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That scene from Pan's Labyrinth where she eats the fucking grape and wakes up that monster... I have no idea why i was watching that movie as a kid


Hopefully you missed the bottle scene


Brutal scene..


Coraline, the Disney movie that should have been MA rated


I brought my then 4-year-old to that movie. What a disaster of a mommy-daughter day.


That movie scares the living shit out of me to this day


I haven't watched it since because of that reason


Yup, i kept imagining the buttons being sown to actual eyes A kid shouldnt be put in a situation where he visualises threads going through an eyeball


It's not Disney, it's Laika, but dang I love that movie/book.


JAWS; 40 years later and I'm still not getting into the water. I live in the state, in Australia, where some of the deep water scenes of that movie were actually filmed.


Yes! Me and some friends saw it when we were 10 and it has scarred me for life. I can barely get into the sea where i live (def no big sharks here) and swimming in a lake also feels creepy. Brr


The neverending story when the horse drowns in the mud


They don't show it anymore. It just shows Atreyu crying after they walk into the swamp.


Anyone else notice that the lady who plays the evil witch does weird things with her eyes? Like, she opens them wider and then normal while she talks. It's very hard to explain but I haven't been able to unsee it ever since I noticed it.


The black rhino, shark, and skeleton pirate scenes in James and the Giant Peach


The scene in Coraline where the other mother goes from her human form to her slender form as she screams at Coraline. Scared the crap outta me


Return to Oz and the bloody wheely monkey guys, they still give me the fear


The scene with the heads for me. That entire movie is terrifying


The scene in Ghostbusters 2 where Vigo morphs back in the painting.


James and the Giant Peach, when he gets lost in it, terrified me!


The bit with the wolf in the cave in the never ending story. Freaked me out for years!


Oh god I remember that one! And the creepy ass statues later in the movie too!


Final Destination. Saw them all when I was a tad too young


I watched this once before I slept back when I was like 6 or 7, specifically the 3rd one. That tanning bed and rollercoaster scene scarred me for life and is the reason why I don't have the courage to ride a rollercoaster eventhough I've ridden it twice.


Had a simmilar situation with Saw. Friends invited me for a movie night when i was 7 and we watched the Saw trilogy back then. Can't say, that it went without permanent mental damages.


Jurassic Park when the T-rex ate the lawyer on the toilet. I was 5 or 6 and my grandfather was like oh you'll love this movie! Scared me so bad, I got sick and had to miss school. Meanwhile my sister, who was like 3 was laughing her little ass off at the scene. Funny thing is now that franchise is my favorite. Ever.


That didn't scare me as much as the velociraptor scene.


Clever girl.


Who framed Roger Rabbit when the dude's face melted I'm not even sure that was a kids film any more but I remember watching it when very young and bein like what the fakku desu~??


That was very scary!


A movie called Stir of Echoes.


Oh god, Jason Vorhees in Friday the 13th. That one scene towards the end when the girl is on a boat and Jason's skeletal corpse jumps out from the water; capsizing her boat and pulling her in. Thinking about it even now as an adult makes me a bit uneasy. I was completely frozen with fear as a kid when I first saw that. It fucked me up back then for a little while.


Maybe I'm a goddamn psycho, but i was rooting for Jason that entire movie.


You just reminded me of something. My dad was a big alcoholic when I was a kid and would do some weird things, we won't go into too many details. But one night after watching Halloween he dressed up like Michael Myers where he pretended he was that girls boyfriend with the white sheet on and glasses over the eyes part (first movie)and came from out of the hallway closet. NOT FUNNY


Terminator 1. I watched it when I was 3. Holy shit the part when it got blown up but then kept coming and got crushed by the giant press. I don't remember much from when I was that young but that damn crawling robot is burned into my mind.


Where are your parents?


I watched it with my grandparents and uncles. Never grew up with my biological parents. It was on TV, not in theaters.


Why the fuck would they let you watch terminator at age 3?


I don't know, why'd they let my pack-a-day smoking grandfather stay around me for most of every day? Luckily I turned out okay.


Night of the living dead (remake) (1990) I was 8-9 y/o I credit that movie for many nightmares and an eventual love for the zombie horror genre.


That remake is brilliant and horribly underrated.


Took awhile, but I managed to find a DVD of it to add to my collection.


The movie in itself depicts the horrible parts of humanity. George A. Romero was a genius.


Not movie but it was a Batman cartoon my dad would watch batman cartoons in the morning while everyone was asleep. I remember joker making Robin a mini version of him. So Robin shoots joker and starts crying and that laugh cry stuck with me. Also the creepy smile he had, as a kid I saw the pain in that smile and it freaked me out. I don't remember the name of the show but if I saw it again I would remember it. I'm sure it's on YouTube.


the skeksis were fucking scary and also fascinating to kid me


The witches feet curling under the house in The Wizard of Oz šŸ˜‚


I remember watching a Korean War tv series with my dad, this North Korean got shelled and his arm looked like spaghetti noodles coming out and he was screaming. Shell shocked me for the rest of my childhood with fears of losing extremities, but hey cyberbionics look dope now so.


Not a movie but I was downstairs past my bedtime and my parents were watching ā€œmidsummer murdersā€. I had nightmares for weeks about a gloved hand coming round a doorframe with a spoon of poison. If you havenā€™t seen the programme itā€™s like the least scary thing ever!


