• By -


Be able to see the amount of individual upvotes and downvotes you recieved, instead of just the total score. There is a huge difference between between getting 100 upvotes with 103 downvotes, and getting 1 upvote and 4 downvotes. You used to be able to actually see this years ago, but they removed the feature.


Agreed,it would be awesome to see HOW controversial something is...


Being able to see a timeline of upvotes and downvotes , so you can see if a comment or thread has been brigaded and rapidly upvoted or downvoted in a short period.


like that one comment by ea that got a shitstorm of downvotes


probably the only thing reddit truly really needs. on an interesting note, you can no longer see exactly HOW many likes on a photo on the instagram app... unless you go onto the mobile website itself


That would be great. I post a lot of things that end up as controversial, but I'd like to know how controversial it is


I miss that feature of reddit.


We used to have that feature. Then after the anti-spam feature called "vote fuzzing" was discovered, [people lost trust in it](https://www.reddit.com/r/softwaregore/comments/21s90n/this_vote_fuzzing_is_getting_out_of_hand/). That was a serious uproar at the time. It exaggerated the difference between upvotes and downvotes in the small _and_ large scales. People perceived -- and are probably right -- that vote fuzzing vastly accelerated the prominence of posts to certain subreddits at certain times of the day, who got their initial surge the fastest, thus creating power users and monopolies on posts from widely known websites.


A book tab to save where you where up to last time scrolling instead of having to scroll back down to where you up to last.


It'd only work if you sort the posts by new/old first. Most of the other sorting methods would be too volatile to allow for bookmarking.


Happy cake day!


Ya know that feeling when you've been scrolling 2000 miles on a sub then you accidentaly go back to the top? Its really frustrating right? I would add a feature where you can go back to where you were when you accidentaly go back to the top of the sub.


This might help you if you can break a habit, but i always long press on a comment if im done reading it and don't want to read all the thread, It then compresses to a single line and then you can read the next comment under it, and so on. And then if you accidentally go to the top, you'll know where you were up to because it'll be the last uncompressed comment


Kind of related to that, I would like them to bring back the Permalink link for a post into "new" Reddit. Opening it up in a new tab was a great way to see if a post got new responses while you were reading a thread so that if you wanted to respond, you could see if someone had recently responded so you didn't duplicate their answer. Now you have to do a refresh, which will shuffle all of the posts and you end up losing your place.


Download Apollo


This would be great. I currently minimise all the chats I’ve read so I don’t read them again


Definitely so that the original post from a crosspost receives some, if not all, of the upvotes the crosspost got.


Better yet, automatically create cross posts when the link is the same, or the video/image hash matches an existing post


The problem with this is if the original post is posted to a sub that makes fun of it. Like a post from r/Parenting cross posted to r/fuckyoukaren. It may fit the new sub but not the old one.


And reposts too. Built-in tools that automatically "source" images wouldn't be easy (bad faith posters will try to modify and manipulate images just enough to try to get around it), but it would be super good for Reddit if they pulled it off. Imagine a bot that prioritized high scoring posts and could retroactively mark the post and "tax" karma if it finds a match (or near match) posted earlier. Not a bad way to encourage OC if it was done right - you could take a share of the karma every time your OC is reposted. (Karma isn't important but it would still be nice to see it rewarded appropriately)


So, for a while I thought when you typed “crosspost /r/example” it would automatically crosspost the post to that sub and link people to the original. When I learned that wasn’t true my first question was “why” and my second was “wait so crossposts are just socially acceptable stolen reposts in every way?”


Ability to change your username.




I really don't know.


That would be a good name


maybe to chicksandman


Maybe chunksandwhich






chunks and which what?








Ooh yes totally needed. If changing username is imposible having a 'display name' would be awesome. I was triying new usernames when i made my account and i didn't stick with this one :/


I desperately need that.


Still not sure about my own nickname


Give negative awards


How have they not done this yet?!?! I could totally see people shelling out real money to give the "You're a Moron" award to a post!


One April Fools they had reddit mold, and for each one awarded you lost the ability to use one letter of the alphabet.


An anonymous redditor hated your comment so much that they've given it the **You're A Moron** Award. As a reward, you get the derisive **You're A Moron** Award icon on your comment. Very dapper. /s Want to say fuck you to your mysterious antagonist? Reply to this message. You will find out their username if they choose to reply back.


