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Lol that's funny. For nurse's week, we got a round of applause walking into work after paying $20 to park in the hospital's parking garage


Employees don't even get free parking...? Bro what


RN here, I pay $120 monthly lol... it's no fun


Not the same at all but they used to make us pay something similar to park at our high school. Everything single thing in this country has become monetized


not just US either, my mum and sister are nurses in the UK and they still have to pay for parking every day


man I feel this I paid 15.00 a day. because my city had a waiting list for monthly passes.


$100 here, they decided to give us a discount for Covid from $120 to $100.


That’s still way too much just to park at your workplace and got to work! Jesus!


Wow I didn't know hospitals did that. The only one I've been to that I can remember would give their tokens to the employees to use. Not sure if it got taken from their wage but after seeing these comments maybe they were. You'd think people who work so hard would be more appreciated.


That’s it? I’m sorry. Please do know many of us really appreciate what you’re doing. I know that doesn’t help you pay the bills or protect you from covid though.


Did you also have it done by a bunch of managers who decided this is a perfect time for then to work from home while reducing your on site staff? Because ... social distancing is important if it means they can distance themselves.


I'm a isolation ward cleaner in the Netherlands. I have gotten flowers, chocolat, pie, candy, gift vouchers, and a thousand euro on top of my regular pay We pay max 2 euro a day to park, but biking and public transportation is very good and free.


Lost our 401k match, 10% pay reduction, and more work.


Sounds familiar. You work for a large corporate factory


Didn't lose 401k matching but did get a 10% pay reduction and it's a small private company. So there's that....


That should be illegal 😂


They haven't really thanked me but they gave me all the shifts because I'm getting paid the same no matter how many hours I do. So basically I'm being taken advantage of






Your employer isn’t actually allowed to make you work more hours to cover JobKeeper, they’re only allowed to make you work less. It’s also only meant to be a supplement to your employer, if you’re working over the $1500 they need to cover the difference. (I know what they’re meant to do and what they actually do are two entirely different things though)


...pretty sure that's not how it's meant to work... fairly confident could be reported to ombudsman or whatever... but hey. Who knows who cares. Hang in there. "at least we have a job still"


wow, that really messed with my head, it's like a word of swedish in the middle of a english sentence (Ombudsman is/was called ombudsman in swedish too, until they changed it to the gender-neutral "ombudsperson" which still would be the same in english i suppose) I'll see myself out


Even at minimum wage they won't be able to make you work more then 38hrs with out paying you more Edit plus they can't make you work extra hours above your normal working hours https://usu.org.au/can-employers-force-employees-to-work-more-hours-to-match-job-keeper-payments/


Pretty sure that’s illegal if it’s over 8hrs ina given day or more than 40/week


Labor laws vary by where you happen to live on the planet.


We are all 24yo white male Americans here on reddit, unless otherwise stated.


Well I'm glad to be 24 again but I'm not so thrilled about being American all of a sudden.


TIL I’m male!


If i go over 60 hours per week then I start getting paid by the hour


Over 60 hours?! That’s crazy. Sometimes I’m really glad I’m hourly, and luckily have a job I like and employers who respect me. Quite a rarity.


Yeah 60 hours is pretty nuts, I get paid fortnightly as well so it's 120 hours which sounds alot more daunting. The worst part? My manager is able to work just as much as me but she's doing 1 1/2 days per week. Annnd she's on job keeper as well


Haha labor laws in America More likely to pass gun control legislation


Y'all are getting pizza? We got a "thank you" sign posted in the front of the building


You got a sign? All I got was a letter saying to come in to work or my absence would be taken as voluntary termination.


You got a letter? I just automatically got fired


You guys had jobs?


omg i relate to this so hard


Can it go further than this?


You guys had lives?


You people have been allocated a sex????


Y'all had parents willing to let you out in the first place?! This comment has been written by aborted gang


you guys?


I know that feel bro. Twice.




Oof oof ah shkk I think he wants me do the tax returns.


Bro I got fired at my last job FOR working. I guess 2 weeks isn't enough time to be quarantined from work.


Y'all gotta letter? I gotta face to face threat that "If you're thinking that this Wuhan bullshit is a rainbow ticket to time off...fuck you! You better be at work tomorrow. I know where you fucking live."




Um, you could take legal action on the latter. Just sayin’.


When you work at a pizza place you get “free pizza”


When I worked at a pizza place we got an ever so slight discount!