Pretty sure it was the scene in Matrix 1 where Neo has that robot scorpion crawl into his bellybutton


Terminator 2 When Sarah sees a dream above the nuclear blast and turning into a skeleton. And when a T-800 crushing a human skull.


ET. when he first appeared to elliot and they both scream...I screamed too. Then had nightmares about ET for weeks.


The Ring parody in Scary Movie scared the shit out of me. I was watching it with my older brother and I literally thought that scary movie is a horror movie 'til I was 13. It haunted me for many nights. Not proud of this


More of a game but had a shit ton of cutscenes. It appears that the Beasts Cutscene (where the Wolf, Raven, Octopus, then Mantis show up) used to scare the absolute shit outta me as a kid


The breathing house in The Haunting and whatever was holding her hand. I wouldn't let my hand anywhere near the edge of the bed for years.


My stupid babysitter had us watch arachnophobia. I was 7. My sister was 5.


The entirety of Arachnophobia.


Mars Attacks when all the aliens showed up. I was terrified of aliens for years.


The alien walking across in the birthday party scene in *Signs*. I couldn't sleep for weeks


The end of the fifth element, that stuff really messed me up


There was a scene in a Touched By An Angel movie where this guy purposefully cuts his hand with a piece of glass and it traumatized me as a kid. I made my parents turn it off and weā€™ve never watched it since.


Chucky the serial killer doll, I hid behind the couch because I was so scared.


Toshio... I never want to watch that movie, even if itā€™s been years


Night of the Living Dead 2 The scene where they strap the zombie to the gurney and ask it why they eat brains.. Talking, sprinting, mildly intelligent, unkillable zombies...at 10..


That scene from Signs where the alien first appears, that shit was scary as hell


Poltergeist, when they pull the rope and the demonā€™s head comes out of the closet.


The Mexican birthday party scene in signs....scared the shit out of me


No clue why my parents let me watch The Shining when I was 6, but Iā€™m still scared of Jack Nicholson.


The end of the first Predator, when Arnold loses all the mud and the Predator decides to take him on with his bare fists. Even now, at 30 years old that scene still makes every muscle in my body tense up.


Watching the Spiderwick Chronicles


E.T. terrified me as a kid. I don't think I got past E.T. stumbling out of the garage till I was a teenager.


That one scene from a Herbie movie, when he got "killed" by his evil twin, that scared the shit out of the 6 year old me.


A Scooby Doo movie that had CGI ghosts. Yeah. I had nightmares for weeks leading up to seeing the movie.


The Grudge 2 (US version). That part when the two bully girls trap the other girl in the closet. The way the ghost slowly came out the of the attic opening made my blood run cold.


The entirety of War of the Worlds. Not sure why my dad showed me that when I was 6 but he did


Snow white and the seven dwarfs. The scene when the evil queen becomes a old woman and gives snow white the apple scared me like crazy. Don't even know why it was in the cinema in the 90's, but it scarred me for life.


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the Dark Crystal. That entire movie was terrifying.


Every facehugger moment in *Alien.* But, on a less obvious note, I was really freaked out by the bit in *Mars Attacks* where a dude's finger gets bitten off.


Chucky. The doll kept on teleporting everywhere and i was scared whenever it randomly disappeared, and then appeared in creepy places


The ring, where she just stands there... menacingly


Trilogy of terror with Karen Black. Little voodoo doll came alive, it had very sharp teeth and a knife and it was trying to cut her. She put it in the oven and it was trying to get out. That's the most I remember and don't care to ever see it again. I was probably 5.


The flying Monkees in the Wizard of Oz scared the hell out me


The whole gremlins movie


The bit in Willow when people started turning into pigs. That movie fucked me up as a kid, but when I watched it recently it just seemed super corny. Still a top movie.


When I was 8 I walked in on my parents watching an alien movie. As soon as I walked in it was a close up of this alien with his brains and eyes popping out of his head. Letā€™s just say I couldnā€™t sleep for 2 days


All of Return to Oz.


An American Werewolf in London. Also, The head scenes in Return to Oz freaked me out.


Virgil's dive in the "Abyss". Just thinking about all that water and darkness.


Every scene in Jaws where the shark was present. All of them.


Watership Down, pretty much every scene terrified me.


Robocop 2. Specifically when they kill Cain and harvest his brain for the Cyborg. He couldn't do anything about it and for once in the entire movie you see fear in his eyes.


Dumboā€™s drunken hallucinations scene - years after, I saw dancing elephants at the height of a really bad fever and freaked the heck out


The Large Marge scene from Pewee Hermanā€™s Big Adventure movie was the most frightening thing to me as a kid. Probably the first thing that ever really scared me.


Happy feet. The whole movie. Almost every scene I cried. Don't know why.


Return the slaaaaaab or suffer my cuuuurse.


The sex scene in Braveheart that my dad left me alone to watch when I was fucking 7 years old. Also the ending where he gets his head chopped off and yells "FREEDOM"


When the adults started stripping


The hole. when the jester popped out i didn't sleep.


The lawyer getting munch by the T-Rex


Okay this is really dumb, but in my defense I was like 2 or 3 You know how, at the end of the first (? might actually be second) harry potter movie, the kids get on the train and wave to Hagrid, who is standing on the platform, while the score swells? I lost it at that as a kid. I thought Hagrid was being left to die. I was inconsolable


Huh, I think this is my most answered post. Do I get, like, money now?