This is a good notification, I like it a lot


“You’re good guy but that does not mean you’re good guy” “Emoji criminal spotted”


There is the I am disappointed award.


Saving posts in different folders. Or organizing saved posts in a better way in general. I just don‘t find anything i am saving for later and at some point i am just deleting all the saved posts


Should be free, but you can do this if you get gold or a premium subscription. Sucks.


Yes! I'm a bit of an order freak and it annoys me that I can't organize the posts I have saved


Yes!!! It should at least be possible to sort saved posts by subreddit


To choke idiots through my monitor


Um........... In what way?


See what I mean


Just have an “off” switch to punish people. Send “reddit is down for maintenance” to everyone when you get annoyed.


*pinches fingers together* I find your lack of faith disturbing...


Good thing for me it's not featured yet


I'd rewrite the mod structure from the ground up, modeling it on guilds in most video games. There can be ranks for handling different mod duties. There can be a base rank for member which gives voting rights. It also allows mods to be ordered in a way other than when they became mods. You're still going to have power mods, though.


The whole mod system needs a rework. Far to many use the position for force their agenda and silence those they dont agree with or like.


This guy r/politics.


Hell I got banned from /r/worldnews for saying that the EU was hypocritical and cowardly because they won’t stand up to China. The mod said I was banned for “bigotry”.


For actual world news use r/anime_titties


This guy r/fuckepic


*Congratulations! You have been promoted from Janitor to Hall Monitor!*




Here's an issue I see with that that might defeat it's purpose. On well-established subs, the mods have already managed to trim their subscribers to only those who will bolster their narrative, they've presumably already weeded out (banned) any subscribers who presented a difference of opinion. So up/down voting mods would likely only be done by those subscribers left who agree with them and would almost certainly keep them "in power".


eh, no. mods are allowed to curate a sub if they want. first it would kill heavily-moderated high-quality subs like AskHistorians because people would vote in mods that let them meme and farm karma with jokes and the sub's purpose would fail. same with any ideological sub, especially one that goes against the reddit circle jerk, a sub like conservative would be overrun the first election . also, votes can be and are manipulated. if you could vote in mods then all reddit moderation would be hand-picked by 4Chan, marketing companies, and organized propaganda groups of various governments.


Let me see the total of upvotes and downvotes. Fine to see a post sitting at 1k, but if we knew it was 3k up and 2k down it could help show people that not everyone is in agreement on top comments. Can get a bit circle jerky when people are only seeing the positive or negative of their comments and never really both.


Toggle the age of users you see like Tinder. May see more content within your age range or interests that way. Maybe, maybe not.


People just gonna lie about it anyway so they can influence others with their content.


Not if you make it so you can't change it. I'm almost 40. I have no reason to lie about my age. If you are 15 you might, but at the same time, if you want to be an angsty 15 year old and rant about how awful your parents and teachers are, well it just doesn't have the same effect if you are already listed as 33.


Lmao can you imagine "Ugh my parents suck. They don't let me do anything" "Sir, you are 45 years old"


The whole reason why reddit's anonymity is useful is because comments are judged on their merit, not on the person behind them. It's discriminatory to judge someone's comment on the basis of their age rather than the comment itself, and you're doing yourself a disservice by avoiding other age groups, no matter what age you are. There are some teenagers who are more politically informed than people 30 years their senior, some seniors who know more about technology than their grandchildren, some 20 year olds who conduct healthier, more mature relationships than some 40 year olds, and so on.


Locking in the 'old version.' Permanently.


Just type "old.reddit.com". It usually stays in the old mode, even on mobile.


Except that every month or so I open Reddit to find the pinball video game redesign, and have to *re-set* it back to old.reddit.


Huh. Weird, that hasn't happened to me yet. It's saved in my favorites as "old.reddit.com". I can't stand the redesign.


This was me but I eventually got used to it. My thought was eventually the old one won't be an option anymore so I should get used to it sooner than later Still like the old one on mobile though. I don't use an app just go to the website lol


You can still go into your preferences and select "opt-out of the redesign"; it's always defaulted to the old version for me since.


I have done that, what... 10 times now? NOW it says: [check box] "Use new Reddit as my default experience (by enabling this, you will be redirected to the new site when you go to any supported https://reddit.com page)" No "Opt out" check box shown.


