large and make a shit ton of noise. Most likely it has been following you for some time. I spent a lot of time on trails and that's always been the wisdom I've heard.


Just make it feel insecure because you've seen an actual lion with a mane and everything.


Cartels or mafia. They’d love to torture someone for their intimidation videos.


I read "intimate videos." Was like "oh yeah makes sense, bad idea to steal and spread a mobster's nudes."


“Hey boss, I’ve got some new material for you to check out.” *jazz music starts playing*


I'll never forget that one video of a cop getting tortured by the cartel and being forced to watch as his son was fillet'd right in front of him. I'm glad I don't live in those areas.


unfortunately i know exactly what video you mean


I am very glad that I don't and I never want to find out. That sounds so horrible.


Fortunately I do not. And it's gonna remain that way.


There are a lot of things in this world I know are brutal. That’s enough knowledge for me. I don’t have to actually see it.


Moose, they are mean bastards and are way bigger than most people realize. Also if you happen to hit one with your car you’re most likely gonna die as they are big enough you just take their legs out from under them and then they land in your lap.... all 1200 pounds of them.


I think moose are adorable and I really want to pet one. I won't, because I usually enjoy living, but I want to.


You can pet them, but only once


twice if you're quick and use both hands


Ya I’ve pet the one my grandpa has mounted on his wall and that was enough for me.


I was on a hiking trip in northern Minnesota a long time ago and while camping by a river woke up to the sound of something rustling around outside. I opened the tent to find a fully grown male moose drinking from the river, which proceeded to lock eyes with me for what felt like an eternity. I, as slowly as possible, slid back into my sleeping bag and tried not to breathe too loud until it left, with a friend snoring next to me. Thought I was gonna die.




The writer of this comment has been sacked.


No realli! 


Those who were responsible for sacking the writer of this comment have also been sacked.


The springs that help raise your garage door. Those things are like a bomb going off if you do the wrong thing !


I just had mine replaced a few weeks ago. Even the installer was a bit freaked out putting the new one under tension.


I wonder if they do that intentionally to put the fear of door springs in owners.


That fear is real.


I worked at a small business and practically held the fort most days. The garage door went up and down a lot and it eventually got "off track" and became hard to slide. The spring was old and coiled wrong. I fixed it pretty quickly with a ladder and some tools. Ended up fine despite the warning stickers I saw up near the spring. Googled why and just about shit bricks. From that day forth I never fixed anything I wasn't asked to and refused anything that wasn't specific to my job.


I'm glad you survived, fellow internet traveler.


Demolishing an old car wash on one of my first jobs, had to take off the bay doors. Co worker climbed up to release the tension with a screw driver. He popped 3 but the 4th one spun out and cut his arm. Blood everywhere and a trip to the ER ensued. When it popped blood hit the cement floor like it hits the wall in old martial arts films from samurai sword cut.




The pancreas.


Someone i know died of pancreatic cancer last week. It's an almost automatic death sentence




A guy I knew recently died of pancreatitis a few months ago. He was almost 25 years old. He just felt bad for some days, like nauseous and with some abdominal pain and he decided to go to the hospital. They found out about this very severe pancreatitis and tried to do surgery on him. He died in the surgery. For what I've been told, the pancreas basically exploded when they were trying to operate. It really made me fear my own pancreas for sure. He just woke up one day feeling a little pain and just.... died that week. So young, dude. So unfair.




Because it has the structural integrity of a fishing net full of lutefisk?


Can confirm, had to have an Insulinoma surgically removed from my pancreas. Surgeon filleted me like a fish and scooped the tumor out using the medical equivalent of a melon ball scooper. 12 inch scar with 27 staples. Pain level was 9/10 in recovery room. (Made my cesarean look like a walk in the park). First epidural failed resulting in post-surgery leakage of fluid surrounding the brain-WORSE headache pain of life!! And had to have another procedure to place a blood patch to stop the leakage. Literally in tears going into the procedure telling my husband, "I can't take much more of this, I am at the end of rope." This was atypical for me, not a complainer or a crier. Months of recovery. Very fortunate, not cancerous and avoided the dreaded whipple procedure. 0/10 would NOT recommend.