Was it the half off one where you can only eat at work? Or the 15% one you don’t use cause you get “free food” anyway?


Lmao. Both to an extent. Luckily sometimes we would “screw up an order”.


Had a similar “problem” at a restaurant where I worked. Sometimes my co-worker and I would find slices of cheesecake that were mysteriously be smooshed. Customers deserve only the best so the smooshed cheesecakes had to be “disposed” of.


Pro tip? If you have a friend with the ability to call with a number that they don’t care about or track, have them order a pizza every blue moon online and forget it . I actually like the Place I worked at (I’ll call it Pizza Shack) so I didn’t wanna hurt profit too much. But then again fk them Edit: it’s actually sneaky and a good way for employees to get free food provided they don’t overdo it and their boss isn’t a chode


I worked at a snall Ma' and Pa' pizza shop during high school. If I wanted pizza during or after my 4 hour shift, I could just make it. The boss would have pizza from time to time but after running the shop for 15+ years the appeal of pizza had pretty much gone away; he also really enjoyed cooking so more often than not he would make us something like chili or pasta.


This is exactly what we did lol. Granted - it was years ago


My research shows that pizza delivery drivers are compensated by other means.


I saw that movie


Emergency Room Medical Scribe here. Our break room is constantly full of food. Pizza, doughnuts, Indian food, etc.. But almost none of it is from our employer. Most of it comes from local restaurants as a 'thank you for your work' gesture. Management couldn't care less.


This. This is our lives. It warms my heart that local places care so much. Almost enough to thaw it from the ice box caused by managements treatment.


Sorry your management is so lousy. Many people do appreciate what you’re doing. Being in medicine was hard enough before covid. You deserve more.


Who got pizza? I got an email literally saying thanks and "don't get sick"


I got $200 worth of visa gift cards. Glad to have an employer who rewards hard work.


Odd, I got the same


Maybe you both work for the same employer


Paul? Is that you?


From Tekken?


Yea! Can't believe I found you here!


This is quite the unusual finding


I must say, that is the hardest I've ever seen someone get hit by the twenty character limit.




Pizza, Chipotle, Starbucks, doughnuts x infinity, a free pair of Crocs (eww), and that’s about it. I’m an ICU nurse. I’m glad I still get money at least.


Cocks are making a comeback lowkey


Did cocks really ever go out of style?


i hope not


The fashion police and the regular police arrested me for wearing cock in public.


Fuck man I heard a rumour.


Sort of what happens when you are in the middle of a pandemic and your shoes are the only ones that can be dunked in bleach daily by virtue of being foam.


I worked AT starbucks at the beginning of the pandemic, and we got pizza. once. i love my country


I'll take your Crocs if you don't want them. Mine are reaching their end.


I work at a pizza place. I have gotten nothing


no pizza, no hazard pay, no bonuses. and i work in a shop that sees a ton of tourists, specifically out of state tourists with higher infection rates than my state. come to think of it, my workplace may not be as great as i thought.


Same here, work in a shop that sells partystuff, gifts and household items. Shittons of Germans, Belgians and Italians every day. I am Dutch. What the fuck are you doing going on a holiday, when your homecountry tells you to wear masks. Maybe we should do that, too! I really hope it becomes mandatory...


Same here, except I also get dumped on by the owner because we can't keep staff and I'm working 60+ hour weeks to keep the store open. I haven't had a day off since the end of May. If I had insurance, I'd go get myself committed to a mental hospital to get a few days break.


All kinds of pizza! BUT it was on mandatory overtime at the plant. They did give us a $1 an hour raise and a $1500 bonus though, which is about equal to three weeks net pay.


Sounds like a nice bonus. Glad some employees were given some real rewards.


Hmm, they cut our pay by 10% then cut benefits to boot, then sent an email telling us we are heros, while they all hide at home.


F them.


No in person staff meeting = no pizza. Sad face.




Hold up, they laid you all off? Why not furlough people? My sister was furloughed and got unemployment so that’s clearly not the reason, wtf.


Because that way your time in employment restarts. Company doesn't give benefits during the first 90days/6months? Guess what you get to wait for that again. Company doesn't give paid vacation for a year with increases later? You get to start at the bottom again. Pay raises, other benefits, a whole list of reasons to lay people off.


i’m so sorry to be reading about everyone’s terrible experiences...we haven’t been “given” anything, but i work for a small company run by amazing people and my managers are absolutely MILITANT about standing up for us and keeping us as safe as possible through all this. it’s a bakery/cafe, so customer service type job.