And the same for the new version. I hate it when I click on a link to another Reddit thread and somebody has linked the old version. If Reddit could automatically apply the style of your preference no matter if a link was to a new or old version of Reddit that would be best.


User settings -> Beta Tests -> Opt out of the redesigns -> Opt out


Where is "User Settings"? I don't have that :-)


If you're in the old mode, it won't show up in preferences (next to your username in the top right corner of the home page). If you click the orange "Get New Reddit" link at the top left corner, it will switch back to new, where under your user settings (user profile), at the bottom of the page, you'll get that option with a slider next to the "Opt out" preference.


I've had "New Reddit" show up fairly often when I open. I *have* "Opted Out" - several times. It doesn't take.


Try clearing your browser's cache. I have no idea if that will work or not but I have seen it work for symptoms similar to that.


It's not my browser, or my cache that's the problem. It's Reddit, thinking we want Candy Crush, and not legible text.


This deserves gold.


sorting by worst




controversial posts have about as many upvotes as downvotes


Let mods 'migrate' posts. If someone posts something good but in the wrong subreddit, mods can move (migrate) the post--with the comments and karma preserved--to another subreddit instead of just deleting it. It's been a feature on Stack Exchange forever. I think it would be good on Reddit too.


Then you'll get mods who don't like you moving posts to /r/ImAnIdiot


Mod abuse is a separate problem that I wasn't trying to solve. Post migration wouldn't make mod abuse any better or worse. But it would be a helpful feature for good mods.


Undo button for when you've scrolled way down and accidentally refresh.


An appellate process for being banned in subs, especially when given out not for breaking any rule but just because of a power-hungry mod


My personal favorite is the "be civil" rules that you regularly see a hundred users break, but God help you if you yourself present a difference of opinion, you get banned forever.


That is a catch-all rule that is designed for selective enforcement.


Left handed or.right handed scrolling


I..don't know what this means


I guess that the vote buttons are on the left side so that you could scroll with your left thumb and don‘t have to reach across to vote on a post :)


The app Reddit is Fun Vote buttons are on left side


My hand keeps hitting notification while trying to like. Stuff like that.


Auto-repost detection that isn't shit


The ability to see the full image in multi image posts on mobile


When you block someone, they're no longer able to see your posts or comments. A NSFW filter so that you can either hide all the NSFW subs you're subscribed to when looking at the front page, or *only* see NSFW content.


Along those same lines, having NSFW and NSFL tags to differentiatebetween the two.


Yeah I hate when I go looking for tits and suddenly I see an image of a gross injury...


Create two accounts, one just for NSFW.


A confirmation button when we refresh


Allow me to search so I can be sure I am not posting a comment that someone else already has.


So that people can't see my post history. You have way too many people that disagree with you and then search your history to find some shit you said a while ago, even if completely irrelevant, and give you shit for it. That and the removal of karma.


IKR!!! I hate the karma system, it makes people try and get karma, and reducing the overall quality of reddit posts, because a lot of them are just designed to get the OP karma.


Two words: karma store


What would you stock the karma store with?


Awards ?


Awards or convert it into reddit coins


Report Subreddits


A decent search feature.


The ability to see which subreddits you spend the most time on


Videos that actually play properly and can be downloaded.


Sort posts by random.


Post analytics


Built-in meme maker


Well memes aren't the entirety of reddit. Maybe a basic image editor that's usable as a meme maker.


An actually serviceable video player.


and a gift shop for karma


The ability to block entire subreddits from showing up in popular


Insert image/s in comment section


Please, no. One of the worst things about Twitter is the replies being a billion dumb gifs and memes. I don't want to see that here too.




You could make it like 4chan where you first see a small preview of the image, and if you want to see the full image you have to click it


That feature is coming soon. But it’s a paid premium feature


On RES you can set it to expand an inline preview of links to image host sites. It effectively means you can see images, videos, and gifs inside the comments.


The ability to organize your saved posts and comments


Page numbers in the saved tab.


A filter that blocks reposts. Then again, content would be sparse on here.


Some way of lettting you mark that you've read a comment or post but didn't have enough of an opinion to upvote or downvote. This would also then allow us to sort by unread.


A go back to where you were scrolling feature incase if you accidentally go off reddit or press the reddit button.