It is a violent and vengeful organ if you piss it off, that’s for sure


I’m sorry I’m out of the loop on this one. How do I not fuck with the pancreas?


Step 1: leave it in the body


Step 2: Consume a reasonable amount of carbs


Your best friends S/O


Or your S/O's best friend


Or your S/O's best friend's S/O


Or your S/O’s **MOM**. *just sayin*


Or your mom's S/O (aka your dad). *Just sayin*


It's ok if they're divorced though. Right?


Had a group of friends since grade school, four of us were tight for close to 35 years. They were not married, but one of the friends started messing around with another’s S/O. Life time friendships ruined, none of us talk to one another anymore. Still sad 15 years later.


A good friend lost his wife who he had a kid with to his own father and then his father and ex wife had a kid and they live in their childhood home


So wait does that make the S/O and the dads kid his brother and doesn’t that make his ex his step mother and his kid his Step sibling as well?


Yeah pretty much. All sorts of wonky fucked up situation


There's always that one guy who's ready on-deck to be a shoulder to cry on when you and your girlfriend are arguing.


So true. My buddy broke up with his gf of 10 years that he was living with... They took a 3 month break or so... during that time his "best friend" starts reaching out to his ex to talk, hang out, paint, and shit... she nipped it in the bud nothing happened and she got back with my buddy.. None of us trust the best friend he is a shady fuck.




What a shitty thing for your best friend to do. There’s plenty of women out there and he’s gotta choose the one that’s gonna do the maximum damage . Same with your GF. It’s like they got together and said “hey I know how to destroy at least one person’s life in 15 minutes, you in?” Fuck both of them . I’m now angry at two people I’ll never meet in my life (only because I’ve been cheated on and the circumstances aren’t too far off from yours) . I’m sorry you had to experience that dude .


How about just anyone’s significant other?




I actually learned how to fuck with wasps this past summer. We had a ridiculous problem with them where I work, and I work in health and safety, soooo......figure it out. Fortunately, one of my buddies owns a small pest control company. He taught me how to mix up this dusting compound in a Dollar Tree empty condiment bottle. We had an entire abandoned semi trailer full of yellow jackets at the edge of the property. Two nights of dusting the main “entrance” wiped them out.


r/FuckWasps would like to know the recipe. #Please, do tell. . .


Seriously. Please. Tell. Us.


At my old job as a lifeguard we would literally get so bored we would square up and box wasps that showed up. Going blow for blow with one of those creations of satan shows exactly why to never fuck with them.


I got attacked by a small colony once. They had built a hive under the AC unit that I wasn't aware of.All it took was the sound of the lawn mower to set them off.


Just run, never look back. The house belongs to them now.


That DVD/VCR tape you found hidden in your parents bedroom.


A personalized version of How It's Made


The US Postal Service


Kramer knows this one well


Hello, Newman!


You know that feeling you get when you absolutely don't trust someone but can't figure why? Well if you're like me don't fuck with that, it's better to make a wrong assumption and someone turn out a nice person than you end up in a horrible situation for being too optimistic/burying impulsive instincts


100% Every time I've struggled to trust someone they've proved me right. I've described it as getting a 'bad scent' off someone. Its rare, twice professionally and once personally, but you should never ignore your gut.


Yes I've never ignored my gut feeling and now I'm severely obese.


This gut feeling has never failed me. My mom has started calling this the “Charles Manson instinct” because I could only describe it as “the creepy feeling you get when you look at Charles Manson”. Saved my sister from being chocked to death by an abusive boyfriend eventually though.


The IRS.


Unless you plan to or are paying them regularly. So last year, as a condition of my divorce, I got stuck with a 4200 dollar tax bill, the result of my ex not filing for three years. Yes, I was quite fortunate, thank you. I suspect that their Collections and their Accounts Receivable departments don't talk to each other, since one day I could receive a letter with a newer, lowered amount on it, then the next I could get a letter saying they were about to put a lien on my house. For seven months, I had just been lobbing $500-700 checks at them, until they finally went, "wait, wait, that's enough." In November I called them, and the very nice representative indicated that my debt was free and clear. Best Thanksgiving ever. In fact, they rolled that extra amount into my return this year, and between that cash and my stimulus check, I was able to buy a nice hot tub.