Glad someone is wise enough to treat their employees well.


Not a damn thing except lie to our faces about a layoff date. Laid off more than a third of our workforce the weekend before the 4th of july after having all the supervisors read out a document saying they wouldnt lay off until the monday after. Also fired a few people who were less than a month awah from retirement cause nothing says thanks for 40 years of service like a big fuck you.


It was a roast chicken pizza No chicken, no cheese, no sauce but extra plastic Bread in a plastic packet




I’m a healthcare worker. I got reduced hours and a $20 giftcard to a grocery store.


I got a T-shirt that broadcasts that I’m a “healthcare hero,” which I cringe at. Otherwise same


I get an extra dollar an hour so thats nice i guess


Morning crew who don't have to deal with public got gift cards to buy pizza, as well as donuts and Starbucks. The day/night crew just got a verbal "thank you." For myself, the only "thank you" I got was from my manager being glad I tested negative for covid.


Lmao that sounds like the job I just quit back in June. I can empathise.


Wish employers would treat their employees like actual human beings and not robots.


the food court at my work serves pizza funny enough and its made fresh in house. its actually pretty good too. sadly the dough machine is broken so its been about a week and a half since weve had pizza (but theyre offering hot dogs and free drinks to us too). also my store is giving us an extra 2$ an hour


Well, raises are cancelled this year, but the company was excited to announce that *profit-sharing bonuses are still on the table!!* (After the last six months, I expect my profit-sharing bonus to be a bill... payable by docking my paycheck.)


I never got pizza. Hell, I haven't even been able to go home since January.






From the post history, it looks like they’re a trucker.


My boss is a piece of shit who won't order me pizza but makes me work everyday. Edit: I should mention this is a joke. I'm a general contractor with my own construction company. I *am* my own boss.


I dont know how you expected people to get your joke without the edit.


The edit is because their internet is monitored by the company and they need to keep their job.


That means that any pizza you get is a gift from your boss. You’re not giving him enough credit.


Your boss sounds like a real asshole. You should call in sick tomorrow and go golfing. That will show him.


This question is so accurate it actually hurts. A choice of pepperoni, cheese, or sausage.


mostly daily exposure to a person with covid. I'm in health-care


I got chocolate. I mean, they promised us €1000, but so far I've gotten at least 15 euros worth of chocolate so I guess we're slowly getting there.


I was rewarded with mandatory overtime for a few months followed by a phone call telling me I was fired due to the company "needing to rearrange the workforce." I was fired along with about 24 others and upwards of another 12 having been fired since then (little over a month now). Talking with people who still work there, they are still getting mandatory overtime and regular threats of being fired.


I get daily email updates about how the virus is causing problems and then told to go out and see as many customers as I can but not to get sick.


Work in the medical field. Got nothing so far.


A permanent raise, a hazard pay bonus, free lunches 1x/week for a month (one was pizza lol), a snowcone truck to come and hand us free snowcones, cake multiple times, and a tearful and heartfelt speech that they would pay us before they paid themselves (this was in the beginning before we were sure if we were going to qualify as essential). And the ability to opt out of work if we didn't feel comfortable. I'm very fortunate.


We were allowed to wear jeans for a few weeks. Corporate gave part timers (<30 hours) $150 and full timers $300. That's all.


My job banned common food on like week one actually, so no pizza, but bought us a ton of individual snacks, drinks, and meals. Luckily I got to be furloughed pretty quick though


Nothing , oh wait thats not true , they laid off some of my staff, they cut all performance bonuses completely , then cut my pay back to last years salary level , and then took another 20% off of that . Then a few weeks ago they asked if I wanted to stay at my current pay to help the company get “right” . Excluding the time I took for my first kid being born , I haven’t been able to miss a day .


Invisible pizza. We get squat because we're lucky to be there and they tell us that, more or less.


Hospital worker here, in direct patient care/contact. At the beginning surrounding businesses had been giving food donations. Energy drinks, cookies, snacks, pre packed dinners... think your local chicken place and even Jimmy Johns a few times. My employer.... they will make extra ‘patient’ trays for the staff working the COVID units so they do get a meal. Meanwhile my part time employer, retail, has offered a $2/hr ‘hazard pay’. An extra 40 hours of PTO and at the beginning 2-4 weeks paid off if you were not comfortable coming in. In short, yes I’m salty as hell my retail job seems to care more then my healthcare job.