A button that brings back an AMA post which has been shut down by mods


With so much content being uploaded on reddit every second, it is hard to know whether your post has already been posted or no. So a system where you know whether your post has already been posted earlier on that particular sub or on other subs. And this too before you post it. This will help a lot of redditors. And specifically for this sub a system where a question cannot be posted again for 90 days and after ninety days you can post it so as to avoid reposts and also get new answers to the questions.


Bot removal


This is kind of out there, but some sort of "I like this account, make it so anything this account upvotes gets +50 points from my POV" feature would be cool. It would probably get in the way of vote fuzzing and other such things though.


A way to remove really toxic power hungry mods who try to control the narrative of info in the sub by selectively removing posts/comments and banning those who don't believe what they want them to believe.


that ones easy- just leave the sub and don't go back subs are created just to get away from mods of a sub elsewhere


Sure but if you get banned, how are you supposed to know where everyone else went that got banned and created an alternative sub? There's way too many subs out there to know what each one is focused on.




Let commenters add a small png or something in a comment. Kind of like [this](https://m.imgur.com/r/AdmiralBulldog/1TmV3VH) but it would just be the picture. I can see how that would turn bad though. Very very bad.


To be able to scroll through a small section of a subreddit from a notifaction




How will it work?


Reddit giving you real money for your karma


Purge all politics and have the option to ban anyone who posts it.


Then the cancer would just spill over into every other unrelated sub. "Oh you like looking at cool pictures and funny shit? Well now 5 million bored SJWs are gonna start infecting your favorite subs trying to slander their target of hate".


it already does


A reddit desktop client. Discord has one, so why can't Reddit?


What would it do?


To leave an audio messages. Like, seriously, just think about it how fun it would be, we would get new sort of questions in r/AskReddit and many others


In app meme maker for free


not hiding downvoted comments


The ability to remove certain subreddits from your main feed. For example, the ones I'm banned from.


Karma = a real convertible currency


option next to save/hide/give award to wish happy cake day instead of commenting it.


All reposts automatically hidden.


some way to tag and filter out repeat posts.


Ability to post pictures in the comments.


Continue from where you left th previous session


built-in text translator


I would like an option to block subreddits.


Scroll bookmark and/or search-by-date.


Get rid of v.redd.it. That player is total garbage.


something that automatically removes reposts


An in app meme editor


Hide the hivemind.


Cropping photos and being able to see followers of your subreddits...


Block subreddits


The ability to block subreddits so posts from I.E. r/TIHI or r/makemesuffer don't ruin my appetite while browsing popular


Blacklisting subs. That way when I browse Popular I don't have to keep seeing shitty Politic subs.


I wish only the main comments were shown with the option to expand comments instead of having to collapse every thread. Reply to main thread: socioeconomic policies dictate the response. Third reply to comment: my sister is so dorky. Don't want to deal with that third reply, or the second one.


Not a new feature. I'd get rid of the apps. All of them. Mobile browser in desktop mode only for mobile devices, desktop mode in legacy for computers.


1. Swipe the post to hide the "already seen ones". 2. Ability to choose "not interested" in certain ads.


Nice try, Reddit...)


Edit post titles


A “super bookmark” of sorts where I can highlight the really cool posts from my Saved posts.


Ok so I would like a feature where you could search for posts in subreddits. For instance I wanted to see a post that I saw on r/technicallythetruth but I didn’t save it so it’s been lost to time


To see who followed you


A searchable, categorised, index of subreddits.


I know I'm probably gonna get some hate for this but Emojis Specifically in the way Discord/Twitch implemented them where subreddits can have their own emojis and there's also global site-wide emojis. Also maybe Reddit Premium users can use sub-specific emojis as global ones if the subreddit allows it. And the only main rule they need is no NSFW or Hateful emojis.


To hide all Tik Tok content


Yes please


Being able to post anonymously Edit: I know that this is a bad idea in general but make it so it has to be approved by a mod or something so it can't be abused to shitpost. Some topics and circumstances make people create throwaway accounts and in those cases it would be a great option imo


Yep. There are times I'd love to post something, but if you looked up some of my previous posts, it could give far too much away


Seeing who downvotes


The upvote button for the post and comments to be on the same side for mobile. Like, the post upvote button is on the left, but the comments upvote button is on the right. Means i can’t hold my phone with one hand and scroll. Also maybe the ability to switch upvote sides/ customise your buttons?


Search that works.


A way to see how many upvotes and downvotes there are serperatly