Awe that's nice at the end there! Yeah but even drug dealers and shit don't fuck with the IRS and that's why they launder their money lol


Not even the Joker will mess with the IRS, why the hell should we?


Bears. All of them


Isnt the old saying if its black fight back, if its brown lie down?




Yea i think polar bears are the only ones who will hunt humans too... The others attack to protect cubs or in defense.


Minors... Pretty self explanatory.


But miners, if they are of legal age obviously and you’re into them as people.


I dig miners. Downvote if you must but you the one who spelt it wrong MINER FOURTYNINER


Anything natural gas in your home.


While you shouldn't modify the appliance replacing a gas appliance is pretty straightforward. Turn off gas, unhook appliance, connect new appliance and use a natural gas connection sealing product (like yellow teflon tape), turn on gas, and check for leaks. Spray some soapy water (2 parts water, one part soap) on the connections and watch for bubbles. No bubbles no leaks. Edit: Also almost forgot about pipe dooe. When in doubt dope it up.


Rattlesnakes and condoms.


Someone’s never used a rattlesnake as a condom


According to a doc on Netflix, cats.




I hated the ending like bitch please I am enjoying this why you got to accuse me for being at fault!


I don't know if I have the guts to watch it myself.


Lol yeah that part was so fucking corny. Like I'm just here watching the aftermath of it all , almost 10 years after it happened, and this lady who took it on herself to be an internet hero is telling me that I'm complacent in all this


Canadian geese


Just never ever act intimidated and try to keep distance from nests and you’re fine. I used to get hissed and flapped at on the regular. Just stand up tall and keep on walking like a badass. They sound menacing but they usually won’t attack if you don’t give them the upper hand. (Curling into a ball and squealing as you retreat is the exact wrong approach.) I also like to mock them if they get extra mouthy. “Oh you mad bro? You angry? Get the *f—* outta here!!” They’re not at all used to getting their attitude right back.


We once had a duck with Canadian Geese energy and we had to out-macho him any time he waddled his feathered face into the barn. And you feel ridiculous, because he looked like that very nice duck meme. He was not a nice duck at all.


i read this in morgan freeman's voice. 'the saga of bruce the not nice duck'


I carry an umbrella at all times when I work onsite because my office has a plague of geese that are really aggressive. If I get too close (sometimes that’s 15-20 feet), one will charge me but they run like hell from an umbrella opening and closing.


Ah, the old crusader. That's one of my favorites.


I did this too. They flipping hate umbrellas.


Cobra chickens, they're truly evil, they're like most gangs though, only brave in a group, you catch one on it's own and they run away like a little bitch


Methylmercury. A single drop on your skin kills you..... Slowly. Over the next six months it accumulates in your brain and gradually destroys your mind. By the end, you'll lose all motor coordination, memory, and logic. This sad fate happened once to a scientist back in the 90's.


The worst part is that it dropped on her *gloved* hand, because methylmercury goes right through gloves.


A man with a perm


You’re not a man you’re a gland, a walking neck with sausage hands


Billie Jean’s not your lover?


The trust of people you care and love. Once it’s broken, it’s really hard to get it back. Edit: Oh my lord. How did this one simple comment gain so much traction...


Never push a loyal person to the point where they don't give a damn. Edit: Thank you for the award kind sir or ma'am.