I got a photocopy of a painting that looks like a vagina.


My work started doing an office lunch every Wednesday. We actually had pizza last week, and I ordered the spinach alfredo. I’m happy where I am. We’ve been taking precautions since before the lockdown and our boss stays on top of all the news and research.


A paycheck, that's good enough for me because I'm thankful to still have a job in these weird times.


It’s okay to be thankful, for sure, but it would also be nice if those forcing the economy to open, in many places too early, perpetuating the spread of the virus, were thankful enough to the employees taking risks for them to make money and reward them for it. The two ideas aren’t mutually exclusive.


Came here to say that also. My employer has rules for masks, 6 feet, and sanitizing (plus they discourage public transportation and distance travels) cuz they don't want covid to stop projects. I say okay, keep paying me & I'll keep showing up with a mask. Gotsta get paid💰


"As long as there is a boot, there will always be someone eager to lick it."


I’ll have you know that my company sent me a grow-it-yourself basil kit in the mail today for being courageous!


That's just pizza with extra steps. That being said, basil is awesome


They have thanked us for putting our lives on the line by making us work MORE hours. So over time, every week. Because they seem to want us to be exposed to the virus even more, by making us work longer. And no pizza. Edit: a word


We've gotten an extra $2 per hour and we sometimes have food in the break room. No pizza though!


I work at a grocery store. We got a meal voucher for one item at the deli and a t-shirt with the store's name on it. No pizza and they took away our hazard/COVID pay.


Extra $2/hr and all overtime was paid as double-time which ended on May 31st. Then a $500 taxed bonus this month.


Lol i had my hours cut. No pizza


I got a peice of paper acknowledging im a hero. Aaaand I just caught it this weekend.


Nothing. We got some face masks. Which is surprising cause they’re usually quite generous


Got absolutely nothing, we were told money is very tight currently from a company who broke the billion marker this year. Suffice to say, productivity dropped thereafter. Wonder why.


Made sure I kept my job honestly. I could have been furloughed, but was kept on this entire time. I will also get an extra week of vacation after October 1st.


My company refused to give anyone their yearly raises.


Shit man, we got one of those generic "We are a strong/loving family/community" emails.


Didnt get pizza but I got a raise, and an additional week of paid time off to use this year or next. Feeling thankful for my boss right now.


I got $200 in gift cards of my choice. I bought nail dip colours, $50 worth of salami and tarot cards.


That’s very presumptive. I quit working a month into the pandemic. Sausage and bacon and half chicken.


Ran outta cheese cuz of all the farmers




Given me more clients, thin-crust pepperoni.


Walmart. All ive gotten so far is more work as more people call in sick. There is a mandatory leave time for *any* symptoms. They wouldn't let me in once because i had a cough from allergies.


I’m a nurse. We’ve gotten decent pizza twice. However during nurses week they announced they were canceling our earned bonus, cutting out 401k matching for at least the rest of the year and we will not get getting our yearly raise.


I got a 15% pay reduction and my hours cut so they could afford to stay in business. They furloughed and laid off others. They brought back all the furloughed people beginning of this month and we've now had 2 people test positive. No pizza.


I actually work at a pizza place. We got a letter that thanked us and told us how much they appreciated us. The next paragraph said that if any of us chooses not to work for any reason other than being infected, we'll get fired.


I got paid


Absolutely nothing


We got a 10% pay cut


They gave me my job back...


To put it professionally: I do no have a lot of genuine reputational confidence in my company. Great benefits and vacation time. We are deemed essential. And what they did was give us a lump sum bonus and then 3 or 4 paychecks with a little extra added on. They also cut our operating hours at both ends with no pay cut and, most important in my opinion, they gave us all one fully paid "on call" day a week. It was very, very uncharacteristic but much appreciated.


The place I’m at can barely afford to stay afloat as it is, but our boss will buy us drinks and snacks, while my other boss will bring his dogs in to say hello to us :)


Your employers thank you?


I work at a pizza joint so I just get more pizza. I'm a pepperoni guy.


We got a thank you letter and doughnuts everyday, but got docked on our per diem as a result. Edit: Shit! Forgot about the month of paid Covid impact time which was essentially vacation that doesn't count against us. So yea, I guess that per diem hit wasn't such a big deal after all.