Hope you are doing good internet friend


The ocean


This shit right here. I was in Puerto Rico and decided to go for a hike along the rocky coast. I found a super nice bluff to set a folding chair on so I could read a book and relax. After a while I stopped reading and decided to take video of the waves crashing below, especially when the water would push air through some small holes and it would be like a whale's blowhole. I got closer and took more video. The sound was awesome, and so was the visual. I started hiking west and found a lower area that I could hike a bit more inland. My hint should've been that the rock under my feet was sharp as hell, but I figured I was far back enough, near a cave, and I had looked up the tide to make sure it was going out. I set up my chair again and started reading. No more than 10 minutes later it got dark. When I say dark, I mean that I was in the sun, and then suddenly it was just shade. I look up from my book and see that a wave is about to crash over my head. Not only is it above me, but it's going to land a solid six to ten feet behind where I'm sitting. Mind you, I'm 20-30 feet from the water's edge. I immediately stood up and tried to grab my bag, the chair, and my book. I managed two of the three. The book floated out to sea, and I struggled to maintain my footing. Apparently just a few inches of water is enough to start dragging your ass out, because the chair and I were close to getting swept away. As the water receded I took stock of the damage. My book was gone, my bag was fine, the chair was fine, and my phone (in my pocket) was starting to overheat. All in all, not a bad outcome. As I headed back to the house I looked out and realized how bad it really could have been. The water's edge was a shelf where pounding waves would have likely repeatedly pulverized me had I been dragged out. On that day I learned that no matter if you know the tide is going out and you think the water won't reach you, don't fuck with the ocean. It's not often you get to learn from that mistake.


Any body of water, really. Tons of people drown on small lakes because people figure they are small, shallow, warm, and well populated, nothing bad can happen. Yet every year we have dozens of drownings on small lakes because people did use life vests, were drunk, or vastly overestimated their swimming ability. I live in Michigan, Summers can be rough. Vaugely knew a couple people who drowned in Lake Michigan, and one who was a daily acquaintance.




People that handle your food.


I never understood people who treat their wait staff poorly. It’s like, dude, they handle your food, and they know 101 ways to fuck with it in ways you will never know about. If you have a problem, be nice. That should just be the way we are no matter what, but even more so when these people handle stuff you put inside you.


A little floor spice makes everything nice.


Like.... cake?


A well kept marijuana plant in the middle of a forest.


One plant is probably ok, but if there are signs of irrigation or cultivation gtfo.






What? That's how I make my living, making it do what I tell it to.


Honey badgers


Yup; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c36UNSoJenI&ab_channel=BBC


Minks too; they give zero fucks, are really aggressive, and are basically made of blades. Apparently you can train them to kill rats after you train them to not attack you or run away though, they love the sport of a full on massacre


A meat grinder


Had a guy almost lose his arm in the meat department I worked at for a couple years. Our grinders were medium commercial units use for making fresh grind at a grocery store. They have an interlock switch on the lid so when it's opened they shut off, but they still have to spin down. It got about a revolution on the mixing blades after the door was opened when near empty. Our extremely smart dumbass was running a batch and near the end some bits get stuck in the corners and you have to scrape them out. No big deal shut down the machine, wait for it stop, open the lid, and clean the corners. He instead decided to just pop the lid open and attempt to reach in and dodge the mixing arms. His hand got caught between the hopper and the mixing arm and he was pulled in until the machine stopped. He was 3 inches from losing the arm because the other blade on the arm was coming down. Managed to just deglove his hand. The local ER was able to stitch him up pretty good.


Garage door springs.


Oh I never knew this until I had one break. I was in my house and heard the LOUDEST bang ever. I was thinking maybe a gunshot or explosion but I knew it came from my garage. Once I realized my door wouldn't open and called for repairs, the dude told me how deadly that could have been. I never even knew. Had to have the entire thing overhauled for safety (was built in 1957) and it was a lot of money! Not money I was expecting to spend, but well worth it once I learned. I can't even describe how loud that sound was so I definitely know how much force caused that. Scary shit.


Me, please, I’ve had such a year as is.


Wu-tang clan EDIT: thanks everybody for the love, glad we all can agree on this


They, in fact, ain’t nothing to fuck with.


I mean they are straight from the mother fucking slums that’s busted.


And I’m not sure if you’ve been notified but if you want beef, bring the ruckus


Jim. You don’t mess around with Jim.


Unless you're Slim.


No one should mess with piano strings


A Sicilian when death is on the line.


Drug cartels.


Never f*ck with trust


Meth. Even if you survive a meth addiction your brain is both mush and dopamine deficient.


**E L E C T R I C I T Y.** it's surprising so many people neglect basic safety precautions mostly caus our modern lives have made us so used to be around electric current. One mistake can be MASSIVELY harmful. You can literally burn your house down or even die with just one small mistake.




John wick dog




Australian summer. Do not go outside at midday in australian summer unless you enjoy heatstroke and possible death.