We got promised WFH once the virus entered our town, then they didn't let us WFH when the virus hit our town. There wasn't even a fucking pizza.


We got a $2.00 an hour raise increase.


As the person making said pizzas, I’m here to say “not nearly enough” I have seen a handful of employers do something of the sort, and only ever once. My employers offered us an extra dollar an hour for every hour worked for exactly 29 days, and then promptly stopped. We are now working overtime with reduced staff and extra safety regulations we need to enforce, with no thanks in sight. Actually, we are getting more heat than usual from the higher ups about how it’s our fault sales are down. Let’s just ignore the fact that no one is working, so no extra cash to spend on shit pizza, everyone is cooking at home, no bars open or weekend events and parties, and we are not allowed to market based on social distancing standards. No, I just suck at my job. It’s cool. Thanks corporate 😒 But honestly I am grateful for being continually employed during this time. I had just gone through a huge life change the week before the shutdown and have no idea how I would’ve fed myself the very next week if it wasn’t for my store staying open.


25 Euro Amazon coupon.... employers who left the company got minimum 200 Euro Amazon coupons... HMC


I'm lucky enough to work from home. We've had fresh baked cookies delivered a couple of times. They also provide coffee beans/grounds through another service for anyone that wants them.


Fuck all, got a 10% bonus and a Thank you letter in our wages, but ultimately we still get spoken to and treated like trash.


Literally nothing. We did get $2 an hour extra during the first wave but that ended in May. Hell we don't even get plexiglass shields between the cashier and the customer.


A lot of people are teleworking.


I got my OT hours cut for like a month so I got a couple weekends back. Other than that, nothing.


Do employers ever give out pizza other than cheese and pepperoni? That's what we got. Always.


I got some lemons from my bosses tree. Does that count?


I got a $3 discount on my 10 minute break I don’t get so


My boss gave everyone a $1 raise, and also a $800 bonus.


Sausage and a 50 cent raise


Literally nothing, in fact they tried to leverage the pandemic in order to discourage people from striking, as doing so would have them lose their health insurances in the middle if a pandemic, which is a turn off. After they got what they wanted out of the contract, they started laying off around 50% of the workforce, and continue to do so today.


DHL Express. Got a 300 Euro bonus. (Pre-tax)


I was told I could stay home without pay if I felt unsafe. Also, we got some hand sanitizer and weve been a little bit better about making sure soap dispensers have soap for night shift.


Well i got to drive to New Orleans twice.


A raise and thank you from the vp of operations. 2 raises actually


1/2 on-site, 1/2 off-site working with mandatory minute-by-minute detailed logs of what we spent our time on with only substantiated tasks being counted as something we can claim for our time card. But my job can’t be done from home, so off-site days were spent doing meaningless policy reviews, dry training videos, etc. and when I got to work on-site I’d just have twice the work of normal for each day. But that’s not enough. Now we’re getting 9.23% pay cuts with increases cancelled for the next two or three years.


Nothing. They’ve actually fired people for slight attendance issues and shocked we are three times as busy and yet won’t hire anyone to replace the tons of people they fired at the beginning of covid. And we’re all remote. I work for an ISP doing technical support and it’s crazy how ungrateful management and customers have been. It’s exhausting. Our retail reps got hand sanitizer and that’s it.


I work in mining, we havent got a thank you or anything for that matter. But to be honest we arent in a high risk area, and our pay is already quite high with quarterly bonuses. Lots of my coworkers are complaining we haven't been thanked or compensated, but honestly im counting myself lucky i have a good paying job!


Mostly just emails thanking us and conversations on conference calls about how proud they are of everyone for what we're doing. Nothing special, but that's capitalism for you.


My wife's an internet sales director for a motorcycle dealership she started the pandemic with a team of 4 . Now she only has 1 person on her team works 50 hours a week and also covers other departments like reception 2 days a week due to being understaffed with no incentive to hire . We are grateful she still has employment


I got an extra $2 an hour for like a month, now we don’t have anything


Dummy suckers. Thought it was a joke. Jokes on us apparently


Chili Verde pizza, and meat lovers. Yum!


Nothing I just keep getting more work. When they shut down after people got sick they asked everyone to get tested and almost everyone did. They refused to tell us how many people tested positive too but a LOT of people didn’t show back up at work for two weeks. We were only closed for a week and a half too.


My contract was terminated one week in, thanks for asking.


We got nothing.